コード例 #1
ファイル: test_core.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def should_get_entity():
    s = Mock(spec=session.Session)
    s.get.return_value = sentinel.result
    s.entity_path.return_value = sentinel.path

    core.get_entity(s, 'entity-id')

    s.get.assert_called_once_with(sentinel.path, params={'trash': "false"})
コード例 #2
ファイル: download.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def _traverse_folder(session_json, folder, output=None, progress=tqdm):
    session = Session.from_json(session_json)
    folder = core.get_entity(session, folder)
    if folder is None:

    # make folder
    if output is None:
        path = folder.attributes.name
        path = os.path.join(output, folder.attributes.name)

    if not os.path.isdir(path):

    # get files
    files = [[path, f] for f in session.get(folder.relationships.files.related)]

    # for each folders, recurse and return files
    folders = session.get(folder.relationships.folders.related)
    with Pool() as p:
        for subfiles in progress(p.imap_unordered(functools.partial(_traverse_folder,
                                 desc='Traversing folders',
            files += subfiles

    return files
コード例 #3
ファイル: contents.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def get_breadcrumbs(session, entity):
    Returns the directory path of the entity (folder or file specified)
    :param session: ovation.session.Session
    :param entity: File / Folder dict or ID
    :return: string representing directory path of specified entity (e.g. "project1/folder1/file1.txt")

    entity_directory_path = ""

    entity = core.get_entity(session, entity)

    if not entity.type in [core.FILE_TYPE, core.FOLDER_TYPE]:
        raise ValueError("entity is not a File or Folder")

    breadcrumb_list = session.get(session.entity_path(resource="breadcrumbs"), params={"id": entity['_id']})

    if (breadcrumb_list):

        # service returns an array of multiple breadcrumbs
        # since parents (i.e folders or projects) can only have one breadcrumb, take the first and only one returned
        first_breadcrumb = breadcrumb_list[0]

        # to print out the path, reverse the list since it puts the project last

        for crumb in first_breadcrumb:
            entity_directory_path += crumb['name']
            if (crumb['type'] == "Folder" or crumb['type'] == "Project"):
                entity_directory_path += "/"

    return entity_directory_path
コード例 #4
ファイル: download.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def download_main(args):
    session = args.session
    entity_id = args.entity_id
    output = args.output

    entity = core.get_entity(session, entity_id)
    if entity.type == core.FOLDER_TYPE or entity.type == core.PROJECT_TYPE:
        download_folder(session, entity, output=output)
        download_revision(session, entity_id, output=output)
コード例 #5
ファイル: contents.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def get_contents(session, parent):
    Gets all files and folders of parent
    :param session: ovation.session.Session
    :param parent: Project or Folder dict or ID
    :return: Dict of 'files' and 'folders'

    p = core.get_entity(session, parent)

    if p is None:
        return None

    return {'files': session.get(p.relationships.files.related),
            'folders': session.get(p.relationships.folders.related)}
コード例 #6
ファイル: contents.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def get_head_revision(session, file):
    Retrieves the head revision of file specified
    :param session: ovation.session.Session
    :param file: File dict or ID
    :return: Revision dict or None if there are no head revisions

    file = core.get_entity(session, file)

    headRevisions = session.get(file.links.heads)
    if (headRevisions):
        return headRevisions[0]
        logging.warning("No head revisions found for file " + file.attributes.name)
        return None
コード例 #7
ファイル: contents.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def walk(session, parent, recurse=False):
    Walks through the directory from the specified parent, yielding a 5-tuple of 'parent', 'folders',

    If recurse is set to true, then this function will continue through all sub-folders, otherwise
    it will yield only the contents of the specified parent.

    You can get the breadcrumb path of parent with `get_breadcrumbs`. You can get the HEAD revisions of file(s) with
    `get_head_revisions`. This example shows how to calculate the total byte size of all head revisions in a directory

    total_bytes = 0
    for (parent, folders, files) in contents.walk(session, parent):
        for f in files:
            rev = contents.get_head_revision(session, f)
            total_bytes += rev.attributes.get('content_length', 0)

    print("Total bytes: {}".format(total_bytes))

    :param session: ovation.session.Session
    :param parent: Project or Folder dict or ID
    :returns generator of 5-tuple: `(parent, folders, files)`

    folders = []
    files = []

    # if specified parent param is only a string id, will get entity object,
    # otherwise will use passed in parent param
    parent = core.get_entity(session, parent)

    entries = get_contents(session, parent)

    for file in entries['files']:

    for folder in entries['folders']:

    # yield
    yield parent, folders, files

    # recurse into sub-directories
    if recurse:
        for folder in folders:
            yield from walk(session, folder, recurse)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_core.py プロジェクト: physion/ovation-python
def should_return_existing_entity_dict():

    assert_equal(core.get_entity(sentinel.session, sentinel.entity_dict),
コード例 #9
def _find_activities(s):
    projects = core.get_projects(s)
    for p in projects:
        rel = core.get_entity(s, p._id).relationships
        if "activities" in rel:
            yield from s.get(rel.activities.related)