def main(): """docstring for main""" OPTIONS = panzertools.read_options() if OPTIONS['pandoc']['output'] != '-': move_temp_files_back(OPTIONS['pandoc']['output']) else: panzertools.log('INFO', 'not run')
def main(): """docstring for main""" OPTIONS = panzertools.read_options() filepath = OPTIONS['pandoc']['output'] if filepath != '-' and not OPTIONS['pandoc']['pdf_output']: print_log(filepath) else: panzertools.log('INFO', 'not run')
def main(): OPTIONS = panzertools.read_options() filepath = OPTIONS['pandoc']['output'] if filepath != '-' \ and not OPTIONS['pandoc']['pdf_output'] \ and os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) panzertools.log('INFO', 'removed "%s"' % filepath) else: panzertools.log('INFO', 'not run')
def main(): """main function""" options = panzertools.read_options() output = options["pandoc"]["output"] if output != "-": src_file = os.path.join( os.environ["PANZER_SHARED"], "javascript", "innoconv.mathjax.js" ) build_path = os.path.dirname(output) shutil.copy(src_file, build_path)
def main(): """docstring for main""" OPTIONS = panzertools.read_options() filepath = OPTIONS['pandoc']['output'] if filepath == '-': panzertools.log('INFO', 'not run') return target = panzertools.FileInfo(filepath) target.set_extension('.pdf') pdfpath = target.fullpath() if os.path.exists(pdfpath): open_pdf(pdfpath)
def main(): """docstring for main""" OPTIONS = panzertools.read_options() filepath = OPTIONS['pandoc']['output'] if filepath != '-' and not OPTIONS['pandoc']['pdf_output'] and os.path.exists(filepath): old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: run_latexmk(filepath) finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) panzertools.log('INFO', 'restored working directory to "%s"' % old_cwd) else: panzertools.log('INFO', 'not run')
def main(): """docstring for main""" OPTIONS = panzertools.read_options() filepath = OPTIONS['pandoc']['output'] if filepath != '-' and not OPTIONS['pandoc'][ 'pdf_output'] and os.path.exists(filepath): old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: run_latexmk(filepath) finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) panzertools.log('INFO', 'restored working directory to "%s"' % old_cwd) else: panzertools.log('INFO', 'not run')
def __init__(self, debug=False): self.debug = debug self.options = panzertools.read_options() self.filepath = self.options["pandoc"]["output"] self.convert_to = "json" if os.environ.get("INNOCONV_GENERATE_INNODOC_MARKDOWN"): panzertools.log("INFO", "Converting to Markdown.") self.convert_to = "markdown" if self.options["pandoc"]["write"] != "json": panzertools.log("ERROR", "Output is expected to be JSON!") sys.exit(0) # extract lang self.lang = None for key in self.options["pandoc"]["options"]["r"]["metadata"]: match = re.match(r"^lang:([a-z]{2})$", key[0]) if match: self.lang = if not self.lang: raise RuntimeError("Error: Unable to extract lang key from metadata!") panzertools.log("INFO", "Found lang key={}".format(self.lang))