def _modify_iso(self): """ Method to modify the ISO for autoinstallation. """ self.log.debug("Putting the kickstart in place") outname = join(self.iso_contents, "ks.cfg") if is None: def _kssub(line): """ Method that is called back from oz.ozutil.copy_modify_file() to modify kickstart files as appropriate for RHL-9. """ # because we need to do this URL substitution here, we can't use # the generic "copy_kickstart()" method if re.match("^url", line): return "url --url " + self.url + "\n" elif re.match("^rootpw", line): return "rootpw " + self.rootpw + "\n" else: return line copy_modify_file(generate_full_auto_path(self.stock_ks), outname, _kssub) else: shutil.copy(, outname) initrdline = " append initrd=initrd.img ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg method=" + self.url + "\n" self._modify_isolinux(initrdline)
def __init__(self, tdl, config, auto, output_disk, netdev, diskbus, macaddress): oz.Guest.CDGuest.__init__(self, tdl, config, output_disk, netdev, None, None, diskbus, True, False, macaddress) self.preseed_file = auto if self.preseed_file is None: self.preseed_file = generate_full_auto_path("debian-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.preseed")
def __init__(self, tdl, config, auto, output_disk, initrd, nicmodel, diskbus, macaddress): if tdl.update in ["6.06", "6.06.1", "6.06.2"]: tdl.update = "6.06" elif tdl.update in ["8.04", "8.04.1", "8.04.2", "8.04.3", "8.04.4"]: tdl.update = "8.04" elif tdl.update in ["10.04", "10.04.1", "10.04.2", "10.04.3"]: tdl.update = "10.04" elif tdl.update in ["12.04", "12.04.1", "12.04.2"]: tdl.update = "12.04" oz.Guest.CDGuest.__init__(self, tdl, config, output_disk, nicmodel, None, None, diskbus, True, True, macaddress) self.sshprivkey = join('/etc', 'oz', 'id_rsa-icicle-gen') self.crond_was_active = False self.sshd_was_active = False self.sshd_config = """\ SyslogFacility AUTHPRIV PasswordAuthentication yes ChallengeResponseAuthentication no GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes UsePAM yes AcceptEnv LANG LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES AcceptEnv LC_PAPER LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT AcceptEnv LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_ALL LANGUAGE AcceptEnv XMODIFIERS X11Forwarding yes Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server """ self.casper_initrd = initrd self.preseed_file = auto if self.preseed_file is None: self.preseed_file = generate_full_auto_path("ubuntu-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.preseed") self.tunnels = {} self.ssh_startuplink = None self.cron_startuplink = None self.debarch = self.tdl.arch if self.debarch == "x86_64": self.debarch = "amd64" self.kernelfname = join(self.output_dir, + "-kernel") self.initrdfname = join(self.output_dir, + "-ramdisk") self.kernelcache = join(self.data_dir, "kernels", self.tdl.distro + self.tdl.update + self.tdl.arch + "-kernel") self.initrdcache = join(self.data_dir, "kernels", self.tdl.distro + self.tdl.update + self.tdl.arch + "-ramdisk") self.cmdline = "priority=critical locale=en_US" self.reboots = 0 if self.tdl.update in ["5.04", "5.10"]: self.reboots = 1
def __init__(self, tdl, config, auto, output_disk, netdev, diskbus, macaddress): Windows.__init__(self, tdl, config, output_disk, netdev, diskbus, macaddress) self.unattendfile = auto if self.unattendfile is None: self.unattendfile = generate_full_auto_path("windows-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.xml") self.winarch = "x86" if self.tdl.arch == "x86_64": self.winarch = "amd64"
def __init__(self, tdl, config, auto, output_disk, netdev, diskbus, macaddress): oz.Guest.CDGuest.__init__(self, tdl, config, output_disk, netdev, None, None, diskbus, True, False, macaddress) if self.tdl.arch != "i386": raise OzException("Mandrake only supports i386 architecture") = auto if is None: = generate_full_auto_path("mandrake-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.cfg")
def __init__(self, tdl, config, auto, output_disk, netdev, diskbus, macaddress): oz.Guest.CDGuest.__init__(self, tdl, config, output_disk, netdev, None, None, diskbus, True, False, macaddress) = auto if is None: = generate_full_auto_path("mandriva-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.cfg") self.mandriva_arch = self.tdl.arch if self.mandriva_arch == "i386": self.mandriva_arch = "i586"
