class EndgameSRProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) COMPETITIVE_POINTS_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "competitive_points.png"), 0 ) COMPETITIVE_POINTS_THRESH = 0.8 def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: y = frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0] im = self.REGIONS["competitive_points"].extract_one(y) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(im, 50, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) match = np.max(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.COMPETITIVE_POINTS_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) frame.overwatch.endgame_sr_match = round(float(match), 5) if match > self.COMPETITIVE_POINTS_THRESH: sr_image = self.REGIONS["sr"].extract_one(y) sr = big_noodle.ocr_int(sr_image) if sr is None: logger.warning(f"Unable to parse SR") else: frame.overwatch.endgame_sr = EndgameSR( sr, image=lazy_upload("end_sr", self.REGIONS.blank_out(frame.image), frame.timestamp) ) return True return False
class MapLoadingProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) TEMPLATES = { str(os.path.basename(p)).split(".")[0]: cv2.imread(p, 0) for p in glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "*.png")) } REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.9 def eager_load(self) -> None: self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: y = frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0] region = self.REGIONS["map_name"].extract_one(y) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(region, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) match, map_name = imageops.match_templates(thresh, self.TEMPLATES, method=cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, required_match=0.95) if match > self.REQUIRED_MATCH: frame.apex.map_loading = MapLoading(map_name) return True return False
class HomeScreenProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) PLAY_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "play.png"), 0) SEARCH_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "search.png"), 0) def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: if frame.valorant.home_screen: return True # self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) if not imageops.match_thresh_template( self.REGIONS["play"].extract_one(frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]), self.PLAY_TEMPLATE, 130, 0.8, ): return False if not imageops.match_thresh_template( self.REGIONS["search"].extract_one(frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]), self.SEARCH_TEMPLATE, 100, 0.8, ): return False play_text = imageops.ocr_region( frame, self.REGIONS, "play", ) if levenshtein.distance(play_text.upper(), "PLAY") > 1: return False frame.valorant.home_screen = HomeScreen() draw_home_screen(frame.debug_image, frame.valorant.home_screen) return True def ocr_match(self, frame: Frame, region: str, target: str, requirement: float) -> bool: text = self.ocr_region(frame, region) match = levenshtein.ratio(text.upper(), target.upper()) logger.debug( f"OCR match {text.upper()!r} ~ {target.upper()!r} => {match:.2f} > {requirement:.2f} => {match > requirement}" ) return match > requirement def ocr_region(self, frame: Frame, target_region: str): region = self.REGIONS[target_region].extract_one(frame.image) gray = 255 - imageops.normalise(np.min(region, axis=2)) text = imageops.tesser_ocr( gray, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, ) return text
class HeroProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) # STATE_TEMPLATES = { # k: imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'state_templates', k + '.png'), 0) # for k in ['eliminated', 'spectating', 'potg'] # } STATES = [ "ELIMINATED BY", "YOU ARE NOW DEATH SPECTATING", "YOU ARE NOW SPECTATING", "PLAY OF THE GAME BY", "PLAY OF THE MATCH BY", ] WEAPON_TEMPLATES: Optional[List[Tuple[str, np.ndarray]]] = None ULT_CONTOUR_TEMPLATE = np.expand_dims(_circle(21, 40), 0) # TODO: add dva pilot, ashe def __init__(self) -> None: if self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES is None: self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES = [ (str(os.path.basename(p)).split(".")[0], _load_template(imageops.imread(p, 0))) for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "weapon_templates", "*.png")) ] for hero in sorted(data.heroes): if hero not in [n[0] for n in self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES]: logger.warning(f"Did not get weapon template for {hero}") else: weapon_count = len([t for t in self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES if t[0].startswith(hero)])"Got {weapon_count} weapon templates for {hero}") f"Loaded {len(self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES)} weapon templates", ) def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: hero_name = self._parse_hero_from_weapon(frame) state = self._parse_state(frame) ult_status = None if hero_name: ult_status = self._parse_ult_status(frame) frame.overwatch.hero = Hero( hero=hero_name, ult=ult_status, potg="PLAY OF THE" in state, spectating="SPECTATING" in state, killcam="ELIMINATED BY" == state, ) _draw_hero(frame.debug_image, frame.overwatch.hero) return bool(frame.overwatch.hero.hero or state) def _parse_hero_from_weapon(self, frame: Frame) -> Optional[str]: image = self.REGIONS["weapon"].extract_one(frame.image) gray = np.min(image, axis=2) thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 205, -51) if thresh.shape != (81, 231) and thresh.shape != (100, 220): logger.warning("Ignoring weapon image with dimensions %s", thresh.shape) return None thresh = cv2.resize( cv2.copyMakeBorder(thresh, 10, 10, 10, 10, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0), (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5 ) assert self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES is not None matches = [np.min(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, t, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)) for h, t in self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES] match: int = arrayops.argmin(matches) if matches[match] < 0.3: h = self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES[match][0] logger.debug(f"Got hero {h} with match {matches[match]:.2f}") return h else: return None def _parse_state(self, frame: Frame) -> str: map_info_image = self.REGIONS["potg_eliminted_deathspec"].extract_one(frame.image) yellow_text = cv2.inRange( cv2.cvtColor(map_info_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL), ((35 / 360) * 255, 0.5 * 255, 0.8 * 255), ((55 / 360) * 255, 1.0 * 255, 1.0 * 255), ) p = np.sum(yellow_text > 0) / state = "" if 0.05 < p < 0.4: state_text = big_noodle.ocr(yellow_text, channel=None) if state_text and len(state_text) > 5: state_text_matches = textops.matches(state_text, self.STATES) match_i: int = arrayops.argmin(state_text_matches) match = state_text_matches[match_i] if match < 7: state = self.STATES[match_i] f"Got state={state_text!r} (text fill: {p*100:.0f}%) -> best match: {state!r} (match={match})" ) else: logger.warning( f'Got state={state_text!r}, but this was not recognized as a valid state (closest was "{self.STATES[match_i]}", match={match})' ) return state def _parse_ult_status(self, frame: Frame) -> Optional[int]: ult_image = self.REGIONS["ult"].extract_one(frame.image) thresh = imageops.unsharp_mask(ult_image, unsharp=2, weight=4, threshold=240) ult_circle = cv2.resize(thresh, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) contours, _ = imageops.findContours(ult_circle, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contour_match = 1.0 for cnt in contours: if 1500 < cv2.contourArea(cnt) < 2500: contour_match = min(contour_match, cv2.matchShapes(cnt, self.ULT_CONTOUR_TEMPLATE, 1, 0)) if contour_match < 0.01: logger.debug(f"Got ult contour match {contour_match:1.5f} - ult=100%") return 100 else: ult = big_noodle.ocr_int(thresh, channel=None, threshold=None, height=33) logger.debug(f"Parsed ult as {ult}%") if ult is not None and 0 <= ult <= 99: return ult else: return None
class RoleSelectProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) TANK_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "tank.png"), 0) TANK_LARGE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "tank_large.png"), 0) LOCK_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "lock.png"), 0) REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.95 def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: y = frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0] tank_region = np.max(self.REGIONS["tank_region"].extract_one(frame.image), axis=2) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(tank_region, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # cv2.imshow('thresh1', thresh) tank_match_sm = cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.TANK_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) _, match_sm, _, mxloc_sm = cv2.minMaxLoc(tank_match_sm) tank_match_lg = cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.TANK_LARGE_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) _, match_lg, _, mxloc_lg = cv2.minMaxLoc(tank_match_lg) lock_match = cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.LOCK_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) _, match_lock, _, mxloc_lock = cv2.minMaxLoc(lock_match) matched_i = arrayops.argmax([match_sm, match_lg, match_lock]) # print([match_sm, match_lg, match_lock]) match = [match_sm, match_lg, match_lock][matched_i] matched = ["tank", "tank_lg", "lock"][matched_i] best_match_pos = [mxloc_sm, mxloc_lg, mxloc_lock][matched_i] match_x = best_match_pos[0] # print(matched, match_x) frame.overwatch.role_select_match = round(match, 2) if match > self.REQUIRED_MATCH: grouped = match_x < 150 logger.debug( f"Found match for {matched!r} with match={match:0.3f} ({match_sm:.2f}, {match_lg:.2f}, {match_lock:.2f}), x={match_x} => grouped={grouped}" ) suffix = "_group" if grouped else "_solo" frame.overwatch.role_select = RoleSelect( placement_text=imageops.tesser_ocr_all( self.REGIONS["placements" + suffix].extract(y), whitelist=string.digits + "/-" ), sr_text=big_noodle.ocr_all(self.REGIONS["srs" + suffix].extract(y), height=23, invert=True), account_name=imageops.tesser_ocr( self.REGIONS["account_name"].extract_one(y), engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm ), grouped=grouped, image=lazy_upload( "role_select", self.REGIONS.blank_out(frame.image), frame.timestamp, selection="last" ), ) if frame.debug_image is not None: self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_role_select(frame.debug_image, frame.overwatch.role_select) return True return False
class TabProcessor(Processor): # ExtractionRegionsCollection(regions={ # 'vs': ExtractionRegions(name="vs", 1 regions), # 'blue_names': ExtractionRegions(name="blue_names", 6 regions), # 'red_names': ExtractionRegions(name="red_names", 6 regions), # 'player_hero': ExtractionRegions(name="player_hero", 2 regions), # 'stats': ExtractionRegions(name="stats", 12 regions), # 'medals': ExtractionRegions(name="medals", 5 regions) # } regions) REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) TEMPLATES = { os.path.basename(p).split(".")[0]: _load_template(imageops.imread(p, -1)) for p in glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "hero_icons", "*.png")) } HERO_TEMPLATE_THRESH = 100 def __init__(self, save_name_images: bool = False): self.save_name_images = save_name_images self._last_matches: List[Optional[str]] = [None for _ in range(12)] def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: if not self.detect_tab(frame): return False player_name_image, player_hero_image = self.REGIONS[ "player_hero"].extract(frame.image) images = NameImages( blue_team=self._mask_roles_out(self.REGIONS["blue_names"].extract( frame.image)), red_team=self.REGIONS["red_names"].extract(frame.image), ult_images=self.REGIONS["ults"].extract(frame.image), player_name_image=player_name_image, player_hero_image=player_hero_image, hero_icons_red=self.REGIONS["hero_icons_red"].extract(frame.image), hero_icons_blue=self.REGIONS["hero_icons_blue"].extract( frame.image), ) player_hero_text = big_noodle.ocr(player_hero_image) hero = textops.best_match( player_hero_text.lower(), [h[1].key for h in data.heroes.items()], list(data.heroes.keys()), threshold=3, ) heroes_played = self.parse_heroes(images) map_text, mode_text = self.parse_map_info(frame) stats: Optional[Stats] if hero: stat_values = [] for i, im in enumerate(self.REGIONS["stats"].extract(frame.image)): masked = self._filter_digit_components(im) stat_values.append(digit.ocr(masked, 1.0)) stat_names_row_1 = [ for s in data.generic_stats[:3]] stat_names_row_2 = [ for s in data.generic_stats[3:]] hero_stat_names_row_1 = [ for s in data.heroes[hero].stats[0] ] hero_stat_names_row_2 = [ for s in data.heroes[hero].stats[1] ] stat_names = stat_names_row_1 + hero_stat_names_row_1 + stat_names_row_2 + hero_stat_names_row_2 stat_parsed: Dict[str, Optional[int]] = dict( zip(stat_names, stat_values)) if stat_parsed["objective time"] is not None: stat_parsed["objective time"] = textops.mmss_to_seconds( stat_parsed["objective time"]) logger.debug( f'Transformed MMSS objective time to {stat_parsed["objective time"]}' ) stats = Stats( hero, eliminations=stat_parsed["eliminations"], objective_kills=stat_parsed["objective kills"], objective_time=stat_parsed["objective time"], hero_damage_done=stat_parsed["hero damage done"], healing_done=stat_parsed["healing done"], deaths=stat_parsed["deaths"], hero_specific_stats={ stat_parsed[] for s in itertools.chain.from_iterable( data.heroes[hero].stats) }, )"Parsed stats as {stats}") else: logger.warning(f"Could not recognise {player_hero_text} as a hero") stats = None frame.overwatch.tab_screen = TabScreen( map=map_text, mode=mode_text, blue_team=big_noodle.ocr_all(images.blue_team, channel="max"), blue_team_hero=heroes_played[6:12], blue_team_ults=[0 for _ in range(6)], red_team=big_noodle.ocr_all(images.red_team, channel="r"), red_team_hero=heroes_played[:6], player_name=big_noodle.ocr(player_name_image), player_hero=hero, stats=stats, ) _draw_tab_screen(frame.debug_image, frame.overwatch.tab_screen) return True def _mask_roles_out(self, ims: List[np.ndarray]) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Mask out the role icons that appear to the left of the blue team names """ r = [] for im in ims: _, rank_mask = cv2.threshold(np.max(im, axis=2), 250, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) rank_mask = cv2.erode(rank_mask, None) rank_mask = cv2.dilate(rank_mask, np.ones((11, 7))) masked = cv2.bitwise_and( im, 255 - cv2.cvtColor(rank_mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)) r.append(masked) return r def _filter_digit_components(self, im: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: im = np.min(im, axis=2) t = imageops.otsu_thresh(im, 100, 255) _, mask = cv2.threshold(im, t, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) dmask = cv2.dilate(mask, np.ones((3, 3))) gray = cv2.bitwise_and(im, dmask) # nmask = np.full_like(mask, 255) # labels, components = imageops.connected_components(mask) # for c1 in components: # for c2 in components: # if c1 is c2: # continue # if c1.x < c2.x < c1.x + c1.w or c1.x < c2.x + c2.w < c1.x + c1.w: # # c1 is above/below c2 # nmask[labels == c1.label] = 0 # # nmask[labels == c2.label] = 0 # # # cv2.imshow('mask', np.vstack([im, mask, dmask, nmask, gray])) # cv2.waitKey(0) return gray def parse_heroes(self, images: NameImages) -> List[Optional[str]]: hero_played: List[Optional[str]] = [None for _ in range(12)] for i, icon in enumerate(images.hero_icons_red + images.hero_icons_blue): icon = cv2.resize(icon, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) last = self._last_matches[i] dontcheck = None if last: # check the hero this player was playing last dontcheck = last t, mask = self.TEMPLATES[last] match = np.min( cv2.matchTemplate(icon, t, cv2.TM_SQDIFF, mask=mask)) if match < self.HERO_TEMPLATE_THRESH: hero_played[i] = last else: # hero has changed last = None if not last: for hero_name, (t, mask) in self.TEMPLATES.items(): if hero_name == dontcheck: # already tested continue match = np.min( cv2.matchTemplate(icon, t, cv2.TM_SQDIFF, mask=mask)) if match < self.HERO_TEMPLATE_THRESH: self._last_matches[i] = hero_name hero_played[i] = hero_name break return hero_played def parse_map_info(self, frame: Frame) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: map_info_image = self.REGIONS["map_info"].extract_one(frame.image) yellow_text = cv2.inRange( cv2.cvtColor(map_info_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL), ((30 / 360) * 255, 0.5 * 255, 0.6 * 255), ((45 / 360) * 255, 1.0 * 255, 1.0 * 255), ) yellow_text = cv2.filter2D(yellow_text, -1, np.ones((4, 2)) / (4 * 2)) yellow_text_left = np.argmax(np.sum(yellow_text, axis=0) / 255 > 4) map_image, mode_image = ( map_info_image[:, :yellow_text_left - 20], map_info_image[:, yellow_text_left - 5:], ) map_text = imageops.tesser_ocr(np.min(map_image, axis=2), whitelist=string.ascii_uppercase + " ", scale=2, invert=True) mode_text = imageops.tesser_ocr(np.max(mode_image, axis=2), whitelist=string.ascii_uppercase + " ", scale=2, invert=True) if len(map_text) < 4 or len(mode_text) < 4: logger.warning( f"Unexpected map/mode text: {map_text} | {mode_text}") return None, None else: logger.debug(f"Got map={map_text}, mode={mode_text}") return map_text, mode_text VS_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "vs_template.png"), 0) VS_MATCH_THRESHOLD = 0.6 def detect_tab(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: region = self.REGIONS["vs"].extract_one(frame.image) region = cv2.resize(region, (50, 50), cv2.INTER_NEAREST) region_gray = np.min(region, axis=2) # threshold of around 200, allow for flux/lower brightness settings bringing the range down _, thresh = cv2.threshold(region_gray, np.percentile(region_gray.ravel(), 93), 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) match = 1 - float( np.min( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.VS_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED))) frame.overwatch.tab_match = round(match, 5) return match > self.VS_MATCH_THRESHOLD
class MenuProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) READY = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "ready.png"), 0) CANCEL = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "cancel.png"), 0) REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.9 CROWN = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "crown.png"), 0) def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame): if frame.apex.apex_play_menu_match: return frame.apex.apex_play_menu_match >= self.REQUIRED_MATCH y = frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0] ready_button = self.REGIONS["ready_button"].extract_one(y) t, thresh = cv2.threshold(ready_button, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) ready_match = np.max(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.READY, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) if ready_match >= self.REQUIRED_MATCH: cancel_match = 0.0 else: cancel_match = np.max(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.CANCEL, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) frame.apex.apex_play_menu_match = round(float(max(ready_match, cancel_match)), 5) _draw_buttons_match(frame.debug_image, ready_match, cancel_match, self.REQUIRED_MATCH) if ready_match >= self.REQUIRED_MATCH or cancel_match >= self.REQUIRED_MATCH: player_name_image = self.REGIONS["player_name"].extract_one(y) mate1, mate2 = self.REGIONS["squadmates"].extract(y) rank_text_region = self.REGIONS["rank_text"].extract_one(y) rank_text = imageops.tesser_ocr(rank_text_region, invert=True, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm) rp_text_region = self.REGIONS["rp_text"].extract_one(y) rp_text = imageops.tesser_ocr(rp_text_region, invert=True, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm) frame.apex.apex_play_menu = PlayMenu( player_name=self._ocr_playername(player_name_image), squadmates=(self._ocr_playername(mate1), self._ocr_playername(mate2)), ready=cancel_match >= self.REQUIRED_MATCH, rank_text=rank_text, rp_text=rp_text, ) self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_play_menu(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.apex_play_menu) return True else: return False def _ocr_playername(self, player_name_image: np.ndarray) -> str: # crop out crown _, thresh = cv2.threshold(player_name_image, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) mnv, mxv, mnl, mxl = cv2.minMaxLoc(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.CROWN, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) if mxv > 0.99: player_name_image = player_name_image[:, mxl[0] + self.CROWN.shape[1] :] player_name = imageops.tesser_ocr(player_name_image, scale=4) return player_name
class YourSquadProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) TEMPLATES = { k: imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", k + ".png"), 0) for k in ["your_squad", "your_selection", "champion_squad"] } REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.95 def __init__(self): self.duos = False self.duos_last_seen = 0 def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame): y = frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0] your_squad_image = self.REGIONS["your_squad"].extract_one(y) t, thresh = cv2.threshold(your_squad_image, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) match, key = imageops.match_templates(thresh, self.TEMPLATES, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, self.REQUIRED_MATCH) frame.apex.your_squad_match = round(match, 4) if match < self.REQUIRED_MATCH: return False name1_trios = np.min(self.REGIONS["names"].extract_one(frame.image), axis=2) name1_duos = np.min(self.REGIONS["names_duos"].extract_one(frame.image), axis=2) # name1_thresh_value = max(np.max(name1_duos), np.max(name1_trios)) * 0.95 name1_thresh_value = 240 # logger.debug(f"Name thresh: {name1_thresh_value}") name1_trios_score = int(np.sum(name1_trios > name1_thresh_value)) name1_duos_score = int(np.sum(name1_duos > name1_thresh_value)) logger.debug(f"Trios name score: {name1_trios_score} vs duos name score: {name1_duos_score}") # self.duos = name1_duos_score and name1_duos_score > name1_trios_score self.duos = name1_trios_score < 100"Using duos={self.duos}") if key == "your_squad": names_region_name = "names_duos" if self.duos else "names" names = imageops.tesser_ocr_all( self.REGIONS[names_region_name].extract(y), engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, invert=True, ) frame.apex.your_squad = YourSquad( tuple(self._to_name(n) for n in names), mode="duos" if self.duos else None, images=lazy_upload( "your_squad", np.hstack(self.REGIONS[names_region_name].extract(frame.image)), frame.timestamp, ), ) self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_squad(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.your_squad) elif key == "your_selection": frame.apex.your_selection = YourSelection( name=self._to_name( imageops.tesser_ocr( self.REGIONS["names"].extract(y)[1], engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, invert=True, ) ), image=lazy_upload( "your_selection", self.REGIONS["names"].extract(frame.image)[1], frame.timestamp, ), ) self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_squad(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.your_selection) elif key == "champion_squad": names_region_name = "names_duos" if self.duos else "names" names = imageops.tesser_ocr_all( self.REGIONS[names_region_name].extract(y), engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, invert=True, ) frame.apex.champion_squad = ChampionSquad( tuple(self._to_name(n) for n in names), mode="duos" if self.duos else None, images=lazy_upload( "champion_squad", np.hstack(self.REGIONS[names_region_name].extract(frame.image)), frame.timestamp, ), ) self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_squad(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.champion_squad) return True def _to_name(self, name_text: str) -> Optional[str]: for s1, s2 in "[(", "{(", "])", "})": name_text = name_text.replace(s1, s2) if len(name_text) > 3 and name_text[0] == "(" and name_text[-1] == ")": return name_text[1:-1].replace(" ", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "") else: logger.warning(f"Got name {name_text!r} for player: not correctly bracketed") return name_text.replace(" ", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
class SquadSummaryProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) TEMPLATES = { k: imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", k + ".png"), 0) for k in ["squad_eliminated", "champions_of_the_arena", "match_summary"] } REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.75 def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: y = frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0] champions_eliminated = self.REGIONS[ "champions_eliminated"].extract_one(y) t, thresh = cv2.threshold(champions_eliminated, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh) match, key = imageops.match_templates(thresh, self.TEMPLATES, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, self.REQUIRED_MATCH) frame.apex.squad_summary_match = round(match, 4) if match > self.REQUIRED_MATCH: champions = key in ["champions_of_the_arena"] duos_empty_area = self.REGIONS["duos_empty_area"].extract_one( frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) duos_sum = np.sum(duos_empty_area > 100) duos = duos_sum < 100 logger.debug(f"Got duos_sum={duos_sum} => duos={duos}") shunt = 0 if duos: duos_shunt_area = self.REGIONS["duos_shunt_area"].extract_one( frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) duos_shunt_sum = np.sum(duos_shunt_area > 100) duos_shunt = duos_shunt_sum < 100 logger.debug( f"Got duos_shunt_sum={duos_shunt_sum} => duos_shunt={duos_shunt}" ) if duos_shunt: shunt = 270 frame.apex.squad_summary = SquadSummary( champions=champions, placed=self._process_yellowtext( self.REGIONS["placed"].extract_one(frame.image)), squad_kills=self._process_yellowtext( self.REGIONS["squad_kills"].extract_one(frame.image)), player_stats=self._process_player_stats(y, duos, shunt), elite=False, mode="duos" if duos else None, image=lazy_upload( "squad_summary", self.REGIONS.blank_out(frame.image), frame.timestamp, selection="last", ), ) self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_squad_summary(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.squad_summary) return True return False def _process_yellowtext(self, image: np.ndarray) -> Optional[int]: # mask out only yellow text (digits) yellow = cv2.inRange(image, (0, 40, 150), (90, 230, 255)) yellow = cv2.dilate(yellow, None) yellowtext_image = cv2.bitwise_and( image, cv2.cvtColor(yellow, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)) yellowtext_image_g = np.max(yellowtext_image, axis=2) yellowtext_image_g = cv2.erode(yellowtext_image_g, np.ones((2, 2))) text = imageops.tesser_ocr( yellowtext_image_g, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, scale=4, blur=4, invert=True, ) otext = text text = text.upper() for s1, s2 in "|1", "I1", "L1", "O0", "S5", "B6": text = text.replace(s1, s2) for hashchar in "#H": text = text.replace(hashchar, "")"Got text={otext} -> {text}") try: return int(text) except ValueError: logger.warning(f"Could not parse {text!r} as int") return None def _process_player_stats(self, y: np.ndarray, duos: bool = False, shunt: int = 0) -> Tuple[PlayerStats, ...]: name_images = self.REGIONS["names"].shunt(x=shunt).extract(y) names = [] for im in name_images: # self._mask_components_touching_edges(im) im = 255 - cv2.bitwise_and( im, cv2.dilate( cv2.threshold(im, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1], None, ), ) im = cv2.resize(im, (0, 0), fx=2, fy=2) im = cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (0, 0), 1) name = imageops.tesser_ocr( im, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, ).replace(" ", "") match = np.mean(imageops.tesseract_lstm.AllWordConfidences())"Got name {name!r} ~ {match:1.2f}") if match < 0.75: name = imageops.tesser_ocr( im, engine=imageops.tesseract_only, )"Using {name!r} instead") names.append(name) stat_images = self.REGIONS["stats"].shunt(x=shunt).extract(y) # for im in stat_images: # self._mask_components_touching_edges(im) stats = imageops.tesser_ocr_all( stat_images, engine=ocr.tesseract_ttlakes_digits_specials, ) for i in range(len(stats)): value = stats[i] logger.debug(f"Got stat {i}: {value!r}") if value: value = value.lower().replace(" ", "") for c1, c2 in "l1", "i1", "o0", (":", ""): value = value.replace(c1, c2) value = textops.strip_string(value, string.digits + "/") if i < 3: try: stats[i] = tuple([int(v) for v in value.split("/")]) except ValueError as e: logger.warning(f'Could not parse {value!r} as 3 ints" {e}') stats[i] = None elif 6 <= i <= 8: # survival time if stats[i] is not None: try: seconds = int(value) except ValueError as e: logger.warning( f'Could not parse "{stats[i]}" as int: {e}') seconds = None else: seconds = mmss_to_seconds(seconds)"MM:SS {stats[i]} -> {seconds}") stats[i] = seconds else: try: stats[i] = int(value) except ValueError as e: logger.warning(f'Could not parse {value!r} as int" {e}') stats[i] = None # typing: ignore # noinspection PyTypeChecker count = 3 if not duos else 2 r = tuple([PlayerStats(names[i], *stats[i::3]) for i in range(count)]) for s in r: if not s.kills: pass elif len(s.kills) == 3: s.assists = s.kills[1] s.knocks = s.kills[2] s.kills = s.kills[0] else: s.kills = s.kills[0]"Got {pprint.pformat(r)}") return r def _mask_components_touching_edges(self, im: np.ndarray, threshold=100) -> bool: masked = False _, t = cv2.threshold(im, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) mask, components = imageops.connected_components(t) for c in components[1:]: if c.y <= 1 or c.y + c.h >= im.shape[0] - 1: mask = (mask != c.label).astype(np.uint8) * 255 mask = cv2.erode(mask, None) im[:] = cv2.bitwise_and(im, mask) masked = c.area > 50 return masked
class EliminationsProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) WERE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "were.png"), 0) WERE_MASK = cv2.dilate(WERE_TEMPLATE, np.ones((4, 4))) ELIMINATED_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "eliminated.png"), 0) ELIMINATED_MASK = cv2.dilate(ELIMINATED_TEMPLATE, np.ones((4, 4))) def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: region = self.REGIONS["eliminations"].extract_one(frame.image) region_b = np.min(region, axis=2) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(region_b, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) eliminated_locations = self._get_locations( imageops.matchTemplate( thresh, self.ELIMINATED_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED, ), 0.6, region_name="eliminated", ) if not eliminated_locations: return False self._draw_locations( frame.debug_image, self.REGIONS["eliminations"].regions[0][:2], eliminated_locations, self.ELIMINATED_TEMPLATE.shape, "ELIMINATED", ) were_locations = self._get_locations( imageops.matchTemplate( thresh, self.WERE_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED, ), 0.6, max_matches=2, region_name="were", ) self._draw_locations( frame.debug_image, self.REGIONS["eliminations"].regions[0][:2], were_locations, self.WERE_TEMPLATE.shape, "WERE", ) eliminated_by_image = None elimination_images = [] for ((x, y), m) in eliminated_locations: if were_locations: is_were_eliminated = min([abs(y - y2) for ((_, y2), _) in were_locations]) < 10 else: is_were_eliminated = False if not is_were_eliminated: line_x = self.REGIONS["eliminations"].regions[0][0] + x line_w = (frame.image.shape[1] // 2 - line_x) * 2 name_x = line_x + 135 name_w = line_w - 132 else: line_x = self.REGIONS["eliminations"].regions[0][0] + x - 125 line_w = (frame.image.shape[1] // 2 - line_x) * 2 name_x = line_x + 295 name_w = line_w - 285 line_y = self.REGIONS["eliminations"].regions[0][1] + y - 4 line_h = 40 line = frame.image[line_y : line_y + line_h, name_x : name_x + name_w] if not is_were_eliminated: elimination_images.append(line) else: # cv2.imshow('line', frame.image[ # line_y: line_y + line_h, # name_x: name_x + name_w # ]) # cv2.waitKey(0) eliminated_by_image = line if frame.debug_image is not None: cv2.rectangle(frame.debug_image, (name_x, line_y), (name_x + name_w, line_y + line_h), (0, 255, 0)) if eliminated_by_image is not None: elimination_images.append(eliminated_by_image) eliminations = big_noodle.ocr_all(elimination_images, channel="max", height=30) if eliminated_by_image is not None: eliminated_by = eliminations[-1] eliminations = eliminations[:-1] else: eliminated_by = None frame.overwatch.eliminations = Eliminations(eliminations, eliminated_by) return True def _get_locations( self, match: np.ndarray, thresh: float, max_matches: int = 6, region_name: str = "" ) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], float]]: match[match == np.inf] = 0 r = [] for i in range(max_matches): min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(match) if min_val > thresh: logger.debug( f'Rejected match {min_val:.2f} at {min_loc} in region{" " + region_name if region_name else ""}' ) break logger.debug( f'Found match {min_val:.2f} at {min_loc} in region{" " + region_name if region_name else ""}' ) match[ clamp(0, min_loc[1] - 20, match.shape[0]) : clamp(0, min_loc[1] + 20, match.shape[0]), clamp(0, min_loc[0] - 20, match.shape[1]) : clamp(0, min_loc[0] + 20, match.shape[1]), ] = 1 r.append((min_loc, min_val)) return r def _draw_locations( self, debug_image: Optional[np.ndarray], image_offset: Tuple[int, int], locations: List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], float]], template_shape: Tuple[int, int], name: str, ): if debug_image is None: return # debug_image = debug_image[ # image_offset[1]:, # image_offset[0]: # ] for i, ((x, y), match) in enumerate(locations): x += image_offset[0] y += image_offset[1] cv2.rectangle(debug_image, (x, y), (x + template_shape[1], y + template_shape[0]), (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.putText( debug_image, f"{(x, y)}: {name}, match={match:.3f}, index={i}", (x, y - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), )
class WeaponProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "data", "regions", "")) CLIP_DIGITS = [ imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "clip_digits", f"{d}.png"), 0, ) for d in string.digits ] AMMO_DIGITS = [ imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "ammo_digits", f"{d}.png"), 0, ) for d in string.digits ] def __init__(self): self.CLIP_WEIGHTS = self.AMMO_WEIGHTS = [] for typ in "CLIP", "AMMO": weights = [] for im in getattr(self, typ + "_DIGITS"): weight = np.zeros(im.shape, dtype=np.float) weight[im > 0] = 1 / np.sum(im > 0) weight[im == 0] = -3 / np.sum(im == 0) weights.append(weight) setattr(self, typ + "_WEIGHTS", weights) def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame): y = cv2.cvtColor(frame.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)[:, :, 0] weapon_images = self.REGIONS["weapon_names"].extract(y) weapon_images = [255 - imageops.normalise(i) for i in weapon_images] weapon_names = imageops.tesser_ocr_all( weapon_images, whitelist=string.ascii_uppercase, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, scale=2, ) selected_weapons_regions = self.REGIONS[ "selected_weapon_tell"].extract(frame.image) selected_weapons_colours = [ np.median(r, axis=(0, 1)) for r in selected_weapons_regions ] def thresh_clip(im): im = np.max(im, axis=2) threshim = np.tile(im[:, 0], (im.shape[1], 1)).T im = cv2.subtract(im, threshim) tim = im > 20 return tim frame.apex.weapons = Weapons( weapon_names, selected_weapons=( ( int(selected_weapons_colours[0][0]), int(selected_weapons_colours[0][1]), int(selected_weapons_colours[0][2]), ), ( int(selected_weapons_colours[1][0]), int(selected_weapons_colours[1][1]), int(selected_weapons_colours[1][2]), ), ), clip=self._ocr_digits( [im > 200 for im in self.REGIONS["clip"].extract(y)], self.CLIP_WEIGHTS), ammo=self._ocr_digits( [ thresh_clip(im) for im in self.REGIONS["ammo"].extract(frame.image) ], self.AMMO_WEIGHTS, ), ) # self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_weapons(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.weapons) return frame.apex.weapons.selected_weapons is not None def _ocr_digits(self, ims: List[np.ndarray], weights: List[np.ndarray]) -> Optional[int]: digits = [] # cv2.imshow('digits', np.hstack(ims).astype(np.uint8) * 255) for i, im in enumerate(ims): if np.sum(im) < 50: continue best = None for d, w in enumerate(weights): score = np.sum(np.multiply(im, w)) if score > 0.95: digits.append(str(d)) break if not best or score > best[0]: best = score, d else: if best[0] > 0.1: digits.append(str(best[1])) else: logger.warning( f"Unable to OCR clip digit {i} - best match: {best[1]} @ {best[0]:.2f}" ) if not digits: return None try: return int("".join(digits)) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Unable to parse OCR of clip: {digits!r}: {e}") return None
class AgentSelectProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) AGENT_NAME_TEMPLATES: Dict[AgentName, np.ndarray] = { agent_name: cv2.copyMakeBorder( imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "agent_names", agent_name.lower() + ".png"), 0), 10, 10, 10, 10, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ) # cv2.resize( # cv2.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'agent_names', agent_name + '.png'), 0), # (0, 0), # fx=0.5, # fy=0.5, # ) for agent_name in agents # if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'agent_names', agent_name.lower() + '.png')) } AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.95 RANK_TEMPLATES: Dict[str, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = { str(os.path.basename(p)).rsplit(".", 1)[0]: load_rank_template(p) for p in glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "ranks", "*.png")) } LOCK_IN_BUTTON_COLOR = (180, 210, 140) def __init__(self): pass def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: agent_name_yuv = self.REGIONS["agent_name"].extract_one( frame.image_yuv) agent_name_thresh = cv2.inRange(agent_name_yuv, (200, 85, 120), (255, 115, 150)) # if hasattr(frame, 'source_image'): # cv2.imshow('agent_name_yuv', agent_name_yuv) # cv2.imshow('agent_name_thresh', agent_name_thresh) # cv2.imwrite( # os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'agent_names', os.path.basename(frame.source_image)), # agent_name_thresh # ) match, best_match = imageops.match_templates( agent_name_thresh, self.AGENT_NAME_TEMPLATES, method=cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, required_match=0.95, # verbose=True, ) # self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) if match > self.AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH: selected_agent_ims = self.REGIONS["selected_agents"].extract( frame.image) selected_agent_ims_gray = [ 255 - imageops.normalise(np.max(im, axis=2), bottom=50) for im in selected_agent_ims ] selected_agent_texts = imageops.tesser_ocr_all( selected_agent_ims_gray, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, )"Got selected_agent_texts={selected_agent_texts}") picking = True for i, text in enumerate(selected_agent_texts): for word in textops.strip_string(text, string.ascii_letters + " .").split(" "): match = levenshtein.ratio(word, best_match) logger.debug( f"Player {i}: Got match {match:.2f} for {word!r} = {best_match!r}" ) if match > 0.7: f"Found matching locked in agent {text!r} for selecting agent {best_match!r} - selection locked" ) picking = False game_mode = imageops.ocr_region(frame, self.REGIONS, "game_mode") ranks = [] for i, im in enumerate(self.REGIONS["player_ranks"].extract( frame.image)): match, matched_rank = imageops.match_templates( im, self.RANK_TEMPLATES, method=cv2.TM_SQDIFF, use_masks=True, required_match=15, previous_match_context=("player_ranks", i), ) ranks.append((matched_rank, round(match, 3))) player_name_ims = self.REGIONS["player_names"].extract(frame.image) player_name_gray = [ 255 - imageops.normalise(np.max(im, axis=2), bottom=50) for im in player_name_ims ] player_names = imageops.tesser_ocr_all( player_name_gray, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm) frame.valorant.agent_select = AgentSelect( best_match, locked_in=not picking, map=imageops.ocr_region(frame, self.REGIONS, "map"), game_mode=game_mode, player_names=player_names, agents=selected_agent_texts, ranks=ranks, image=lazy_upload("agent_select", self.REGIONS.blank_out(frame.image), frame.timestamp, selection="last"), ) draw_agent_select(frame.debug_image, frame.valorant.agent_select) return True return False
class MatchSummaryProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) MATCH_SUMMARY_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "match_summary.png"), 0) XP_BREAKDOWN_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "xp_breakdown.png"), 0) SCORE_REPORT_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "score_report.png"), 0) REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.75 PLACED_COLOUR = (32, 61, 238) XP_STATS = [ "Won Match", "Top 3 Finish", "Time Survived", "Kills", "Damage Done", "Revive Ally", "Respawn Ally", ] XP_STATS_NORMED = [s.replace(" ", "").upper() for s in XP_STATS] SUBS = ["[(", "{(", "])", "})"] def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: y = frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0] your_squad_image = self.REGIONS["match_summary"].extract_one(y) t, thresh = cv2.threshold(your_squad_image, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.MATCH_SUMMARY_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) frame.apex.match_summary_match = round(float(match), 5) if match >= self.REQUIRED_MATCH: self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) placed = self._get_placed(frame) image_title = "match_summary" xp_stats, score_report = None, None xp_breakdown_title_image = self.REGIONS[ "xp_breakdown"].extract_one(y) _, xp_breakdown_title_thresh = cv2.threshold( xp_breakdown_title_image, 150, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) xp_breakdown_title_match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate( xp_breakdown_title_thresh, self.XP_BREAKDOWN_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, )) if xp_breakdown_title_match > self.REQUIRED_MATCH: xp_stats = self._parse_xp_breakdown(y) image_title += "_xp_breakdown" else: score_report_title_image = self.REGIONS[ "score_report"].extract_one(y) _, score_report_title_thresh = cv2.threshold( score_report_title_image, 150, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) score_report_title_match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate( score_report_title_thresh, self.SCORE_REPORT_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, )) if score_report_title_match > self.REQUIRED_MATCH: score_report = self._parse_score_report(y) image_title += "_score_report" if placed is not None: frame.apex.match_summary = MatchSummary( placed=placed, xp_stats=xp_stats, score_report=score_report, image=lazy_upload( image_title, self.REGIONS.blank_out(frame.image), frame.timestamp, selection="last", ), ) _draw_match_summary(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.match_summary) return True return False def _parse_xp_breakdown(self, y: np.ndarray) -> XPStats: xp_breakdown_image = self.REGIONS["xp_fields"].extract_one(y) xp_breakdown_image = cv2.adaptiveThreshold( xp_breakdown_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 63, -30, ) lines = imageops.tesser_ocr( xp_breakdown_image, whitelist=string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "() \n", engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm_multiline, ) for s1, s2 in self.SUBS: lines = lines.replace(s1, s2) xp_stats = XPStats() for line in lines.splitlines(): stat_name, stat_value = self._parse_stat(line) if stat_name == "Won Match": xp_stats.won = True elif stat_name == "Top 3 Finish": xp_stats.top3_finish = True elif stat_name and stat_value is not None: # require stat value parsed correctly if stat_name == "Time Survived": xp_stats.time_survived = mmss_to_seconds(stat_value) elif stat_name == "Kills": xp_stats.kills = stat_value elif stat_name == "Damage Done": xp_stats.damage_done = stat_value elif stat_name == "Revive Ally": xp_stats.revive_ally = stat_value elif stat_name == "Respawn Ally": xp_stats.respawn_ally = stat_value return xp_stats def _parse_score_report(self, y: np.ndarray) -> ScoreReport: rp_report_image = self.REGIONS["rp_fields"].extract_one(y) lines = [] for line in range(3): line_im = rp_report_image[line * 40 + 5:(line + 1) * 40 - 7, 5:] lines.append( imageops.tesser_ocr(line_im, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, invert=True, scale=2)) score_report = ScoreReport() for line in lines: valid = False if ":" in line: stat_name, stat_value = line.lower().replace(" ", "").split(":", 1) if stat_name == "entrycost": score_report.entry_rank = stat_value.lower() valid = True elif stat_name == "kills": try: score_report.kills = int(stat_value.replace("o", "0")) except ValueError: logger.warning( f'Could not parse Score Report > kills: {stat_value!r}" as int' ) else: valid = True elif stat_name == "matchplacement": stat_value = stat_value.replace("#", "") try: score_report.placement = int( stat_value.replace("o", "0").split("/", 1)[0]) except ValueError: logger.warning( f'Could not parse Score Report > placement: {stat_value!r}" as placement' ) else: valid = True if not valid: logger.warning(f"Unknown line in score report: {line!r}") score_adjustment_image = self.REGIONS["score_adjustment"].extract_one( y) score_adjustment_text = imageops.tesser_ocr( score_adjustment_image, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, invert=True, scale=1) score_adjustment_text_strip = (textops.strip_string( score_adjustment_text, alphabet=string.digits + "RP+-").replace( "RP", "").replace("+", "").replace("-", "")) try: score_report.rp_adjustment = int(score_adjustment_text_strip) except ValueError: logger.warning( f'Could not parse Score Report > score adjustment: {score_adjustment_text!r}" as valid adjustment' ) current_rp_image = self.REGIONS["current_rp"].extract_one(y) current_rp_text = imageops.tesser_ocr(current_rp_image, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, invert=True, scale=1) current_rp_text_strip = textops.strip_string(current_rp_text, alphabet=string.digits + "RP").replace("RP", "") try: score_report.current_rp = int(current_rp_text_strip) except ValueError: logger.warning( f'Could not parse Score Report > current RP: {current_rp_text!r}" as valid RP' ) return score_report def _parse_stat(self, line: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[int]]: if len(line) > 5: parts = line.split("(", 1) if len(parts) > 1: stat_name_s, stat_value_s = parts[:2] else: stat_name_s, stat_value_s = line, None match, stat_name_normed = textops.matches_ratio( stat_name_s.replace(" ", "").upper(), self.XP_STATS_NORMED) if match > 0.8: stat_name = self.XP_STATS[self.XP_STATS_NORMED.index( stat_name_normed)] if stat_value_s: stat_value = self._parse_stat_number(stat_value_s) if stat_value is not None: f"Parsed {stat_name}={stat_value} ({line!r} ~ {match:1.2f})" ) return stat_name, stat_value else: f"Unable to parse value for {stat_name} ({line!r} ~ {match:1.2f})" ) return stat_name, None else: return stat_name, None else: logger.warning(f"Don't know how to parse stat {line!r}") return None, None elif line: logger.warning(f"Ignoring stat {line!r} - too short") return None, None else: return None, None def _parse_stat_number(self, stat_value_s: str) -> Optional[int]: stat_value_s = stat_value_s.upper() # common errors in parsing digits for s1, s2 in "D0", "I1", "L1": stat_value_s = stat_value_s.replace(s1, s2) # remove brackets, spaces, X (e.g. in "Kills (x3)"), time separators, commas stat_value_s = "".join(c for c in stat_value_s if c not in "() X:.,;|") try: return int(stat_value_s) except ValueError: return None def _get_placed(self, frame: Frame) -> Optional[int]: placed_image = self.REGIONS["squad_placed"].extract_one( frame.image).copy() cv2.normalize(placed_image, placed_image, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) orange = cv2.inRange( placed_image, np.array(self.PLACED_COLOUR) - 40, np.array(self.PLACED_COLOUR) + 40, ) text = imageops.tesser_ocr(orange, whitelist=string.digits + "#") if text and text[0] == "#": try: placed = int(text[1:]) except ValueError: logger.warning(f"Could not parse {text!r} as number") return None else: logger.debug(f"Parsed {text!r} as {placed}") if 1 <= placed <= 30: return placed else: logger.warning(f"Rejected placed={placed}") else: logger.warning(f'Rejected placed text {text!r} - did not get "#"') return None
class EndgameProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) RESULTS = ["VICTORY", "DEFEAT", "DRAW"] VALID_STATS_NAMES = list(data.heroes.keys()) + [ALL_HEROES] def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: if self.detect_endgame(frame): result, map_text = self.parse_result_and_map(frame) if not result or not map_text: return True stats = self.parse_stats(frame) frame.overwatch.endgame = Endgame(result=result, map=map_text, stats=stats) return True return False def parse_stats(self, frame: Frame) -> Optional[Stats]: hero = self.parse_stats_hero(frame) if not hero: # ALL HEREOS now shows as no text - just parse empty as ALL HEROES and detect failed parses hero = ALL_HEROES if hero in self.VALID_STATS_NAMES: stats = dict( zip( [ for s in data.generic_stats], big_noodle.ocr_all_int(self.REGIONS["stats"].extract( frame.image), channel="max", height=56), )) logger.debug(f"Parsed stats: {stats}") if hero == ALL_HEROES and sum(v is not None for v in stats.values()) <= 2: # because we parse unknowns as ALL HEREOS, if the stats failed to parse this is probably not a stats screen f"Did not get valid stats for potential ALL HEROES stats - ignoring" ) return None if stats["objective time"] is not None: stats["objective time"] = textops.mmss_to_seconds( stats["objective time"]) logger.debug( f'Transformed MMSS objective time to {stats["objective time"]}' ) if hero == ALL_HEROES: hero_specific_stats = None else: stat_names_row_1 = [ for s in data.heroes[hero].stats[0]] stat_names_row_2 = [ for s in data.heroes[hero].stats[1]] stat_names = stat_names_row_1 + stat_names_row_2 logger.debug( f"Hero: {hero} has {len(stat_names)} hero specific stats: {stat_names}" ) images = self.REGIONS[f"hero_stats_{len(stat_names)}"].extract( frame.image) normed = [ ((image.astype(np.float) / np.percentile(image, 98)) * 255).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) for image in images ] # cv2.imshow('ims', np.vstack((np.hstack(images[:len(stat_names)]), np.hstack(normed[:len(stat_names)])))) # cv2.waitKey(0) stat_values = digit.ocr_images(normed[:len(stat_names)], scale=0.73) hero_specific_stats = dict(zip(stat_names, stat_values))"Parsed {hero} stats: {hero_specific_stats}") return Stats( hero, eliminations=stats["eliminations"], objective_kills=stats["objective kills"], objective_time=stats["objective time"], hero_damage_done=stats["hero damage done"], healing_done=stats["healing done"], deaths=stats["deaths"], hero_specific_stats=hero_specific_stats, ) elif hero: logging.error( f"Parsed hero name as {hero!r} but was not in list of valid names" ) return None else: return None HERO_STAT_TEMPLATES = [] for h in VALID_STATS_NAMES: for t in load_hero_templates(h): HERO_STAT_TEMPLATES.append((h, t)) HERO_NAME_TEMPLATE_MATCH_THRESHOLD = 0.3 def parse_stats_hero(self, frame: Frame) -> Optional[str]: hero_image = np.min(self.REGIONS["hero_stat_name"].extract_one( frame.image), axis=2) hero_image_thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold( hero_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 31, -10) matches = sorted([(np.min( cv2.matchTemplate(hero_image_thresh, t, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)), n) for (n, t) in self.HERO_STAT_TEMPLATES]) logger.debug("Found hero stat matches: " + ", ".join(f"({n}: {m:1.2f})" for (m, n) in matches[:5]) + "...") if matches[0][0] < self.HERO_NAME_TEMPLATE_MATCH_THRESHOLD: hero = matches[0][1]"Classifying stats hero as {hero}") return hero else: logger.debug("Could not identify hero") return None def parse_result_and_map( self, frame: Frame) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: result_im = self.REGIONS["result"].extract_one(frame.image) gray = np.max(result_im, axis=2) # mask out white/gray text (this is map and match time info) white_text = ((gray > 100) & (np.ptp(result_im, axis=2) < 20)).astype(np.uint8) * 255 white_text = cv2.erode(white_text, None) white_text = np.sum(white_text, axis=0) / 255 right = np.argmax(white_text > 2) if right > 150: right -= 10 f"Trimming width of result image {gray.shape[1]} -> {right} to cut white text" ) gray = gray[:, :right] else: right = gray.shape[1] result_text = imageops.tesser_ocr(gray, whitelist="".join( set("".join(self.RESULTS))), invert=True) result = textops.matches(result_text, self.RESULTS) if np.min(result) > 2: logger.warning( f"Could not identify result from {result_text!r} (match={np.min(result)})" ) return None, None result = self.RESULTS[arrayops.argmin(result)] logger.debug(f"Got result {result} from {result_text!r}") # TODO: test this with "draw" result map_image = self.REGIONS["map_name"].extract_one(frame.image)[:, right:] gray = np.min(map_image, axis=2) map_text = textops.strip_string( imageops.tesser_ocr(gray, whitelist=string.ascii_uppercase + " :'", invert=True, scale=2), string.ascii_uppercase + " ", ) logger.debug(f"Parsed map as {map_text}") return result, map_text LEAVE_GAME_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "leave_game_template.png"), 0) LEAVE_GAME_TEMPLATE_THRESH = 0.6 def detect_endgame(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: leave_game_button = self.REGIONS["leave_game_button"].extract_one( frame.image) # leave_game_button = cv2.resize(leave_game_button, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) gray = np.min(leave_game_button, axis=2) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) frame.overwatch.endgame_match = round( 1 - float( np.min( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.LEAVE_GAME_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED))), 5) return frame.overwatch.endgame_match > self.LEAVE_GAME_TEMPLATE_THRESH
class HeroSelectProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) ASSEMBLE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "assemble_your_team.png"), 0) ASSEMBLE_THRESH = 0.8 ASSEMBLE_HSV_RANGE = [(0, 0, 200), (255, 15, 255)] def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: im = self.REGIONS["assemble_your_team"].extract_one(frame.image) thresh = cv2.inRange(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL), self.ASSEMBLE_HSV_RANGE[0], self.ASSEMBLE_HSV_RANGE[1]) match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.ASSEMBLE_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) frame.overwatch.assemble_your_team_match = round(float(match), 5) if match > self.ASSEMBLE_THRESH: map_image = self.REGIONS["map"].extract_one(frame.image) map_thresh = imageops.otsu_thresh_lb_fraction( np.min(map_image, axis=2), 1.1) map_text = big_noodle.ocr(map_thresh, channel=None, threshold=None) mode_image = self.REGIONS["mode"].extract_one(frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) mode_thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(mode_image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 23, -10) mode_text = big_noodle.ocr(mode_thresh, channel=None, threshold=None) name_images = self.REGIONS["blue_names"].extract(frame.image) blue_thresh = [ cv2.inRange(i, (200, 145, 0), (255, 255, 130)) for i in name_images ] green_thresh = [ cv2.inRange(i, (0, 220, 200), (100, 255, 255)) for i in name_images ] name_thresh = [ cv2.bitwise_or(i1, i2) for i1, i2 in zip(blue_thresh, green_thresh) ] names = [ big_noodle.ocr( i[:, :, 1], channel=None, threshold=t, # debug=True ) for i, t in zip(name_images, name_thresh) ] frame.overwatch.assemble_your_team = AssembleYourTeam( map=map_text, mode=mode_text, blue_names=names, is_in_queue=self.detect_in_queue(frame), ) return True return False TIME_ELAPSED_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "time_elapsed.png"), 0) TIME_ELAPSED_MATCH_THRESHOLD = 0.75 def detect_in_queue(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: region = self.REGIONS["time_elapsed"].extract_one(frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(region, 130, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.TIME_ELAPSED_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) logger.debug(f"Time elapsed match={match:.1f}") return match > self.TIME_ELAPSED_MATCH_THRESHOLD
class TopHudProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) AGENT_TEMPLATES = { name: load_agent_template( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "agents", name.lower() + ".png")) for name in agents } AGENT_TEMPLATES_FLIP = { name: (images[0][:, ::-1], images[1][:, ::-1]) for name, images in AGENT_TEMPLATES.items() } AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.1 HAVE_ULT_SIGNAL = np.array([1] * 5 + [0] * 44 + [1] * 5, dtype=np.float) SPIKE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "spike.png"), 0) def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: teams = self._parse_teams(frame) frame.valorant.top_hud = TopHud( score=self.parse_score(frame), teams=teams, has_ult_match=self._parse_ults(frame, teams), has_spike_match=self._parse_spike(frame, teams), ) draw_top_hud(frame.debug_image, frame.valorant.top_hud) # self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) return frame.valorant.top_hud.score[ 0] is not None or frame.valorant.top_hud.score[1] is not None def parse_score(self, frame: Frame) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]: score_ims = self.REGIONS["scores"].extract(frame.image) score_gray = [np.min(im, axis=2) for im in score_ims] score_norm = [ imageops.normalise(im, bottom=80, top=100) for im in score_gray ] # debugops.normalise(score_gray[0]) # cv2.imshow('score_ims', np.hstack(score_ims)) # cv2.imshow('score_gray', np.hstack(score_gray)) # cv2.imshow('score_ys_norm', np.hstack(score_norm)) score = imageops.tesser_ocr_all(score_norm, expected_type=int, invert=True, engine=din_next_regular_digits) logger.debug(f"Got score={score}") return score[0], score[1] def _parse_teams(self, frame: Frame) -> Tuple[TeamComp, TeamComp]: agents = [] for i, agent_im in enumerate(self.REGIONS["teams"].extract( frame.image)): blurlevel = cv2.Laplacian(agent_im, cv2.CV_64F).var() if blurlevel < 100: agents.append(None) logger.debug(f"Got agent {i}=None (blurlevel={blurlevel:.2f})") else: templates = self.AGENT_TEMPLATES if i > 4: templates = self.AGENT_TEMPLATES_FLIP # cv2.imshow('agent', self.AGENT_TEMPLATES_FLIP['Raze'][0]) match, r_agent = imageops.match_templates( agent_im, templates, method=cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED, required_match=self.AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH, use_masks=True, previous_match_context=(self.__class__.__name__, "_parse_teams", i), # verbose=True ) agent = r_agent if match > self.AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH: agent = None logger.debug( f"Got agent {i}={agent} (best={r_agent}, match={match:.3f}, blurlevel={blurlevel:.1f})" ) agents.append(agent) return cast_teams((agents[:5], agents[5:])) def _parse_ults( self, frame: Frame, teams: Tuple[TeamComp, TeamComp]) -> Tuple[FiveOFloat, FiveOFloat]: ults = [] for i, ult_im in enumerate(self.REGIONS["has_ult"].extract( frame.image)): if not teams[i // 5][i % 5]: ults.append(None) continue matches = [0.0] ult_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(ult_im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL) ult_col = np.median(ult_hsv, axis=(0, )) ult_col = ult_col.astype(np.float) # The median pixel value for each channel should be the value of the "yellow" # Compute the abs offset from this value ult_col = np.abs(ult_col - np.median(ult_col, axis=(0, ))) for c in range(3): # Compute the maximum (filtered with a width 5 bloxfilter) value and normalize by this # Check both sides of the image, as they may be different and use the lower of the two then clip the higher so it matches ult_col_hi = np.convolve(ult_col[:, c], [1 / 5] * 5) avg_diff_at_edge = min( np.max(ult_col_hi[:len(ult_col_hi) // 2]), np.max(ult_col_hi[len(ult_col_hi) // 2:])) # print(i, c, avg_diff_at_edge) if avg_diff_at_edge < 15: # Not significant difference continue have_ult_thresh_1d = np.clip(ult_col[:, c] / avg_diff_at_edge, 0, 1) # This leaves have_ult_thresh_1d as a signal [0, 1] where 0 is match to the has ult colour, # and 1 is match to the outside # Correlate this (normalizing to [-1, 1] to make the correlation normalized) with the expected width for the has ult block have_ult_correlation = np.correlate( have_ult_thresh_1d * 2 - 1, self.HAVE_ULT_SIGNAL * 2 - 1) / len(self.HAVE_ULT_SIGNAL) have_ult_match = np.max(have_ult_correlation) # # if not frame.get('warmup') and i == 2: # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(ult_im) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(have_ult_thresh_1d) # plt.plot(have_ult_correlation) # matches.append(have_ult_match) have_ult_match = np.max(matches) logger.debug(f"Got player {i} has ult match={have_ult_match:.3f}") ults.append(round(float(have_ult_match), 3)) return cast_teams((ults[:5], ults[5:])) def _parse_spike(self, frame: Frame, teams: Tuple[TeamComp, TeamComp]) -> FiveOFloat: spikes = [] for i, ult_im in enumerate(self.REGIONS["has_spike"].extract( frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0])[:5]): if not teams[0][i % 5]: spikes.append(None) continue _, thresh = cv2.threshold(ult_im, 240, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.SPIKE_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) # cv2.imshow('match', thresh) # cv2.waitKey(0) spikes.append(round(float(match), 3)) return cast(FiveOFloat, spikes)
class CombatProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.75 TEMPLATES = { # these need to go first, so they can mask out the others "ASSIST, ELIMINATION": imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "assist_elimination.png"), 0), "ASSIST, KNOCK DOWN": imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "assist_knockdown.png"), 0), "ELIMINATED": imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "eliminated.png"), 0), "KNOCKED DOWN": imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "knocked_down.png"), 0), } def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: image_region = self.REGIONS["kill_text"] region = image_region.extract_one(frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) region_color = image_region.extract_one(frame.image) thresh = imageops.unsharp_mask(region, 3.5, 6, 254) events: List[Event] = [] for event_type, template in self.TEMPLATES.items(): match = cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, template, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) for _ in range(4): mnv, mxv, mnl, mxl = cv2.minMaxLoc(match) if mxv > self.REQUIRED_MATCH: width = ((1920 // 2) - (mxl[0] + image_region.regions[0][0]) ) * 2 - template.shape[1] left = mxl[0] + template.shape[1] f"Saw {event_type} ~ {mxv:1.2f}: w={width}, x={left}") # name_image = region_color[ # max(0, mxl[1] - 5):min(mxl[1] + template.shape[0] + 5, region.shape[0]), # left:left + width # ] # cv2.imshow('name', name_image) # print(width) # debugops.test_tesser_engines(name_image) # cv2.waitKey(0) events.append( Event( event_type, width, # None, # None, round(mxv, 4), )) match[max(0, mxl[1] - 20):min(mxl[1] + 20, match.shape[0]), max(0, mxl[0] - 20):min(mxl[0] + 20, match.shape[0]), ] = 0 thresh[max(0, mxl[1] - 10):min(mxl[1] + 30, match.shape[0]), :] = 0 else: break if len(events): frame.apex.combat_log = CombatLog(events) _draw_log(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.combat_log) return True else: return False
class MinimapProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "data", "regions", "")) SPECTATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "spectate.png"), 0) THRESHOLD = 0.1 offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 @classmethod def load_map(cls, path: str): im = imageops.imread(path, 0) w_h = max(im.shape[0] + 480, im.shape[1] + 480) cls.offset_y = (w_h - im.shape[0]) // 2 cls.offset_x = (w_h - im.shape[1]) // 2 cls.MAP = cv2.copyMakeBorder( im, cls.offset_y, cls.offset_y, cls.offset_x, cls.offset_x, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ) # cls.MAP_TEMPLATE = cv2.convertScaleAbs(cls.MAP, alpha=1.6, beta=-30) LUT = np.linspace(-5, 10, 256) LUT = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-LUT * 1.5)) cls.LUT = (LUT * 255).astype(np.uint8) cls.MAP_TEMPLATE = cv2.LUT(cls.MAP, cls.LUT) cls.MAP_TEMPLATE = cv2.GaussianBlur(cls.MAP_TEMPLATE, (0, 0), 1.5) # .astype(np.float) # cls.MAP_TEMPLATE *= 1.1 # cls.MAP_TEMPLATE = np.clip(cls.MAP_TEMPLATE, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) cls.MAP = cls.MAP_TEMPLATE # cls.MAP_TEMPLATE = cv2.GaussianBlur(cls.MAP, (0, 0), 1.1).astype(np.float) # cls.MAP_TEMPLATE *= 2 # cls.MAP_TEMPLATE = np.clip(cls.MAP_TEMPLATE, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) MAP_VERSION = 0 def __init__(self, use_tflite: bool = True): self.map_rotated = deque(maxlen=10) self.map_rotate_in_config = None if use_tflite: from overtrack_cv.core.tflite import TFLiteModel self.model = TFLiteModel( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "minimap_filter.tflite")) else: from import load_model self.model = load_model( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "minimap_filter") # "C:/Users/simon/overtrack_2/training/apex_minimap/v3/v15/checkpoint" ) # from tensorflow.python.keras.saving import export_saved_model # export_saved_model(self.model, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'minimap_filter'), serving_only=True) self.current_game: Optional[CurrentGame] = None self.current_composite: Optional[RingsComposite] = None def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() self._check_for_rotate_setting() self._check_for_map_update() def _check_for_rotate_setting(self): try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from client.util import knownpaths games_path = knownpaths.get_path(knownpaths.FOLDERID.SavedGames, knownpaths.UserHandle.current) config_path = os.path.join(games_path, "Respawn", "Apex", "profile", "profile.cfg") value = None with open(config_path) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("hud_setting_minimapRotate"): value = line.split()[1].strip().replace('"', "") if value: pvalue = value.lower() in ["1", "true"] f"Extracted hud_setting_minimapRotate: {value!r} from {config_path} - setting rotate to {pvalue}" ) self.map_rotate_in_config = pvalue else: f"Could not find hud_setting_minimapRotate in {config_path} - setting rotate to autodetect" ) self.map_rotate_in_config = None except: logger.exception( f"Failed to read hud_setting_minimapRotate from profile - setting rotate to autodetect" ) self.map_rotate_in_config = None def _check_for_map_update(self):"Checking for map updates") try: r = requests.get( "" )"Checking for map update: {r} {r.content!r}") if r.status_code == 404:"Map updates not enabled") return data = r.json() if data["version"] <= self.MAP_VERSION: f'Current version {self.MAP_VERSION} is up to date - update version is {data["version"]}' ) return else: maps_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "maps")) os.makedirs(maps_path, exist_ok=True) map_path = os.path.join(maps_path, f'{data["version"]}.png') if os.path.exists(map_path): try: self.__class__.load_map(map_path) except:"Map corrupted") os.remove(map_path) else: f'Loaded map {data["version"]} from {map_path}') return f'Downloading map {data["version"]} from {data["url"]} to {map_path}' ) with requests.get(data["url"], stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(map_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: f.write(chunk) self.__class__.load_map(map_path) except: logger.exception("Failed to check for map update") def update(self): self._check_for_rotate_setting() self._check_for_map_update() def process(self, frame: Frame): spectate_image = frame.image_yuv[40:40 + 30, 670:670 + 130, 0] _, spectate_image_t = cv2.threshold(spectate_image, 220, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) is_spectate = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate(spectate_image_t, self.SPECTATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) > 0.9 if not is_spectate: map_image = frame.image[50:50 + 240, 50:50 + 240] else: map_image = frame.image[114:114 + 240, 50:50 + 240] map_image_y = cv2.cvtColor(map_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)[:, :, 0] map_image_y = cv2.LUT(map_image_y, self.LUT) map_image_y = cv2.GaussianBlur(map_image_y, (0, 0), 1.5).astype(np.float) map_image_y *= 1.5 map_image_y = np.clip(map_image_y, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) t0 = time.perf_counter() filtered_minimap, filtered_rings = [ np.clip(p[0], 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) for p in self.model.predict( np.expand_dims(map_image, axis=0).astype(np.float32)) ] logger.debug(f"predict {(time.perf_counter() - t0) * 1000:.2f}") filtered = np.concatenate( ( np.expand_dims(map_image_y[8:-8, 8:-8], axis=-1), cv2.resize( filtered_rings, (filtered_minimap.shape[1], filtered_minimap.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, ), ), axis=-1, ) # location, min_loc, min_val = self._get_location(filtered[:, :, 0]) location = None zoom = self._get_zoom(frame) t0 = time.perf_counter() if self.map_rotate_in_config or ( len(self.map_rotated) and (sum(self.map_rotated) / len(self.map_rotated)) > 0.75): # 75% of last 10 frames said map was rotated - check rotated first logger.debug(f"Checking rotated first") bearing = self._get_bearing(frame, frame.debug_image) if bearing is not None: location = self._get_location(map_image_y, bearing, zoom=zoom) logger.debug(f"Got rotated location={location}") if (location is None or location.match > self.THRESHOLD ) and self.map_rotate_in_config is None: # try unrotated alt_location = self._get_location(map_image_y, zoom=zoom) logger.debug(f"Got unrotated location={alt_location}") if location is None or alt_location.match < location.match: location = alt_location bearing = None else: logger.debug(f"Checking unrotated first") location = self._get_location(map_image_y, zoom=zoom) logger.debug(f"Got unrotated location={location}") if location.match > self.THRESHOLD and self.map_rotate_in_config is None: bearing = self._get_bearing(frame, frame.debug_image) if bearing is not None: alt_location = self._get_location(map_image_y, bearing, zoom=zoom) logger.debug(f"Got rotated location={alt_location}") if alt_location.match < location.match: location = alt_location else: bearing = None logger.debug(f"match {(time.perf_counter() - t0) * 1000:.2f}") logger.debug(f"Got location: {location}") if location: self.map_rotated.append(location.bearing is not None) t0 = time.perf_counter() self._update_composite(frame, location, filtered_rings) logger.debug( f"update composite {(time.perf_counter() - t0) * 1000:.2f}") t0 = time.perf_counter() blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(filtered, (0, 0), 4) blur[:, :, 0] = 0 edges = self.filter_edge(blur, 50, 20, 20, 10) edges[:5, :] = 0 edges[-5:, :] = 0 edges[:, :5] = 0 edges[:, -5:] = 0 logger.debug( f"filter edges {(time.perf_counter() - t0) * 1000:.2f}") t0 = time.perf_counter() frame.apex.minimap = Minimap( location, None, None, spectate=is_spectate, rings_composite=self.current_composite, version=3, ) logger.debug( f"get circles {(time.perf_counter() - t0) * 1000:.2f}") try: _draw_map_location( frame.debug_image, frame.minimap, self.MAP, self.offset_x, self.offset_y, self.MAP_TEMPLATE, filtered, edges, self.current_composite, ) except: logger.exception("Failed to draw debug map location") return True elif location: try: _draw_map_location( frame.debug_image, Minimap( location, None, None, ), self.MAP, self.MAP_TEMPLATE, filtered, None, self.current_composite, ) except Exception as e: pass # traceback.print_exc(e) return False def _get_zoom(self, frame): zoom = 1 if "game_time" in frame: if frame.game_time > 1100: # round 5 closing / ring 6 zoom = 0.375 elif frame.game_time > 980: # round 4 closing / ring 5 zoom = 0.75 return zoom def _get_bearing(self, frame: Frame, debug_image: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> Optional[int]: bearing_image = self.REGIONS["bearing"].extract_one( frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) _, bearing_thresh = cv2.threshold(bearing_image, 190, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) if debug_image is not None: debug_image[90:90 + bearing_image.shape[0], 1020:1020 + bearing_image.shape[1], ] = cv2.cvtColor( bearing_image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) debug_image[90:90 + bearing_image.shape[0], 1100:1100 + bearing_image.shape[1], ] = cv2.cvtColor( bearing_thresh, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) bearing = imageops.tesser_ocr( bearing_thresh, expected_type=int, engine=ocr.tesseract_ttlakes_digits, warn_on_fail=False, ) if