コード例 #1
class IrBaselineAgent(Agent):
    """Information Retrieval baseline."""
    def add_cmdline_args(parser):
        """Add command line args specific to this agent."""
        parser = parser.add_argument_group('IrBaseline Arguments')
                            help='length penalty for responses')
            help='number of utterances from the dialogue history to take use '
            'as the query')
                            help='file of candidate responses to choose from')

    def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
        """Initialize agent."""
        self.id = 'IRBaselineAgent'
        self.length_penalty = float(opt['length_penalty'])
        self.dictionary = DictionaryAgent(opt)
        self.opt = opt
        self.history = []
        self.episodeDone = True
        if opt.get('label_candidates_file'):
            f = open(opt.get('label_candidates_file'))
            self.label_candidates = f.read().split('\n')

    def reset(self):
        """Reset agent properties."""
        self.observation = None
        self.history = []
        self.episodeDone = True

    def observe(self, obs):
        """Store and remember incoming observation message dict."""
        self.observation = obs
        if self.episodeDone:
            self.history = []
        if 'text' in obs:
            self.history.append(obs.get('text', ''))
        self.episodeDone = obs.get('episode_done', False)
        return obs

    def act(self):
        """Generate a response to the previously seen observation(s)."""
        if self.opt.get('datatype', '').startswith('train'):

        obs = self.observation
        reply = {}
        reply['id'] = self.getID()

        # Rank candidates
        cands = None
        if 'label_candidates' in obs and len(obs['label_candidates']) > 0:
            cands = obs['label_candidates']
        if hasattr(self, 'label_candidates'):
            # override label candidates with candidate file if set
            cands = self.label_candidates
        if cands:
            hist_sz = self.opt.get('history_size', 1)
            left_idx = max(0, len(self.history) - hist_sz)
            text = ' '.join(self.history[left_idx:len(self.history)])
            rep = self.build_query_representation(text)
            reply['text_candidates'] = (rank_candidates(
                rep, cands, self.length_penalty, self.dictionary))
            reply['text'] = reply['text_candidates'][0]
            reply['text'] = "I don't know."
        return reply

    def save(self, fname=None):
        """Save dictionary tokenizer if available."""
        fname = self.opt.get('model_file', None) if fname is None else fname
        if fname:
            self.dictionary.save(fname + '.dict')

    def load(self, fname):
        """Load internal dictionary."""
        self.dictionary.load(fname + '.dict')

    def build_query_representation(self, query):
        """Build representation of query, e.g. words or n-grams.

        :param query: string to represent.

        :returns: dictionary containing 'words' dictionary (token => frequency)
                  and 'norm' float (square root of the number of tokens)
        rep = {}
        rep['words'] = {}
        words = [w for w in self.dictionary.tokenize(query.lower())]
        rw = rep['words']
        used = {}
        for w in words:
            if len(self.dictionary.freqs()) > 0:
                rw[w] = 1.0 / (1.0 +
                               math.log(1.0 + self.dictionary.freqs()[w]))
                if w not in stopwords:
                    rw[w] = 1
            used[w] = True
        rep['norm'] = math.sqrt(len(words))
        return rep
コード例 #2
class IrBaselineAgent(Agent):

    def add_cmdline_args(parser):
            '-lp', '--length_penalty', type=float, default=0.5,
            help='length penalty for responses')
            '-hsz', '--history_size', type=int, default=1,
            help='number of utterances from the dialogue history to take use as the query')

    def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
        self.id = 'IRBaselineAgent'
        self.length_penalty = float(opt['length_penalty'])
        self.dictionary = DictionaryAgent(opt)
        self.opt = opt
        self.history = []
        self.episodeDone = True

    def reset(self):
        self.observation = None
        self.history = []
        self.episodeDone = True

    def observe(self, obs):
        self.observation = obs
        if self.episodeDone:
            self.history = []
        if 'text' in obs:
            self.history.append(obs.get('text', ''))
        self.episodeDone = obs.get('episode_done', False)
        return obs

    def act(self):
        if self.opt.get('datatype', '').startswith('train'):

        obs = self.observation
        reply = {}
        reply['id'] = self.getID()

