コード例 #1
    def getEquationComponents(self, equation_str):
        component_structure_grammar = r"""
		entry = component / subscript_definition / lookup_definition
		component = name _ subscriptlist? _ "=" _ expression
		subscript_definition = name _ ":" _ subscript _ ("," _ subscript)*
		lookup_definition = name _ &"(" _ expression  # uses lookahead assertion to capture whole group

		name = basic_id / escape_group
		subscriptlist = '[' _ subscript _ ("," _ subscript)* _ ']'
		expression = ~r".*"  # expression could be anything, at this point.

		subscript = basic_id / escape_group

		basic_id = ~r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\s]*"
		escape_group = "\"" ( "\\\"" / ~r"[^\"]" )* "\""
		_ = ~r"[\s\\]*"  # whitespace character

        # replace any amount of whitespace  with a single space
        equation_str = equation_str.replace('\\t', ' ')
        equation_str = re.sub(r"\s+", ' ', equation_str)

        parser = parsimonious.Grammar(component_structure_grammar)
        tree = parser.parse(equation_str)

        parse_object = ComponentParser(tree)

        return {
            'real_name': parse_object.real_name,
            'subs': parse_object.subscripts,
            'expr': parse_object.expression,
            'kind': parse_object.kind
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, model_namespace=None, subscript_dict=None):
        if model_namespace is None:
            model_namespace = {}

        if subscript_dict is None:
            subscript_dict = {}

        self.model_namespace = model_namespace
        self.subscript_dict = subscript_dict
        self.extended_model_namespace = {
            key.replace(' ', '_'): value for key, value in self.model_namespace.items()}

        # ===
        # 3.5.5 Time Functions
        # http://docs.oasis-open.org/xmile/xmile/v1.0/csprd01/xmile-v1.0-csprd01.html#_Toc398039984
        # ===
        self.extended_model_namespace.update({'dt': 'time_step'})
        self.extended_model_namespace.update({'starttime': 'initial_time'})
        self.extended_model_namespace.update({'endtime': 'final_time'})

        grammar = pkg_resources.resource_string("pysd", "py_backend/xmile/smile.grammar")
        grammar = grammar.decode('ascii').format(

        self.grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(grammar)
コード例 #3
def get_host_dicts(full_text):
    """ Return a list of dictionaries representing vagrant VMs (hosts).
    These dictionaries have keys defined by the first word in a line, and values
    that are the rest of that line, e.g.
    `{ "Host": "control", "Hostname": "", "Port": 2200, ... }`.
    Appropriate fields will be parsed as their native types, specifically "Port"
    will be parsed as an int.
    # Parsimonious grammar, similar to BNF:
    # https://github.com/erikrose/parsimonious
    return Walker(
      output         = block+
      block          = newline* first_line line+ last_line?
      line           = port_line / arbitrary_line
      # Only the first line is unindented
      first_line     = key             whitespace1 hostname    newline
      port_line      = whitespace2 key whitespace1 port_number newline
      arbitrary_line = whitespace2 key whitespace1 value       newline
      # last_line only gets called when the last line has no trailing newline,
      # e.g. it won't be called if there's another block following.
      last_line      = whitespace2 key whitespace1 value
      key            = ~"[A-z]+"
      # Values are arbitrary and can be paths, ints, etc.
      value          = ~".+"
      newline        = ~"\n"
      whitespace1    = ~"\s"
      whitespace2    = ~"\s\s"
      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname#Restrictions_on_valid_host_names
      hostname       = ~"[A-z0-9-]+"i
      # Port numbers are in the range 1~65000
      port_number    = ~"[0-9]{1,5}"
コード例 #4
def parse_lookup_expression(element, subscript_dict):
    """ This syntax parses lookups that are defined with their own element """

    lookup_grammar = r"""
    lookup = _ "(" _ (regularLookup / excelLookup) _ ")"
    regularLookup = range? _ ( "(" _ number _ "," _ number _ ")" _ ","? _ )+
    excelLookup = ~"GET( |_)(XLS|DIRECT)( |_)LOOKUPS"I _ "(" _ args (_ "," _ args)* _ ")"
    args = ~r"[^,()]*"
    number = ("+"/"-")? ~r"\d+\.?\d*(e[+-]\d+)?"
    _ =  ~r"[\s\\]*" #~r"[\ \t\n]*" #~r"[\s\\]*"  # whitespace character
    range = _ "[" ~r"[^\]]*" "]" _ ","
    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(lookup_grammar)
    tree = parser.parse(element['expr'])

    class LookupParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.translation = ""
            self.new_structure = []

        def visit__(self, n, vc):
            # remove whitespace
            return ''

        def visit_regularLookup(self, n, vc):

            pairs = max(vc, key=len)
            mixed_list = pairs.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',')
            xs = mixed_list[::2]
            ys = mixed_list[1::2]
            string = "functions.lookup(x, [%(xs)s], [%(ys)s])" % {
                'xs': ','.join(xs),
                'ys': ','.join(ys)
            self.translation = string

        def visit_excelLookup(self, n, vc):

            source = vc[4]
            _, name, col, cell = [i.strip() for i in vc[5].split(',')]
            args = [source, name, col, cell]

            trans, structure = builders["get xls lookups"](element,

            self.translation = trans
            self.new_structure += structure

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text

    parse_object = LookupParser(tree)
    return ({
        'py_expr': parse_object.translation,
        'arguments': 'x'
    }, parse_object.new_structure)
コード例 #5
def format_templates(format_str: str, templates: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
    grammar = r'''
        expression  = (token/alternative)*
        token       = group/raw_text/variable
        group       = group_start (alternative/token)* group_end
        alternative = token("|"token)+
        raw_text    = word
        variable    = "%"word"%"

        word        = ~"[^%\[\]\|]+"i
        group_start = "["
        group_end   = "]"

    class EntryParser(parsimonious.nodes.NodeVisitor):
        def __init__(self, templates):
            self.templates = templates

        def visit_expression(self, _node, visited_children):
            flattened = flatten(visited_children)
            return ''.join(child for child in flattened if child)

        def visit_group(self, _node, visited_children):
            flattened = flatten(visited_children)
            return (''.join(flattened) if all(flattened) else '')

        def visit_alternative(self, _node, visited_children):
            flattened = flatten(visited_children)
            for child in flattened:
                if child:
                    return child
            return ''

        def visit_variable(self, node, _visited_children):
            var_name = node.children[1].text
            return self.templates.get(var_name, '')

        def visit_raw_text(self, node, _visited_children):
            return node.text

        def visit_word(self, node, _visited_children):
            return node.text

        def generic_visit(self, _node, visited_children):
            return visited_children

        ast = parsimonious.Grammar(grammar).parse(format_str)
        return EntryParser(templates).visit(ast)
    except (parsimonious.exceptions.ParseError,
        raise FormatError('Bad format string')
コード例 #6
    def getModelElements(self, model_str):
        model_structure_grammar = r"""
		model = (entry / section)+ sketch?
		entry = element "~" element "~" element ("~" element)? "|"
		section = element "~" element "|"
		sketch = ~r".*"  #anything

