コード例 #1
def publish():
    Copy current draft xml file to the public location for document files.
    print 'edit::publish:'
    filename = session.filename
    return BookManager.publish(filename)
コード例 #2
def publish():
    Copy current draft xml file to the public location for document files.
    print 'edit::publish:'
    filename = session.filename
    return BookManager.publish(filename)
コード例 #3
def index():
    session.filename = request.args[0]
    filename = session.filename


    # get parsed document info
    info, p = _get_bookinfo(filename)
    #get title of document
    title = info['book']['title']

    buttons = {'renumber units': URL('edit', 'renumber', args=[filename]),
               'publish': URL('edit', 'publish', args=[filename])}

    return {'filename': filename,
            'buttons': buttons,
            'title': title}
コード例 #4
def index():
    session.filename = request.args[0]
    filename = session.filename


    # get parsed document info
    info, p = _get_bookinfo(filename)
    #get title of document
    title = info['book']['title']

    buttons = {
        'renumber units': URL('edit', 'renumber', args=[filename]),
        'publish': URL('edit', 'publish', args=[filename])

    return {'filename': filename, 'buttons': buttons, 'title': title}
コード例 #5
def renumber():
    Renumber units and options throughout the current document.

    Units must be numbered consecutively and options must be numbered starting
    at 0 within each unit.
    print 'edit::renumber:'
    filename = session.filename
    return BookManager.renumber_units(filename)
コード例 #6
def renumber():
    Renumber units and options throughout the current document.

    Units must be numbered consecutively and options must be numbered starting
    at 0 within each unit.
    print 'edit::renumber:'
    filename = session.filename
    return BookManager.renumber_units(filename)