def test_exchange_views(self): p1 = PartialView("First IP", 4, 3) p1.add_peer(PodDescriptor("", 0)) p1.add_peer(PodDescriptor("", 2)) p1.add_peer(PodDescriptor("", 3)) p1.add_peer(PodDescriptor("Second IP", 5)) p2 = PartialView("Second IP", 4, 3) p2.add_peer(PodDescriptor("", 0)) p2.add_peer(PodDescriptor("", 1)) p2.add_peer(PodDescriptor("", 2)) p2.add_peer(PodDescriptor("", 4)) ######################## # P1 starts the exchange ######################## # 1) Increase by one the age of all neighbors p1.increment() # 2) Select neighbor Q with the highest age among all neighbors. oldest = p1.get_oldest_peer() # 3) Select l - 1 other random neighbors (meaning avoid oldest). request = p1.select_neighbors_for_request(oldest) # 4) Replace Q's entry with a new entry of age 0 and with P's address. request.add_peer_ip(p1.ip, allow_self_ip=True) self.assertTrue(request.is_full()) self.assertEqual(request.size, p1.shuffle_length) ################################################ # P2 receives neighbors and prepares a reply ################################################ reply = p2.select_neighbors_for_reply() self.assertTrue(request.is_full()) self.assertEqual(request.size, p1.shuffle_length) # Note that in p1 the oldest is p2 # p1 and p2 know two peers in common # p2 does not have an entry with p1's ip # p1.merge should: # - Discard and # - Put in unknown list, # 6) I remove the oldest peer from my view p1.remove_peer(oldest) p1.merge(request, reply) self.assertTrue(p1.is_full()) for peer in reply.get_peer_list(): self.assertTrue(p1.contains(peer)) self.assertLessEqual(self.partialView.size, self.partialView.limit)
class Cyclon(object): def __init__(self): self.ip = os.environ['MY_POD_IP'] self.k8s = KubernetesClient() self.api_version = 'v1' self.partialView = PartialView(self.ip) self.bootstrap() def bootstrap(self): self.bootstrap_exponential_backoff(5, 5) self.schedule_change(15, 15) def bootstrap_exponential_backoff(self, initial_delay, delay): logger.debug("Init", ip=self.ip, partialView=self.partialView) time.sleep(initial_delay) app_name = os.environ['APP'] attempt = 1 ips = self.k8s.list_pods_ips_by_field_selector( label_selector="app=" + app_name, field_selector="status.phase=Running") logger.debug("Bootstrapping", running_pods=ips, attempt=attempt) # Exponential backoff starts in case the number of running pods is lower than the partialView's limit. # TODO: Did I consider also that some pods might not be ready yet? # TODO: Consider that there is no need to have at least self.partialView.limit peers ready to start! # TODO: There can be peers running with an initial partial view of size < self.partialView.limit while len(ips) <= self.partialView.limit: attempt += 1 delay *= 2 time.sleep(delay) ips = self.k8s.list_pods_ips_by_field_selector( label_selector="app=epto", field_selector="status.phase=Running") logger.debug("Bootstrapping", running_pods=ips, attempt=attempt) # I populate the PartialView and I avoid to consider myself try: ips.remove(self.ip) except ValueError: logger.debug("self.ip was not there") while not self.partialView.is_full(): random_ip = random.choice(ips) # TODO: REPLACE WITH self.partialView.add_peer_ip(random_ip) self.partialView.add_peer( PodDescriptor(random_ip, random.randint(0, 9))) logger.debug("Bootstrapping", partialView=self.partialView) def schedule_change(self, initial_delay, interval): initial_delay = random.randint(0, initial_delay) time.sleep(initial_delay) scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(self.shuffle_partial_view, 'interval', seconds=interval, max_instances=1) scheduler.start() def shuffle_partial_view(self): logger.debug("Shuffling", partialView=self.partialView) # 1) Increase by one the age of all neighbors logger.debug("Increase by one the age of all neighbors.") self.partialView.increment() logger.debug("Increment", partialView=self.partialView) # 2) Select neighbor Q with the highest age among all neighbors. logger.debug( "Select neighbor Q with the highest age among all neighbors.") oldest_peer = self.partialView.get_oldest_peer() logger.debug("SelectOldest", oldest_peer=oldest_peer) # 3) Select l - 1 other random neighbors (meaning avoid oldest). logger.debug( "Select l - 1 other random neighbors (meaning avoid oldest).") neighbors = self.partialView.select_neighbors_for_request(oldest_peer) logger.debug("SelectNeighbors", neighbors=neighbors) # 4) Replace Q's entry with a new entry of age 0 and with P's address. logger.debug( "Replace Q's entry with a new entry of age 0 and with P's address." ) neighbors.add_peer_ip(self.ip, allow_self_ip=True) logger.debug("AddMyself", neighbors=neighbors) try: # 5) Send the updated subset to peer Q. logger.debug("Send the updated subset to peer Q (oldest_peer).", oldest_peer=oldest_peer.ip) response = json.loads( self.send_message(oldest_peer.ip, 'exchange-view', neighbors)) received_partial_view = PartialView.from_dict(response.get('data')) logger.debug("Received", received_partial_view=received_partial_view) # 6) I remove the oldest peer from my view logger.debug("I remove the oldest peer from my view.", oldest_peer=oldest_peer.ip) self.partialView.remove_peer(oldest_peer) logger.debug("RemovedOldest", partialView=self.partialView) # 7) I merge my view with the one just received logger.debug("I merge my view with the one just received.") self.partialView.merge(neighbors, received_partial_view) logger.debug("Merged", partialView=self.partialView) except Timeout: logger.error("TimeoutException: Request to " + str(oldest_peer.ip) + " timed out.") def send_message(self, destination_ip, path, data): destination = os.getenv('TEST_IP', format_address(destination_ip, 5000)) m = Message(format_address(self.ip, 5000), destination, data) logger.debug("Request", request=m.to_json()) ret = + '/' + self.api_version + '/' + path, json=m.to_json(), timeout=5) logger.debug("Response", response=ret.content) return ret.content