		# Either an escape group, or a character that is not tilde or pipe
		element = (escape_group / ~r"[^~|]")*

		# between quotes, either escaped quote or character that is not a quote
		escape_group = "\"" ( "\\\"" / ~r"[^\"]" )* "\""
        parser = parsimonious.Grammar(model_structure_grammar)
        tree = parser.parse(model_str)

        return ModelParser(tree).entries
コード例 #7
def to_ast(s):
    grammar = parsimonious.Grammar("""\
    term = boolean / function / atom / list / tuple / number / bitstring / string
    _ = ~"\s*"
    list = ("[" _ term (_ "," _ term)* _ "]") / ("[" _ "]")
    tuple = ("{" _ term (_ "," _ term)* _ "}") / ("{" _ "}")
    atom = ~"[a-z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*" / ("'" ~"[^']*" "'")
    number = ~"\-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e\-?[0-9]+)?"
    boolean = "true" / "false"
    bitstring = ("<<" _ (byte _ "," _)* byte _ ">>") / ("<<" _ (byte _ "," _)* bitexp  _ ">>") / ("<<" bitstr ">>")
    bitexp = byte ":" byte
    byte = ~"[0-9]+"
    string = '"' ~r'(\\\\"|[^"])*' '"'
    bitstr = '"' ~r'(\\\\"|[^"])*' '"'
    function = "fun" point (_ ";" _ point)* _ "end"
    point = ("(" _ (term (_ "," _ term)*)? _ ")" _ "->" _ term) / ("(" _ any (_ "," _ any)* ")" _ "->" _ term)
    any = "_"
    return grammar.parse(s)
コード例 #8
    def getFileSections(self, file_str):
        file_structure_grammar = r"""
		file = encoding? (macro / main)+
		macro = ":MACRO:" _ name _ "(" _ (name _ ","? _)+ _ ":"? _ (name _ ","? _)* _ ")" ~r".+?(?=:END OF MACRO:)" ":END OF MACRO:"
		main = !":MACRO:" ~r".+(?!:MACRO:)"

		name = basic_id / escape_group
		basic_id = ~r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\s]*"

		# between quotes, either escaped quote or character that is not a quote
		escape_group = "\"" ( "\\\"" / ~r"[^\"]" )* "\""
		encoding = ~r"\{[^\}]*\}"

		_ = ~r"[\s\\]*"  # whitespace character
		"""  # the leading 'r' for 'raw' in this string is important for handling backslashes properly

        parser = parsimonious.Grammar(file_structure_grammar)
        tree = parser.parse(file_str)

        return FileParser(tree).entries
コード例 #9
def parse_lookup_expression(element):
    """ This syntax parses lookups that are defined with their own element """

    lookup_grammar = r"""
    lookup = _ "(" range? _ ( "(" _ number _ "," _ number _ ")" _ ","? _ )+ ")"
    number = ("+"/"-")? ~r"\d+\.?\d*(e[+-]\d+)?"
    _ = ~r"[\s\\]*"  # whitespace character
	range = _ "[" ~r"[^\]]*" "]" _ ","
    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(lookup_grammar)
    tree = parser.parse(element['expr'])

    class LookupParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.translation = ""
            self.new_structure = []

        def visit__(self, n, vc):
            # remove whitespace
            return ''

        def visit_lookup(self, n, vc):
            pairs = max(vc, key=len)
            mixed_list = pairs.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',')
            xs = mixed_list[::2]
            ys = mixed_list[1::2]
            string = "functions.lookup(x, [%(xs)s], [%(ys)s])" % {
                'xs': ','.join(xs),
                'ys': ','.join(ys)
            self.translation = string

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text

    parse_object = LookupParser(tree)
    return {'py_expr': parse_object.translation,
            'arguments': 'x'}
コード例 #10
# USAGE_PATTERN = "[ FILE <another-argument> ]"


def to_str(node):
    if node.children:
        return ''.join([to_str(child) for child in node])
        return node.text


slurp = lambda fname: [(f.read(), f.close()) for f in [open(fname, 'r')]][0][0]

if True:
    grammar = slurp(GRAMMAR_FILE)
    g = parsimonious.Grammar(grammar)
    import bootstrap
    g = bootstrap.docopt_grammar


# print( '    ' + str(eval(to_str(AST))) )
# print( '    ' + to_str(AST) )

コード例 #11

grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(r"""
type = tuple_type / basic_type

tuple_type = components arrlist?
components = non_zero_tuple / zero_tuple

non_zero_tuple = "(" type next_type* ")"
next_type = "," type

zero_tuple = "()"

basic_type = base sub? arrlist?

base = alphas

sub = two_size / digits
two_size = (digits "x" digits)

arrlist = (const_arr / dynam_arr)+
const_arr = "[" digits "]"
dynam_arr = "[]"

alphas = ~"[A-Za-z]+"
digits = ~"[1-9][0-9]*"

class NodeVisitor(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
コード例 #12
 def __init__(self):
     self._grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(CPPTypeNameChecker.PEG_GRAMMAR)
     self._known_names = set(CPPTypeNameChecker.KNOWN_BASIC_TYPE_NAMES)
コード例 #13
ファイル: pts.py プロジェクト: zeromind/bubblesub
class _PtsNodeVisitor(_AsyncNodeVisitor):
    unwrapped_exceptions = (CommandError, )
    grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(GRAMMAR)

    def __init__(self, api: Api, origin: Optional[int]) -> None:
        self._api = api
        self._origin = origin

    # --- grammar features ---

    async def generic_visit(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        if not node.expr_name and not node.children:
            return node.text
        return _flatten(visited)

    async def visit_unary_operation(self, node: Any,
                                    visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        operator, time = _flatten(visited)
        if self._origin is not None:
            return await self.visit_binary_operation(
                node, [_Time(self._origin), operator, time])
        if operator == "-":
            time.value *= -1
        return time

    async def visit_binary_operation(self, node: Any,
                                     visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        time1, operator, time2 = _flatten(visited)
            func = {"+": _Time.add, "-": _Time.sub}[operator]
        except LookupError as ex:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown operator: {operator}") from ex
        return func(time1, time2, self._api)

    async def visit_line(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _flatten(visited)[0].unpack(self._api)

    # --- basic tokens ---

    async def visit_integer(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return int(node.text)

    async def visit_decimal(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return float(node.text)

    async def visit_rel(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
            return {
                "c": _Token.CURRENT,
                "p": _Token.PREVIOUS,
                "n": _Token.NEXT,
                "f": _Token.FIRST,
                "l": _Token.LAST,
        except LookupError as ex:
            raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown relation: {node.text}") from ex

    async def visit_start(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _Token.START

    async def visit_end(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _Token.END

