def __call__(self, preds, targets): heatmaps_gt, mask = targets heatmaps_pred = preds[0] scalemaps_pred = preds[1] heatmaps_scaled_gt = paddle.where( heatmaps_gt > 0, 0.5 * heatmaps_gt * (1 + (1 + (scalemaps_pred - 1.) * paddle.log(heatmaps_gt + 1e-10))**2), heatmaps_gt) regularizer_loss = paddle.mean( paddle.pow((scalemaps_pred - 1.) * (heatmaps_gt > 0).astype(float), 2)) omiga = 0.01 # thres = 2**(-1/omiga), threshold for positive weight hm_weight = heatmaps_scaled_gt**(omiga) * paddle.abs( 1 - heatmaps_pred) + paddle.abs(heatmaps_pred) * ( 1 - heatmaps_scaled_gt**(omiga)) loss = (((heatmaps_pred - heatmaps_scaled_gt)**2) * mask.cast('float').unsqueeze(1)) * hm_weight loss = loss.mean() loss = self.loss_factor * (loss + 1.0 * regularizer_loss) return loss
def obj_weighted_reg(self, sx, sy, sw, sh, tx, ty, tw, th, tobj): loss_x = ops.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(sx, F.sigmoid(tx)) loss_y = ops.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(sy, F.sigmoid(ty)) loss_w = paddle.abs(sw - tw) loss_h = paddle.abs(sh - th) loss = paddle.add_n([loss_x, loss_y, loss_w, loss_h]) weighted_loss = paddle.mean(loss * F.sigmoid(tobj)) return weighted_loss
def smooth_l1_loss(pred, target, beta: float): if beta < 1e-5: loss = torch.abs(input - target) else: abs_x = torch.abs(pred- target) in_mask = abs_x < beta loss = torch.where(in_mask, 0.5 * abs_x ** 2 / beta, abs_x - 0.5 * beta) return loss.sum(axis=1)
def encode_latent(self, jtenc_holder, mpn_holder): """Encode latent space""" tree_vecs, _ = self.jtnn(*jtenc_holder) mol_vecs = self.mpn(**mpn_holder) tree_mean = self.T_mean(tree_vecs) mol_mean = self.G_mean(mol_vecs) tree_var = -paddle.abs(self.T_var(tree_vecs)) mol_var = -paddle.abs(self.G_var(mol_vecs)) return paddle.concat([tree_mean, mol_mean], axis=1), paddle.concat([tree_var, mol_var], axis=1)
def compute_g_loss(nets, w_hpf, lambda_sty, lambda_ds, lambda_cyc, x_real, y_org, y_trg, z_trgs=None, x_refs=None, masks=None): assert (z_trgs is None) != (x_refs is None) if z_trgs is not None: z_trg, z_trg2 = z_trgs if x_refs is not None: x_ref, x_ref2 = x_refs # adversarial loss if z_trgs is not None: s_trg = nets['mapping_network'](z_trg, y_trg) else: s_trg = nets['style_encoder'](x_ref, y_trg) x_fake = nets['generator'](x_real, s_trg, masks=masks) out = nets['discriminator'](x_fake, y_trg) loss_adv = adv_loss(out, 1) # style reconstruction loss s_pred = nets['style_encoder'](x_fake, y_trg) loss_sty = paddle.mean(paddle.abs(s_pred - s_trg)) # diversity sensitive loss if z_trgs is not None: s_trg2 = nets['mapping_network'](z_trg2, y_trg) else: s_trg2 = nets['style_encoder'](x_ref2, y_trg) x_fake2 = nets['generator'](x_real, s_trg2, masks=masks) loss_ds = paddle.mean(paddle.abs(x_fake - x_fake2)) # cycle-consistency loss masks = nets['fan'].get_heatmap(x_fake) if w_hpf > 0 else None s_org = nets['style_encoder'](x_real, y_org) x_rec = nets['generator'](x_fake, s_org, masks=masks) loss_cyc = paddle.mean(paddle.abs(x_rec - x_real)) loss = loss_adv + lambda_sty * loss_sty \ - lambda_ds * loss_ds + lambda_cyc * loss_cyc return loss, { 'adv': loss_adv.numpy(), 'sty': loss_sty.numpy(), 'ds:': loss_ds.numpy(), 'cyc': loss_cyc.numpy() }
