def castVote(conn, curr, pid, uid): ''' Prompt the user to cast a vote to the selected post. Inputs: conn -- sqlite3.Connection curr -- sqllite3.Connection pid -- selected post (str) uid -- uid of the current user (str) ''' print('\n' +'< Vote on the Post >')) prompt = 'Do you want to vote on this post? [y/n] ' confirm = page.getValidInput(prompt, ['y', 'n']) if confirm == 'y': # checks if the user has already voted for the selected post curr.execute('SELECT * FROM votes WHERE pid = ? and uid = ?;', [pid, uid]) if curr.fetchone(): print( bcolor.errmsg( "action failed: you've already voted for this post.")) else: vdate = str( vno = getVno(curr) curr.execute('INSERT INTO votes VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);', [pid, vno, vdate, uid]) conn.commit() print() print('Voting Completed!'))
def getPInfo(curr): ''' Create a new post. Prompt the user for the post information and return it. A unique pid is generated and assigned to the new post. Input: curr -- sqllite3.Connection Return: postInfo -- list ''' while True: pid = genPid(curr) pdate = str( print() title = input("Enter your title: ") body = input("Enter your body: ") postInfo = [pid, pdate, title, body] print('\nPlease double check your information: ') print(' Title: {}'.format(title)) print(' Body: {}'.format(body)) print() prompt = 'Is this correct? [y/n] ' uin = page.getValidInput(prompt, ['y', 'n']) if uin == 'y': return postInfo else: prompt = 'Do you still want to make a post? [y/n] ' if not page.continueAction(prompt): return False
def displaySearchResult(resultTable, isPriv): ''' Display 5 posts at a time from the search result. Prompt the user to select a post and choose an action to take on. Return the index of the selected post and the type of the selected action. Inputs: resultTable -- list isPriv -- bool Returns: no -- int action -- str ''' currRowIndex = 0 numRows = len(resultTable) no = action = domain = None validEntries = [] choseAction = False while not choseAction and currRowIndex < numRows: currRowIndex = printSearchResult(resultTable, currRowIndex) domain = '1-{}'.format(currRowIndex) if currRowIndex > 1 else '1' remainingRows = numRows - currRowIndex if remainingRows > 0: suffix = 's' if remainingRows > 1 else '' print("There are {} more row{} to display.\n".format( remainingRows, suffix)) prompt = "Press enter to view more, or pick no. [{}] to select: ".format( domain) validEntries = ['y', ''] else: prompt = "Search hit bottom. Pick no. [{}] to select: ".format( domain) validEntries = [] if len(domain) == 1: # there is only one post to choose. validEntries.append('1') else: end = domain.split('-')[1] validEntries += list(map(str, range(1, int(end) + 1))) opt = page.getValidInput(prompt, validEntries) # post is selected if opt.isdigit(): no = int(opt) - 1 # to match zero-index array isQues = isQuestion(resultTable[no]) action = getAction(isQues, isPriv) choseAction = True return no, action
def markAnswer(conn, curr, aid): ''' Mark the selected answer post as accepted and update it into the database. Prompts the user whether to overwrite if an accepted answer already exists. inputs: conn -- sqlite3.Connection curr -- sqlite3.Cursor aid -- pid of answer post (str) ''' print('\n< Mark as Accepted Answer >')) curr.execute("SELECT * FROM answers where pid=?;", (aid, )) qid = curr.fetchone()['qid'] prompt = 'Do you want to mark this post as an accepted answer? [y/n] ' uin = page.getValidInput(prompt, ['y','n']) if uin == 'y': curr.execute("SELECT * FROM questions where pid=? and theaid IS NOT NULL;", (qid, )) aaExists = True if curr.fetchone() else False # aa: accepted answer if aaExists: prompt = bcolor.warning("Warning: Accepted answer already exists. Proceed to change? [y/n] ") uin = page.getValidInput(prompt, ['y','n']) if uin == 'y': changeAA(conn, curr, qid, aid) conn.commit() else: print('\nMarking answer is cancelled.') else: changeAA(conn, curr, qid, aid) conn.commit()