    # --- times ---

    async def visit_milliseconds(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _Time(_flatten(visited)[0])

    async def visit_seconds(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _Time(int(_flatten(visited)[0] * 1000))

    async def visit_minutes(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        visited = _flatten(visited)
        minutes = visited[0]
        seconds = visited[2] if len(visited) >= 3 and visited[2] else 0
        seconds += minutes * 60
        return _Time(int(seconds * 1000))

    async def visit_colon_time(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        value = float("0." + (node.match.group("ms") or "0"))
        value += int(node.match.group("s") or "0")
        value += int(node.match.group("m") or "0") * 60
        value += int(node.match.group("h") or "0") * 3600
        return _Time(int(value * 1000))

    async def visit_subtitle(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        _, num, boundary = _flatten(visited)
        idx = max(1, min(num, len(self._api.subs.events))) - 1
            sub = self._api.subs.events[idx]
        except IndexError:
            sub = None
        return _Time(_Token.start_end(sub, boundary) if sub else 0)

    async def visit_frame(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        num, _ = _flatten(visited)
        return _Time(num, _TimeUnit.FRAME)

    async def visit_keyframe(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        num, _ = _flatten(visited)
        return _Time(num, _TimeUnit.KEYFRAME)

    async def visit_rel_subtitle(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        direction, _, boundary = _flatten(visited)
        sub: Optional[AssEvent]
            if direction == _Token.FIRST:
                sub = self._api.subs.events[0]
            elif direction == _Token.LAST:
                sub = self._api.subs.events[-1]
                sub = self._api.subs.selected_events[0]
                sub = _Token.prev_next(sub, direction)
        except LookupError:
            sub = None
        return _Time(_Token.start_end(sub, boundary) if sub else 0)

    async def visit_rel_frame(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        direction, _ = _flatten(visited)
        origin = self._api.playback.current_pts
        if direction == _Token.FIRST:
            return _Time(1, _TimeUnit.FRAME)
        if direction == _Token.LAST:
            current_stream = self._api.video.current_stream
            if not current_stream or not current_stream.timecodes:
                raise CommandError("timecode information is not available")
            return _Time(len(current_stream.timecodes), _TimeUnit.FRAME)
        if direction == _Token.CURRENT:
            return _Time(origin)
        delta = _Token.delta_from_direction(direction)
        return _Time(_apply_frame(self._api, origin, delta))

    async def visit_rel_keyframe(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        direction, _ = _flatten(visited)
        origin = self._api.playback.current_pts
        if direction == _Token.FIRST:
            return _Time(1, _TimeUnit.KEYFRAME)
        if direction == _Token.LAST:
            current_stream = self._api.video.current_stream
            if not current_stream or not current_stream.keyframes:
                raise CommandError("timecode information is not available")
            return _Time(
        delta = _Token.delta_from_direction(direction)
        return _Time(_apply_keyframe(self._api, origin, delta))

    async def visit_audio_selection(self, node: Any,
                                    visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        _, boundary = _flatten(visited)
        if boundary == _Token.START:
            return _Time(self._api.audio.view.selection_start)
        if boundary == _Token.END:
            return _Time(self._api.audio.view.selection_end)
        raise NotImplementedError(f'unknown boundary: "{boundary}"')

    async def visit_audio_view(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        _, boundary = _flatten(visited)
        if boundary == _Token.START:
            return _Time(self._api.audio.view.view_start)
        if boundary == _Token.END:
            return _Time(self._api.audio.view.view_end)
        raise NotImplementedError(f'unknown boundary: "{boundary}"')

    async def visit_default_duration(self, node: Any,
                                     visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _Time(self._api.cfg.opt["subs"]["default_duration"])

    async def visit_min(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _Time(0)

    async def visit_max(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        return _Time(self._api.playback.max_pts)

    async def visit_dialog(self, node: Any, visited: list[Any]) -> Any:
        ret = await self._api.gui.exec(
            show_radio=self._origin is not None,
        if ret is None:
            raise CommandCanceled

        value, is_relative = ret
        if is_relative:
            assert self._origin is not None
            return _Time(self._origin + value)
        return _Time(value)
コード例 #14
 def test_json(self):
     res=parsimonious.Grammar(JSON).parse('{"x":1, "y":[0,1,2]}')
コード例 #15
 def __init__(self, grammar, infilename):
     self.filename = infilename[:-4] + '.py'
     self.grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(grammar)
コード例 #16
ファイル: vensim2py.py プロジェクト: dianlutfiana/PSYD
def get_equation_components(equation_str):
    Breaks down a string representing only the equation part of a model element.
    Recognizes the various types of model elements that may exist, and identifies them.

    equation_str : basestring
        the first section in each model element - the full equation.

    Returns a dictionary containing the following:

    real_name: basestring
        The name of the element as given in the original vensim file

    subs: list of strings
        list of subscripts or subscript elements

    expr: basestring

    kind: basestring
        What type of equation have we found?
        - *component* - normal model expression or constant
        - *lookup* - a lookup table
        - *subdef* - a subscript definition

    >>> get_equation_components(r'constant = 25')
    {'expr': '25', 'kind': 'component', 'subs': [], 'real_name': 'constant'}

    in this function we dont create python identifiers, we use real names.
    This is so that when everything comes back together, we can manage
    any potential namespace conflicts properly

    component_structure_grammar = _include_common_grammar(r"""
    entry = component / subscript_definition / lookup_definition
    component = name _ subscriptlist? _ "=" _ expression
    subscript_definition = name _ ":" _ subscript _ ("," _ subscript)*
    lookup_definition = name _ &"(" _ expression  # uses lookahead assertion to capture whole group

    name = basic_id / escape_group
    subscriptlist = '[' _ subscript _ ("," _ subscript)* _ ']'
    expression = ~r".*"  # expression could be anything, at this point.

    subscript = basic_id / escape_group

    # replace any amount of whitespace  with a single space
    equation_str = equation_str.replace('\\t', ' ')
    equation_str = re.sub(r"\s+", ' ', equation_str)

    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(component_structure_grammar)
    tree = parser.parse(equation_str)

    class ComponentParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.subscripts = []
            self.real_name = None
            self.expression = None
            self.kind = None

        def visit_subscript_definition(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'subdef'

        def visit_lookup_definition(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'lookup'

        def visit_component(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'component'

        def visit_name(self, n, vc):
            (name, ) = vc
            self.real_name = name.strip()

        def visit_subscript(self, n, vc):
            (subscript, ) = vc

        def visit_expression(self, n, vc):
            self.expression = n.text.strip()

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text

        def visit__(self, n, vc):
            return ' '

    parse_object = ComponentParser(tree)

    return {
        'real_name': parse_object.real_name,
        'subs': parse_object.subscripts,
        'expr': parse_object.expression,
        'kind': parse_object.kind
コード例 #17
def parse_general_expression(element, namespace=None, subscript_dict=None,
                             macro_list=None, elements_subs_dict=None):
    Parses a normal expression
    # its annoying that we have to construct and compile the grammar every time...

    element: dictionary

    namespace : dictionary

    subscript_dict : dictionary

    macro_list: list of dictionaries
        [{'name': 'M', 'py_name':'m', 'filename':'path/to/file', 'args':['arg1', 'arg2']}]

    elements_subs_dict : dictionary
        The dictionary with element python names as keys and their merged
        subscripts as values.


    new_elements: list of dictionaries
        If the expression contains builder functions, those builders will
        create new elements to add to our running list (that will eventually
        be output to a file) such as stock initialization and derivative
        funcs, etc.