bearing is None or not 0 <= bearing <= 360: logger.debug(f"Got invalid bearing: {bearing}") return None if bearing is not None: logger.debug(f"Got bearing={bearing}") return bearing else: return None def _get_location( self, region: np.ndarray, bearing: Optional[int] = None, zoom: Optional[float] = None, base_template=None, ) -> Location: if base_template is None: base_template = self.MAP_TEMPLATE rot = None if bearing is None: map_template = base_template else: height, width = base_template.shape[:2] rot = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D( (base_template.shape[1] // 2, base_template.shape[0] // 2), bearing - 360, 1, ) map_template = cv2.warpAffine(base_template, rot, (width, height)) if zoom and zoom != 1: region = cv2.resize(region, (0, 0), fx=zoom, fy=zoom) # cv2.imshow('map_template', map_template) match = cv2.matchTemplate(map_template, region, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED) min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(match) coords = ( min_loc[0] + int(240 * zoom) // 2 - 8, min_loc[1] + int(240 * zoom) // 2 - 8, ) if rot is not None: inv = cv2.invertAffineTransform(rot) coords = cv2.transform(np.array([[coords]]), inv)[0][0] return Location( tuple(np.array(coords) - (self.offset_x, self.offset_y)), min_val, bearing=bearing, zoom=zoom, ) # , match def _update_composite(self, frame: Frame, location: Location, filtered: np.ndarray) -> None: current_game: Optional[CurrentGame] = getattr(frame, "current_game", None) game_time: Optional[float] = getattr(frame, "game_time", None) if current_game: if current_game is not self.current_game: f"Creating new RingsComposite for {frame.current_game}") self.current_game = frame.current_game self.current_composite = RingsComposite() else: self.current_game = None self.current_composite = None if self.current_game and game_time and self.current_composite: ring_state = apex_data.get_round_state(game_time) to_add = [] if ring_state.ring_index and not ring_state.ring_closing: to_add.append( (ring_state.ring_index, filtered[:, :, 1], "outer ring")) else: logger.debug( f"Not adding outer ring to composite for game time {s2ts(game_time)}, closing={ring_state.ring_closing}" ) if ring_state.next_ring_index: to_add.append( (ring_state.next_ring_index, filtered[:, :, 0], "inner ring")) else: logger.debug( f"Not adding inner ring to composite for game time {s2ts(game_time)}" ) for index, image, name in to_add: logger.debug( f"Adding {name} to ring composite {index} (approx {np.sum(image > 128)} observed ring pixels) for game time {s2ts(game_time)}" ) # TODO: handle zoom, handle non-rotating if location.bearing is None: image_t = image else: image = cv2.copyMakeBorder( image, image.shape[0] // 5, image.shape[0] // 5, image.shape[1] // 5, image.shape[1] // 5, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ) image_t = cv2.warpAffine( image, cv2.getRotationMatrix2D( (image.shape[1] // 2, image.shape[0] // 2), 360 - location.bearing, 1, ), (image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), ) image_t = cv2.resize(image_t, (0, 0), fx=location.zoom, fy=location.zoom) if index not in self.current_composite.images: self.current_composite.images[ index] = SerializableRingsComposite( np.zeros(( self.MAP_TEMPLATE.shape[0] // 2, self.MAP_TEMPLATE.shape[1] // 2, ))) target = self.current_composite.images[index].array # TODO: handle borders try: y = location.y // 2 - image_t.shape[0] // 2 x = location.x // 2 - image_t.shape[1] // 2 target[y:y + image_t.shape[0], x:x + image_t.shape[1]] += image_t.astype( np.float) / 255.0 except: logger.exception("Failed to add ring to composite") def filter_edge( self, im: np.ndarray, thresh: int, edge_type_box_size: int, edge_type_widening: int, edge_extraction_size: int, ) -> np.ndarray: thresh = im > thresh x_edge_prominent = cv2.boxFilter(im, 0, (2, edge_type_box_size), normalize=True) y_edge_prominent = cv2.boxFilter(im, 0, (edge_type_box_size, 2), normalize=True) greater = (x_edge_prominent > y_edge_prominent).astype(np.uint8) greater = cv2.dilate(greater, np.ones((1, edge_type_widening))) greater = cv2.erode(greater, np.ones((edge_type_widening, 1))) w_edge = thresh & (cv2.dilate(im, np.ones( (1, edge_extraction_size))) == im) h_edge = thresh & (cv2.dilate(im, np.ones( (edge_extraction_size, 1))) == im) # cv2.imshow('x_edge_prominent', x_edge_prominent) # cv2.imshow('y_edge_prominent', y_edge_prominent) # cv2.imshow('greater', greater * 255) # cv2.imshow('w_edge', w_edge.astype(np.uint8) * 255) # cv2.imshow('h_edge', h_edge.astype(np.uint8) * 255) edge = (w_edge * greater) + (h_edge * (1 - greater)) return edge
class PostgameProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) SCOREBOARD_REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "scoreboard", "")) RESULTS = { "victory": imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "victory.png"), 0), "defeat": imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "defeat.png"), 0), } RESULT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.8 # TAB_SELECTED_TEMPLATE = np.array([0] * 50 + [3] * 73 + [5] * 24 + [3] * 73 + [0] * 50) # TABS = [ # ('summary', 240), # ('scoreboard', 335) # ] SCOREBOARD_SORT_MODES = [ textops.strip_string("Individually Sorted").upper(), textops.strip_string("Grouped By Team").upper(), ] AGENT_TEMPLATES = { name: load_agent_template( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "agents", name.lower() + ".png")) for name in agents } AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH = 50 def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: result_y = self.REGIONS["result"].extract_one(frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) _, result_thresh = cv2.threshold(result_y, 220, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) match, result = imageops.match_templates( result_thresh, self.RESULTS, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, required_match=self.RESULT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH, previous_match_context=(self.__class__.__name__, "result"), ) if match > self.RESULT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH: logger.debug(f"Round result is {result} with match={match}") score_ims = self.REGIONS["scores"].extract(frame.image) score_gray = [ imageops.normalise(np.max(im, axis=2)) for im in score_ims ] scores = imageops.tesser_ocr_all( score_gray, expected_type=int, engine=din_next_regular_digits, invert=True, ) logger.debug(f"Round score is {scores}") frame.valorant.postgame = Postgame( victory=result == "victory", score=(scores[0], scores[1]), map=imageops.ocr_region(frame, self.REGIONS, "map"), game_mode=imageops.ocr_region(frame, self.REGIONS, "game_mode"), image=lazy_upload("postgame", self.REGIONS.blank_out(frame.image), frame.timestamp), ) draw_postgame(frame.debug_image, frame.valorant.postgame) sort_mode_gray = np.min( self.SCOREBOARD_REGIONS["scoreboard_sort_mode"].extract_one( frame.image), axis=2) sort_mode_filt = 255 - imageops.normalise(sort_mode_gray, bottom=75) # cv2.imshow('sort_mode_gray', sort_mode_gray) sort_mode = imageops.tesser_ocr(sort_mode_filt, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm) sort_mode_match = max([ levenshtein.ratio( textops.strip_string(sort_mode).upper(), expected) for expected in self.SCOREBOARD_SORT_MODES ]) logger.debug( f"Got scoreboard sort mode: {sort_mode!r} match={sort_mode_match:.2f}" ) if sort_mode_match > 0.75: frame.valorant.scoreboard = self._parse_scoreboard(frame) draw_scoreboard(frame.debug_image, frame.valorant.scoreboard) return True return False def _parse_scoreboard(self, frame: Frame) -> Scoreboard: agent_images = self.SCOREBOARD_REGIONS["agents"].extract(frame.image) name_images = self.SCOREBOARD_REGIONS["names"].extract(frame.image) stat_images = self.SCOREBOARD_REGIONS["stats"].extract(frame.image) stat_images_filt = [ self._filter_statrow_image(im) for im in stat_images ] stat_image_rows = [ stat_images_filt[r * 8:(r + 1) * 8] for r in range(10) ] # cv2.imshow( # 'stats', # np.vstack([ # np.hstack([self._filter_statrow_image(n)] + r) # for n, r in zip(name_images, stat_image_rows) # ]) # ) stats = [] for i, (agent_im, name_im, stat_row) in enumerate( zip(agent_images, name_images, stat_image_rows)): agent_match, agent = imageops.match_templates( agent_im, self.AGENT_TEMPLATES, method=cv2.TM_SQDIFF, required_match=self.AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH, use_masks=True, previous_match_context=(self.__class__.__name__, "scoreboard", "agent", i), ) if agent_match > self.AGENT_TEMPLATE_REQUIRED_MATCH: agent = None row_bg = name_im[np.max(name_im, axis=2) < 200] row_color = np.median(row_bg, axis=0).astype( # cv2.imshow('name', self._filter_statrow_image(name_im)) # cv2.waitKey(0) stat = PlayerStats( agent, imageops.tesser_ocr( self._filter_statrow_image(name_im), engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, ), row_color[0] > row_color[2], *imageops.tesser_ocr_all( stat_row, expected_type=int, engine=din_next_regular_digits, ), ) stats.append(stat) logger.debug( f"Got player stats: {stat} - agent match={agent_match:.2f}, row colour={tuple(row_color)}" ) return Scoreboard( stats, image=lazy_upload("scoreboard", self.SCOREBOARD_REGIONS.blank_out(frame.image), frame.timestamp), ) def _filter_statrow_image(self, im): im_gray = np.min(im, axis=2).astype(np.float) bgcol = np.percentile(im_gray, 90) im_norm = im_gray - bgcol im_norm = im_norm / np.max(im_norm) im = 255 - np.clip(im_norm * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) return im
class TimerProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) SPIKE_PLANTED_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "spike_planted.png"), 0 ) SPIKE_PLANTED_REQUIRED_MATCH = 0.5 BUY_PHASE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "buy_phase.png"), 0) def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: # timer_y = self.REGIONS['timer'].extract_one(frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) # _, timer_y_thresh = cv2.threshold(timer_y, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) spike_planted_im = self.REGIONS["spike_planted"].extract_one(frame.image) spike_planted_thresh = cv2.inRange( spike_planted_im, (0, 0, 130), (10, 10, 250), ) # cv2.imshow('spike_planted_im', spike_planted_im) # cv2.imshow('spike_planted_thresh', spike_planted_thresh) # cv2.imshow('SPIKE_PLANTED_TEMPLATE', self.SPIKE_PLANTED_TEMPLATE) spike_planted_match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate( spike_planted_thresh, self.SPIKE_PLANTED_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, ) ) logger.debug(f"Spike planted match: {spike_planted_match:.2f}") spike_planted = bool(spike_planted_match > self.SPIKE_PLANTED_REQUIRED_MATCH) if spike_planted: buy_phase = False else: buy_phase_gray = np.min(self.REGIONS["buy_phase"].extract_one(frame.image), axis=2) buy_phase_norm = imageops.normalise(buy_phase_gray, bottom=80) # cv2.imshow('buy_phase_norm', buy_phase_norm) buy_phase_match = np.max( cv2.matchTemplate(buy_phase_norm, self.BUY_PHASE_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) ) logger.debug(f"Buy phase match: {buy_phase_match}") buy_phase = buy_phase_match > 0.9 countdown_text = None if not spike_planted: countdown_gray = np.min(self.REGIONS["timer"].extract_one(frame.image), axis=2) countdown_norm = 255 - imageops.normalise(countdown_gray, bottom=80) # debugops.test_tesser_engines( # countdown_norm # ) countdown_text = imageops.tesser_ocr( countdown_norm, # whitelist=string.digits + ':.', engine=imageops.tesseract_only, ) if len(countdown_text) > 6: countdown_text = None frame.valorant.timer = Timer( spike_planted=spike_planted, buy_phase=buy_phase, countdown=countdown_text, ) draw_timer(frame.debug_image, frame.valorant.timer) return frame.valorant.timer.valid
class ScoreProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) RESULTS = ["VICTORY", "DEFEAT", "DRAW"] ROUND_N_COMPLETE = re.compile(r"R[DO]UN[DO]([0-9O]{1,2})COMPLETE") def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: if self.detect_score_screen(frame): logger.debug( f"Matched score screen with match={frame.overwatch.score_screen_match}" ) score = self.parse_score_screen(frame) if score: frame.overwatch.score_screen = score return True elif self.detect_final_score(frame): logger.debug( f"Matched final score with match={frame.overwatch.final_score_match}" ) final = self.parse_final_score(frame) if final: frame.overwatch.final_score = final return True return False def parse_score_screen(self, frame: Frame) -> Optional[ScoreScreen]: score_ims = self.REGIONS["score"].extract(frame.image) try: blue_score, red_score = big_noodle.ocr_all_int(score_ims, height=212) except ValueError as ve: logger.warning(f"Failed to parse scores: {ve}") return None logger.debug(f"Got score {blue_score} / {red_score}") # manual thresholding im = self.REGIONS["round_text"].extract_one(frame.image) # debugops.manual_thresh_otsu(im) # im = np.min(im, axis=2) # _, thresh = cv2.threshold(im, imageops.otsu_thresh(im, 200, 255), 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # round_text = big_noodle.ocr(thresh, threshold=None, height=70, debug=True) round_text = big_noodle.ocr(im, channel="min", threshold="otsu_above_mean", height=72, debug=False) round_number = None match = self.ROUND_N_COMPLETE.match(round_text) if match: round_number = int("O", "0")) logger.debug( f"Got round {round_number} from round string {round_text!r}") else: logger.warning( f"Could not parse round from round string {round_text!r}") return ScoreScreen(blue_score, red_score, round_number) def parse_final_score(self, frame: Frame) -> Optional[FinalScore]: score_ims = self.REGIONS["final_score"].extract(frame.image) score_ims = [ imageops.otsu_thresh_lb_fraction(im, 1.4) for im in score_ims ] try: blue_score, red_score = big_noodle.ocr_all_int(score_ims, channel=None, threshold=None, height=127) except ValueError as ve: logger.warning(f"Failed to parse final score: {ve}") return None logger.debug(f"Got final score {blue_score} / {red_score}") im = cv2.cvtColor( self.REGIONS["final_result_text"].extract_one(frame.image), cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL) thresh = cv2.inRange(im, (0, 0, 240), (255, 255, 255)) result_text = big_noodle.ocr(thresh, channel=None, threshold=None, height=120, debug=False) matches = textops.matches(result_text, self.RESULTS) result: Optional[str] if np.min(matches) > 2: if blue_score is not None and red_score is not None: if blue_score > red_score: result = "VICTORY" elif red_score > blue_score: result = "DEFEAT" else: result = "DRAW" logger.warning( f"Could not identify result from {result_text!r} (match={np.min(matches)}) - " f"using score {blue_score}, {red_score} to infer result={result}" ) else: logger.warning( f"Could not identify result from {result_text!r} (match={np.min(matches)}) and did not parse scores" ) result = None else: result = self.RESULTS[arrayops.argmin(matches)] logger.debug(f"Got result {result} from {result_text!r}") return FinalScore(blue_score, red_score, result) COMPLETE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "complete_template.png"), 0) COMPLETE_TEMPLATE_THRESH = 0.6 def detect_score_screen(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: text_region = self.REGIONS["complete_text"].extract_one(frame.image) text_region = cv2.resize(text_region, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(np.min(text_region, 2), 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) frame.overwatch.score_screen_match = round( 1 - float( np.min( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.COMPLETE_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED))), 5) return frame.overwatch.score_screen_match > self.COMPLETE_TEMPLATE_THRESH FINAL_SCORE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "final_score_template.png"), 0) FINAL_SCORE_TEMPLATE_THRESH = 0.6 def detect_final_score(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: text_region = self.REGIONS["final_score_text"].extract_one(frame.image) text_region = cv2.resize(text_region, (0, 0), fx=0.75, fy=0.75) thresh = imageops.otsu_thresh_lb_fraction(text_region, 0.8) frame.overwatch.final_score_match = round( 1 - float( np.min( cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.FINAL_SCORE_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED))), 5) return frame.overwatch.final_score_match > self.FINAL_SCORE_TEMPLATE_THRESH
class MatchStatusProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "data", "regions", "")) HEAD_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "head.png"), 0) SKULL_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "skull.png"), 0) RANK_TEMPLATES = [( rank, imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "ranks", rank + ".png")), cv2.cvtColor( imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "ranks", rank + ".png"), -1, )[:, :, 3], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR, ), ) for rank in data.ranks] MODE_TEMPLATES = [( mode, imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "modes", mode + ".png")), cv2.cvtColor( imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "modes", mode + ".png"), -1, )[:, :, 3], cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR, ), ) for mode in ["duos"]] SUBS = [ "?2", "O0", "L1", "I1", "B6", ] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.last_rank_template = 0 def eager_load(self): self.REGIONS.eager_load() def process(self, frame: Frame): y = cv2.cvtColor(frame.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)[:, :, 0] # The text moves depending on normal or elite queue # Look for the "head" template showing players alive head_region = np.max(self.REGIONS["head_region"].extract_one( frame.image), axis=2) _, head_thresh = cv2.threshold(head_region, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) head_match = cv2.matchTemplate(head_thresh, self.HEAD_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) mnv, mxv, mnl, mxl = cv2.minMaxLoc(head_match) frame.apex.match_status_match = round(float(mxv), 2) if mxv < 0.9: return False badge_image = self.REGIONS["rank_badge"].extract_one(frame.image) # cv2.imshow('rank_badge_image', badge_image) # print(rank_badge_matches) # 90 for unranked, 15 for ranked has_badge = mxl[0] < 30 mode = None if has_badge: mode_badge_matches = self._parse_badge(badge_image, self.MODE_TEMPLATES) if mode_badge_matches[0] < 750: mode = "duos" squads_left_text = self._parse_squads_left_text(y, has_badge) squads_left = self._get_squads_left(squads_left_text, mode) if not squads_left: mode = "solos" solos_players_left = self._get_squads_left(squads_left_text, mode) else: solos_players_left = None if not mode and has_badge: mode = "ranked" if mode == "ranked": rank_badge_matches = self._parse_badge(badge_image, self.RANK_TEMPLATES) rank_text_image = self.REGIONS["rank_text"].extract_one( frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) rank_text = imageops.tesser_ocr( rank_text_image, whitelist="IV", scale=3, invert=True, engine=imageops.tesseract_only, ) rp_text_image = self.REGIONS["ranked_rp"].extract_one( frame.image_yuv[:, :, 0]) rp_text = imageops.tesser_ocr( rp_text_image, whitelist=string.digits + "+-RP", scale=3, invert=True, engine=imageops.tesseract_only, ) else: rank_badge_matches = None rank_text = None rp_text = None frame.apex.match_status = MatchStatus( squads_left=squads_left, players_alive=self._get_players_alive(y, has_badge) if squads_left and squads_left > 4 else None, kills=self._get_kills(y, mode), ranked=mode == "ranked", rank_badge_matches=rank_badge_matches, rank_text=rank_text, rp_text=rp_text, solos_players_left=solos_players_left, mode=mode, ) self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) _draw_status(frame.debug_image, frame.apex.match_status) return True def _parse_squads_left_text(self, luma: np.ndarray, has_badge: bool) -> str: prefix = "ranked_" if has_badge else "" region = self.REGIONS[prefix + "squads_left"].extract_one(luma) squads_left_text = imageops.tesser_ocr(region, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, scale=2, invert=True).upper() squads_left_text = ("".join(c for c in squads_left_text if c in string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + " ").strip().replace( "B", "6")) return squads_left_text def _get_squads_left(self, squads_left_text: str, mode: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[int]: expected_text = "SQUADSLEFT" expected_max_squads = 30 if mode == "solos": expected_text = "PLAYERSLEFT" expected_max_squads = 60 elif mode == "duos": expected_max_squads = 30 text_match = levenshtein.ratio(squads_left_text[2:].replace(" ", ""), expected_text) if text_match > 0.8: number_text = squads_left_text[:3].split(" ", 1)[0] for s1, s2 in self.SUBS: number_text = number_text.replace(s1, s2) try: squads_left = int(number_text) except ValueError: logger.warning( f"Failed to parse {number_text!r} as int - extracted from {squads_left_text!r}" ) return None else: if 2 <= squads_left <= expected_max_squads: return squads_left else: logger.warning( f"Got squads_left={squads_left} - rejecting. Extracted from {squads_left_text!r}" ) return None elif text_match > 0.6: logger.warning( f'Refusing to parse "{squads_left_text} as squads left - match={text_match}' ) return None else: return None def _get_players_alive(self, luma: np.ndarray, has_badge: bool) -> Optional[int]: prefix = "ranked_" if has_badge else "" region = self.REGIONS[prefix + "alive"].extract_one(luma) players_alive = imageops.tesser_ocr( region, engine=ocr.tesseract_ttlakes_digits, scale=4, expected_type=int) # shows a '?' if below 10 if players_alive and 10 <= players_alive <= 60: return players_alive else: logger.warning(f"Rejecting players_alive={players_alive}") return None def _get_kills(self, luma: np.ndarray, mode: str) -> Optional[int]: prefix = (mode + "_") if mode else "" key = prefix + "kills" if key not in self.REGIONS.regions: key = "kills" region = self.REGIONS[key].extract_one(luma) _, kills_thresh = cv2.threshold(region, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) kills_thresh = cv2.copyMakeBorder(kills_thresh, 5, 5, 0, 5, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) match = cv2.matchTemplate(kills_thresh, self.SKULL_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) mn, mx, mnloc, mxloc = cv2.minMaxLoc(match) if mx > 0.9: kills_image = region[:, mxloc[0] + self.SKULL_TEMPLATE.shape[1]:] # cv2.imshow('kills', cv2.resize(kills_image, (100, 100))) kills_text = (imageops.tesser_ocr(kills_image, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm, scale=2, invert=True).upper().strip()) for s1, s2 in self.SUBS: kills_text = kills_text.replace(s1, s2) try: kills = int(kills_text) if 0 < kills <= 50: return kills else: logger.warning(f"Rejecting kills={kills}") return None except ValueError: logger.warning(f"Cannot parse kills={kills_text!r} as int") return None else: return None def _parse_badge( self, badge_image: np.ndarray, badges: List[Tuple[str, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]) -> Tuple[float, ...]: matches = [] for rank, template, mask in badges: match = np.min( matchTemplate(badge_image, template, cv2.TM_SQDIFF, mask=mask)) matches.append(round(match, 1)) return tuple(matches)
class KillfeedProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) FRIENDLY_KILL_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "friendly_kill.png"), 0) ENEMY_KILL_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "enemy_kill.png"), 0) KILL_THRESHOLD = 0.95 AGENT_DEATH_TEMPLATES: Dict[AgentName, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = { name: load_agent_template(name) for name in agents } AGENT_KILLER_TEMPLATES: Dict[AgentName, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = { n: (a[0][:, ::-1], a[1][:, ::-1]) for n, a in AGENT_DEATH_TEMPLATES.items() } AGENT_THRESHOLD = 0.1 WEAPON_NAMES = [ "classic", "shorty", "frenzy", "ghost", "sheriff", "stinger", "spectre", "bucky", "judge", "bulldog", "guardian", "phantom", "vandal", "marshal", "operator", "ares", "odin", "knife", "brimstone.incendiary", "brimstone.orbital_strike", "jett.blade_storm", "phoenix.blaze", "phoenix.hot_hands", "raze.blast_pack", "raze.boom_bot", "raze.paint_shells", "raze.showstopper", "sova.hunters_fury", "sova.shock_dart", "breach.aftershock", "viper.snake_bite", ] WEAPON_IMAGES = { n: imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "weapons", n + ".png"), 0) for n in WEAPON_NAMES } for n, im in WEAPON_IMAGES.items(): assert im.shape[ 1] <= 145, f"{n} image dimensions too high: {im.shape[1]}" WEAPON_TEMPLATES = { w: cv2.GaussianBlur( cv2.dilate( cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, 5, 35 - image.shape[0], 5, 145 - image.shape[1], cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT), None, ), (0, 0), 0.5, ) for w, image in WEAPON_IMAGES.items() } WEAPON_THRESHOLD = 0.85 WALLBANG_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "kill_modifiers", "wallbang.png"), 0) HEADSHOT_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "kill_modifiers", "headshot.png"), 0) KILL_MODIFIER_THRESHOLD = 0.75 def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: x, y, w, h = self.REGIONS["killfeed"].regions[0] region = self.REGIONS["killfeed"].extract_one(frame.image) h, s, v = cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL)) h -= 50 # cv2.imshow('h', h) # cv2.imshow('s', s) # cv2.imshow('v', v) friendly_kill_match = cv2.matchTemplate(h, self.FRIENDLY_KILL_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) enemy_kill_match = cv2.matchTemplate(h, self.ENEMY_KILL_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED) kill_match = np.max( np.stack((friendly_kill_match, enemy_kill_match), axis=-1), axis=2, ) kill_rows = [] for i in range(9): mnv, mxv, mnl, mxl = cv2.minMaxLoc(kill_match) if mxv < self.KILL_THRESHOLD: break kill_match[ max(0, mxl[1] - self.FRIENDLY_KILL_TEMPLATE.shape[0] // 2):min(mxl[1] + self.FRIENDLY_KILL_TEMPLATE.shape[0] // 2, kill_match.shape[0]), max(0, mxl[0] - self.FRIENDLY_KILL_TEMPLATE.shape[1] // 2):min(mxl[0] + self.FRIENDLY_KILL_TEMPLATE.shape[1] // 2, kill_match.shape[1]), ] = 0 center = ( int(mxl[0] + x + 20), int(mxl[1] + y + self.FRIENDLY_KILL_TEMPLATE.shape[0] // 2), ) friendly_kill_v = friendly_kill_match[mxl[1], mxl[0]] enemy_kill_v = enemy_kill_match[mxl[1], mxl[0]] logger.debug( f"Found kill match at {center}: friendly_kill_v={friendly_kill_v:.4f}, enemy_kill_v={enemy_kill_v:.4f}" ) kill_rows.append( KillRowPosition( index=i, match=round(float(mxv), 4), center=center, friendly=bool(friendly_kill_v > enemy_kill_v), )) kill_rows.sort(key=lambda r:[1]) if len(kill_rows): kills = [] for row in kill_rows: killed_agent, killed_agent_match, killed_agent_x = self._parse_agent( frame, row, True) if killed_agent_match > self.AGENT_THRESHOLD * 2: continue killer_agent, killer_agent_match, killer_agent_x = self._parse_agent( frame, row, False) if killer_agent_match > self.AGENT_THRESHOLD * 2: continue if killed_agent_match > self.AGENT_THRESHOLD and killer_agent_match > self.AGENT_THRESHOLD: # both invalid - dont bother logging continue elif killed_agent_match > self.AGENT_THRESHOLD: logger.warning( f"Ignoring kill {row} - killed_agent_match={killed_agent_match:.1f} ({killed_agent})" ) continue elif killer_agent_match > self.AGENT_THRESHOLD: logger.warning( f"Ignoring kill {row} - killer_agent_match={killer_agent_match:.1f} ({killer_agent})" ) continue killed_name = self._parse_killed_name(frame, row, killed_agent_x) if killed_name is None: logger.warning( f"Ignoring kill {row} - killed name failed to parse") continue weapon, weapon_match, wallbang_match, headshot_match, weapon_x = self._parse_weapon( frame, row, killer_agent_x, killer_agent) killer_name = self._parse_killer_name(frame, row, killer_agent_x, weapon_x) if killer_name is None: logger.warning( f"Ignoring kill {row} - killer name failed to parse") continue kill = Kill( y=int([1]), row_match=round(float(row.match), 4), killer_friendly=row.friendly, killer=KillfeedPlayer( agent=killer_agent, agent_match=round(killer_agent_match, 4), name=killer_name, ), killed=KillfeedPlayer( agent=killed_agent, agent_match=round(killed_agent_match, 4), name=killed_name, ), weapon=weapon, weapon_match=round(weapon_match, 2), wallbang=wallbang_match > self.KILL_MODIFIER_THRESHOLD, wallbang_match=round(wallbang_match, 4), headshot=headshot_match > self.KILL_MODIFIER_THRESHOLD, headshot_match=round(headshot_match, 4), ) kills.append(kill) logger.debug(f"Got kill: {kill}") if frame.debug_image is not None: s = ( f"{row.match:.2f} | " f"{killer_agent} ({killer_agent_match:.4f}) {killer_name!r} >" f' {weapon} {"* " if kill.headshot else ""}{"- " if kill.wallbang else ""}> ' f"{killed_agent} ({killed_agent_match:.4f}) {killed_name!r}" ) (w, _), _ = cv2.getTextSize(s, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, 1) for c, t in ((0, 0, 0), 3), ((0, 255, 128), 1): cv2.putText( frame.debug_image, s, (killer_agent_x - (w + 35),[1] + 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, c, t, ) if len(kills): frame.valorant.killfeed = Killfeed(kills=kills, ) draw_weapon_templates(frame.debug_image, self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES) return True return False _last_image_id = None _last_image_names = set() def _get_region(self, image, y1, y2, x1, x2, c=None, debug_name=None, debug_image=None): if y1 < 0: y1 = image.shape[0] + y1 