def plot_loadings(components): figs = [] for j in range(N_COMP): legend = 'Loading #{j} for model {snr}'.format(j=j + 1, snr=snr) plot_map2d(components[j, ].reshape(dice5_data.SHAPE), title=legend) figs.append(plt.gcf()) return figs
def plot_map2d_of_PCA_models(models_dict, nrow, ncol, shape,N_COMP,folder,title_attr=None): """Plot 2 weight maps of models""" #from .plot import plot_map2d ax_i = 1 for k in models_dict.keys(): mod = models_dict[k] if hasattr(mod, "V"): w = mod.V elif hasattr(mod, "components_"): # to work with sklean w = mod.components_.T if (title_attr is not None and hasattr(mod, title_attr)): title = getattr(mod, title_attr) else: title = None ax = plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_i) plt.tight_layout() utils.plot_map2d(w[:,0].reshape(shape[:2]),ax,title=title) ax_i += 1 ax = plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_i) utils.plot_map2d(w[:,1].reshape(shape[:2]),ax,title=title) ax_i += 1 ax = plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, ax_i) utils.plot_map2d(w[:,2].reshape(shape[:2]),ax,title=title) ax_i += 1 plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder,'pca_fits.png')) plt.close()
########################################################################### ## LogisticRegressionL1L2TV # Minimize: # f(beta, X, y) = - loglik/n_train # + l2/2 * ||beta||^2_2 # + l1 * ||beta||_1 # + tv * TV(beta) l1, l2, tv = alpha * np.array((.05, .75, .2)) # l1, l2, tv penalties ## Limit the precison to 1e-3 A = nesterov_tv.linear_operator_from_shape(beta3d.shape) enettv = estimators.LogisticRegressionL1L2TV(l1, l2, tv, A, algorithm_params = dict(eps=1e-3)) yte_pred_enettv =, ytr).predict(Xte) _, recall_enettv, _, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(yte, yte_pred_enettv, average=None) ########################################################################### ## Plot plot = plt.subplot(221) limits = None #np.array((beta3d.min(), beta3d.max())) / 2. #limits = None utils.plot_map2d(beta3d.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta star") plot = plt.subplot(222) utils.plot_map2d(enettv.beta.reshape(shape), plot, limits=limits, title="L1+L2+TV (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_enettv)) plot = plt.subplot(223) utils.plot_map2d(ridge_sklrn.coef_.reshape(shape), plot, limits=limits, title="Ridge (sklrn) (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_ridge_sklrn)) plot = plt.subplot(224) utils.plot_map2d(ridge_prsmy.beta.reshape(shape), plot,limits=limits, title="Ridge (Parsimony) (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_ridge_prsmy))
use_eg=False, output=True) t = timeit.timeit(stmt='', setup="from __main__ import e_con_sparse, X", number=1) print "CONESTA:", t V_sparse_con = e_con_sparse.V del e_con_sparse sparsepca_sklearn = sklearn.decomposition.SparsePCA(n_components=N_COMP, alpha=0.4) t = timeit.timeit(stmt='', setup="from __main__ import sparsepca_sklearn, X", number=1) print "Sparse PCA:", t V_sparsepca_sklearn = sparsepca_sklearn.components_.transpose() del sparsepca_sklearn plot = plt.subplot(5, N_COMP, 1) plot_map2d(beta3d.reshape(INPUT_SHAPE), plot, title="beta star") for k in range(N_COMP): # Plot PCA plot = plt.subplot(5, N_COMP, N_COMP+1+k) title = "PCA comp #{i}".format(i=k) plot_map2d(V_pca_sklearn[:,k].reshape(INPUT_SHAPE), plot, title=title) # Plot sparsepca_sklearn plot = plt.subplot(5, N_COMP, 2*N_COMP+1+k) title = "SparsePCA comp #{i}".format(i=k) plot_map2d(V_sparsepca_sklearn[:,k].reshape(INPUT_SHAPE), plot, title=title) # Plot the components EG plot = plt.subplot(5, N_COMP, 3*N_COMP+1+k) title = "PCA_L1L2TV EG comp #{i}".format(i=k) plot_map2d(V_sparse_eg[:,k].reshape(INPUT_SHAPE), plot, title=title)
