コード例 #1
    def __call__(self, mesh):
        vertex_writer = GeomVertexRewriter(mesh.data, "vertex")
        while not vertex_writer.isAtEnd():
            vertex = vertex_writer.getData4()

        return mesh
コード例 #2
    def __call__(self, mesh):
        vertex_writer = GeomVertexRewriter(mesh.data, "vertex")
        while not vertex_writer.isAtEnd():
            vertex = vertex_writer.getData4()
                vertex.x * self.v.x,
                vertex.y * self.v.y,
                vertex.z * self.v.z,
                vertex.w * self.v.w,

        return mesh
コード例 #3
ファイル: factory.py プロジェクト: b2220333/grid-leader
    def Car(carAppearance):

        newVisualCar = loader.loadModel("models/f1car")
        geomNodeCollection = newVisualCar.findAllMatches('**/+GeomNode')

        for nodePath in geomNodeCollection:
            geomNode = nodePath.node()
            for i in range(geomNode.getNumGeoms()):
                geom = geomNode.modifyGeom(i)
                state = geomNode.getGeomState(i)
                vdata = geom.modifyVertexData()
                color = GeomVertexRewriter(vdata, 'color')
                while not color.isAtEnd():
                    c = color.getData4f()
                    r, g, b, a = c
                    #f r==1.0 and g==0.0 and b==0.0:
                    #	g=1.0
                    #	b=1.0
                    if r == 0.0 and g == 1.0 and b == 0.0:
                        r = carAppearance[0]
                        g = carAppearance[1]
                        b = carAppearance[2]
                    elif r == 1.0 and g == 0.0 and b == 0.0:
                        r = carAppearance[3]
                        g = carAppearance[4]
                        b = carAppearance[5]
                    elif r == 1.0 and g == 1.0 and b == 1.0:
                        r = carAppearance[6]
                        g = carAppearance[7]
                        b = carAppearance[8]
                    elif r == 1.0 and g == 1.0 and b == 0:
                        r = carAppearance[9]
                        g = carAppearance[10]
                        b = carAppearance[11]

                    #print "c = %s" % (repr(c))
                    #print('r='+str(r)+' g='+str(g)+' b='+str(b))
                    color.setData4f(r, g, b, 1.0)

        return newVisualCar
コード例 #4
ファイル: bdbody_meter.py プロジェクト: wanweiwei07/wrs
 def __init__(self, objinit, cdtype="triangle", mass=.3, restitution=0, allowdeactivation=False, allowccd=True,
              friction=.2, dynamic=True, name="rbd"):
     :param objinit: could be itself (copy), or an instance of collision model
     :param type: triangle or convex
     :param mass:
     :param restitution: bounce parameter
     :param friction:
     :param dynamic: only applicable to triangle type, if an object does not move with force, it is not dynamic
     :param name:
     author: weiwei
     date: 20190626, 20201119
     if isinstance(objinit, gm.GeometricModel):
         if objinit._objtrm is None:
             raise ValueError("Only applicable to models with a trimesh!")
         self.com = objinit.objtrm.center_mass
         if allowdeactivation:
         if allowccd:  # continuous collision detection
         gnd = objinit.objpdnp.getChild(0).find("+GeomNode")
         geom = copy.deepcopy(gnd.node().getGeom(0))
         vdata = geom.modifyVertexData()
         vertrewritter = GeomVertexRewriter(vdata, 'vertex')
         while not vertrewritter.isAtEnd():  # shift local coordinate to geom to correctly update dynamic changes
             v = vertrewritter.getData3f()
             vertrewritter.setData3f(v[0] - self.com[0], v[1] - self.com[1], v[2] - self.com[2])
         geomtf = gnd.getTransform()
         if cdtype is "triangle":
             geombmesh = BulletTriangleMesh()
             bulletshape = BulletTriangleMeshShape(geombmesh, dynamic=dynamic)
             self.addShape(bulletshape, geomtf)
         elif cdtype is "convex":
             bulletshape = BulletConvexHullShape()  # TODO: compute a convex hull?
             bulletshape.addGeom(geom, geomtf)
             self.addShape(bulletshape, geomtf)
             raise NotImplementedError
         pdmat4 = geomtf.getMat()
         pdv3 = pdmat4.xformPoint(Vec3(self.com[0], self.com[1], self.com[2]))
         homomat = dh.pdmat4_to_npmat4(pdmat4)
         pos = dh.pdv3_to_npv3(pdv3)
         homomat[:3, 3] = pos  # update center to com
     elif isinstance(objinit, BDBody):
         self.com = objinit.com.copy()
         if allowdeactivation:
         if allowccd:
         self.addShape(objinit.getShape(0), objinit.getShapeTransform(0))
コード例 #5
class ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulator(object):
    """Creates a Constrained Delaunay Triangulation"""
    def drawTriangleIndices(adjLst, name='indsgroup'):
        from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText
        indNP = render.attachNewNode(name)
        for i in range(0, len(adjLst)):
            center = getCenterOfPoints3D(adjLst[i].getPoints())
            dummy = indNP.attachNewNode(str(i))
            txt = OnscreenText(text=str(i), pos=center, scale=1)
            dummy.setP(dummy.getP() - 90)