def _update_masks(self): for name, sub_layer in self.model.named_sublayers(): if not self._should_prune_layer(sub_layer): continue for param in sub_layer.parameters(include_sublayers=False): if in self.skip_params: continue mask = self.masks.get( if self.local_sparsity: bool_tmp = (paddle.abs(param) >= self.thresholds[]) else: bool_tmp = (paddle.abs(param) >= self.threshold) paddle.assign(bool_tmp, output=mask)
def feature_mask(input, axis, dtype="bool"): """Compute mask from input features. For a input features, represented as batched feature vectors, those vectors which all zeros are considerd padding vectors. Parameters ---------- input : Tensor [dtype: float] The input tensor which represents featues. axis : int The index of the feature dimension in ``input``. Other dimensions are considered ``spatial`` dimensions. dtype : str, optional Data type of the generated mask, by default "bool" Returns ------- Tensor The geenrated mask with ``spatial`` shape as mentioned above. It has one less dimension than ``input`` does. """ feature_sum = paddle.sum(paddle.abs(input), axis) return paddle.cast(feature_sum != 0, dtype)
def supervised_chi_loss(ret, batch, value, config): """Computes loss for direct chi angle supervision. Jumper et al. (2021) Suppl. Alg. 27 "torsionAngleLoss" Args: ret: Dictionary to write outputs into, needs to contain 'loss'. batch: Batch, needs to contain 'seq_mask', 'chi_mask', 'chi_angles'. value: Dictionary containing structure module output, needs to contain value['sidechains']['angles_sin_cos'] for angles and value['sidechains']['unnormalized_angles_sin_cos'] for unnormalized angles. config: Configuration of loss, should contain 'chi_weight' and 'angle_norm_weight', 'angle_norm_weight' scales angle norm term, 'chi_weight' scales torsion term. """ eps = 1e-6 sequence_mask = batch['seq_mask'] num_res = sequence_mask.shape[1] batch_size = sequence_mask.shape[0] chi_mask = batch['chi_mask'] pred_angles = paddle.reshape(value['sidechains']['angles_sin_cos'], [batch_size, -1, num_res, 7, 2]) pred_angles = pred_angles[:, :, :, 3:] residue_type_one_hot = paddle.nn.functional.one_hot(batch['aatype_index'], num_classes=residue_constants.restype_num + 1) chi_pi_periodic = paddle.einsum('nijk, nkl->nijl', residue_type_one_hot[:, None, ...], paddle.to_tensor(residue_constants.chi_pi_periodic)[None]) sin_cos_true_chi = batch['chi_angles_sin_cos'][:, None, ...] # This is -1 if chi is pi-periodic and +1 if it's 2pi-periodic shifted_mask = (1 - 2 * chi_pi_periodic)[..., None] sin_cos_true_chi_shifted = shifted_mask * sin_cos_true_chi sq_chi_error = paddle.sum(squared_difference(sin_cos_true_chi, pred_angles), axis=-1) sq_chi_error_shifted = paddle.sum(squared_difference(sin_cos_true_chi_shifted, pred_angles), axis=-1) sq_chi_error = paddle.minimum(sq_chi_error, sq_chi_error_shifted) sq_chi_loss_tmp = [] for i in range(batch_size): sq_chi_loss_i = utils.mask_mean(mask=paddle.unsqueeze(chi_mask[i], axis=0), value=sq_chi_error[i]) sq_chi_loss_tmp.append(sq_chi_loss_i) sq_chi_loss = paddle.to_tensor(sq_chi_loss_tmp, stop_gradient=False) sq_chi_loss = paddle.squeeze(sq_chi_loss, axis=-1) ret['chi_loss'] = sq_chi_loss ret['loss'] += config.chi_weight * sq_chi_loss unnormed_angles = paddle.reshape(value['sidechains']['unnormalized_angles_sin_cos'], [batch_size, -1, num_res, 7, 2]) angle_norm = paddle.sqrt(paddle.sum(paddle.square(unnormed_angles), axis=-1) + eps) norm_error = paddle.abs(angle_norm - 1.) angle_norm_loss_tmp = [] for i in range(batch_size): angle_norm_loss_i = utils.mask_mean(mask=paddle.unsqueeze(sequence_mask[i], axis=[0,2]), value=norm_error[i]) angle_norm_loss_tmp.append(angle_norm_loss_i) angle_norm_loss = paddle.to_tensor(angle_norm_loss_tmp, stop_gradient=False) angle_norm_loss = paddle.squeeze(angle_norm_loss, axis=-1) ret['angle_norm_loss'] = angle_norm_loss ret['loss'] += config.angle_norm_weight * angle_norm_loss
