class Game(): def __init__(self): self.window = curses.initscr() self.window.nodelay(True) self.window.keypad(True) curses.cbreak() SCRH, SCRW = self.window.getmaxyx() self.ball = Ball(2, 2) self.paddle1 = Paddle(0, 0, 5, [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_RIGHT]) self.paddle2 = Paddle(0, SCRH - 1, 5, [97, 100]) self.scorex = 0 self.scorey = 0 self.score = Label(1, 1, "Score: 0:0") def loop(self): while True: key = self.window.getch() self.ball.update(self.window, [self.paddle1, self.paddle2]) self.paddle1.update(self.window, key) self.paddle2.update(self.window, key) self.window.clear() draworder = sorted([self.ball, self.paddle1, self.paddle2, self.score], key=lambda o: o.x) for o in draworder: o.draw(self.window) self.window.refresh() curses.flushinp() curses.napms(1000 / TICKRATE)
def __init__(self, file1=None, file2=None): pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) pygame.init() self.fps = pygame.time.Clock() flag = DOUBLEBUF self.board = pygame.display.set_mode(screenRect, flag) pygame.display.set_caption('[ --- Pong --- ]') self.state = 1 # 1 - run, 0 - exit self.track = Tracking(file1, file2) self.sound = Sound() self.p1 = Paddle(self.board, (200,100,100),screenRect) self.p1.setInitialPostition(0,screenHeight/2) self.p2 = Paddle(self.board, (100,200,100),screenRect) self.p2.setInitialPostition(screenWidth-self.p2.get()['width'],screenHeight/2) self.ball = Ball(self.board, (50,50,250), screenRect, self.sound) self.ball.setInitialPostition(screenWidth/2,screenHeight/2) self.arena = Arena(self.board, screenRect) self.referee = Referee(self.ball, self.p1, self.p2, screenRect, self.sound) self.t = Thread( self.t.start() self.p1_pos = 0 self.p2_pos = 0 self.loop()
def __init__(self): self.window = curses.initscr() self.window.nodelay(True) self.window.keypad(True) curses.cbreak() SCRH, SCRW = self.window.getmaxyx() self.ball = Ball(2, 2) self.paddle1 = Paddle(0, 0, 5, [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_RIGHT]) self.paddle2 = Paddle(0, SCRH - 1, 5, [97, 100]) self.scorex = 0 self.scorey = 0 self.score = Label(1, 1, "Score: 0:0")
def __init__(self): super(GameLayer, self).__init__(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), 255) # 添加一个 板子 self.paddle = Paddle('images/ban.png') self.add(self.paddle.sprite) self.ball = Ball('images/qiu.png') self.add(self.ball.sprite) self.level = 0 # 添加一个 label 显示当前的游戏状态 self.hud = Label('Score: 0', color=(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), 255)) self.hud.position = (0, 450) self.add(self.hud) self.hud2 = Label('Level: 1', color=(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), 255)) self.hud2.position = (100, 450) self.add(self.hud2) # 添加一个变量来记录金币 self.score = 0 # 设置 4 个按键状态 self.key_pressed_left = False self.key_pressed_right = False self.key_pressed_up = False self.key_pressed_down = False self.blocks = [] # 调用 reset 函数初始化状态 self.gamestart() # 定期调用 self.update 函数 # FPS frame per second 每秒帧数 self.schedule(self.update)
def __init__(self, screen, draw_offset, control_set, player_color, finish_game): """ Init with... way too many parameters :param screen: Main PyGame surface to draw the objects/UI on :param draw_offset: Drawing offset used in multiplayer :param control_set: Key-set used to control the Paddle :param player_color: Color of the player's Paddle :param finish_game: Function passed to the constructor, triggered on the game end :return: """ self.screen = screen self.draw_offset = draw_offset self.control_set = control_set self.prev_input_x = 0 self.level_number = 1 self.block_count = 0 self.player = Player("Derp") self.paddle = Paddle(LEVEL_WIDTH/2 - Paddle.WIDTH/2, LEVEL_HEIGHT - 40, player_color, parent=self, owner=self.player) self.ball = Ball(self.paddle.rect.x + Paddle.WIDTH/2 - Ball.RADIUS, self.paddle.rect.y - Ball.RADIUS * 2) self.items = None self.blocks = [] self.blocks_surface = None self.blocks_surface_dirty = True self.entities = [] self.font = Assets.font self.score_label = None self.lives_label = None self.level_label = None self.load_level(self.level_number) self.finish_game = finish_game
def __init__(self): super(GameLayer, self).__init__(246, 226, 76, 255) # 添加一个 板子 self.paddle = Paddle('images/ban.png') self.add(self.paddle.sprite) self.ball = Ball('images/qiu.png') self.add(self.ball.sprite) # 添加一个 label 显示当前的游戏状态 self.hud = Label('金币: 0', color=(0, 0, 0, 255)) self.hud.position = (0, 450) self.add(self.hud) # 添加一个变量来记录金币 = 0 # 设置 4 个按键状态 self.key_pressed_left = False self.key_pressed_right = False self.key_pressed_up = False self.key_pressed_down = False self.blocks = [] # 调用 reset 函数初始化状态 self.reset() # 定期调用 self.update 函数 # FPS frame per second 每秒帧数 self.schedule(self.update)
def __init__(self): super(GameLayer, self).__init__() # 添加一个 板子 self.paddle = Paddle('images/ash.png') self.add(self.paddle.sprite) self.ball = Ball('images/pokem.png') self.add(self.ball.sprite) # 添加一个 label 显示当前的游戏状态 self.hud = Label('皮卡丘: 0') self.hud.position = (0, 450) self.add(self.hud) # 添加一个 label 显示当前游戏关卡 self.level = Label('Level 1') self.level.position = (100, 450) self.add(self.level) # 添加一个变量来记录金币 = 0 # 设置 4 个按键状态 self.key_pressed_left = False self.key_pressed_right = False self.key_pressed_up = False self.key_pressed_down = False self.blocks = [] # 调用 reset 函数初始化状态 self.reset() # 定期调用 self.update 函数 # FPS frame per second 每秒帧数 self.schedule(self.update)
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Pong") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.canvas = Canvas(self, bg="#"+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)) self.left = Paddle(self.canvas, 1, [30, 10], 10, 100,"#fb0") self.right = Paddle(self.canvas, 1, [570, 40], 10, 100,"#05f") self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[70,70],10,[-2,-2])) #self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[100,100],10,[2,2])) #self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[200,100],10,[2,-2])) #self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[100,200],10,[-2,2])) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[200,200],"Pin",6)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[400,300],"Paddle",7)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[350,350],"Pin",4)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[210,250],"Paddle",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[250,250],"Size",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[300,350],"Switch",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[400,350],"Switch",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[420,320],"Teleport",6)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[250,200],"Gravity",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[300,50],"Reset",4,[0,1])) self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.score_msg = ' Home 0 - 0 Visitor ' self.label_score = Label(self, text=self.score_msg, width=len(self.score_msg), bg='yellow') self.choices = ['Easy', 'Medium', 'Hard'] self.dificulty = StringVar() self.dificulty.set('Medium') self.option = OptionMenu(self, self.dificulty, *self.choices) self.option.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.label_score.pack(side= LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.text = "" self.text_canvas = self.canvas.create_text(300,10, text=self.text, fill="white") self.after(200, self.update)
def __init__(self, width=640, height=480, title="Prog Workshop - Pong!"): pygame.init() # Sets key repeat to a max of once every 5 ms #pygame.key.set_repeat(5, 5) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption(title) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() self._running = True self.player1 = Paddle(0,0,20,100,self) self.player2 = Paddle(width-20,0,20,100,self) self.ball = Ball(width/2,height/2,20,20,self) self.ball.setSpeed(random.random()*14-7, random.random()*14-7) self.balls = [] self.score = Scoreboard(self, 36)
class Player(object): difficulty = {"Easy": 7.5, "Medium": 15, "Hard": 20} def __init__(self, canvas, name="CPU", difficulty="Medium", pos=[70,70], width = 10, height=100, color="#fb0"): self.canvas = canvas = name self.pos = pos self.width = width self.height = height self.turn = True self.color =color self.player_steps={"Up": self.difficulty[difficulty], "Down": -self.difficulty[difficulty]} self.paddle = Paddle(self.canvas, 1, self.pos, self.width, self.height, self.color) def check_collision(self, ball_xy): return self.paddle.check_collision(ball_xy) def update(self, ball): pos = self.paddle.get_position() if (pos[1]>ball.get_center()[1]): self.paddle.update_position(self.player_steps["Up"]) else: self.paddle.update_position(self.player_steps["Down"])
def __init__(self, window, path="."): self.window = window self.h, self.w = window.getmaxyx() self.cells_x = self.w // Block.WIDTH self.cells_y = self.h // Block.HEIGHT self.field = [[None] * self.cells_x for i in range(self.cells_y)] self._gen_blocks(path) self.ball = Ball(self.h-2, self.w//2) self.paddle = Paddle(self.h-1, self.w//2)
def __init__(self, canvas, name="CPU", difficulty="Medium", pos=[70,70], width = 10, height=100, color="#fb0"): self.canvas = canvas = name self.pos = pos self.width = width self.height = height self.turn = True self.color =color self.player_steps={"Up": self.difficulty[difficulty], "Down": -self.difficulty[difficulty]} self.paddle = Paddle(self.canvas, 1, self.pos, self.width, self.height, self.color)
def __init__(self, game, level=0): super().__init__(game) self.level = level ball = Ball() paddle = Paddle() blocks = [] for i in game.config.get('level')[self.level]: blocks.append(Block(i)) self.register_action(pygame.K_LEFT, paddle.move_left) self.register_action(pygame.K_RIGHT, paddle.move_right) self.register_action(pygame.K_SPACE, self.register_action(pygame.K_ESCAPE, sys.exit) self.draw(ball=ball, paddle=paddle, blocks=blocks)
def activate_power_up(power_up): global curNumPaddles timer = 0 # Expand if power_up.number == 0: if len(paddle) <= 3: p4 = Paddle(4, 14, len(paddle)) p5 = Paddle(5, 14, len(paddle) + 1) paddle.append(p4) paddle.append(p5) grid[14][p4.y].add_paddle(p4) grid[14][p5.y].add_paddle(p5) while timer < 15: time.sleep(1) timer += 1 grid[14][p4.y].remove_paddle() grid[14][p5.y].remove_paddle() paddle.remove(p4) paddle.remove(p5) power_ups.remove(power_up) return 1 if power_up.number == 1: ball.decrease_life() power_ups.remove(power_up)
def nextLevel(self): self._level += 1 self._screen.flash() if (self._level == 2): self.bricks_pos = self.bricks_pos_l2 elif (self._level == 3): threading.Thread(target=playsound, args=('boss.wav', ), daemon=True).start() self.bricks_pos = self.bricks_pos_l3 pos = self._paddle.getPosition() size = self._paddle.getSize() self._isUfo = True self._ufo = Ufo(np.array([2, pos[1] + size[1] / 2])) else: time_temp = int(time.time() - self._start_time) self._screen.gameOver(win=True, score=(self._score + max(0, (1000 - time_temp) / 100))) quit() self._move = False self._len = self.bricks_pos.shape[0] self.powerup = [] self._laser = False self.laserbeams = [] self.createBricks() self._paddle = Paddle( np.array([config.HEIGHT - 3, config.WIDTH / 2 - 7]), np.array([1, 16])) self._ball = [] self._ball.append( Ball(np.array([config.HEIGHT - 4, config.WIDTH / 2]), np.array([-1, 0]), True)) self._balls = 1 self.lastMove = time.time()
