def __init__(self, input, weight, relax, sort="+", name="Algorithm"): = name self.weight = weight*0.10 # The weight given to each side of the sort self.relax = (0 - relax)*0.25 # The amount an algorithm is permitted to relax left self.metrics = input.metrics self.schedule = input.schedule self.output = Output(input) self.stupid = input.conf.stupid # Stupidity compensation: implementation off self.prev = 0 # Previous asset id. Used for output formatting. self.adjust = 0 # A count for adjustments made self.forced = 0 # A count of forced schedulings: implementation off self.drift = [] # Drift in days from optimal scheduling self.groundings = {} # The count of days an asset is grounded self.skip = set() # Tasks to be skipped in the scheduling self.totalTasks = len(input.tasks) self.totalSched = 0 self.startDate = self.schedule.dateRange.start self.endDate = self.schedule.dateRange.end self.stopwatch = """Set the name of the algorithm.""" if(self.relax < 0): += "["+"{0:.2f}".format(abs(self.relax))+"]" """Output scheduling to screen if trace is on.""" if(input.trace): self.output.console() """Push schedule to Google Calendar if true.""" if(input.conf.pushcal): self.calendar(input) """Run sorting algorithms. Bypass for sorting off.""" if sort == '+': self.sorting = 'On' self.sort(input.tasks, input.assets, True) elif sort == '-': self.sorting = 'Off' elif sort == '!': self.sorting = 'Rev' self.sort(input.tasks, input.assets, False) """Run main scheduling algorithm.""" self.main(input)
class Algorithm: """Parent class for algorithms.""" def __init__(self, input, weight, relax, sort="+", name="Algorithm"): = name self.weight = weight*0.10 # The weight given to each side of the sort self.relax = (0 - relax)*0.25 # The amount an algorithm is permitted to relax left self.metrics = input.metrics self.schedule = input.schedule self.output = Output(input) self.stupid = input.conf.stupid # Stupidity compensation: implementation off self.prev = 0 # Previous asset id. Used for output formatting. self.adjust = 0 # A count for adjustments made self.forced = 0 # A count of forced schedulings: implementation off self.drift = [] # Drift in days from optimal scheduling self.groundings = {} # The count of days an asset is grounded self.skip = set() # Tasks to be skipped in the scheduling self.totalTasks = len(input.tasks) self.totalSched = 0 self.startDate = self.schedule.dateRange.start self.endDate = self.schedule.dateRange.end self.stopwatch = """Set the name of the algorithm.""" if(self.relax < 0): += "["+"{0:.2f}".format(abs(self.relax))+"]" """Output scheduling to screen if trace is on.""" if(input.trace): self.output.console() """Push schedule to Google Calendar if true.""" if(input.conf.pushcal): self.calendar(input) """Run sorting algorithms. Bypass for sorting off.""" if sort == '+': self.sorting = 'On' self.sort(input.tasks, input.assets, True) elif sort == '-': self.sorting = 'Off' elif sort == '!': self.sorting = 'Rev' self.sort(input.tasks, input.assets, False) """Run main scheduling algorithm.""" self.main(input) def sort(self, tasks, assets, order): """ Sort tasks according to resource cost vs. conflict cost. Sort assets according to usage requirements. """ bias = 1.0 # bias = self.bias(tasks) # Compensate for natural bias in numbers for task in tasks: """Prioritize tasks that require higher percentage of resources vs. conflict heavy ones.""" task.score = (self.weight * self.totalhours(task, tasks)) / bias + ((1.0-self.weight)* (self.totalconflicts(task, tasks)*1.0 / self.totalTasks)) tasks.sort(key=lambda task:task.score, reverse=order) for asset in assets: """Prioritize the assets that have usage constraints in the more imminent future.""" for index in self.schedule.usage.dates: if in index: d = (index.Date - ( asset.score += (0.9**int(d))*(1) assets.sort(key=lambda asset:asset.score, reverse=order) def main(self, input): """Schedule tasks for each asset.""" for task in input.tasks: for asset in input.assets: if(task.interval): """ If the task is to be performed at a set interval, Set the new start date to the later of either: A. The last time a task was performed on a given asset B. The start date of the given date range. """ start =, self.schedule.last(asset, task)) start = max(start, self.startDate) """Check constraints and create a bundle of