コード例 #1
 def ToSymmetry(self, system):
     """Assign symmetry to a system."""
     # . Check for symmetry.
     if not self.QPARSED: return None
         # . Unpack data.
         alpha = self.symmetryParameters.alpha
         beta = self.symmetryParameters.beta
         gamma = self.symmetryParameters.gamma
         a = self.symmetryParameters.a
         b = self.symmetryParameters.b
         c = self.symmetryParameters.c
         # . Get the crystal class.
         if alpha > 80.0:
             if (a == b) and (a == c): crystalClass = CrystalClassCubic()
             else: crystalClass = CrystalClassOrthorhombic()
         else: crystalClass = CrystalClassTriclinic()
         # . Define symmetry.
コード例 #2
 def GetSystem ( self, log = logFile ):
     """Get the system."""
     if self.setUpType == "CHARMM":
         parameters = CHARMMParameterFiles_ToParameters ( self.parameterFiles, log = log )
         system     = CHARMMPSFFile_ToSystem ( self.setUpFile, isXPLOR = True, log = log, parameters = parameters )
     elif self.setUpType == "MOL"   : system = MOLFile_ToSystem  ( self.setUpFile )
     elif self.setUpType == "MOL2"  : system = MOL2File_ToSystem ( self.setUpFile )
     if self.xyzFile is not None: system.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3 ( self.xyzFile )
     if self.mmModel is not None: system.DefineMMModel ( self.mmModel )
     if self.hasSymmetry: system.DefineSymmetry ( crystalClass = CrystalClassCubic ( ), a = self.a )
     system.label = self.label
     system.Summary ( log = log )
     return system
コード例 #3
 def ToSymmetry ( self, system ):
     """Assign symmetry to a system."""
     # . Check for symmetry.
     if hasattr ( self, "box_dimensions" ):
         # . Unpack data.
         beta = self.box_dimensions[0]
         a    = self.box_dimensions[1]
         b    = self.box_dimensions[2]
         c    = self.box_dimensions[3]
         # . Get the crystal class.
         if ( beta != 90.0 ):            crystalClass = CrystalClassMonoclinic   ( )
         elif ( a == b ) and ( a == c ): crystalClass = CrystalClassCubic        ( )
         elif ( a == b ):                crystalClass = CrystalClassTetragonal   ( )
         else:                           crystalClass = CrystalClassOrthorhombic ( )
         # . Define symmetry.
         system.DefineSymmetry ( crystalClass = crystalClass, a = a, b = b, c = c, beta = beta )
コード例 #4
def BuildCubicSolventBox ( molecule, nmolecules, log = logFile, moleculesize = None, excludeHydrogens = True, QRANDOMROTATION = True, randomNumberGenerator = None, scalesafety = 1.1 ):
    """Build a cubic solvent box."""

    # . Get the number of molecules in each direction.
    nlinear = int ( math.ceil ( math.pow ( float ( nmolecules ), 1.0 / 3.0 ) ) )

    # . Get the indices of the occupied sites.
    sites = sample ( range ( nlinear**3 ), nmolecules )
    sites.sort ( )

    # . Get the number of atoms in the molecule and an appropriate selection.
    natoms    = len ( molecule.atoms )
    selection = Selection.FromIterable ( range ( natoms ) )

    # . Get a copy of molecule's coordinates (reorientated).
    coordinates3 = Clone ( molecule.coordinates3 )
    coordinates3.ToPrincipalAxes ( )

    # . Get the molecule size depending upon the input options.
    # . A molecule size has been specified.
    if moleculesize is not None:
        size = moleculesize
    # . Determine the size of the molecule as the diagonal distance across its enclosing orthorhombic box.
        radii = molecule.atoms.GetItemAttributes ( "vdwRadius" )
        if excludeHydrogens:
            atomicNumbers = molecule.atoms.GetItemAttributes ( "atomicNumber" )
            for ( i, atomicNumber ) in enumerate ( molecule.atoms.GetItemAttributes ( "atomicNumber" ) ):
                if atomicNumber == 1: radii[i] = 0.0
        ( origin, extents ) = coordinates3.EnclosingOrthorhombicBox ( radii = radii )
        size                = extents.Norm2 ( ) * scalesafety

    # . Create the new system - temporarily resetting the coordinates.
    temporary3            = molecule.coordinates3
    molecule.coordinates3 = coordinates3
    solvent               = MergeByAtom ( nmolecules * [ molecule ] )
    molecule.coordinates3 = temporary3

    # . Set the system symmetry.
    solvent.DefineSymmetry ( crystalClass = CrystalClassCubic ( ), a = size * float ( nlinear ) )