        # Rank candidates
        if 'label_candidates' in obs and len(obs['label_candidates']) > 0:
            # text = obs['text']
            text = ' '.join(
                self.history[max(0, len(self.history) -
                                 self.opt.get('history_size', 1)):len(self.history)])
            rep = self.build_query_representation(text)
            reply['text_candidates'] = (
                rank_candidates(rep, obs['label_candidates'],
                                self.length_penalty, self.dictionary))
            reply['text'] = reply['text_candidates'][0]
            reply['text'] = "I don't know."
        return reply

    def save(self, fname=None):
        fname = self.opt.get('model_file', None) if fname is None else fname
        if fname:
            self.dictionary.save(fname + '.dict')

    def load(self, fname):
        self.dictionary.load(fname + '.dict')

    def build_query_representation(self, query):
        """ Build representation of query, e.g. words or n-grams """
        rep = {}
        rep['words'] = {}
        words = [w for w in self.dictionary.tokenize(query.lower())]
        rw = rep['words']
        used = {}
        for w in words:
            if len(self.dictionary.freqs()) > 0:
                rw[w] = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.log(1.0 + self.dictionary.freqs()[w]))
                if w not in stopwords:
                    rw[w] = 1
            used[w] = True
        rep['norm'] = math.sqrt(len(words))
        return rep
コード例 #3
class MemnnAgent(Agent):
    """ Memory Network agent.

    def add_cmdline_args(argparser):
        argparser.add_arg('-lr', '--learning-rate', type=float, default=0.01,
            help='learning rate')
        argparser.add_arg('--embedding-size', type=int, default=128,
            help='size of token embeddings')
        argparser.add_arg('--hops', type=int, default=3,
            help='number of memory hops')
        argparser.add_arg('--mem-size', type=int, default=100,
            help='size of memory')
        argparser.add_arg('--time-features', type='bool', default=True,
            help='use time features for memory embeddings')
        argparser.add_arg('--position-encoding', type='bool', default=False,
            help='use position encoding instead of bag of words embedding')
        argparser.add_arg('--optimizer', default='adam',
            help='optimizer type (sgd|adam)')
        argparser.add_argument('--no-cuda', action='store_true', default=False,
            help='disable GPUs even if available')
        argparser.add_arg('--gpu', type=int, default=-1,
            help='which GPU device to use')

    def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
        opt['cuda'] = not opt['no_cuda'] and torch.cuda.is_available()
        if opt['cuda']:
            print('[ Using CUDA ]')

        if not shared:
            self.opt = opt
            self.id = 'MemNN'
            self.dict = DictionaryAgent(opt)
            freqs = torch.LongTensor(list(self.dict.freqs().values()))

            self.model = MemNN(opt, freqs)
            self.mem_size = opt['mem_size']
            self.loss_fn = CrossEntropyLoss()
            self.answers = [None] * opt['batchsize']

            optim_params = [p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
            if opt['optimizer'] == 'sgd':
                self.optimizer = optim.SGD(optim_params, lr=opt['learning_rate'])
            elif opt['optimizer'] == 'adam':
                self.optimizer = optim.Adam(optim_params, lr=opt['learning_rate'])
                raise NotImplementedError('Optimizer not supported.')

            if opt['cuda']:

            if opt.get('model_file') and os.path.isfile(opt['model_file']):
                print('Loading existing model parameters from ' + opt['model_file'])
            self.answers = shared['answers']

        self.episode_done = True
        self.last_cands, self.last_cands_list = None, None
        super().__init__(opt, shared)

    def share(self):
        shared = super().share()
        shared['answers'] = self.answers
        return shared

    def observe(self, observation):
        observation = copy.copy(observation)
        if not self.episode_done:
            # if the last example wasn't the end of an episode, then we need to
            # recall what was said in that example
            prev_dialogue = self.observation['text']
            batch_idx = self.opt.get('batchindex', 0)
            if self.answers[batch_idx] is not None:
                prev_dialogue += '\n' + self.answers[batch_idx]
                self.answers[batch_idx] = None
            observation['text'] = prev_dialogue + '\n' + observation['text']
        self.observation = observation
        self.episode_done = observation['episode_done']
        return observation

    def update(self, xs, ys, cands):

        # Organize inputs for network (see contents of xs and ys in batchify method)
        inputs = [xs[0], xs[1], ys[0], xs[2], xs[3], ys[1]]
        inputs = [Variable(x) for x in inputs]
        output_embeddings, answer_embeddings = self.model(*inputs)
        scores = self.score(cands, output_embeddings, answer_embeddings)

        label_inds = [cand_list.index(self.labels[i]) for i, cand_list in enumerate(cands)]
        label_inds = Variable(torch.LongTensor(label_inds))
        if self.opt['cuda']:
            label_inds = label_inds.cuda(async=True)

        loss = self.loss_fn(scores, label_inds)
        return self.ranked_predictions(cands, scores)

    def predict(self, xs, cands):

