コード例 #1
def get_data(piratebayId):
    _key_map = {
      'spoken language(s)': u'language',
      'texted language(s)': u'subtitle language',
      'by': u'uploader',
      'leechers': 'leecher',
      'seeders': 'seeder',
    piratebayId = get_id(piratebayId)
    torrent = dict()
    torrent[u'id'] = piratebayId
    torrent[u'domain'] = 'thepiratebay.org'
    torrent[u'comment_link'] = 'http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/%s' % piratebayId

    data = read_url(torrent['comment_link'], unicode=True)
    torrent[u'title'] = find_re(data, '<title>(.*?) \(download torrent\) - TPB</title>')
    if not torrent[u'title']:
        return None
    torrent[u'title'] = decode_html(torrent[u'title']).strip()
    torrent[u'imdbId'] = find_re(data, 'title/tt(\d{7})')
    title = quote(torrent['title'].encode('utf-8'))
    torrent[u'torrent_link']="http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/%s/%s.torrent" % (piratebayId, title)
    for d in re.compile('dt>(.*?):</dt>.*?<dd.*?>(.*?)</dd>', re.DOTALL).findall(data):
        key = d[0].lower().strip()
        key = _key_map.get(key, key)
        value = decode_html(strip_tags(d[1].strip()))
        torrent[key] = value
    torrent[u'description'] = find_re(data, '<div class="nfo">(.*?)</div>')
    if torrent[u'description']:
        torrent['description'] = normalize_newlines(decode_html(strip_tags(torrent['description']))).strip()
    t = read_url(torrent[u'torrent_link'])
    torrent[u'torrent_info'] = get_torrent_info(t)
    return torrent
コード例 #2
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: maysara/pandora_image
 def get_path_info(self):
     data = {}
     for key in self.PATH_INFO:
         data[key] = self.info.get(key, None)
     if self.item:
         for key in self.ITEM_INFO:
             data[key] = self.item.get(key)
             if isinstance(data[key], basestring):
                 data[key] = ox.decode_html(data[key])
             elif isinstance(data[key], list):
                 data[key] = [ox.decode_html(e) for e in data[key]]
         if self.item.get('series'):
             data['isEpisode'] = True
         data['directorSort'] = [get_name_sort(n) for n in self.item.get('director', [])]
     data['isEpisode'] = 'isEpisode' in data \
             or data.get('season') != None \
             or data.get('episode') != None \
             or data.get('episodes') not in ([], None) \
             or (data.get('seriesTitle') != None and data.get('episodeTitle') != None)
     if data['isEpisode'] and data['seriesYear'] == None:
         data['seriesYear'] = data['year']
     data['type'] = 'unknown'
     if 'extension' in data and data['extension']:
         data['extension'] = data['extension'].lower()
         for type in ox.movie.EXTENSIONS:
             if data['extension'] in ox.movie.EXTENSIONS[type]:
                 data['type'] = type
     if 'part' in data and isinstance(data['part'], int):
         data['part'] = str(data['part'])
     return data
コード例 #3
ファイル: mininova.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def get_data(mininovaId):
    _key_map = {
        'by': u'uploader',
    mininovaId = get_id(mininovaId)
    torrent = dict()
    torrent[u'id'] = mininovaId
    torrent[u'domain'] = 'mininova.org'
    torrent[u'comment_link'] = "http://www.mininova.org/tor/%s" % mininovaId
    torrent[u'torrent_link'] = "http://www.mininova.org/get/%s" % mininovaId
    torrent[u'details_link'] = "http://www.mininova.org/det/%s" % mininovaId

    data = read_url(torrent['comment_link'], unicode=True) + read_url(torrent['details_link'], unicode=True)
    if '<h1>Torrent not found...</h1>' in data:
        return None

    for d in re.compile('<p>.<strong>(.*?):</strong>(.*?)</p>', re.DOTALL).findall(data):
        key = d[0].lower().strip()
        key = _key_map.get(key, key)
        value = decode_html(strip_tags(d[1].strip()))
        torrent[key] = value

    torrent[u'title'] = find_re(data, '<title>(.*?):.*?</title>')
    torrent[u'imdbId'] = find_re(data, 'title/tt(\d{7})')
    torrent[u'description'] = find_re(data, '<div id="description">(.*?)</div>')
    if torrent['description']:
        torrent['description'] = normalize_newlines(decode_html(strip_tags(torrent['description']))).strip()
    t = read_url(torrent[u'torrent_link'])
    torrent[u'torrent_info'] = get_torrent_info(t)
    return torrent
コード例 #4
def find(query=None, user=None, timeout=60):
    if user:
        url = "https://twitter.com/" + quote(user)
        url = "https://twitter.com/search/" + quote(query)
    data = ox.cache.read_url(url, timeout=timeout).decode("utf-8")
    doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(data)
    tweets = []
    for e in doc.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'original-tweet')]"):
        t = lxml.html.tostring(e)
        text = e.xpath(".//p[contains(@class, 'js-tweet-text')]")[0]
        html = lxml.html.tostring(text, encoding="unicode").strip()
        text = ox.decode_html(ox.strip_tags(html)).strip()
        user = re.compile('data-name="(.*?)"').findall(t)[0]
        user = ox.decode_html(ox.strip_tags(user)).strip()
                "id": re.compile('data-tweet-id="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0],
                "user-id": re.compile('data-user-id="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0],
                "name": re.compile('data-screen-name="(.*?)"').findall(t)[0],
                "time": datetime.fromtimestamp(int(re.compile('data-time="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0])),
                "user": user,
                "text": text,
                "html": html,
    return tweets
コード例 #5
 def get_path_info(self):
     data = {}
     for key in self.PATH_INFO:
         data[key] = self.info.get(key, None)
     if self.item:
         for key in self.ITEM_INFO:
             data[key] = self.item.get(key)
             if isinstance(data[key], basestring):
                 data[key] = ox.decode_html(data[key])
             elif isinstance(data[key], list):
                 data[key] = [ox.decode_html(e) for e in data[key]]
         if self.item.get('series'):
             data['isEpisode'] = True
         data['directorSort'] = [
             get_name_sort(n) for n in self.item.get('director', [])
     data['isEpisode'] = 'isEpisode' in data \
             or data.get('season') != None \
             or data.get('episode') != None \
             or data.get('episodes') not in ([], None) \
             or (data.get('seriesTitle') != None and data.get('episodeTitle') != None)
     if data['isEpisode'] and data['seriesYear'] == None:
         data['seriesYear'] = data['year']
     data['type'] = 'unknown'
     if 'extension' in data and data['extension']:
         data['extension'] = data['extension'].lower()
         for type in ox.movie.EXTENSIONS:
             if data['extension'] in ox.movie.EXTENSIONS[type]:
                 data['type'] = type
     if 'part' in data and isinstance(data['part'], int):
         data['part'] = str(data['part'])
     return data
コード例 #6
ファイル: ubu.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def get_data(url):
    if not url.startswith('http:'):
        url = get_url(url)
    data = read_url(url, unicode=True)
    m = {
        'id': get_id(url),
        'url': url,
        'type': re.compile('ubu.com/(.*?)/').findall(url)[0]
    for videourl, title in re.compile('<a href="(http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
        if videourl.endswith('.srt'):
            m['srt'] = videourl
        elif not 'video' in m:
            m['video'] = videourl
            m['video'] = m['video'].replace('/video/ ', '/video/').replace(' ', '%20')
            if m['video'] == 'http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/video/':
                del m['video']
            m['title'] = strip_tags(decode_html(title)).strip()
    if not 'url' in m:
        print url, 'missing'
    if 'title' in m:
        m['title'] = re.sub('(.*?) \(\d{4}\)$', '\\1', m['title'])