    >>> parse_general_expression({'expr': 'INTEG (FlowA, -10)',
    ...                           'py_name':'test_stock',
    ...                           'subs':None},
    ...                          {'FlowA': 'flowa'}),
    ({'kind': 'component', 'py_expr': "_state['test_stock']"},
     [{'kind': 'implicit',
       'subs': None,
       'doc': 'Provides initial conditions for test_stock function',
       'py_name': 'init_test_stock',
       'real_name': None,
       'unit': 'See docs for test_stock',
       'py_expr': '-10'},
      {'py_name': 'dtest_stock_dt',
       'kind': 'implicit',
       'py_expr': 'flowa',
       'real_name': None}])

    if namespace is None:
        namespace = {}
    if subscript_dict is None:
        subscript_dict = {}

    in_ops = {
        "+": "+", "-": "-", "*": "*", "/": "/", "^": "**", "=": "==",
        "<=": "<=", "<>": "!=", "<": "<", ">=": ">=", ">": ">",
        ":and:": " and ", ":or:": " or "}  # spaces important for word-based operators

    pre_ops = {
        "-": "-", ":not:": " not ",  # spaces important for word-based operators
        "+": " "  # space is important, so that and empty string doesn't slip through generic

    # in the following, if lists are empty use non-printable character
    # everything needs to be escaped before going into the grammar, in case it includes quotes
    sub_names_list = [re.escape(x) for x in subscript_dict.keys()] or ['\\a']
    sub_elems_list = [re.escape(y).replace('"', "") for x in subscript_dict.values() for y in x] or ['\\a']
    ids_list = [re.escape(x) for x in namespace.keys()] or ['\\a']
    in_ops_list = [re.escape(x) for x in in_ops.keys()]
    pre_ops_list = [re.escape(x) for x in pre_ops.keys()]
    if macro_list is not None and len(macro_list) > 0:
        macro_names_list = [re.escape(x['name']) for x in macro_list]
        macro_names_list = ['\\a']

    expression_grammar = _include_common_grammar(r"""
    expr_type = array / expr / empty
    expr = _ pre_oper? _ (lookup_def / build_call / macro_call / call / lookup_call / parens / number / string / reference) _ (in_oper _ expr)?

    lookup_def = lookup_with_def / lookup_regular_def
    lookup_regular_def = range? _ ( "(" _ number _ "," _ number _ ")" _ ","? _ )+
    number = ("+"/"-")? ~r"\d+\.?\d*(e[+-]\d+)?"
	range = _ "[" ~r"[^\]]*" "]" _ ","
    lookup_with_def = ~r"(WITH\ LOOKUP)"I _ "(" _ expr _ "," _ "(" _  ("[" ~r"[^\]]*" "]" _ ",")?  ( "(" _ expr _ "," _ expr _ ")" _ ","? _ )+ _ ")" _ ")"
    lookup_call = lookup_call_subs _ "(" _ (expr _ ","? _)* ")"  # these don't need their args parsed...
    lookup_call_subs = id _ subscript_list?

    param = (expr)+

    call = func _ "(" _ (param _ ","? _)* ")"  # these don't need their args parsed...
    build_call = builder _ "(" _ arguments _ ")"
    macro_call = macro _ "(" _ arguments _ ")"
    parens   = "(" _ expr _ ")"

    arguments = (expr _ ","? _)*

    reference = id _ subscript_list?
    subscript_list = "[" _ ~"\""? _ ((sub_name / sub_element) _ ~"\""? _ "!"? _ ","? _)+ _ "]"

    array = (number _ ("," / ";")? _)+ !~r"."  # negative lookahead for anything other than an array
    string = "\'" ( "\\\'" / ~r"[^\']"IU )* "\'"

    id = ( basic_id / escape_group )

    sub_name = ~r"(%(sub_names)s)"IU  # subscript names (if none, use non-printable character)
    sub_element = ~r"(%(sub_elems)s)"IU  # subscript elements (if none, use non-printable character)

    func = ~r"(%(funcs)s)"IU  # functions (case insensitive)
    in_oper = ~r"(%(in_ops)s)"IU  # infix operators (case insensitive)
    pre_oper = ~r"(%(pre_ops)s)"IU  # prefix operators (case insensitive)
    builder = ~r"(%(builders)s)"IU  # builder functions (case insensitive)
    macro = ~r"(%(macros)s)"IU  # macros from model file (if none, use non-printable character)

    empty = "" # empty string
    """ % {
        # In the following, we have to sort keywords in decreasing order of length so that the
        # peg parser doesn't quit early when finding a partial keyword
        'sub_names': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(sub_names_list, key=len))),
        'sub_elems': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(sub_elems_list, key=len))),
        'funcs': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(functions.keys(), key=len))),
        'in_ops': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(in_ops_list, key=len))),
        'pre_ops': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(pre_ops_list, key=len))),
        'builders': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(builders.keys(), key=len))),
        'macros': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(macro_names_list, key=len)))

    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(expression_grammar)

    class ExpressionParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        # TODO: at some point, we could make the 'kind' identification
        # recursive on expression, so that if an expression is passed into
        # a builder function, the information  about whether it is a constant,
        # or calls another function, goes with it.

        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.translation = ""
            self.subs = None  # the subscript list if given
            self.lookup_subs = []  # the subscript list if given
            self.apply_dim = set()  # the dimensions with ! if given
            self.kind = 'constant'   # change if we reference anything else
            self.new_structure = []
            self.arguments = None
            self.in_oper = None
            self.args = []

        def visit_expr_type(self, n, vc):
            s = ''.join(filter(None, vc)).strip()
            self.translation = s

        def visit_expr(self, n, vc):
            s = ''.join(filter(None, vc)).strip()
            self.translation = s
            return s

        def visit_param(self, n, vc):
            s = ''.join(filter(None, vc)).strip()
            self.translation = s
            return s

        def visit_call(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'component'

            # remove dimensions info (produced by !)

            function_name = vc[0].lower()
            arguments = [e.strip() for e in vc[4].split(",")]

