def report_stats(self): if self.get_low_conf() > 0: mlops.health_alert( "Low confidence alert", "{}% of inferences had confidence below {}%".format( self.get_low_conf() * 100.0 / self.get_total(), self._conf_thresh * 100)) for i in range(0, self._num_categories): print(i, "label_total =", self._label_hist[i], "infer_total = ", self._infer_hist[i]) print("total = ", self.get_total(), "total_correct = ", self.get_correct()) self._infer_tbl.add_row(str(self.get_total()), [ self._infer_hist[0], self._infer_hist[1], self._infer_hist[2], self._infer_hist[3], self._infer_hist[4], self._infer_hist[5], self._infer_hist[6], self._infer_hist[7], self._infer_hist[8], self._infer_hist[9] ]) if self._stats_type != "none": mlops.set_stat("correct_percent", self.get_correct() * 100.0 / self.get_total()) mlops.set_stat(self._infer_tbl)
def report_confidence(self, total_predictions): if self._track_conf == 0: return ## MLOps start # Show the prediction distribution as a bar graph mlops.set_stat(self._conf_graph) ## MLOps end # Percentage of low confidence predictions in this reporting interval low_conf_percent = self._low_confidence_predictions * 100.0 / total_predictions print("low confidence predictions: {} ({})%".format( self._low_confidence_predictions, low_conf_percent)) if low_conf_percent > self._conf_percent: msg = "Low confidence: {}% of inferences had confidence below {}%".format( low_conf_percent, self._conf_thresh) print(msg) ## MLOps start mlops.health_alert("Low confidence alert", msg) ## MLOps end # reset counters for next round for i in range(0, 9): self._conf_hist[i] = 0 self._low_confidence_predictions = 0
def test_events_basic(): print("Testing events") mlops.health_alert("Health_Alert", "Alert while running test") mlops.data_alert("Data_Alert", "Alert from test") mlops.system_alert("System_Alert", "Operational alert from test") mlops.event( SystemAlert(label="sys_alert_1", description="sys_alert_1 desc")) mlops.event( HealthAlert(label="health_alert_1", description="health_alert_1 desc")) mlops.event( DataAlert(label="data_alert_1", description="data_alert_1 desc"))
def _report_stats(self, file_path):" *** generate stats .. params:{}".format( self._params))" *** Source file {}".format(file_path)) # Read the file data = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep=' |,', header=None, skiprows=1) data = data.rename(index=str, columns={ 1: "label", 2: "confidence0", 3: "confidence1" }) prediction_distribution = data['label'].value_counts() column_names = np.array( prediction_distribution.index).astype(str).tolist() # Initialize mlops mlops.init() # Report a bar graph bar = BarGraph().name("Prediction Distribution").cols( np.array(prediction_distribution.index).astype(str).tolist()).data( prediction_distribution.values.tolist()) mlops.set_stat(bar) # Generate an alert on low confidence if the argument is set to true if (self._params["alert"]): index = data.values[:, 1].astype(int) confidence = data.values[:, 2:4] confidence_per_prediction = confidence[:, index][:, 0] * 100 low_conf_percent = len(confidence_per_prediction[ confidence_per_prediction < self._params["confidence"]]) / len( confidence_per_prediction) * 100 if low_conf_percent > self._params["samples"]: msg = "Low confidence: {}% of inferences had confidence below {}%".format( low_conf_percent, self._params["confidence"]) print(msg) mlops.health_alert("Low confidence alert", msg) mlops.done() return []
def test_alerts_fetching(): print("test_alerts_fetching") mlops.health_alert("Health_Alert-2", "Health alert generated by 'test_alerts_fetching'") mlops.data_alert("Data_Alert-2", "Data alert generated by 'test_alerts_fetching'") mlops.system_alert( "System_Alert-2", "Operational (System) alert generated by 'test_alerts_fetching'") # It takes time for the alerts to propagate up to the database active_ion_alerts = None for counter in range(FETCH_ALERTS_NUM_RETRIES): active_ion_alerts = mlops.get_events() if active_ion_alerts is None or active_ion_alerts.empty: print("Did not find alerts, trying again...") time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME_PER_RETRY_SEC) continue break assert active_ion_alerts is not None and not active_ion_alerts.empty all_alerts = mlops.get_events() print("\n\n\nALL ALERTS\n{}".format(all_alerts)) num_all_alerts = len(all_alerts) num_active_ion_alerts = len(active_ion_alerts) assert num_active_ion_alerts <= num_all_alerts active_ion_alerts_ids = active_ion_alerts['id'].tolist() print("List of ides: {}".format(active_ion_alerts_ids)) print("Active ion alerts ({}):".format(num_active_ion_alerts)) for index, alert in active_ion_alerts.iterrows(): _print_alert(alert) print("Other alerts ({}):".format(num_all_alerts - num_active_ion_alerts)) for index, alert in all_alerts.iterrows(): if alert["id"] not in active_ion_alerts_ids: _print_alert(alert)
def report_stats(self): # what percentage of the predictions had confidences less than the threshold low_conf_percent = self.get_low_conf( ) * 100.0 / self.get_report_interval() if low_conf_percent > self._conf_percent: mlops.health_alert( "Low confidence alert", "{}% of inferences had confidence below {}%".format( low_conf_percent, self._conf_thresh * 100)) for i in range(0, self._num_categories): print(i, "label_total =", self._label_hist[i], "infer_total = ", self._infer_hist[i]) print("total = ", self.get_total(), "total_correct = ", self.get_correct()) category_data = [ self._infer_hist[0], self._infer_hist[1], self._infer_hist[2], self._infer_hist[3], self._infer_hist[4], self._infer_hist[5], self._infer_hist[6], self._infer_hist[7], self._infer_hist[8], self._infer_hist[9] ] self._infer_tbl.add_row(str(self.get_cum_total()), category_data) if self._stats_type != "none": mlops.set_stat("correct_percent", self.get_correct() * 100.0 / self.get_total()) mlops.set_stat(self._infer_tbl) mlops.set_stat(self._infer_bar) # Update total prediction count with the all new predictions since we last reported. mlops.set_stat(PredefinedStats.PREDICTIONS_COUNT, self.get_report_interval()) print("Completed {} predictions".format( self.get_report_interval())) self.reset()