        # Organize inputs for network (see contents of xs in batchify method)
        inputs = [xs[0], xs[1], None, xs[2], xs[3], None]
        inputs = [Variable(x, volatile=True) for x in inputs]
        output_embeddings, _ = self.model(*inputs)

        scores = self.score(cands, output_embeddings)
        return self.ranked_predictions(cands, scores)

    def score(self, cands, output_embeddings, answer_embeddings=None):
        last_cand = None
        max_len = max([len(c) for c in cands])
        scores = Variable(torch.Tensor(len(cands), max_len).fill_(-float('inf')))
        if self.opt['cuda']:
            scores = scores.cuda(async=True)
        for i, cand_list in enumerate(cands):
            if last_cand != cand_list:
                candidate_lengths, candidate_indices = to_tensors(cand_list, self.dict)
                candidate_lengths, candidate_indices = Variable(candidate_lengths), Variable(candidate_indices)
                candidate_embeddings = self.model.answer_embedder(candidate_lengths, candidate_indices)
                if self.opt['cuda']:
                    candidate_embeddings = candidate_embeddings.cuda(async=True)
                last_cand = cand_list
            scores[i, :len(cand_list)] = self.model.score.one_to_many(output_embeddings[i].unsqueeze(0), candidate_embeddings)
        return scores

    def ranked_predictions(self, cands, scores):
        _, inds = scores.data.sort(descending=True, dim=1)
        return [[cands[i][j] for j in r if j < len(cands[i])]
                    for i, r in enumerate(inds)]

    def parse(self, text):
            query = tensor (vector) of token indices for query
            query_length = length of query
            memory = tensor (matrix) where each row contains token indices for a memory
            memory_lengths = tensor (vector) with lengths of each memory
        sp = text.split('\n')
        query_sentence = sp[-1]
        query = self.dict.txt2vec(query_sentence)
        query = torch.LongTensor(query)
        query_length = torch.LongTensor([len(query)])

        sp = sp[:-1]
        sentences = []
        for s in sp:
        if len(sentences) == 0:

        num_mems = min(self.mem_size, len(sentences))
        memory_sentences = sentences[-num_mems:]
        memory = [self.dict.txt2vec(s) for s in memory_sentences]
        memory = [torch.LongTensor(m) for m in memory]
        memory_lengths = torch.LongTensor([len(m) for m in memory])
        memory = torch.cat(memory)

        return (query, memory, query_length, memory_lengths)

    def batchify(self, obs):
            xs = [memories, queries, memory_lengths, query_lengths]
            ys = [labels, label_lengths] (if available, else None)
            cands = list of candidates for each example in batch
            valid_inds = list of indices for examples with valid observations
        exs = [ex for ex in obs if 'text' in ex]
        valid_inds = [i for i, ex in enumerate(obs) if 'text' in ex]

        parsed = [self.parse(ex['text']) for ex in exs]
        queries = torch.cat([x[0] for x in parsed])
        memories = torch.cat([x[1] for x in parsed])
        query_lengths = torch.cat([x[2] for x in parsed])
        memory_lengths = torch.LongTensor(len(exs), self.mem_size).zero_()
        for i in range(len(exs)):
            if len(parsed[i][3]) > 0:
                memory_lengths[i, -len(parsed[i][3]):] = parsed[i][3]
        xs = [memories, queries, memory_lengths, query_lengths]

        ys = None
        self.labels = [random.choice(ex['labels']) for ex in exs if 'labels' in ex]
        if len(self.labels) == len(exs):
            parsed = [self.dict.txt2vec(l) for l in self.labels]
            parsed = [torch.LongTensor(p) for p in parsed]
            label_lengths = torch.LongTensor([len(p) for p in parsed]).unsqueeze(1)
            labels = torch.cat(parsed)
            ys = [labels, label_lengths]

        cands = [ex['label_candidates'] for ex in exs if 'label_candidates' in ex]
        # Use words in dict as candidates if no candidates are provided
        if len(cands) < len(exs):
            cands = build_cands(exs, self.dict)
        # Avoid rebuilding candidate list every batch if its the same
        if self.last_cands != cands:
            self.last_cands = cands
            self.last_cands_list = [list(c) for c in cands]
        cands = self.last_cands_list

        return xs, ys, cands, valid_inds

    def batch_act(self, observations):
        batchsize = len(observations)
        batch_reply = [{'id': self.getID()} for _ in range(batchsize)]

        xs, ys, cands, valid_inds = self.batchify(observations)

