コード例 #1
ファイル: read.py プロジェクト: pniewiejski/receipt_scanner
def read(path: str):
    `path` to image file

    IOError is raised when no image can be found under `path`.
    image = cv2.imread(path)  # image is None if no image is found/ opened
    if image is None:
        raise IOError("Could not open image file under: {}".format(path))

    image = preprocess(image)
    text = ocr(image, language="pol")
    receipt = parse(text)
    return receipt
コード例 #2
def read(path: str):
    `path` to image file
    image = cv2.imread(path)
    # cv2.imshow("original", image)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)

    image = preprocess(image)

    # cv2.imshow("processed", image)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)

    text = ocr(image)

    # print(text)

    receipt = parse(text)

    return receipt
コード例 #3
            while True:
                changes_found = False
                generator = RandomChanges()
                for new_assignments in generator.iterate_chained(self.current_assignments, depth=depth):
                    new_cost = self.cost(new_assignments)

                    self.save_if_best_solution(new_assignments, new_cost)

                    if self.current_cost < new_cost:
                        self.current_assignments = new_assignments
                        self.current_cost = new_cost

                        changes_found = True

                row = "{0};\t\t\t{1};\t{2}\n".format(iter_num, time.time() - start, self.current_cost)
                print row
                iter_num += 1

                if not changes_found:

        return self.current_assignments, self.current_cost, self.best_assignments, self.best_cost

configuration, assignments = parse()

engine = GreedyLocalSearch(configuration, list(assignments))
assignments, current_cost, best_assignments, best_cost = engine.run()
コード例 #4
def generateStateMachines(logger, num, analysisType, mode):
    logger.info("Reading application file...")
    with open("application.s", 'r') as file:
        stream = parser.parse(file.readlines())

    with open("application_parsed.s", 'w') as file:

    logger.info("Read " + str(stream.instructionCount()) + " instructions, " +
                str(stream.labelCount()) + " labels, " +
                str(stream.directiveCount()) + " directives.")

    # Get basic blocks from stream.
    blocks = basicblocks.extractBasicBlocks(logger, stream, mode)

    # Filter any blocks we don't want to convert.
    blocks = list(filter(lambda b: b.cost() != math.inf, blocks))

    if analysisType == "hybrid":
        logger.info("Selecting blocks based on hybrid cost function.")
        blocksSorted = sorted(blocks, key=lambda b: b.cost())

        if len(blocksSorted) <= num:
                "Number specified is lower than or equal to number of blocks. Selecting all."
            selected = blocksSorted
            selected = blocksSorted[:num]

        stateMachines = []
        for b in selected:
            sm = statemachine.getStateMachine(b)

        # Emit info about selected cores in cost order.
        for sm in stateMachines:
            logger.info("Selected: " + sm.name() + " (cost: " +
                        str(round(sm.block().cost(), 4)) + ", states: " +
                        str(len(sm)) + ", inputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.inputRegisters())) + ", outputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.outputRegisters())) + ")")

    elif analysisType == "avgwidth":
            "Selecting blocks based on potential parallelism (computation width)."
        blocksSorted = sorted(blocks,
                              key=lambda b: b.averageComputationWidth())

        if len(blocksSorted) <= num:
                "Number specified is lower than or equal to number of blocks. Selecting all."
            selected = blocksSorted
            selected = blocksSorted[:num]

        stateMachines = []
        for b in selected:
            sm = statemachine.getStateMachine(b)

        # Emit info about selected cores in cost order.
        for sm in stateMachines:
            logger.info("Selected: " + sm.name() + " (average width: " +
                        str(round(sm.block().averageComputationWidth(), 4)) +
                        ", states: " + str(len(sm)) + ", inputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.inputRegisters())) + ", outputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.outputRegisters())) + ")")

    elif analysisType == "memdensity":
        logger.info("Selecting blocks based on memory access density.")
        blocksSorted = sorted(blocks, key=lambda b: b.memoryAccessDensity())

        if len(blocksSorted) <= num:
                "Number specified is lower than or equal to number of blocks. Selecting all."
            selected = blocksSorted
            selected = blocksSorted[:num]

        stateMachines = []
        for b in selected:
            sm = statemachine.getStateMachine(b)

