コード例 #1
    def post(self, username, org):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument('resetid', type=str, required=True,
                            help='ResetID of the reset request')
        parser.add_argument('password', type=str, required=True,
                            help='New password equivelent created from the ' +
                            'output of the pbkdf2 function salted with ' +
                            '"username@org" and a count of 100000')
        args = parser.parse_args()

        if AuthDB.userExists(org, username):
            if AuthDB.validatePasswordReset(org, username, args['resetid']):
                    salt = passwordutils.generateSalt()
                    passwordHash = passwordutils.hashPassword(
                        args['password'], salt, algo='argon2',
                        params={'t': 5})
                    AuthDB.setPassword(org, username, passwordHash, salt)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.error('Exeption in CompletePasswordReset Post: %s'
                              % (e,))
                    return {'message':
                            'Error changing password for "%s"@"%s"'
                            % (username, org)}, 500
                    AuthDB.deletePasswordReset(org, username)
                return {'message': 'Password updated for "%s"@"%s".'
                        % (username, org)}, 200
                return {'message': 'Cannot change password for "%s"@"%s". '
                        % (username, org) + 'Invalid or expired resetid'}, 400
            return {'message':
                    'Cannot change password for invalid user "%s"@"%s"'
                    % (username, org)}, 400
コード例 #2
    def validatePassword(org, username, password):
        Compare the given password against the hashed version for the user

            Organization of the user to check
            Name of the user to check
            Raw password of the user, without salt
        salt = AuthDB.getUserSalt(org, username)
        if salt is not None:
            computedHash = passwordutils.hashPassword(
                password, salt, algo='argon2', params={'t': 5})
            storedHash = AuthDB.getUserHash(org, username)
            if computedHash == storedHash:
                return True
        return False