def get_package_objs(honor_disable_webview=False): """Returns two lists: packages, noarch_packages.""" packages = get_packages() pack_objs = [] noarch_pack_objs = [] for package in packages: # Don't try to create the dirs and links because this code is run by the web server pack_obj = packaging.package("", package, create_dirs=False) if honor_disable_webview and pack_obj.get_info_var("disable_webview"): continue # Handle normal package # Add workaround for packages that build on multiple platforms, but are noarch (currently mono-basic) if['get_destroot'].find( 'noarch') == -1 or pack_obj.get_info_var('web_ignore_noarch'): pack_objs.append(pack_obj) # It's noarch else: noarch_pack_objs.append(pack_obj) return _web_index_sort(pack_objs), _web_index_sort(noarch_pack_objs)
def clean_sources(): for p in packages: pobj = packaging.package("", p, HEAD_or_RELEASE=HEAD_or_RELEASE, source_basepath=source_basepath, package_basepath=package_basepath) for i in pobj.get_source_files()[:-num_builds]: path = os.path.join(source_basepath,, i) print "Removing: " + path os.unlink(path)
def find_base_distro(pack_name, distro_name): """Look at all the build hosts to see which gives the same distro_root""" plat_obj = packaging.buildconf(distro_name, exclusive=False) pack_obj = packaging.package(plat_obj, pack_name, bundle_obj=bundle_obj) target_base_path = pack_obj.package_relpath base_distro = "" for p in pack_obj.get_info_var("BUILD_HOSTS"): plat2 = packaging.buildconf(p, exclusive=False) pack2 = packaging.package(plat2, pack_name, bundle_obj=bundle_obj) if pack2.package_relpath == target_base_path: base_distro = p #print "Found base distro for %s,%s: %s" % ( pack_name, distro_name, p) break return base_distro
def get_dep_files(self, build_deps=False, recommend_deps=False, source_deps=False, zip_runtime_deps=False): files = [] url_dest = config.packaging_dir + os.sep + 'external_zip_pkg' + os.sep + deps = [] if build_deps: deps += self.get_mono_deps() if recommend_deps: deps += self.get_mono_recommend_deps() if source_deps: deps += self.get_mono_source_deps() for dep in deps: # Get files for mono deps # Woah, total cheat here, I imported packaging, and am using it! package = packaging.package(self.package_env, dep, HEAD_or_RELEASE=self.HEAD_or_RELEASE) # If this is a recommended package, don't fail if missing if self.get_mono_recommend_deps().count( fail_flag = False else: fail_flag = True files += package.get_files(fail_on_missing=fail_flag) # Get url files urls = package.get_distro_zip_deps() if zip_runtime_deps: urls += package.get_distro_zip_runtime_deps() for url in urls: files += [url_dest + os.sep + os.path.basename(url)] utils.get_url(url, url_dest) # Get rpm deps urls += self.get_rpm_deps() # Get url files urls = self.get_distro_zip_deps() if zip_runtime_deps: urls += self.get_distro_zip_runtime_deps() urls += self.get_rpm_deps() for url in urls: files += [url_dest + os.sep + os.path.basename(url)] utils.get_url(url, url_dest) return utils.remove_list_duplicates(files)
def get_dep_files(self, build_deps=False, recommend_deps=False, source_deps=False, zip_runtime_deps=False): files = [] url_dest = config.packaging_dir + os.sep + 'external_zip_pkg' + os.sep + deps = [] if build_deps: deps += self.get_mono_deps() if recommend_deps: deps += self.get_mono_recommend_deps() if source_deps: deps += self.get_mono_source_deps() for dep in deps: # Get files for mono deps # Woah, total cheat here, I imported packaging, and am using it! package = packaging.package(self.package_env, dep, HEAD_or_RELEASE=self.HEAD_or_RELEASE) # If this is a recommended package, don't fail if missing if self.get_mono_recommend_deps().count( fail_flag = False else: fail_flag = True files += package.get_files(fail_on_missing=fail_flag) # Get url files urls = package.get_distro_zip_deps() if zip_runtime_deps: urls += package.get_distro_zip_runtime_deps() for url in urls: files += [ url_dest + os.sep + os.path.basename(url) ] utils.get_url(url, url_dest) # Get rpm deps urls += self.get_rpm_deps() # Get url files urls = self.get_distro_zip_deps() if zip_runtime_deps: urls += self.get_distro_zip_runtime_deps() urls += self.get_rpm_deps() for url in urls: files += [ url_dest + os.sep + os.path.basename(url) ] utils.get_url(url, url_dest) return utils.remove_list_duplicates(files)