snr = float(input_str) except: print "Can't parse input" continue if snr not in dice5_data.ALL_SNRS: print "Invalid SNR" continue # Reload weight maps output_dir = OUTPUT_DIR_FORMAT.format(snr=snr) full_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, OUTPUT_PCA_FILE) with open(full_filename) as f: pca = pickle.load(f) for j in range(N_COMP): legend = 'Loading #{j} for model {snr}'.format(j=j + 1, snr=snr) plot_map2d(pca.components_[j, ].reshape(dice5_data.SHAPE), title=legend) f = plt.gcf() filename = os.path.join(output_dir, OUTPUT_LOADING_FILE_FMT.format(i=j + 1)) f.savefig(filename) print "Figures are saved. Close them to continue." # Store chosen SNR CHOSEN_SNR = [] while True: input_str = raw_input("Enter a SNR value to store (or q to quit):") if input_str == "q": break try:
########################################################################### ## Fit LinearRegressionL1L2TV # Min: (1 / (2 * n)) * ||Xbeta - y||^2_2 # + l1 * ||beta||_1 # + (l2 / 2) * ||beta||^2_2 # + tv * TV(beta) # l1, l2, tv = alpha * np.array((.33, .33, .33)) # l1, l2, tv penalties A = nesterov_tv.linear_operator_from_shape(shape) algo = algorithms.proximal.CONESTA(max_iter=500) enettv = estimators.LinearRegressionL1L2TV(l1, l2, tv, A, algorithm=algo) yte_pred_enettv =, ytr).predict(Xte) ########################################################################### ## Plot # TODO: Please remove dependence on scikit-learn. Add required functionality # to parsimony instead. plot = plt.subplot(131) utils.plot_map2d(beta3d.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta star") plot = plt.subplot(132) utils.plot_map2d(enet.beta.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta enet (R2=%.2f)" % r2_score(yte, yte_pred_enet)) #utils.plot_map2d(enet.coef_.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta enet (R2=%.2f)" % # r2_score(yte, yte_pred_enet), limits=limits/1.) plot = plt.subplot(133) utils.plot_map2d(enettv.beta.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta enettv (R2=%.2f)" % r2_score(yte, yte_pred_enettv))
yte_pred_enet =, ytr).predict(Xte) ########################################################################### ## Fit LinearRegressionL1L2TV # l1, l2, tv = alpha * np.array((.4, .1, .5)) # l2, l1, tv penalties A, n_compacts = tv_helper.A_from_shape(shape) #import parsimony.functions as functions #functions.RR_L1_TV(X, y, k, l, g, A=A) enettv = LinearRegressionL1L2TV(l1, l2, tv, A, algorithm=StaticCONESTA(max_iter=500)) yte_pred_enettv =, ytr).predict(Xte) ########################################################################### ## Plot # TODO: Please remove dependence on scikit-learn. Add required functionality # to parsimony instead. plot = plt.subplot(131) plot_map2d(beta3d.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta star") plot = plt.subplot(132) plot_map2d(enet.coef_.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta enet (R2=%.2f)" % r2_score(yte, yte_pred_enet), limits=(beta3d.min(), beta3d.max())) plot = plt.subplot(133) plot_map2d(enettv.beta.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta enettv (R2=%.2f)" \ % r2_score(yte, yte_pred_enettv), limits=(beta3d.min(), beta3d.max()))
enettv = estimators.LogisticRegressionL1L2TV(l1, l2, tv, A, algorithm_params=dict(eps=1e-3)) yte_pred_enettv =, ytr).predict(Xte) _, recall_enettv, _, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(yte, yte_pred_enettv, average=None) ########################################################################### ## Plot plot = plt.subplot(221) limits = None #np.array((beta3d.min(), beta3d.max())) / 2. #limits = None utils.plot_map2d(beta3d.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta star") plot = plt.subplot(222) utils.plot_map2d(enettv.beta.reshape(shape), plot, limits=limits, title="L1+L2+TV (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_enettv)) plot = plt.subplot(223) utils.plot_map2d(ridge_sklrn.coef_.reshape(shape), plot, limits=limits, title="Ridge (sklrn) (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_ridge_sklrn)) plot = plt.subplot(224) utils.plot_map2d(ridge_prsmy.beta.reshape(shape), plot, limits=limits,
