コード例 #1
signed_number = my_number_parser
exponent_end = (parcon.CharIn("Ee") + signed_number)["".join]
scientific_number = (signed_number + Optional(exponent_end))["".join]

term = ( scientific_number[create_number_expression] 
         | "(" + expr + ")" 
         | apply_expr
         | name_expr

term = InfixExpr(term, [("^", make_power_expression)])
term = InfixExpr(term, [("*", make_times_expression), 
                        ("/", make_divide_expression)])
term = InfixExpr(term, [("+", make_plus_expression), 
                        ("-", make_minus_expression)])

class VariableDeclaration(sbml_ast.VariableDeclaration):
  """A class to represent Bio-PEPA variable declarations"""
  def __init__(self, variable, expression):
    super(VariableDeclaration, self).__init__(variable, expression)

  def format_declaration(self):
    """A function to return a Bio-PEPA formatted string representation
       of this variable declaration
    return self.variable + " = " + self.expression.show_expr() + " ;"

def create_variable_dec(parse_result):
  """The parse action for the variable_definition parser"""
コード例 #2
ファイル: rules.py プロジェクト: wtimme/ocstyle
  return justErrors(value)

@rule('(' + -(singleBlockParam + xsp + (',' + sp(1) + singleBlockParam)[...]) + ')')
def blockParams(value):
  """Parameters to a block declaration."""
  return justErrors(value)

@rule('(^)' + xsp + blockParams)
def blockSuffix(value):
  """A suffix that, when appended to a type, makes it a block type."""
  return justErrors(value)

objcType.set(Translate(separated(simpleType + -cppTemplateValues, '::') + -blockSuffix, justErrors))

def arrayCardinality(_):
  """Matches an array cardinality specification like [4]"""
  return None

def namedVariable(nameType):
  """Creates a pattern for a named simple or block variable."""
  return (
    (objcType + xsp + nameType + -arrayCardinality) |
    (objcType + '(^' + xsp + nameType + xsp + ')' + xsp + blockParams))

コード例 #3
  return justErrors(value)

@rule('(' + xsp + -(singleBlockParam + xsp + (',' + sp(1) + singleBlockParam)[...]) + ')')
def blockParams(value):
  """Parameters to a block declaration."""
  return justErrors(value)

@rule('(^' + -(xsp + -anyIdentifier + xsp) + ')' + xsp + blockParams)
def blockSuffix(value):
  """A suffix that, when appended to a type, makes it a block type."""
  return justErrors(value)

objcType.set(Translate(separated(simpleType + -cppTemplateValues, '::') + -blockSuffix, justErrors))

def arrayCardinality(_):
  """Matches an array cardinality specification like [4]"""
  return None

def blockVariable(nameType):
  """Creates a pattern for a named block variable."""
  return (
      (compositeIdentifier + -(sp(1) + '(^' + -(xsp + nameType + xsp) + ')' + xsp + (blockParams))) |
      (objcType + '(^' + xsp + nameType + xsp + ')' + xsp + blockParams)

def namedVariable(nameType):