コード例 #1
def extract_key_data(p4, depot_path, rev=None):
    """For the given depot path, extract the user name, SSH key, and the key
    fingerprint generated from that key, returning them as a tuple. Any of
    the returned values may be None if the data is missing (e.g. if path is
    malformed, then user cannot be determined; if key file is malformed, no
    key; likewise for the fingerprint).
    user = None
    m = KEYPATH_RE.search(depot_path)
    if m:
        user = m.group(1)
    fp = None
    if rev:
        depot_path = "{}#{}".format(depot_path, rev)

    # Read all key files as raw bytes, assume they are encoded in UTF-8.
    # Git Fusion does not support other encodings for key file content.
    b = p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(p4, depot_path)
    s = b.decode()  # as UTF-8

    lines = s.splitlines()
    lines = [line for line in lines if len(line) > 0]  # Strip blank lines

    key = read_key_data(lines)
    if key:
        fp = ssh_key_to_fingerprint(key)
    return (user, key, fp)
コード例 #2
def _calc_repairs(ctx):
    Scan Perforce for Git commit data and Perforce changelist descriptions,
    calculate which Perforce changelists need more data copied from Git
    backing store //.git-fusion/objects/...

    # Load repo's entire set of Commit/Changelist metadata
    # into memory.
    LOG.info("Fetching list of Git commits/changelists from %s/objects/...",
    r = ctx.p4run(
        'files', '{root}/repos/{repo}/commits/...'.format(
            root=p4gf_const.objects_root(), repo=ctx.config.repo_name))
    # 'p4 print' each Git commit from its backup in
    # //.git-fusion/objects/...
    LOG.info("Fetched commit objects: {ct}".format(ct=len(r)))
    for rr in r:
        depot_path = rr.get('depotFile')
        if not depot_path:
        ot = ObjectType.commit_from_filepath(depot_path)
        LOG.debug('p4 print {}'.format(depot_path))
        blob_raw = p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(ctx.p4, depot_path)
        blob = p4gf_util.bytes_to_git_object(blob_raw)
        par_list = commit_to_parent_list(blob)
        SHA1_TO_PAR_SHA1_LIST[ot.sha1] = par_list
        LOG.debug("{sha1:7.7} parents={par}".format(
            sha1=ot.sha1, par=[p4gf_util.abbrev(p) for p in par_list]))

        # Loop through changelists, comparing against
        # backup and calculating if additional data
        # needs to be copied to its changelist description.
    return _calc_repairs_loop(ctx)
コード例 #3
def _print_config_file(p4, depot_path):
    Return a config file's content as a string.
    b = p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(p4, depot_path)
    if b:
        return b.decode()  # as UTF-8
        return None
コード例 #4
    def p4print(self, lfsfs):
        """Return a byte array that contains the large file content
        addressed by the LFSFileSpec.

        It is a programming error to call this on a non-existent or
        deleted-at-head depot file.
        return p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(self.ctx.p4gf,
コード例 #5
def _print_config_file(p4, depot_path):
    Return a config file's content as a string.
    b = p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(p4, depot_path)
    if b:
        return b.decode()    # as UTF-8
        return None
コード例 #6
    def _add_branch_defs_to_p4(self, ctx):
        If we defined any new named+lightweight branches, update (or write the
        first revision of) this repo's p4gf_config2 file with all the
        currently defined named+lightweight branches.
        # Nothing to write? well maybe we have just deleted the remaining refs
        have_branches = bool(self.branch_list)

        # What does the file look like now?
        p4 = ctx.p4gf  # For less typing later.
        old_content = None
        new_content = None
        depot_path = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo2(ctx.config.view_name)
        local_path = p4gf_util.depot_to_local_path(depot_path, p4)
        depot_exists = False

        # 'p4 print' will fail if file doesn't exist yet. Okay.
        with ctx.p4gf.at_exception_level(p4.RAISE_NONE):
            b = p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(p4, depot_path)
            if b:
                old_content = b.decode()  # as UTF-8
                depot_exists = True

        # What do we want the file to look like? ConfigParser writes only to
        # file, not to string, so we have to give it a file path. Ooh! I know!
        # How about writing to the very file that we have to 'p4 add' or 'p4
        # edit' if its content differs?
        if have_branches:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
            for b in self.branch_list:
                LOG.debug("add branch {0}".format(b))

            with open(local_path, 'w') as f:
            with open(local_path, 'r') as f:
                new_content = f.read()
            del config

        # Did nothing change? Then nothing to write.
        if p4gf_config.compare_configs_string(old_content, new_content):
            LOG.debug("No change to p4gf_config2 file")
            return False

        # Have to add or edit or delete the file.
        if not have_branches:
            ctx.p4gfrun(['sync', '-fkq', depot_path])
            ctx.p4gfrun(['delete', depot_path])
            LOG.debug("Deleted p4gf_config2 file")
            if depot_exists:
                ctx.p4gfrun(['sync', '-fkq', depot_path])
                ctx.p4gfrun(['edit', depot_path])
                LOG.debug("Edited p4gf_config2 file")
                ctx.p4gfrun(['add', '-t', 'text', local_path])
                LOG.debug("Added  p4gf_config2 file")

        return True
コード例 #7
    def _add_branch_defs_to_p4(self, ctx):
        If we defined any new named+lightweight branches, update (or write the
        first revision of) this repo's p4gf_config2 file with all the
        currently defined named+lightweight branches.
        # Nothing to write? well maybe we have just deleted the remaining refs
        have_branches = bool(self.branch_list)