        return indNP

    def findContainingTriangle(point, startTriangle, fullList):
        triangles = collections.deque([])
        while triangles:
            tri = triangles.popleft()
            if tri.containsPoint(point):
                return tri
            triangles.extend([fullList[i] for i in tri.getNeighbors(includeEmpties=False)])
        raise ValueError("Point added that's outside of the bounded space {0}".format(point))

    def __init__(self, vertexName='ConstrainedDelaunayTriangles', vertexFormat=GeomVertexFormat.getV3(),
                  usage = Geom.UHDynamic, onVertexCreationCallback = None, universalZ = 0.0):
        self._vertexData = GeomVertexData(vertexName, vertexFormat, Geom.UHDynamic)
        self._geomTriangles = GeomTriangles(usage)
        self._geomTrianglesHoles = GeomTriangles(usage)
        self._vertexRewriter = GeomVertexRewriter(self._vertexData, 'vertex')  # user cannot have control of a writer

        if onVertexCreationCallback is None:
            onVertexCreationCallback = lambda x, y, z: None  # something to call without checking existence later
        self._vertexCallback = onVertexCreationCallback

        self._universalZ = universalZ
        self.__holes = [[]]
        self.__polygon = []
        inf = float('inf')
        negInf = float('-inf')
        self.bounds = {
            'minX': inf,
            'maxX': negInf,
            'minY': inf,
            'maxY': negInf,
        self.lastStaticVertexIndex = -1

    def addHoleVertex(self, index):
        """Adds the next consecutive vertex of the current hole."""
        # we might not have holes but we should always have triangles after triangulation

    def addPolygonVertex(self, index):
        """Adds the next consecutive vertex of the polygon."""

    def _addVertex(self, x, y, z, bounded=True):
        # BLOG track bounds to create the encapsulating triangle rather than lexicographic ordering
        # BLOG could have used a heap while adding verts, then popped as we processed each vertex
        if x < self.bounds['minX'] and bounded:
            self.bounds['minX'] = x
        if x > self.bounds['maxX'] and bounded:
            self.bounds['maxX'] = x

        if y < self.bounds['minY'] and bounded:
            self.bounds['minY'] = y
        if y > self.bounds['maxY'] and bounded:
            self.bounds['maxY'] = y
        if not self._vertexRewriter.isAtEnd():
        n = self._vertexRewriter.getWriteRow()
        self._vertexRewriter.addData3f(x, y, self._universalZ)
        self._vertexCallback(x, y, self._universalZ)

        return n

    def addVertex(self, pointOrX, y=None, z=None, bounded=True):
        """Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool."""
        if hasattr(pointOrX, 'y'):  # if the first argument is a point expand and call the backing function
            return self._addVertex(pointOrX.x, pointOrX.y, pointOrX.z, bounded=bounded)
        return self._addVertex(pointOrX, y, z, bounded=bounded)

    def addVertexToPolygon(self, pointOrX, y, z, bounded=True):
        """Adds a vertex to the pool and then adds its index to the polygon vertex index list."""
        n = self.addVertex(pointOrX, y, z, bounded=bounded)
        return n

    def addVertexToHole(self, pointOrX, y, z):
        """Adds a vertex to the pool and then adds its index to the polygon vertex index list."""
        n = self.addVertex(pointOrX, y, z)
        return n
    def beginHole(self):
        """Finishes the previous hole, if any, and prepares to add a new hole."""
        if self.__holes[-1]:  # if the last hole (list of vertices) is empty use it as the next hole
            self.__holes.append([])  # if it's not empty append a new hole
    def clear(self):
        """Removes all vertices and polygon specifications from the Triangulator, and prepares it to start over."""
        raise NotImplementedError("""ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulator.clear() is not implemented.""")
    def clearPolygon(self):
        """Removes the current polygon definition (and its set of holes), but does not clear the vertex pool."""
        raise NotImplementedError("""ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulator.clearPolygon() is not implemented.""")

    def getAdjacencyList(self):
        """Returns a list of triangles, each referencing its own neighbors by their list index."""
        return self.__polygon

    def getGeomNode(self, name='ConstrainedDelaunayTriangles'):
        """returns a GeomNode, with the provided name, sufficient to put in the scene and draw."""
        # BLOG My TODO legend
        # DOC 1) (adding to scene) create a Geom and add primitives of like base-type i.e. triangles and triangle strips
        geom = Geom(self._vertexData)
        # DOC 2) create a GeomNode to hold the Geom(s) and add the Geom(s)
        gn = GeomNode(name)
        # DOC 3) attach the node to the scene (in the calling code)
        # gnNodePath = render.attachNewNode(gn)
        return gn
    def getNumTriangles(self):
        """Returns the number of triangles generated by the previous call to triangulate()."""
        if not self.isTriangulated():
            raise ValueError("Vertices must be added and triangulate() must be called before calling getNumTriangles()")
        return len(self.__polygon)
    def getNumVertices(self):
        """Returns the number of vertices in the pool."""
        return self._vertexData.getNumRows()

