コード例 #1
 def test_decorating_adder_inactive(self):
     _decorating_adder() doesn't do anything when decorating not specified
     parser = MagicMock()
     parser.add_argument = MagicMock()
     args = []
     arg_lib._decorating_adder(parser, *args)
コード例 #2
    def test_decorating_adder_active(self):
        _decorating_adder() adds proper arguments
        # set up mock parser
        parser = MagicMock()
        group = MagicMock()
        group.add_argument = MagicMock()
        parser.add_argument_group = MagicMock(return_value=group)

        # create a list of expected call signatures
        calls = []

        context_list = [t for t in config_lib.CONFIG_OPTS if
                        t[0] == 'plot_context'][0][1]
        theme_list = [t for t in config_lib.CONFIG_OPTS if
                      t[0] == 'plot_theme'][0][1]
        palette_list = [t for t in config_lib.CONFIG_OPTS if
                        t[0] == 'plot_palette'][0][1]

        msg = "Set the x-limits for the plot"
        calls.append(call('--xlim', nargs=2, type=float, dest='xlim',
                          metavar=('XMIN', 'XMAX'), help=msg))

        msg = "Set the y-limits for the plot"
        calls.append(call('--ylim', nargs=2, type=float, dest='ylim',
                          metavar=('YMIN', 'YMAX'), help=msg))

        msg = "Draw x axis with log scale"
            '--xlog', action='store_true', dest='xlog', default=False, help=msg

        msg = "Draw y axis with log scale"
            '--ylog', action='store_true', dest='ylog', default=False, help=msg

        msg = "Set the x-label for the plot"
        calls.append(call('--xlabel', nargs=1, type=str, dest='xlabel',

        msg = "Set the y-label for the plot"
        calls.append(call('--ylabel', nargs=1, type=str, dest='ylabel',

        msg = "Set the title for the plot"
        calls.append(call('--title', nargs=1, type=str, dest='title', help=msg))

        msg = "Specify legend location"
        calls.append(call('--legend', nargs=1, type=str, dest='legend',
                          choices=['1', '2', '3', '4', 'best'], help=msg))

        msg = "Specify whether hide the grid or not"
        calls.append(call('--nogrid', action='store_true', dest='no_grid',
                          default=False, help=msg))

        msg = "Specify plot context. Default = '{}' ".format(context_list[0])
        calls.append(call('--context', nargs=1, type=str, dest='plot_context',
                          default=[context_list[0]], choices=context_list,

        msg = "Specify plot theme. Default = '{}' ".format(theme_list[0])
        calls.append(call('--theme', nargs=1,
                          type=str, dest='plot_theme', default=[theme_list[0]],
                          choices=theme_list, help=msg))

        msg = "Specify plot palette. Default = '{}' ".format(palette_list[0])
        calls.append(call('--palette', nargs=1, type=str, dest='plot_palette',
                          default=[palette_list[0]], choices=palette_list,

        msg = "Save the figure to this file"
        calls.append(call('--savefig', nargs=1, type=str, help=msg))

        # run the code under test
        args = ['decorating']
        arg_lib._decorating_adder(parser, *args)

        # make sure proper calls were made
        self.assertEqual(group.add_argument.call_args_list, calls)