    match = re.compile("flashvars','file=(.*?.flv)'").findall(data)
    if match:
        m['flv'] = match[0]
        m['flv'] = m['flv'].replace('/video/ ', '/video/').replace(' ', '%20')

    y = re.compile('\((\d{4})\)').findall(data)
    if y:
        m['year'] = int(y[0])
    d = re.compile('Director: (.+)').findall(data)
    if d:
        m['director'] = strip_tags(decode_html(d[0])).strip()

    a = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)">Back to (.*?)</a>', re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    if a:
        m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0][1])).strip()
        a = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)">(.*?) in UbuWeb Film').findall(data)
        if a:
            m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0][1])).strip()
            a = re.compile('<b>(.*?)\(b\..*?\d{4}\)').findall(data)
            if a:
                m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0])).strip()
            elif m['id'] == 'film/lawder_color':
                m['artist'] = 'Standish Lawder'
    if 'artist' in m:
        m['artist'] = m['artist'].replace('in UbuWeb Film', '')
        m['artist'] = m['artist'].replace('on UbuWeb Film', '').strip()
    if m['id'] == 'film/coulibeuf':
        m['title'] = 'Balkan Baroque'
        m['year'] = 1999
    return m
コード例 #7
ファイル: duckduckgo.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def find(query, timeout=ox.cache.cache_timeout):
    if isinstance(query, unicode):
        query = query.encode('utf-8')
    params = urllib.urlencode({'q': query})
    url = 'http://duckduckgo.com/html/?' + params
    data = read_url(url, timeout=timeout).decode('utf-8')
    results = []
    regex = '<a .*?class="large" href="(.+?)">(.*?)</a>.*?<div class="snippet">(.*?)</div>'
    for r in re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL).findall(data):
        results.append((strip_tags(decode_html(r[1])), r[0], strip_tags(decode_html(r[2]))))
    return results
コード例 #8
def find_movies(query=None, imdb=None, max_results=10):
    if imdb:
        query = "tt" + normalize_imdbid(imdb)
    results = []
    next = ["http://thepiratebay.org/search/%s/0/3/200" % quote(query), ]
    page_count = 1
    while next and page_count < 4:
        page_count += 1
        url = next[0]
        if not url.startswith('http'):
            if not url.startswith('/'):
                url = "/" + url
            url = "http://thepiratebay.org" + url
        data = read_url(url, timeout=cache_timeout, unicode=True)
        regexp = '''<tr.*?<td class="vertTh"><a href="/browse/(.*?)".*?<td><a href="(/torrent/.*?)" class="detLink".*?>(.*?)</a>.*?</tr>'''
        for row in  re.compile(regexp, re.DOTALL).findall(data):
            torrentType = row[0]
            torrentLink = "http://thepiratebay.org" + row[1]
            torrentTitle = decode_html(row[2])
            # 201 = Movies , 202 = Movie DVDR, 205 TV Shows
            if torrentType in ['201']:
                results.append((torrentTitle, torrentLink, ''))
            if len(results) >= max_results:
                return results
        next = re.compile('<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?>.*?next.gif.*?</a>').findall(data)
    return results
コード例 #9
def lookup(id):
    logger.debug('lookup %s', id)
    r = {'asin': [id]}
    url = '%s/Lookup/Book/%s/%s/1' % (base, id, id)
    logger.debug('%s', url)
    data = read_url(url).decode('utf-8')
    r["title"] = find_re(data, "<h2>(.*?)</h2>")
    if r["title"] == 'Error!':
        return {}
    keys = {
        'author': 'Author(s)',
        'publisher': 'Publisher',
        'date': 'Publication date',
        'edition': 'Edition',
        'binding': 'Binding',
        'volume': 'Volume(s)',
        'pages': 'Pages',
    for key in keys:
        r[key] = find_re(
            '<span class="title">%s:</span>(.*?)</li>' % re.escape(keys[key]))
        if r[key] == '--' or not r[key]:
            del r[key]
        if key == 'pages' and key in r:
            r[key] = int(r[key])
    desc = find_re(data, '<h2>Description:<\/h2>(.*?)<div ')
    desc = desc.replace('<br /><br />',
                        ' ').replace('<br /> ', ' ').replace('<br />', ' ')
    r['description'] = decode_html(strip_tags(desc))
    r['cover'] = find_re(data, '<img src="(.*?)" alt="Book cover').replace(
        '._SL160_', '')
    for key in r:
        if isinstance(r[key], str):
            r[key] = decode_html(strip_tags(r[key])).strip()
    if 'author' in r and isinstance(r['author'], str) and r['author']:
        r['author'] = [r['author']]
        r['author'] = []
    if not r['author'] or r['author'][0].isupper():
        del r['author']
    if r['description'].lower(
    ) == 'Description of this item is not available at this time.'.lower():
        r['description'] = ''
    return r
コード例 #10
def get_matches(obj, model, layer_type, qs=None):
    super_matches = obj.get_super_matches()
    exact = [l['id'] for l in filter(lambda l: l['type'] == layer_type, settings.CONFIG['layers'])]
    if exact:
        q = Q(value__iexact=obj.name)
        for name in obj.alternativeNames:
            q = q|Q(value__iexact=name)
        f = q&Q(layer__in=exact)
        f = None

