コード例 #1
def compute_log_posteriors_multisubject(Xs, partitions=None, alpha=None, prior_H=None, verbose=False):
    """Compute log of p(H|Xs) for all the Hs, i.e. the partitions, of
    the classes, given the list of confusion matrices Xs for different
    (independent subjects), the Dirichlet prior alpha and the
    hypotheses' prior p(H) (prior_H).
    if partitions is None:
        partitions = list(Partition(range(Xs[0].shape[0])))

    if alpha is None:
        if verbose: print "Assuming non-informative Dirichlet prior."
        alpha = np.ones(Xs[0].shape)

    if prior_H is None:
        if verbose: print "Assuming uniform prior for p(H_i)."
        prior_H = np.ones(len(partitions)) / len(partitions)

    logp_X_given_H = np.zeros((len(partitions), len(Xs)))
    for i, partition in enumerate(partitions):
        for j in range(len(Xs)):
            logp_X_given_H[i,j] = compute_logp_H(Xs[j], partition, alpha=alpha)

    # normalization constant: p(X)
    logp_X = reduce(np.logaddexp, logp_X_given_H.sum(1) + np.log(prior_H))
    # p(H|X) from Bayes rule:
    log_posterior_H_given_X = logp_X_given_H.sum(1) + np.log(prior_H) - logp_X
    return log_posterior_H_given_X, partitions
コード例 #2
from partitioner import Partition

if __name__ == '__main__':

    X = tu
    print "X:"
    print X
    partitions = list(Partition(range(X.shape[0])))
    alpha = np.ones(X.shape) # uniform prior on confusion matrices
    print "alpha:"
    print alpha

    # uniform prior on hypotheses: p(H_i)
    prior_H = np.ones(len(partitions)) / len(partitions)
    logp_X_given_H = np.zeros(len(partitions))
    for i, partition in enumerate(partitions):
        logp_X_given_H[i] = compute_logp_H(X, partition, alpha=alpha)

    # normalization constant: p(X)
    logp_X = reduce(np.logaddexp, logp_X_given_H + np.log(prior_H))

    # p(H|X) from Bayes rule:
    log_posterior_H_given_X = logp_X_given_H + np.log(prior_H) - logp_X

    idx = np.argsort(log_posterior_H_given_X)[::-1]

    for k, i in enumerate(idx[:5]):
        print "%s) p(%s | X) = %s" % (k+1, partitions[i], np.exp(log_posterior_H_given_X[i]))
コード例 #3
    psi = [[0, 1], [2]]
    # psi = [[0],[1],[2]]
    # psi = [[0],[1,2]]
    # psi = [[0,1,2]]
    # psi = [[0],[1],[2],[3],[4]]
    # psi = [[0,1],[2],[3],[4]]
    # psi = [[0,1,2],[3],[4]]
    # psi = [[0,1,2,3],[4]]
    # psi = [[0,1,2],[3,4]]
    # psi = [[0,1,2,3,4]]

    print "psi:", psi

    alpha = np.ones(X.shape)
    print "alpha:"
    print alpha

    logp_Hs = []
    print "psi \t log-likelihood"
    partitions = Partition(range(X.shape[0]))
    partitions1 = Partition(range(1, X.shape[0] + 1))
    for psi in partitions:
        logp_H = compute_logp_H(X, psi, alpha)
        print psi, logp_H

    idxs = np.argsort(logp_Hs)
    for idx in idxs:
        print partitions[idx], logp_Hs[idx]