def test_fmt_then_edit(): f = "examples/src/python/example/hello/greet/" with temporary_workdir() as workdir: def run() -> None: run_pants_with_workdir( [ "--backend-packages=['pants.backend.python', '']", "fmt", f, ], workdir=workdir, ).assert_success() # Run once to start up, and then capture the file content. run() good_content = read_file(f) # Edit the file. with overwrite_file_content( f, lambda c: re.sub(b"def greet", b"def greet", c)): assert good_content != read_file(f) # Re-run and confirm that the file was fixed. run() assert good_content == read_file(f)
def test_concurrent_overrides_pantsd(self): """Tests that the --concurrent flag overrides the --pantsd flag, because we don't allow concurrent runs under pantsd.""" config = {"GLOBAL": {"concurrent": True, "pantsd": True}} with temporary_workdir() as workdir: pants_run = self.run_pants_with_workdir( ["-ldebug", "help", "goals"], workdir=workdir, config=config) pants_run.assert_success() self.assertNotIn("Connecting to pantsd", pants_run.stderr)
def test_concurrent_overrides_pantsd(self): """Tests that the --concurrent flag overrides the --pantsd flag, because we don't allow concurrent runs under pantsd.""" config = {"GLOBAL": {"concurrent": True, "pantsd": True}} with temporary_workdir() as workdir: pants_run = self.run_pants_with_workdir( ["help", "goals"], workdir=workdir, config=config ) pants_run.assert_success() pantsd_log_location = os.path.join(workdir, "pantsd", "pantsd.log") self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pantsd_log_location))
def test_ctrl_c() -> None: with temporary_workdir() as workdir: dest = os.path.join(workdir, "dest.log") # Start a pantsd run that will wait forever, then kill the pantsd client. client_handle, _, _ = launch_waiter( workdir=workdir, config=workunit_logger_config(dest)) client_pid = os.kill(client_pid, signal.SIGINT) # Confirm that finish is still called (even though it may be backgrounded in the server). confirm_eventual_success(dest)
def test_ctrl_c() -> None: with temporary_workdir() as workdir: dest = os.path.join(workdir, "dest.log") # Start a pantsd run that will wait forever, then kill the pantsd client. client_handle, _, _ = launch_waiter(workdir=workdir, config=workunit_logger_config(dest)) client_pid = os.kill(client_pid, signal.SIGINT) # Confirm that finish is still called (even though it may be backgrounded in the server). for _ in attempts("The log should eventually show that the SWH shut down."): content = maybe_read_file(dest) if content and FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY in content: break
def test_run_then_edit(use_pantsd: bool) -> None: slow = "" files = { slow: dedent("""\ import time time.sleep(30) raise Exception("Should have been restarted by now!") """), "BUILD": dedent(f"""\ python_sources(name='lib') pex_binary(name='bin', entry_point='{slow}', restartable=True) """), } for name, content in files.items(): Path(name).write_text(content) with temporary_workdir() as workdir: client_handle = run_pants_with_workdir_without_waiting( [ "--backend-packages=['pants.backend.python']", "run", slow, ], workdir=workdir, use_pantsd=use_pantsd, ) # The process shouldn't exit on its own. time.sleep(5) assert client_handle.process.poll() is None # Edit the file to restart the run, and check that it re-ran Path(slow).write_text('print("No longer slow!")') result = client_handle.join() result.assert_success() assert result.stdout == "No longer slow!\n"
def test_explorer_graphql_query(query: dict, expected_result: dict) -> None: with temporary_workdir() as workdir: handle = run_pants_with_workdir_without_waiting( [ "--backend-packages=['pants.backend.explorer']", "--no-watch-filesystem", "--no-dynamic-ui", "experimental-explorer", "--address=", "--port=7908", ], workdir=workdir, use_pantsd=False, ) assert handle.process.stderr is not None os.set_blocking(handle.process.stderr.fileno(), False) count = 30 while count > 0: data = handle.process.stderr.readline() if not data: count -= 1 time.sleep(1) elif "Application startup complete." in data.decode(): break if count > 0: rsp ="", json=query) rsp.raise_for_status() assert rsp.json() == expected_result print("GRAPHQL query passed!") else: # This is unexpected and wrong, but seems to be the case when run during CI. # TODO: figure out why, and fix, but allow for now to unblock. print("GRAPHQL query skipped, backend api did not startup properly.") handle.process.terminate() handle.join()