def __init__(self, tdl, config, auto, output_disk, netdev, diskbus, macaddress): Windows.__init__(self, tdl, config, output_disk, netdev, diskbus, macaddress) if self.tdl.update == "2000" and self.tdl.arch != "i386": raise OzException("Windows 2000 only supports i386 architecture") self.siffile = auto if self.siffile is None: self.siffile = generate_full_auto_path("windows-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.sif") self.winarch = self.tdl.arch if self.winarch == "x86_64": self.winarch = "amd64"
def __init__(self, tdl, config, auto, output_disk, nicmodel, diskbus, macaddress): oz.Guest.CDGuest.__init__(self, tdl, config, output_disk, nicmodel, None, None, diskbus, True, False, macaddress) self.reboots = 1 if self.tdl.update in ["10.3"]: # for 10.3 we don't have a 2-stage install process so don't reboot self.reboots = 0 self.autoyast = auto if self.autoyast is None: self.autoyast = generate_full_auto_path("opensuse-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.xml") self.sshprivkey = join('/etc', 'oz', 'id_rsa-icicle-gen')
def _modify_iso(self): """ Method to make the boot ISO auto-boot with appropriate parameters. """ self.log.debug("Modifying ISO") self.log.debug("Copying preseed file") mkdir_p(join(self.iso_contents, "preseed")) outname = join(self.iso_contents, "preseed", "customiso.seed") if self.preseed_file == generate_full_auto_path("debian-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.preseed"): def _preseed_sub(line): """ Method that is called back from oz.ozutil.copy_modify_file() to modify preseed files as appropriate for Debian. """ if re.match('d-i passwd/root-password password', line): return 'd-i passwd/root-password password ' + self.rootpw + '\n' elif re.match('d-i passwd/root-password-again password', line): return 'd-i passwd/root-password-again password ' + self.rootpw + '\n' else: return line copy_modify_file(self.preseed_file, outname, _preseed_sub) else: shutil.copy(self.preseed_file, outname) if self.tdl.arch == "x86_64": installdir = "/install.amd" else: # arch == i386 installdir = "/install.386" self.log.debug("Modifying isolinux.cfg") isolinuxcfg = join(self.iso_contents, "isolinux", "isolinux.cfg") with open(isolinuxcfg, 'w') as f: f.write("""\ default customiso timeout 1 prompt 0 label customiso menu label ^Customiso menu default kernel %s/vmlinuz\ append file=/cdrom/preseed/customiso.seed %sdebian-installer/locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto priority=critical initrd=%s/initrd.gz -- """ % (installdir, extra, installdir))
def _modify_iso(self): """ Method to make the boot ISO auto-boot with appropriate parameters. """ self.log.debug("Modifying ISO") self.log.debug("Copying cfg file") if self.tdl.update in ["2007.0", "2008.0"]: pathdir = join(self.iso_contents, self.mandriva_arch) else: pathdir = self.iso_contents outname = join(pathdir, "auto_inst.cfg") if == generate_full_auto_path("mandriva-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.cfg"): def _cfg_sub(line): """ Method that is called back from oz.ozutil.copy_modify_file() to modify preseed files as appropriate for Mandriva. """ if"'password' =>", line): return " 'password' => '" + self.rootpw + "',\n" else: return line copy_modify_file(, outname, _cfg_sub) else: shutil.copy(, outname) self.log.debug("Modifying isolinux.cfg") isolinuxcfg = join(pathdir, "isolinux", "isolinux.cfg") with open(isolinuxcfg, 'w') as f: f.write("""\ default customiso timeout 1 prompt 0 label customiso kernel alt0/vmlinuz append initrd=alt0/all.rdz ramdisk_size=128000 root=/dev/ram3 acpi=ht vga=788 automatic=method:cdrom kickstart=auto_inst.cfg """)
def _modify_iso(self): """ Method to make the boot ISO auto-boot with appropriate parameters. """ self.log.debug("Modifying ISO") os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.iso_contents, "cdboot")) self._geteltorito(self.orig_iso, join(self.iso_contents, "cdboot", "boot.bin")) outname = join(self.iso_contents, "autounattend.xml") if self.unattendfile == generate_full_auto_path("windows-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.xml"): # if this is the oz default unattend file, we modify certain # parameters to make installation succeed doc = libxml2.parseFile(self.unattendfile) xp = doc.xpathNewContext() xp.xpathRegisterNs("ms", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend") for component in xp.xpathEval("/ms:unattend/ms:settings/ms:component"): component.setProp("processorArchitecture", self.winarch) keys = xp.xpathEval("/ms:unattend/ms:settings/ms:component/ms:ProductKey") keys[0].setContent(self.tdl.key) adminpw = xp.xpathEval( "/ms:unattend/ms:settings/ms:component/ms:UserAccounts/ms:AdministratorPassword/ms:Value" ) adminpw[0].setContent(self.rootpw) autologinpw = xp.xpathEval("/ms:unattend/ms:settings/ms:component/ms:AutoLogon/ms:Password/ms:Value") autologinpw[0].setContent(self.rootpw) doc.saveFile(outname) else: # if the user provided their own unattend file, do not override # their choices; the user gets to keep both pieces if something # breaks shutil.copy(self.unattendfile, outname)