    def getVertexReader(self):
        """Returns a reader for the vertex column."""
        return GeomVertexReader(self._vertexData, 'vertex')
    def getTriangleV0(self, n):
        """Returns vertex 0 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to triangulate()."""
            return self.__polygon[n].pointIndex0()
        except AttributeError:  # BLOG switching errors to clarify the cause
            raise LookupError("Must call triangulate() before querying for a triangle's vertices.")
    def getTriangleV1(self, n):
        """Returns vertex 1 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to triangulate()."""
            return self.__polygon[n].pointIndex1()
        except AttributeError:  # BLOG switching errors to clarify the cause
            raise LookupError("Must call triangulate() before querying for a triangle's vertices.")
    def getTriangleV2(self, n):
        """Returns vertex 2 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to triangulate()."""
            return self.__polygon[n].pointIndex2()
        except AttributeError:  # BLOG switching errors to clarify the cause
            raise LookupError("Must call triangulate() before querying for a triangle's vertices.")

    def getTriangleList(self):
        import copy
        return copy.copy(self.__polygon)

    def getVertex(self, n):
        """Returns the nth vertex."""
        return self._vertexRewriter.getData3f()

    def getGeomVertexData(self):
        return self._vertexData

    def getGeomTriangles(self):
        assert self.isTriangulated()
        return self._geomTriangles
    def getVertices(self):
        """Returns a list of vertices."""
        verts = []
        for i in range(0, self._vertexData.getNumRows()):
        return verts
    def isLeftWinding(self):
        """Returns true if the polygon vertices are listed in counterclockwise order,
        or false if they appear to be listed in clockwise order."""
        assert self.isTriangulated()
        return self.__polygon[0].isLeftWinding()

    def isTriangulated(self):
        """Guesses whether the polygon has been triangulated."""
        return len(self.__polygon) > 0 and isinstance(self.__polygon[0], ConstrainedDelaunayAdjacencyTriangle)
    def triangulate(self, makeDelaunay=True):
        """Does the work of triangulating the specified polygon."""
        global notify
        if self.isTriangulated():
            raise ValueError("triangulate() must only be called once.")
        notify.warning("bounds: minX, minY, maxX, maxY {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(self.bounds['minX'], self.bounds['minY'],
                                                                               self.bounds['maxX'], self.bounds['maxY']))
        h = abs(self.bounds['maxY'] - self.bounds['minY'])
        w = abs(self.bounds['maxX'] - self.bounds['minX'])
        topLeft = Point3(self.bounds['minX'] - 10*w,
                         self.bounds['maxY'] + 10*h,
        bottomRight = Point3(self.bounds['minX'] - 10*w,
                            self.bounds['minY'] - 10*h,
        farRight = Point3(self.bounds['maxX'] + 10*w, (self.bounds['maxY'] + self.bounds['minY'])/2, self._universalZ)
        # Other than the tree below, any vertices added after this are CDT as opposed to DT
        self.lastStaticVertexIndex = self.getNumVertices() - 1
        # these three will be removed later, thus will not be artificial restraints
        v0 = self.addVertex(topLeft, bounded=False)
        v1 = self.addVertex(bottomRight, bounded=False)
        v2 = self.addVertex(farRight, bounded=False)
        bounds = ConstrainedDelaunayAdjacencyTriangle(v0, v1, v2,
                                                      self._vertexData, self._geomTriangles, self._vertexRewriter)
        triangulated = [bounds]

        while True:
                pt = self.__polygon.pop()
            except IndexError:
            point = self._vertexRewriter.getData3f()
            notify.warning("\n######################## len {} TRIANGULATE {} ###########################\n".format(len(triangulated), point))
            notify.warning("\n########################## SO FAR\n{}\n############################\n".format([tr.index for tr in triangulated]))
            # find the triangle the point lays within
            found = ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulator.findContainingTriangle(point, bounds, triangulated)
            if found is not None:
                # BLOG heapq.merge() is useless as it returns an iterable which can't be indexed, but heaps require lists
                # BLOG Hence, it's probably faster to heap.push than to iterate (in C) a merge then iterate to recreate a list
                # BLOG if I use a heap
                # triangulate the point into the triangle, collecting any new triangles
                newTriangles = found.triangulatePoint(pt, triangulated)
                if makeDelaunay:
                    for tri in newTriangles:
                        tri.legalize(tri.point0, triangulated)  # point, triangulated)
                        tri.legalize(tri.point1, triangulated)
                        tri.legalize(tri.point2, triangulated)
                raise ValueError("Point given that's outside of original space.")
        notify.warning("triangulated: length: {} type: {}".format(len(triangulated), type(triangulated)))
        self.__polygon = triangulated