def load_info(self): # reload list of packages (allows us to update the list without restarting the daemon) reload(config) self.td_active = config.td_active self.max_poll_interval = config.td_max_poll_interval self.network_error_interval = config.td_network_error_interval self.num_sequential = config.td_num_sequential self.sequential = config.td_sequential self.src_repo = src_repo_utils.svn(config.MONO_ROOT, key_file=config.src_key_file) self.distfiles = datastore.source_file_repo() self.pack_objs = {} for pack in config.td_packages: self.pack_objs[pack] = packaging.package("", pack)
def clean_distro_builds(distro_name): # Reference global var instead of defining in our own scope global remove_noarch print "Removing packages for: " + distro_name conf_obj = packaging.buildconf(distro_name, exclusive=False) for p in packages: # fake out symlink errors by using 'inside_jail' pobj = packaging.package(conf_obj, p, HEAD_or_RELEASE=HEAD_or_RELEASE, source_basepath=source_basepath, package_basepath=package_basepath) if pobj.destroot == 'noarch' and not remove_noarch: continue for i in pobj.get_versions(fail_on_missing=False)[:-num_builds]: path = os.path.join(package_basepath, pobj.destroot,, i) print "Removing: " + path shutil.rmtree(path) # Only remove these once remove_noarch = False
def get_package_objs(honor_disable_webview=False): """Returns two lists: packages, noarch_packages.""" packages = get_packages() pack_objs = [] noarch_pack_objs = [] for package in packages: # Don't try to create the dirs and links because this code is run by the web server pack_obj = packaging.package("", package, create_dirs=False) if honor_disable_webview and pack_obj.get_info_var("disable_webview"): continue # Handle normal package # Add workaround for packages that build on multiple platforms, but are noarch (currently mono-basic) if['get_destroot'].find('noarch') == -1 or pack_obj.get_info_var('web_ignore_noarch'): pack_objs.append(pack_obj) # It's noarch else: noarch_pack_objs.append(pack_obj) return _web_index_sort(pack_objs), _web_index_sort(noarch_pack_objs)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import pdb sys.path += [".."] import packaging pack = packaging.package("", 'mono-1.1.7') pdb.set_trace() print['web_index']
def run(self): distro = self.distro scheduler_log.log("%s:\tStarting scheduler\n" % (distro)) while not self.cancelled(): packages_to_build = [] for pack_def in config.sd_latest_build_packages: pack_obj = packaging.package("", pack_def) if pack_obj.valid_build_platform(distro): packages_to_build.append(pack_def) num_started_builds = 0 start_time = utils.get_time() # Build each package for this jail for package_name in packages_to_build: # Skip builds so we can exit if self.cancelled(): continue # Check to see what the latest tarball is # The src_file_repo class is not threadsafe, so provide a mutex here tarball_lock.acquire() try: tarball_filename = tarballs.get_latest_tarball("HEAD", package_name) except: # catch this in case the filename is being edited by hand tarball_filename = "" tarball_lock.release() if not tarball_filename: # scheduler_log.log("%s:\t*** Error getting latest tarball (%s) (Probably doesn't exist...)!!!