tasks.""" bundle = task.checkConstraints(list(), asset, input, True) """Schedule as a multi-task bundle else as single tasks.""" if len(bundle) > 1 and not in self.skip: self.bundleSchedule(bundle, asset, input, task, start) elif not in self.skip: self.regularSchedule(asset, task, input, start) """Save scheduling results.""" self.results = input def bias(self, tasks): """Determine the natural bias found in the scoring of the tasks and normalize.""" numerator = 0 denominator = 0 for task in tasks: numerator += self.totalhours(task, tasks) denominator += (self.totalconflicts(task, tasks)*1.0 / self.totalTasks) return numerator / denominator def totalhours(self, task, tasks): """Determine the total skill hours cost of a task and it's children recursively.""" total = self.taskcost(task) for t in tasks: """Recursively derive a summation of skill-availability quotient.""" if in task.prep: total += self.totalhours(t, tasks) if in task.prereq: total += self.totalhours(t, tasks) if in task.subseq: total += self.totalhours(t, tasks) if in task.concur: total += self.totalhours(t, tasks) return total def totalconflicts(self, task, tasks): """Determine the total conflict cost of a task and it's children recursively.""" total = len(task.conflicts) for t in tasks: """Recursively count all conflicts.""" if in task.prep: total += self.totalconflicts(t, tasks) if in task.prereq: total += self.totalconflicts(t, tasks) if in task.subseq: total += self.totalconflicts(t, tasks) if in task.concur: total += self.totalconflicts(t, tasks) return total def taskcost(self, task): """Calculate the cost ratio for skills required for a task by determining how much of the skill hours for the task are available.""" cost = 0 for skill in task.skills: """Divide manhours with total available manhours.""" cost += (1.0*skill.hours)/skill.availableHours # cost += (skill.availableHours - 1.0*skill.hours)/skill.availableHours return cost def calc(self, task, start, end): """Calculate the start and end dates of a task in a bundle.""" longest = 0 """Inherit the duration of a task from its most time-intensive procedure.""" for manpower in task.manpowers: if manpower.hours > longest: longest = manpower.hours hours = round(self.remainder + longest, 2) if hours >= self.maxhours: """If the tasks take longer than the workday, determine end date and remainder hours.""" end = start + timedelta(days=int(hours / self.maxhours)) self.remainder = hours % self.maxhours else: self.remainder = hours """Set start to end of the task for the next task.""" return [end, end] def usageViolation(self, date, original, asset): """Record usage violations.""" if(date > original and self.schedule.used): for used_date in self.schedule.used: if( <= used_date and used_date not in asset.violation): """If the date occurs later than optimal date, and usage date is not already counted.""" asset.violation.update([used_date]) self.schedule.usageViolation += 1 """Keep a record of imminent usage violations.""" if(used_date <= + timedelta(days=14)): self.metrics.Imminent += 1 """Keep a record of midterm usage violations.""" if(used_date <= + timedelta(days=90)): self.metrics.Midterm += 1 """Reset usage flags.""" self.schedule.unsetUsage() def recordInterval(self, date, orig, asset): """Record the drift in days from the optimal scheduling day.""" from objects.DateRange import DateRange if(date < self.endDate): """Record the dift in days from optimal scheduling day.""" self.drift.append(date - orig) """For schedulings that resulted in groundings capture addtional metrics.""" if(date > orig): if(, date) not in self.groundings: """Capture every distinct grouning event.""" self.metrics.Groundings += 1 for ground in DateRange(orig + timedelta(days=1), date).range(): """Capture distinct days assets are grounded.""" if((, ground) not in self.groundings): self.groundings[(, ground)] = 1 def console(self, asset, task, input, start, end): """Print out the scheduling output to the console.""" self.output.printSchedule(self, asset, task, start, end) def analytics(self, input): """Print out the cost analysis for the algorithm.""" now = exectime = str(now - self.stopwatch)[:-4], exectime, input.count) self.metrics.Forced = self.forced def calendar(self, input): """Initiate the Google Calendar.""" from outputs.Calendar import Calendar if not = Calendar()