def _plot_data(data, parameters): storm_dir, storm_spd = parameters['storm_motion'] bl_dir, bl_spd = parameters['bunkers_left'] br_dir, br_spd = parameters['bunkers_right'] u, v = vec2comp(data['wind_dir'], data['wind_spd']) alt = data['altitude'] storm_u, storm_v = vec2comp(storm_dir, storm_spd) bl_u, bl_v = vec2comp(bl_dir, bl_spd) br_u, br_v = vec2comp(br_dir, br_spd) seg_idxs = np.searchsorted(alt, _seg_hghts) seg_u = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) seg_v = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_u = np.interp([0.5], alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_v = np.interp([0.5], alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) for idx in xrange(len(_seg_hghts) - 1): idx_start = seg_idxs[idx] idx_end = seg_idxs[idx + 1] if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx]): pylab.plot([seg_u[idx], u[idx_start]], [seg_v[idx], v[idx_start]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if idx_start < len(data['rms_error']) and data['rms_error'][idx_start] == 0.: # The first segment is to the surface wind, draw it in a dashed line pylab.plot(u[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], v[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], '--', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) pylab.plot(u[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], v[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) else: pylab.plot(u[idx_start:idx_end], v[idx_start:idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx + 1]): pylab.plot([u[idx_end - 1], seg_u[idx + 1]], [v[idx_end - 1], seg_v[idx + 1]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) for upt, vpt, rms in zip(u, v, data['rms_error'])[idx_start:idx_end]: rad = np.sqrt(2) * rms circ = Circle((upt, vpt), rad, color=_seg_colors[idx], alpha=0.05) pylab.gca().add_patch(circ) pylab.plot([storm_u, u[0], ca_u], [storm_v, v[0], ca_v], 'c-', linewidth=0.75) if not (np.isnan(bl_u) or np.isnan(bl_v)): pylab.plot(bl_u, bl_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(bl_u + 0.5, bl_v - 0.5, "LM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not (np.isnan(br_u) or np.isnan(br_v)): pylab.plot(br_u, br_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(br_u + 0.5, br_v - 0.5, "RM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not (np.isnan(storm_u) or np.isnan(storm_v)) and storm_u != bl_u and storm_v != bl_v and storm_u != br_u and storm_v != br_v: pylab.plot(storm_u, storm_v, 'k+', markersize=6) pylab.text(storm_u + 0.5, storm_v - 0.5, "SM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10)
def _plot_vwp_data(data): ivals = [x * ((1 - x_start) / (len(data))) for x in range(0, len(data))] knt = 0 for iline in ivals: u, v = vec2comp(data[knt]['wind_dir'], data[knt]['wind_spd']) alt = data[knt]['altitude'] x = np.empty_like(alt) x.fill(iline) mpl.pyplot.barbs(x + x_start, (alt / max_alt) + 0.03, u, v, data[knt]['wind_spd'], length=6, cmap=_vwp_cols, clim=(_vwp_levs[0], _vwp_levs[-1]), transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, clip_on=True, zorder=4, linewidth=1.) # If the RMS exceeds _bad_rms, highlight with a red circle. Also, plot # the wind speeds as color-coded text next to the barbs for klev in range(0, len(data[knt]['wind_spd'])): rms = data[knt]['rms_error'][klev] x_loc = x[klev] + (x_start + 0.002) y_loc = (alt[klev] / max_alt) + 0.02 if rms >= _bad_rms: ring = Circle((x_loc, y_loc + 0.01), 0.01, linestyle='solid', fc='none', ec='red', linewidth=2) pylab.gca().add_patch(ring) spd = data[knt]['wind_spd'][klev] text_spd = roundup(spd) spd_idx = np.where(text_spd > _vwp_levs)[0] if len(spd_idx) == 0: spd_idx = 0 else: spd_idx = spd_idx[-1] spd_idx = np.clip(spd_idx, 0, len(_vwp_colors) - 1) pylab.text(x_loc, y_loc, str(int(spd)), transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, fontsize=9, color=_vwp_colors[spd_idx], va='bottom') knt += 1
def plot_hodograph(data, parameters, fname=None, web=False, fixed=False, archive=False): img_title = "%s VWP valid %s" % ( data.rid, data['time'].strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC")) if fname is not None: img_file_name = fname else: img_file_name = "%s_vad.png" % data.rid u, v = vec2comp(data['wind_dir'], data['wind_spd']) sat_age = 6 * 3600 if fixed or len(u) == 0: ctr_u, ctr_v = 20, 20 size = 120 else: ctr_u = u.mean() ctr_v = v.mean() size = max(u.max() - u.min(), v.max() - v.min()) + 20 size = max(120, size) min_u = ctr_u - size / 2 max_u = ctr_u + size / 2 min_v = ctr_v - size / 2 max_v = ctr_v + size / 2 now = datetime.utcnow() img_age = now - data['time'] age_cstop = min(_total_seconds(img_age) / sat_age, 1) * 0.4 age_color ='hot')(age_cstop)[:-1] age_str = "Image created on %s (%s old)" % ( now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC"), _fmt_timedelta(img_age)) pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 