def addTag(conn, curr, pid): ''' Add tags to the selected post. Inputs: conn -- sqlite3.Connection curr -- sqllite3.Cursor pid -- pid of the selected post (str) ''' print('\n< Add Tags >')) currentTags = getCurrentTag(curr, pid) displayCurrentTag(currentTags) valid = False while not valid: newTags = getValidTag() numNewTags = len(newTags) duplicates, nonDuplicates = getDuplicateTag(currentTags, newTags) numDups = len(duplicates) dsuffix = genSuffix(duplicates) tagsToAdd = True if numDups > 0: print(bcolor.errmsg('error: post already has the following tag{}: {}'.format(dsuffix, ', '.join(duplicates)))) if numNewTags == numDups: # user enters duplicates only tagsToAdd = False prompt = 'Do you want to add another tag to the post? [y/n] ' valid = not page.continueAction(prompt) else: newTags = nonDuplicates nsuffix = genSuffix(newTags) if tagsToAdd: prompt = 'Do you want to add: "{}" ? [y/n] '.format('", "'.join(newTags)) uin = page.getValidInput(prompt, ['y','n']) if uin == 'y': valid = True insertTag(conn, curr, pid, newTags) print("\nTag{} Added!".format(nsuffix))) else: prompt = 'Do you still want to add tags to the post? [y/n] ' valid = not page.continueAction(prompt)
def giveBadge(conn, curr, uid): ''' Gives a badge to the poster of the selected post. Inputs: conn -- sqlite3.Connection curr -- sqlite3.Cursor uid -- poster of the selected post (str) ''' bdate = str( if not badgeAvailable(curr): print(bcolor.errmsg("action failed: badge is not available now.")) elif isBadgeGivenTdy(curr, uid, bdate): print(bcolor.errmsg("action failed: this poster has already received a badge today.")) else: print('\n< Give a Badge >')) displayAvailBadges(curr) valid = False while not valid: bname = getBadge() badgeRow = getBadgeRow(curr, bname) if badgeRow: # badge already exists prompt = 'Do you want to give badge: "{}" to the poster? [y/n] '.format(badgeRow['bname']) uin = page.getValidInput(prompt, ['y','n']) if uin == 'y': curr.execute('INSERT INTO ubadges VALUES (?, ?, ?);',(uid, bdate, badgeRow['bname'])) conn.commit() print('\nBadge Awarded to the poster!')) valid = True else: print(bcolor.errmsg('action failed: badge: "{}" is not available.'.format(bname))) if not valid: prompt = 'Do you still want to give a badge? [y/n] ' valid = not page.continueAction(prompt)
def isChangeValid(nTitle, nBody): ''' Prompt the user to double check the new title and body, and return True if they are valid. Inputs: nTitle -- str nBody -- str Return: bool ''' print("\nIs the following information correct?") print("\n Title: {}".format(nTitle)) print("\n Body: {}".format(nBody)) prompt = "\nType 'y' if it is correct. Type 'n' if you want to start over: " check = page.getValidInput(prompt, ['y', 'n']) if check == 'n': return False return True
def getAction(isQues, isPriv): ''' Prompt the user for a post action and return it. inputs: isQues -- bool isPriv -- bool Return: action -- str ''' actionDict = availableActions(isQues, isPriv) print("Choose an option to:\n") for cmd, action in actionDict.items(): print(" {0}: {1}".format(bcolor.bold(cmd), action)) print() action = page.getValidInput('Enter a command: ', actionDict.keys()) return action
def main(argv): ''' The main loop of the program. Error codes: 0: Success 1: invalid command line argument ''' db = getDBFrom(argv) conn, curr = initConnAndCurrFrom(db) try: os.system('clear') run = True while run: page.printFirstScreen() opt = page.getValidInput('Enter a command: ', ['si', 'su', 'q']) if opt == 'si': uid = page.signIn(curr) os.system('clear') if uid != None: page.mainMenu(conn, curr, uid) elif opt == 'su': page.signUp(conn, curr) else: run = False sys.exit(0) except SystemExit as e: if int(str(e)) > 0: print(traceback.format_exc()) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) finally: print("\nClosing connection...") conn.commit() conn.close()