def set_static_masks(self): for name, sub_layer in self.model.named_sublayers(): if not self._should_prune_layer(sub_layer): continue for param in sub_layer.parameters(include_sublayers=False): mask = self.masks.get( bool_tmp = (paddle.abs(param) != 0.0) paddle.assign(bool_tmp, output=mask)
def forward(self, pred, label, sample_weight=None): one_hot = label > 0.5 sample_weight = label != self._ignore_label if not self._from_logits: pred = F.sigmoid(pred) alpha = paddle.where(one_hot, self._alpha * sample_weight, (1 - self._alpha) * sample_weight) pt = paddle.where(one_hot, 1.0 - paddle.abs(label - pred), paddle.ones_like(pred)) beta = (1 - pt)**self._gamma loss = -alpha * beta * paddle.log( paddle.min(pt + self._eps, paddle.ones(1, dtype='float32'))) loss = self._weight * (loss * sample_weight) if self._size_average: tsum = paddle.sum(label == 1, axis=misc.get_dims_with_exclusion( len(label.shape), self._batch_axis)) loss = paddle.sum(loss, axis=misc.get_dims_with_exclusion( len(loss.shape), self._batch_axis)) / (tsum + self._eps) else: loss = paddle.sum(loss, axis=misc.get_dims_with_exclusion( len(loss.shape), self._batch_axis)) return self._scale * loss
def forward(self, predicts, labels): l_score, l_geo, l_mask = labels[1:] f_score = predicts['f_score'] f_geo = predicts['f_geo'] dice_loss = self.dice_loss(f_score, l_score, l_mask) #smoooth_l1_loss channels = 8 l_geo_split = paddle.split( l_geo, num_or_sections=channels + 1, axis=1) f_geo_split = paddle.split(f_geo, num_or_sections=channels, axis=1) smooth_l1 = 0 for i in range(0, channels): geo_diff = l_geo_split[i] - f_geo_split[i] abs_geo_diff = paddle.abs(geo_diff) smooth_l1_sign = paddle.less_than(abs_geo_diff, l_score) smooth_l1_sign = paddle.cast(smooth_l1_sign, dtype='float32') in_loss = abs_geo_diff * abs_geo_diff * smooth_l1_sign + \ (abs_geo_diff - 0.5) * (1.0 - smooth_l1_sign) out_loss = l_geo_split[-1] / channels * in_loss * l_score smooth_l1 += out_loss smooth_l1_loss = paddle.mean(smooth_l1 * l_score) dice_loss = dice_loss * 0.01 total_loss = dice_loss + smooth_l1_loss losses = {"loss":total_loss, \ "dice_loss":dice_loss,\ "smooth_l1_loss":smooth_l1_loss} return losses
def exponential(M: int, center=None, tau=1., sym: bool = True, dtype: str = 'float64') -> Tensor: """Compute an exponential (or Poisson) window. Parameters: M(int): window size. tau(float): the window-specific parameter. sym(bool):whether to return symmetric window. The default value is True dtype(str): the datatype of returned tensor. Returns: Tensor: the window tensor Notes: This function is consistent with """ if sym and center is not None: raise ValueError("If sym==True, center must be None.") if _len_guards(M): return paddle.ones((M, ), dtype=dtype) M, needs_trunc = _extend(M, sym) if center is None: center = (M - 1) / 2 n = paddle.arange(0, M, dtype=dtype) w = paddle.exp(-paddle.abs(n - center) / tau) return _truncate(w, needs_trunc)
