def get_rulebase(device, devicegroup): # Build the rulebase if isinstance(device, firewall.Firewall): rulebase = policies.Rulebase() device.add(rulebase) elif isinstance(device, panorama.Panorama): dg = panorama.DeviceGroup(devicegroup) device.add(dg) rulebase = policies.PreRulebase() dg.add(rulebase) else: return False policies.SecurityRule.refreshall(rulebase) return rulebase
group.static_value.append( fw.add(group) group.create() print("14. Saved Address groups") # add the static router to the VirtualRouter ######################################### # This is how it should work, but an exception is thrown saying # static-route is already in use for some reason. # # vr.extend(static_route_arr) # static_route_arr[0].create_similar() # So instead, this is used. for route in static_route_arr: vr.add(route) route.create() print("15. Saved Static routes") # Add Firewall Rule to FW ############################################################ rb = policies.Rulebase() fw.add(rb) rb.extend(firewall_rule_arr) firewall_rule_arr[0].create_similar() print("16. Saved Firewall rules") print("Yay! Script is done! Now commit your changes on the firewall.")
def main(): argument_spec = dict( ip_address=dict(required=True), password=dict(no_log=True), username=dict(default="admin"), api_key=dict(no_log=True), application=dict(default=None), source_zone=dict(default=None), destination_zone=dict(default=None), source_ip=dict(default=None), destination_ip=dict(default=None), source_port=dict(default=None), destination_port=dict(default=None), protocol=dict(default=None, choices=["tcp", "udp"]), tag_name=dict(default=None), devicegroup=dict(default=None), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, required_one_of=[["api_key", "password"]], ) module.deprecate( "This module has been deprecated; use panos_match_rule", version="3.0.0", collection_name="paloaltonetworks.panos", ) if not HAS_LIB: module.fail_json(msg="Missing required libraries.") ip_address = module.params["ip_address"] password = module.params["password"] username = module.params["username"] api_key = module.params["api_key"] # application = module.params['application'] source_zone = module.params["source_zone"] source_ip = module.params["source_ip"] source_port = module.params["source_port"] destination_zone = module.params["destination_zone"] destination_ip = module.params["destination_ip"] destination_port = module.params["destination_port"] protocol = module.params["protocol"] tag_name = module.params["tag_name"] devicegroup = module.params["devicegroup"] # Create the device with the appropriate pandevice type device = base.PanDevice.create_from_device( ip_address, username, password, api_key=api_key ) # Grab the global objects objects.AddressObject.refreshall(device) objects.AddressGroup.refreshall(device) objects.ServiceObject.refreshall(device) objects.ServiceGroup.refreshall(device) objects.Tag.refreshall(device) # If Panorama, validate the devicegroup and grab the devicegroup objects dev_group = None if devicegroup and isinstance(device, panorama.Panorama): dev_group = get_devicegroup(device, devicegroup) if dev_group: device.add(dev_group) objects.AddressObject.refreshall(dev_group) objects.AddressGroup.refreshall(dev_group) objects.ServiceObject.refreshall(dev_group) objects.ServiceGroup.refreshall(dev_group) objects.Tag.refreshall(dev_group) else: module.fail_json( failed=1, msg="'%s' device group not found in Panorama. Is the name correct?" % devicegroup, ) # Build the rulebase and produce list rulebase = get_rulebase(device, dev_group) rulelist = rulebase.children hitbase = policies.Rulebase() loose_match = True # Process each rule for rule in rulelist: hitlist = [] if source_zone: source_zone_match = False if loose_match and "any" in rule.fromzone: source_zone_match = True else: for object_string in rule.fromzone: if object_string == source_zone: source_zone_match = True hitlist.append(source_zone_match) if destination_zone: destination_zone_match = False if loose_match and "any" in rule.tozone: destination_zone_match = True else: for object_string in rule.tozone: if object_string == destination_zone: destination_zone_match = True hitlist.append(destination_zone_match) if source_ip: source_ip_match = False if loose_match and "any" in rule.source: source_ip_match = True else: for object_string in rule.source: # Get a valid AddressObject or AddressGroup obj = get_object(device, dev_group, object_string) # Otherwise the object_string is not an object and should be handled differently if obj is False: if "-" in object_string: obj = ipaddress.ip_address(source_ip) source_range = object_string.split("-") source_lower = ipaddress.ip_address(source_range[0]) source_upper = ipaddress.ip_address(source_range[1]) if source_lower <= obj <= source_upper: source_ip_match = True else: if source_ip == object_string: source_ip_match = True if isinstance(obj, objects.AddressObject) and addr_in_obj( source_ip, obj ): source_ip_match = True elif isinstance(obj, objects.AddressGroup) and obj.static_value: for member_string in obj.static_value: member = get_object(device, dev_group, member_string) if addr_in_obj(source_ip, member): source_ip_match = True hitlist.append(source_ip_match) if destination_ip: destination_ip_match = False if loose_match and "any" in rule.destination: destination_ip_match = True else: for object_string in rule.destination: # Get a valid AddressObject or AddressGroup obj = get_object(device, dev_group, object_string) # Otherwise the object_string is not an object and should be handled differently if obj is False: if "-" in object_string: obj = ipaddress.ip_address(destination_ip) destination_range = object_string.split("-") destination_lower = ipaddress.ip_address( destination_range[0] ) destination_upper = ipaddress.ip_address( destination_range[1] ) if destination_lower <= obj <= destination_upper: destination_ip_match = True else: if destination_ip == object_string: destination_ip_match = True if isinstance(obj, objects.AddressObject) and addr_in_obj( destination_ip, obj ): destination_ip_match = True elif isinstance(obj, objects.AddressGroup) and obj.static_value: for member_string in obj.static_value: member = get_object(device, dev_group, member_string) if addr_in_obj(destination_ip, member): destination_ip_match = True hitlist.append(destination_ip_match) if source_port: source_port_match = False orientation = "source" if loose_match and (rule.service[0] == "any"): source_port_match = True elif rule.service[0] == "application-default": source_port_match = False # Fix this once apps are supported else: service_list = [] service_list = get_services( device, dev_group, rule.service, service_list ) for obj in service_list: if port_in_svc(orientation, source_port, protocol, obj): source_port_match = True break hitlist.append(source_port_match) if destination_port: destination_port_match = False orientation = "destination" if loose_match and (rule.service[0] == "any"): destination_port_match = True elif rule.service[0] == "application-default": destination_port_match = False # Fix this once apps are supported else: service_list = [] service_list = get_services( device, dev_group, rule.service, service_list ) for obj in service_list: if port_in_svc(orientation, destination_port, protocol, obj): destination_port_match = True break hitlist.append(destination_port_match) if tag_name: tag_match = False if rule.tag: for object_string in rule.tag: obj = get_tag(device, dev_group, object_string) if obj and ( == tag_name): tag_match = True hitlist.append(tag_match) # Add to hit rulebase if False not in hitlist: hitbase.add(rule) # Dump the hit rulebase if hitbase.children: output_string = xmltodict.parse(hitbase.element_str()) module.exit_json( stdout_lines=json.dumps(output_string, indent=2), msg="%s of %s rules matched" % (hitbase.children.__len__(), rulebase.children.__len__()), ) else: module.fail_json(msg="No matching rules found.")
def eastwesthelper(pa_ip, username, password, pa_type, filename=None): """ Main point of entry. Connect to PA/Panorama. Grab security rules from pa/pan. Modify them for intra-zone migration. """ for subnet in settings.EXISTING_TRUST_SUBNET: if subnet.endswith("/32"): mem.singleip = True if pa_type == "panorama": # Grab 'start' time start = time.perf_counter() panfw = panorama.Panorama(pa_ip, username, password) # Grab the Device Groups and Template Names, we don't need Template names. pa = pa_api.api_lib_pa(pa_ip, username, password, pa_type) device_group = get_device_group(pa) pre_rulebase = policies.PreRulebase() post_rulebase = policies.PostRulebase() dg = panorama.DeviceGroup(device_group) dg.add(pre_rulebase) dg.add(post_rulebase) panfw.add(dg) # Grab Objects and Rules mem.address_object_entries = objects.AddressObject.refreshall(dg, add=False)#,add=False) mem.address_group_entries = objects.AddressGroup.refreshall(dg, add=False)#,add=False) #Grabbing the Shared address objects and groups.. shared = panorama.DeviceGroup('shared') panfw.add(shared) shared_objects = objects.AddressObject.refreshall(shared, add=False) mem.address_object_entries += shared_objects shared_groups = objects.AddressGroup.refreshall(shared, add=False) mem.address_group_entries += shared_groups # Add parent DG (like Shared), if used. Ask Chris Evans or me for details. if settings.OBJ_PARENT_DEVICE_GROUP: parent_dg = panorama.DeviceGroup(settings.OBJ_PARENT_DEVICE_GROUP) panfw.add(parent_dg) parent_objects = objects.AddressObject.refreshall(parent_dg, add=False) mem.address_object_entries += parent_objects parent_groups = objects.AddressGroup.refreshall(parent_dg, add=False) mem.address_group_entries += parent_groups # GRAB PRE/POST RULES pre_security_rules = policies.SecurityRule.refreshall(pre_rulebase)#, add=False) post_security_rules = policies.SecurityRule.refreshall(post_rulebase)#, add=False) # Modify the rules, Pre & Post if pre_security_rules: eastwest_addnew_zone(pre_security_rules, panfw, pre_rulebase) if post_security_rules: eastwest_addnew_zone(post_security_rules, panfw, post_rulebase) elif pa_type == "pa": # Grab 'start' time start = time.perf_counter() panfw = firewall.Firewall(pa_ip, username, password) # Grab Rules mem.address_object_entries = objects.AddressObject.refreshall(panfw,add=False) mem.address_group_entries = objects.AddressGroup.refreshall(panfw,add=False) rulebase = policies.Rulebase() panfw.add(rulebase) security_rules = policies.SecurityRule.refreshall(rulebase) # Modify the rules if security_rules: modified_rules = eastwest_addnew_zone(security_rules, panfw, rulebase) # Finished end = time.perf_counter() runtime = end - start print(f"Took {runtime} Seconds.\n")