if int(user_info['frozen']) == 1: if dt.now().timestamp() > user_info['freezetime']: return (packets.notification( 'You are banned as a result of not providing a liveplay.') + packets.userID(-1)), 'no' else: # timer hasnt passed, alert user they are frozen data += packets.notification( f'Your account is currently frozen!\n\n' 'This means you have 7 days to create a valid liveplay to avoid a ban.\n' 'Please message tsunyoku#8551 on Discord (If you need to join the Discord: https://{glob.config.domain}/discord) to be given the liveplay criteria you will be expected to meet.\n\n' 'Once a valid liveplay is provided, your account will be unfrozen!' ) # tells osu! to load channels from config, i believe? data += packets.channelInfoEnd() # channels for c in glob.channels: if p.priv & c.read_priv != c.read_priv: continue # no priv to read # autojoinable channels if c.auto_join and await p.join_channel(c): # NOTE: p.join_channel enqueues channelJoin, but # if we don't send this back in this specific request, # the client will attempt to join the channel again. data += packets.channelJoin(c.name) data += packets.channelInfo(*c.basic_info)
geoloc = reader.city(ip) country, user['lat'], user['lon'] = (geoloc.country.iso_code, geoloc.location.latitude, geoloc.location.longitude) user['country'] = country_codes[country] await glob.db.execute('UPDATE users SET country = %s WHERE id = %s', [country.lower(), user['id']]) # update country code in db friends = {row['user2'] async for row in glob.db.iterall('SELECT user2 FROM friends WHERE user1 = %s', [user['id']])} # select all friends from db ucache = glob.cache['user'] if str(token) not in ucache: ucache[str(token)] = user['id'] # cache token to use outside of this request data = bytearray(packets.userID(user['id'])) # initiate login by providing the user's id data += packets.protocolVersion(19) # no clue what this does data += packets.banchoPrivileges(1 << 4) # force priv to developer for now data += (packets.userPresence(user) + packets.userStats(user)) # provide user & other user's presence/stats (for f9 + user stats) data += packets.notification(f'Welcome to Asahi v{glob.version}') # send notification as indicator they've logged in i guess data += packets.channelInfoEnd() # no clue what this does either data += packets.menuIcon() # set main menu icon data += packets.friends(*friends) # send user friend list data += packets.silenceEnd(0) # force to 0 for now since silences arent a thing #data += packets.sendMessage(user['name'], 'test message lol so cool', user['name'], user['id']) # test message # add user to cache? pcache = glob.players pcache.append(user) for p in pcache: # enqueue other users to client data += (packets.userPresence(p) + packets.userStats(p)) resp = await make_response(bytes(data)) resp.headers['cho-token'] = token if glob.config.debug: log(f'{username} successfully logged in. | Time Elapsed (using bcrypt cache: {ub}): {(time.time() - start) * 1000:.2f}ms', Ansi.LBLUE)
p_row |= { 'utc_offset': utc_offset, 'pm_private': pm_private, 'osu_ver': osu_ver } p = Player(**p_row) data = bytearray( packets.userID(p.id) + packets.protocolVersion(19) + packets.banchoPrivileges(p.bancho_priv) + packets.notification('Welcome back to the gulag!\n' f'Current build: {glob.version}') + # tells osu! to load channels from config, i believe? packets.channelInfoEnd()) # channels for c in glob.channels: if not p.priv & c.read: continue # no priv to read # autojoinable channels if c.auto_join and await p.join_channel(c): # NOTE: p.join_channel enqueues channelJoin, but # if we don't send this back in this specific request, # the client will attempt to join the channel again. data.extend(packets.channelJoin(c.name)) data.extend(packets.channelInfo(*c.basic_info))
async def login(): headers = request.headers # request headers, used for things such as user ip and agent if 'User-Agent' not in headers or headers['User-Agent'] != 'osu!': # request isn't sent from osu client, return nothing return if 'osu-token' not in headers: # sometimes a login request will be a re-connect attempt, in which case they will already have a token, if not: login the user data = await request.data # request data, used to get info such as username to login the user info = data.decode().split( '\n')[:-1] # format data so we can use it easier username = info[0] pw = info[1].encode( ) # password in md5 form, we will use this to compare against db's stored bcrypt later user = await glob.db.fetch( 'SELECT id, pw, country, name FROM users WHERE name = %s', [username]) if not user: # ensure user actually exists before attempting to do anything else log(f'User {username} does not exist.', Ansi.LRED) resp = await make_response(packets.userID(-1)) resp.headers['cho-token'] = 'no' return resp bcache = glob.cache[ 'bcrypt'] # get our cached bcrypts to potentially enhance speed pw_bcrypt = user['pw'].encode() if pw_bcrypt in bcache: if pw != bcache[ pw_bcrypt]: # compare provided md5 with the stored (cached) bcrypt to ensure they have provided the correct password log( f"{username}'s login attempt failed: provided an incorrect password", Ansi.LRED) resp = await make_response(packets.userID(-1)) resp.headers['cho-token'] = 'no' return resp else: if not bcrypt.checkpw( pw, pw_bcrypt ): # compare provided md5 with the stored bcrypt to ensure they have provided the correct password log( f"{username}'s login attempt failed: provided an incorrect password", Ansi.LRED) resp = await make_response(packets.userID(-1)) resp.headers['cho-token'] = 'no' return resp bcache[pw_bcrypt] = pw # cache pw for future token = uuid.uuid4() # generate token for client to use as auth ucache = glob.cache['user'] if str(token) not in ucache: ucache[str(token)] = user[ 'id'] # cache token to use outside of this request data = bytearray(packets.userID( user['id'])) # initiate login by providing the user's id data += packets.protocolVersion(19) # no clue what this does data += packets.banchoPrivileges( 1 << 4) # force priv to developer for now data += ( packets.userPresence(user) + packets.userStats(user) ) # provide user & other user's presence/stats (for f9 + user stats) data += packets.notification( f'Welcome to Asahi v{glob.version}' ) # send notification as indicator they've logged in iguess data += packets.channelInfoEnd() # no clue what this does either resp = await make_response(bytes(data)) resp.headers['cho-token'] = token log(f'{username} successfully logged in.', Ansi.GREEN) return resp # if we have made it this far then it's a reconnect attempt with token already provided user_token = headers['osu-token'] # client-provided token tcache = glob.cache[ 'user'] # get token/userid cache to see if we need to relog the user or not if user_token not in tcache: # user is logged in but token is not found? most likely a restart so we force a reconnection return packets.restartServer(0) user = await glob.db.fetch( 'SELECT id, pw, country, name FROM users WHERE id = %s', [tcache[user_token]]) body = await request.body # handle any packets the client has sent | doesn't really work **for now** for packet in BanchoPacketReader(body, glob.packets): await packet.handle(user) log(f'Handled packet {packet}') resp = await make_response(b'') resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' # ? return resp