コード例 #1
    def _get_values(self):
        data = self._parent
        if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
            return DatetimeIndex(data, copy=False, name=self.name)

        elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(data.dtype):
            return DatetimeIndex(data, copy=False, name=self.name)

        elif is_timedelta64_dtype(data.dtype):
            return TimedeltaIndex(data, copy=False, name=self.name)

            if is_period_arraylike(data):
                # TODO: use to_period_array
                return PeriodArray(data, copy=False)
            if is_datetime_arraylike(data):
                return DatetimeIndex(data, copy=False, name=self.name)

        raise TypeError("cannot convert an object of type {0} to a "
                        "datetimelike index".format(type(data)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_datetimelike.py プロジェクト: zuku1985/pandas
    def test_array_interface(self, period_index):
        arr = PeriodArray(period_index)

        # default asarray gives objects
        result = np.asarray(arr)
        expected = np.array(list(arr), dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        # to object dtype (same as default)
        result = np.asarray(arr, dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        # to other dtypes
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            np.asarray(arr, dtype="int64")

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            np.asarray(arr, dtype="float64")

        result = np.asarray(arr, dtype="S20")
        expected = np.asarray(arr).astype("S20")
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #3
ファイル: dtypes.py プロジェクト: goncaloperes/Library_Pandas
    def __from_arrow__(
        self, array: Union["pyarrow.Array",
                           "pyarrow.ChunkedArray"]) -> "PeriodArray":
        Construct PeriodArray from pyarrow Array/ChunkedArray.
        import pyarrow  # noqa: F811
        from pandas.core.arrays import PeriodArray
        from pandas.core.arrays._arrow_utils import pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask

        if isinstance(array, pyarrow.Array):
            chunks = [array]
            chunks = array.chunks

        results = []
        for arr in chunks:
            data, mask = pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask(arr, dtype="int64")
            parr = PeriodArray(data.copy(), freq=self.freq, copy=False)
            parr[~mask] = NaT

        return PeriodArray._concat_same_type(results)
コード例 #4
    def test_array_interface(self, period_index):
        arr = PeriodArray(period_index)

        # default asarray gives objects
        result = np.asarray(arr)
        expected = np.array(list(arr), dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        # to object dtype (same as default)
        result = np.asarray(arr, dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = np.asarray(arr, dtype="int64")
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, arr.asi8)

        # to other dtypes
        msg = r"float\(\) argument must be a string or a number, not 'Period'"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            np.asarray(arr, dtype="float64")

        result = np.asarray(arr, dtype="S20")
        expected = np.asarray(arr).astype("S20")
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #5
def data_for_grouping(dtype):
    B = 2018
    NA = iNaT
    A = 2017
    C = 2019
    return PeriodArray([B, B, NA, NA, A, A, B, C], freq=dtype.freq)
コード例 #6
def data_missing_for_sorting(dtype):
    return PeriodArray([2018, iNaT, 2017], freq=dtype.freq)
コード例 #7
def data_missing(dtype):
    return PeriodArray([iNaT, 2017], freq=dtype.freq)
コード例 #8
def data_for_sorting(dtype):
    return PeriodArray([2018, 2019, 2017], freq=dtype.freq)
コード例 #9
def data(dtype):
    return PeriodArray(np.arange(1970, 2070), freq=dtype.freq)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: yqyan2010/pandas
def test_setitem_raises_type():
    arr = PeriodArray(np.arange(3), freq="D")
    with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "int"):
        arr[0] = 1
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: sduzjp/Python
def test_setitem_raises_type():
    arr = PeriodArray(np.arange(3), freq="D")
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="int"):
        arr[0] = 1
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: yqyan2010/pandas
def test_setitem_raises_length():
    arr = PeriodArray(np.arange(3), freq="D")
    with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "length"):
        arr[[0, 1]] = [pd.Period("2000", freq="D")]
コード例 #13
def maybe_downcast_to_dtype(result, dtype):
    """ try to cast to the specified dtype (e.g. convert back to bool/int
    or could be an astype of float64->float32
    do_round = False