def test_events_basic(): print("Testing events") mlops.health_alert("Health_Alert", "Alert while running test") mlops.data_alert("Data_Alert", "Alert from test") mlops.system_alert("System_Alert", "Operational alert from test") mlops.canary_alert("Canary_Alert", True, 5, 1) mlops.event( SystemAlert(label="sys_alert_1", description="sys_alert_1 desc")) mlops.event( HealthAlert(label="health_alert_1", description="health_alert_1 desc")) mlops.event( DataAlert(label="data_alert_1", description="data_alert_1 desc")) mlops.event( CanaryAlert(label="canary_alert_1", is_healthy=False, score=0.0, threshold=0.1)) mlops.set_event(name="system alert", type=EventType.System, data="blablabla")
def main(): pm_options = parse_args() print("PM: Configuration:") print("PM: # Validation Split: [{}]".format(pm_options.validation_split)) print("PM: # AUC Threshold: [{}]".format(pm_options.auc_threshold)) print("PM: # KS Threshold: [{}]".format(pm_options.ks_threshold)) print("PM: # PSI Threshold: [{}]".format(pm_options.psi_threshold)) print("PM: # Estimators: [{}]".format(pm_options.n_estimators)) print("PM: # Max Depth: [{}]".format(pm_options.max_depth)) print("PM: # Learning Rate: [{}]".format(pm_options.learning_rate)) print("PM: # Min Child Weight: [{}]".format(pm_options.min_child_weight)) print("PM: # Objective: [{}]".format(pm_options.objective)) print("PM: # Gamma: [{}]".format(pm_options.gamma)) print("PM: # Max Delta Step: [{}]".format(pm_options.max_delta_step)) print("PM: # Subsample: [{}]".format(pm_options.subsample)) print("PM: # Reg Alpha: [{}]".format(pm_options.reg_alpha)) print("PM: # Reg Lambda: [{}]".format(pm_options.reg_lambda)) print("PM: # Scale Pos Weight: [{}]".format(pm_options.scale_pos_weight)) print("PM: # Input File: [{}]".format(pm_options.input_file)) print("PM: Output model: [{}]".format(pm_options.output_model)) min_auc_requirement = float(pm_options.auc_threshold) max_ks_requirement = float(pm_options.ks_threshold) min_psi_requirement = float(pm_options.psi_threshold) # mlops Init mlops.init() # Loading and cleaning the data # This section goes though the various stages of loading and cleaning the data: loan_df = pd.read_csv(pm_options.input_file) # Cleaning NAs print("dataset_size = ", loan_df.shape[0]) mlops.set_data_distribution_stat(loan_df) print("number of NAs per columns = ", loan_df.isnull().sum()) loan_df = loan_df.dropna() print("dataset_size without NA rows= ", loan_df.shape[0]) # Marking the label field. remove it from the features set: y = loan_df["bad_loan"] X = loan_df.drop("bad_loan", axis=1) from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper # Splitting the data to train and test sets: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=float(pm_options.validation_split), random_state=42) All_columns = X_train.columns.tolist() categorical_columns = ["verification_status", "addr_state", "purpose", "home_ownership", "term"] mapper_list =[] for d in All_columns: if d in categorical_columns: mapper_list.append(([d], OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))) else: mapper_list.append(([d], MinMaxScaler())) mapper = DataFrameMapper(mapper_list) # ## Training # XGBoost Training: import xgboost as xgb xgboost_model = xgb.XGBClassifier(max_depth=int(pm_options.max_depth), min_child_weight=int(pm_options.min_child_weight), learning_rate=float(pm_options.learning_rate), n_estimators=int(pm_options.n_estimators), silent=True, objective=pm_options.objective, gamma=float(pm_options.gamma), max_delta_step=int(pm_options.max_delta_step), subsample=float(pm_options.subsample), colsample_bytree=1, colsample_bylevel=1, reg_alpha=float(pm_options.reg_alpha), reg_lambda=float(pm_options.reg_lambda), scale_pos_weight=float(pm_options.scale_pos_weight), seed=1, n_jobs=1, missing=None) final_model = Pipeline([("mapper", mapper), ("xgboost", xgboost_model)]), y_train) # Random Forest Training from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier rf_only_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=int(pm_options.n_estimators), max_depth=int(pm_options.max_depth)+3, random_state=42, n_jobs=1, class_weight="balanced") rf_model = Pipeline([("mapper", mapper), ("rf", rf_only_model)]), y_train) # ## Statistics on Test Dataset # Prediction and prediction distribution pred_labels = final_model.predict(X_test) pred_probs = final_model.predict_proba(X_test) rf_pred_labels = rf_model.predict(X_test) rf_pred_probs = rf_model.predict_proba(X_test) # Accuracy calculation # Accuracy for the xgboost model accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, pred_labels) print("XGBoost Accuracy value: {0}".format(accuracy)) # Output accuracy of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("XGBoost Accuracy", accuracy, st.TIME_SERIES) # Accuracy for the RF model rf_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, rf_pred_labels) print("RF Accuracy value: {0}".format(rf_accuracy)) # Output accuracy of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("RF Accuracy", rf_accuracy, st.TIME_SERIES) # Label distribution: # Label distribution in training value, counts = np.unique(y_test, return_counts=True) label_distribution = np.asarray((value, counts)).T print("Validation Actual Label distributions: \n {0}".format(label_distribution)) # Output