            # add dimensions as last argument
            if self.apply_dim and function_name in vectorial_funcs:
                arguments += ["dim="+str(tuple(self.apply_dim))]
                self.apply_dim = set()

            return builder.build_function_call(functions[function_name],

        def visit_in_oper(self, n, vc):
            return in_ops[n.text.lower()]

        def visit_pre_oper(self, n, vc):
            return pre_ops[n.text.lower()]

        def visit_reference(self, n, vc):

            self.kind = 'component'

            vc[0] += '()'

            if re.match("\[.+\]", vc[-1]):
                # sometimes the subscript list are not consumed
                # this is because visit_lookup_call_subs is not visited (fix?)
                py_expr = "".join(vc[:-1])
                py_expr = "".join(vc)

            if self.subs:
                if elements_subs_dict[py_expr[:-2]] == self.subs:
                    self.subs = None
                    return py_expr
                coords = utils.make_coord_dict(self.subs,
                dims = [utils.find_subscript_name(subscript_dict, sub)
                        for sub in self.subs]
                self.subs = None
                return builder.build_function_call(
                    [py_expr, repr(dims), "_subscript_dict"])

            return py_expr

        def visit_lookup_call_subs(self, n, vc):
            # needed to avoid doing the rearrange in the lookup arguments
            # lookup_subs list makes possible to work with
            # lookups inside lookups
            # TODO: this is not visited by lookups call when having subs
            # instead visit_reference is called, need to fix that
            if self.subs:
                self.subs = None
                self.subs = None

            return vc[0]

        def visit_lookup_call(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'lookup'

            py_expr = ''.join([x.strip(',') for x in vc])

            lookup_subs = self.lookup_subs.pop()
            if lookup_subs and elements_subs_dict[py_expr] != lookup_subs:
                coords = utils.make_coord_dict(lookup_subs,
                dims = [utils.find_subscript_name(subscript_dict, sub)
                        for sub in lookup_subs]
                return builder.build_function_call(
                    [py_expr, repr(dims), "_subscript_dict"])

            return py_expr

        def visit_id(self, n, vc):
            return namespace[n.text.strip()]

        def visit_lookup_regular_def(self, n, vc):
            pairs = max(vc, key=len)
            mixed_list = pairs.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',')
            xs = mixed_list[::2]
            ys = mixed_list[1::2]
            self.arguments = 'x'
            arguments = [
            return builder.build_function_call(functions_utils['lookup'],

        def visit_lookup_with_def(self, n, vc):
            """ This exists because vensim has multiple ways of doing lookups.
            Which is frustrating."""
            x_val = vc[4]
            pairs = vc[11]
            mixed_list = pairs.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',')
            xs = mixed_list[::2]
            ys = mixed_list[1::2]
            arguments = [
            return builder.build_function_call(functions_utils['lookup'],

        def visit_array(self, n, vc):
            if 'subs' in element and element['subs']:  # first test handles when subs is not defined
                coords = utils.make_coord_dict(element['subs'], subscript_dict, terse=False)
                shape = utils.compute_shape(coords)
                if ';' in n.text or ',' in n.text:
                    text = n.text.strip(';').replace(' ', '').replace(';', ',')
                    data = np.array([float(s) for s in text.split(',')])
                    data = data.reshape(shape)
                    data = np.tile(float(n.text), shape)
                datastr = np.array2string(data, separator=',').replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
                return builder.build_function_call(
                    [datastr, repr(coords), repr(list(coords))])

                return n.text.replace(' ', '')

        def visit_subscript_list(self, n, vc):
            refs = vc[4]
            subs = [x.strip() for x in refs.split(',')]
            coordinates = utils.make_coord_dict(subs, subscript_dict)

            # Implements basic "!" subscript functionality in Vensim.
            # Does NOT work for matrix diagonals in
            # FUNC(variable[sub1!,sub1!]) functions
            self.apply_dim.update(["%s" % s.strip('!') for s in subs
                                   if s[-1] == '!'])

            if len(coordinates):
                return ".loc[%s].squeeze().reset_coords(%s, drop=True)"\
                       % (repr(coordinates), repr(list(coordinates)))

            self.subs = ["%s" % s.strip('!') for s in subs]

            return ""

        def visit_build_call(self, n, vc):
            call = vc[0]
            arglist = vc[4]
            self.kind = 'component'
            builder_name = call.strip().lower()
            name, structure = builders[builder_name](element, subscript_dict,

            self.new_structure += structure

            if builder_name in ['get xls lookups', 'get direct lookups']:
                self.arguments = 'x'
                self.kind = 'lookup'

            # External constants
            if builder_name in ['get xls constants', 'get direct constants']:
                self.kind = 'constant'

            # External data
            if builder_name in ['get xls data', 'get direct data']:
                self.kind = 'component_ext_data'

            if builder_name == 'delay fixed':
                warnings.warn("Delay fixed only approximates solution,"
                              " may not give the same result as vensim")

            return name

        def visit_macro_call(self, n, vc):
            call = vc[0]
            arglist = vc[4]
            self.kind = 'component'
            py_name = utils.make_python_identifier(call)[0]
            macro = [x for x in macro_list if x['py_name'] == py_name][0]  # should match once
            name, structure = builder.add_macro(macro['py_name'], macro['file_name'],
                                                macro['params'], arglist)
            self.new_structure += structure
            return name

        def visit_arguments(self, n, vc):
            arglist = [x.strip(',') for x in vc]
            return arglist

        def visit__(self, n, vc):
            """ Handles whitespace characters"""
            return ''

        def visit_empty(self, n, vc):
            return 'None'

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text

    tree = parser.parse(element['expr'])
    parse_object = ExpressionParser(tree)

    return ({'py_expr': parse_object.translation,
             'kind': parse_object.kind,
             'arguments': parse_object.arguments or ''},
コード例 #18
import parsimonious
import quantumsim.circuit as ct
import numpy as np
import functools

qasm_grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(r"""
        program = nl* (qubit_spec)* nl (circuit_spec)+
        qubit_spec = "qubit " id nl
        circuit_spec = initall nl (gatelist)* meas
        initall = "init_all" nl
        gatelist = gate (more_gates)* nl
        more_gates = ("|" gate)

        gate = !meas ws* (two_qubit_gate / single_qubit_gate) ws*

        single_qubit_gate = gate_name ws arg
        two_qubit_gate = gate_name ws arg ws arg
        arg = ~"[A-Za-z0-9]+"
        gate_name = id

        meas = "RO " arg nl
        ws = " "+
        nl = (comment / " " / "\n" / "\r")*
        comment = "#" ~".*"
        text = (id / "|" / " " / "\t")*
        id = ~"[A-Za-z0-9]+"

sgl_qubit_gate_map = {
    "i": None,
    "my90": functools.partial(ct.RotateY, angle=-np.pi / 2),
    "y90": functools.partial(ct.RotateY, angle=np.pi / 2),
コード例 #19
__author__ = 'kranonetka'

from pathlib import Path

import parsimonious

with (Path(__file__).parent / 'message.grammar').open('r',
                                                      encoding='utf-8') as fp:
    message_grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(fp.read())
コード例 #20
        class Parser(cls, parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
            rules = "\n".join(self.rules + extra_rules)
            grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(rules)

            def rule(self, name, text):
                return self.visit(self.grammar[name].parse(text))
コード例 #21
ファイル: vensim2py.py プロジェクト: mhy05/PySD-Jitia
 def __init__(self, grammar, filename, text, dictofsubs):
     self.filename = filename
     self.builder = builder.Builder(self.filename, dictofsubs)
     self.grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(grammar)
     self.dictofsubs = dictofsubs
コード例 #22
 def compileStr(self,
                grammarText: str,
                fileName: Path = None) -> "parsimonious.grammar.Grammar":
     return parsimonious.Grammar(grammarText)
コード例 #23
def get_file_sections(file_str):
    This is where we separate out the macros from the rest of the model file.
    Working based upon documentation at: https://www.vensim.com/documentation/index.html?macros.htm