def sample_data(self, layer, tensors): assert isinstance(tensors, tuple) if self.abs_max_vals == []: abs_max_vals = [abs_max_value(t) for t in tensors] self.abs_max_vals = abs_max_vals for idx, tensor in enumerate(tensors): if abs_max_vals[idx] == 0.0: self.hists.append(None) else: hist, _ = np.histogram(paddle.abs(tensor).numpy(), range=(0., abs_max_vals[idx]), bins=self.bins) hist = hist.astype(np.float32) self.hists.append(hist) else: assert len(self.abs_max_vals) == len(tensors) assert len(self.hists) == len(tensors) for idx, tensor in enumerate(tensors): new_abs_max, new_hist = combine_abs_max_and_hist( tensor, self.abs_max_vals[idx], self.hists[idx], self.bins, self.upsample_bins) self.abs_max_vals[idx] = new_abs_max self.hists[idx] = new_hist
def test_all_positive(self): for dtype in self._dtypes: x = 1 + 10 * np.random.random([13, 3, 3]).astype(dtype) for place in self._places: with dg.guard(place): y = paddle.abs(paddle.to_tensor(x)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.abs(x), y.numpy()))
def get_loss(self, pred_scores, pred_deltas, anchors, inputs): """ pred_scores (list[Tensor]): Multi-level scores prediction pred_deltas (list[Tensor]): Multi-level deltas prediction anchors (list[Tensor]): Multi-level anchors inputs (dict): ground truth info, including im, gt_bbox, gt_score """ anchors = [paddle.reshape(a, shape=(-1, 4)) for a in anchors] anchors = paddle.concat(anchors) scores = [ paddle.reshape(paddle.transpose(v, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]), shape=(v.shape[0], -1, 1)) for v in pred_scores ] scores = paddle.concat(scores, axis=1) deltas = [ paddle.reshape(paddle.transpose(v, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]), shape=(v.shape[0], -1, 4)) for v in pred_deltas ] deltas = paddle.concat(deltas, axis=1) score_tgt, bbox_tgt, loc_tgt, norm = self.rpn_target_assign( inputs, anchors) scores = paddle.reshape(x=scores, shape=(-1, )) deltas = paddle.reshape(x=deltas, shape=(-1, 4)) score_tgt = paddle.concat(score_tgt) score_tgt.stop_gradient = True pos_mask = score_tgt == 1 pos_ind = paddle.nonzero(pos_mask) valid_mask = score_tgt >= 0 valid_ind = paddle.nonzero(valid_mask) # cls loss if valid_ind.shape[0] == 0: loss_rpn_cls = paddle.zeros([1], dtype='float32') else: score_pred = paddle.gather(scores, valid_ind) score_label = paddle.gather(score_tgt, valid_ind).cast('float32') score_label.stop_gradient = True loss_rpn_cls = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( logit=score_pred, label=score_label, reduction="sum") # reg loss if pos_ind.shape[0] == 0: loss_rpn_reg = paddle.zeros([1], dtype='float32') else: loc_pred = paddle.gather(deltas, pos_ind) loc_tgt = paddle.concat(loc_tgt) loc_tgt = paddle.gather(loc_tgt, pos_ind) loc_tgt.stop_gradient = True loss_rpn_reg = paddle.abs(loc_pred - loc_tgt).sum() return { 'loss_rpn_cls': loss_rpn_cls / norm, 'loss_rpn_reg': loss_rpn_reg / norm }
def forward(self, true_binary, rule_masks, raw_logits): """ tbd """ if cmd_args.loss_type == 'binary': exp_pred = paddle.exp(raw_logits) * rule_masks norm = paddle.sum(exp_pred, axis=2, keepdim=True) prob = paddle.divide(exp_pred, norm) return F.binary_cross_entropy( prob, true_binary) * cmd_args.max_decode_steps if cmd_args.loss_type == 'perplexity': my_perp_loss = MyPerpLoss() return my_perp_loss(true_binary, rule_masks, raw_logits) if cmd_args.loss_type == 'vanilla': exp_pred = paddle.exp(raw_logits) * rule_masks + 1e-30 norm = paddle.sum(exp_pred, 2, keepdim=True) prob = paddle.divide(exp_pred, norm) ll = paddle.abs(paddle.sum(true_binary * prob, 2)) mask = 1 - rule_masks[:, :, -1] logll = mask * paddle.log(ll) loss = -paddle.sum(logll) / true_binary.shape[1] return loss print('unknown loss type %s' % cmd_args.loss_type) raise NotImplementedError