\n" % (distro, package_name) ) pass else: # print "Latest tarball: " + tarball_filename # Get version version, ext = info = datastore.build_info("HEAD", distro, package_name, version) # Build if the build doesn't exist already if not info.exists: command = "cd %s; ./build --suppress_output %s %s %s" % ( config.packaging_dir, distro, package_name, version, ) scheduler_log.log("%s:\t%s\n" % (distro, command)) num_started_builds += 1 # TODO: hmm... is this not blocking? Seems this code continues before being able to run tests? (code, output) = utils.launch_process(command, print_output=0) # Testing... # code = 2 # Is the jail busy? if so, just repeat this loop (and select a new tarball if a newer one exists) # Hmm... this really shouldn't happen, as much at least if code == 2: # scheduler_log.log("%s:\tJail is busy or offline... will retry again (%s)\n" % (distro, package_name) ) num_started_builds -= 1 if code == 5: scheduler_log.log( "%s:\tbuild info is missing, but packages exist... ?? will retry again (%s)\n" % (distro, package_name) ) num_started_builds -= 1 else: # scheduler_log.log("%s:\tSkipping existing build (%s, %s)\n" % (distro, package_name, version) ) pass time_duration = utils.time_duration_asc(start_time, utils.get_time()) * 60 if num_started_builds == 0 and time_duration < config.sd_wakeup_interval: # scheduler_log.log("%s:\tSleeping %d seconds...\n" % (distro, config.sd_wakeup_interval - time_duration) ) time.sleep(config.sd_wakeup_interval - time_duration) # Exiting because we've been removed from the configuration scheduler_log.log("%s:\tExiting upon user request...\n" % distro)
def init(location, start_date, end_date, preference): print("Application Start...") # get number of days start_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() end_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() num_days = (end_dt - start_dt).days print("Number of days: {}".format(num_days)) # scrap data restaurant_data, hotel_data, attraction_data, weather_data = scrap_data( location, start_date, end_date, preference) # filter data # print("###################################################") print("Sorting data with preference 【{}】 and filtering...".format( preference)) hotel_filtered, restaurant_filtered, attraction_filtered = data_filter( restaurant_data, hotel_data, attraction_data, preference, num_days) # print("\n\n#########filtered#########") # with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None, 'expand_frame_repr', False): # print(hotel_filtered) # print(restaurant_filtered) # print(attraction_filtered) # calculate distances between POIs and package them to bundles print("\n\nCalculating Distance...") attraction_restaurant_package = cd.package_att_rest( attraction_filtered, restaurant_filtered) attraction_restaurant_package_filtered = [ item for item in attraction_restaurant_package if int(item[2]) <= 20000 ] # package items to actual routes print("Calculating distances between each POI ...") routes = pg.package(hotel_filtered, attraction_restaurant_package_filtered, num_days) # transform name df to address df route_address = route_to_address(routes, hotel_filtered, attraction_filtered, restaurant_filtered) route_distance = cd.calculate_each_route(route_address) print("\n\n#########route_distance#########") with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None, 'expand_frame_repr', False, 'display.max_colwidth', -1): print(route_distance) # replace name in route with actual POI contents print("\n\n#########Final_route_outputs#########") routes = to_route_output(routes, hotel_filtered, attraction_filtered, restaurant_filtered) with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None, 'display.max_colwidth', -1): print(routes) print("\n\n#########Weather_outputs#########") weather_output = weather_data[["Description", "High / Low"]] with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None, 'display.max_colwidth', -1): print(weather_output) export_plot(route_distance, routes) return routes, route_distance, weather_output