class Game(): def __init__(self): self.window = curses.initscr() self.window.nodelay(True) self.window.keypad(True) curses.cbreak() SCRH, SCRW = self.window.getmaxyx() self.ball = Ball(2, 2) self.paddle1 = Paddle(0, 0, 5, [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_RIGHT]) self.paddle2 = Paddle(0, SCRH - 1, 5, [97, 100]) self.scorex = 0 self.scorey = 0 self.score = Label(1, 1, "Score: 0:0") def loop(self): while True: key = self.window.getch() self.ball.update(self.window, [self.paddle1, self.paddle2]) self.paddle1.update(self.window, key) self.paddle2.update(self.window, key) self.window.clear() draworder = sorted( [self.ball, self.paddle1, self.paddle2, self.score], key=lambda o: o.x) for o in draworder: o.draw(self.window) self.window.refresh() curses.flushinp() curses.napms(1000 / TICKRATE)
def __init__(self): ''' Explanation: The initialisation function (constructor). It is called when object of the class is created. Clears the screen and initialises the class variables and creates required objects of other classes Class Variables: H, W: Height and Width of the terminal T: Stores the size of the upper wall P_T: Stores the thickness of the paddle pattern: Stores the terminal as 2D array, storing each pixel as a character tiles: Stores the required relation between HP of bricks and character associated release: Stores information regarding whether ball has been released or not from the paddle time: Stores the time passed since the game began score: Stores the score since the game began life: Stores the number of life a player has ''' os.system('clear') self.H, self.W = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() self.H = int(self.H) self.W = int(self.W) self.T = Y_WALL self.P_T = PADDLE_THICKNESS self._layout = Layout(self.H, self.W) self.pattern = self._layout.layout() self.tiles = self._layout.getTiles() self.brick = Brick(self.tiles) self.paddle = Paddle(self.H, self.W, self.pattern) self.ball = Ball(self.H, self.W, self.pattern) self.release = False = One(self.tiles) self.two = Two(self.tiles) self.three = Three(self.tiles) self.four = Four(self.tiles) self.five = Five(self.tiles) self.time = 0 self.score = 0 = 1
def __init__(self, four_player=False): self.ball = Ball(PongGame.window_width / 2, PongGame.window_height / 2) self.paddle1 = NNPaddle(PongGame.window_width - 50, PongGame.window_height / 2, self.ball, self) self.paddle2 = AIPaddle(50, PongGame.window_height / 2, self.ball, self) self.paddle3 = None self.paddle4 = None self.temp_paddle = None self.four_player = four_player self.winner = None self.game_over = False self.speed = 1000 self.scores = [0, 0] self.timeout = 0 self.pause = False if self.four_player: PongGame.window_width = 650 PongGame.window_height = 650 self.ball = Ball(PongGame.window_width / 2, PongGame.window_height / 2) self.scores = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.paddle1 = NNPaddle(PongGame.window_width - 50, PongGame.window_height / 2, self.ball, self, True) self.paddle2 = NNPaddle(50, PongGame.window_height / 2, self.ball, self, True) self.paddle3 = SidewaysNNPaddle(PongGame.window_width / 2, PongGame.window_height - 50, self.ball, self) self.paddle4 = SidewaysNNPaddle(PongGame.window_width / 2, 50, self.ball, self)
def __init__(self): #game window pygame.init() self.size = self.width, self.height = (640, 480) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) = (0, 0, 0) #game scores self.score_p1 = 0 self.score_p2 = 0 #paddle self.paddle = Paddle() #player2 paddle self.opponent = Opponent() #ball self.ball = Ball() pygame.key.set_repeat(10, 5) #opponent presses space self.space_host = False self.space_client = False self.direction = None
def player_collision(self, player: Paddle): if rect = player.get_rect() player_left = rect.left if rect.colliderect( and - self.vel_y <= self.y = - SIZE self.angle = 30 + ( 1 - ( - player_left) / player.width) * 120 if self.angle < 30: self.angle = 30 elif self.angle > 150: self.angle = 150 return True
def train(self): lr = 0.2 num_episodes = 1000 max_steps_per_episode = 5000 gamma = 0.99 env = Paddle() for episode in range(num_episodes): state = env.reset() score = 0 for step in range(max_steps_per_episode): action = self.select_action(state) reward, next_state, done = env.step(action) new_q_value = lr * ( (self.get_q_value(next_state) * gamma) + reward) + (1 - lr) * agent.get_q_value(state, action) self.set_q_value(state, action, new_q_value) score += reward state = next_state if done: break print("episode: {}/{}, score: {}".format(episode + 1, num_episodes, score))
class pongGame(): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hits =0 self.miss =0 self.screensize = (640,480) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.screensize) self.pong = Pong(self.screensize) self.paddle = Paddle(self.screensize) self.done = False self.reward=0 def reset(self): self.pong=Pong(self.screensize) self.paddle=Paddle(self.screensize) return [self.paddle.centerx*0.01, self.pong.centerx*0.01, self.pong.centery*0.01, self.pong.speedx, self.pong.speedy] def step(self,action): self.reward = 0 self.done = 0 if action == 0: self.paddle.direction=-1 self.paddle.update() self.reward -= .1 if action == 2: self.paddle.direction=1 self.reward -= .1 self.update() state = [self.paddle.centerx*0.01, self.pong.centerx*0.01, self.pong.centery*0.01, self.pong.speedx, self.pong.speedy] return self.reward, state, self.done def update(self): self.paddle.update() newhits=self.pong.update(self.paddle,self.hits) if self.hits < newhits: self.reward +=3 self.hits=newhits if self.pong.hit_edge_bottom: self.miss +=1 self.reward -= 3 self.done=True self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.paddle.render(self.screen) self.pong.render(self.screen) #Display scores: font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) text = font.render("Hit: "+str(self.hits), 1, white) self.screen.blit(text, (250,10)) text = font.render("Miss: "+str(self.miss), 1, white) self.screen.blit(text, (350,10)) pygame.display.flip()
def testBallHitPlayer(self): print('Describe: test Ball Collision with player Paddle') tests = [ {'x': 37, 'y': 160, 'speed':[-3,3], 'expcX': 37, 'expcY': 160, 'expcVel': [3,3]}, {'x': 30, 'y': 160, 'speed':[-3,3], 'expcX': 37, 'expcY': 160, 'expcVel': [3,3]}, {'x': 65, 'y': 160, 'speed':[-3,3], 'expcX': 65, 'expcY': 160, 'expcVel': [-3,3]}, {'x': 45, 'y': 100, 'speed':[-3,3], 'expcX': 45, 'expcY': 100, 'expcVel': [-3,3]} ] for t in tests: b = Ball(t['x'], t['y'], t['speed']) p = Paddle(27) b.hitPlayer(p) self.assertEqual(b.rect.x, t['expcX'], 'x should be ' + str(t['expcX'])) self.assertEqual(b.rect.y, t['expcY'], 'y should be ' + str(t['expcY'])) self.assertListEqual(b.vel, t['expcVel'], 'Vel should be ' + str(t['expcVel']))
def init(self): = Camera(self.width, self.height, Vector2(self.width // 2, self.height // 2)) self.blocks = self.structured_blocks(5, 5) self.dead_blocks = pygame.sprite.Group() self.bg_color = (0, 0, 0) self.paddle = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle( Paddle(, Vector2(self.width / 2, self.height - Paddle.height))) self.ball = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle( Ball(, Vector2(self.width / 2, self.height / 2))) self.mouse_pos = None self.track_paddle = self.paddle.sprite self.ball.sprite.track_to_paddle(self.track_paddle) self.camera_v = Vector2(0, 0) self.inverted = False
def update(self, entities, paddles, coins): for row in self.level: # вся строка for col in row: # каждый символ if col == "-": # создаем блок, заливаем его цветом и рисеум его pf = Paddle(self.x, self.y) entities.add(pf) paddles.append(pf) if col == "#": coin = Coin(self.x, self.y) entities.add(coin) coins.append(coin) self.x += conf.BLOCK_WIDTH # блоки платформы ставятся на ширине блоков self.y += conf.BLOCK_HEIGHT # то же самое и с высотой self.x = 0
def __init__(self): # Initilaize pygame and the display/window pygame.init() self.screen_width, self.screen_height = 600, 800 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_width, self.screen_height)) # , pygame.FULLSCREEN) pygame.display.set_caption('Breakout') # Create the game objects self.paddle = Paddle(self.screen_width, self.screen_height) self.ball = Ball(self.screen_width, self.screen_height) self.bricks = list() for i in range(0,600,60): for j in range(42, 211, 42): self.bricks.append(Brick(self.screen_width, self.screen_height, i, j)) # Let's control the frame rate self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def run(self): scoreboard = Scoreboard() pad_l = Paddle(POS_LEFT) pad_l.register_listener(self.screen) pad_r = Paddle(POS_RIGHT) pad_r.register_listener(self.screen) ball = Ball() while self.running: start = time.time() ball.move() ball.collision(pad_l, pad_r, scoreboard) scoreboard.update_score() self.screen.update() time.sleep(max(1.0 / 10 - (time.time() - start), 0))
def reset(): global lives global pd global ball global attached global ACTIVE_POWERUPS lives -= 1 for i in range(pd.length): CANVAS[pd.y][pd.x + i] = " " pd = Paddle() ball = Ball() ACTIVE_POWERUPS = [] for powerup in POWERUPS: powerup.ball = ball attached = True
def main(): # Setup board and its components game_board = Screen() game_board.setup(width=800, height=600) game_board.bgcolor("black") game_board.tracer(0) game_board.listen() scoreboard = Scoreboard((0, game_board.window_height()/2-40)) paddle_one = Paddle(((game_board.window_width()/2)-40, 25)) paddle_two = Paddle((-(game_board.window_width()/2)+40, 25)) ball = Ball() # Setup generic keys game_board.onkey(game_board.bye, "Escape") game_board.onkey(ball.increase_speed, "KP_Add") game_board.onkey(ball.decrease_speed, "KP_Subtract") # Setup player keys game_board.onkey(paddle_one.up, "Up") game_board.onkey(paddle_one.down, "Down") game_board.onkey(paddle_two.up, "q") game_board.onkey(paddle_two.down, "a") # Run the game game_is_on = True while game_is_on: game_board.update() time.sleep(ball.game_speed) ball.move() # bounce off top/bottom wall if ball.ycor() > (game_board.window_height()/2-20) or ball.ycor() < -game_board.window_height()/2+20: ball.change_direction() # hit paddle if (ball.xcor() > game_board.window_width()/2 - 70 and paddle_one.distance(ball) < 50) or \ (ball.xcor() < -game_board.window_width()/2 + 70 and paddle_two.distance(ball) < 50): ball.change_direction(True) # Randomly increase the game speed a little if randint(0, 3) == 2: ball.game_speed *= 0.9 # hit back wall and score point if ball.xcor() > game_board.window_width()/2 - 20: scoreboard.update_score(1) ball.reset_game() if ball.xcor() < -game_board.window_width()/2 + 20: scoreboard.update_score(0) ball.reset_game() game_board.exitonclick()
def fillthescreen(self, paddleobj, ballobj, brickobj, powerupobj, cannonobj, bulletobj, num): ballobj = [] brickobj = [] powerupobj = [] cannonobj = [] bulletobj = [] sco = 0 if len(paddleobj) != 0: sco = paddleobj[0].get_score() paddleobj = [] paddleobj.append( Paddle(FRAMEHEIGHT - 2, int(FRAMEWIDTH / 2), 1, 7, 0, 0)) paddleobj[0]._score = sco ballobj.append( Ball(FRAMEHEIGHT - 3, paddleobj[0]._y + int(paddleobj[0]._ylength / 2), 1, 1, -2, 2)) brickobj, powerupobj = self.fillBricks(num) return paddleobj, ballobj, brickobj, powerupobj, cannonobj, bulletobj
