コード例 #1
def parse_transactions(account_name, data_filetext):
    unparsed_transactions = data_filetext.split('\n')

    # parse all transactions for all valid lines in the data file
    parsed_transactions = []
    for unparsed in unparsed_transactions:
        # avoid lines with comments, irrelevant information, or empty lines
        if '#' in unparsed or not unparsed.strip() or ('SetStatus' in unparsed):

        # build a transaction object with the line as the input
        # this is the where the majority of the data parsing is done
        parsed = Transaction(unparsed)

    # only allow single order transactions, at least for now
    allowed_transactions = ['D']
    valid_parsed_transactions = [item for item in parsed_transactions if
                                 item.properties['MsgType'] in allowed_transactions]

    # Maketake fee lookup
    for valid_transaction in valid_parsed_transactions:
        properties = valid_transaction.properties
        side = properties['Side']
        exchange = properties['ExDestination']

        # liquidity is being added if true, else it is taking liquidity
        liquidity_bool = bool(side == '2')

        # Manage the maketake portion. Maketake fees are initially set by the parser, and are updated when a new
        # maketake is uploaded. This could be handled by the front-end, but that would slow down the creation of
        # reports. Instead we opted to handle the semi-rare event of changes to the maketakes at upload-time.
        maketake_filetext = maketake_utility.find_maketake(account_name, valid_transaction)

        # At least a start-up maketake should exist, so don't forget to have at least one available at the start
        if not maketake_filetext:
            print "No valid maketake was found for the transaction's transaction time"
            print valid_transaction
            return []

        # Parse the maketake file, search for the appropriate fee, and set the fee on the transaction
        maketake_fee_searcher = MakeTakeParser().parse_maketake(maketake_filetext)
        found_maketake_fee = maketake_fee_searcher.lookup(exchange, liquidity_bool)
        valid_transaction.properties['maketake_fee'] = found_maketake_fee

    # return the list of valid transactions parsed from the data file
    return valid_parsed_transactions
コード例 #2
def parse_maketake(data_file):
    parser = MakeTakeParser()
    return parser.parse_maketake(data_file)