    has_type = 'has%ss' % layer_type.capitalize()
    contains = [l['id'] for l in filter(lambda l: l.get(has_type), settings.CONFIG['layers'])]
    if contains:
        name = ox.decode_html(obj.name)
        q = Q(findvalue__icontains=" " + name)|Q(findvalue__istartswith=name)
        for name in obj.alternativeNames:
            name = ox.decode_html(name)
            q = q|Q(findvalue__icontains=" " + name)|Q(findvalue__istartswith=name)
        contains_matches = q&Q(layer__in=contains)
        if f:
            f = contains_matches | f
            f = contains_matches

    matches = []
    if not qs:
        qs = Annotation.objects.all()
    for a in qs.filter(f):
        if a.findvalue:
            value = a.findvalue.lower()
            for name in super_matches:
                name = ox.decode_html(name)
                value = value.replace(name.lower(), '')
            for name in [obj.name] + list(obj.alternativeNames):
                name = name.lower()
                name = ox.decode_html(name)
                if name in value and (exact or re.compile('((^|\s)%s([\.,;:!?\-\/\s]|$))'%re.escape(name)).findall(value)):
    if not matches:
        matches = [-1]
    return Annotation.objects.filter(id__in=matches)
コード例 #11
def lookup(id):
    logger.debug('lookup %s', id)
    r = {
        'asin': [id]
    url = '%s/Lookup/Book/%s/%s/1' % (base, id, id)
    logger.debug('%s', url)
    data = read_url(url).decode('utf-8')
    r["title"] = find_re(data, "<h2>(.*?)</h2>")
    if r["title"] == 'Error!':
        return {}
    keys = {
        'author': 'Author(s)',
        'publisher': 'Publisher',
        'date': 'Publication date',
        'edition': 'Edition',
        'binding': 'Binding',
        'volume': 'Volume(s)',
        'pages': 'Pages',
    for key in keys:
        r[key] = find_re(data, '<span class="title">%s:</span>(.*?)</li>'% re.escape(keys[key]))
        if r[key] == '--' or not r[key]:
            del r[key]
        if key == 'pages' and key in r:
            r[key] = int(r[key])
    desc = find_re(data, '<h2>Description:<\/h2>(.*?)<div ')
    desc = desc.replace('<br /><br />', ' ').replace('<br /> ', ' ').replace('<br />', ' ')
    r['description'] = decode_html(strip_tags(desc))
    r['cover'] = find_re(data, '<img src="(.*?)" alt="Book cover').replace('._SL160_', '')
    for key in r:
        if isinstance(r[key], str):
            r[key] = decode_html(strip_tags(r[key])).strip()
    if 'author' in r and isinstance(r['author'], str) and r['author']:
        r['author'] = [r['author']]
        r['author'] = []
    if not r['author'] or r['author'][0].isupper():
        del r['author']
    if r['description'].lower() == 'Description of this item is not available at this time.'.lower():
        r['description'] = ''
    return r
コード例 #12
def update_matches(id, type):
    if type == 'place':
        from place.models import Place as Model
    elif type == 'event':
        from event.models import Event as Model

    a = models.Annotation.objects.get(pk=id)
    a_matches = getattr(a, type == 'place' and 'places' or 'events')

    #remove undefined matches that only have this annotation
    for p in a_matches.filter(defined=False).exclude(name=a.value):
        if p.annotations.exclude(id=id).count() == 0:
    if a.get_layer().get('type') == type and a_matches.count() == 0:
        for p in a_matches.all():

    if a.findvalue:
        names = {}
        for n in Model.objects.all().values('id', 'name', 'alternativeNames'):
            names[n['id']] = [
                for x in [n['name']] + json.loads(n['alternativeNames'])
        value = a.findvalue.lower()

        current = [p.id for p in a_matches.all()]
        matches = []
        name_matches = []
        for i in names:
            for name in names[i]:
                if name.lower() in value:
        new = []
        for i in matches:
            p = Model.objects.get(pk=i)
            #only add places/events that did not get added as a super match
            #i.e. only add The Paris Region and not Paris
            if not filter(lambda n: n in name_matches,
                          [n.lower() for n in p.get_super_matches()]):
        removed = filter(lambda p: p not in new, current)
        added = filter(lambda p: p not in current, new)
        update = removed + added
        if update:
            for e in Model.objects.filter(id__in=update):
        #annotation has no value, remove all exisint matches
        for e in a_matches.all():
コード例 #13
ファイル: youtube.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def info(id, timeout=cache_timeout):
    info = {}
    if id.startswith('http'):
        id = get_id(id)
        if not id:
            return info
    url = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/%s?v=2" % id
    data = read_url(url, timeout=timeout)
    xml = parseString(data)
    info['id'] = id
    info['url'] = get_url(id)
    info['title'] = xml.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.data
    info['description'] = xml.getElementsByTagName('media:description')[0].firstChild.data
    info['date'] = xml.getElementsByTagName('published')[0].firstChild.data.split('T')[0]
    info['author'] = "http://www.youtube.com/user/%s"%xml.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.data

    info['categories'] = []
    for cat in xml.getElementsByTagName('media:category'):