    if is_scalar(result):
        return result
    elif isinstance(result, ABCDataFrame):
        # occurs in pivot_table doctest
        return result

    if isinstance(dtype, str):
        if dtype == "infer":
            inferred_type = lib.infer_dtype(ensure_object(result.ravel()),
            if inferred_type == "boolean":
                dtype = "bool"
            elif inferred_type == "integer":
                dtype = "int64"
            elif inferred_type == "datetime64":
                dtype = "datetime64[ns]"
            elif inferred_type == "timedelta64":
                dtype = "timedelta64[ns]"

            # try to upcast here
            elif inferred_type == "floating":
                dtype = "int64"
                if issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.number):
                    do_round = True

                dtype = "object"

        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

    converted = maybe_downcast_numeric(result, dtype, do_round)
    if converted is not result:
        return converted

    # a datetimelike
    # GH12821, iNaT is casted to float
    if dtype.kind in ["M", "m"] and result.dtype.kind in ["i", "f"]:
        if hasattr(dtype, "tz"):
            # not a numpy dtype
            if dtype.tz:
                # convert to datetime and change timezone
                from pandas import to_datetime

                result = to_datetime(result).tz_localize("utc")
                result = result.tz_convert(dtype.tz)
            result = result.astype(dtype)

    elif dtype.type is Period:
        # TODO(DatetimeArray): merge with previous elif
        from pandas.core.arrays import PeriodArray

            return PeriodArray(result, freq=dtype.freq)
        except TypeError:
            # e.g. TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a
            #  bytes-like object or a number, not 'Period

    return result
コード例 #14
def decode(obj):
    Decoder for deserializing numpy data types.

    typ = obj.get(u'typ')
    if typ is None:
        return obj
    elif typ == u'timestamp':
        freq = obj[u'freq'] if 'freq' in obj else obj[u'offset']
        return Timestamp(obj[u'value'], tz=obj[u'tz'], freq=freq)
    elif typ == u'nat':
        return NaT
    elif typ == u'period':
        return Period(ordinal=obj[u'ordinal'], freq=obj[u'freq'])
    elif typ == u'index':
        dtype = dtype_for(obj[u'dtype'])
        data = unconvert(obj[u'data'], dtype, obj.get(u'compress'))
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']](data, dtype=dtype, name=obj[u'name'])
    elif typ == u'range_index':
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']](obj[u'start'],
    elif typ == u'multi_index':
        dtype = dtype_for(obj[u'dtype'])
        data = unconvert(obj[u'data'], dtype, obj.get(u'compress'))
        data = [tuple(x) for x in data]
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']].from_tuples(data, names=obj[u'names'])
    elif typ == u'period_index':
        data = unconvert(obj[u'data'], np.int64, obj.get(u'compress'))
        d = dict(name=obj[u'name'], freq=obj[u'freq'])
        freq = d.pop('freq', None)
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']](PeriodArray(data, freq), **d)

    elif typ == u'datetime_index':
        data = unconvert(obj[u'data'], np.int64, obj.get(u'compress'))
        d = dict(name=obj[u'name'], freq=obj[u'freq'], verify_integrity=False)
        result = globals()[obj[u'klass']](data, **d)
        tz = obj[u'tz']

        # reverse tz conversion
        if tz is not None:
            result = result.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert(tz)
        return result

    elif typ in (u'interval_index', 'interval_array'):
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']].from_arrays(obj[u'left'],
    elif typ == u'category':
        from_codes = globals()[obj[u'klass']].from_codes
        return from_codes(codes=obj[u'codes'],

    elif typ == u'interval':
        return Interval(obj[u'left'], obj[u'right'], obj[u'closed'])
    elif typ == u'series':
        dtype = dtype_for(obj[u'dtype'])
        pd_dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

        index = obj[u'index']
        result = globals()[obj[u'klass']](unconvert(obj[u'data'], dtype,
        return result

    elif typ == u'block_manager':
        axes = obj[u'axes']

        def create_block(b):
            values = _safe_reshape(
                unconvert(b[u'values'], dtype_for(b[u'dtype']),
                          b[u'compress']), b[u'shape'])