    # . Set up for random rotations.
        if randomNumberGenerator is None: randomNumberGenerator = RandomNumberGenerator.WithRandomSeed ( )
        rotation = Matrix33.Null ( )

    # . Loop over the box sites.
    origin      = 0.5 * float ( 1 - nlinear ) * size
    n           = 0
    translation = Vector3.Null ( )
    for i in range ( nlinear ):
        translation[0] = origin + size * float ( i )
        for j in range ( nlinear ):
            translation[1] = origin + size * float ( j )
            for k in range ( nlinear ):
                if len ( sites ) == 0: break
                translation[2] = origin + size * float ( k )
                # . Check for an occupied site.
                if sites[0] == n:
                    sites.pop ( 0 )
                    # . Randomly rotate the coordinates.
                    if QRANDOMROTATION:
                        rotation.RandomRotation ( randomNumberGenerator )
                        solvent.coordinates3.Rotate ( rotation, selection = selection )
                    # . Translate the coordinates.
                    solvent.coordinates3.Translate ( translation, selection = selection )
                    # . Increment the selection for the next molecule.
                    selection.Increment ( natoms )
                n += 1

    # . Do some printing.
    if LogFileActive ( log ):
        summary = log.GetSummary ( )
        summary.Start ( "Cubic Solvent Box Summary" )
        summary.Entry ( "Number of Molecules", "{:d}"  .format ( nmolecules                   ) )
        summary.Entry ( "Density (kg m^-3)",   "{:.3f}".format ( SystemDensity ( solvent )    ) )
        summary.Entry ( "Box Side",            "{:.3f}".format ( solvent.symmetryParameters.a ) )
        summary.Entry ( "Molecule Size",       "{:.3f}".format ( size                         ) )
        summary.Stop ( )

    # . Return the cubic system.
    return solvent
コード例 #5
    def runTest ( self ):
        """The test."""

        # . Initialization.
        failures      = 0
        otherFailures = 0
        successes     = 0

        # . Paths.
        dataPath = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE" ), "data", "pdb" )
        if self.resultPath is None: outPath  = os.path.join ( os.getenv ( "PDYNAMO_SCRATCH" ), _Destination )
        else:                       outPath  = os.path.join ( self.resultPath, _Destination )
        if not os.path.exists ( outPath ): os.mkdir ( outPath )
        log = self.GetLog ( )

        # . Models.
        mmModel = MMModelCHARMM ( "c36a2" )
        nbModel = NBModelABFS ( )
        qcModel = QCModelMNDO ( )

        # . Get the file.
        pdbFile = os.path.join ( dataPath, "2E4E_folded_solvated.pdb" )
        ( head, tail ) = os.path.split ( pdbFile )
        tag = tail[0:-4]

        if log is not None: log.Text ( "\nProcessing " + pdbFile + ":\n" )
        system = PDBFile_ToSystem ( pdbFile, log = log, useComponentLibrary = True )

            # . Fixed atoms.
            fixedAtoms = Selection ( ~ AtomSelection.FromAtomPattern ( system, "A:*:*" ) )

            # . QC selection.
            indices = set ( )
            for atomTag in _Tags:
                indices.add ( system.sequence.AtomIndex ( "A:TYR.2:" + atomTag ) )
            tyrosine = Selection ( indices )

            # . Setup.
            system.electronicState = ElectronicState ( charge = 0, multiplicity = 1 )
            system.DefineFixedAtoms ( fixedAtoms )
            system.DefineSymmetry   ( crystalClass = CrystalClassCubic ( ), a = _BoxSize )
            system.DefineMMModel    ( mmModel, log = log )
            system.DefineQCModel    ( qcModel, qcSelection = tyrosine )
            system.DefineNBModel    ( nbModel )
            system.Summary ( log = log )
            referenceEnergy = system.Energy  ( log = log, doGradients = True )

            # . Pickling.
            pklFile  = os.path.join ( outPath, tag + ".pkl"  )
            yamlFile = os.path.join ( outPath, tag + ".yaml" )
            Pickle     ( pklFile , system )
            YAMLPickle ( yamlFile, system )