    k = xml.getElementsByTagName('media:keywords')[0].firstChild
    if k:
        info['keywords'] = k.data.split(', ')
    data = read_url(info['url'], timeout=timeout)
    match = re.compile('<h4>License:</h4>(.*?)</p>', re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    if match:
        info['license'] = match[0].strip()
        info['license'] = re.sub('<.+?>', '', info['license']).strip()

    url = "http://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?hl=en&type=list&tlangs=1&v=%s&asrs=1" % id
    data = read_url(url, timeout=timeout)
    xml = parseString(data)
    languages = [t.getAttribute('lang_code') for t in xml.getElementsByTagName('track')]
    if languages:
        info['subtitles'] = {}
        for language in languages:
            url = "http://www.youtube.com/api/timedtext?hl=en&v=%s&type=track&lang=%s&name&kind"%(id, language)
            data = read_url(url, timeout=timeout)
            xml = parseString(data)
            subs = []
            for t in xml.getElementsByTagName('text'):
                start = float(t.getAttribute('start'))
                duration = t.getAttribute('dur')
                if not duration:
                    duration = '2'
                end = start + float(duration)
                text = t.firstChild.data
                    'in': start,
                    'out': end,
                    'value': ox.decode_html(text),
            info['subtitles'][language] = subs
    return info
コード例 #14
ファイル: amazon.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def get_data(id):
    url = "http://www.amazon.com/title/dp/%s/" % id
    data = read_url(url, unicode=True)

    def find_data(key):
        return find_re(data, '<li><b>%s:</b>(.*?)</li>'% key).strip()

    r = {}
    r['amazon'] = url
    r['title'] = find_re(data, '<span id="productTitle" class="a-size-large">(.*?)</span>')
    r['authors'] = []
    doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(data)
    for e in doc.xpath("//span[contains(@class, 'author')]"):
        print e
        for secondary in e.xpath(".//span[contains(@class, 'a-color-secondary')]"):
            if 'Author' in secondary.text:
                author = e.xpath(".//span[contains(@class, 'a-size-medium')]")
                if author:
            elif 'Translator' in secondary.text:
                r['translator'] = [e.xpath('.//a')[0].text]
    r['publisher'] = find_data('Publisher')
    r['language'] = find_data('Language')
    r['isbn-10'] = find_data('ISBN-10')
    r['isbn-13'] = find_data('ISBN-13').replace('-', '')
    r['dimensions'] = find_re(data, '<li><b>.*?Product Dimensions:.*?</b>(.*?)</li>')

    r['pages'] = find_data('Paperback')
    if not r['pages']:
        r['pages'] = find_data('Hardcover')

    r['review'] = strip_tags(find_re(data, '<h3 class="productDescriptionSource">Review</h3>.*?<div class="productDescriptionWrapper">(.*?)</div>').replace('<br />', '\n')).strip()

    for e in doc.xpath('//noscript'):
        for c in e.getchildren():
            if c.tag == 'div':
                r['description'] = strip_tags(decode_html(lxml.html.tostring(c))).strip()

    r['cover'] = re.findall('src="(.*?)" id="prodImage"', data)
    if r['cover']:
        r['cover'] = r['cover'][0].split('._BO2')[0]
        if not r['cover'].endswith('.jpg'):
            r['cover'] = r['cover'] + '.jpg'
        if 'no-image-avail-img' in r['cover']:
            del r['cover']
        del r['cover']
    return r
コード例 #15
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: h4ck3rm1k3/openmedialibrary
    def move(self):
        def format_underscores(string):
            return re.sub('^\.|\.$|:|/|\?|<|>', '_', string)
        prefs = settings.preferences
        prefix = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(prefs['libraryPath']), 'Books/')
        j = self.item.json()

        current_path = self.fullpath()
        if not os.path.exists(current_path):
            logger.debug('file is missing. %s', current_path)
        author = '; '.join([get_sort_name(a) for a in j.get('author', [])])
        if not author:
            author = 'Unknown Author'
        title = j.get('title', 'Untitled')
        extension = j['extension']

        if len(title) > 100:
            title = title[:100]

        title = format_underscores(title)
        author = format_underscores(author)
        publisher = j.get('publisher')
        if publisher:
            extra = ', '.join(publisher)
            extra = ''
        date = j.get('date')
        if date and len(date) >= 4:
            extra += ' ' + date[:4]
        if extra:
            title = '%s (%s)' % (title, extra.strip())
        filename = '%s.%s' % (title, extension)
        first = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', author[0].upper())[0].upper()
        new_path = os.path.join(first, author, filename)
        new_path = new_path.replace('\x00', '')
        new_path = ox.decode_html(new_path)
        if self.path == new_path:
        h = ''
        while os.path.exists(os.path.join(prefix, new_path)):
            h = self.sha1[:len(h)+1]
            filename = '%s.%s.%s' % (title, h, extension)
            first = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', author[0].upper())[0].upper()
            new_path = os.path.join(first, author, filename)
            if current_path == os.path.join(prefix, new_path):
        if self.path != new_path:
            path = os.path.join(prefix, new_path)
            shutil.move(current_path, path)
            self.path = new_path
コード例 #16
ファイル: reddit.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def subreddit(name, offset=0, n=0, timeout=cache_timeout):
    url = 'http://www.reddit.com/r/%s/' % name
    if offset:
        url += '?count=%d' % offset
    data = read_url(url, unicode=True, timeout=timeout)
    more = True
    links = []
    while more:
        l = re.compile('<a class="title " href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)<\/a>').findall(data)
        if l:
            links += [{
                'url': ox.decode_html(a[0]),
                'title': ox.decode_html(a[1])
            } for a in l]
        more = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)" rel="nofollow next" >next &rsaquo;<\/a>').findall(data)
        if more and (n == 0 or len(links) < n):
            url = ox.decode_html(more[0].split('"')[-1])
            data = read_url(url, unicode=True)
            more = False
    return links
コード例 #17
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: maysara/pandora_image
def update_matches(id, type):
    if type == 'place':
        from place.models import Place as Model
    elif type == 'event':
        from event.models import Event as Model

    a = models.Annotation.objects.get(pk=id)
    a_matches = getattr(a, type == 'place' and 'places' or 'events')