            # locs handles duplicate column names, and should be used instead
            # of items; see GH 9618
            if u'locs' in b:
                placement = b[u'locs']
                placement = axes[0].get_indexer(b[u'items'])
            return make_block(values=values,
                              klass=getattr(internals, b[u'klass']),

        blocks = [create_block(b) for b in obj[u'blocks']]
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']](BlockManager(blocks, axes))
    elif typ == u'datetime':
        return parse(obj[u'data'])
    elif typ == u'datetime64':
        return np.datetime64(parse(obj[u'data']))
    elif typ == u'date':
        return parse(obj[u'data']).date()
    elif typ == u'timedelta':
        return timedelta(*obj[u'data'])
    elif typ == u'timedelta64':
        return np.timedelta64(int(obj[u'data']))
    # elif typ == 'sparse_series':
    #    dtype = dtype_for(obj['dtype'])
    #    return globals()[obj['klass']](
    #        unconvert(obj['sp_values'], dtype, obj['compress']),
    #        sparse_index=obj['sp_index'], index=obj['index'],
    #        fill_value=obj['fill_value'], kind=obj['kind'], name=obj['name'])
    # elif typ == 'sparse_dataframe':
    #    return globals()[obj['klass']](
    #        obj['data'], columns=obj['columns'],
    #        default_fill_value=obj['default_fill_value'],
    #        default_kind=obj['default_kind']
    #    )
    # elif typ == 'sparse_panel':
    #    return globals()[obj['klass']](
    #        obj['data'], items=obj['items'],
    #        default_fill_value=obj['default_fill_value'],
    #        default_kind=obj['default_kind'])
    elif typ == u'block_index':
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']](obj[u'length'], obj[u'blocs'],
    elif typ == u'int_index':
        return globals()[obj[u'klass']](obj[u'length'], obj[u'indices'])
    elif typ == u'ndarray':
        return unconvert(obj[u'data'], np.typeDict[obj[u'dtype']],
    elif typ == u'np_scalar':
        if obj.get(u'sub_typ') == u'np_complex':
            return c2f(obj[u'real'], obj[u'imag'], obj[u'dtype'])
            dtype = dtype_for(obj[u'dtype'])
                return dtype(obj[u'data'])
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                return dtype.type(obj[u'data'])
    elif typ == u'np_complex':
        return complex(obj[u'real'] + u'+' + obj[u'imag'] + u'j')
    elif isinstance(obj, (dict, list, set)):
        return obj
        return obj
コード例 #15
    def test_strftime(self, period_index):
        arr = PeriodArray(period_index)

        result = arr.strftime("%Y")
        expected = np.array([per.strftime("%Y") for per in arr], dtype=object)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #16
ファイル: packers.py プロジェクト: 09acp/Dash-Examples
def decode(obj):
    Decoder for deserializing numpy data types.

    typ = obj.get("typ")
    if typ is None:
        return obj
    elif typ == "timestamp":
        freq = obj["freq"] if "freq" in obj else obj["offset"]
        return Timestamp(obj["value"], tz=obj["tz"], freq=freq)
    elif typ == "nat":
        return NaT
    elif typ == "period":
        return Period(ordinal=obj["ordinal"], freq=obj["freq"])
    elif typ == "index":
        dtype = dtype_for(obj["dtype"])
        data = unconvert(obj["data"], dtype, obj.get("compress"))
        return Index(data, dtype=dtype, name=obj["name"])
    elif typ == "range_index":
        return RangeIndex(obj["start"], obj["stop"], obj["step"], name=obj["name"])
    elif typ == "multi_index":
        dtype = dtype_for(obj["dtype"])
        data = unconvert(obj["data"], dtype, obj.get("compress"))
        data = [tuple(x) for x in data]
        return MultiIndex.from_tuples(data, names=obj["names"])
    elif typ == "period_index":
        data = unconvert(obj["data"], np.int64, obj.get("compress"))
        d = dict(name=obj["name"], freq=obj["freq"])
        freq = d.pop("freq", None)
        return PeriodIndex(PeriodArray(data, freq), **d)