            # . Unpickling.
            pklSystem = Unpickle ( pklFile )
            pklSystem.label += " (Pickled)"
            pklSystem.Summary ( log = log )
            pklEnergy = pklSystem.Energy  ( log = log, doGradients = True )
            if math.fabs ( referenceEnergy - pklEnergy  <= _Tolerance ): successes += 1
            else:                                                        failures  += 1

            yamlSystem = YAMLUnpickle ( yamlFile )
            yamlSystem.label += " (YAMLPickled)"
            yamlSystem.Summary ( log = log )
            yamlEnergy = yamlSystem.Energy  ( log = log, doGradients = True )
            if math.fabs ( referenceEnergy - yamlEnergy  <= _Tolerance ): successes += 1
            else:                                                         failures  += 1

        except Exception as e:
            otherFailures += 1
            if log is not None: log.Text ( "\nError occurred> " +  e.args[0] + "\n" )

        # . Summary of results.
        if log is not None:
            summary = log.GetSummary ( )
            summary.Start ( "Pickle Tests" )
            summary.Entry ( "Pickle Successes", "{:d}".format ( successes            ) )
            summary.Entry ( "Pickle Failures" , "{:d}".format ( failures             ) )
            summary.Entry ( "Total Tests"     , "2"                                    )
            summary.Entry ( "Loop Failures"   , "{:d}".format ( otherFailures        ) )
            summary.Stop  ( )

        # . Success/failure.
        self.assertTrue ( ( failures == 0 ) and ( otherFailures == 0 ) )
コード例 #6
import glob, os, os.path

from pBabel import CHARMMParameterFiles_ToParameters, CHARMMPSFFile_ToSystem, XYZFile_ToCoordinates3
from pCore import logFile, CPUTime, Selection, YAMLUnpickle
from pMolecule import CrystalClassCubic, ElectronicState, NBModelABFS, QCModelMNDO, SystemWithTimings
from pMoleculeScripts import LangevinDynamics_SystemGeometry, VelocityVerletDynamics_SystemGeometry

# . Parameters.
# . File and path names.
_TestDataFileName = "systemData.yaml"
_TestRootPath = "data"

# . Other options.
_CrystalClasses = {"Cubic": CrystalClassCubic()}
_DoDynamics = True
_ForceNoQC = False
_NBModel = NBModelABFS()
_QCModel = QCModelMNDO()
_QCRegionKey = "Large QC Region"  # "Small QC Region"
_Steps = 1000
_UseLangevin = True
_UseSystemWithTimings = True

# . Functions.
def FindTests():
    """Find the tests."""
コード例 #7
from pMolecule import CrystalClassCubic, MMModelOPLS, NBModelMonteCarlo
from pMoleculeScripts import MergeByAtom

methane = MOLFile_ToSystem("../mol/methane.mol")
water = MOLFile_ToSystem("../mol/water.mol")

# . Systems to create.
_ToCreate = (([methane] + 215 * [water], "Methane in Water.",
              "ch4_water215_cubicBox_mc.xyz", "ch4_water215_cubicBox_mc.pkl"),
             (216 * [water], "Water Box.", "water216_cubicBox_mc.xyz",

for (molecules, label, xyzPath, pklPath) in _ToCreate:

    system = MergeByAtom(molecules)
    system.label = label

    xyzSystem = XYZFile_ToSystem("../xyz/" + xyzPath)
    sideLength = float(xyzSystem.label.split()[-1])

    system.coordinates3 = xyzSystem.coordinates3


    system.DefineSymmetry(crystalClass=CrystalClassCubic(), a=sideLength)


    Pickle("../pkl/" + pklPath, system)
コード例 #8
import os.path

from pCore          import Coordinates3, logFile, LogFileActive, Matrix33, Selection, TextFileReader , \
                           Transformation3_FromSymmetryOperationString,  Transformation3Container    , \
from ExportImport   import _Importer
from pMolecule      import CrystalClassCubic, CrystalClassHexagonal, CrystalClassMonoclinic, CrystalClassOrthorhombic, \
                           CrystalClassRhombohedral, CrystalClassTetragonal, CrystalClassTriclinic, System
from STARFileReader import STARFileReader, STARFileTable

# . Parameters.
# . Crystal classes.
_CrystalClasses = { "cubic"        : CrystalClassCubic        ( ) ,
                    "hexagonal"    : CrystalClassHexagonal    ( ) ,
                    "monoclinic"   : CrystalClassMonoclinic   ( ) ,
                    "orthorhombic" : CrystalClassOrthorhombic ( ) ,
                    "rhombohedral" : CrystalClassRhombohedral ( ) ,
                    "tetragonal"   : CrystalClassTetragonal   ( ) ,
                    "triclinic"    : CrystalClassTriclinic    ( ) ,
                    "trigonal"     : CrystalClassHexagonal    ( ) }

# . Default disorder group.
_DefaultDisorderGroup = "1"

# . Undefined character.
_UndefinedCharacter = "."