def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights=None): """Compute loss function. Args: prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors, code_size] representing the (encoded) predicted locations of objects. target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors, code_size] representing the regression targets weights: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] Returns: loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] tensor representing the value of the loss function. """ # print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++START CAL_L1_LOSS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") diff = prediction_tensor - target_tensor if self._code_weights is not None: code_weights = self._code_weights.astype(prediction_tensor.dtype) diff = code_weights.reshape((1, 1, -1)) * diff abs_diff = paddle.abs(diff) abs_diff_lt_1 = paddle.less_equal(abs_diff, paddle.to_tensor(1 / (self._sigma**2))).astype(abs_diff.dtype) loss = abs_diff_lt_1 * 0.5 * paddle.pow(abs_diff * self._sigma, 2) \ + (abs_diff - 0.5 / (self._sigma**2)) * (1. - abs_diff_lt_1) if self._codewise: anchorwise_smooth_l1norm = loss if weights is not None: anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *= weights.unsqueeze(-1) else: anchorwise_smooth_l1norm = paddle.sum(loss, 2)# * weights if weights is not None: anchorwise_smooth_l1norm *= weights # print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++OVER CAL_L1_LOSS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") return anchorwise_smooth_l1norm
def abs_max_run(self, reader, exe, step=None, loss_name=None): fetch_list = [] with paddle.static.program_guard(self.program): for act_name in self.real_names: act = self.program.global_block().var(act_name) act = paddle.max(paddle.abs(act), name=act_name + "_reduced") fetch_list.append(act_name + "_reduced.tmp_0") if not hasattr(self.program, '_program'): # Compile the native program to speed up program = paddle.static.CompiledProgram( self.program).with_data_parallel(loss_name=loss_name) for idx, data in enumerate(reader): vars_np =, feed=data, fetch_list=fetch_list) vars_np = [np.max(var) for var in vars_np] mapped_vars_np = dict(zip(self.real_names, vars_np)) values = self.update(mapped_vars_np) if idx % 10 == 0:"Collecting..., Step: {}".format(idx)) if step is not None and idx + 1 >= step: break return values
def mu_law_encode(x: Tensor, mu: int = 256, quantized: bool = True) -> Tensor: """Mu-law encoding. Compute the mu-law decoding given an input code. When quantized is True, the result will be converted to integer in range [0,mu-1]. Otherwise, the resulting signal is in range [-1,1] Parameters: x(Tensor): the input tensor of arbitrary shape to be encoded. mu(int): the maximum value (depth) of encoded signal. The signal will be clip to be in range [0,mu-1]. quantized(bool): indicate whether the signal will quantized to integers. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle import paddleaudio.functional as F F.mu_law_encode(paddle.randn((2, 8))) >> Tensor(shape=[2, 8], dtype=int32, place=CUDAPlace(0), stop_gradient=True, [[0, 5, 30, 255, 255, 255, 12, 13], [0, 241, 8, 243, 7, 35, 84, 228]]) Reference: """ mu = mu - 1 y = paddle.sign(x) * paddle.log1p(mu * paddle.abs(x)) / math.log1p(mu) if quantized: y = (y + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5 # convert to [0 , mu-1] y = paddle.clip(y, min=0, max=mu).astype('int32') return y