    elif typ == "datetime_index":
        data = unconvert(obj["data"], np.int64, obj.get("compress"))
        d = dict(name=obj["name"], freq=obj["freq"])
        result = DatetimeIndex(data, **d)
        tz = obj["tz"]

        # reverse tz conversion
        if tz is not None:
            result = result.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(tz)
        return result

    elif typ in ("interval_index", "interval_array"):
        return globals()[obj["klass"]].from_arrays(
            obj["left"], obj["right"], obj["closed"], name=obj["name"]
    elif typ == "category":
        from_codes = globals()[obj["klass"]].from_codes
        return from_codes(
            codes=obj["codes"], categories=obj["categories"], ordered=obj["ordered"]

    elif typ == "interval":
        return Interval(obj["left"], obj["right"], obj["closed"])
    elif typ == "series":
        dtype = dtype_for(obj["dtype"])
        index = obj["index"]
        data = unconvert(obj["data"], dtype, obj["compress"])
        return Series(data, index=index, dtype=dtype, name=obj["name"])

    elif typ == "block_manager":
        axes = obj["axes"]

        def create_block(b):
            values = _safe_reshape(
                unconvert(b["values"], dtype_for(b["dtype"]), b["compress"]), b["shape"]

            # locs handles duplicate column names, and should be used instead
            # of items; see GH 9618
            if "locs" in b:
                placement = b["locs"]
                placement = axes[0].get_indexer(b["items"])

            if is_datetime64tz_dtype(b["dtype"]):
                assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray), type(values)
                assert values.dtype == "M8[ns]", values.dtype
                values = DatetimeArray(values, dtype=b["dtype"])

            return make_block(
                klass=getattr(internals, b["klass"]),

        blocks = [create_block(b) for b in obj["blocks"]]
        return globals()[obj["klass"]](BlockManager(blocks, axes))
    elif typ == "datetime":
        return parse(obj["data"])
    elif typ == "datetime64":
        return np.datetime64(parse(obj["data"]))
    elif typ == "date":
        return parse(obj["data"]).date()
    elif typ == "timedelta":
        return timedelta(*obj["data"])
    elif typ == "timedelta64":
        return np.timedelta64(int(obj["data"]))
    # elif typ == 'sparse_series':
    #    dtype = dtype_for(obj['dtype'])
    #    return SparseSeries(
    #        unconvert(obj['sp_values'], dtype, obj['compress']),
    #        sparse_index=obj['sp_index'], index=obj['index'],
    #        fill_value=obj['fill_value'], kind=obj['kind'], name=obj['name'])
    # elif typ == 'sparse_dataframe':
    #    return SparseDataFrame(
    #        obj['data'], columns=obj['columns'],
    #        default_fill_value=obj['default_fill_value'],
    #        default_kind=obj['default_kind']
    #    )
    elif typ == "block_index":
        return globals()[obj["klass"]](obj["length"], obj["blocs"], obj["blengths"])
    elif typ == "int_index":
        return globals()[obj["klass"]](obj["length"], obj["indices"])
    elif typ == "ndarray":
        return unconvert(
            obj["data"], np.typeDict[obj["dtype"]], obj.get("compress")
    elif typ == "np_scalar":
        if obj.get("sub_typ") == "np_complex":
            return c2f(obj["real"], obj["imag"], obj["dtype"])
            dtype = dtype_for(obj["dtype"])
                return dtype(obj["data"])
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                return dtype.type(obj["data"])
    elif typ == "np_complex":
        return complex(obj["real"] + "+" + obj["imag"] + "j")
    elif isinstance(obj, (dict, list, set)):
        return obj
        return obj
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_datetimelike.py プロジェクト: zuku1985/pandas
    def test_strftime(self, period_index):
        arr = PeriodArray(period_index)