    #remove undefined matches that only have this annotation
    for p in a_matches.filter(defined=False).exclude(name=a.value):
        if p.annotations.exclude(id=id).count() == 0:
    if a.get_layer().get('type') == type and a_matches.count() == 0:
        for p in a_matches.all():
    if a.findvalue:
        names = {}
        for n in Model.objects.all().values('id', 'name', 'alternativeNames'):
            names[n['id']] = [ox.decode_html(x)
                for x in [n['name']] + json.loads(n['alternativeNames'])]
        value = a.findvalue.lower()

        current = [p.id for p in a_matches.all()]
        matches = []
        name_matches = []
        for i in names:
            for name in names[i]:
                if name.lower() in value:
        new = []
        for i in matches: 
            p = Model.objects.get(pk=i)
            #only add places/events that did not get added as a super match
            #i.e. only add The Paris Region and not Paris
            if not filter(lambda n: n in name_matches,
                          [n.lower() for n in p.get_super_matches()]):
        removed = filter(lambda p: p not in new, current)
        added = filter(lambda p: p not in current, new)
        update = removed + added
        if update:
            for e in Model.objects.filter(id__in=update):
        #annotation has no value, remove all exisint matches
        for e in a_matches.all():
コード例 #18
ファイル: mininova.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def _parse_results_page(data, max_results=10):
    regexp = '''<tr><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)<a href="/tor/(.*?)">(.*?)</a>.*?</td>.*?</tr>'''
    for row in  re.compile(regexp, re.DOTALL).findall(data):
        torrentDate = row[0]
        torrentExtra = row[1]
        torrentId = row[2]
        torrentTitle = decode_html(row[3]).strip()
        torrentLink = "http://www.mininova.org/tor/" + torrentId
        privateTracker = 'priv.gif' in torrentExtra
        if not privateTracker:
            results.append((torrentTitle, torrentLink, ''))
    return results
コード例 #19
ファイル: google.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def find(query, max_results=DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
    Return max_results tuples with title, url, description 

    >>> find("The Matrix site:imdb.com", 1)[0][0]
    u'The Matrix (1999) - IMDb'

    >>> find("The Matrix site:imdb.com", 1)[0][1]
    results = []
    offset = 0
    while len(results) < max_results:
        url = 'http://google.com/search?q=%s' % quote_plus(query)
        if offset:
            url += '&start=%d' % offset
        data = read_url(url, timeout=timeout)
        data = re.sub('<span class="f">(.*?)</span>', '\\1', data)
        for a in re.compile('<a href="(htt\S+?)".*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<span class="st">(.*?)<\/span>').findall(data):
            results.append((strip_tags(decode_html(a[1])), a[0], strip_tags(decode_html(a[2]))))
            if len(results) >= max_results:
        offset += 10
    return results
コード例 #20
def addEvent(request):
       takes {
           name: string,
           start: string,
           end: string
        returns {
            id: string
    data = json.loads(request.POST['data'])
    existing_names = []
    exists = False
    names = [data['name']] + data.get('alternativeNames', [])
    for name in names:
        name = ox.decode_html(name)
        if models.Event.objects.filter(
                name_find__icontains=u'|%s|' % name).count() != 0:
            exists = True
    if not exists:
        models.Event.objects.filter(defined=False, name__in=names).delete()
        data['name'] = ox.escape_html(data['name'])
        event = models.Event(name=data['name'])
        for key in ('start', 'startTime', 'end', 'endTime', 'duration',
                    'durationTime', 'type', 'alternativeNames'):
            if key in data and data[key]:
                value = data[key]
                if isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = ox.escape_html(value)
                if key == 'alternativeNames':
                    value = tuple([ox.escape_html(v) for v in value])
                setattr(event, key, value)
        if 'nameSort' in data:
            value = ox.escape_html(data['nameSort'])
        event.matches = 0
        response = json_response(status=200, text='created')
        response['data'] = event.json()
        response = json_response(status=409, text='name exists')
        response['data']['names'] = existing_names
    return render_to_json_response(response)
コード例 #21
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: maysara/pandora_image
def addEvent(request):
       takes {
           name: string,
           start: string,
           end: string
        returns {
            id: string
    data = json.loads(request.POST['data'])
    existing_names = []
    exists = False
    names = [data['name']] + data.get('alternativeNames', [])
    for name in names:
        name = ox.decode_html(name)
        if models.Event.objects.filter(defined=True,
                name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name).count() != 0:
            exists = True
    if not exists:
        models.Event.objects.filter(defined=False, name__in=names).delete()
        data['name'] = ox.escape_html(data['name'])
        event = models.Event(name=data['name'])
        for key in ('start', 'startTime', 'end', 'endTime', 'duration', 'durationTime',
                    'type', 'alternativeNames'):
            if key in data and data[key]:
                value = data[key]
                if isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = ox.escape_html(value)
                if key == 'alternativeNames':
                    value = tuple([ox.escape_html(v) for v in value])
                setattr(event, key, value)
        if 'nameSort' in data:
            value = ox.escape_html(data['nameSort'])
        event.matches = 0
        response = json_response(status=200, text='created')
        response['data'] = event.json()
        response = json_response(status=409, text='name exists')
        response['data']['names'] = existing_names
    return render_to_json_response(response)
コード例 #22
def info(epub):
    data = {}
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(epub)
    except zipfile.BadZipFile:
        logger.debug('invalid epub file %s', epub)
        return data
    opf = [f.filename for f in z.filelist if f.filename.endswith('opf')]
    if opf:
        info = ET.fromstring(z.read(opf[0]))
        metadata = info.findall('{http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf}metadata')
        if metadata:
            metadata = metadata[0]
            for e in metadata.getchildren():
                if e.text and e.text.strip() and e.text not in ('unknown', 'none'):
                    key = e.tag.split('}')[-1]
                    key = {
                        'creator': 'author',
                    }.get(key, key)
                    value = e.text.strip()
                    if key == 'identifier':
                        value = normalize_isbn(value)
                        if stdnum.isbn.is_valid(value):
                            data['isbn'] = [value]
                    elif key == 'author':
                        data[key] = value.split(', ')
                        data[key] = value
    if 'description' in data:
        data['description'] = strip_tags(decode_html(data['description']))
    text = extract_text(epub)
    data['textsize'] = len(text)
    if not 'isbn' in data:
        isbn = extract_isbn(text)
        if isbn:
            data['isbn'] = [isbn]
    if 'date' in data and 'T' in data['date']:
        data['date'] = data['date'].split('T')[0]
    if 'language' in data and isinstance(data['language'], str):
        data['language'] = get_language(data['language'])
    return data
コード例 #23
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        set_public_id = not self.id or not self.public_id
        layer = self.get_layer()
        if self.value:
            self.value = utils.cleanup_value(self.value, layer['type'])
            self.findvalue = ox.decode_html(ox.strip_tags(re.sub('<br */?>\n?', ' ', self.value))).replace('\n', ' ')
            self.findvalue = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', self.findvalue).lower()
            sortvalue = sort_string(self.findvalue)
            if sortvalue:
                self.sortvalue = sortvalue[:900]
                self.sortvalue = None
            self.findvalue = None
            self.sortvalue = None