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys sys.path += [ '../pyutils' ] import packaging env = packaging.buildenv('sles-9-i586') #env = packaging.buildenv('win-4-i386') env = packaging.buildenv('macos-10-ppc') pack = packaging.package(env, 'mono-1.1.13') print['POSTBUILD_STEP_NAME1'] print['POSTBUILD_STEP1'] env.ssh.print_command=1 environment = {} environment['HEAD_or_RELEASE'] = "HEAD"['POSTBUILD_STEP1'] = """ python -c 'print 'hey'' """ env.ssh.execute(['POSTBUILD_STEP1'], env=environment)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys sys.path += [".."] import packaging import shell_parse #env = packaging.buildenv('sles-9-x86_64') env = packaging.buildenv('win-4-i386') print #pack = packaging.package(env, 'gecko-sharp-2.0') pack = packaging.package(env, 'mono') print print "---------------------------------------------------------------------" pack_def = shell_parse.parse_file('../../packaging/defs/libgdiplus') print pack_def['macos_10_ppc_ZIP_BUILD'] print "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
if not os.path.exists( distutils.dir_util.mkpath( else: # TODO: Better way to do this? # Clean up all directories for dir in os.listdir( full_dir = + os.sep + dir if os.path.isdir(full_dir): shutil.rmtree(full_dir) rpms = [] # Get rpms for this distro for pack in packages_in_repo: pack_obj = packaging.package(distro_obj, os.path.basename(pack), bundle_obj=bundle_conf, package_basepath=package_src_dir) # Only if package is valid on this distro if pack_obj.valid_use_platform( rpms += pack_obj.get_files(fail_on_missing=False) # Get external rpms for rpm_file in glob.glob( os.path.join(package_src_dir, '..', 'external_packages',, "*.rpm")): # Skip source rpms if not re.compile('\.src\.rpm').search(rpm_file): rpms.append(os.path.normpath(rpm_file)) # Create hard links for all rpms
distutils.dir_util.mkpath(os.path.join(output_dir, "archive",['archive_version'], 'sources')) out = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'sources-' +['bundle_urlname'], 'index.html'), 'w') arc_out = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'archive',['archive_version'], 'sources', 'index.html'), 'w') fd = open(os.path.join(config.release_repo_root, 'website', 'sources-index')) template = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in template: line_items = line.split() if line_items and line_items[0] == "#": args = line_items[1:] tarballs = [] for pack in args: pack_obj = packaging.package("", pack, bundle_obj=bundle_conf, source_basepath=sources_dir) try: source_file = pack_obj.get_source_file() except IndexError: # TODO: Sort of a hack... # There's no source for this module source_file = '' # Skip if there is no source for this bundle if source_file: tarballs.append(source_file) print tarballs out.write("<ul>\n") arc_out.write("<ul>\n") for i in tarballs:
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import pdb sys.path += [ ".." ] import packaging pack = packaging.package("", 'mono-1.1.7') pdb.set_trace() print['web_index']
arc_out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'archive', version, 'download',, 'index.html') distutils.dir_util.mkpath(os.path.dirname(out_file)) distutils.dir_util.mkpath(os.path.dirname(arc_out_file)) out = open(out_file, 'w') arc_out = open(arc_out_file, 'w') for line in template: line_segs = line.split() if line_segs and line_segs[0] == "#": ARGS = line_segs[2:] RPMS = [] SPECS = [] for package in ARGS: pack_obj = packaging.package(build_conf, package, bundle_obj=bundle_conf, package_basepath=package_src_dir) if not pack_obj.valid_use_platform( continue # probably won't ever want to post zip files ... ? RPMS += pack_obj.get_files_relpath(ext=["rpm"], fail_on_missing=False) # Remove src.rpms in case we saved them (which we usually don't) for i in RPMS: if re.compile(".*\.src\.rpm").search(i): RPMS.remove(i) SPECS += pack_obj.get_files_relpath(ext="spec", fail_on_missing=False) if len(RPMS) == 0:
build_info = datastore.build_info( bundle_obj2.HEAD_or_RELEASE(), base_distro, pack, ver) # check for a build that passed all tests if build_info.get_state() == "success": target_ver = ver print "Found validated build for %s: %s" % ( pack, target_ver) break if target_ver: bundle_obj2.add_version(pack, target_ver) pack_obj = packaging.package(plat_obj, pack, bundle_obj=bundle_obj2) # Ignore versioning from external sources (which we don't build svn versions of) old_version_map_exists = pack_obj.bundle_obj.version_map_exists if pack_obj.get_info_var("EXTERNAL_SOURCE"): pack_obj.bundle_obj.ignore_version_map() if pack_obj.valid_use_platform(['distro']): rpms += pack_obj.get_files(fail_on_missing=fail_on_missing) # Restore version_map_exists pack_obj.bundle_obj.version_map_exists = old_version_map_exists # Gather sources for pack in build.get_packages():
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import pdb sys.path.append("../pyutils") import packaging bundle_conf = packaging.bundle(bundle_name='1.1.13') for i in ['gtk-sharp', 'gtk-sharp-2.0', 'gtk-sharp-2.8']: env = packaging.buildenv('suse-101-i586') pack = packaging.package( env, i, bundle_obj=bundle_conf, source_basepath='/var/www/mono-website/go-mono/sources', package_basepath='/var/www/mono-website/go-mono/download') print "\n".join(pack.get_files()) print pack.get_source_file()
arc_out = open( os.path.join(output_dir, 'archive',['archive_version'], 'sources', 'index.html'), 'w') fd = open(os.path.join(config.release_repo_root, 'website', 'sources-index')) template = fd.readlines() fd.close() for line in template: line_items = line.split() if line_items and line_items[0] == "#": args = line_items[1:] tarballs = [] for pack in args: pack_obj = packaging.package("", pack, bundle_obj=bundle_conf, source_basepath=sources_dir) try: source_file = pack_obj.get_source_file() except IndexError: # TODO: Sort of a hack... # There's no source for this module source_file = '' # Skip if there is no source for this bundle if source_file: tarballs.append(source_file) print tarballs out.write("<ul>\n") arc_out.write("<ul>\n")
target_ver = "" for ver in versions: build_info = datastore.build_info(bundle_obj2.HEAD_or_RELEASE(), base_distro, pack, ver) # check for a build that passed all tests if build_info.get_state() == "success": target_ver = ver print "Found validated build for %s: %s" % (pack, target_ver) break if target_ver: bundle_obj2.add_version(pack, target_ver) pack_obj = packaging.package(plat_obj, pack, bundle_obj=bundle_obj2) # Ignore versioning from external sources (which we don't build svn versions of) old_version_map_exists = pack_obj.bundle_obj.version_map_exists if pack_obj.get_info_var("EXTERNAL_SOURCE"): pack_obj.bundle_obj.ignore_version_map() if pack_obj.valid_use_platform(['distro']): rpms += pack_obj.get_files(fail_on_missing=fail_on_missing) # Restore version_map_exists pack_obj.bundle_obj.version_map_exists = old_version_map_exists # Gather sources for pack in build.get_packages(): pack_obj = packaging.package("", pack, bundle_obj=bundle_obj, create_dirs=False)
def run(self): distro = self.distro scheduler_log.log("%s:\tStarting scheduler\n" % (distro)) while not self.cancelled(): packages_to_build = [] for pack_def in config.sd_latest_build_packages: pack_obj = packaging.package("", pack_def) if pack_obj.valid_build_platform(distro): packages_to_build.append(pack_def) num_started_builds = 0 start_time = utils.get_time() # Build each package for this jail for package_name in packages_to_build: # Skip builds so we can exit if self.cancelled(): continue # Check to see what the latest tarball is # The src_file_repo class is not threadsafe, so provide a mutex here tarball_lock.acquire() try: tarball_filename = tarballs.get_latest_tarball( "HEAD", package_name) except: # catch this in case the filename is being edited by hand tarball_filename = "" tarball_lock.release() if not tarball_filename: #scheduler_log.log("%s:\t*** Error getting latest tarball (%s) (Probably doesn't exist...)