        # Emit info about selected cores in cost order.
        for sm in stateMachines:
            logger.info("Selected: " + sm.name() +
                        " (memory access density: " +
                        str(round(sm.block().memoryAccessDensity(), 4)) +
                        ", states: " + str(len(sm)) + ", inputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.inputRegisters())) + ", outputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.outputRegisters())) + ")")

    elif analysisType == "overhead":
        logger.info("Selecting blocks based on I/O overhead.")
        blocksSorted = sorted(blocks, key=lambda b: b.ioOverhead())

        if len(blocksSorted) <= num:
                "Number specified is lower than or equal to number of blocks. Selecting all."
            selected = blocksSorted
            selected = blocksSorted[:num]

        stateMachines = []
        for b in selected:
            sm = statemachine.getStateMachine(b)

        # Emit info about selected cores in cost order.
        for sm in stateMachines:
            logger.info("Selected: " + sm.name() + " (I/O overhead: " +
                        str(round(sm.block().ioOverhead(), 4)) + ", states: " +
                        str(len(sm)) + ", inputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.inputRegisters())) + ", outputs: " +
                        str(len(sm.outputRegisters())) + ")")

    # Get the sum of the lengths of all basic blocks.
    sumAll = 0
    for b in blocks:
        sumAll += len(b)

    # Get the sum of the lengths of selected basic blocks.
    sumSelected = 0
    for b in selected:
        sumSelected += len(b)

    # Sort in textual order.
    stateMachines = sorted(stateMachines,
                           key=lambda sm: sm.block().startLine())

    id = 0
    change = 0
    for sm in stateMachines:

        with open(sm.name() + "_temp.vhd", 'w') as file:
            logger.debug("Writing definition for " + sm.name() + " to file " +
                         sm.name() + "_temp.vhd.")

        change += stream.replaceLines(sm.block().lines()[0] + change,
                                      sm.block().lines()[-1] + change,
        id += 1

    with open("application_new.s", 'w') as file:

    return (blocks, stateMachines, (sumSelected / sumAll))
コード例 #5
ファイル: parse-check.py プロジェクト: gwk/english-dictionary
# Additionally, make sure that the trees are really lossless representations of source strings.

import re

from parsing import TagTree, parser
from pithy.io import err_progress
from pithy.loader import load

tag_start_re = re.compile(r'[[({]|<([^/>]*)>')
tag_end_re = re.compile(r'[])}]|</([^>]*)>')

for record in err_progress(load('wb/scan.jsons')):
  for para in record:
    tree = parser.parse(para)
    assert isinstance(tree, TagTree)

    def checkF(cond:bool, msg:str) -> None:
      if not cond:
        exit(f'{msg}\n{para}\n\n{tree.structured_desc()}') # type: ignore

    checkF(not tree.is_flawed, 'flawed paragraph:')

    # the remaining checks are meant to validate the implementation of tag_tree.

    s = str(tree)
    checkF(s == para, f'bad tree str:\n{s}')

    for leaf in tree.walk_contents():
      checkF(not tag_start_re.search(leaf), f'leaf token looks like tag start: {leaf}')
コード例 #6
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: HadrienCazes/pythonScorer
from tokenizer import tokenizer
from parsing.parser import parse
from scoring.scorer import score

tokens = tokenizer.tokenizer()
AST = parse(tokens)
score(tokens, AST)
コード例 #7
ファイル: goal.py プロジェクト: mrradzio/mzmr_io2015
 def test_evaluation(self):
     configuration, assignments = parse()
     value, completness = evaluate_goal(configuration, assignments)
     self.assertLess(value, .7719)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(value, .7711, delta=0.0001)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(completness, 100)
コード例 #8
ファイル: goal.py プロジェクト: mrradzio/mzmr_io2015
 def test_evaluation(self):
     configuration, assignments = parse()
     value, completness = evaluate_goal(configuration, assignments)
     self.assertLess(value, 0)
     self.assertLess(completness, 100)