コード例 #1
    def handle_next_location(self, req):
        print "Next probable location service: Recieved request for next probable search location in %s" % req.room
        ret = NextProbableLocationResponse()

        # Look through all the location with the same probabilities and get the minimum
        nexts = self._cols[req.room].next_same()
        min_param = rospy.get_param(PARAM_NAME + req.room + '/' + nexts[0][0])
        ret.location = nexts[0][0]
        if len(nexts) > 1:
            make_plan = None
            if self._make_plan:
                    rospy.wait_for_service('/move_base/make_plan', 0.1)
                    make_plan = rospy.ServiceProxy('/move_base/make_plan', GetPlan)
                except rospy.ROSException:
                    pass  # make_plan is already set to None

            robot_pose = Pose()
            robot_pose.position.x = 0
            robot_pose.position.y = 0
            robot_pose.position.z = 0
            robot_pose = transform_pose(robot_pose, '/base_link', '/map', timeout=3)  # Get robot's pose in /map coordinates
            robot_tuple = (robot_pose.position.x, robot_pose.position.y)

            pose_tuple = (min_param[1], min_param[2])
            min_dist = ofb_utils.distance(robot_tuple, pose_tuple, make_plan)
            for name, _ in nexts[1:]:
                param = rospy.get_param(PARAM_NAME + req.room + '/' + name)
                pose_tuple = (param[1], param[2])
                d = ofb_utils.distance(robot_tuple, pose_tuple, make_plan)
                if d < min_dist:
                    min_dist = d
                    min_param = param
                    ret.location = name
            # All the locations in nexts have the same probabilty
            self._cols[req.room].swap_elements(nexts[0], (ret.location, nexts[0][1]))

        pose = Pose()
        pose.position = Point(min_param[1], min_param[2], 0)
        pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, min_param[3]))
        ret.loc_position = pose
        return ret
コード例 #2
ファイル: tsp.py プロジェクト: jypuigbo/robocup-code
    def _create_distance_matrix(self):
        n = self._n
        make_plan = None
        if self._with_plan:
                rospy.wait_for_service('/move_base/make_plan', 0.1)
                make_plan = rospy.ServiceProxy('/move_base/make_plan', GetPlan)
            except ROSException:
                pass  # We already have make_plan set to None

        # i is the row, j the column
        #self._dist_mat = [[(self._distance(i, j, make_plan) if i != j else -1) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
        self._dist_mat = [[ofb_utils.distance(self._nodes[i], self._nodes[j], make_plan) for j in range(n) if j < i] for i in range(n)]