        result = arr.strftime("%Y")
        expected = np.array(period_index.strftime("%Y"))
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: sduzjp/Python
def test_setitem(key, value, expected):
    arr = PeriodArray(np.arange(3), freq="D")
    expected = PeriodArray(expected, freq="D")
    arr[key] = value
    tm.assert_period_array_equal(arr, expected)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: 09acp/Dash-Examples
def data_for_twos(dtype):
    return PeriodArray(np.ones(100) * 2, freq=dtype.freq)
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: sduzjp/Python
def test_setitem_raises_length():
    arr = PeriodArray(np.arange(3), freq="D")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="length"):
        arr[[0, 1]] = [pd.Period("2000", freq="D")]
コード例 #21
def maybe_downcast_to_dtype(result, dtype):
    """ try to cast to the specified dtype (e.g. convert back to bool/int
    or could be an astype of float64->float32

    if is_scalar(result):
        return result

    def trans(x):
        return x

    if isinstance(dtype, str):
        if dtype == "infer":
            inferred_type = lib.infer_dtype(ensure_object(result.ravel()),
            if inferred_type == "boolean":
                dtype = "bool"
            elif inferred_type == "integer":
                dtype = "int64"
            elif inferred_type == "datetime64":
                dtype = "datetime64[ns]"
            elif inferred_type == "timedelta64":
                dtype = "timedelta64[ns]"

            # try to upcast here
            elif inferred_type == "floating":
                dtype = "int64"
                if issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.number):

                    def trans(x):  # noqa
                        return x.round()

                dtype = "object"

    if isinstance(dtype, str):
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)


        # don't allow upcasts here (except if empty)
        if dtype.kind == result.dtype.kind:
            if result.dtype.itemsize <= dtype.itemsize and np.prod(
                return result

        if is_bool_dtype(dtype) or is_integer_dtype(dtype):

            # if we don't have any elements, just astype it
            if not np.prod(result.shape):
                return trans(result).astype(dtype)

            # do a test on the first element, if it fails then we are done
            r = result.ravel()
            arr = np.array([r[0]])

            # if we have any nulls, then we are done
            if isna(arr).any() or not np.allclose(
                    arr, trans(arr).astype(dtype), rtol=0):
                return result

            # a comparable, e.g. a Decimal may slip in here
            elif not isinstance(
                (np.integer, np.floating, np.bool, int, float, bool)):
                return result

            if (issubclass(result.dtype.type, (np.object_, np.number))
                    and notna(result).all()):
                new_result = trans(result).astype(dtype)
                    if np.allclose(new_result, result, rtol=0):
                        return new_result
                except Exception:

                    # comparison of an object dtype with a number type could
                    # hit here
                    if (new_result == result).all():
                        return new_result
        elif issubclass(dtype.type,
                        np.floating) and not is_bool_dtype(result.dtype):
            return result.astype(dtype)

        # a datetimelike
        # GH12821, iNaT is casted to float
        elif dtype.kind in ["M", "m"] and result.dtype.kind in ["i", "f"]:
                result = result.astype(dtype)
            except Exception:
                if dtype.tz:
                    # convert to datetime and change timezone
                    from pandas import to_datetime

                    result = to_datetime(result).tz_localize("utc")
                    result = result.tz_convert(dtype.tz)

        elif dtype.type == Period:
            # TODO(DatetimeArray): merge with previous elif
            from pandas.core.arrays import PeriodArray

            return PeriodArray(result, freq=dtype.freq)

    except Exception:

    return result
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: sduzjp/Python
def test_period_array_non_period_series_raies():
    ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="dtype"):
        PeriodArray(ser, freq="D")
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_period.py プロジェクト: yqyan2010/pandas
def test_period_array_non_period_series_raies():
    ser = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
    with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'dtype'):
        PeriodArray(ser, freq='D')