def init_game(): global screen, score, ball, wall, paddle screen = Screen() screen.bgcolor("black") screen.setup(width=800, height=600) screen.title("Breakout") screen.tracer(0) wall = BlockBuilder() wall.create_wall(SCREEN_SIZE) paddle = Paddle(STARTING_POSITION,SCREEN_SIZE) ball = Ball(SCREEN_SIZE) score = Scoreboard() screen.listen() screen.update() screen.onkeypress(paddle.go_left, "Left") screen.onkeypress(paddle.go_right, "Right")
def create_paddles(p_settings, screen, paddles): """Create all the paddles in their original positions.""" paddle_right = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'right', 'vert') paddle_left = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'left', 'vert') paddle_tr = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'tr', 'hor') paddle_tl = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'tl', 'hor') paddle_br = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'br', 'hor') paddle_bl = Paddle(p_settings, screen, 'bl', 'hor') paddles.add(paddle_right) paddles.add(paddle_left) paddles.add(paddle_tr) paddles.add(paddle_tl) paddles.add(paddle_br) paddles.add(paddle_bl)
def __init__(self): self.action_publisher = rospy.Publisher('move_player_paddle', MovePlayerPaddle, queue_size=10) #Wait until the game node starts running print 'Waiting to get game information' rospy.wait_for_service('game_info') try: get_game_info = rospy.ServiceProxy('game_info', GameInfo) game_info = get_game_info() self.board_length = game_info.board_length self.board_width = game_info.board_width self.ball_speed = game_info.ball_speed self.scale = game_info.scale self.player = Paddle(self.board_width / 2, self.board_length) print 'Ready to win!' #For listening ball movements rospy.Subscriber("ball_info", BallInfo, self.move_player_paddle) self.move_msg = MovePlayerPaddle() except rospy.ServiceException, e: print 'Service call failed: %s' % e
def __init__(self): #Initialize pygame and window pygame.init() self.screen_width, self.screen_height = 400, 600 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_width, self.screen_height), 0, 32) self.screen.fill(blue) pygame.display.update() #Clock self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() #Bricks self.blocks = list() for w in range(1,self.screen_width,50): for h in range(23, 198, 22): self.blocks.append(Block(self.screen_width, self.screen_height, w, h, orange, blue_shadow)) #Paddle self.paddle = Paddle(self.screen_width, self.screen_height, purple, blue_shadow) #Ball self.ball = Ball(self.screen_width, self.screen_height, green, blue_shadow)
def loadSprites(self): """ From here we can load all sprites needed, whether they are the paddle, balls, bricks, backgrounds, etc. """ # level # Background and bricks defined in here self.level = Level(BreakoutMain.levels[self.currentLevel]) # paddle self.paddle = Paddle(self.width, self.height) self.paddleSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle(self.paddle) # ball self.mainBall = Ball((self.paddle.x, self.paddle.y), self.paddle.height) self.ballSprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(self.mainBall) for i in range(self.numBalls): ball = Ball((self.paddle.x, self.paddle.y), self.paddle.height) self.ballSprites.add(ball)
def level_inc(): global level global level_string global pd global ball global attached global ACTIVE_POWERUPS global game_won global level_start_time level_start_time = time() level += 1 game_won = False file = None if level == 2: file = open(r"./Levels/Level_2.txt", "r") if level == 3: file = open(r"./Levels/Level_3.txt", "r") if not (file is None): level_string = set_bricks() for i in range(pd.length): CANVAS[pd.y][pd.x + i] = " " pd = Paddle() ball = Ball() ACTIVE_POWERUPS = [] for powerup in POWERUPS: powerup.ball = ball attached = True
def set_up_level(self, level) -> None: if level == 0: return current_level = AVAILABLE_LEVELS[level - 1] # entities self.entities = [*current_level.entities] # bricks for i in range(BRICK_LINE_COUNT): for j in range(BRICK_LINE_COUNT): if current_level.layout[j][i]: brick = Brick( id=f"brick{i}{j}", dimens=(BRICK_WIDTH, 1), position=(BRICK_PADDING + (i * BRICK_WIDTH), 6 + j), health=current_level.layout[j][i][0], powerup=current_level.layout[j][i][1], rainbow=(current_level.layout[j][i][0] > 0) and (random.randint(0, 9) < BRICK_RAINBOW_CHANCE), ) self.register(brick) # paddle paddle = Paddle( dimens=(PADDLE_WIDTH, 1), position=((self.width // 2) - (PADDLE_WIDTH // 2), self.height - 2), ) self.register(paddle) # ball ball = Ball( start_position=((self.width // 2), self.height - 3), ) self.register(ball)
def __init__(self): from utilities import pygame, load_stages from text import Score, Timer, Name, Text from paddle import Paddle from ball import Ball from brick import Brick from stage import Stage C = Constants() self.C = C self.pygame = pygame # setup FPS governor self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # set the window size divTop = int(C.DIV_POS*C.SIZE[1]) # top of divider. Affects bounds for ball divBot = divTop + C.DIV_WIDTH self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(C.SIZE) area = pygame.Rect(0, divBot, C.SIZE[0], C.SIZE[1]-divBot) # create game screen objects/sprites self.score = Score(C.SCORE_POS, self.screen, C.SCORE_START, C.SCORE_COLOR, C.SCORE_SIZE) self.scoreText = Text(C.S_LABEL_POS, self.screen, C.S_LABEL_TEXT, C.S_LABEL_COLOR, C.S_LABEL_SIZE) self.timer = Timer(C.TIMER_POS, self.screen, C.TIMER_START, C.TIMER_COLOR, C.TIMER_SIZE) self.timerText = Text(C.T_LABEL_POS, self.screen, C.T_LABEL_TEXT, C.T_LABEL_COLOR, C.T_LABEL_SIZE) = Name(C.NAME_POS, self.screen, '', C.NAME_COLOR) self.paddle = Paddle(area) self.ball = Ball(area) self.stages = load_stages(self.screen) self.divider = (self.screen, C.DIV_COLOR, [0, divTop], [C.SIZE[0], divTop], C.DIV_WIDTH) self.sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((self.paddle, self.ball)) self.paused = True # flag to indicate if the stage is paused or moving self.pausedReset = False # flag to indicate pause was due to reset, in which case dont pause timer
def _loopGame(self): paddleobj= [] paddleobj.append(Paddle(FRAMEHEIGHT-2,int(FRAMEWIDTH/2),1,7,0,0)) ballobj=[] ballobj.append(Ball(FRAMEHEIGHT-3,paddleobj[0]._y+int(paddleobj[0]._ylength/2),1,1,-2,2)) brickobj=[] powerupobj=[] brickobj,powerupobj=self.fillBricks() flag=0 while (self.status(brickobj,paddleobj)): getch=Get() ch=input_to(getch,0.1) if ch=='e': flag=1 break if(ch=='f'): for i in ballobj: i.isCollidedWithPaddle=False print("\033[0;0H") self._update(ballobj,paddleobj,ch,brickobj,powerupobj) self.checkBricks(brickobj,powerupobj) self.checkBall(ballobj,paddleobj) self.checkPowerupIsCollided(powerupobj) self.scores(paddleobj) self._printGame() if flag: print("You Exited") print(f"With Score {paddleobj[0].score}") else: if(self.lives==0): print("You Lost") print(f"With Score {paddleobj[0].score}") else: print("You Won") print(f"With Score {paddleobj[0].score}")
def run_game(): # Initialize pygame, settings and screen object pygame.init() settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("BREAKOUT clone by Cameron Tee") #Instantiate GameStats, Scoreboard and Messages stats = GameStats(settings) sb = Scoreboard(settings, screen, stats) msg = Messages(settings, screen) #Make the paddle, ball and group of bricks paddle = Paddle(settings, screen) ball = Ball(settings, screen, paddle) bricks = Group() #Creates a 'wall' (rows and columns) of bricks gf.build_wall(settings, screen, bricks) #Clock controlling the frequency of the screen updates clock = pygame.time.Clock() #Begin the main loop for the game while True: gf.check_events(paddle, ball, bricks, screen, settings, sb, stats, msg) #Player should be able to move around the paddle before releasing the ball if not stats.game_active: paddle.update() ball.center_ball(paddle) if stats.game_active: paddle.update() ball.update(paddle) gf.update_lives(paddle, ball, bricks, settings, screen, sb, stats) gf.update_bricks(bricks, ball, screen, settings, sb, stats) gf.update_screen(settings, screen, paddle, ball, bricks, sb, stats, msg) #At most 120 frames will pass per second clock.tick(120)
def start_new_life(): global balls global powerups global to_activate_powerups global active_powerups global paddle global boss_bricks clear_screen() balls.remove_all() paddle = Paddle(8, width=5) balls.add_ball(paddle.get_x() + random.randint(0, paddle.get_width() - 1), paddle.get_y() - 1, 0, 0, speed=0.2, free=True) paddle.hold_ball(balls.get_balls()[0]) powerups = [] to_activate_powerups = [] active_powerups = [] for b in boss_bricks: b.clear(board.matrix) boss_bricks = []
def create_paddles(settings, screen, paddles, ai_paddles): # Create the player paddles playerLeftPaddle = Paddle(settings, screen, "left", "player") playerTopPaddle = Paddle(settings, screen, "top", "player") playerBottomPaddle = Paddle(settings, screen, "bottom", "player") # Create the three ai paddles aiRightPaddle = Paddle(settings, screen, "right", "ai") aiTopPaddle = Paddle(settings, screen, "top", "ai") aiBottomPaddle = Paddle(settings, screen, "bottom", "ai") # Add all the paddles to the sprite Group paddles.add(playerLeftPaddle) paddles.add(playerTopPaddle) paddles.add(playerBottomPaddle) paddles.add(aiRightPaddle) paddles.add(aiTopPaddle) paddles.add(aiBottomPaddle) # Add the ai paddles to their own sprite Group ai_paddles.add(aiRightPaddle) ai_paddles.add(aiTopPaddle) ai_paddles.add(aiBottomPaddle)
class Game: def __init__(self): pygame.init() self._window = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) pygame.display.set_caption("Pong") self.deltaTime = 0.0 self.player = Paddle() self.ball = Ball() def run(self): while True: start = time.time() self.handle_events() self.update() self.render() end = time.time() self.deltaTime = end - start def update(self): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.player.move(-self.deltaTime * 250.0, 0.0) elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.player.move(self.deltaTime * 250.0, 0.0) self.ball.update(self.deltaTime, self.player) def render(self): self._window.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.player.draw(self._window) self.ball.draw(self._window) pygame.display.update() def handle_events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit()
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = "1" pygame.init() #screen set up WIDTH = 1300 HEIGHT = 600 SURFACE = pygame.display.set_mode([WIDTH, HEIGHT]) pygame.display.set_caption('PONG') #colours set up WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) # Paddle objects and ball object leftPaddle = Paddle( 13, HEIGHT/5, 15, (2*HEIGHT)/5.0 ) rightPaddle = Paddle( 13, HEIGHT/5, WIDTH-15-13, (2*HEIGHT)/5.0 ) ball = Ball( WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, 13 ) #players score rightScore = leftScore = 0 scored = False #score font font = pygame.font.Font( None, 150 ) FPS = 60 clock = pygame.time.Clock() run = True pygame.mouse.set_visible(False)