        #no clip or update clip
        if self.layer in settings.CONFIG.get('clipLayers', []):
            if not self.clip or self.start != self.clip.start or self.end != self.clip.end:
                self.clip, created = Clip.get_or_create(self.item, self.start, self.end)
        elif self.clip:
            self.clip = None

        super(Annotation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        if set_public_id:

        if self.clip:
                'id': self.clip.id,
                self.layer: False
            }).update(**{self.layer: True})
            #update clip.findvalue

        #editAnnotations needs to be in snyc
        if layer.get('type') == 'place' or layer.get('hasPlaces'):
            update_matches(self.id, 'place')
        if layer.get('type') == 'event' or layer.get('hasEvents'):
            update_matches(self.id, 'event')
コード例 #24
ファイル: amazon.py プロジェクト: h4ck3rm1k3/openmedialibrary
def info(key, value):
    if key not in ('isbn',):
        raise IOError('unknwon key %s' % key)
    if len(value) == 13:
        value = stdnum.isbn.to_isbn10(value)
    if len(value) != 10:
        raise IOError('invalid isbn %s' % value)
    url = 'http://www.amazon.com/dp/' + value
    data = read_url(url).decode()
    doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(data)
    info = {}
    if '<title>404 - Document Not Found</title>' in data:
        return info
    if 'To discuss automated access to Amazon data please' in data:
        return info
    for l in doc.xpath('//link[@rel="canonical" and @href]'):
        info['asin'] = [l.get('href').rpartition('/')[-1]]
    info['title'] = strip_tags(decode_html(doc.xpath('//span[@id="productTitle"]')[0].text))
    info['title'] = re.sub(' \([^\)]+? Classics\)', '', info['title'])
    info['title'] = re.sub(' \([^\)]+? Collection\)', '', info['title'])
    info['description'] = strip_tags(decode_html(unquote(re.compile('encodedDescription\' : "(.*?)",').findall(data)[0])))
    info['description'] = fix_bad_unicode(info['description'])
    content = doc.xpath('//div[@class="content"]')[0]
    content_info = {}
    for li in content.xpath('.//li'):
        v = li.text_content()
        if ': ' in v:
            k, v = li.text_content().split(': ', 1)
            content_info[k.strip()] = v.strip()
    if 'Language' in content_info:
        info['language'] = content_info['Language']
    if 'Publisher' in content_info:
        if ' (' in content_info['Publisher']:
            info['date'] = find_re(content_info['Publisher'].split(' (')[-1], '\d{4}')
        info['publisher'] = content_info['Publisher'].split(' (')[0]
        if '; ' in info['publisher']:
            info['publisher'], info['edition'] = info['publisher'].split('; ', 1)

    if 'ISBN-13' in content_info:
        if not 'isbn' in info: info['isbn'] = []
        info['isbn'].append(content_info['ISBN-13'].replace('-', ''))
    if 'ISBN-10' in content_info:
        if not 'isbn' in info: info['isbn'] = []

    a = doc.xpath('//span[@class="a-size-medium"]')
    if a:
        for span in a:
            r = span.getchildren()[0].text.strip()
            role = get_role(r)
            if not role in info: info[role] = []
        for span in doc.xpath('//span[@class="author notFaded"]'):
            author = [x.strip() for x in span.text_content().strip().split('\n') if x.strip()]
            role = get_role(author[-1])
            if not role in info: info[role] = []

    covers = re.compile('data-a-dynamic-image="({.+?})"').findall(data)[0]
    covers = json.loads(decode_html(covers))
    last = [0,0]
    for url in covers:
        if covers[url] > last:
            last = covers[url]
            info['cover'] = re.sub('(\._SX.+?_\.)', '.', url)
    return info
コード例 #25
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: maysara/pandora_image
def item(request, id):
    id = id.split('/')[0]
    template = 'index.html'
    level = settings.CONFIG['capabilities']['canSeeItem']['guest']
    if not request.user.is_anonymous():
        level = request.user.get_profile().level
    qs = models.Item.objects.filter(itemId=id, level__lte=level)
    if qs.count() == 0:
        context = RequestContext(request, {
            'base_url': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'settings': settings
        item = qs[0]
        template = 'item.html'
        keys = [
        data = []
        for key in keys:
            value = item.get(key)
            if value:
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    value = value = u', '.join([unicode(v) for v in value])
                data.append({'key': key.capitalize(), 'value': value})
        clips = []
        clip = {'in': 0, 'annotations': []}
        #logged in users should have javascript. not adding annotations makes load faster
        if request.user.is_anonymous():
            for a in item.annotations.filter(
                layer__in=models.Annotation.public_layers()).order_by('start', 'end', 'sortvalue'):
                if clip['in'] < a.start:
                    if clip['annotations']:
                        clip['annotations'] = '<br />\n'.join(clip['annotations'])
                    clip = {'in': a.start, 'annotations': []}
        ctx = {
            'current_url': request.build_absolute_uri(request.get_full_path()),
            'base_url': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'url': request.build_absolute_uri('/%s' % id),
            'id': id,
            'settings': settings,
            'data': data,
            'clips': clips,
            'icon': settings.CONFIG['user']['ui']['icons'] == 'frames' and 'icon' or 'poster',
            'title': ox.decode_html(item.get('title', '')),
            'description': item.get_item_description()
        if not settings.USE_IMDB:
            value = item.get('topic' in keys and 'topic' or 'keywords')
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = value = ', '.join(value)
            if value:
                ctx['keywords'] = ox.strip_tags(value)