        if len(xs[1]) == 0:
            return batch_reply

        # Either train or predict
        if ys is not None:
            predictions = self.update(xs, ys, cands)
            predictions = self.predict(xs, cands)

        for i in range(len(valid_inds)):
            self.answers[valid_inds[i]] = predictions[i][0]
            batch_reply[valid_inds[i]]['text'] = predictions[i][0]
            batch_reply[valid_inds[i]]['text_candidates'] = predictions[i]
        return batch_reply

    def act(self):
        return self.batch_act([self.observation])[0]

    def save(self, path=None):
        path = self.opt.get('model_file', None) if path is None else path

        if path:
            model_state = self.model.state_dict()
            optim_state = self.optimizer.state_dict()
            with open(path, 'wb') as write:
                torch.save((model_state, optim_state), write)

    def load(self, path):
        with open(path, 'rb') as read:
            (model, optim) = torch.load(read)
コード例 #4
ファイル: ir_baseline.py プロジェクト: ahiroto/ParlAI
class IrBaselineAgent(Agent):

    def add_cmdline_args(parser):
            '-lp', '--length_penalty', default=0.5,
            help='length penalty for responses')

    def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
        self.id = 'IRBaselineAgent'
        self.length_penalty = float(opt['length_penalty'])
        self.dictionary = DictionaryAgent(opt)
        self.opt = opt

    def observe(self, obs):
        self.observation = obs
        return obs

    def act(self):
        if self.opt.get('datatype', '').startswith('train'):

        obs = self.observation
        reply = {}
        reply['id'] = self.getID()

        # Rank candidates
        if 'label_candidates' in obs and len(obs['label_candidates']) > 0:
            rep = self.build_query_representation(obs['text'])
            reply['text_candidates'] = (
                rank_candidates(rep, obs['label_candidates'],
                                self.length_penalty, self.dictionary))
            reply['text'] = reply['text_candidates'][0]
            reply['text'] = "I don't know."
        return reply

    def save(self, fname=None):
        fname = self.opt.get('model_file', None) if fname is None else fname
        if fname:
            self.dictionary.save(fname + '.dict')

    def load(self, fname):
        self.dictionary.load(fname + '.dict')

    def build_query_representation(self, query):
        """ Build representation of query, e.g. words or n-grams """
        rep = {}
        rep['words'] = {}
        words = [w for w in self.dictionary.tokenize(query.lower())]
        rw = rep['words']
        used = {}
        for w in words:
            if len(self.dictionary.freqs()) > 0:
                rw[w] = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.log(1.0 + self.dictionary.freqs()[w]))
                if w not in stopwords:
                    rw[w] = 1
            used[w] = True
        norm = len(used)
        rep['norm'] = math.sqrt(len(words))
        return rep
コード例 #5
ファイル: ir_baseline.py プロジェクト: rikima/ParlAI
class IrBaselineAgent(Agent):
    def add_cmdline_args(parser):
                            help='length penalty for responses')

    def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
        self.id = 'IRBaselineAgent'
        self.length_penalty = float(opt['length_penalty'])
        self.dictionary = DictionaryAgent(opt)
        self.opt = opt

    def observe(self, obs):
        self.observation = obs
        return obs

    def act(self):
        if self.opt.get('datatype', '').startswith('train'):

        obs = self.observation
        reply = {}
        reply['id'] = self.getID()

        # Rank candidates
        if 'label_candidates' in obs and len(obs['label_candidates']) > 0:
            rep = self.build_query_representation(obs['text'])
            reply['text_candidates'] = (rank_candidates(
                rep, obs['label_candidates'], self.length_penalty,
            reply['text'] = reply['text_candidates'][0]
            reply['text'] = "I don't know."
        return reply

    def save(self, fname=None):
        fname = self.opt.get('model_file', None) if fname is None else fname
        if fname:
            self.dictionary.save(fname + '.dict')

    def load(self, fname):
        self.dictionary.load(fname + '.dict')

    def build_query_representation(self, query):
        """ Build representation of query, e.g. words or n-grams """
        rep = {}
        rep['words'] = {}
        words = [w for w in self.dictionary.tokenize(query.lower())]
        rw = rep['words']
        used = {}
        for w in words:
            if len(self.dictionary.freqs()) > 0:
                rw[w] = 1.0 / (1.0 +
                               math.log(1.0 + self.dictionary.freqs()[w]))
                if w not in stopwords:
                    rw[w] = 1
            used[w] = True
        norm = len(used)
        rep['norm'] = math.sqrt(len(words))
        return rep