def _remove_outliers_from_hist( hist: Hist, outliers_start_index: int, outliers_removal_axis: OutliersRemovalAxis) -> None: """Remove outliers from a given histogram. Args: hist: Histogram to check for outliers. outliers_start_index: Index in the truth axis where outliers begin. outliers_removal_axis: Axis along which outliers removal will be performed. Usually the particle level aixs. Returns: None. The histogram is modified in place. """ # Use on TH1, TH2, and TH3 since we don't start removing immediately, but instead only after the limit if outliers_start_index > 0: # logger.debug("Removing outliers") # Check for values above which they should be removed by translating the global index x = ctypes.c_int(0) y = ctypes.c_int(0) z = ctypes.c_int(0) # Maps axis to valaues # This is kind of dumb, but it works. outliers_removal_axis_values: Dict[OutliersRemovalAxis, ctypes.c_int] = { projectors.TH1AxisType.x_axis: x, projectors.TH1AxisType.y_axis: y, projectors.TH1AxisType.z_axis: z, } for index in range(0, hist.GetNcells()): # Get the bin x, y, z from the global bin hist.GetBinXYZ(index, x, y, z) # Watch out for any problems if hist.GetBinContent(index) < hist.GetBinError(index): logger.warning( f"Bin content < error. Name: {hist.GetName()}, Bin content: {hist.GetBinContent(index)}, Bin error: {hist.GetBinError(index)}, index: {index}, ({x.value}, {y.value})" ) if outliers_removal_axis_values[ outliers_removal_axis].value >= outliers_start_index: # logger.debug("Cutting for index {}. x bin {}. Cut index: {}".format(index, x, cutIndex)) hist.SetBinContent(index, 0) hist.SetBinError(index, 0) else:"Hist {hist.GetName()} did not have any outliers to cut")
def _from_th1( hist: Hist ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Convert a TH1 histogram to a Histogram. Note: Underflow and overflow bins are excluded! Args: hist (ROOT.TH1): Input histogram. Returns: tuple: (x, y, errors) where x is the bin centers, y is the bin values, and errors are the sumw2 bin errors. """ # Enable sumw2 if it's not already calculated if hist.GetSumw2N() == 0: hist.Sumw2(True) # Don't include overflow bin_edges = get_bin_edges_from_axis(hist.GetXaxis()) # NOTE: The y value and bin error are stored with the hist, not the axis. y = np.array([ hist.GetBinContent(i) for i in range(1, hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1) ]) errors = np.array(hist.GetSumw2()) # Exclude the under/overflow bins errors = errors[1:-1] metadata = {} # Check for a TProfile. # In that case we need to retrieve the errors manually because the Sumw2() errors are # not the anticipated errors. if hasattr(hist, "BuildOptions"): errors = np.array([ hist.GetBinError(i) for i in range(1, hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1) ]) # We expected errors squared errors = errors**2 else: # Sanity check. If they don't match, something odd has almost certainly occurred. if not np.isclose(errors[0], hist.GetBinError(1)**2): raise ValueError( "Sumw2 errors don't seem to represent bin errors!") # Retrieve the stats and store them in the metadata. # They are useful for calculating histogram properties (mean, variance, etc). stats = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float64) hist.GetStats(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(stats)) # Return values are (each one is a single float): # [1], [2], [3], [4] # [1]: total_sum_w: Sum of weights (equal to np.sum(y) if unscaled) # [2]: total_sum_w2: Sum of weights squared (equal to np.sum(errors_squared) if unscaled) # [3]: total_sum_wx: Sum of w*x # [4}: total_sum_wx2: Sum of w*x*x metadata.update(_create_stats_dict_from_values(*stats)) return (bin_edges, y, errors, metadata)