コード例 #1
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
def base_widget(element):
    element_tag = element.tag.lower()
    base_object(element) # add basic node features
    # all text is handled within this try/except block  
        if element.text is not None:
            element_text = element.text.strip()
            if WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('single-line-text',False) is True:
                element_text = element.text.replace("\n","")
            indent() # indent if necessary
            Compiler.code += element.get("id") + "." + WidgetRegister.types[element_tag]['text'] + "('" + element_text + "')\n"
    except KeyError: pass # element must not support text
    # handle properties
    handleProps(WidgetRegister.types['qwidget'], element)
    if WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('isqt',False) is False: # if this is an oxide widget
        handleProps(WidgetRegister.types['basewidget'], element) # give it oxide properties
    # handle signal-slot mechanisms
    handleSlots(WidgetRegister.types['qwidget'], element)
    if WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('isqt',False) is False: # if this is an oxide widget
        handleSlots(WidgetRegister.types['basewidget'], element) # give it oxide slots
コード例 #2
ファイル: register.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
 def Compiler_BoxLayout(element):  # @NoSelf
     for child in element:
         if child.tag.lower() in WidgetRegister.layoutCompilers.keys(): # the child is layout
             Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".addLayout(" + child.get("id") + ")\n"
         else: # the child must be a widget
             Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".addWidget(" + child.get("id") + ")\n"
コード例 #3
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
def parse_layout_children(element): # this function is obsolete
    if element.tag.lower() in BoxLayouts: # layout is a child of QBoxLayout
        for child in element: # for all of the children under the layout
            parse_abstract_element(child)  # parse this child

            if child.tag.lower() in Layouts: # the child is layout
                Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".addLayout(" + child.get("id") + ")\n"
            else: # the child must be a widget
                Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".addWidget(" + child.get("id") + ")\n"
コード例 #4
ファイル: register.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
 def Compiler_GeneralContainer(element):  # @NoSelf
     if element.__len__() > 0: # if the container has children
         if element.__len__() == 1:
             Compiler.direct_resources_child = False # don't create classes for the children's code
             # perform special operations on the child
             if element[0].tag.lower() in WidgetRegister.layoutCompilers.keys():
                 id = element.get('id')
                 if WidgetRegister.types[element.tag.lower()].get('accepts-central-widget',False) is True:
                     Compiler.code += element.get('id') + "__CENTRALWIDGET" + " = QWidget()\n"
                     Compiler.code += element.get('id') + ".setCentralWidget(" + element.get('id') + "__CENTRALWIDGET)\n"
                     id = element.get('id') + "__CENTRALWIDGET"
                 Compiler.code += id + ".setLayout(" + element[0].get('id') + ")\n"
             elif WidgetRegister.types[element.tag.lower()].get('accepts-central-widget',False) is True:
                 Compiler.code += element.get('id') + ".setCentralWidget(" + element[0].get('id') + ")\n"
コード例 #5
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
def base_object(element):
    element_tag = element.tag.lower()
    # check that the element represents a known widget type
    try: WidgetRegister.types[element_tag]
    except KeyError: raise UnkownWidgetError("'" + element.tag + "' is not a known widget type")
    # here we put in the constructor and check that this is a known widget type
    if Compiler.direct_resources_child is False: # the code should not be wrapped in a class
        Compiler.code += "\n"
        if element.get("id") is None: # if the id has been omitted
            addDefaultId(element)  # generate a default one and add it to the element
        if Compiler.to_be_own_class is True: element.set("id","self." + element.get('id'))
        Compiler.code += element.get("id") + " = " + WidgetRegister.types[element_tag]['widgetName'] + "("
        if WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('isqt',False) is False: # if this is an oxide widget
            Compiler.code += "'" + prepStr(element.get("styletype","default")) + "'"
        Compiler.code += ")\n"
    else: # the code should be wrapped in a class
        if element.get('name') is None: raise MissingAttributeError(element.tag + " has no name.")
        if element.get('name').startswith("__"): raise ForbiddenNameError("'name' attribute may not begin with '__'")
        Compiler.code += "class " + element.get("name") + "(" + WidgetRegister.types[element_tag]['widgetName'] + "):\n"
        add_class_funcs(WidgetRegister.types[element_tag]['widgetName']) # add any utility functions for the class
        # add the model code
        # __init__ function definition
        Compiler.code += Compiler.model_indent + "def __init__(self, " + ", ".join(WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('init_args',[])) + "):\n" 