Label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(label_distribution[:,0], label_distribution[:,1], "Validation - Actual Label Distribution") # Prediction distribution and prediction confidence distribution # Pred Label distribution in training pred_value, pred_counts = np.unique(pred_labels, return_counts=True) pred_label_distribution = np.asarray((pred_value, pred_counts)).T print("XGBoost Validation Prediction Label Distributions: \n {0}".format(pred_label_distribution)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(pred_label_distribution[:,0], pred_label_distribution[:,1], "Validation - XGBoost Prediction Distribution") rf_pred_value, rf_pred_counts = np.unique(rf_pred_labels, return_counts=True) rf_pred_label_distribution = np.asarray((rf_pred_value, rf_pred_counts)).T # pred_column_names = pred_value.astype(str).tolist() print("RF Validation Prediction Label Distributions: \n {0}".format(rf_pred_label_distribution)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(rf_pred_label_distribution[:,0], rf_pred_label_distribution[:,1], "Validation - RF Prediction Distribution") # Pred confidence per label label_number = len(pred_counts) average_confidence = np.zeros(label_number) max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) for i in range(0, label_number): index_class = np.where(pred_labels == i)[0] if pred_counts[i] > 0: average_confidence[i] = np.sum(max_pred_probs[index_class])/(float(pred_counts[i])) else: average_confidence[i] = 0 print("XGBoost Validation Average Prediction confidence per label: \n {0}".format(average_confidence)) # Pred confidence per label rf_label_number = len(rf_pred_counts) rf_average_confidence = np.zeros(rf_label_number) rf_max_pred_probs = rf_pred_probs.max(axis=1) for i in range(0, rf_label_number): rf_index_class = np.where(rf_pred_labels == i)[0] if rf_pred_counts[i] > 0: rf_average_confidence[i] = np.sum(rf_max_pred_probs[rf_index_class])/(float(rf_pred_counts[i])) else: rf_average_confidence[i] = 0 print("RF Validation Average Prediction confidence per label: \n {0}".format(rf_average_confidence)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(pred_value, average_confidence, "Validation - XGBoost Average confidence per class") export_bar_table(rf_pred_value, rf_average_confidence, "Validation - RF Average confidence per class") # Confusion Matrix # XGBoost Confusion Matrix confmat = confusion_matrix(y_true=y_test, y_pred=pred_labels) print("Confusion Matrix for XGBoost: \n {0}".format(confmat)) # Output Confusion Matrix as a Table using MCenter export_confusion_table(confmat, "XGBoost") # RF Confusion Matrix rf_confmat = confusion_matrix(y_true=y_test, y_pred=rf_pred_labels) print("Confusion Matrix for RF: \n {0}".format(rf_confmat)) # Output Confusion Matrix as a Table using MCenter export_confusion_table(rf_confmat, "RF") # Classification Report # XGBoost Classification Report class_rep = classification_report(y_true=y_test, y_pred=pred_labels, output_dict=True) print("XGBoost Classification Report: \n {0}".format(class_rep)) # RF Classification Report rf_class_rep = classification_report(y_true=y_test, y_pred=rf_pred_labels, output_dict=True) print("RF Classification Report: \n {0}".format(rf_class_rep)) # Output Classification Report as a Table using MCenter export_classification_report(class_rep, "XGBoost") export_classification_report(rf_class_rep, "RF") # AUC and ROC Curves # ROC for XGBoost model roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, pred_probs[:, 1]) print("XGBoost ROC AUC value: {}".format(roc_auc)) rf_roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, rf_pred_probs[:, 1]) print("RF ROC AUC value: {}".format(rf_roc_auc)) # Output ROC of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("XGBoost ROC AUC", roc_auc, st.TIME_SERIES) mlops.set_stat("RF ROC AUC", rf_roc_auc, st.TIME_SERIES) if roc_auc <= min_auc_requirement: mlops.health_alert("[Training] AUC Violation From Training Node", "AUC Went Below {}. Current AUC Is {}".format(min_auc_requirement, roc_auc)) # ROC curve fpr, tpr, thr = roc_curve(y_test, pred_probs[:, 1]) rf_fpr, rf_tpr, rf_thr = roc_curve(y_test, rf_pred_probs[:, 1]) cg = MultiGraph().name("Receiver Operating Characteristic ").set_continuous() cg.add_series(label='Random curve ''', x=fpr.tolist(), y=fpr.tolist()) cg.add_series(label='XGBoost ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})'''.format(roc_auc), x=fpr.tolist(), y=tpr.tolist()) cg.add_series(label='RF ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})'''.format(rf_roc_auc), x=rf_fpr.tolist(), y=rf_tpr.tolist()) cg.x_title('False Positive Rate') cg.y_title('True Positive Rate') mlops.set_stat(cg) # Feature importance comparison # XGBoost Feature importance export_feature_importance(final_model, list(X_train.columns), 5, "XGBoost") export_feature_importance(rf_model, list(X_train.columns), 5, "RF") # KS Analysis max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) y_test0=np.where(y_test == 0)[0] y_test1=np.where(y_test == 1)[0] rf_max_pred_probs = rf_pred_probs.max(axis=1) # KS for the XGBoost model ks = ks_2samp(max_pred_probs[y_test0], max_pred_probs[y_test1]) ks_stat = ks.statistic ks_pvalue = ks.pvalue print("KS values for XGBoost: \n Statistics: {} \n pValue: {}\n".format(ks_stat, ks_pvalue)) # KS for the RF model rf_ks = ks_2samp(rf_max_pred_probs[y_test0], rf_max_pred_probs[y_test1]) rf_ks_stat = rf_ks.statistic rf_ks_pvalue = rf_ks.pvalue print("RF KS values: \n Statistics: {} \n pValue: {}\n".format(rf_ks_stat, rf_ks_pvalue)) # Output KS Stat of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("KS Stats for XGBoost", ks_stat, st.TIME_SERIES) # Output KS Stat of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("KS Stats for RF", rf_ks_stat, st.TIME_SERIES) # raising