コード例 #1
def parse(value):
    output = None
    meta = {'value': value, 'cmd': None, 'in': None, 'out': None, 'img': None}
        meta['tag'] = value[0][1][0]
    except IndexError:
        return None
    if meta['tag'] != MARKDOWN_TAG_NAME:
        return None
    meta['body'] = os.linesep.join(value[1].strip().split(os.linesep))
    for param in value[0][2]:
        if len(param) != 2 or not param[0] in meta:
            return None
        meta[param[0]] = param[1].strip()
    if meta['out'] != 'text' and meta['out'] != 'image':
        return None
    if meta['in'] == 'script':
        output = toScript(meta)
    elif meta['in'] == 'shell':
        output = toShell(meta)
        return None
    [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value
    if meta['out'] == 'text':
        return CodeBlock([ident, classes, keyvals], output)
    imgPath = None
    if meta['img'] is None:
        imgPath = toImageFromText(meta, output)
        imgPath = toImage(meta)
        if not imgPath is None:
            imgPath = adjustImagePath(imgPath)
    if imgPath is None:
        return None
    return [Para([Image([ident, classes, keyvals], [], [imgPath, "fig:"])])]
コード例 #2
def addCodeClass(key, value, _, meta):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value
        if "python" in classes:
        return CodeBlock([ident, classes, keyvals], code)
コード例 #3
def sage_output_format(text):
    return CodeBlock([u'', [u'json', u'output'], []],
                         'name': 'stdout',
                         'output_type': 'stream',
                         'text': text
コード例 #4
def include_code(key, value, format, _):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value

        if "include-code" in classes:
            rv = []

            for l in code.splitlines():
                l = l.strip()
                (filename, ext) = os.path.splitext(l)
                ext = ext.replace(".", "")

                # Overide the file extension if we are given
                # a language keyval
                (givenExt, value) = get_value(keyvals, u"language")
                if str(givenExt) != "None":
                    ext = str(givenExt)

                if os.path.isfile(l):
                    with open(l, "r") as f:
                        contents = f.read()
                    rv.append(CodeBlock(["", [ext], []], contents))
                    sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Can't read file '" + l +
                                     "'. Skipping.")

            return rv
コード例 #5
ファイル: yml_filter.py プロジェクト: vibhor98/yaydoc
def yml_to_yaml(key, val, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[indent, classes, keyvals], code] = val
        if len(classes) > 0:
            if classes[0] == u'yml':
                classes[0] = u'yaml'
        val = [[indent, classes, keyvals], code]
        return CodeBlock(val[0], val[1])
コード例 #6
def plain_output(text: str,
                 pandoc_format: str = "markdown",
                 pandoc_extra_args: list = None,
                 pandoc: bool = False) -> list:
    if pandoc:
        return tokenize_block(text, pandoc_format, pandoc_extra_args)
        return [Div(['', ['output'], []], [CodeBlock(['', [], []], text)])]
コード例 #7
ファイル: git-diff.py プロジェクト: oncletom/stylo
def gitdiff(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == "CodeBlock":
        [[ident, classes, keyvals], contents] = value
        if "git-diff" in classes:
            folder = "."
            commra = ""
            obj = ""
            objdiv = ""
            options = ""

            # its a diff - view
            if not "diff" in classes:

            for el in keyvals:
                if "commit-range" in el:
                    commra = el[1]

                if "dir" in el:
                    folder = el[1]

                if "objects" in el or "object" in el:
                    objdiv = "--"
                    obj = "%s %s" % (obj, el[1])

                if "diffoptions" == el[0]:
                    options = el[1]

            command_string = "git -C %s diff %s %s %s %s" % (
                folder, options, commra, objdiv, obj)
            out = ""
                l = list(filter(None, command_string.split(" ")))
                out = subprocess.check_output(l)
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
                return None

            if out != None or out != "":
                out = out.decode("utf-8")
                return [
                    CodeBlock([ident, classes, keyvals], out),
                    CodeBlock([ident, classes, keyvals], contents)
                return None
コード例 #8
def code_include(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, namevals], code] = value
        if code.startswith('!!include='):
            source_file = code.split('=')[1]
            with open(source_file, 'rb') as content_file:
                content = content_file.read()
            return CodeBlock([ident, classes, namevals], content)
コード例 #9
def sage_output_format(text):
    return CodeBlock([u'', [u'json', u'output'], []],
                         'data': {
                             'text/plain': text
                         'execution_count': 1,
                         'metadata': {},
                         'output_type': 'execute_result'
コード例 #10
ファイル: code_blocks.py プロジェクト: wachin/Scripts
def process(value, format):
    [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value

