def groupmod(gid, config, new_name, non_unique, password, group): try: gr = grp.getgrnam(group) except KeyError: print(_("Error: Group not found")) exit(1) return conf = get_config(config) dbs = connect_db(conf) if gid: try: if not non_unique and grp.getgrgid(gid): print("Error: GID already taken") exit(1) except KeyError: pass old_gid = int(gr.gr_gid) glm = GroupListManager(conf, dbs) glm.modallgroupgid(old_gid, gid) um = UserManager(conf, dbs) um.modallgid(old_gid, gid) gm = GroupManager(conf, dbs) gm.modgroup(name_old=group, name=new_name, gid=gid, password=password) dbs.commit() dbs.close()
def userdel(force, remove, config, login): user = None try: user = pwd.getpwnam(login) except KeyError: print(_("Error: User not found")) exit(1) conf = get_config(config) dbs = connect_db(conf) pm = UserManager(config=conf, dbs=dbs) try: pm.deluser(username=login) except KeyError: print(_("Error: User not in database")) exit(1) if remove: shutil.rmtree(str(user.pw_dir), ignore_errors=force) glm = GroupListManager(conf, dbs) glm.delallgroupuser(login) dbs.commit() gr = None try: gr = grp.getgrgid(user.pw_gid) if gr.gr_mem: exit(0) except KeyError: dbs.commit() dbs.close() exit(0) gm = GroupManager(config=conf, dbs=dbs) try: gm.delgroup(gid=str(gr.gr_gid)) except ValueError: print( _('Warning: Primary group "{group}" of user is empty but not in Database. Try "groupdel {group}"' ).format(group=gr.gr_gid)) exit(1) dbs.commit() dbs.close()
def importgroups(ignore_password, config, lower, upper): conf = get_config(config) groups = {} with open('/etc/group') as group: for line in group: line = line.strip() g = line.split(':') if lower <= int(g[2]) <= upper: for i in range(len(g)): if not g[i].strip(): g[i] = None groups[g[0]] = g dbs = connect_db(conf) gm = GroupManager(conf, dbs) glm = GroupListManager(conf, dbs) with open('/etc/gshadow') as gshadow: for line in gshadow: line.strip() gs = line.split(':') if gs[0] in list(groups.keys()): for i in range(len(gs)): if not gs[i].strip(): gs[i] = None g = groups[gs[0]] if ignore_password: gs[1] = '!' gm.addgroup(g[0], gid=g[2], password=gs[1]) if g[3]: for user in g[3].split(','): glm.addgroupuser(username=user, gid=g[2]) dbs.commit() dbs.close()
def usermod(comment, home_dir, expiredate, inactive, gid, groups, append, login_new, lock, move_home, non_unique, password, shell, uid, unlock, config, login): conf = get_config(config) user = None try: user = pwd.getpwnam(login) except KeyError: print("Error: User not found") exit(1) if uid: try: if not non_unique and pwd.getpwuid(uid): print("Error: UID already taken") exit(1) except KeyError: pass if expiredate: expiredate = (expiredate - REFDATE).days if gid: gid = get_gid(gid) dbs = connect_db(conf) pm = UserManager(conf, dbs) if lock: if not config.has_section('fields'): section = config[config.default_section] else: section = config['fields'] pw = pm.getuserbyuid(get_uid(login))[section.get( 'password', 'password')] if pw[0] != '!': password = '******' + pw if unlock: if not config.has_section('fields'): section = config[config.default_section] else: section = config['fields'] pw = pm.getuserbyuid(get_uid(login))[section.get( 'password', 'password')] if pw[0] == '!': password = pw[1:] lastchg = None if password: lastchg = ( - REFDATE).days pm.moduser(username_old=login, username=login_new, gid=gid, uid=uid, gecos=comment, homedir=home_dir, shell=shell, lstchg=lastchg, expire=expiredate, inact=inactive, password=password) if login_new: glm = GroupListManager(conf, dbs) glm.modallgroupuser(login, login_new) if groups: if login_new: login = login_new glm = GroupListManager(conf, dbs) if not append: glm.delallgroupuser(login) for group in groups: try: glm.addgroupuser(login, get_gid(group)) except KeyError: print( _("Warning: Can't find group {group}").format( group=group)) else: db_groups = glm.getgroupsforusername(login) for group in groups: gid = get_gid(group) if gid not in db_groups: glm.addgroupuser(login, gid) if home_dir and move_home: try: shutil.move(str(user.pw_dir), home_dir) except PermissionError: print(_("Error: Insufficient permissions to move home dir.")) dbs.rollback() dbs.close() exit(1) dbs.commit() dbs.close()
def useradd(ctx, basedir, comment, home_dir, expiredate, inactive, gid, groups, skel, key, no_create_home, no_user_group, non_unique, password, system, shell, uid, config, login): conf = get_config(config) defs = get_defs() useradd_conf = get_useradd_conf() for k, v in key: defs[k] = v if not uid: uid = find_new_uid(sysuser=system) else: try: if not non_unique and pwd.getpwuid(uid): print(_("Error: UID already taken")) exit(1) except KeyError: pass try: if not non_unique and pwd.getpwnam(login): print(_("Error: Login name already taken")) exit(1) except KeyError: pass if not shell: shell = useradd_conf.get('SHELL', '') if not basedir: basedir = useradd_conf.get('HOME', '/home') if not home_dir: home_dir = os.path.join(basedir, login) if not gid: try: gr = grp.getgrnam(login) if gr: gid = int(gr.gr_gid) no_user_group = True except KeyError: gid = find_new_gid(sysuser=system, preferred_gid=uid) else: gid = get_gid(gid) if expiredate: expiredate = (expiredate - REFDATE).days if not no_create_home: if not skel: skel = useradd_conf.get('SKEL', '/etc/skel') try: create_home(home_dir, skel, uid, gid) except PermissionError: print(_("Error: Insufficient permissions to create home dir")) exit(1) except FileExistsError: print(_('Error: Directory "%s" already exists') % home_dir) exit(1) lastchg = - REFDATE dbs = connect_db(conf) pm = UserManager(conf, dbs) pm.adduser(username=login, gid=gid, uid=uid, gecos=comment, homedir=home_dir, shell=shell, lstchg=lastchg.days, mini=defs.get('PASS_MIN_DAYS', 0), maxi=defs.get('PASS_MAX_DAYS', 99999), warn=defs.get('PASS_WARN_DAYS', 7), expire=expiredate, inact=inactive, password=password) if groups: glm = GroupListManager(conf, dbs) for g in groups: try: glm.addgroupuser(login, get_gid(g)) except KeyError: print(_("Warning: Can't find group {group}").format(group=g)) dbs.commit() dbs.close() if not no_user_group: ctx.invoke(groupadd, group=login, gid=gid, system=system, config=config, non_unique=non_unique)
def setUpClass(cls): ManagerTests.setUpClass() cls.glm = GroupListManager(cls.config, cls.dbs)