alert if ks-stat goes above required threshold if ks_stat >= max_ks_requirement: mlops.health_alert("[Training] KS Violation From Training Node", "KS Stat Went Above {}. Current KS Stat Is {}".format(max_ks_requirement, ks_stat)) ks_table = Table().name("KS Stats for XGBoost").cols(["Statistic", "pValue"]) ks_table.add_row([ks_stat, ks_pvalue]) mlops.set_stat(ks_table) # PSI Analysis # Calculating PSI total_psi, psi_table = get_psi(max_pred_probs[y_test0], max_pred_probs[y_test1]) rf_total_psi, rf_psi_table = get_psi(rf_max_pred_probs[y_test0], rf_max_pred_probs[y_test1]) psi_table_stat = Table().name("PSI Stats for XGBoost").cols( ["Base Pop", "Curr Pop", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Base Percent", "Curr Percent", "Segment PSI"]) row_num = 1 for each_value in psi_table.values: str_values = [str(i) for i in each_value] psi_table_stat.add_row(str(row_num), str_values) row_num += 1 mlops.set_stat(psi_table_stat) print("Total XGBoost PSI values: \n {}".format(total_psi)) # Output Total PSI of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("Total XGBoost PSI ", total_psi, st.TIME_SERIES) if total_psi >= min_psi_requirement: mlops.health_alert("[Training] PSI Violation From Training Node", "PSI Went Below {}. Current PSI Is {}".format(min_psi_requirement, total_psi)) print("Total RF PSI values: \n {}".format(rf_total_psi)) rf_psi_table_stat = Table().name("PSI Stats for RF").cols( ["Base Pop", "Curr Pop", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Base Percent", "Curr Percent", "Segment PSI"]) row_num = 1 for each_value in rf_psi_table.values: str_values = [str(i) for i in each_value] rf_psi_table_stat.add_row(str(row_num), str_values) row_num += 1 mlops.set_stat(rf_psi_table_stat) # Output Total PSI of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("Total RF PSI ", rf_total_psi, st.TIME_SERIES) # ## Save the XGBoost Model import pickle model_file = open(pm_options.output_model, 'wb') pickle.dump(final_model, model_file) model_file.close() # ## Finish the program mlops.done()
def _prep_and_train(self, df_dataset): self.min_auc_requirement = self._params["auc_threshold"] self.max_ks_requirement = self._params["ks_threshold"] self.min_psi_requirement = self._params["psi_threshold"] train_on_col = self._params["train_on_column"] #mlops Init mlops.init() y = df_dataset[train_on_col]"train_on_col= {}".format(train_on_col))"df_dataset {}".format(df_dataset.shape[1])) X = df_dataset.drop(train_on_col, axis=1) mlops.set_data_distribution_stat(X)"df_dataset {}".format(X.shape[1])) # Splitting the data to train and test sets: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=self._params["validation_split"], random_state=42) All_columns = X_train.columns.tolist() categorical_columns = self._params["categorical_cols"] mapper_list = [] for d in All_columns: if d in categorical_columns: mapper_list.append( ([d], OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))) else: mapper_list.append(([d], MinMaxScaler())) mapper = DataFrameMapper(mapper_list) ## Training # XGBoost Training: n_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count() xgboost_model = xgb.XGBClassifier( max_depth=int(self._params["max_depth"]), min_child_weight=int(self._params["min_child_weight"]), learning_rate=float(self._params["learning_rate"]), n_estimators=int(self._params["n_estimators"]), silent=True, objective=self._params["objective"], gamma=float(self._params["gamma"]), max_delta_step=int(self._params["max_delta_step"]), subsample=float(self._params["subsample"]), colsample_bytree=1, colsample_bylevel=1, reg_alpha=float(self._params["reg_alpha"]), reg_lambda=float(self._params["reg_lambda"]), scale_pos_weight=float(self._params["scale_pos_weight"]), seed=1, n_jobs=n_cpu, missing=None) final_model = Pipeline([("mapper", mapper), ("xgboost", xgboost_model)]), y_train) # Prediction and prediction distribution pred_labels = final_model.predict(X_test) pred_probs = final_model.predict_proba(X_test) # Accuracy calculation # Accuracy for the xgboost model accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, pred_labels)"XGBoost Accuracy value: {0}".format(accuracy)) # Output accuracy of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("XGBoost Accuracy", accuracy, st.TIME_SERIES) # Label distribution: # Label distribution in training value, counts = np.unique(y_test, return_counts=True) label_distribution = np.asarray((value, counts)).T "Validation Actual Label distributions: \n {0}".format( label_distribution)) # Output Label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(label_distribution[:, 0], label_distribution[:, 1], "Validation - Actual Label Distribution") # Prediction distribution and prediction confidence distribution # Pred Label distribution in training pred_value, pred_counts = np.unique(pred_labels, return_counts=True) pred_label_distribution = np.asarray((pred_value, pred_counts)).T "XGBoost Validation Prediction Label Distributions: \n {0}".format( pred_label_distribution)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(pred_label_distribution[:, 0], pred_label_distribution[:, 1], "Validation - XGBoost Prediction Distribution") # Pred confidence per label label_number = len(pred_counts) average_confidence = np.zeros(label_number) max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) for i in range(0, label_number): index_class = np.where(pred_labels == i)[0] if pred_counts[i] > 0: average_confidence[i] = np.sum( max_pred_probs[index_class]) / (float(pred_counts[i])) else: average_confidence[i] = 0 "XGBoost Validation Average Prediction confidence per label: \n {0}" .format(average_confidence)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(pred_value, average_confidence, "Validation - XGBoost Average confidence per class") # Confusion Matrix # XGBoost Confusion Matrix confmat = confusion_matrix(y_true=y_test, y_pred=pred_labels) "Confusion Matrix for XGBoost: \n {0}".format(confmat)) # Output Confusion Matrix as a Table using MCenter export_confusion_table(confmat, "XGBoost") # Classification Report # XGBoost Classification Report class_rep = classification_report(y_true=y_test, y_pred=pred_labels, output_dict=True) "XGBoost Classification Report: \n {0}".format(class_rep)) # AUC and ROC Curves # ROC for XGBoost model roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, pred_probs[:, 1])"XGBoost ROC AUC value: {}".format(roc_auc)) # Output ROC of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("XGBoost ROC AUC", roc_auc, st.TIME_SERIES) if roc_auc <= self.min_auc_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] AUC Violation From Training Node", "AUC Went Below {}. Current AUC Is {}".format( self.min_auc_requirement, roc_auc)) # ROC curve fpr, tpr, thr = roc_curve(y_test, pred_probs[:, 1]) cg = MultiGraph().name( "Receiver Operating Characteristic ").set_continuous() cg.add_series(label='Random curve ' '', x=fpr.tolist(), y=fpr.tolist()) cg.add_series(label='XGBoost ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})' ''.format(roc_auc), x=fpr.tolist(), y=tpr.tolist()) cg.x_title('False Positive Rate') cg.y_title('True Positive Rate') mlops.set_stat(cg) # Feature importance comparison # XGBoost Feature importance export_feature_importance(final_model, list(X_train.columns), 5, "XGBoost") # KS Analysis max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) y_test0 = np.where(y_test == 0)[0] y_test1 = np.where(y_test == 1)[0] # KS for the XGBoost model ks = ks_2samp(max_pred_probs[y_test0], max_pred_probs[y_test1]) ks_stat = ks.statistic ks_pvalue = ks.pvalue "KS values for XGBoost: \n Statistics: {} \n pValue: {}\n".format( ks_stat, ks_pvalue)) # Output KS Stat of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("KS Stats for CGBoost", ks_stat, st.TIME_SERIES) # raising alert if ks-stat goes above required threshold if ks_stat >= self.max_ks_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] KS Violation From Training Node", "KS Stat Went Above {}. Current KS Stat Is {}".format( self.max_ks_requirement, ks_stat)) ks_table = Table().name("KS Stats for XGBoost").cols( ["Statistic", "pValue"]) ks_table.add_row([ks_stat, ks_pvalue]) mlops.set_stat(ks_table) # PSI Analysis # Calculating PSI total_psi, psi_table = get_psi(self, max_pred_probs[y_test0], max_pred_probs[y_test1]) psi_table_stat = Table().name("PSI Stats for XGBoost").cols([ "Base Pop", "Curr Pop", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Base Percent", "Curr Percent", "Segment PSI" ]) row_num = 1 for each_value in psi_table.values: str_values = [str(i) for i in each_value] psi_table_stat.add_row(str(row_num), str_values) row_num += 1 mlops.set_stat(psi_table_stat)"Total XGBoost PSI values: \n {}".format(total_psi)) # Output Total PSI of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("Total XGBoost PSI ", total_psi, st.TIME_SERIES) if total_psi >= self.min_psi_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] PSI Violation From Training Node", "PSI Went Below {}. Current PSI Is {}".format( self.min_psi_requirement, total_psi)) # ## Save the XGBoost Model model_file = open(self._params["output-model"], 'wb') pickle.dump(final_model, model_file) model_file.close() # ## Finish the program mlops.done() return (model_file)
def test_alerts_fetching(): print("test_alerts_fetching") mlops.health_alert("Health_Alert-2", "Health alert generated by 'test_alerts_fetching'") mlops.data_alert("Data_Alert-2", "Data alert generated by 'test_alerts_fetching'") mlops.system_alert( "System_Alert-2", "Operational (System) alert generated by 'test_alerts_fetching'") mlops.canary_alert("Canary_Alert-2", is_healthy=False, score=0.2, threshold=0.1) # It takes time for the alerts to propagate up to the database active_ion_alerts = None for counter in range(FETCH_ALERTS_NUM_RETRIES): active_ion_alerts = mlops.get_events() if active_ion_alerts is None or active_ion_alerts.empty: print("Did not find alerts, trying again...") time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME_PER_RETRY_SEC) continue break assert active_ion_alerts is not None and not active_ion_alerts.empty time.sleep(3) all_alerts = mlops.get_events() print("\n\n\nALL ALERTS\n{}".format(all_alerts)) num_all_alerts = len(all_alerts) num_active_ion_alerts = len(active_ion_alerts) assert num_active_ion_alerts <= num_all_alerts active_ion_alerts_ids = active_ion_alerts['id'].tolist() print("List of ides: {}".format(active_ion_alerts_ids)) print("Active ion alerts ({}):".format(num_active_ion_alerts)) nodes = active_ion_alerts["node"].tolist() print("Nodes col: {}".format(nodes)) for index, alert in active_ion_alerts.iterrows(): _print_alert(alert) print("Other alerts ({}):".format(num_all_alerts - num_active_ion_alerts)) for index, alert in all_alerts.iterrows(): if alert["id"] not in active_ion_alerts_ids: _print_alert(alert) # Fetching by time window now = datetime.utcnow() last_10_hour = (now - timedelta(hours=10)) print("Getting last 10 hours events") events_df_per_time_window = mlops.get_events(start_time=last_10_hour, end_time=now) num_time_window_alerts = len(events_df_per_time_window) print("Last 10 hours events num {} - all events num {}".format( num_time_window_alerts, num_all_alerts)) assert num_time_window_alerts == num_all_alerts # Verifying types: type_only_df = events_df_per_time_window[['type']] unique_types_list = type_only_df.drop_duplicates()['type'].tolist() print("Unique types:") print(unique_types_list) for event_type in EVENTS_TYPE: if event_type not in unique_types_list: msg = "Error: event {} is not in unique event list".format( event_type) print(msg) raise Exception(msg) print("Done event fetching test")