class GameLayer(Layer): is_event_handler = True def __init__(self): super(GameLayer, self).__init__() # 添加一个 板子 self.paddle = Paddle('images/ash.png') self.add(self.paddle.sprite) self.ball = Ball('images/pokem.png') self.add(self.ball.sprite) # 添加一个 label 显示当前的游戏状态 self.hud = Label('皮卡丘: 0') self.hud.position = (0, 450) self.add(self.hud) # 添加一个 label 显示当前游戏关卡 self.level = Label('Level 1') self.level.position = (100, 450) self.add(self.level) # 添加一个变量来记录金币 = 0 # 设置 4 个按键状态 self.key_pressed_left = False self.key_pressed_right = False self.key_pressed_up = False self.key_pressed_down = False self.blocks = [] # 调用 reset 函数初始化状态 self.reset() # 定期调用 self.update 函数 # FPS frame per second 每秒帧数 self.schedule(self.update) def reset(self): = 0 self.update_hud() self.paddle.reset() self.ball.reset() # 添加砖块并且显示出来 # 先删除残存的砖块 for b in self.blocks: self.remove(b) # 再初始化新的砖块 self.blocks = [] levelfile = 'level.txt' positions = level_from_file(levelfile) number_of_blocks = len(positions) for i in range(number_of_blocks): b = Sprite('images/pikachu.png', anchor=(0, 0)) b.position = positions[i] # b.position = (randint(0, 500), 400) self.add(b) self.blocks.append(b) def game_over(self): print('游戏结束,跪了。捉到了',, '只皮卡丘') # 没接到球,跳转到结束画面(失败) scene = Scene(GameOver()) director.replace(SplitColsTransition(scene)) def game_win(self): # 打完所有皮卡丘,跳转到下一关或(成功) scene = Scene(GameWin()) director.replace(SplitColsTransition(scene)) def update_hud(self): self.hud.element.text = '皮卡丘:' + str( def update_blocks(self): # 判断是否撞到了砖块 for b in self.blocks: if collides(self.ball.sprite, b): # self.ball_speedy = -self.ball_speedy self.ball.hit() self.remove(b) self.blocks.remove(b) += 1 # self.speed += 1 self.update_hud() print('捉到',, '只皮卡丘') break if len(self.blocks) == 0: self.game_win() def update_ball(self): if self.ball.fired: self.ball.update() else: bx, by = self.ball.sprite.position px, py = self.paddle.sprite.position self.ball.sprite.position = (px, by) collide = collides(self.ball.sprite, self.paddle.sprite) if collide: self.ball.hit() if self.ball.dead(): self.game_over() def update_paddle(self): self.paddle.update() def update_input(self): self.paddle.move_left = self.key_pressed_left self.paddle.move_right = self.key_pressed_right if self.key_pressed_up: # 这个函数每帧都会被调用 def update(self, dt): self.update_input() # 更新挡板 self.update_paddle() # 更新球的位置 self.update_ball() # 更新砖块 self.update_blocks() def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers): k = symbol_string(key) status = True if k == "LEFT": self.key_pressed_left = status elif k == "RIGHT": self.key_pressed_right = status elif k == "UP": self.key_pressed_up = status def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers): k = symbol_string(key) print('release', k) if k == "LEFT": self.key_pressed_left = False if k == "RIGHT": self.key_pressed_right = False if k == "UP": self.key_pressed_up = False
class PongGUI(Frame): player_1 = {'Up' :-5, 'Down': 5} player_2 = {'w':-5, 's': 5} cpu_level = {'Easy' : {'Up' : -3, 'Down': 3}, 'Medium': {'Up' : -9, 'Down': 9}, 'Hard' : {'Up' : -15, 'Down': 15} } score = [0,0] plays =1 cpu_enable = False cpu_turn = True buffsize = 1024 #List to check all balls balls = [] obs = [] def __init__(self, parent,screen=[600,400]): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.bg_status = 0 self.initUI() self.key_pressed = set() self.obstacles = set() self.bind_all('<KeyPress>', lambda event: self.key_pressed.add(event.keysym)) self.bind_all('<KeyRelease>', lambda event: self.key_pressed.discard(event.keysym)) self.bind_all('<Escape>',self.end) self.connect_server() def end(self, event): self.master.destroy() def connect_server(self): self.setup = True host = 'localhost' port = 9000 addr = (host, port) try: self.tcpclisock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.tcpclisock.connect(addr) print 'Connected to: ', addr self.tcpclisock.setblocking(0) self.parent.title("Pong Client "+'Connected to: '+ str(addr)) except: print 'not able to connect to server.' self.create_server() def create_server(self): host = '' port = 9000 addr = (host, port) self.setup = True print "makeServer():" self.tcpsersock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.tcpsersock.bind(addr) self.tcpsersock.listen(5) self.tcpclisock, addr = self.tcpsersock.accept() self.tcpclisock.setblocking(0) print 'Connected from: ', addr self.parent.title("Pong Server: " + 'Connected from: ' + str(addr)) def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Pong") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.canvas = Canvas(self, bg="#"+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)) self.left = Paddle(self.canvas, 1, [30, 10], 10, 100,"#fb0") self.right = Paddle(self.canvas, 1, [570, 40], 10, 100,"#05f") self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[70,70],10,[-2,-2])) #self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[100,100],10,[2,2])) #self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[200,100],10,[2,-2])) #self.balls.append(Ball(self.canvas,1,[100,200],10,[-2,2])) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[200,200],"Pin",6)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[400,300],"Paddle",7)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[350,350],"Pin",4)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[210,250],"Paddle",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[250,250],"Size",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[300,350],"Switch",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[400,350],"Switch",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[420,320],"Teleport",6)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[250,200],"Gravity",8)) self.obs.append(Obstacle(self.canvas,[300,50],"Reset",4,[0,1])) self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.score_msg = ' Home 0 - 0 Visitor ' self.label_score = Label(self, text=self.score_msg, width=len(self.score_msg), bg='yellow') self.choices = ['Easy', 'Medium', 'Hard'] self.dificulty = StringVar() self.dificulty.set('Medium') self.option = OptionMenu(self, self.dificulty, *self.choices) self.option.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.label_score.pack(side= LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.text = "" self.text_canvas = self.canvas.create_text(300,10, text=self.text, fill="white") self.after(200, self.update) def check_keys(self): for i in self.key_pressed: if i == 'w' or i == 's': border = self.left.get_border() if 270 >= (self.player_2[i] + border[1]) >=0: self.left.update_position(self.player_2[i]) if i == 'Up' or i == 'Down': border = self.right.get_border() if 270 >= (self.player_1[i] + border[1]) >=0: self.right.update_position(self.player_1[i]) def reset(self): self.bg_status = 0 self.plays = 1 self.__dx = 2 self.__dy = -2 self.canvas.configure(bg="#"+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)) def check_collision(self): #Check obstacle contacts for i in self.obs : for j in self.balls: if i.alive and i.vel is not None: i.move() if i.update(j.get_position()) and j.get_inside(): #We have a collision! ball_pos = j.get_center() obs_pos = i.get_position() if i.get_type() == 'Pin': #If pin just ounce back if abs(ball_pos[0] - obs_pos[0]) < abs(ball_pos[1] - obs_pos[1]): j.set_velocity([ j.vel[0], -j.vel[1] ]) else: j.set_velocity([ -j.vel[0], j.vel[1] ]) j.set_inside(False) if j.get_velocity()[0]<0: self.cpu_turn = True else: self.cpu_turn = False if i.get_type() == 'Size' and 'Size' not in self.obstacles: self.obstacles.add('Size') #Increase size of ball self.text += "Size " self.update_text() i.affected = True j.set_radious(20) j.re_draw() if i.get_type() == 'Paddle': #Increase size paddle i.affected = True if j.get_velocity()[0] < 0 and 'Paddle2' not in self.obstacles: self.obstacles.add('Paddle2') self.text += "Paddle2 " self.update_text() self.right.length = 150 self.right.re_draw() elif j.get_velocity()[0] > 0 and 'Paddle1' not in self.obstacles: self.obstacles.add('Paddle1') self.text += "Paddle1 " self.update_text() self.left.length = 150 self.left.re_draw() if i.get_type() == 'Switch': #Change controller configuration i.affected = True if j.get_velocity()[0] < 0 and 'Switch2' not in self.obstacles: self.obstacles.add('Switch2') self.text += "Switch2 " self.update_text() self.player_2['w'] = -1*self.player_2['w'] self.player_2['s'] = -1*self.player_2['s'] elif j.get_velocity()[0] > 0 and 'Switch1' not in self.obstacles: self.obstacles.add('Switch1') self.text += "Switch1 " self.update_text() self.player_1['Up'] = -1*self.player_1['Up'] self.player_1['Down'] = -1*self.player_1['Down'] if i.get_type() == 'Teleport': i.affected = True j.set_position([200+int(200*random.random()), 100+int(100*random.random())]) j.set_velocity([j.vel[0],j.vel[1]*2*random.random()]) j.re_draw() if i.get_type() == "Reset": i.affected = "True" self.obstacle_reset(j) elif not i.update(j.get_position()): j.set_inside(True) #TODO CHANGE DIRECTION OF GRAVITY RANDOMLY if i.get_type() == "Gravity": if i.alive and 'Gravity' not in self.obstacles: self.obstacles.add('Gravity') self.text += "Gravity " self.update_text() j.set_gravity(j.pos[1]) elif not i.alive: self.obstacles.discard('Gravity') self.text = self.text.replace('Gravity ',"") self.update_text() if j.gravity: j.set_gravity() def update_text(self): self.canvas.delete(self.text_canvas) self.text_canvas = self.canvas.create_text(300,10, text=self.text, fill="white") def obstacle_reset(self, ball): self.text = "" self.update_text() ball.set_radious(10) ball.re_draw() self.right.length = 100 self.right.re_draw() self.left.length = 100 self.left.re_draw() self.player_2['w'] = -5 self.player_2['s'] = 5 self.player_1['Up'] = -5 self.player_1['Down'] = 5 if ball.gravity: ball.set_gravity() #ball.vel[1] = ball.vel[1]+0.1 self.obstacles.clear() def check_disable(self): for i in self.obs : for j in self.balls: if not i.affected: if i.type_obstacle == 'Size': j.set_radious(10) j.re_draw() if i.type_obstacle == 'Switch': self.player_2['w'] = -5 self.player_2['s'] = 5 self.player_1['Up'] = -5 self.player_1['Down'] = 5 if i.type_obstacle == 'Paddle': self.right.length = 100 self.left.length = 100 self.right.re_draw() self.left.re_draw() def restart(self, ball, player): ball.set_position([300,250]) ball.set_velocity([(-4*player)+2,(-4*player)+2]) ball.set_radious(10) self.left.length = 100 self.right.length = 100 self.left.set_position(self.left.pos) self.right.set_position(self.right.pos) self.player_2['w'] = -5 self.player_2['s'] = 5 self.player_1['Up'] = -5 self.player_1['Down'] = 5 if player == 1: self.cpu_turn = True self.score[player] += 1 self.update_score() self.reset() def check_paddle_collision(self, paddle, ball): if paddle.check_collision(ball.get_position()): delta_y = ball.get_center()[1] - paddle.get_center()[1] ball.set_velocity([-ball.vel[0],ball.vel[1]+0.05*delta_y]) self.plays +=1 self.cpu_turn = not self.cpu_turn def update(self): self.check_keys() self.check_collision() #self.check_disable() #Update new value fo the ball for i in self.balls: i.update() if not (self.plays % 5): print "Increasing speed" i.set_velocity([1.1*i.vel[0],1.1*i.vel[1]]) self.plays = 1 self.bg_status += 1 if self.bg_status ==9: self.bg_status = 0 self.canvas.configure(bg="#"+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)+str(self.bg_status)) if i.get_position()[1] <= 0 or i.get_position()[1] >= 350: i.set_velocity([i.vel[0],-i.vel[1]]) if i.get_position()[2] >= 580: self.obstacle_reset(i) self.restart(i,0) elif i.get_position()[0] <= 0: self.obstacle_reset(i) self.restart(i,1) self.check_paddle_collision(self.left,i) self.check_paddle_collision(self.right,i) if self.cpu_turn and self.cpu_enable: for i in self.balls: pos = self.left.get_center() if (pos[1]>i.get_center()[1]): border = self.left.get_border() if border[1]>0: self.left.update_position(self.cpu_level[self.dificulty.get()]['Up'])# self.player_1["Up"]) else: border = self.left.get_border() if border[3]<365: self.left.update_position(self.cpu_level[self.dificulty.get()]['Down'])#self.player_1["Down"]) self.after(10, self.update) def update_score(self): self.label_score['text']=self.score_msg[:8]+str(self.score[0])+self.score_msg[9:12]+str(self.score[1])+self.score_msg[13:] self.label_score.update()