        context = RequestContext(request, ctx)
    return render_to_response(template, context)
コード例 #26
def contact(request):
        takes {
            email: string,
            subject: string,
            message: string

        returns {
    data = json.loads(request.POST['data'])
    name = data.get('name', '')
    email = data.get('email', '')
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if not name:
            name = request.user.username
        if not email:
            email = request.user.email
    if 'message' in data and data['message'].strip():
        email_from = '"%s" <%s>' % (settings.SITENAME,
        email_to = [
        subject = data.get('subject', '').strip()
        template = loader.get_template('contact_email.txt')
        context = RequestContext(
            request, {
                'name': name,
                'email': email,
                'subject': subject,
                'message': ox.decode_html(data['message']).strip(),
                'sitename': settings.SITENAME,
                'footer': settings.CONFIG['site']['email']['footer'],
                'url': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
        subject = ox.decode_html(subject)
        message = ox.decode_html(template.render(context))
        response = json_response(text='message sent')
            send_mail(u'%s Contact - %s' % (settings.SITENAME, subject),
                      message, email_from, email_to)
        except BadHeaderError:
            response = json_response(status=400, text='invalid data')
        if request.user.is_authenticated() \
            and 'receipt' in data \
            and data['receipt']:
            template = loader.get_template('contact_receipt.txt')
            context = RequestContext(
                request, {
                    'name': name,
                    'from': email,
                    'sitename': settings.SITENAME,
                    'footer': settings.CONFIG['site']['email']['footer'],
                    'to': email_to[0],
                    'subject': subject,
                    'message': data['message'].strip(),
                    'url': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            message = template.render(context)
                send_mail('Fwd: %s' % subject, message, email_from, [email])
        response = json_response(status=400, text='invalid data')
    return render_to_json_response(response)
コード例 #27
def info(key, value):
    if key not in ('isbn', ):
        raise IOError('unknwon key %s' % key)
    if len(value) == 13:
        value = stdnum.isbn.to_isbn10(value)
    if len(value) != 10:
        raise IOError('invalid isbn %s' % value)
    url = 'http://www.amazon.com/dp/' + value
    data = read_url(url).decode()
    doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(data)
    info = {}
    if '<title>404 - Document Not Found</title>' in data:
        return info
    if 'To discuss automated access to Amazon data please' in data:
        return info
    for l in doc.xpath('//link[@rel="canonical" and @href]'):
        info['asin'] = [l.get('href').rpartition('/')[-1]]
    info['title'] = strip_tags(
    info['title'] = re.sub(' \([^\)]+? Classics\)', '', info['title'])
    info['title'] = re.sub(' \([^\)]+? Collection\)', '', info['title'])
    info['description'] = strip_tags(
                re.compile('encodedDescription\' : "(.*?)",').findall(data)
    info['description'] = fix_bad_unicode(info['description'])
    content = doc.xpath('//div[@class="content"]')[0]
    content_info = {}
    for li in content.xpath('.//li'):
        v = li.text_content()
        if ': ' in v:
            k, v = li.text_content().split(': ', 1)
            content_info[k.strip()] = v.strip()
    if 'Language' in content_info:
        info['language'] = content_info['Language']
    if 'Publisher' in content_info:
        if ' (' in content_info['Publisher']:
            info['date'] = find_re(content_info['Publisher'].split(' (')[-1],
        info['publisher'] = content_info['Publisher'].split(' (')[0]
        if '; ' in info['publisher']:
            info['publisher'], info['edition'] = info['publisher'].split(
                '; ', 1)

    if 'ISBN-13' in content_info:
        if not 'isbn' in info: info['isbn'] = []
        info['isbn'].append(content_info['ISBN-13'].replace('-', ''))
    if 'ISBN-10' in content_info:
        if not 'isbn' in info: info['isbn'] = []

    a = doc.xpath('//span[@class="a-size-medium"]')
    if a:
        for span in a:
            r = span.getchildren()[0].text.strip()
            role = get_role(r)
            if not role in info: info[role] = []
        for span in doc.xpath('//span[@class="author notFaded"]'):
            author = [
                x.strip() for x in span.text_content().strip().split('\n')
                if x.strip()
            role = get_role(author[-1])
            if not role in info: info[role] = []

    covers = re.compile('data-a-dynamic-image="({.+?})"').findall(data)[0]
    covers = json.loads(decode_html(covers))
    last = [0, 0]
    for url in covers:
        if covers[url] > last:
            last = covers[url]
            info['cover'] = re.sub('(\._SX.+?_\.)', '.', url)
    return info
コード例 #28
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: maysara/pandora_image
def contact(request):
        takes {
            email: string,
            subject: string,
            message: string