    Macros will probably wind up in their own python modules eventually.


    entries: list of dictionaries
        Each dictionary represents a different section of the model file, either a macro,
        or the main body of the model file. The dictionaries contain various elements:
        - returns: list of strings
            represents what is returned from a macro (for macros) or empty for main model
        - params: list of strings
            represents what is passed into a macro (for macros) or empty for main model
        - name: string
            the name of the macro, or 'main' for main body of model
        - string: string
            string representing the model section
    >>> get_file_sections(r'a~b~c| d~e~f| g~h~i|')
    [{'returns': [], 'params': [], 'name': 'main', 'string': 'a~b~c| d~e~f| g~h~i|'}]


    # the leading 'r' for 'raw' in this string is important for handling backslashes properly
    file_structure_grammar = _include_common_grammar(r"""
    file = encoding? (macro / main)+
    macro = ":MACRO:" _ name _ "(" _ (name _ ","? _)+ _ ":"? _ (name _ ","? _)* _ ")" ~r".+?(?=:END OF MACRO:)" ":END OF MACRO:"
    main = !":MACRO:" ~r".+(?!:MACRO:)"
    encoding = ~r"\{[^\}]*\}"

    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(file_structure_grammar)
    tree = parser.parse(file_str)

    class FileParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.entries = []

        def visit_main(self, n, vc):
            self.entries.append({'name': '_main_',
                                 'params': [],
                                 'returns': [],
                                 'string': n.text.strip()})

        def visit_macro(self, n, vc):
            name = vc[2]
            params = vc[6]
            returns = vc[10]
            text = vc[13]
            self.entries.append({'name': name,
                                 'params': [x.strip() for x in params.split(',')] if params else [],
                                 'returns': [x.strip() for x in
                                             returns.split(',')] if returns else [],
                                 'string': text.strip()})

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text or ''

    return FileParser(tree).entries
コード例 #24
ファイル: vensim2py.py プロジェクト: dianlutfiana/PSYD
def parse_general_expression(element,
    Parses a normal expression
    # its annoying that we have to construct and compile the grammar every time...

    element: dictionary

    namespace : dictionary

    subscript_dict : dictionary

    macro_list: list of dictionaries
        [{'name': 'M', 'py_name':'m', 'filename':'path/to/file', 'args':['arg1', 'arg2']}]


    new_elements: list of dictionaries
        If the expression contains builder functions, those builders will create new elements
        to add to our running list (that will eventually be output to a file) such as stock
        initialization and derivative funcs, etc.

    >>> parse_general_expression({'expr': 'INTEG (FlowA, -10)',
    ...                           'py_name':'test_stock',
    ...                           'subs':None},
    ...                          {'FlowA': 'flowa'}),
    ({'kind': 'component', 'py_expr': "_state['test_stock']"},
     [{'kind': 'implicit',
       'subs': None,
       'doc': 'Provides initial conditions for test_stock function',
       'py_name': 'init_test_stock',
       'real_name': None,
       'unit': 'See docs for test_stock',
       'py_expr': '-10'},
      {'py_name': 'dtest_stock_dt',
       'kind': 'implicit',
       'py_expr': 'flowa',
       'real_name': None}])

    if namespace is None:
        namespace = {}
    if subscript_dict is None:
        subscript_dict = {}

    in_ops = {
        "+": "+",
        "-": "-",
        "*": "*",
        "/": "/",
        "^": "**",
        "=": "==",
        "<=": "<=",
        "<>": "!=",
        "<": "<",
        ">=": ">=",
        ">": ">",
        ":and:": " and ",
        ":or:": " or "
    }  # spaces important for word-based operators

    pre_ops = {
        "-": "-",
        ":not:": " not ",  # spaces important for word-based operators
        " "  # space is important, so that and empty string doesn't slip through generic

    # in the following, if lists are empty use non-printable character
    # everything needs to be escaped before going into the grammar, in case it includes quotes
    sub_names_list = [re.escape(x) for x in subscript_dict.keys()] or ['\\a']
    sub_elems_list = [
        re.escape(y) for x in subscript_dict.values() for y in x
    ] or ['\\a']
    ids_list = [re.escape(x) for x in namespace.keys()] or ['\\a']
    in_ops_list = [re.escape(x) for x in in_ops.keys()]
    pre_ops_list = [re.escape(x) for x in pre_ops.keys()]
    if macro_list is not None and len(macro_list) > 0:
        macro_names_list = [re.escape(x['name']) for x in macro_list]
        macro_names_list = ['\\a']

    expression_grammar = r"""
    expr_type = array / expr / empty
    expr = _ pre_oper? _ (lookup_def / build_call / macro_call / call / lookup_call / parens / number / reference) _ (in_oper _ expr)?

    lookup_def = ~r"(WITH\ LOOKUP)"I _ "(" _ expr _ "," _ "(" _  ("[" ~r"[^\]]*" "]" _ ",")?  ( "(" _ expr _ "," _ expr _ ")" _ ","? _ )+ _ ")" _ ")"
    lookup_call = id _ "(" _ (expr _ ","? _)* ")"  # these don't need their args parsed...
    call = func _ "(" _ (expr _ ","? _)* ")"  # these don't need their args parsed...
    build_call = builder _ "(" _ arguments _ ")"
    macro_call = macro _ "(" _ arguments _ ")"
    parens   = "(" _ expr _ ")"

    arguments = (expr _ ","? _)*

    reference = id _ subscript_list?
    subscript_list = "[" _ ((sub_name / sub_element) _ ","? _)+ "]"

    array = (number _ ("," / ";")? _)+ !~r"."  # negative lookahead for anything other than an array
    number = ~r"\d+\.?\d*(e[+-]\d+)?"

    id = ( basic_id / escape_group )
    basic_id = ~r"\w[\w\d_\s\']*"IU
    escape_group = "\"" ( "\\\"" / ~r"[^\"]"IU )* "\""
    sub_name = ~r"(%(sub_names)s)"IU  # subscript names (if none, use non-printable character)
    sub_element = ~r"(%(sub_elems)s)"IU  # subscript elements (if none, use non-printable character)

    func = ~r"(%(funcs)s)"IU  # functions (case insensitive)
    in_oper = ~r"(%(in_ops)s)"IU  # infix operators (case insensitive)
    pre_oper = ~r"(%(pre_ops)s)"IU  # prefix operators (case insensitive)
    builder = ~r"(%(builders)s)"IU  # builder functions (case insensitive)
    macro = ~r"(%(macros)s)"IU  # macros from model file (if none, use non-printable character)