def forward(self, pred, gt, mask): """ Mask L1 Loss """ loss = (paddle.abs(pred - gt) * mask).sum() / (mask.sum() + self.eps) loss = paddle.mean(loss) return loss
def validation_step(self, batch: int, batch_idx: int) -> dict: ''' One step for validation, which should be called as forward computation. Args: batch(list[paddle.Tensor]): The one batch data, which contains images and labels. batch_idx(int): The index of batch. Returns: results(dict) : The model outputs, such as metrics. ''' if Version(paddle.__version__) >= '2.1' or Version( paddle.__version__) == '0.0.0': img = self.preprocess(batch) else: img = self.preprocess(batch[0]) out_class, out_reg = self(img['A'], img['hint_B'], img['mask_B']) # loss loss_ce = F.cross_entropy(out_class, img['real_B_enc'][:, :1, :, :], axis=1) loss_ce = paddle.mean(loss_ce) loss_G_L1_reg = paddle.sum(paddle.abs(img['B'] - out_reg), axis=1, keepdim=True) loss_G_L1_reg = paddle.mean(loss_G_L1_reg) loss = loss_ce + loss_G_L1_reg return {'loss': loss}
def relative_position_bucket(relative_position, bidirectional=True, num_buckets=32, max_distance=128): ret = 0 if bidirectional: num_buckets //= 2 ret += (relative_position > 0).astype(paddle.int64) * num_buckets n = paddle.abs(relative_position) else: n = paddle.max(-relative_position, paddle.zeros_like(relative_position)) # now n is in the range [0, inf) # half of the buckets are for exact increments in positions max_exact = num_buckets // 2 is_small = n < max_exact # The other half of the buckets are for logarithmically bigger bins in positions up to max_distance val_if_large = max_exact + (paddle.log( n.astype(paddle.float32) / max_exact) / math.log(max_distance / max_exact) * (num_buckets - max_exact)).astype(paddle.int64) val_if_large = paddle.minimum( val_if_large, paddle.full_like(val_if_large, num_buckets - 1)) ret += paddle.where(is_small, n, val_if_large) return ret
def combine_abs_max_and_hist(tensor, origin_max, origin_hist, bins, upsample_bins): """ """ new_max = abs_max_value(tensor) if new_max == 0.0: return origin_max, origin_hist elif origin_max == 0.0: new_hist, _ = np.histogram(paddle.abs(tensor).numpy(), range=(0, new_max), bins=bins) new_hist = new_hist.astype(np.float32) return new_max, new_hist elif new_max <= origin_max: new_hist, _ = np.histogram(paddle.abs(tensor).numpy(), range=(0, origin_max), bins=bins) new_hist = new_hist.astype(np.float32) new_hist += origin_hist return origin_max, new_hist else: # bin_width = origin_max / (bins * upsample_bins) # = new_max / (bins * downsample_bins) bin_width = origin_max / (bins * upsample_bins) downsampe_bins = int(math.ceil(new_max / (bins * bin_width))) new_max = bins * bin_width * downsampe_bins upsampled_hist = np.repeat(origin_hist, upsample_bins) expanded_hist = np.zeros((bins * downsampe_bins), dtype=np.float32) expanded_hist[0:bins * upsample_bins] = upsampled_hist cumsumed_hist = np.cumsum(expanded_hist, dtype=np.float64)[downsampe_bins - 1::downsampe_bins] shift_cumsumed_hist = np.zeros((bins), dtype=np.float64) shift_cumsumed_hist[1:] = cumsumed_hist[0:-1] sampled_hist = (cumsumed_hist - shift_cumsumed_hist) / upsample_bins sampled_hist = sampled_hist.astype(np.float32) new_hist, _ = np.histogram(paddle.abs(tensor).numpy(), range=(0, new_max), bins=bins) new_hist = new_hist.astype(np.float32) new_hist += sampled_hist return new_max, new_hist
