def execute(self, userdata): rospy.loginfo('Calculating Vectors for 50cm distance ;P') distance = 0.5 pose = userdata.FO_people_location unit_vector = normalize_vector(pose.position) k = vector_magnitude(pose.position) distance_des = k - distance dist_vector = multiply_vector(unit_vector, distance_des) alfa = math.atan2(dist_vector.x, dist_vector.y) if alfa > math.pi: alfa = alfa - (2 * math.pi) alfa_degree = (alfa * 360) / (2 * math.pi) rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Real Distance:%s', str(k)) rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Desired Distance:%s', str(distance_des)) rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$ALFA ==> :%s', str(alfa_degree)) nav_goal = PoseStamped() nav_goal.header.stamp = nav_goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link" nav_goal.pose.position = dist_vector nav_goal.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, alfa)) userdata.l50_navgoal = nav_goal rospy.loginfo('This is the Nav Goal We send to REEM: %s', str(nav_goal)) userdata.l50_lost_person = False return succeeded
def execute(self, userdata): #UserdData Init rospy.loginfo('Executing ::PeopleTrackingProcessData::') userdata.personId = 101 userdata.all_person_data = peopleTracking() rospy.loginfo('###############Numero Personas detectadas %i' % len(userdata.process_peopleSet.peopleSet)) #We check there's someone if len(userdata.process_peopleSet.peopleSet) > 0: numero_personas_detectadas = len(userdata.process_peopleSet.peopleSet) rospy.loginfo('Numero Personas detectadas %i' % numero_personas_detectadas) i = 0 found_person = False min_distance = MAX_DISTANCE for data_peopleSet in userdata.process_peopleSet.peopleSet: #Now we make the calculations for knowing the Displecement in Y-Axis #And the distance magnitude. p = Pose() p.position.x = data_peopleSet.x p.position.y = data_peopleSet.y distance = vector_magnitude(p.position) displace = abs(p.position.y) rospy.loginfo('::ID = %i::\nDistance VS MAX_DISTANCE ::%f = %f::,\ndisplace VS MAX_DISPLACE ::%f = %f::' % (data_peopleSet.targetId, distance, MAX_DISTANCE, displace, MAX_DISPLACE)) #We only select who has the minimum distance. The displacement is just a filter. if displace < MAX_DISPLACE: if distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance data_personId = data_peopleSet.targetId rospy.loginfo('PLAUSIBLE CANDIDATE FOUND,With ID ::%i::,\nAt distance ::%f::,\nDisplacement ::%f:: ' % (data_personId, min_distance, displace)) all_per_data = data_peopleSet rospy.loginfo('ALL PLAUSIBLE PERSON DATA \n%s' % str(all_per_data)) found_person = True else: rospy.loginfo('NOT PLAUSIBLE CANDIDATE with ID = %i\nNo person close enough to the robot or \nWe found a person closer' % (data_peopleSet.targetId)) else: rospy.loginfo('NOT PLAUSIBLE CANDIDATE with ID = %i\nBecause no person infront of the robot or \nPerson not centered' % (data_peopleSet.targetId)) i += 1 if found_person: userdata.personId = data_personId userdata.all_person_data = all_per_data return succeeded rospy.loginfo('NO PEOPLE NO PEOPLE NO PEOPLE NO PEOPLE') rospy.sleep(SLEEP_TIME_WHEN_FAILS) return faulty_peopletrack
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.loginfo('Calculating Vectors for 200cm distance ;P') distance = 2.0 pose = userdata.sm_FO_old_pos unit_vector = normalize_vector(pose.position) k = vector_magnitude(pose.position) distance_des = k + distance dist_vector = multiply_vector(unit_vector, distance_des) rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Real Distance:%s', str(k)) rospy.loginfo('$$$$$$$$$$$$$Desired Distance:%s', str(distance_des)) nav_goal = PoseStamped() nav_goal.header.stamp = nav_goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link" nav_goal.pose.position = dist_vector nav_goal.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0)) userdata.l200_navgoal = nav_goal rospy.loginfo('This is the Nav Goal We send to REEM: %s', str(nav_goal)) userdata.l200_lost_person = True userdata.l200_no_people_counter = NUMBER_TIMES_AFTER_LOST_BEFORE_LOOSING_AGAIN return succeeded
def showPeopleTrackerData(userdata): rospy.loginfo(colors.YELLOW + "Showing people tracker data..." + colors.NATIVE_COLOR) global tracked_person_id if (tracked_person_id is None): pt_learning_zone_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("/LEARNING_ZONE_people_tracker_test/", Marker) learning_zone_marker = Marker() learning_zone_marker.header.frame_id = "/base_link" learning_zone_marker.ns = "learning_zone_ns" = 0 learning_zone_marker.type = learning_zone_marker.LINE_STRIP learning_zone_marker.action = learning_zone_marker.ADD learning_zone_marker.points = [Point(), Point(), Point(), Point()] learning_zone_marker.points[0].x = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.points[0].y = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.points[0].z = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.points[1].x = MAX_LEARN_DISTANCE learning_zone_marker.points[1].y = MAX_LEARN_DISPLACEMENT learning_zone_marker.points[1].z = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.points[2].x = MAX_LEARN_DISTANCE learning_zone_marker.points[2].y = -MAX_LEARN_DISPLACEMENT learning_zone_marker.points[2].z = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.points[3].x = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.points[3].y = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.points[3].z = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.pose.position.x = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.pose.position.y = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.pose.position.z = 0.0 learning_zone_marker.scale.x = 0.05 learning_zone_marker.color.a = 0.9 learning_zone_marker.color.r = 1.0 learning_zone_marker.color.g = 0.5 learning_zone_marker.color.b = 0.4 learning_zone_marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(1.0) learning_zone_marker.header.stamp = pt_learning_zone_marker_pub.publish(learning_zone_marker) min_distance = MAX_LEARN_DISTANCE for person in userdata.in_persons_detected.peopleSet: displace = abs(person.y) person_pose = Pose() person_pose.position.x = person.x person_pose.position.y = person.y distance = vector_magnitude(person_pose.position) if displace < MAX_LEARN_DISPLACEMENT and distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance tracked_person_id = person.targetId if (tracked_person_id is None): rospy.loginfo(colors.YELLOW_BOLD + " THERE ISN'T ANY CANDIDATE IN FRONT OF THE ROBOT" + colors.NATIVE_COLOR) else: rospy.loginfo(colors.BACKGROUND_GREEN + " Following person with id => " + str(tracked_person_id) + colors.NATIVE_COLOR) tracked_person = findPersonByIdInPeopleSet(tracked_person_id, userdata.in_persons_detected.peopleSet) if (tracked_person is not None): pt_tracked_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("/LEARNING_ZONE_people_tracker_test/", Marker) marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/base_link" marker.ns = "person_tracked_ns" = 0 marker.type = marker.CYLINDER marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.position.x = tracked_person.x marker.pose.position.y = tracked_person.y marker.pose.position.z = 0.5 marker.scale.x = 0.1 marker.scale.y = 0.1 marker.scale.z = 1.0 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = 0.2 marker.color.g = 0.2 marker.color.b = 0.2 marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(10.0) marker.header.stamp = pt_tracked_marker_pub.publish(marker) elif (tracked_person_id is not None): rospy.loginfo(colors.RED_BOLD + " LOST PERSON with id => " + str(tracked_person_id) + colors.NATIVE_COLOR) pt_test_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("/people_tracker_test/", MarkerArray) global markers global i for person in userdata.in_persons_detected.peopleSet: marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "/base_link" marker.ns = "people_tracked_ns" = i marker.type = marker.ARROW marker.action = marker.ADD marker.points = [Point(), Point()] marker.points[0].x = person.x marker.points[0].y = person.y marker.points[0].z = 0.0 marker.points[1].x = person.x + person.vx marker.points[1].y = person.y + person.vy marker.points[1].z = 0.0 marker.scale.x = 0.1 # arrow shaft diameter marker.scale.y = 0.1 # arrow head diameter marker.scale.z = 0.0 # arrow head length if is not zero marker.color.a = 0.4 marker.color.r = 0.5 marker.color.g = 0.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(PT_TEST_MARKERS_LIFETIME) marker.header.stamp = marker_array.markers.append(marker) i += 1 if (i >= MAX_NUMBER_PT_TEST_MARKERS): marker_array.markers.pop(0) pt_test_marker_pub.publish(marker_array) return succeeded
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.loginfo(':: Calculating Vectors for %s m distance ::', str(self._distance)) #self._distance pose = userdata.FO_people_location unit_vector = normalize_vector(pose.position) rospy.loginfo("pose.position is:\n" + str(pose.position)) rospy.loginfo("unit_vector is:\n " + str(unit_vector)) k = vector_magnitude(pose.position) rospy.loginfo("Magnitude of vector from Reem to person ==> " + str(k)) if not self._we_lost_person: """ If person is closer than the distance given, we wont move but we might rotate. We want that if the person comes closer, the robot stays in the place. Thats why we make desired distance zero if person too close. """ if k >= self._distance: distance_des = k - self._distance else: distance_des = 0.0 else: distance_des = k + self._distance dist_vector = multiply_vector(unit_vector, distance_des) alfa = 0.0 """ We only calculate the turning if there is no base movement """ if distance_des == 0.0: alfa = math.atan2(pose.position.y, pose.position.x) rospy.loginfo("ALFA is: " + str(alfa) + " in degrees: " + str(math.degrees(alfa))) if alfa > math.pi: rospy.loginfo("PERSON DETECTED BEHIND REEM, IMPOSSIBLE: " + str(alfa) + " in degrees: " + str(math.degrees(alfa))) else: rospy.loginfo("We will move so we WONT TURN, DESIRED_DISTANCE is > 0 ==> " + str(distance_des)) alfa_degree = math.degrees(alfa) print "/********************************************/" rospy.loginfo('Distance from PERSON:%s', str(k)) rospy.loginfo('Person and REEM WANTED distance:%s', str(self._distance)) rospy.loginfo('Distance that Reem will MOVE:%s', str(distance_des)) rospy.loginfo('Degrees that Reem will TURN ==> :%s', str(alfa_degree)) print "/********************************************/" nav_goal = PoseStamped() nav_goal.header.stamp = nav_goal.header.frame_id = "/base_link" nav_goal.pose.position = dist_vector nav_goal.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, alfa)) rospy.loginfo('ALFA AND ORIENTATION ==> :%s, %s', str(alfa_degree), str(nav_goal.pose.orientation)) userdata.l_navgoal = nav_goal rospy.loginfo('This is the Nav Goal We send to REEM: %s', str(nav_goal)) if not self._we_lost_person: userdata.l_lost_person = False else: userdata.l_lost_person = True userdata.l_no_people_counter = NUMBER_TIMES_AFTER_LOST_BEFORE_LOOSING_AGAIN return succeeded