    if "graphviz" in classes:
        caption, typef, keyvals = get_caption(keyvals)
        filetype = get_extension(format, "png", html="png", latex="pdf")
        dest = get_filename4code("graphviz", code, filetype)

        if not os.path.isfile(dest):
            import pygraphviz
            g = pygraphviz.AGraph(string=code)
            print1('INFO', 'Created image ' + dest + '\n')

        return Para([Image([ident, [], keyvals], caption, [dest, typef])])

    elif "standalone" in classes:
        caption, typef, keyvals = get_caption(keyvals)
        filetype = get_extension(format, "png", html="png", latex="pdf")
        dest = get_filename4code("standalone", code, filetype)
        if not os.path.isfile(dest):
            success = gen_standalone(code, dest)
            if not success:
                return Para(
                    [Str(">>> Error: This image could not be generated.")])
        return Para([Image([ident, [], keyvals], caption, [dest, typef])])

    elif "include" in classes:
        caption, typef, keyvals = get_caption(keyvals)
        keyvalDict = dict(keyvals)

        listing = ''
        with open(keyvalDict['src'], 'r') as f:
            listing = f.read()

        lang = keyvalDict.get('lang', 'python')
        code = 'Failed to find any listing.'
        if 'start' in keyvalDict:
            # Assume that both start and end are line numbers.
            start = int(keyvalDict['start'])
            end = int(keyvalDict['end'])
            code = '\n'.join(listing.split('\n')[start:end])
        elif 'pat' in keyvalDict:
            pat = r'%s' % keyvalDict['pat']
            m = re.search(pat, listing, re.DOTALL)
            if m:
                code = m.group(0)
                code = "Pattern '%s' not found in '%s'" % (pat,
            code = 'No listing found.'
        return CodeBlock([ident, [], keyvals], code)
コード例 #11
def ignore(key, value, _, meta):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value
        if "ignore" in classes:
            return Null()  # return Null block
        return CodeBlock(*value)
    if key == 'Image':
        [ident, classes, keyvals], caption, [dest, typef] = value
        if "ignore" in classes:
            return Str("")  # return empty string. Cannot return Block here.
        return Image(*value)
コード例 #12
def includes(key, value, format_, meta):
    If a CodeBlock has the attribute "include", replace the contents of
    the CodeBlock with the contents of the file given.
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [id_, classes, namevals], contents = value
        for i in namevals:
            key, val = i
            if key == "include":
                with open(val, 'r') as f:
                    data = f.read()
                    return CodeBlock([id_, classes, namevals], data)
コード例 #13
ファイル: listing.py プロジェクト: fanny-yang/pandoc-markdown
def listing(key, value, format, meta):
    #eprint("Key: " + key)
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        (caption, _) = get_value(value[0][2], 'caption')

        if caption is None:

        block = CodeBlock(value[0], value[1])

        # we only need to add the caption, label is handled by Pandoc
        return \
            [ Plain([latex(r'\begin{listing}' + '\n' + \
                           r'\caption{' + caption + '}')]) \
            , block \
            , Plain([latex(r'\end{listing}')]) \
コード例 #14
def caps(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == "CodeBlock":
        properties = value[0]
        attributes = properties[2]

        # this signifies python codeblock
        if ['frame', 'leftline'] in attributes:
            # set 'python' class
            properties[1] = ['python']
            # set 'terminal' class
            properties[1] = ['terminal']

        # unset attrs
        properties[2] = []

        value[0] = properties

        return CodeBlock(*value)
コード例 #15
ファイル: filter.py プロジェクト: Group6OxCS/report
def caps(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, kvs], contents] = value
        if "include" in classes:
            blocks = []
            for file in filter(None, map(str.strip, contents.split("\n"))):
                    with open(file) as f:
                        data = f.read()
                    data = f"Could not read '{file}'"
                    obj = json.loads(
                        subprocess.check_output(["pandoc", file, "-t",
                except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                    blocks.append(f"Could not process file '{file}")
            return blocks
        return CodeBlock([ident, classes, kvs], contents)
コード例 #16
ファイル: includes.py プロジェクト: yunyiwendy/website
def include_examples(key, value, format, meta):
    """ Replace code block sections with the code from a file.
    The filename doesn't use the extension in the include string, although the
    file must be a python file, with the .py extension.
    Code blocks look like:
    ~~~~ {include="filename"}

    # pandoc encounters a CodeBlock in the markdown file.
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        # Unpack the values in the CodeBlock.
        # 'classes' is the name of the programming language.
        # 'namevals' is a list of the nameval and its value.
        # 'code' is content inside the CodeBlock.
        [[ident, classes, namevals], code] = value

        # Since all CodeBlocks contain python code, we won't define the class
        # in the markdown as {.python ...}, instead we set the classes here.
        classes = ['python']