class GameLayer(cocos.layer.ColorLayer): is_event_handler = True def __init__(self): super(GameLayer, self).__init__(246, 226, 76, 255) # 添加一个 板子 self.paddle = Paddle('images/ban.png') self.add(self.paddle.sprite) self.ball = Ball('images/qiu.png') self.add(self.ball.sprite) # 添加一个 label 显示当前的游戏状态 self.hud = Label('金币: 0', color=(0, 0, 0, 255)) self.hud.position = (0, 450) self.add(self.hud) # 添加一个变量来记录金币 = 0 # 设置 4 个按键状态 self.key_pressed_left = False self.key_pressed_right = False self.key_pressed_up = False self.key_pressed_down = False self.blocks = [] # 调用 reset 函数初始化状态 self.reset() # 定期调用 self.update 函数 # FPS frame per second 每秒帧数 self.schedule(self.update) def reset(self): = 0 self.update_hud() self.paddle.reset() self.ball.reset() # 添加砖块并且显示出来 # 先删除残存的砖块 for b in self.blocks: self.remove(b) # 再初始化新的砖块 self.blocks = [] levelfile = 'level1.txt' positions = level_from_file(levelfile) number_of_blocks = len(positions) for i in range(number_of_blocks): b = Sprite('images/zhuan.png', anchor=(0, 0)) b.position = positions[i] b.color = (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) # b.position = (randint(0, 500), 400) self.add(b) self.blocks.append(b) def game_over(self): print('游戏结束,跪了。金币是', self.reset() def update_hud(self): self.hud.element.text = '金币:' + str( def update_blocks(self): # 判断是否撞到了砖块 for b in self.blocks: if collides(self.ball.sprite, b): # self.ball_speedy = -self.ball_speedy self.ball.hit() self.remove(b) self.blocks.remove(b) += 1 # self.speed += 1 self.update_hud() print('金币', break def update_ball(self): if self.ball.fired: self.ball.update() else: bx, by = self.ball.sprite.position px, py = self.paddle.sprite.position self.ball.sprite.position = (px, by) collide = collides(self.ball.sprite, self.paddle.sprite) if collide: self.ball.hit() if self.ball.dead(): self.game_over() def update_paddle(self): self.paddle.update() def update_input(self): self.paddle.move_left = self.key_pressed_left self.paddle.move_right = self.key_pressed_right if self.key_pressed_up: # 这个函数每帧都会被调用 def update(self, dt): self.update_input() # 更新挡板 self.update_paddle() # 更新球的位置 self.update_ball() # 更新砖块 self.update_blocks() def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers): k = symbol_string(key) status = True if k == "LEFT": self.key_pressed_left = status elif k == "RIGHT": self.key_pressed_right = status elif k == "UP": self.key_pressed_up = status def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers): k = symbol_string(key) print('release', k) if k == "LEFT": self.key_pressed_left = False if k == "RIGHT": self.key_pressed_right = False if k == "UP": self.key_pressed_up = False
height = 500 padding = 20 bgcolor = "#FEFEFE" color = "#333333" # setup window = turtle.Screen() window.title(title) window.setup(width=width, height=height) window.bgcolor(bgcolor) # stops the window from updating window.tracer(0) # initialize turtles paddle_a = Paddle(-width / 2 + padding, 0, 5, 1) paddle_b = Paddle(width / 2 - padding, 0, 5, 1) ball = Ball(0, 0) # score score_a = 0 score_b = 0 pen = turtle.Turtle() pen.penup() pen.hideturtle() pen.goto(0, height / 2 - 30) pen.write(f"Player A: {score_a} Player B: {score_b}", align="center", font=("Fira Code", 12, "normal"))
class Pong: def __init__(self, width=640, height=480, title="Prog Workshop - Pong!"): pygame.init() # Sets key repeat to a max of once every 5 ms #pygame.key.set_repeat(5, 5) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption(title) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() self._running = True self.player1 = Paddle(0,0,20,100,self) self.player2 = Paddle(width-20,0,20,100,self) self.ball = Ball(width/2,height/2,20,20,self) self.ball.setSpeed(random.random()*14-7, random.random()*14-7) self.balls = [] self.score = Scoreboard(self, 36) def handle_event(self, event): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self._running = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: ball = Ball(self.screen.get_width()/2,self.screen.get_height()/2,20,20,self) ball.setSpeed(random.random()*14-7, random.random()*14-7) self.balls.append(ball) def update_game(self): keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys_pressed[pygame.K_UP]: self.player2.moveUp() if keys_pressed[pygame.K_DOWN]: self.player2.moveDown() if keys_pressed[pygame.K_w]: self.player1.moveUp() if keys_pressed[pygame.K_s]: self.player1.moveDown() self.ball.update() for ball in self.balls: ball.update() def render(self): background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()).convert() background.fill((250, 250, 250)) self.screen.blit(background, (0,0)) self.player1.render() self.player2.render() self.ball.render() for ball in self.balls: ball.render() self.score.renderScore() pygame.display.flip() def start(self): while self._running: self.clock.tick(60) # Limit to 60 fps # Handle events for event in pygame.event.get(): self.handle_event(event) # Handle game logic self.update_game() # Handle rendering self.render() pygame.quit()
pygame.init() #color setup BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0 ) WHITE = ( 255, 255, 255 ) #surface setup SCREEN_WIDTH = 700 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 650 SURFACE = pygame.display.set_mode([ SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT ]) pygame.display.set_caption('Breakout') #initialize players #paddle: # width height xpos ypos paddle = Paddle( SCREEN_WIDTH/8, 10, (SCREEN_WIDTH/2)-(SCREEN_WIDTH/8)/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 12 ) #ball # ballx bally radius ball = Ball( paddle.left()+paddle.width/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT-paddle.height-20, 7 ) #bicks array: bricks = [] x = y = 50 for i in range( 12 ): for j in range( 20 ): bricks.append( Brick( 25, 10, x, y ) ) x += 30 y += 12 x = 50
def initPaddle(self, padWidth, padHeight, padColor, padPosX0, padPosY0): self.paddleX0 = padPosX0 self.paddleY0 = padPosY0 self.paddle = Paddle(width=padWidth, height=padHeight, posX=self.paddleX0, posY=self.paddleY0, color=padColor)
class Pong(object): def __init__(self, file1=None, file2=None): pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) pygame.init() self.fps = pygame.time.Clock() flag = DOUBLEBUF self.board = pygame.display.set_mode(screenRect, flag) pygame.display.set_caption('[ --- Pong --- ]') self.state = 1 # 1 - run, 0 - exit self.track = Tracking(file1, file2) self.sound = Sound() self.p1 = Paddle(self.board, (200,100,100),screenRect) self.p1.setInitialPostition(0,screenHeight/2) self.p2 = Paddle(self.board, (100,200,100),screenRect) self.p2.setInitialPostition(screenWidth-self.p2.get()['width'],screenHeight/2) self.ball = Ball(self.board, (50,50,250), screenRect, self.sound) self.ball.setInitialPostition(screenWidth/2,screenHeight/2) self.arena = Arena(self.board, screenRect) self.referee = Referee(self.ball, self.p1, self.p2, screenRect, self.sound) self.t = Thread( self.t.start() self.p1_pos = 0 self.p2_pos = 0 self.loop() def movep1(self, diry): '''Player1 moves support''' self.p1.move(diry) def movep2(self, diry): '''Player2 moves support''' self.p2.move(diry) def game_exit(self): exit() def loop(self): flaga = 1 while self.state==1: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type==QUIT or (event.type==KEYDOWN and event.key==K_ESCAPE): self.state=0 keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() dirp1 = copysign(1, self.track.p1_position - self.p1_pos) dirp2 = copysign(1, self.track.p2_position - self.p2_pos) self.p1_pos += dirp1 self.p2_pos += dirp2 self.p1.set(self.track.p1_position+45) self.p2.set(self.track.p2_position+45) if keys[K_f]: pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen() self.arena.render(self.track.frame) font = pygame.font.Font("gfx/ATARCC__.TTF",40) text1 = font.render('P1={}'.format(self.p1.getScore()), True,(200,200,200)) text2 = font.render('P2={}'.format(self.p2.getScore()), True,(200,200,200)) quartWidth = screenWidth/4 self.board.blit(text1,(quartWidth * 1 - quartWidth/2,10)) self.board.blit(text2,(quartWidth * 3 - quartWidth/2,10)) self.p1.render() self.p2.render() self.ball.render() self.referee.judge() pygame.display.flip() # wyswietlamy obrazki self.fps.tick(80) self.track.running = False self.game_exit()
class Level(object): """ Main Level class, handles most of the gameplay """ def __init__(self, screen, draw_offset, control_set, player_color, finish_game): """ Init with... way too many parameters :param screen: Main PyGame surface to draw the objects/UI on :param draw_offset: Drawing offset used in multiplayer :param control_set: Key-set used to control the Paddle :param player_color: Color of the player's Paddle :param finish_game: Function passed to the constructor, triggered on the game end :return: """ self.screen = screen self.draw_offset = draw_offset self.control_set = control_set self.prev_input_x = 0 self.level_number = 1 self.block_count = 0 self.player = Player("Derp") self.paddle = Paddle(LEVEL_WIDTH/2 - Paddle.WIDTH/2, LEVEL_HEIGHT - 40, player_color, parent=self, owner=self.player) self.ball = Ball(self.paddle.rect.x + Paddle.WIDTH/2 - Ball.RADIUS, self.paddle.rect.y - Ball.RADIUS * 2) self.items = None self.blocks = [] self.blocks_surface = None self.blocks_surface_dirty = True self.entities = [] self.font = Assets.font self.score_label = None self.lives_label = None self.level_label = None self.load_level(self.level_number) self.finish_game = finish_game def handle_input(self, events): """ Handles incoming input events :param events: input events from the main app :return: """ BONUS_SPAWN_X = 305 BONUS_SPAWN_Y = 200 for event in events: if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == self.control_set[0]: if self.paddle.vx != 0: self.prev_input_x = 1 self.paddle.vx = -1 elif event.key == self.control_set[2]: if self.paddle.vx != 0: self.prev_input_x = -1 self.paddle.vx = 1 # elif event.key == K_SPACE: # self.paddle.change_size(self.paddle.rect.width+10) elif event.key == K_1: # self.add_entity(ItemExpand(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y)) self.spawn_item(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y, 