def get_loss(self, scores, deltas, targets, rois, bbox_weight): """ scores (Tensor): scores from bbox head outputs deltas (Tensor): deltas from bbox head outputs targets (list[List[Tensor]]): bbox targets containing tgt_labels, tgt_bboxes and tgt_gt_inds rois (List[Tensor]): RoIs generated in each batch """ # TODO: better pass args tgt_labels, tgt_bboxes, tgt_gt_inds = targets tgt_labels = paddle.concat( tgt_labels) if len(tgt_labels) > 1 else tgt_labels[0] tgt_labels = tgt_labels.cast('int64') tgt_labels.stop_gradient = True loss_bbox_cls = F.cross_entropy(input=scores, label=tgt_labels, reduction='mean') # bbox reg cls_agnostic_bbox_reg = deltas.shape[1] == 4 fg_inds = paddle.nonzero( paddle.logical_and(tgt_labels >= 0, tgt_labels < self.num_classes)).flatten() cls_name = 'loss_bbox_cls' reg_name = 'loss_bbox_reg' loss_bbox = {} if cls_agnostic_bbox_reg: reg_delta = paddle.gather(deltas, fg_inds) else: fg_gt_classes = paddle.gather(tgt_labels, fg_inds) reg_row_inds = paddle.arange(fg_gt_classes.shape[0]).unsqueeze(1) reg_row_inds = paddle.tile(reg_row_inds, [1, 4]).reshape([-1, 1]) reg_col_inds = 4 * fg_gt_classes.unsqueeze(1) + paddle.arange(4) reg_col_inds = reg_col_inds.reshape([-1, 1]) reg_inds = paddle.concat([reg_row_inds, reg_col_inds], axis=1) reg_delta = paddle.gather(deltas, fg_inds) reg_delta = paddle.gather_nd(reg_delta, reg_inds).reshape([-1, 4]) rois = paddle.concat(rois) if len(rois) > 1 else rois[0] tgt_bboxes = paddle.concat( tgt_bboxes) if len(tgt_bboxes) > 1 else tgt_bboxes[0] reg_target = bbox2delta(rois, tgt_bboxes, bbox_weight) reg_target = paddle.gather(reg_target, fg_inds) reg_target.stop_gradient = True loss_bbox_reg = paddle.abs(reg_delta - reg_target).sum() / tgt_labels.shape[0] loss_bbox[cls_name] = loss_bbox_cls loss_bbox[reg_name] = loss_bbox_reg return loss_bbox
def cubic(x): absx = paddle.abs(x) absx2 = absx**2 absx3 = absx**3 temp1 = paddle.cast((absx <= 1), absx.dtype) temp2 = paddle.cast((absx > 1), absx.dtype) * paddle.cast( (absx <= 2), absx.dtype) return (1.5 * absx3 - 2.5 * absx2 + 1) * temp1 + (-0.5 * absx3 + 2.5 * absx2 - 4 * absx + 2) * temp2
def forward(self, pred, label): one_hot = label > 0.5 sample_weight = label != self._ignore_label sample_weight = sample_weight.astype('float32') if not self._from_logits: pred = F.sigmoid(pred) alpha = paddle.where(one_hot, self._alpha * sample_weight, (1 - self._alpha) * sample_weight) pt = paddle.where(sample_weight.astype('bool'), 1.0 - paddle.abs(label - pred), paddle.ones_like(pred)) beta = (1 - pt)**self._gamma sw_sum = paddle.sum(sample_weight, axis=(-2, -1), keepdim=True) beta_sum = paddle.sum(beta, axis=(-2, -1), keepdim=True) mult = sw_sum / (beta_sum + self._eps) if self._detach_delimeter: mult = mult.detach() beta = beta * mult with paddle.no_grad(): ignore_area = paddle.sum( (label == self._ignore_label).astype('float32'), axis=tuple(range(1, len(label.shape)))).numpy() sample_mult = paddle.mean(mult, axis=tuple(range(1, len( mult.shape)))).numpy() if np.any(ignore_area == 0): self._k_sum = 0.9 * self._k_sum + 0.1 * sample_mult[ ignore_area == 0].mean() beta_pmax = paddle.max(paddle.flatten(beta, 