7.5), dpi=150) fig_wid, fig_hght = pylab.gcf().get_size_inches() fig_aspect = fig_wid / fig_hght axes_left = 0.05 axes_bot = 0.05 axes_hght = 0.9 axes_wid = axes_hght / fig_aspect pylab.axes((axes_left, axes_bot, axes_wid, axes_hght)) _plot_background(min_u, max_u, min_v, max_v) _plot_data(data, parameters) _plot_param_table(parameters, web=web) pylab.xlim(min_u, max_u) pylab.ylim(min_v, max_v) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) if not archive: pylab.title(img_title, color=age_color) pylab.text(0., -0.01, age_str, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='left', va='top', fontsize=9, color=age_color) else: pylab.title(img_title) if web: web_brand = "" pylab.text(1.0, -0.01, web_brand, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='right', va='top', fontsize=9) pylab.savefig(img_file_name, dpi=pylab.gcf().dpi) pylab.close() if web: bounds = { 'min_u': min_u, 'max_u': max_u, 'min_v': min_v, 'max_v': max_v } print(json.dumps(bounds))
def _plot_data(data, parameters): storm_dir, storm_spd = parameters['storm_motion'] bl_dir, bl_spd = parameters['bunkers_left'] br_dir, br_spd = parameters['bunkers_right'] mn_dir, mn_spd = parameters['mean_wind'] u, v = vec2comp(data['wind_dir'], data['wind_spd']) alt = data['altitude'] storm_u, storm_v = vec2comp(storm_dir, storm_spd) bl_u, bl_v = vec2comp(bl_dir, bl_spd) br_u, br_v = vec2comp(br_dir, br_spd) mn_u, mn_v = vec2comp(mn_dir, mn_spd) seg_idxs = np.searchsorted(alt, _seg_hghts) try: seg_u = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) seg_v = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_u = np.interp(0.5, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_v = np.interp(0.5, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) except ValueError: seg_u = np.nan * np.array(_seg_hghts) seg_v = np.nan * np.array(_seg_hghts) ca_u = np.nan ca_v = np.nan mkr_z = np.arange(16) mkr_u = np.interp(mkr_z, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) mkr_v = np.interp(mkr_z, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) for idx in range(len(_seg_hghts) - 1): idx_start = seg_idxs[idx] idx_end = seg_idxs[idx + 1] if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx]): pylab.plot([seg_u[idx], u[idx_start]], [seg_v[idx], v[idx_start]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if idx_start < len( data['rms_error']) and data['rms_error'][idx_start] == 0.: # The first segment is to the surface wind, draw it in a dashed line pylab.plot(u[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], v[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], '--', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) pylab.plot(u[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], v[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) else: pylab.plot(u[idx_start:idx_end], v[idx_start:idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx + 1]): pylab.plot([u[idx_end - 1], seg_u[idx + 1]], [v[idx_end - 1], seg_v[idx + 1]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) for upt, vpt, rms in list(zip(u, v, data['rms_error']))[idx_start:idx_end]: rad = np.sqrt(2) * rms circ = Circle((upt, vpt), rad, color=_seg_colors[idx], alpha=0.05) pylab.gca().add_patch(circ) pylab.plot(mkr_u, mkr_v, 'ko', ms=10) for um, vm, zm in zip(mkr_u, mkr_v, mkr_z): if not np.isnan(um): pylab.text(um, vm - 0.1, str(zm), va='center', ha='center', color='white', size=6.5, fontweight='bold') try: pylab.plot([storm_u, u[0]], [storm_v, v[0]], 'c-', linewidth=0.75) pylab.plot([u[0], ca_u], [v[0], ca_v], 'm-', linewidth=0.75) except IndexError: pass if not (np.isnan(bl_u) or np.isnan(bl_v)): pylab.plot(bl_u, bl_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(bl_u + 0.5, bl_v - 0.5, "LM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not (np.isnan(br_u) or np.isnan(br_v)): pylab.plot(br_u, br_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(br_u + 0.5, br_v - 0.5, "RM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not (np.isnan(mn_u) or np.isnan(mn_v)): pylab.plot(mn_u, mn_v, 's', color='#a04000', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(mn_u + 0.6, mn_v - 0.6, "MEAN", ha='left', va='top', color='#a04000', fontsize=10) smv_is_brm = (storm_u == br_u and storm_v == br_v) smv_is_blm = (storm_u == bl_u and storm_v == bl_v) smv_is_mnw = (storm_u == mn_u and storm_v == mn_v) if not (np.isnan(storm_u) or np.isnan(storm_v)) and not ( smv_is_brm or smv_is_blm or smv_is_mnw): pylab.plot(storm_u, storm_v, 'k+', markersize=6) pylab.text(storm_u + 0.5, storm_v - 0.5, "SM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10)