def main(): pm_options = parse_args() print("PM: Configuration:") print("PM: # KS Threshold: [{}]".format( pm_options.ks_threshold)) print("PM: # PSI Threshold: [{}]".format( pm_options.psi_threshold)) print("PM: # Input File: [{}]".format( pm_options.input_file)) print("PM: # Model File: [{}]".format( pm_options.input_model)) max_ks_requirement = float(pm_options.ks_threshold) min_psi_requirement = float(pm_options.psi_threshold) # Initialize MLOps Library mlops.init() # Load the model if pm_options.input_model is not None: try: filename = pm_options.input_model model_file_obj = open(filename, 'rb') mlops.set_stat("# Model Files Used", 1) except Exception as e: print("Model Not Found") print("Got Exception: {}".format(e)) mlops.set_stat("# Model Files Used", 0) mlops.done() return 0 final_model = pickle.load(model_file_obj) # Loading the data loan_df = pd.read_csv(pm_options.input_file) X = loan_df # Cleaning NAs mlops.set_data_distribution_stat(loan_df) print("dataset_size = ", loan_df.shape[0]) print("number of NAs per columns = \n", loan_df.isnull().sum()) loan_df = loan_df.dropna() print("dataset_size without NA rows= ", loan_df.shape[0]) # ## Inference pred_labels = final_model.predict(X) pred_probs = final_model.predict_proba(X) # Prediction distribution and prediction confidence distribution pred_value, pred_counts = np.unique(pred_labels, return_counts=True) pred_label_distribution = np.asarray((pred_value, pred_counts)).T print("XGBoost Inference Prediction Label Distributions: \n {0}".format( pred_label_distribution)) export_bar_table(pred_label_distribution[:, 0], pred_label_distribution[:, 1], "Inference - XGBoost Prediction Distribution") # Pred confidence per label label_number = len(pred_counts) average_confidence = np.zeros(label_number) max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) for i in range(0, label_number): index_class = np.where(pred_labels == i)[0] if pred_counts[i] > 0: average_confidence[i] = np.sum( max_pred_probs[index_class]) / (float(pred_counts[i])) else: average_confidence[i] = 0 print("XGBoost Validation Average Prediction confidence per label: \n {0}". format(average_confidence)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter export_bar_table(pred_value, average_confidence, "Validation - XGBoost Average confidence per class") # Feature importance comparison export_feature_importance(final_model, list(X.columns), 5, "XGBoost") # KS Analysis max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) y_test0 = np.where(pred_labels == 0)[0] y_test1 = np.where(pred_labels == 1)[0] ks = ks_2samp(max_pred_probs[y_test0], max_pred_probs[y_test1]) ks_stat = ks.statistic ks_pvalue = ks.pvalue print("KS values for XGBoost: \n Statistics: {} \n pValue: {}\n".format( ks_stat, ks_pvalue)) # Output KS Stat of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("KS Stats for XGBoost", ks_stat, st.TIME_SERIES) # raising alert if ks-stat goes above required threshold if ks_stat >= max_ks_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] KS Violation From Training Node", "KS Stat Went Above {}. Current KS Stat Is {}".format( max_ks_requirement, ks_stat)) ks_table = Table().name("KS Stats").cols(["Statistic", "pValue"]) ks_table.add_row([ks_stat, ks_pvalue]) mlops.set_stat(ks_table) # PSI Analysis total_psi, psi_table = get_psi(max_pred_probs[y_test0], max_pred_probs[y_test1]) psi_table_stat = Table().name("PSI Stats").cols([ "Base Pop", "Curr Pop", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Base Percent", "Curr Percent", "Segment PSI" ]) row_num = 1 for each_value in psi_table.values: str_values = [str(i) for i in each_value] psi_table_stat.add_row(str(row_num), str_values) row_num += 1 mlops.set_stat(psi_table_stat) print("Total XGBoost PSI values: \n {}".format(total_psi)) print("XGBoost PSI Stats: \n {}".format(psi_table)) # Output Total PSI of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("Total PSI ", total_psi, st.TIME_SERIES) if total_psi >= min_psi_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] PSI Violation From Training Node", "PSI Went Below {}. Current PSI Is {}".format( min_psi_requirement, total_psi)) # ## Finish the program mlops.done()
def main(): pm_options = parse_args() print("PM: Configuration:") print("PM: # Sample: [{}]".format( pm_options.num_samples)) print("PM: # Features: [{}]".format( pm_options.num_features)) print("PM: # KS Threshold: [{}]".format( pm_options.ks_threshold)) print("PM: # PSI Threshold: [{}]".format( pm_options.psi_threshold)) print("PM: # Input File: [{}]".format( pm_options.input_file)) print("PM: # Model File: [{}]".format( pm_options.input_model)) # Initialize MLOps Library mlops.init() # Load the model if pm_options.input_model is not None: try: filename = pm_options.input_model model_file_obj = open(filename, 'rb') mlops.set_stat("# Model Files Used", 1) except Exception as e: print("Model Not Found") print("Got Exception: {}".format(e)) mlops.set_stat("# Model Files Used", 0) mlops.done() return 0 final_model = pickle.load(model_file_obj) try: data_filename = pm_options.input_file data_file_obj = open(data_filename, 'rb') data = np.loadtxt(data_file_obj) X = data # select columns 1 through end except Exception as e: print("Generating Synthetic Data Because {}".format(e)) # Create synthetic data (Gaussian Distribution, Poisson Distribution and Beta Distribution) num_samples = int(pm_options.num_samples) num_features = int(pm_options.num_features) # Create synthetic data using scikit learn X, y = make_classification( n_samples=num_samples, n_features=num_features, # binary classification only! n_classes=2, random_state=42) # Add random noise to the data randomly import random if random.randint(1, 21) / 2 == 0: print("Adding Random Noise!") noisy_features = np.random.uniform(0, 1) * \ np.random.normal(0, 1, (num_samples, num_features)) X = X + noisy_features # Separate into features and labels features = X max_ks_requirement = float(pm_options.ks_threshold) min_psi_requirement = float(pm_options.psi_threshold) # Output Health Statistics to MCenter # MLOps API to report the distribution statistics of each feature in the data and compare it automatically with the ones mlops.set_data_distribution_stat(features) # Output the number of samples being processed using MCenter mlops.set_stat(PredefinedStats.PREDICTIONS_COUNT, len(features), st.TIME_SERIES) # Accuracy for the chosen model pred_labels = final_model.predict(features) pred_probs = final_model.predict_proba(features) print("Pred Labels: ", pred_labels) # Remove printout can be huge print("Pred Probabilities: ", pred_probs) # Remove printout can be huge # Pred Label distribution pred_value, pred_counts = np.unique(pred_labels, return_counts=True) pred_label_distribution = np.asarray((pred_value, pred_counts)).T # pred_column_names = pred_value.astype(str).tolist() print("Pred Label distributions: \n {0}".format(pred_label_distribution)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter pred_bar = BarGraph().name("Pred Label Distribution").cols( (pred_label_distribution[:, 0]).astype(str).tolist()).data( (pred_label_distribution[:, 1]).tolist()) mlops.set_stat(pred_bar) # Pred Label confidence per label label_number = len(pred_counts) average_confidence = np.zeros(label_number) max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) for i in range(0, label_number): index_class = np.where(pred_labels == i)[0] print(" np.sum(confidence[index_class])", np.sum(max_pred_probs[index_class])) print("counts_elements[i] ", pred_counts[i]) if pred_counts[i] > 0: average_confidence[i] = np.sum( max_pred_probs[index_class]) / (float(pred_counts[i])) else: average_confidence[i] = 0 # BarGraph showing confidence per class pred_values1 = [str(i) for i in pred_value] bar = BarGraph().name("Average Confidence Per Class").cols( pred_values1).data(average_confidence.tolist()) mlops.set_stat(bar) # KS for the chosen model ks = ks_2samp(max_pred_probs[pred_labels == 1], max_pred_probs[pred_labels == 0]) ks_stat = ks.statistic ks_pvalue = ks.pvalue print("KS values: \n Statistics: {} \n pValue: {}\n".format( ks_stat, ks_pvalue)) # Output KS Stat of the chosen model using MCenter if not np.isnan(ks_stat): print("printing KS_stat ") mlops.set_stat("KS Stat", ks_stat, st.TIME_SERIES) else: print("not printing KS_stat ") # Raising alert if ks-stat goes above required threshold if ks_stat >= max_ks_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Inference] KS Violation From Inference Node", "KS Stat Went Above {}. Current KS Stat Is {}".format( max_ks_requirement, ks_stat)) ks_table = Table().name("KS Stats").cols(["Statistic", "pValue"]) ks_table.add_row([ks_stat, ks_pvalue]) mlops.set_stat(ks_table) # Calculating PSI total_psi, psi_table = get_psi(max_pred_probs[pred_labels == 1], max_pred_probs[pred_labels == 0]) psi_table_stat = Table().name("PSI Stats").cols([ "Base Pop", "Curr Pop", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Base Percent", "Curr Percent", "Segment PSI" ]) row_num = 1 for each_value in psi_table.values: str_values = [str(i) for i in each_value] psi_table_stat.add_row(str(row_num), str_values) row_num += 1 mlops.set_stat(psi_table_stat) print("Total PSI values: \n {}".format(total_psi)) # Output Total PSI of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("Total PSI ", total_psi, st.TIME_SERIES) # Raising alert if total_psi goes below required threshold if total_psi <= min_psi_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Inference] PSI Violation From Inference Node", "PSI Went Below {}. Current PSI Is {}".format( min_psi_requirement, total_psi)) # Terminate MLOPs mlops.done()
def main(): pm_options = parse_args() print("PM: Configuration:") print("PM: # Sample: [{}]".format( pm_options.num_samples)) print("PM: # Features: [{}]".format( pm_options.num_features)) print("PM: # Validation Split: [{}]".format( pm_options.validation_split)) print("PM: # AUC Threshold: [{}]".format( pm_options.auc_threshold)) print("PM: # KS Threshold: [{}]".format( pm_options.ks_threshold)) print("PM: # PSI Threshold: [{}]".format( pm_options.psi_threshold)) print("PM: # Estimators: [{}]".format( pm_options.n_estimators)) print("PM: # Max Depth: [{}]".format(pm_options.max_depth)) print("PM: # Learning Rate: [{}]".format( pm_options.learning_rate)) print("PM: # Min Child Weight: [{}]".format( pm_options.min_child_weight)) print("PM: # Objective: [{}]".format(pm_options.objective)) print("PM: # Gamma: [{}]".format(pm_options.gamma)) print("PM: # Max Delta Step: [{}]".format( pm_options.max_delta_step)) print("PM: # Subsample: [{}]".format(pm_options.subsample)) print("PM: # Reg Alpha: [{}]".format(pm_options.reg_alpha)) print("PM: # Reg Lambda: [{}]".format( pm_options.reg_lambda)) print("PM: # Scale Pos Weight: [{}]".format( pm_options.scale_pos_weight)) print("PM: # Input File: [{}]".format( pm_options.input_file)) print("PM: Output model: [{}]".format( pm_options.output_model)) min_auc_requirement = float(pm_options.auc_threshold) max_ks_requirement = float(pm_options.ks_threshold) min_psi_requirement = float(pm_options.psi_threshold) # Initialize MLOps Library mlops.init() try: data_filename = pm_options.input_file data_file_obj = open(data_filename, 'rb') data = np.loadtxt(data_file_obj) X = data[:, 