def _modify_iso(self): """ Method to make the boot ISO auto-boot with appropriate parameters. """ self.log.debug("Putting the autoyast in place") outname = join(self.iso_contents, "autoinst.xml") if self.autoyast == generate_full_auto_path("opensuse-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.xml"): doc = libxml2.parseFile(self.autoyast) xp = doc.xpathNewContext() xp.xpathRegisterNs("suse", "") pw = xp.xpathEval('/suse:profile/suse:users/suse:user/suse:user_password') pw[0].setContent(self.rootpw) doc.saveFile(outname) else: shutil.copy(self.autoyast, outname) self.log.debug("Modifying the boot options") isolinux_cfg = join(self.iso_contents, "boot", self.tdl.arch, "loader", "isolinux.cfg") f = open(isolinux_cfg, "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if re.match("timeout", line): lines[index] = "timeout 1\n" elif re.match("default", line): lines[index] = "default customiso\n" lines.append("label customiso\n") lines.append(" kernel linux\n") lines.append(" append initrd=initrd splash=silent instmode=cd autoyast=default") f = open(isolinux_cfg, "w") f.writelines(lines) f.close()
def _copy_preseed(self, outname): """ Method to copy and modify an Ubuntu style preseed file. """ self.log.debug("Putting the preseed file in place") if self.preseed_file == generate_full_auto_path("ubuntu-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.preseed"): def _preseed_sub(line): """ Method that is called back from oz.ozutil.copy_modify_file() to modify preseed files as appropriate for Ubuntu. """ if re.match('d-i passwd/root-password password', line): return 'd-i passwd/root-password password ' + self.rootpw + '\n' elif re.match('d-i passwd/root-password-again password', line): return 'd-i passwd/root-password-again password ' + self.rootpw + '\n' else: return line copy_modify_file(self.preseed_file, outname, _preseed_sub) else: shutil.copy(self.preseed_file, outname)
def _modify_iso(self): """ Method to make the boot ISO auto-boot with appropriate parameters. """ self.log.debug("Modifying ISO") os.mkdir(join(self.iso_contents, "cdboot")) self._geteltorito(self.orig_iso, join(self.iso_contents, "cdboot", "boot.bin")) outname = join(self.iso_contents, self.winarch, "winnt.sif") if self.siffile == generate_full_auto_path("windows-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.sif"): # if this is the oz default siffile, we modify certain parameters # to make installation succeed computername = "OZ" + str(random.randrange(1, 900000)) def _sifsub(line): """ Method that is called back from oz.ozutil.copy_modify_file() to modify sif files as appropriate for Windows 2000/XP/2003. """ if re.match(" *ProductKey", line): return " ProductKey=" + self.tdl.key + "\n" elif re.match(" *ProductID", line): return " ProductID=" + self.tdl.key + "\n" elif re.match(" *ComputerName", line): return " ComputerName=" + computername + "\n" elif re.match(" *AdminPassword", line): return " AdminPassword="******"\n" else: return line copy_modify_file(self.siffile, outname, _sifsub) else: # if the user provided their own siffile, do not override their # choices; the user gets to keep both pieces if something breaks shutil.copy(self.siffile, outname)
def _modify_iso(self): """ Method to make the boot ISO auto-boot with appropriate parameters. """ self.log.debug("Modifying ISO") outname = join(self.iso_contents, "auto_inst.cfg") if == generate_full_auto_path("mandrake-" + self.tdl.update + "-jeos.cfg"): def _cfg_sub(line): """ Method that is called back from oz.ozutil.copy_modify_file() to modify preseed files as appropriate for Mandrake. """ if"'password' =>", line): return " 'password' => '" + self.rootpw + "',\n" else: return line copy_modify_file(, outname, _cfg_sub) else: shutil.copy(, outname) syslinux = join(self.icicle_tmp, 'syslinux.cfg') with open(syslinux, 'w') as f: f.write("""\ default customiso timeout 1 prompt 0 label customiso kernel vmlinuz append initrd=cdrom.rdz ramdisk_size=32000 root=/dev/ram3 automatic=method:cdrom vga=788 auto_install=auto_inst.cfg """) cdromimg = join(self.iso_contents, "Boot", "cdrom.img") subprocess_check_output(["mcopy", "-n", "-o", "-i", cdromimg, syslinux, "::SYSLINUX.CFG"])