        # Find the file, and place its contents into a CodeBlock element.
        for nameval in namevals:

            # Check the nameval of the CodeBlock, which looks like,
            # include="filename"
            if nameval[0] == 'include':

                # Get content from the file, or log a message of the file that
                # cannot be found.
                content = _get_file_content(nameval[1])
                if content is not None:
                    # Return the CodeBlock with the new content.
                    return CodeBlock([ident, classes, namevals], content)
                    # Emit message. [Check correctness of file and path names.]
                    logging.error("ERROR cant find file: {}".format(
コード例 #17
ファイル: slide_filter.py プロジェクト: t73fde/slider
 def process_codeblock(
         value: Tuple[Tuple[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]], str],
         output_format: str, meta: Dict[str, str]) -> Any:
     # pylint: disable=unused-argument
     """Fenced blocks are code blocks."""
     [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value
     for graphviz_class in ["dot", "neato", "twopi", "circo", "fdp"]:
         if graphviz_class in classes:
             caption, typef, keyvals = get_caption(keyvals)
             if output_format in PANDOC_HTML_FORMATS:
                 _, relpath = self.generate_file(
                     graphviz_class, code, "svg")
                 image_ref = self.temp_link + relpath
                 image_ref, _ = self.generate_file(
                     graphviz_class, code, "png")
             return Para(
                 [Image([ident, [], keyvals], caption, [image_ref, typef])])
     if "graphviz" in classes:
         new_classes = [
             "dot" if cls == "graphviz" else cls for cls in classes]
         return CodeBlock([ident, new_classes, keyvals], code)
     return None
コード例 #18
def code(key, value, format, meta):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument,redefined-builtin
    """Handle python/console code blocks."""
    if key == "CodeBlock":
        properties = value[0]
        attributes = properties[2]

        # this signifies python codeblock
        if ['frame', 'leftline'] in attributes:
            # set 'python' class
            properties[1] = ['python']
            # set class
            #  - for markdown: use 'terminal'
            #  - for rst: use 'console'
            properties[1] = ['console']

        # unset attrs
        properties[2] = []

        value[0] = properties


    return CodeBlock(*value)
コード例 #19
def getcode(key,value,format,_):
    if key == 'CodeBlock' or key == 'RawBlock':
        mm,t = value
        return CodeBlock(mm,t)
    elif key in ['Para','OrderedList','Header']:
        return Para([Space()])
コード例 #20
def insertfile(key, value, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, kvs], code] = value
        kv = {key: value for key, value in kvs}
        if "include" in kv:
            if "git" in kv:
                repo = git.Repo(os.path.abspath(kv["include"]),
                gitpath = repo.working_tree_dir
                filepath = os.path.abspath(kv["include"])
                relpath = os.path.relpath(filepath, gitpath)
                    contents = repo.git.show(":".join([kv["git"], relpath]))
                    lines = contents.splitlines(True)
                except git.exc.GitCommandError:
                    eprint("cannot include file:", "git tag error", kv["git"],
                           "for file:", kv["include"])
                    return None
            elif os.path.isfile(kv["include"]):
                lines = [line for line in open(kv["include"])]
                eprint("cannot include file:", "file not found:",
                return None
            start = 0
            stop = len(lines)
            if "start" in kv:
                start = int(kv["start"]) - 1
            if "match" in kv:
                eprint("use of *match* is deprecated, use *start* instead")
                patt = re.compile(kv["match"])
                for l in range(start, stop):
                    if patt.search(lines[l]):
                        start = l
            if "lines" in kv:
                nr_lines = int(kv["lines"])
                if nr_lines >= 0 and start + nr_lines < stop:
                    stop = start + nr_lines
            if "pars" in kv:
                    "use of *pars* is deprecated, use *stop* or *lines* instead"
                nr_pars = int(kv["pars"])
                between_pars = False
                for l in range(start, stop):
                    if lines[l].isspace():
                        if not between_pars:
                            between_pars = True
                            nr_pars -= 1
                            if nr_pars <= 0:
                                stop = l
                        between_pars = False
            if "stop" in kv:
                stop = int(kv["stop"])
            # now select lines
            data = "".join(lines[start:stop])
            if "dedent" in kv and kv["dedent"] == "y":
                data = dedent(data)
            return CodeBlock([ident, classes, kvs], data)
    return None
コード例 #21
def plain_output(text):
    block = Div(['', ['output'], []], [CodeBlock(['', [], []], text)])
    return block
コード例 #22
def python_input_format(text):
    return CodeBlock([u'', [u'rython', u'input'], []], text)
コード例 #23
def pre(key, value, fmt, meta):
  if key == 'CodeBlock':
    [[ident,classes,keyvals], code] = value
    return [CodeBlock([ident, classes, keyvals], c) for c in code.split('\n')]