コード例 #1
        def execute(self, userdata):
            rospy.loginfo('Calculating Vectors for 50cm distance ;P')
            distance = 0.5
            pose = userdata.FO_people_location
            unit_vector = normalize_vector(pose.position)

            k = vector_magnitude(pose.position)
            distance_des = k - distance
            dist_vector = multiply_vector(unit_vector, distance_des)

            alfa = math.atan2(dist_vector.x, dist_vector.y)

            if alfa > math.pi:
                alfa = alfa - (2 * math.pi)

            alfa_degree = (alfa * 360) / (2 * math.pi)

            rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Real Distance:%s', str(k))
            rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Desired Distance:%s', str(distance_des))
            rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$ALFA ==> :%s', str(alfa_degree))
            nav_goal = PoseStamped()
            nav_goal.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            nav_goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
            nav_goal.pose.position = dist_vector
            nav_goal.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, alfa))
            userdata.l50_navgoal = nav_goal
            rospy.loginfo('This is the Nav Goal We send to REEM: %s', str(nav_goal))
            userdata.l50_lost_person = False
            return succeeded
コード例 #2
            def move_to_person_goal_cb(userdata, nav_goal):
                position = Point(userdata.closest_person.x, userdata.closest_person.y, 0)
                distance_vector = multiply_vector(normalize_vector(position), 1)
                position = substract_vector(position, distance_vector)

                nav_goal.target_pose.pose.position = position
                nav_goal.target_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0))
                userdata.person_pos = nav_goal.target_pose.pose

                return nav_goal
コード例 #3
    def execute(self, userdata):

        rospy.loginfo('Calculating Vectors for 200cm distance ;P')
        distance = 2.0
        pose = userdata.sm_FO_old_pos
        unit_vector = normalize_vector(pose.position)

        k = vector_magnitude(pose.position)
        distance_des = k + distance
        dist_vector = multiply_vector(unit_vector, distance_des)
        rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Real Distance:%s', str(k))
        rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Desired Distance:%s', str(distance_des))
        nav_goal = PoseStamped()
        nav_goal.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        nav_goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
        nav_goal.pose.position = dist_vector
        nav_goal.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0))
        userdata.l200_navgoal = nav_goal
        rospy.loginfo('This is the Nav Goal We send to REEM: %s', str(nav_goal))
        userdata.l200_lost_person = True
        userdata.l200_no_people_counter = NUMBER_TIMES_AFTER_LOST_BEFORE_LOOSING_AGAIN
        return succeeded
コード例 #4
    def execute(self, userdata):
        rospy.loginfo(':: Calculating Vectors for %s m distance ::', str(self._distance))
        pose = userdata.FO_people_location
        unit_vector = normalize_vector(pose.position)
        rospy.loginfo("pose.position is:\n" + str(pose.position))
        rospy.loginfo("unit_vector is:\n " + str(unit_vector))

        k = vector_magnitude(pose.position)
        rospy.loginfo("Magnitude of vector from Reem to person ==> " + str(k))

        if not self._we_lost_person:
            If person is closer than the distance given, we wont move but we might rotate.
            We want that if the person comes closer, the robot stays in the place.
            Thats why we make desired distance zero if person too close.
            if k >= self._distance:
                distance_des = k - self._distance
                distance_des = 0.0
            distance_des = k + self._distance

        dist_vector = multiply_vector(unit_vector, distance_des)

        alfa = 0.0
        We only calculate the turning if there is no base movement
        if distance_des == 0.0:
            alfa = math.atan2(pose.position.y, pose.position.x)
            rospy.loginfo("ALFA is: " + str(alfa) + " in degrees: " + str(math.degrees(alfa)))
            if alfa > math.pi:
                rospy.loginfo("PERSON DETECTED BEHIND REEM, IMPOSSIBLE: " + str(alfa) + " in degrees: " + str(math.degrees(alfa)))
            rospy.loginfo("We will move so we WONT TURN, DESIRED_DISTANCE is > 0  ==> " + str(distance_des))

        alfa_degree = math.degrees(alfa)

        print "/********************************************/"
        rospy.loginfo('Distance from PERSON:%s', str(k))
        rospy.loginfo('Person and REEM WANTED distance:%s', str(self._distance))
        rospy.loginfo('Distance that Reem will MOVE:%s', str(distance_des))
        rospy.loginfo('Degrees that Reem will TURN ==> :%s', str(alfa_degree))
        print "/********************************************/"

        nav_goal = PoseStamped()
        nav_goal.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        nav_goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
        nav_goal.pose.position = dist_vector
        nav_goal.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, alfa))
        rospy.loginfo('ALFA AND ORIENTATION ==> :%s, %s', str(alfa_degree), str(nav_goal.pose.orientation))
        userdata.l_navgoal = nav_goal
        rospy.loginfo('This is the Nav Goal We send to REEM: %s', str(nav_goal))
        if not self._we_lost_person:
            userdata.l_lost_person = False
            userdata.l_lost_person = True
            userdata.l_no_people_counter = NUMBER_TIMES_AFTER_LOST_BEFORE_LOOSING_AGAIN

        return succeeded