if y2 < 0: y2 = image.shape[0] + y2 if x1 < 0: x1 = image.shape[1] + x1 if x2 < 0: x2 = image.shape[1] + x2 if debug_image is not None: co = str2col(debug_name) cv2.rectangle( debug_image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), co, ) if id(debug_image) != self._last_image_id: self._last_image_names.clear() self._last_image_id = id(debug_image) if debug_name and debug_name not in self._last_image_names: self._last_image_names.add(debug_name) for col, th in ((0, 0, 0), 3), (co, 1): cv2.putText( debug_image, debug_name, (x1, y1 - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, col, th, ) region = image[y1:y2, x1:x2, ] if c is not None: region = region[:, :, c] return region def _parse_agent(self, frame: Frame, row: KillRowPosition, agent_death: bool) -> Tuple[AgentName, float, int]: if agent_death: region_x = frame.image.shape[1] - 120 agent_im = self._get_region( frame.image,[1] - 20,[1] + 20, -120, -35, debug_name="killed_agent", debug_image=frame.debug_image, ) else: region_x = frame.image.shape[1] - 600 agent_im = self._get_region( frame.image,[1] - 20,[1] + 20, -600,[0] - 60, debug_name="killer_agent", debug_image=frame.debug_image, ) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # cv2.imwrite(f'C:/tmp/agents2/{region_x}.png', agent_im) agent_matches = {} agent_match_m = [] t = None for a, t in [self.AGENT_KILLER_TEMPLATES, self.AGENT_DEATH_TEMPLATES][agent_death].items(): match = cv2.matchTemplate(agent_im, t[0], cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED, mask=t[1]) agent_matches[a] = match agent_match_m.append(match) # print(a, f'{np.min(match):,}') # cv2.imshow(a, t[0]) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.vstack(agent_match_m)) for i, a in enumerate(agents): plt.text(-40, int((i + 0.5) * match.shape[0]), a) plt.text( match.shape[1], int((i + 0.5) * match.shape[0]), f"{np.min(agent_matches[a]):,}".rjust(12), fontdict={"family": "monospace"}, ) agent_match_m = np.min(np.stack(agent_match_m, axis=-1), axis=2) mnv, mxv, mnl, mxl = cv2.minMaxLoc(agent_match_m) # print(mnv, mnl) # print(agent_matches) # print(list(zip(self.AGENT_DEATH_TEMPLATES.keys(), agent_match_m))) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.figure() # t = self.AGENT_DEATH_TEMPLATES['Breach'] # plt.imshow(cv2.matchTemplate(agent_im, t[0], cv2.TM_SQDIFF, mask=t[1])) # # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(agent_im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(np.hstack([v[0] for v in self.AGENT_DEATH_TEMPLATES.values()]), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # agent, agent_match = None, float("inf") for a, m in agent_matches.items(): v = m[mnl[1], mnl[0]] if v < agent_match: agent_match = v agent = a return agent, float(agent_match), int(region_x + mnl[0]) def _parse_killed_name(self, frame, row, killed_agent_x) -> Optional[str]: killed_name_gray = self._get_region( frame.image_yuv,[1] - 10,[1] + 10,[0] + 10, killed_agent_x - 10, 0, debug_name="killed_name", debug_image=frame.debug_image, ) if killed_name_gray.shape[1] == 0: return None killed_name_norm = 255 - imageops.normalise(killed_name_gray, min=170) return textops.strip_string( imageops.tesser_ocr(killed_name_norm, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm).upper(), alphabet=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + "# ", ) def _parse_weapon( self, frame, row, killer_agent_x, killer_agent) -> Tuple[Optional[str], float, float, float, int]: weapon_region_left = killer_agent_x + 60 weapon_region_right =[0] - 20 weapon_gray = self._get_region( frame.image_yuv,[1] - 15,[1] + 17, weapon_region_left, weapon_region_right, 0, debug_name="weapon", debug_image=frame.debug_image, ) if weapon_gray.shape[1] == 0: return None, 0, 0, 0, weapon_region_right weapon_adapt_thresh = np.clip( np.convolve(np.percentile(weapon_gray, 10, axis=0), [0.2, 0.6, 0.2], mode="same"), 160, 200, ) weapon_thresh = ((weapon_gray - weapon_adapt_thresh > 30) * 255).astype(np.uint8) kill_modifiers_thresh = weapon_thresh[:, -75:] _, wallbang_match, _, wallbang_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc( cv2.matchTemplate(kill_modifiers_thresh, self.WALLBANG_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) _, headshot_match, _, headshot_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc( cv2.matchTemplate(kill_modifiers_thresh, self.HEADSHOT_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)) wallbang_match, headshot_match = float(wallbang_match), float( headshot_match) logger.debug( f"wallbang_match={wallbang_match:.2f}, headshot_match={headshot_match:.2f}" ) right = weapon_thresh.shape[1] - 1 if wallbang_match > self.KILL_MODIFIER_THRESHOLD: right = min(right, (weapon_thresh.shape[1] - 75) + wallbang_loc[0]) if headshot_match > self.KILL_MODIFIER_THRESHOLD: right = min(right, (weapon_thresh.shape[1] - 75) + headshot_loc[0]) if right != weapon_thresh.shape[1] - 1: logger.debug(f"Using right={right} (clipping kill modifier)") weapon_thresh = weapon_thresh[:, :right] # cv2.imwrite(f'C:/tmp/agents2/weap.png', weapon_thresh) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # f, figs = plt.subplots(4) # figs[0].imshow(weapon_gray) # figs[1].plot(weapon_adapt_thresh) # figs[2].imshow(weapon_gray - weapon_adapt_thresh) # figs[3].imshow(weapon_thresh) # # cv2.imshow('weapon_thresh', weapon_thresh) weapon_image = cv2.dilate( cv2.copyMakeBorder( weapon_thresh, 5, 5, 5, 5, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ), np.ones((2, 2)), ) contours, hierarchy = imageops.findContours(weapon_image, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours_xywh = [(cnt, cv2.boundingRect(cnt)) for cnt in contours] best_weap_match, best_weap = 0, None for cnt, (x1, y1, w, h) in sorted(contours_xywh, key=lambda cnt_xywh: cnt_xywh[1][0], reverse=True): x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h a = cv2.contourArea(cnt) fromright = weapon_image.shape[1] - x2 ignore = False if w > 145: logger.warning(f"Ignoring weapon contour with w={w}") ignore = True if fromright < 30: # contour is far right - could be small agent ability, so be less strict if a < 100 or h < 10: logger.debug( f"Ignoring right weapon contour {cv2.boundingRect(cnt)}, fromright={fromright}, a={a}" ) ignore = True else: logger.debug( f"Allowing potential ability contour {cv2.boundingRect(cnt)}, fromright={fromright}, a={a}" ) elif a < 200 or h < 16: # print('ignore', cv2.boundingRect(cnt), x2, a) logger.debug( f"Ignoring weapon contour {cv2.boundingRect(cnt)}, fromright={fromright}, a={a}" ) ignore = True if ignore: if frame.debug_image is not None and a > 1: cv2.drawContours( frame.debug_image, [cnt], -1, (0, 128, 255), 1, offset=( weapon_region_left - 5,[1] - 20, ), ) continue # Draw contour to image, padding l=5, r=10, t=2, b=2 # The extra width padding prevents abilities matching small parts of large guns weapon_im = np.zeros((h + 4, w + 15), dtype=np.uint8) cv2.drawContours( weapon_im, [cnt], -1, 255, -1, offset=( -x1 + 5, -y1 + 2, ), ) if weapon_im.shape[1] > 150: weapon_im = weapon_im[:, :150] weapon_match, weapon = imageops.match_templates( weapon_im, { w: t for w, t in self.WEAPON_TEMPLATES.items() if "." not in w or w.lower().startswith(killer_agent.lower() + ".") }, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, template_in_image=False, required_match=0.96, verbose=False, ) if best_weap_match < weapon_match: best_weap_match, best_weap = weapon_match, weapon valid = weapon_match > self.WEAPON_THRESHOLD if frame.debug_image is not None and a > 1: cv2.drawContours( frame.debug_image, [cnt], -1, (128, 255, 0) if valid else (0, 0, 255), 1, offset=( weapon_region_left - 5,[1] - 20, ), ) if valid: if frame.debug_image is not None: x, y = 600,[1] - 15 frame.debug_image[y:y + weapon_thresh.shape[0], x:x + weapon_thresh.shape[1]] = cv2.cvtColor( weapon_thresh, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) x -= weapon_im.shape[1] + 10 frame.debug_image[y:y + weapon_im.shape[0], x:x + weapon_im.shape[1]] = cv2.cvtColor( weapon_im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv2.line( frame.debug_image, (x, y + weapon_im.shape[0] // 2), (450, self.WEAPON_NAMES.index(weapon) * 40 + 120), (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA, ) return ( weapon, float(weapon_match), float(wallbang_match), float(headshot_match), int(weapon_region_left + x1), ) logger.warning( f"Unable to find weapon - best match was {best_weap!r} match={best_weap_match:.2f}" ) return None, 0, 0, 0, weapon_region_right def _parse_killer_name(self, frame, row, killer_agent_x, weapon_x) -> Optional[str]: killer_name_gray = self._get_region( frame.image_yuv,[1] - 10,[1] + 10, killer_agent_x + 35, weapon_x - 10, 0, debug_name="killer_name", debug_image=frame.debug_image, ) if killer_name_gray.shape[1] == 0: return None killer_name_norm = 255 - imageops.normalise(killer_name_gray, min=170) killer_name = textops.strip_string( imageops.tesser_ocr(killer_name_norm, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm).upper(), alphabet=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + "#", ) return killer_name
class MenuProcessor(Processor): REGIONS = ExtractionRegionsCollection(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "regions", "")) PLACEMENT_MATCHES_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "placement_matches.png"), 0 ) PLACEMENT_MATCHES_TEMPLATE_THRESHOLD = 0.6 def process(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: if frame.overwatch.main_menu or frame.overwatch.play_menu: return True self.REGIONS.draw(frame.debug_image) if self.detect_main_menu(frame): version_region = self.REGIONS["version"].extract_one(frame.image) thresh = imageops.otsu_thresh_lb_fraction(version_region, 0.75) version = imageops.tesser_ocr(thresh, whitelist=string.digits + ".-", invert=True, scale=4, blur=2) frame.overwatch.main_menu = MainMenu(version=version) _draw_main_menu(frame.debug_image, frame.overwatch.main_menu) return True elif self.detect_play_menu(frame): # placement_region = self.REGIONS['placement_matches'].extract_one(frame.image) # placement_region = cv2.cvtColor(placement_region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # _, thresh = cv2.threshold(placement_region, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # match = 1 - float(np.min(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.PLACEMENT_MATCHES_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED))) # is_placements = match > self.PLACEMENT_MATCHES_TEMPLATE_THRESHOLD # # if not is_placements: # group_sr_region = self.REGIONS['group_sr'].extract_one(frame.image) # color_variance = np.mean(np.var(group_sr_region, axis=(0, 1))) # if color_variance < 100: # # only one color - maybe placement # logger.warning(f'Got low color variance ({color_variance:.2f}) - ignoring parsed SR') # sr = None # else: # sr = self.read_sr(frame) # else: # sr = None # # frame.overwatch.play_menu = PlayMenu( # placements=is_placements, # sr=sr, # image=lazy_upload( # 'sr_full', # self.REGIONS['sr_full'].extract_one(frame.image), # frame.timestamp # ) # ) # # _draw_play_menu(frame.debug_image, frame.overwatch.play_menu) return True return False # def read_sr(self, frame): # group_sr_region = self.REGIONS['group_sr'].extract_one(frame.image) # personal_sr_region = self.REGIONS['personal_sr'].extract_one(frame.image) # # # try read personal SR using hue - this can read behind text on raw images # personal_sr_hue = 255 - cv2.cvtColor(personal_sr_region, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL)[:, :, 0] # sr = self._parse_sr(personal_sr_hue, 'personal_hue') # if sr: # return sr # # # try read group using grayscale - requires group leader # sr = self._parse_sr(np.min(personal_sr_region, axis=2), 'personal') # if sr: # return sr # # # try read "group" SR region - this will reject SR if it is actual group SR # sr = self._parse_sr(np.min(group_sr_region, axis=2), 'group') # if sr: # return sr # # return sr # # def _parse_sr(self, im: np.ndarray, typ: str) -> Optional[int]: # _, thresh = cv2.threshold(im, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, np.ones((5, 5))) # # labels, components = imageops.connected_components(thresh) # components = sorted(components, key=lambda c: c.x) # components = [ # c for c in components # if c.y and c.x + c.w != im.shape[1] and c.y + c.h != im.shape[0] and # (abs(c.h - 17) > 3 or c.w < 60) and # c.x < 200 # ] # if not len(components): # logger.debug(f'{typ}: Got 0 components for sr') # return None # # leftmost = components[0].x + components[0].w # if leftmost > 150: # logger.warning(f'{typ}: Rank icon at {leftmost} - rejecting group SR') # return None # #'{typ}: Found rank icon at {leftmost}') # # im = im[:, leftmost:leftmost + 150] # result = imageops.tesser_ocr(im, int, engine=imageops.tesseract_only) # logger.debug(f'{typ}: Parsed SR as {result}') # if not result: # result = imageops.tesser_ocr(im, int, engine=imageops.tesseract_lstm) # logger.debug(f'{typ}: Parsed SR as {result}') # # if result and 500 <= result <= 5000: # return result # else: # logger.warning(f'{typ}: Got invalid SR: {result}') # return None OVERWATCH_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "overwatch_template.png"), 0 ) OVERWATCH_TEMPLATE_THRESH = 0.6 def detect_main_menu(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: text_region = self.REGIONS["overwatch_text"].extract_one(frame.image) text_region = cv2.resize(text_region, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) thresh = imageops.otsu_thresh_lb_fraction(text_region, 1.1) frame.overwatch.main_menu_match = round( 1 - float(np.min(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, self.OVERWATCH_TEMPLATE, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED))), 5 ) return frame.overwatch.main_menu_match > self.OVERWATCH_TEMPLATE_THRESH COMPETITIVE_TEMPLATE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "competitive_play.png"), 0 ) COMPETITIVE_TEMPLATE_LARGE = imageops.imread( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "competitive_play_large.png"), 0 ) COMPETITIVE_TEMPLATE_THRESH = 0.6 def detect_play_menu(self, frame: Frame) -> bool: competitive_region = self.REGIONS["competitive_play"].extract_one(frame.image) competitive_region = cv2.resize(competitive_region, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) gray = np.min(competitive_region, axis=2) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) match = 0.0 for t in self.COMPETITIVE_TEMPLATE, self.COMPETITIVE_TEMPLATE_LARGE: match = max(match, round(1 - float(np.min(cv2.matchTemplate(thresh, t, cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED))), 5)) frame.overwatch.play_menu_match = match return frame.overwatch.play_menu_match > self.COMPETITIVE_TEMPLATE_THRESH