        # What does the file look like now?
        p4           = ctx.p4gf         # For less typing later.
        old_content  = None
        new_content  = None
        depot_path   = p4gf_config.depot_path_repo2(ctx.config.view_name)
        local_path   = p4gf_util.depot_to_local_path(depot_path, p4)
        depot_exists = False

        # 'p4 print' will fail if file doesn't exist yet. Okay.
        with ctx.p4gf.at_exception_level(p4.RAISE_NONE):
            b = p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(p4, depot_path)
            if b:
                old_content = b.decode()    # as UTF-8
                depot_exists = True

        # What do we want the file to look like? ConfigParser writes only to
        # file, not to string, so we have to give it a file path. Ooh! I know!
        # How about writing to the very file that we have to 'p4 add' or 'p4
        # edit' if its content differs?
        if have_branches:
            config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None)
            for b in self.branch_list:
                LOG.debug("add branch {0}".format(b))

            with open(local_path, 'w') as f:
            with open(local_path, 'r') as f:
                new_content = f.read()
            del config

        # Did nothing change? Then nothing to write.
        if p4gf_config.compare_configs_string(old_content, new_content):
            LOG.debug("No change to p4gf_config2 file")
            return False

        # Have to add or edit or delete the file.
        if not have_branches:
            ctx.p4gfrun(['sync', '-fkq', depot_path])
            ctx.p4gfrun(['delete', depot_path])
            LOG.debug("Deleted p4gf_config2 file")
            if depot_exists:
                ctx.p4gfrun(['sync', '-fkq', depot_path])
                ctx.p4gfrun(['edit', depot_path])
                LOG.debug("Edited p4gf_config2 file")
                ctx.p4gfrun(['add', '-t', 'text',  local_path])
                LOG.debug("Added  p4gf_config2 file")

        return True
コード例 #8
    def add_cl(self, *, branch, p4change):
        """Find .gitattributes files on branch@p4change and cache any lfs lines."""
        # pylint:disable=too-many-branches
        LOG.debug('add_cl {} on {}'.format(p4change.change, branch.branch_id))
        # if first change on this branch, add dict change# -> P4ChangeAttribute
        branch_name = branch.git_branch_name
        if branch_name in self.change_gitattributes_dict:
            # not the first change on this branch
            if p4change.change in self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name]:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    _("Change {change} seen more than once in branch {branch}"
                      ).format(change=p4change.change, branch=branch_name))
            # find the parent change and its .gitattributes
            prev_change = max(
            init_dict = self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name][prev_change]\
            # first change on this branch
            self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name] = {}

            # first, use git-lfs-initial-track config option, if present
            init_dict = {}
            initial_content = p4gf_lfs_attributes.generate_initial_lfs_attrs(
            if initial_content:
                init_dict[''] = parse_gitattributes(initial_content)

            # then add in any .gitattributes in effect prior to this change
            r = self.ctx.p4run(
                '//.../.gitattributes@{}'.format(int(p4change.change) - 1))
            for change_file in r:
                depot_path = change_file['depotFile']
                gwt_dir = _get_gwt_path(self.ctx, depot_path, branch,
                init_dict[gwt_dir] = parse_gitattributes(
                    p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(self.ctx.p4, depot_path,

            prev_change = p4change.change - 1
            self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name][prev_change] = \
                P4ChangeAttribute(prev_change, init_dict)

        # get .gitattributes delta for p4change
        change_dict = {}
        for change_file in p4change.files:
            depot_path = change_file.depot_path
            if not depot_path.endswith('/.gitattributes'):
            is_delete = change_file.action == 'delete'
            gwt_dir = _get_gwt_path(self.ctx, depot_path, branch,
            # If top level .gitattributes in first change doesn't exist in P4,
            # that means we inserted it with contents of initial tracking.
            # Since we took care of that above, skip it here.
            if (len(self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name]) == 1
                    and gwt_dir == '' and not is_delete and
                    not p4gf_util.depot_file_exists(self.ctx.p4, depot_path)):
            # When .gitattributes is deleted, we want to remove the path from
            # the dict rather than set it to an empty pattern list.
            if is_delete:
                if gwt_dir in change_dict:
                    del init_dict[gwt_dir]
                change_dict[gwt_dir] = parse_gitattributes(
                    p4gf_util.print_depot_path_raw(self.ctx.p4, depot_path,

        # if nothing changed, just ref the previous dict, saving a bit of memory
        # otherwise apply this change's delta to the previous changes attrs
        if change_dict:
            updated_dict = copy.deepcopy(init_dict)
            updated_dict = init_dict

        self.change_gitattributes_dict[branch_name][p4change.change] = \
            P4ChangeAttribute(p4change.change, updated_dict)