def _plot_data(data, parameters): storm_dir, storm_spd = parameters['storm_motion'] bl_dir, bl_spd = parameters['bunkers_left'] br_dir, br_spd = parameters['bunkers_right'] u, v = vec2comp(data['wind_dir'], data['wind_spd']) alt = data['altitude'] storm_u, storm_v = vec2comp(storm_dir, storm_spd) bl_u, bl_v = vec2comp(bl_dir, bl_spd) br_u, br_v = vec2comp(br_dir, br_spd) seg_idxs = np.searchsorted(alt, _seg_hghts) seg_u = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) seg_v = np.interp(_seg_hghts, alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_u = np.interp([0.5], alt, u, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) ca_v = np.interp([0.5], alt, v, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) for idx in xrange(len(_seg_hghts) - 1): idx_start = seg_idxs[idx] idx_end = seg_idxs[idx + 1] if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx]): pylab.plot([seg_u[idx], u[idx_start]], [seg_v[idx], v[idx_start]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if idx_start < len( data['rms_error']) and data['rms_error'][idx_start] == 0.: # The first segment is to the surface wind, draw it in a dashed line pylab.plot(u[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], v[idx_start:(idx_start + 2)], '--', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) pylab.plot(u[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], v[(idx_start + 1):idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) else: pylab.plot(u[idx_start:idx_end], v[idx_start:idx_end], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) if not np.isnan(seg_u[idx + 1]): pylab.plot([u[idx_end - 1], seg_u[idx + 1]], [v[idx_end - 1], seg_v[idx + 1]], '-', color=_seg_colors[idx], linewidth=1.5) for upt, vpt, rms in zip(u, v, data['rms_error'])[idx_start:idx_end]: rad = np.sqrt(2) * rms circ = Circle((upt, vpt), rad, color=_seg_colors[idx], alpha=0.05) pylab.gca().add_patch(circ) pylab.plot([storm_u, u[0], ca_u], [storm_v, v[0], ca_v], 'c-', linewidth=0.75) if not (np.isnan(bl_u) or np.isnan(bl_v)): pylab.plot(bl_u, bl_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(bl_u + 0.5, bl_v - 0.5, "LM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not (np.isnan(br_u) or np.isnan(br_v)): pylab.plot(br_u, br_v, 'ko', markersize=5, mfc='none') pylab.text(br_u + 0.5, br_v - 0.5, "RM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10) if not ( np.isnan(storm_u) or np.isnan(storm_v) ) and storm_u != bl_u and storm_v != bl_v and storm_u != br_u and storm_v != br_v: pylab.plot(storm_u, storm_v, 'k+', markersize=6) pylab.text(storm_u + 0.5, storm_v - 0.5, "SM", ha='left', va='top', color='k', fontsize=10)
def plot_vwp(data, times, parameters, fname=None, add_hodo=False, fixed=False, web=False, archive=False): img_title = "%s VWP valid ending %s" % ( data[0].rid, times[0].strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC")) if fname is not None: img_file_name = fname else: img_file_name = "%s_vwp.png" % data[0].rid sat_age = 6 * 3600 now = datetime.utcnow() img_age = now - times[0] age_cstop = min(_total_seconds(img_age) / sat_age, 1) * 0.4 age_color ='hot')(age_cstop)[:-1] age_str = "Image created on %s (%s old)" % ( now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H%M UTC"), _fmt_timedelta(img_age)) fig_aspect = 2.5714 fig_wid = 24 fig_hght = fig_wid / fig_aspect pylab.figure(figsize=(fig_wid, fig_hght), dpi=200) axes_left = 0.01 axes_bot = 0.02 axes_hght = 0.94 axes_wid = axes_hght / fig_aspect pylab.axes((axes_left, axes_bot, 0.99, axes_hght)) _plot_vwp_background(times) _plot_vwp_data(data) #_plot_param_table(parameters, web=web) pylab.xlim(0, 1.) pylab.ylim(0, 1.) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) if not archive: pylab.title(img_title, color=age_color) pylab.text(x_start, 1.03, age_str, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='left', va='top', fontsize=9, color=age_color) else: pylab.title(img_title) if web: web_brand = "" pylab.text(1.0, -0.01, web_brand, transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, ha='right', va='top', fontsize=9) if add_hodo: inset_ax = inset_axes(pylab.gca(), width="30%", height="55%", loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.63, 0, 0.85, 1), bbox_transform=pylab.gca().transAxes) u, v = vec2comp(data[0]['wind_dir'], data[0]['wind_spd']) if fixed or len(u) == 0: ctr_u, ctr_v = 20, 20 size = 120 else: ctr_u = u.mean() ctr_v = v.mean() size = max(u.max() - u.min(), v.max() - v.min()) + 20 size = max(120, size) min_u = ctr_u - size / 2 max_u = ctr_u + size / 2 min_v = ctr_v - size / 2 max_v = ctr_v + size / 2 _plot_background(min_u, max_u, min_v, max_v) _plot_data(data[0], parameters) _plot_param_table(parameters, web=web) inset_ax.set_xlim(min_u, max_u) inset_ax.set_ylim(min_v, max_v) inset_ax.set_xticks([]) inset_ax.set_yticks([]) pylab.savefig(img_file_name, dpi=pylab.gcf().dpi) pylab.close() if web: bounds = { 'min_u': min_u, 'max_u': max_u, 'min_v': min_v, 'max_v': max_v } print(json.dumps(bounds))