1) elif event.key == K_2: # self.add_entity(ItemLaserGun(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y)) self.spawn_item(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y, 2) elif event.key == K_3: # self.add_entity(ItemShrink(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y)) self.spawn_item(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y, 3) elif event.key == K_4: # self.add_entity(ItemPaddleNano(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y)) self.spawn_item(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y, 4) elif event.key == K_5: # self.add_entity(ItemLife(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y)) self.spawn_item(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y, 5) elif event.key == K_6: # self.add_entity(ItemLife(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y)) self.spawn_item(BONUS_SPAWN_X, BONUS_SPAWN_Y, 6) elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == self.control_set[0]: if self.prev_input_x < 0: self.prev_input_x = 0 elif self.prev_input_x > 0: self.paddle.vx = 1 self.prev_input_x = 0 else: self.paddle.vx = 0 elif event.key == self.control_set[2]: if self.prev_input_x > 0: self.prev_input_x = 0 elif self.prev_input_x < 0: self.paddle.vx = -1 self.prev_input_x = 0 else: self.paddle.vx = 0 elif event.key == self.control_set[1]: if self.ball.docked: self.ball.docked = False self.ball.vx = 1 self.ball.vy = -1 else: self.paddle.use_attachment() elif event.key == K_EQUALS: self.start_level(self.level_number + 1) def start_level(self, new_level_num): """ Used to start level, checks the level bounds :param new_level_num: :return: """ self.ball.docked = True self.ball.dead = False if new_level_num > get_level_count(): self.finish_game() else: if self.level_number < new_level_num: self.player.score += self.player.lives * 500 else: self.player.score = 0 self.load_level(new_level_num) self.paddle.change_size(PADDLE_WIDTHS[PADDLE_DEFAULT_WIDTH_INDEX]) self.paddle.attachments = [] self.paddle.rect.x = LEVEL_WIDTH/2 - self.paddle.rect.width/2 self.paddle.rect.y = LEVEL_HEIGHT - 40 self.player.lives = 3 self.blocks_surface = Surface((LEVEL_WIDTH, LEVEL_HEIGHT)) self.blocks_surface_dirty = True def load_level(self, new_level_num): """ Parses level from the Character array that is provided by the LevelLoader class :param new_level_num: Number of the level, used to construct the filename, compute the next level number, and viewed on the UI :return: """ loaded_level = LevelLoader.load(LEVELDIR + str(new_level_num).zfill(2) + ".lvl") level = loaded_level[0] self.items = loaded_level[1] self.level_number = new_level_num self.blocks = [] self.entities = [] self.block_count = 0 for y in xrange(0, BLOCK_NUM_HEIGHT): self.blocks.append([None, ] * BLOCK_NUM_WIDTH) for x in xrange(0, BLOCK_NUM_WIDTH): if level[y][x] == 'i': self.blocks[y][x] = BlockIndestructible(PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + x * Block.WIDTH, PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1] + y * Block.HEIGHT) elif level[y][x] == 'm': self.blocks[y][x] = BlockMultiHit(PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + x * Block.WIDTH, PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1] + y * Block.HEIGHT) self.block_count += 1 elif level[y][x] == 'e': self.blocks[y][x] = BlockExplosive(PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + x * Block.WIDTH, PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1] + y * Block.HEIGHT) self.block_count += 1 elif level[y][x] != '0': self.blocks[y][x] = Block(PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + x * Block.WIDTH, PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1] + y * Block.HEIGHT, int(level[y][x]) - 1) self.block_count += 1 def add_entity(self, entity): """ Utility function to add new entities to the level. Later, might search for dead entities to replace them instead of expanding the list indefinitely :param entity: :return: """ self.entities.append(entity) def spawn_item(self, x, y, item): """ Function used to spawn items from blocks :param x: x coordinate of the play-field :param y: y coordinate of the play-field :param item: item to spawn, leave empty to make it randomly selected :return: """ if item == 1: self.add_entity(ItemLife(x, y)) elif item == 2: self.add_entity(ItemExpand(x, y)) elif item == 3: self.add_entity(ItemShrink(x, y)) elif item == 4: self.add_entity(ItemLaserGun(x, y)) elif item == 5: self.add_entity(ItemPaddleNano(x, y)) elif item == 6: pass elif randint(0, 35) == 0: item_type = randint(0, 4) if item_type == 0: dropped_item = ItemLife(x, y) elif item_type == 1: dropped_item = ItemExpand(x, y) elif item_type == 2: dropped_item = ItemShrink(x, y) elif item_type == 3: dropped_item = ItemLaserGun(x, y) else: dropped_item = ItemPaddleNano(x, y) self.add_entity(dropped_item) def block_destruction(self, block, item, func): """ Decides what to do with the block, based on the block type (sigh), and performs appropriate action :param block: Block to operate on :param item: If the block has a hard-assigned item in level, it will be spawned :param func: Function of the block that returns its points-value :return: """ return_v = func() if isinstance(block, BlockExplosive): rect = block.rect self.entities.append(Explosion(rect.x + rect.width/2 - Explosion.WIDTH/2, rect.y + rect.height/2 - Explosion.HEIGHT/2)) if block.dead: self.player.add_points(return_v) self.block_count -= 1 if not isinstance(block, BlockExplosive): self.spawn_item(block.rect.x, block.rect.y, item) self.blocks_surface_dirty = True def draw(self): """ Method called each frame to (re)draw the objects and UI :return: """ self.screen.blit(Assets.background, (self.draw_offset[0], self.draw_offset[1])) self.screen.blit(Assets.border, (self.draw_offset[0], self.draw_offset[1])) self.screen.blit(Assets.border, (self.draw_offset[0] + LEVEL_WIDTH - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0], self.draw_offset[1])) if self.blocks_surface_dirty: self.blocks_surface = Surface((LEVEL_WIDTH, LEVEL_HEIGHT), SRCALPHA, 32) self.blocks_surface = self.blocks_surface.convert_alpha() self.blocks_surface_dirty = False for row in self.blocks: for block in row: if block is not None and not block.dead: block.draw(self.blocks_surface) self.screen.blit(self.blocks_surface, self.draw_offset) self.paddle.draw(self.screen, self.draw_offset) if not self.ball.dead: self.ball.draw(self.screen, self.draw_offset) # draw entities for entity in self.entities: if not entity.dead: entity.draw(self.screen, self.draw_offset) # draw upper bar draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), (self.draw_offset[0] + PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0], self.draw_offset[1], LEVEL_WIDTH - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] * 2, PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1])) self.screen.blit(self.score_label, (self.draw_offset[0] + PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + 10, self.draw_offset[1])) self.screen.blit(self.lives_label, (self.draw_offset[0] + PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + 150, self.draw_offset[1])) self.screen.blit(self.level_label, (self.draw_offset[0] + LEVEL_WIDTH - 100, self.draw_offset[1])) def update(self): """ Method called each frame, to update the state of entities based on input events and previous state of the game :return: """ if self.block_count <= 0: self.start_level(self.level_number + 1) elif self.player.lives <= 0: self.start_level(self.level_number) self.paddle.update() if self.ball.docked and not self.ball.dead: self.ball.rect.x = self.paddle.rect.x + self.paddle.rect.width/2 - self.ball.radius self.ball.rect.y = self.paddle.rect.y - self.ball.radius * 2 elif self.player.lives > 0: self.ball.update() for entity in self.entities: if not entity.dead: entity.update() self.check_collision() self.score_label = self.font.render("SCORE: " + str(self.player.score), 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.lives_label = self.font.render("LIVES: " + str(self.player.lives), 1, (255, 255, 255)) self.level_label = self.font.render("LEVEL " + str(self.level_number), 1, (255, 255, 255)) def check_collision(self): """ Called after input handling and movement of the object, to check and solve collisions :return: """ # ball vs paddle if self.ball.rect.y < self.paddle.rect.y and \ sprite.collide_rect(self.paddle, self.ball): self.ball.vy = -1 # ball.vy # ball vs bottom if not self.ball.dead and self.ball.rect.y + self.ball.radius * 2 > LEVEL_HEIGHT: self.player.lives -= 1 if self.player.lives < 1: self.ball.dead = True else: self.ball.rect.x = self.paddle.rect.x + self.paddle.rect.width/2 - self.ball.radius self.ball.rect.y = self.paddle.rect.y - self.ball.radius * 2 self.ball.docked = True self.paddle.change_size(PADDLE_WIDTHS[PADDLE_DEFAULT_WIDTH_INDEX]) self.paddle.attachments = [] # ball vs blocks coll_num = [0, 0, 0] coll_num_val = (4, 2, 1) ball_grid_x = (self.ball.rect.x - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + self.ball.radius) / Block.WIDTH ball_grid_y = (self.ball.rect.y - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1] + self.ball.radius) / Block.HEIGHT for y in range(ball_grid_y - 1, ball_grid_y + 2): for x in range(ball_grid_x - 1, ball_grid_x + 2): if 0 <= x < BLOCK_NUM_WIDTH and 0 <= y < BLOCK_NUM_HEIGHT: if self.blocks[y][x] is not None and not self.blocks[y][x].dead and \ sprite.collide_rect(self.blocks[y][x], self.ball): self.block_destruction(self.blocks[y][x], self.items[y][x], self.blocks[y][x].on_collide) coll_num[y - ball_grid_y + 1] += coll_num_val[x - ball_grid_x + 1] self.ball.on_collide(coll_num) # entities for entity in self.entities: if not entity.dead: # paddle vs items if isinstance(entity, Item) and sprite.collide_rect(self.paddle, entity): entity.on_collect(self.paddle) entity.dead = True # self.player.lives += 1 # explosion vs blocks elif isinstance(entity, Explosion) and entity.state > 0: entity_block_x = (entity.rect.x - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + Explosion.WIDTH/2) / Block.WIDTH entity_block_y = (entity.rect.y - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1] + Explosion.HEIGHT/2) / Block.HEIGHT for y in xrange(entity_block_y - 1, entity_block_y + 2): for x in xrange(entity_block_x - 1, entity_block_x + 2): if 0 <= x < BLOCK_NUM_WIDTH and 0 <= y < BLOCK_NUM_HEIGHT: if self.blocks[y][x] is not None and not self.blocks[y][x].dead: self.block_destruction(self.blocks[y][x], self.items[y][x], self.blocks[y][x].kill) elif isinstance(entity, Projectile): entity_block_x = (entity.rect.x - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[0] + entity.rect.width/2) / Block.WIDTH entity_block_y = (entity.rect.y - PLAYFIELD_PADDING[1] + entity.rect.height/2) / Block.HEIGHT for y in xrange(entity_block_y - 1, entity_block_y + 2): for x in xrange(entity_block_x - 1, entity_block_x + 2): if 0 <= x < BLOCK_NUM_WIDTH and 0 <= y < BLOCK_NUM_HEIGHT: if self.blocks[y][x] is not None and not self.blocks[y][x].dead \ and sprite.collide_rect(self.blocks[y][x], entity): self.block_destruction(self.blocks[y][x], self.items[y][x], self.blocks[y][x].kill) entity.on_collide()