    _ = ~r"[\s\\]*"  # whitespace character
    empty = "" # empty string
    """ % {
        # In the following, we have to sort keywords in decreasing order of length so that the
        # peg parser doesn't quit early when finding a partial keyword
        'sub_names': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(sub_names_list, key=len))),
        'sub_elems': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(sub_elems_list, key=len))),
        'funcs': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(functions.keys(), key=len))),
        'in_ops': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(in_ops_list, key=len))),
        'pre_ops': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(pre_ops_list, key=len))),
        'builders': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(builders.keys(), key=len))),
        'macros': '|'.join(reversed(sorted(macro_names_list, key=len)))

    class ExpressionParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        # Todo: at some point, we could make the 'kind' identification recursive on expression,
        # so that if an expression is passed into a builder function, the information
        # about whether it is a constant, or calls another function, goes with it.
        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.translation = ""
            self.kind = 'constant'  # change if we reference anything else
            self.new_structure = []

        def visit_expr_type(self, n, vc):
            s = ''.join(filter(None, vc)).strip()
            self.translation = s

        def visit_expr(self, n, vc):
            s = ''.join(filter(None, vc)).strip()
            self.translation = s
            return s

        def visit_call(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'component'
            function_name = vc[0].lower()
            arguments = [e.strip() for e in vc[4].split(",")]
            return builder.build_function_call(functions[function_name],

        def visit_in_oper(self, n, vc):
            return in_ops[n.text.lower()]

        def visit_pre_oper(self, n, vc):
            return pre_ops[n.text.lower()]

        def visit_reference(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'component'
            id_str = vc[0]
            return id_str + '()'

        def visit_id(self, n, vc):
            return namespace[n.text.strip()]

        def visit_lookup_def(self, n, vc):
            """ This exists because vensim has multiple ways of doing lookups.
            Which is frustrating."""
            x_val = vc[4]
            pairs = vc[11]
            mixed_list = pairs.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',')
            xs = mixed_list[::2]
            ys = mixed_list[1::2]
            string = "functions.lookup(%(x)s, [%(xs)s], [%(ys)s])" % {
                'x': x_val,
                'xs': ','.join(xs),
                'ys': ','.join(ys)
            return string

        def visit_array(self, n, vc):
            if 'subs' in element and element[
                    'subs']:  # first test handles when subs is not defined
                coords = utils.make_coord_dict(element['subs'],
                dims = [
                    utils.find_subscript_name(subscript_dict, sub)
                    for sub in element['subs']
                shape = [len(coords[dim]) for dim in dims]
                if ';' in n.text or ',' in n.text:
                    text = n.text.strip(';').replace(' ', '').replace(';', ',')
                    data = np.array([float(s)
                                     for s in text.split(',')]).reshape(shape)
                    data = np.tile(float(n.text), shape)
                datastr = np.array2string(data, separator=',').replace(
                    '\n', '').replace(' ', '')
                return textwrap.dedent("""\
                                 dims=%(dims)s )""" % {
                    'datastr': datastr,
                    'coords': repr(coords),
                    'dims': repr(dims)

                return n.text.replace(' ', '')

        def visit_subscript_list(self, n, vc):
            refs = vc[2]
            subs = [x.strip() for x in refs.split(',')]
            coordinates = utils.make_coord_dict(subs, subscript_dict)
            if len(coordinates):
                return '.loc[%s]' % repr(coordinates)
                return ' '

        def visit_build_call(self, n, vc):
            call = vc[0]
            arglist = vc[4]
            self.kind = 'component'

            builder_name = call.strip().lower()
            name, structure = builders[builder_name](element, subscript_dict,
            self.new_structure += structure

            if builder_name == 'delay fixed':
                    "Delay fixed only approximates solution, may not give the same "
                    "result as vensim")

            return name

        def visit_macro_call(self, n, vc):
            call = vc[0]
            arglist = vc[4]
            self.kind = 'component'
            py_name = utils.make_python_identifier(call)[0]
            macro = [x for x in macro_list
                     if x['py_name'] == py_name][0]  # should match once
            name, structure = builder.add_macro(macro['py_name'],
                                                macro['params'], arglist)
            self.new_structure += structure
            return name

        def visit_arguments(self, n, vc):
            arglist = [x.strip(',') for x in vc]
            return arglist

        def visit__(self, n, vc):
            """ Handles whitespace characters"""
            return ''

        def visit_empty(self, n, vc):
            return 'None'

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text

    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(expression_grammar)
    tree = parser.parse(element['expr'])
    parse_object = ExpressionParser(tree)

    return ({
        'py_expr': parse_object.translation,
        'kind': parse_object.kind,
        'arguments': ''
    }, parse_object.new_structure)
コード例 #25
def get_equation_components(equation_str, root_path=None):
    Breaks down a string representing only the equation part of a model element.
    Recognizes the various types of model elements that may exist, and identifies them.

    equation_str : basestring
        the first section in each model element - the full equation.

    root_path: basestring
        the root path of the vensim file (necessary to resolve external data file paths)

    Returns a dictionary containing the following:

    real_name: basestring
        The name of the element as given in the original vensim file

    subs: list of strings
        list of subscripts or subscript elements

    expr: basestring

    kind: basestring
        What type of equation have we found?
        - *component* - normal model expression or constant
        - *lookup* - a lookup table
        - *subdef* - a subscript definition
        - *data* -  a data variable

    keyword: basestring or None

    >>> get_equation_components(r'constant = 25')
    {'expr': '25', 'kind': 'component', 'subs': [], 'real_name': 'constant'}

    in this function we don't create python identifiers, we use real names.
    This is so that when everything comes back together, we can manage
    any potential namespace conflicts properly

    component_structure_grammar = _include_common_grammar(r"""
    entry = component / data_definition / test_definition / subscript_definition / lookup_definition
    component = name _ subscriptlist? _ "=" "="? _ expression
    subscript_definition = name _ ":" _ (imported_subscript / literal_subscript)
    data_definition = name _ subscriptlist? _ keyword? _ ":=" _ expression
    lookup_definition = name _ subscriptlist? &"(" _ expression  # uses lookahead assertion to capture whole group
    test_definition = name _ subscriptlist? _ &keyword _ expression

    name = basic_id / escape_group
    literal_subscript = subscript _ ("," _ subscript _)*
    imported_subscript = func _ "(" _ (string _ ","? _)* ")"
    subscriptlist = '[' _ subscript _ ("," _ subscript _)* _ ']'
    expression = ~r".*"  # expression could be anything, at this point.
    keyword = ":" _ basic_id _ ":"

    subscript = basic_id / escape_group
    func = basic_id
    string = "\'" ( "\\\'" / ~r"[^\']"IU )* "\'"

    # replace any amount of whitespace  with a single space
    equation_str = equation_str.replace('\\t', ' ')
    equation_str = re.sub(r"\s+", ' ', equation_str)