1), axis=1) beta_pmax = float(paddle.mean(beta_pmax)) self._m_max = 0.8 * self._m_max + 0.2 * beta_pmax loss_mask = pt + self._eps < 1 loss_mask = loss_mask.astype('float32') pt_mask = (pt + self._eps) * loss_mask + (1 - loss_mask) * paddle.ones( pt.shape) loss = -alpha * beta * paddle.log(pt_mask) loss = self._weight * (loss * sample_weight) if self._size_average: bsum = paddle.sum(sample_weight, axis=misc.get_dims_with_exclusion( len(sample_weight.shape), self._batch_axis)) loss = paddle.sum(loss, axis=misc.get_dims_with_exclusion( len(loss.shape), self._batch_axis)) / (bsum + self._eps) else: loss = paddle.sum(loss, axis=paddle.get_dims_with_exclusion( len(loss.shape), self._batch_axis)) return loss
def test_eigh_grad(self): paddle.disable_static() x = paddle.to_tensor(self.complex_symm, stop_gradient=False) w, v = paddle.linalg.eigh(x) (w.sum() + paddle.abs(v).sum()).backward() np.testing.assert_allclose( abs(x.grad.numpy()), abs(x.grad.numpy().conj().transpose(self.trans_dims)), rtol=self.rtol, atol=self.atol)
def body_zoom(j, done_zoom, a_lo, phi_lo, derphi_lo, derf_lo, a_hi, phi_hi, derphi_hi): aj = cubic_interpolation_(a_lo, phi_lo, derphi_lo, a_hi, phi_hi, derphi_hi) # 21 min_change = 0.1 * paddle.abs(a_hi - a_lo) pred = paddle.minimum(paddle.abs(aj - a_lo), paddle.abs(aj - a_hi)) < min_change aj = paddle.static.nn.cond(pred, lambda: 0.5 * (a_lo + a_hi), lambda: aj) phi_j, derf_j, derphi_j = phi_and_derphi(aj) def true_fn(): # use assing to modify the variable in-place paddle.assign(aj, a_hi) paddle.assign(phi_j, phi_hi) paddle.assign(derphi_j, derphi_hi) def false_fn(a_lo, done_zoom): pred3 = (paddle.abs(derphi_j) <= -c2 * derphi_0) paddle.assign(pred3, done_zoom) def true_fn(): paddle.assign(a_lo, a_hi) paddle.assign(phi_lo, phi_hi) paddle.assign(derphi_lo, derphi_hi) pred4 = ~done_zoom & (derphi_j * (a_hi - a_lo) >= 0) paddle.static.nn.cond(pred4, true_fn, None) paddle.assign(aj, a_lo) paddle.assign(phi_j, phi_lo) paddle.assign(derphi_j, derphi_lo) paddle.assign(derf_j, derf_lo) pred2 = (phi_j > phi_0 + c1 * aj * derphi_0) | (phi_j >= phi_lo) paddle.static.nn.cond(pred2, true_fn, lambda: false_fn(a_lo, done_zoom)) j = paddle.static.nn.cond(done_zoom, lambda: j, lambda: j + 1) return [ j, done_zoom, a_lo, phi_lo, derphi_lo, derf_lo, a_hi, phi_hi, derphi_hi ]
def test_full_matrices(self): mat_shape = (2, 3) mat = np.random.random(mat_shape).astype("float64") x = paddle.to_tensor(mat) u, s, vh = paddle.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=True) assert (u.shape == [2, 2]) assert (vh.shape == [3, 3]) x_recover = u.matmul(paddle.diag(s)).matmul(vh[0:2]) if ((paddle.abs(x_recover - x) > 1e-4).any()): raise RuntimeError("mat can't be recovered\n")
def forward(self, pred, target, reduction='none'): """forward function, based on fvcore. Args: pred (Tensor): prediction tensor target (Tensor): target tensor, pred.shape must be the same as target.shape reduction (str): the way to reduce loss, one of (none, sum, mean) """ assert reduction in ('none', 'sum', 'mean') target = target.detach() if self.beta < 1e-5: loss = paddle.abs(pred - target) else: n = paddle.abs(pred - target) cond = n < self.beta loss = paddle.where(cond, 0.5 * n ** 2 / self.beta, n - 0.5 * self.beta) if reduction == 'mean': loss = loss.mean() if loss.size > 0 else 0.0 * loss.sum() elif reduction == 'sum': loss = loss.sum() return loss * self.loss_weight