class Arkanoid: def __init__(self): from utilities import pygame, load_stages from text import Score, Timer, Name, Text from paddle import Paddle from ball import Ball from brick import Brick from stage import Stage C = Constants() self.C = C self.pygame = pygame # setup FPS governor self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() # set the window size divTop = int(C.DIV_POS*C.SIZE[1]) # top of divider. Affects bounds for ball divBot = divTop + C.DIV_WIDTH self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(C.SIZE) area = pygame.Rect(0, divBot, C.SIZE[0], C.SIZE[1]-divBot) # create game screen objects/sprites self.score = Score(C.SCORE_POS, self.screen, C.SCORE_START, C.SCORE_COLOR, C.SCORE_SIZE) self.scoreText = Text(C.S_LABEL_POS, self.screen, C.S_LABEL_TEXT, C.S_LABEL_COLOR, C.S_LABEL_SIZE) self.timer = Timer(C.TIMER_POS, self.screen, C.TIMER_START, C.TIMER_COLOR, C.TIMER_SIZE) self.timerText = Text(C.T_LABEL_POS, self.screen, C.T_LABEL_TEXT, C.T_LABEL_COLOR, C.T_LABEL_SIZE) = Name(C.NAME_POS, self.screen, '', C.NAME_COLOR) self.paddle = Paddle(area) self.ball = Ball(area) self.stages = load_stages(self.screen) self.divider = (self.screen, C.DIV_COLOR, [0, divTop], [C.SIZE[0], divTop], C.DIV_WIDTH) self.sprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((self.paddle, self.ball)) self.paused = True # flag to indicate if the stage is paused or moving self.pausedReset = False # flag to indicate pause was due to reset, in which case dont pause timer # stage_event() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # def stage_event(self, event): """Handles stage events""" C = self.C # quit the game if event.type == C.QUIT: return 2 elif event.type == C.KEYDOWN: # quit the game if event.key == C.K_ESCAPE: return 2 # move the paddle else: self.paddle.move(event.key) # key has been un-pressed elif event.type == C.KEYUP: # stop moving the paddle self.paddle.move(None) # reset the ball and paddle (dont reset stage) if event.key == C.K_r: self.ball.reset() self.paddle.reset() self.paused = True self.pausedReset = True # pause the game elif event.key == C.K_p: self.ball.pause() self.paddle.pause() if self.paused: self.paused = False else: self.paused = True elif event.key == C.K_SPACE: # start the stage if self.paused: self.ball.pause() if self.paddle.paused: self.paddle.pause() self.paused = False self.pausedReset = False return 0 # update_ball() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # def update_ball(self): """Updates the ball and does ball related actions""" from brick import Brick if self.ball.inbounds: if ( isinstance(self.ball.bouncedOff, Brick) and self.ball.bouncedOff.destroyed ): self.score.change_by(self.ball.bouncedOff.points * self.timer.value) else: # ball went out of bounds self.ball.reset() self.paused = True self.pausedReset = True # PLAY_STAGE() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # def play_stage(self, stage): """Plays a single stage""" C = self.C # update the ball's check surfaces self.ball.surfaces = set() self.ball.surfaces.add(self.paddle) self.ball.surfaces.update(stage.bricks) self.ball.surfaces.update(stage.powerups) # update the stage name = '%i: %s' % (stage.number, # draw the stage to prepare the round self.timer.change_by(stage.time) stage.draw() self.pygame.draw.line(*self.divider) self.ball.reset() self.paddle.reset() self.sprites.draw(self.screen) self.pygame.display.flip() self.paused = True self.pausedReset = False # play the round while True: # Handle Input Events for event in self.pygame.event.get(): returnCode = self.stage_event(event) if returnCode == 2: return 2 # update ball self.update_ball() # check if the stage is complete and go to the next stage if so if stage.completed: self.ball.bouncedOff = None stage.paused = False stage.pausedReset = False return 0 # update timer. If time has run out, you lose if not self.paused or self.pausedReset: self.timer.change_by(C.TIMER_FRAME_SPEED) if self.timer.exact <= 0: return 1 # Draw Everything self.sprites.update() stage.update() stage.draw() self.pygame.draw.line(*self.divider) self.timer.render() self.score.render() self.scoreText.render() self.timerText.render() self.sprites.draw(self.screen) self.pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(C.FRAMES_PER_SECOND)
class Board: def __init__(self, window, path="."): self.window = window self.h, self.w = window.getmaxyx() self.cells_x = self.w // Block.WIDTH self.cells_y = self.h // Block.HEIGHT self.field = [[None] * self.cells_x for i in range(self.cells_y)] self._gen_blocks(path) self.ball = Ball(self.h-2, self.w//2) self.paddle = Paddle(self.h-1, self.w//2) def draw(self): for row in self.field: for cell in row: if cell is not None: cell.draw(self.window) self.window.attron(curses.color_pair(1)) self.ball.draw(self.window) self.paddle.draw(self.window) def move(self, offset): self.paddle.move(offset, self.w) def animate(self): self.ball.animate(self.h, self.w) self._collide_endzone() self._collide_blocks() self._collide_paddle() def _collide_blocks(self): cell_x = self.ball.x // Block.WIDTH cell_y = self.ball.y // Block.HEIGHT if (cell_y >= self.cells_y) or (cell_x >= self.cells_x): return block = self.field[cell_y][cell_x] if block is not None: self.field[cell_y][cell_x] = None # destroy the block # deflect the ball if (self.ball.y == or \ (self.ball.y == block.bottom()): self.ball.bounce_y() if (self.ball.x == block.left()) or \ (self.ball.x == block.right()): self.ball.bounce_x() if block.isdir: self._gen_blocks(block.f) else: pass #block.destroy() def _collide_endzone(self): if self.ball.y == self.h - 1: exit() def _collide_paddle(self): if self.paddle.contacts(self.ball): self.ball.bounce_y() def _add_block(self, f): for y, row in enumerate(self.field): for x, cell in enumerate(row): if cell is None: b = Block(f, y, x) self.field[y][x] = b return def _gen_blocks(self, path): for f in os.listdir(path): self._add_block(os.path.join(path, f))
class BreakoutMain: """ This class is instantiated upon the game being launched. This houses information on width, height, and tick rate. Note that all loops essential to game function are located near the bottom of this file. """ # Keep a list of all levels used. More levels can be added # by updating this list. # NOTE: "level0" is the menu. levels = ["level0", "level1", "level2", "level3", "level4", "level5"] # Here is a tuple with the standard width and height. # Change these to change dimensions of screen. # NOTE: Window is non-resizeable. dimensions = (600, 600) # Initialization function def __init__(self): """ Initialize a new window using pygame, with a specified w and h. Set the caption as well. """ pygame.init() # Screen and window settings self.width = BreakoutMain.dimensions[0] self.height = BreakoutMain.dimensions[1] self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) pygame.display.set_caption('Breakout!') # Timer settings self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.elapsed = 0.0 # Game vars self.numBalls = 10 self.ballLaunched = False self.paused = False self.pauseText = load_text("Paused", 48) self.pauseTextPos = self.pauseText.get_rect(center= (self.width/2, self.height/2)) self.currentLevel = 2 self.score = 0 self.difficulty = "normal" # Life vars self.lives = 3 self.lifeRadius = 5 self.lifeX = 0 + 5 self.lifeY = self.height - 5 # Used to load sprites to the screen def loadSprites(self): """ From here we can load all sprites needed, whether they are the paddle, balls, bricks, backgrounds, etc. """ # level # Background and bricks defined in here self.level = Level(BreakoutMain.levels[self.currentLevel]) # paddle self.paddle = Paddle(self.width, self.height) self.paddleSprite = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle(self.paddle) # ball self.mainBall = Ball((self.paddle.x, self.paddle.y), self.paddle.height) self.ballSprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(self.mainBall) for i in range(self.numBalls): ball = Ball((self.paddle.x, self.paddle.y), self.paddle.height) self.ballSprites.add(ball) # Draw score def drawScore(self): """ Draws the score to the bottom right of the screen. """ text = load_text("Score: %s" % self.score, 18) textpos = text.get_rect(bottomright=(self.width, self.height)) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), textpos) self.screen.blit(text, textpos) # Draw level name to screen def drawName(self): """ Draws the current level name to the bottom middle of the screen. """ text = load_text("%s" %, 18) textpos = text.get_rect(midbottom=(self.width/2, self.height)) self.screen.blit(text, textpos) # Draw lives def drawLives(self): """ Draws the number of lives remaining to the bottom left of the screen. """ if self.lives > 0: for i in range(self.lives - 1):, (255, 255, 255), (self.lifeX + (i*10), self.lifeY), self.lifeRadius) # MENU LOOP FUNCTION def menuLoop(self, skipMenu): """ Function used to give the user a navigatable menu. Once this loop returns, the game begins. """ # Skipping menu means user has progressed to next level if skipMenu: return False else: background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()).convert() background.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) mainText = load_text("Breakout!", 48, (255, 255, 255)) # Message mainTextPos = mainText.get_rect(midtop=(self.width/2, 0)) self.screen.blit(mainText, mainTextPos) mainText = load_text("Type from 1-5 to select level.", 36, (255, 255, 255)) # Message mainTextPos = mainText.get_rect(midtop=(self.width/2, self.height/2)) self.screen.blit(mainText, mainTextPos) # Loop while 1: # EVENT CHECKER for event in pygame.event.get(): # Window 'X' clicked if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Keys pressed if event.type == KEYDOWN: # Quit game if event.key == K_ESCAPE or event.key == K_q: # Levels if event.key == K_1: self.currentLevel = 1 return True if event.key == K_2: self.currentLevel = 2 return True if event.key == K_3: self.currentLevel = 3 return True if event.key == K_4: self.currentLevel = 4 return True if event.key == K_5: self.currentLevel = 5 return True pygame.display.flip() # Keep track of time elapsed self.elapsed = self.clock.tick(60) # GAME LOOP FUNCTION def gameLoop(self, newGame): """ Function houses a loop that isrepeated over and over to check for new events, such as key presses or events in game. """ # Reset score and lives if user starting new game if newGame: self.lives = 3 self.score = 0 self.ballLaunched = False # Load our sprites self.loadSprites() # Set key repeat on pygame.key.set_repeat(5, 10) # Draw background to screen initially self.screen.blit(self.level.background, (0, 0)) self.level.brickSprites.draw(self.screen) self.drawLives() self.drawScore() self.drawName() while 1: seconds = self.elapsed / 1000.0 # First rotation hasn't occurred yet if self.level.rotated: rotatedScreen = pygame.transform.rotate(self.screen, -self.level.rotation) self.screen.blit(rotatedScreen, (0, 0)) # Redraw where paddle and balls used to be self.screen.blit(self.level.background, (self.paddle.rect.x, self.paddle.rect.y), self.paddle.rect) for ball in self.ballSprites: self.screen.blit(self.level.background, (ball.rect.x, ball.rect.y), ball.rect) ############# EVENT CHECKER ################################### for event in pygame.event.get(): # Window 'X' clicked if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Keys pressed if event.type == KEYDOWN: # Quit game if event.key == K_ESCAPE or event.key == K_q: # Pause game if event.key == K_p: pygame.key.set_repeat() self.paused = True self.screen.blit(self.pauseText, self.pauseTextPos) self.paddleSprite.draw(self.screen) self.ballSprites.draw(self.screen) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.clear() # If paused, flow control does not leave this # loop until unpaused. while self.paused: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: # Unpause game if event.key == K_p: pygame.key.set_repeat(5, 10) self.paused = False # Blit out text and old ball location self.screen.blit(self.level.background, (self.pauseTextPos.x, self.pauseTextPos.y), self.pauseTextPos) for ball in self.ballSprites: self.screen.blit(self.level.background, (ball.rect.x, ball.rect.y), ball.rect) pygame.display.flip() # Need to update elapsed time, or # else balls will end up somewhere # wacky. self.elapsed = self.clock.tick(60) # Move paddle if (event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_RIGHT): for ball in self.ballSprites: self.paddle.move(event.key, self.width, self.height, ball, seconds) # Start game by launching the ball if event.key == K_SPACE: if not self.ballLaunched: for ball in self.ballSprites: ball.launch() self.ballLaunched = True # Go back to menu if event.key == K_m: self.ballSprites.empty() self.paddleSprite.empty() self.level.brickSprites.empty() return "menu" ############# BALL MOVER ############################### if self.ballLaunched: for ball in self.ballSprites: ballLost = ball.move(self.width, self.height, seconds, self.paddle) # Check if ball went past paddle if ballLost: ball.kill() if not self.ballSprites: self.mainBall = Ball((self.paddle.x, self.paddle.y), self.paddle.height) self.ballSprites.add(self.mainBall) for i in range(self.numBalls): ball = Ball((self.paddle.x, self.paddle.y), self.paddle.height) self.ballSprites.add(ball) self.ballLaunched = False # Lose a life, fill in circle where one used to be self.lives -= 1 self.drawScore() self.drawName(), (0, 0, 0), (self.lifeX + ((self.lives - 1)*10), self.lifeY), self.lifeRadius) # End game if lives are gone if self.lives == 0: return "lost" ############# COLLISION DETECTION ########################### # Collision detection between ball and paddle hitPaddle = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.paddle, self.ballSprites, False) if hitPaddle: # For levels that have constant rotation if self.level.alwaysRotating: if self.level.rotation == 360: self.level.rotation = 90 else: self.level.rotation += 90 for ball in hitPaddle: ball.paddleCollide(self.paddle) # Collision detection between ball and brick if not self.level.brickSprites: try: BreakoutMain.levels[self.currentLevel + 1] self.currentLevel += 1 self.ballSprites.empty() self.paddleSprite.empty() self.level.brickSprites.empty() self.ballLaunched = False return "next" except IndexError: return "won" else: for ball in self.ballSprites: hitBricks = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(ball, self.level.brickSprites, True) ball.brickCollide(hitBricks) for brick in hitBricks: self.screen.blit(self.level.background, (brick.rect.x, brick.rect.y), brick.rect) self.score += 1 # Redraw score self.drawScore() ############# SPRITE REFRESH ################################# # Redraw lives left self.drawLives() # Redraw sprites self.paddleSprite.draw(self.screen) self.ballSprites.draw(self.screen) if self.level.rotation != 0: rotatedScreen = pygame.transform.rotate(self.screen, self.level.rotation) self.screen.blit(rotatedScreen, (0, 0)) self.level.rotated = True pygame.display.flip() # Keep track of time elapsed self.elapsed = self.clock.tick(60) ############################################################ # END LOOP FUNCTION def endLoop(self, state): """ Called when the game reaches an end state. There are 3 possible states: -Game Win -Game Lose -Next Level This loop will handle them all accordingly. """ if state == "menu": return False else: background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()).convert() background.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.time.delay(500) # Check state, and change screen accordingly if state == "lost": mainText = load_text("You Lose.", 48, (255, 0, 0)) elif state == "won": mainText = load_text("You Won!", 48, (0, 255, 0)) elif state == "next": mainText = load_text("Level Completed.", 36, (0, 255, 255)) # Message mainTextPos = mainText.get_rect(center=(self.width/2, self.height/3)) self.screen.blit(mainText, mainTextPos) if state == "next": scoreText = load_text("Score so far: %s" % self.score, 36, (255, 255, 0)) else: scoreText = load_text("Final Score: %s" % self.score, 36, (255, 255, 0)) # Score scoreTextPos = scoreText.get_rect(center=(self.width/2, (self.height/2) - 30)) self.screen.blit(scoreText, scoreTextPos) # Controls if state == "next": sText = load_text("Tap 'space' for next level", 24) sTextPos = sText.get_rect(center=(self.width/2, (self.height/1.5) - 30)) self.screen.blit(sText, sTextPos) qText = load_text("Tap 'q' to quit", 24) qTextPos = qText.get_rect(center=(self.width/2, self.height/1.5)) self.screen.blit(qText, qTextPos) mText = load_text("Tap 'm' for main menu", 24) mTextPos = mText.get_rect(center=(self.width/2, (self.height/1.5) + 30)) self.screen.blit(mText, mTextPos) # Loop while 1: # EVENT CHECKER for event in pygame.event.get(): # Window 'X' clicked if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # Keys pressed if event.type == KEYDOWN: # Quit game if event.key == K_ESCAPE or event.key == K_q: if event.key == K_SPACE: if state == "next": return True if event.key == K_m: return False pygame.display.flip() # Keep track of time elapsed self.elapsed = self.clock.tick(60)
from turtle import Screen from paddle import Paddle from ball import Ball from score import Score import time # Screen Setup screen = Screen() screen.setup(width=800, height=600) screen.title("PONG GAME") screen.bgcolor("black") screen.tracer(0) # Paddle Setup paddle_1 = Paddle((350, 0)) paddle_2 = Paddle((-350, 0)) # Score Setup score_1 = Score((40, 260)) score_2 = Score((-40, 260)) # Ball Setup ball = Ball() # Controls listeners screen.listen() screen.onkeypress(fun=paddle_1.move_up, key="Up") screen.onkeypress(fun=paddle_1.move_down, key="Down") screen.onkeypress(fun=paddle_2.move_up, key="w") screen.onkeypress(fun=paddle_2.move_down, key="s")
class Game(object): """Main program""" def __init__(self): #Initialize pygame and window pygame.init() self.screen_width, self.screen_height = 400, 600 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_width, self.screen_height), 0, 32) self.screen.fill(blue) pygame.display.update() #Clock self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() #Bricks self.blocks = list() for w in range(1,self.screen_width,50): for h in range(23, 198, 22): self.blocks.append(Block(self.screen_width, self.screen_height, w, h, orange, blue_shadow)) #Paddle self.paddle = Paddle(self.screen_width, self.screen_height, purple, blue_shadow) #Ball self.ball = Ball(self.screen_width, self.screen_height, green, blue_shadow) def update(self): self.clock.tick(game_speed) self.paddle.update() self.ball.update(self.paddle) def draw(self): #Redraw Background self.screen.fill(blue) for block in self.blocks: block.draw_shadow(self.screen) self.ball.draw_shadow(self.screen) self.paddle.draw_shadow(self.screen) for block in self.blocks: block.draw(self.screen) self.ball.draw(self.screen) self.paddle.draw(self.screen) def new_game(self): self.game_over = False self.round = 0 def new_round(self): pass def play(self): while not self.game_over: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.ball.serve() if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: self.paddle.x_vel = -4 elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: self.paddle.x_vel = 4 if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and self.paddle.x_vel < 0: self.paddle.x_vel = 0 if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and self.paddle.x_vel > 0: self.paddle.x_vel = 0 self.update() self.draw() pygame.display.update()
from turtle import Screen from scoreboard import Scoreboard import time from paddle import Paddle from ball import Ball screen = Screen() screen.listen() screen.setup(width=800, height=600) screen.bgcolor("black") screen.title("Pong") screen.tracer(0) r_paddle = Paddle((350, 0)) l_paddle = Paddle((-350, 0)) ball = Ball() scoreboard = Scoreboard() screen.onkey(r_paddle.move_up, "Up") screen.onkey(r_paddle.move_down, "Down") screen.onkey(l_paddle.move_up, "w") screen.onkey(l_paddle.move_down, "s") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: time.sleep(ball.move_speed) screen.update() ball.move()
class Player: OBJECT_INDEX = 0 def __init__(self, playerName): = Player.OBJECT_INDEX self.color = PLAYER_COLOR[] self.totalScore = 0 self.scores = [] = playerName self.lives = NB_LIVES['INIT'] self.timesFrm = {} self.loadTimes() Player.OBJECT_INDEX += 1 def initPaddle(self, padWidth, padHeight, padColor, padPosX0, padPosY0): self.paddleX0 = padPosX0 self.paddleY0 = padPosY0 self.paddle = Paddle(width=padWidth, height=padHeight, posX=self.paddleX0, posY=self.paddleY0, color=padColor) def initScore(self): """ Empties list of scores and init level score """ del self.scores[:] self.scores.append(Score(label=SCORE_LVL_LBL, factor=1, value=0)) def addBonus(self, bonusType, factor=1, value=0): """ Adds bonus to the list of scores """ lbl = BONUS[bonusType][BONUS_INDEX['LBL']] val = value if BONUS[bonusType][BONUS_INDEX['VALUE']] == 'value' else BONUS[bonusType][BONUS_INDEX['VALUE']] self.scores.append(Score(label=lbl, factor=factor, value=val)) def addBonusToTotalScore(self): """ Adds values of the list of bonus to total score """ for s in self.scores[1:]: self.totalScore += (s.value*s.factor) def applyEffect(self, effectType): """ Applies effect to player """ # PLA_LIFEUP: Add 1 life if effectType == USABLE_TYPE['PLA_LIFEUP']: self.addLife() self.paddle.applyEffect(effectType) def addLife(self): self.lives = self.lives+1 if self.lives < NB_LIVES['MAX'] else NB_LIVES['MAX'] @staticmethod def initId(): Player.OBJECT_INDEX = 0 def addTime(self, timeFrm, lvlId): """ Adds time (frame number) for a level to the list of player's times """ self.timesFrm[lvlId] = timeFrm def getTime(self, lvlId): """ Returns existing time (frame number) for a level, None else """ if lvlId in self.timesFrm: return self.timesFrm[lvlId] return None def ensureDir(self, f): d = os.path.dirname(f) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) def loadTimes(self): self.ensureDir(PLAYERS_DIR) try: with open( as f: lines = for line in lines.split('\n'): if line != '': l = line.split('|') self.timesFrm[l[0]] = int(l[1]) f.close() except IOError: pass def saveTimes(self): f = open(, 'w') for k,v in self.timesFrm.iteritems(): f.write(str(k)+'|'+str(v)+'\n') f.close() # TODO # Store / load player's trophy history