    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(component_structure_grammar)
    tree = parser.parse(equation_str)

    class ComponentParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.subscripts = []
            self.real_name = None
            self.expression = None
            self.kind = None
            self.keyword = None

        def visit_subscript_definition(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'subdef'

        def visit_lookup_definition(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'lookup'

        def visit_component(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'component'

        def visit_data_definition(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'data'

        def visit_test_definition(self, n, vc):
            self.kind = 'test'

        def visit_keyword(self, n, vc):
            self.keyword = n.text.strip()

        def visit_imported_subscript(self, n, vc):
            f_str = vc[0]
            args_str = vc[4]  # todo: make this less fragile?
            self.subscripts += get_external_data(f_str, args_str, root_path)

        def visit_name(self, n, vc):
            (name,) = vc
            self.real_name = name.strip()

        def visit_subscript(self, n, vc):
            (subscript,) = vc

        def visit_expression(self, n, vc):
            self.expression = n.text.strip()

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text

        def visit__(self, n, vc):
            return ' '

    parse_object = ComponentParser(tree)

    return {'real_name': parse_object.real_name,
            'subs': parse_object.subscripts,
            'expr': parse_object.expression,
            'kind': parse_object.kind,
            'keyword': parse_object.keyword}
コード例 #26
                     JMPInstruction, CMPInstruction, SLTInstruction,

REDCODE_GRAMMAR = parsimonious.Grammar("""
    line = ws instruction? ws comment? ws

    comment = ";" ~".*"

    sep = ws "," ws
    ws = ~"\\s*"

    instruction = MOV / ADD / JMP / CMP / SLT / DAT

    MOV = "MOV" ws param sep param
    ADD = "ADD" ws param sep param
    JMP = "JMP" ws param
    CMP = "CMP" ws param sep param
    SLT = "SLT" ws param sep param
    DAT = "DAT" ws param sep param

    param = direct / immediate / b_indirect

    direct = "$"? number
    immediate = "#" number
    b_indirect = "@" number

    number = ~"-?[0-9]+"

class CompilerVisitor(NodeVisitor):
コード例 #27
def get_model_elements(model_str):
    Takes in a string representing model text and splits it into elements

    I think we're making the assumption that all newline characters are removed...

    model_str : string

    entries : array of dictionaries
        Each dictionary contains the components of a different model element, separated into the
        equation, units, and docstring.


    # Basic Parsing:
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| d~e~f| g~h~i|')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': 'f', 'unit': 'e', 'eqn': 'd'}, {'doc': 'i', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]

    # Special characters are escaped within double-quotes:
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| d~e"~"~f| g~h~i|')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': 'f', 'unit': 'e"~"', 'eqn': 'd'}, {'doc': 'i', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| d~e~"|"f| g~h~i|')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': '"|"f', 'unit': 'e', 'eqn': 'd'}, {'doc': 'i', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]

    # Double-quotes within escape groups are themselves escaped with backslashes:
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| d~e"\\\"~"~f| g~h~i|')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': 'f', 'unit': 'e"\\\\"~"', 'eqn': 'd'}, {'doc': 'i', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| d~e~"\\\"|"f| g~h~i|')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': '"\\\\"|"f', 'unit': 'e', 'eqn': 'd'}, {'doc': 'i', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| d~e"x\\nx"~f| g~h~|')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': 'f', 'unit': 'e"x\\\\nx"', 'eqn': 'd'}, {'doc': '', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]

    # Todo: Handle model-level or section-level documentation
    >>> get_model_elements(r'*** .model doc ***~ Docstring!| d~e~f| g~h~i|')
    [{'doc': 'Docstring!', 'unit': '', 'eqn': ''}, {'doc': 'f', 'unit': 'e', 'eqn': 'd'}, {'doc': 'i', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]

    # Handle control sections, returning appropriate docstring pieces
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| ****.Control***~ Simulation Control Parameters | g~h~i|')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': 'i', 'unit': 'h', 'eqn': 'g'}]

    # Handle the model display elements (ignore them)
    >>> get_model_elements(r'a~b~c| d~e~f| \\\---///junk|junk~junk')
    [{'doc': 'c', 'unit': 'b', 'eqn': 'a'}, {'doc': 'f', 'unit': 'e', 'eqn': 'd'}]

    - Tildes and pipes are not allowed in element docstrings, but we should still handle them there


    model_structure_grammar = _include_common_grammar(r"""
    model = (entry / section)+ sketch?
    entry = element "~" element "~" element ("~" element)? "|"
    section = element "~" element "|"
    sketch = ~r".*"  #anything

    # Either an escape group, or a character that is not tilde or pipe
    element = ( escape_group / ~r"[^~|]")*

    parser = parsimonious.Grammar(model_structure_grammar)
    tree = parser.parse(model_str)

    class ModelParser(parsimonious.NodeVisitor):
        def __init__(self, ast):
            self.entries = []

        def visit_entry(self, n, vc):
            units, lims = parse_units(vc[2].strip())
            self.entries.append({'eqn': vc[0].strip(),
                                 'unit': units,
                                 'lims': str(lims),
                                 'doc': vc[4].strip(),
                                 'kind': 'entry'})

        def visit_section(self, n, vc):
            if vc[2].strip() != "Simulation Control Parameters":
                self.entries.append({'eqn': '',
                                     'unit': '',
                                     'lims': '',
                                     'doc': vc[2].strip(),
                                     'kind': 'section'})

        def generic_visit(self, n, vc):
            return ''.join(filter(None, vc)) or n.text or ''

    return ModelParser(tree).entries
コード例 #28
ファイル: vensim2py.py プロジェクト: Lordmzn/pysd
 def __init__(self, grammar, infilename):
     self.filename = infilename[:-4] + '.py'
     self.builder = builder.Builder(self.filename)
     self.grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(grammar)
コード例 #29
ファイル: _parser.py プロジェクト: thirtytwobits/pydsdl
def _get_grammar() -> parsimonious.Grammar:
    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                           "grammar.parsimonious")) as _grammar_file:
        return parsimonious.Grammar(_grammar_file.read())  # type: ignore
コード例 #30
ファイル: grammar.py プロジェクト: Tubbz-alt/bimini
grammar = parsimonious.Grammar(r"""
type = types optional?
types = basic_type / alias_type / container_type / tuple_type / array_type

container_type = container_types optional? arrlist?
container_types = zero_container / non_zero_container
tuple_type = type const_arr optional?
array_type = type dynam_arr optional?

non_zero_container = "{" type next_type* "}"
next_type = "," type

zero_container = "{}"

optional = "?"

basic_type = basic_types optional? arrlist?
basic_types = integer_types / bit_type
bit_type = "bit"

integer_types = base_integer_type bit_size
bit_size = ~"[1-9][0-9]*"
base_integer_type = "uint" / "scalar"

alias_type = alias_types optional? arrlist?
alias_types = bool_type / bytesN_type / bytes_type / byte_type

bytesN_type = bytes_type digits

bool_type = "bool"
bytes_type = "bytes"
byte_type = "byte"

arrlist = dynam_arr / const_arr
dynam_arr = dynam_arr_comp any_arr_comp*
const_arr = const_arr_comp any_arr_comp*

any_arr_comp = (const_arr_comp / dynam_arr_comp)*

dynam_arr_comp = "[]"
const_arr_comp = "[" digits "]"

digits = ~"[1-9][0-9]*"