ridge2 = LogisticRegressionL1L2TV(0, alpha, 0, A, algorithm=StaticCONESTA(max_iter=500)) yte_pred_ridge2 =, ytr).predict(Xte) _, recall_ridge2, _, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(yte, yte_pred_ridge2, average=None) ########################################################################### ## LogisticRegressionL1L2TV # Minimize: # f(beta, X, y) = - loglik/n_train # + k/2 * ||beta||^2_2 # + l * ||beta||_1 # + g * TV(beta) l1, l2, tv = alpha * np.array((.4, .1, .5)) / 10 # l2, l1, tv penalties A, n_compacts = tv_helper.A_from_shape(beta3d.shape) enettv = LogisticRegressionL1L2TV(l1, l2, tv, A, algorithm=StaticCONESTA(max_iter=500)) yte_pred_enettv =, ytr).predict(Xte) _, recall_enettv, _, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support(yte, yte_pred_enettv, average=None) ########################################################################### ## Plot plot = plt.subplot(221) plot_map2d(beta3d.reshape(shape), plot, title="beta star") plot = plt.subplot(222) plot_map2d(enettv.beta.reshape(shape), plot, limits=(beta3d.min(), beta3d.max()), title="L1+L2+TV (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_enettv)) plot = plt.subplot(223) plot_map2d(ridge.coef_.reshape(shape), plot, limits=(beta3d.min(), beta3d.max()), title="Ridge (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_ridge)) plot = plt.subplot(224) plot_map2d(ridge2.beta.reshape(shape), plot, limits=(beta3d.min(), beta3d.max()), title="Ridge (parsimony) (%.2f, %.2f)" % tuple(recall_ridge2))
#Load result of minimization beta_path = os.path.join(BETA_DIR, "components.npz") components = np.load(beta_path) components = components['arr_0'].reshape(100, 100, 3) for k in range(0, 3): components[:, :, k] = components[:, :, k] - components[:, :, k].mean() components[:, :, k] = components[:, :, k] / components[:, :, k].std() true = np.abs(true) components = np.abs(components) for k in range(3): plot = plt.subplot(3, 3, 3 + 1 + k) title = "comp #{i}".format(i=k) plot_map2d(components[:, :, k], plot, title=title) f = plt.gcf() filename = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "eps_components_0.1/eps_1e-%r.svg") % (EPS) f.savefig(filename) plt.clf() mean_mse = 0 for k in range(0, 2): data = np.zeros((10000, 2)) data[:, 0] = true[:, :, k].reshape(10000) R = np.zeros((2)) for i in range(0, 2): data[:, 1] = components[:, :, i].reshape(10000) R[i] = np.abs(np.corrcoef(np.abs(data.T))[0, 1])
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from brainomics import plot_utilities from parsimony.utils import plot_map2d #FIGURES OF PAPER ################################################################################################################################################# #reconstruction with Standard PCA components = np.load( "/neurospin/brainomics/2014_pca_struct/dice5_ad_validation/results_0.1_1e-6/data_100_100_0/results/0/pca_0.0_0.0_0.0/components.npz" ) components = components['arr_0'] for k in range(3): fig = plot_map2d(components[:, k].reshape(100, 100)) #reconstruction with Sparse PCA components = np.load( "/neurospin/brainomics/2014_pca_struct/dice5_ad_validation/results_0.1_1e-6/data_100_100_0/results/0/sparse_pca_0.0_0.0_1.0/components.npz" ) components = components['arr_0'] for k in range(3): fig = plots.map2d(components[:, k].reshape(100, 100)) #reconstruction with ElasticNet PCA components = np.load( "/neurospin/brainomics/2014_pca_struct/dice5_ad_validation/results_0.1_1e-6/data_100_100_0/results/0/struct_pca_0.01_1e-05_0.5/components.npz" ) components = components['arr_0'] for k in range(3):