!!!\n" % (distro, package_name) ) pass else: #print "Latest tarball: " + tarball_filename # Get version version, ext = info = datastore.build_info("HEAD", distro, package_name, version) # Build if the build doesn't exist already if not info.exists: command = "cd %s; ./build --suppress_output %s %s %s" % ( config.packaging_dir, distro, package_name, version) scheduler_log.log("%s:\t%s\n" % (distro, command)) num_started_builds += 1 # TODO: hmm... is this not blocking? Seems this code continues before being able to run tests? (code, output) = utils.launch_process(command, print_output=0) # Testing... #code = 2 # Is the jail busy? if so, just repeat this loop (and select a new tarball if a newer one exists) # Hmm... this really shouldn't happen, as much at least if code == 2: #scheduler_log.log("%s:\tJail is busy or offline... will retry again (%s)\n" % (distro, package_name) ) num_started_builds -= 1 if code == 5: scheduler_log.log( "%s:\tbuild info is missing, but packages exist... ?? will retry again (%s)\n" % (distro, package_name)) num_started_builds -= 1 else: #scheduler_log.log("%s:\tSkipping existing build (%s, %s)\n" % (distro, package_name, version) ) pass time_duration = utils.time_duration_asc(start_time, utils.get_time()) * 60 if num_started_builds == 0 and time_duration < config.sd_wakeup_interval: #scheduler_log.log("%s:\tSleeping %d seconds...\n" % (distro, config.sd_wakeup_interval - time_duration) ) time.sleep(config.sd_wakeup_interval - time_duration) # Exiting because we've been removed from the configuration scheduler_log.log("%s:\tExiting upon user request...\n" % distro)
else: if not os.path.exists( distutils.dir_util.mkpath( else: # TODO: Better way to do this? # Clean up all directories for dir in os.listdir( full_dir = + os.sep + dir if os.path.isdir(full_dir): shutil.rmtree(full_dir) rpms = [] # Get rpms for this distro for pack in packages_in_repo: pack_obj = packaging.package(distro_obj, os.path.basename(pack), bundle_obj=bundle_conf, package_basepath=package_src_dir) # Only if package is valid on this distro if pack_obj.valid_use_platform( rpms += pack_obj.get_files(fail_on_missing=False) # Get external rpms for rpm_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(package_src_dir, '..', 'external_packages',, "*.rpm")): # Skip source rpms if not re.compile('\.src\.rpm').search(rpm_file): rpms.append(os.path.normpath(rpm_file)) # Create hard links for all rpms for file in rpms: arch_dir = + os.sep + rpm_utils.rpm_query('ARCH', file) if not os.path.exists(arch_dir): distutils.dir_util.mkpath(arch_dir)
distutils.dir_util.mkpath(os.path.dirname(out_file)) distutils.dir_util.mkpath(os.path.dirname(arc_out_file)) out = open(out_file, 'w') arc_out = open(arc_out_file, 'w') for line in template: line_segs = line.split() if line_segs and line_segs[0] == "#": ARGS = line_segs[2:] RPMS = [] SPECS = [] for package in ARGS: pack_obj = packaging.package(build_conf, package, bundle_obj=bundle_conf, package_basepath=package_src_dir) if not pack_obj.valid_use_platform( continue # probably won't ever want to post zip files ... ? RPMS += pack_obj.get_files_relpath(ext=["rpm"], fail_on_missing=False) # Remove src.rpms in case we saved them (which we usually don't) for i in RPMS: if re.compile(".*\.src\.rpm").search(i): RPMS.remove(i) SPECS += pack_obj.get_files_relpath(ext="spec",
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import pdb sys.path.append("../pyutils") import packaging bundle_conf = packaging.bundle(bundle_name='1.1.13') for i in ['gtk-sharp', 'gtk-sharp-2.0', 'gtk-sharp-2.8']: env = packaging.buildenv('suse-101-i586') pack = packaging.package(env, i, bundle_obj=bundle_conf, source_basepath='/var/www/mono-website/go-mono/sources', package_basepath='/var/www/mono-website/go-mono/download') print "\n".join(pack.get_files()) print pack.get_source_file()