        Compiler.code += Compiler.model_indent*2 + WidgetRegister.types[element_tag]['widgetName'] + ".__init__(self, " # basic constructor 
        if WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('isqt',False) is False: # if this is an oxide widget
            Compiler.code += "'" + prepStr(element.get("styletype","default")) + "'" # the add the style type
        Compiler.code +=  ", ".join(WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('init_args',[])) + ")\n" # give it the necessary __init__ arguments
    handleProps(WidgetRegister.types[element_tag],element) # handle properites
    handleSlots(WidgetRegister.types[element_tag], element) # handle events/signals/slots
    if WidgetRegister.types[element_tag].get('isqt',False) is False: # if this is an oxide widget
コード例 #6
ファイル: slots.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
def handleSlots(widgetType, element):
        for propname,signalname in widgetType['slots'].items(): # iterate through slots of given widgetType
            if element.get(propname) is not None: # if the slot has been assigned for the element
                slotcode = element.get(propname) # default: assign to a model function

                match_object = re.match("(\w+)\((.*)\)", slotcode) 
                if match_object: # if the slot passes extra data or is a utility function
                    argscode = ""
                    if utility_function_aliases.get(match_object.group(1),None) is not None:
                        funcname = "util_funcs." + utility_function_aliases[match_object.group(1)]
                        argscode = element.get("id") + ", " + match_object.group(2)
                        funcname = match_object.group(1)
                        argscode = match_object.group(2)
                    slotcode = "lambda: " + funcname + "(" + argscode + ")"

                if widgetType.get("isqt",False) is True: # if this is a qt widget
                    Compiler.code += element.get("id") + "." + signalname + ".connect(" + slotcode + ")\n" # use the signal slot mechanism
                else: # otherwise this must be an oxide widget
                    Compiler.code += element.get("id") + "." + signalname + " = " + slotcode + "\n" # so use the event handler system
    except KeyError: pass # just in case widgetType['slots'] doesn't exist
コード例 #7
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
def parse_children(element):
    if element[0].tag.lower() in Layouts: # the children are arranged in a layout
        base_layout(element[0]) # initiate the layout

        if element.tag.lower() == "window": # a window cannot have a layout set, so we need to add a central widget
            Compiler.code += element.get('id') + "_CENTRALWIDGET = QWidget()\n" # just a basic QWidget will do
            Compiler.code += element.get('id') + ".setCentralWidget(" + element.get('id') + "_CENTRALWIDGET)\n"
            Compiler.code += element.get("id") + "_CENTRALWIDGET.setLayout(" + element[0].get("id") + ")\n"
            Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".setLayout(" + element[0].get("id") + ")\n"
    if element.tag.lower() == "splitter":
        for child in element:
            Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".addWidget(" + child.get('id') + ")\n"
コード例 #8
ファイル: styleprops.py プロジェクト: kaijfox/oxide
def handleStyleProps(widgetType, element):
    for name,value in element.attrib.items():
        if name in widgetType.get('style-properties',{}).values():
            new_element = Element(name) # create an element to be passed to style.getValue()
            m = re.match("([\w-]+):(.+)",value) # extract the data from the property
            if m is None: # the property is not in the correct format
                raise BadFormatError(element.get('id') + " has incorrectly formatted '" + name + "' attribute")
            else: # prepare the element for style.getValue
                new_element.set(m.group(1), m.group(2))
            value = str(getValue(new_element,runtime=False)) # get the value to set
            ##### Set the Value of Each State in the Widget's Styledict to the New Value #####
            indent() # indent if neccesary
            Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".styledict['normal']['" + name + "'] = " + value + "\n"
            for state in States: # for every state, plus the internal 'normal' state, add the appropriate code
                indent() # again, indent if neccesary
                Compiler.code += element.get("id") + ".styledict['" + state + "']['" + name + "'] = " + value + "\n"
            ##### Set the Current Value for the Widget to the New Value #####
            indent() # once more, indent if neccesary
            Compiler.code += element.get('id') + "." + {v:k for k, v in widgetType.get('style-properties',{}).items()}[name] \
                                + " = " + value + "\n"