コード例 #1
ファイル: test_core.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def should_create_file():
    s = Mock(spec=session.Session)
    s.get = Mock()
    s.get.side_effect = [session.DataDict({'type': 'Project',
                                           '_id': make_uuid(),
                                           'links': session.DataDict({'self': sentinel.parent_self})})]
    s.post = Mock()
    file = {'entities': [{'type': 'File',
                          '_id': make_uuid()}]}
    s.post.return_value = file
    expected_name = 'file name'

    core.create_file(s, make_uuid(), expected_name)

    s.post.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.parent_self, data={'entities': [{'type': 'File',
                                                                             'attributes': {'name': expected_name}}]})
コード例 #2
ファイル: upload.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def upload_file(session,
    Upload a file to Ovation

    :param session: Session
    :param parent: Project or Folder root
    :param local_path_or_file_obj: local path to file
    :param progress: if not None, wrap in a progress (i.e. tqdm). Default: tqdm
    :param content_type: revision content type (default: infer from file name)
    :param name: file name (default: local path basename)
    :return: created File entity dictionary

    if name is None:
        name = os.path.basename(local_path_or_file_obj)

    file = core.create_file(session, parent, name)
    return upload_revision(session,
コード例 #3
ファイル: transfer.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def copy_file(session, parent=None, file_key=None, file_name=None, source_bucket=None,
              destination_bucket=None, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None):
    Creates an Ovation 'File' and 'Revision' record.  File is transferred from
    source_bucket to destination_bucket and then the Revision` version is set to S3 version_id
    of the object in the destination_bucket.
    :param session: ovation.connection.Session
    :param parent: Project or Folder (entity dict or ID)
    :param file_key: S3 Key of file to copy from source bucket
    :param file_name: Name of file
    :param source_bucket: the S3 bucket to copy file from
    :param destination_bucket: the destination_bucket to copy file to
    :param aws_access_key_id: id for key that must have read access to source and write access to destination
    :param aws_secret_access_key: AWS key
    :return: new `Revision` entity dicitonary
    content_type = upload.guess_content_type(file_name)

    # create file record
    new_file = core.create_file(session, parent, file_name,
                                attributes={'original_s3_path': file_key})

    # create revision record
    r = session.post(new_file.links.self,
                     data={'entities': [{'type': 'Revision',
                                         'attributes': {'name': file_name,
                                                        'content_type': content_type}}]})

    # get key for where to copy existing file from create revision resonse
    revision = r['entities'][0]
    destination_s3_key = r['aws'][0]['aws']['key']

    # Copy file from source bucket to destination location
    # Need to use key that has 'list' and 'get_object' privleges on source bucket as well as 'write' privleges
    # on destination bucket (can't use the temp aws key from the create revision response since this does
    # not have read access to the source bucket)
    aws_session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id,

    s3 = aws_session.resource('s3')
    destination_file = s3.Object(destination_bucket, destination_s3_key)
    copy_source = "{0}/{1}".format(source_bucket, file_key)

        aws_response = destination_file.copy_from(CopySource=copy_source)

        # get version_id from AWS copy response and update revision record with aws version_id
        # revision['attributes']['version'] = aws_response['VersionId']
        revision_response = session.put(revision['links']['upload-complete'], entity=None)

        return revision_response
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(e, exc_info=True)
        return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: upload.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def upload_folder(session, parent, directory_path, progress=tqdm):
    Recursively uploads a folder to Ovation

    :param session: Session
    :param parent: Project or Folder root
    :param directory_path: local path to directory
    :param progress: if not None, wrap in a progress (i.e. tqdm). Default: tqdm

    root_folder = parent
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory_path):
        root_name = os.path.basename(root)
        if len(root_name) == 0:
            root_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(root))

        root_folder = core.create_folder(session, root_folder, root_name)

        for f in files:
            path = os.path.join(root, f)
            file = core.create_file(session, root_folder, f)

            upload_revision(session, file, path, progress=progress)