1:] # select columns 1 through end y = data[:, 0] except Exception as e: print("Generating Synthetic Data Because {}".format(e)) # Create synthetic data (Gaussian Distribution, Poisson Distribution and Beta Distribution) num_samples = int(pm_options.num_samples) num_features = int(pm_options.num_features) # Create synthetic data using scikit learn X, y = make_classification( n_samples=num_samples, n_features=num_features, # binary classification only! n_classes=2, random_state=42) print("Adding Random Noise!") noisy_features = np.random.uniform(0, 1) * \ np.random.normal(0, 1, (num_samples, num_features)) X = X + noisy_features X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=float(pm_options.validation_split), random_state=42) import xgboost as xgb # Create a model that should be deployed into production final_model = xgb.XGBClassifier( max_depth=int(pm_options.max_depth), min_child_weight=int(pm_options.min_child_weight), learning_rate=float(pm_options.learning_rate), n_estimators=int(pm_options.n_estimators), silent=True, objective=str(pm_options.objective), gamma=float(pm_options.gamma), max_delta_step=int(pm_options.max_delta_step), subsample=float(pm_options.subsample), colsample_bytree=1, colsample_bylevel=1, reg_alpha=float(pm_options.reg_alpha), reg_lambda=float(pm_options.reg_lambda), scale_pos_weight=float(pm_options.scale_pos_weight), seed=1, missing=None), y_train) # Output Health Statistics to MCenter # MLOps API to report the distribution statistics of each feature in the data mlops.set_data_distribution_stat(X_train) # Accuracy for the chosen model pred_labels = final_model.predict(X_test) pred_probs = final_model.predict_proba(X_test) print("Pred Labels: ", pred_labels) print("Pred Probabilities: ", pred_probs) accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, pred_labels) print("Accuracy values: \n {0}".format(accuracy)) # Output accuracy of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("Accuracy", accuracy, st.TIME_SERIES) # Label distribution in training value, counts = np.unique(y_test, return_counts=True) label_distribution = np.asarray((value, counts)).T # column_names = value.astype(str).tolist() print("Validation Actual Label distributions: \n {0}".format( label_distribution)) # Output Label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter bar = BarGraph().name("Validation Actual Label Distribution").cols( (label_distribution[:, 0]).astype(str).tolist()).data( (label_distribution[:, 1]).tolist()) mlops.set_stat(bar) # Pred Label distribution in training pred_value, pred_counts = np.unique(pred_labels, return_counts=True) pred_label_distribution = np.asarray((pred_value, pred_counts)).T # pred_column_names = pred_value.astype(str).tolist() print("Validation Prediction Label Distributions: \n {0}".format( pred_label_distribution)) # Output Pred label distribution as a BarGraph using MCenter pred_bar = BarGraph().name( "Validation Prediction Label Distributions").cols( (pred_label_distribution[:, 0]).astype(str).tolist()).data( (pred_label_distribution[:, 1]).tolist()) mlops.set_stat(pred_bar) # ROC for the chosen model roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, pred_probs[:, 1]) print("ROC AUC values: \n {}".format(roc_auc)) # Output ROC of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("ROC AUC", roc_auc, st.TIME_SERIES) if roc_auc <= min_auc_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] AUC Violation From Training Node", "AUC Went Below {}. Current AUC Is {}".format( min_auc_requirement, roc_auc)) # ROC Curve fpr, tpr, thr = roc_curve(y_test, pred_probs[:, 1]) cg = MultiGraph().name( "Receiver Operating Characteristic ").set_continuous() cg.add_series(label='Random Curve ' '', x=fpr.tolist(), y=fpr.tolist()) cg.add_series(label='ROC Curve (Area = {0:0.2f})' ''.format(roc_auc), x=fpr.tolist(), y=tpr.tolist()) cg.x_title('False Positive Rate') cg.y_title('True Positive Rate') mlops.set_stat(cg) max_pred_probs = pred_probs.max(axis=1) # KS for the chosen model ks = ks_2samp(max_pred_probs[y_test == 1], max_pred_probs[y_test == 0]) ks_stat = ks.statistic ks_pvalue = ks.pvalue print("KS values: \n Statistics: {} \n pValue: {}\n".format( ks_stat, ks_pvalue)) # Output KS Stat of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("KS Stat", ks_stat, st.TIME_SERIES) # Raising alert if ks-stat goes above required threshold if ks_stat >= max_ks_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] KS Violation From Training Node", "KS Stat Went Above {}. Current KS Stat Is {}".format( max_ks_requirement, ks_stat)) ks_table = Table().name("KS Stats").cols(["Statistic", "pValue"]) ks_table.add_row([ks_stat, ks_pvalue]) mlops.set_stat(ks_table) # Calculating PSI total_psi, psi_table = get_psi(max_pred_probs[y_test == 1], max_pred_probs[y_test == 0]) psi_table_stat = Table().name("PSI Stats").cols([ "Base Pop", "Curr Pop", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Base Percent", "Curr Percent", "Segment PSI" ]) row_num = 1 for each_value in psi_table.values: str_values = [str(i) for i in each_value] psi_table_stat.add_row(str(row_num), str_values) row_num += 1 mlops.set_stat(psi_table_stat) print("Total PSI values: \n {}".format(total_psi)) # Output Total PSI of the chosen model using MCenter mlops.set_stat("Total PSI ", total_psi, st.TIME_SERIES) # Raising alert if total_psi goes below required threshold if total_psi <= min_psi_requirement: mlops.health_alert( "[Training] PSI Violation From Training Node", "PSI Went Below {}. Current PSI Is {}".format( min_psi_requirement, total_psi)) # Save the model import pickle model_file = open(pm_options.output_model, 'wb') pickle.dump(final_model, model_file) model_file.close() # Terminate MLOPs mlops.done()