        returns {
    data = json.loads(request.POST['data'])
    name = data.get('name', '')
    email = data.get('email', '')
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if not name:
            name = request.user.username
        if not email:
            email = request.user.email
    if 'message' in data and data['message'].strip():
        email_from = '"%s" <%s>' % (settings.SITENAME, settings.CONFIG['site']['email']['system'])
        email_to = [settings.CONFIG['site']['email']['contact'], ]
        subject = data.get('subject', '').strip()
        template = loader.get_template('contact_email.txt')
        context = RequestContext(request, {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,
            'subject': subject,
            'message': ox.decode_html(data['message']).strip(),
            'sitename': settings.SITENAME,
            'footer': settings.CONFIG['site']['email']['footer'],
            'url': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
        subject = ox.decode_html(subject)
        message = ox.decode_html(template.render(context))
        response = json_response(text='message sent')
            send_mail(u'%s Contact - %s' % (settings.SITENAME, subject), message, email_from, email_to)
        except BadHeaderError:
            response = json_response(status=400, text='invalid data')
        if request.user.is_authenticated() \
            and 'receipt' in data \
            and data['receipt']:
            template = loader.get_template('contact_receipt.txt')
            context = RequestContext(request, {
                'name': name,
                'from': email,
                'sitename': settings.SITENAME,
                'footer': settings.CONFIG['site']['email']['footer'],
                'to': email_to[0],
                'subject': subject,
                'message': data['message'].strip(),
                'url': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            message = template.render(context)
                send_mail('Fwd: %s' % subject, message, email_from, [email])
        response = json_response(status=400, text='invalid data')
    return render_to_json_response(response)
コード例 #29
def addPlace(request):
        takes {
            name: "",
            alternativeNames: [],
            geoname: "",
            countryCode: '',
            south: float,
            west: float,
            north: float,
            east: float,
            lat: float,
            lng: float,
            area: float,
            type: ""
        returns {
            id: string
    #FIXME: check permissions
    data = json.loads(request.POST['data'])
    exists = False
    existing_names = []
    existing_geoname = ''
    name = data.pop('name')
    if name == '':
        _exists = True
        name = 'Untitled'
        n = 0
        while _exists:
            _exists = models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
                                name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name).count() > 0
            if _exists:
                name = 'Untitled [%s]' %n
            n += 1
    names = [name] + data.get('alternativeNames', [])
    data['alternativeNames'] = [ox.escape_html(n)
            for n in data.get('alternativeNames', [])]
    name = ox.escape_html(name)
    for n in names:
        n = ox.decode_html(name)
        if models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
                                       name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%n).count() != 0:
            exists = True
    if 'geoname' in data: 
        if models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
                                       geoname=data['geoname']).count() > 0:
            exists = True
            existing_geoname = data['geoname']
    if not exists:
        models.Place.objects.filter(defined=False, name__in=names).delete()
        place = models.Place()
        place.user = request.user
        place.name = name
        place.alternativeNames = tuple(data.pop('alternativeNames', []))
        for key in data:
            value = data[key]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = tuple(value)
            setattr(place, key, value)
        place.matches = 0
        response = json_response(place.json())
        response = json_response(status=409,
                                 text='%s exists'%(existing_names and 'Name' or 'Geoname'))
        response['data']['names'] = existing_names
        if existing_geoname:
            response['data']['geoname'] = existing_geoname
    return render_to_json_response(response)
コード例 #30
def item(request, id):
    id = id.split('/')[0]
    template = 'index.html'
    level = settings.CONFIG['capabilities']['canSeeItem']['guest']
    if not request.user.is_anonymous():
        level = request.user.get_profile().level
    qs = models.Item.objects.filter(itemId=id, level__lte=level)
    if qs.count() == 0:
        context = RequestContext(request, {
            'base_url': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'settings': settings
        item = qs[0]
        template = 'item.html'
        keys = ['year', 'director', 'topic', 'summary']
        data = []
        for key in keys:
            value = item.get(key)
            if value:
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    value = value = u', '.join([unicode(v) for v in value])
                data.append({'key': key.capitalize(), 'value': value})
        clips = []
        clip = {'in': 0, 'annotations': []}
        #logged in users should have javascript. not adding annotations makes load faster
        if request.user.is_anonymous():
            for a in item.annotations.filter(
                        'start', 'end', 'sortvalue'):
                if clip['in'] < a.start:
                    if clip['annotations']:
                        clip['annotations'] = '<br />\n'.join(
                    clip = {'in': a.start, 'annotations': []}
        ctx = {
            request.build_absolute_uri('/%s' % id),
            settings.CONFIG['user']['ui']['icons'] == 'frames' and 'icon'
            or 'poster',
            ox.decode_html(item.get('title', '')),
        if not settings.USE_IMDB:
            value = item.get('topic' in keys and 'topic' or 'keywords')
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = value = ', '.join(value)
            if value:
                ctx['keywords'] = ox.strip_tags(value)

        context = RequestContext(request, ctx)
    return render_to_response(template, context)
コード例 #31
def editPlace(request):
        takes {
            id: string,
            name: string
            north: int
        returns {
            names: []
    data = json.loads(request.POST['data'])
    place = get_object_or_404_json(models.Place, pk=ox.fromAZ(data['id']))
    names = data.get('name', [])
    if isinstance(names, basestring):
        names = [names]
    names = [ox.escape_html(n) for n in names]
    alternative_names = [ox.escape_html(n) for n in data.get('alternativeNames', [])]
    alternative_names = filter(lambda n: n.strip(), alternative_names)
    if place.editable(request.user):
        conflict = False
        conflict_names = []
        conflict_geoname = ''
        if alternative_names:
            data['alternativeNames'] = alternative_names
        for name in names + alternative_names:
            name = ox.decode_html(name)
            if models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
                    name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name).exclude(id=place.id).count() != 0:
                conflict = True
        if 'geoname' in data:
            if models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
                        geoname=data['geoname']).exclude(id=place.id).count() != 0:
                conflict = True
                conflict_geoname = data['geoname']
        if not conflict:
            models.Place.objects.filter(defined=False, name__in=names+alternative_names).delete()
            for key in data:
                if key != 'id':
                    value = data[key]
                    if isinstance(value, basestring):
                        value = ox.escape_html(value)
                    if isinstance(value, list):
                        value = tuple(value)
                    setattr(place, key, value)
            if 'name' in data or 'alternativeNames' in data:
            response = json_response(place.json())
            response = json_response(status=409,
                                     text='%s exists'%(conflict_names and 'Name' or 'Geoname'))
            response['data']['names'] = conflict_names 
            if conflict_geoname:
                response['data']['geoname'] = conflict_geoname
        response = json_response(status=403, text='permission denied')
    return render_to_json_response(response)