コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: astrophor/thepast
def pdf(uid):
    from xhtml2pdf.default import DEFAULT_FONT
    from xhtml2pdf.document import pisaDocument

    #########Set FONT################
    from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
    from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
    pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('zhfont', os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static/font/yahei-consolas.ttf')))
    css = open(os.path.join(app.root_path, "static/css/pdf.css")).read()

    result = StringIO.StringIO()

    user = User.get(uid)
    if not g.user:
        g.count = min(25, g.count)
        user = User.get(config.MY_USER_ID)
        if g.user.id == user.id:
            if g.count < 60:
                g.count = 60
            g.count = min(100, g.count)
            g.count = min(25, g.count)

    # get status
    ids = Status.get_ids(user_id=uid, start=g.start, limit=g.count, cate=g.cate)
    status_list = Status.gets(ids)

    _html = u"""<html> <body>
        <div id="Top">
            <img src="%s"/> &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; The Past of Me | 个人杂志计划&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CopyRight©%s
        <br/> <br/>

        <div class="box">
    """ %(os.path.join(app.root_path, "static/img/logo.png"), 
        datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), user.name)

    for s in status_list:
        title = s.title
        create_time = s.create_time
        from_ = ''
        if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_MINIBLOG:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.DOUBAN_MINIBLOG %(s.origin_user_id, s.origin_id) + u'class="node">From:豆瓣广播</a>'
        elif s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_NOTE:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.DOUBAN_NOTE %(s.origin_id,) + u'class="node">From:豆瓣日记</a>'
        elif s.category == config.CATE_SINA_STATUS:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.WEIBO_STATUS %(s.origin_id) + u'class="node">From:新浪微博</a>'
        elif s.category == config.CATE_TWITTER_STATUS:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.TWITTER_STATUS %(s.origin_id) + u'class="node">From:twitter</a>'
        text = s.text
        retweeted_text = ''
        img = ''
        if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_MINIBLOG:
            title = ''
            links = s.get_data().get_links()
            if links and links.get("image"):
                img = links.get("image")
        elif s.category == config.CATE_SINA_STATUS:
            retweeted = s.get_data().get_retweeted_status()
            re_mid_pic = retweeted and retweeted.get_middle_pic() or ''
            middle_pic = s.get_data().get_middle_pic()

            if retweeted:
                retweeted_text = retweeted.get_user().get_nickname() + ": " + retweeted.get_content()
            if re_mid_pic or middle_pic:
                img = re_mid_pic or middle_pic
        _html += """ <hr/> <div class="cell">"""
        if title:
            title = wrap_long_line(title)
            _html += """<div class="bigger">%s</div>""" %title
        if text:
            text = wrap_long_line(text)
            if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_NOTE:
                text = filters.nl2br(text)
            _html += """<div class="content">%s</div>""" %text
        if retweeted_text:
            retweeted_text = wrap_long_line(retweeted_text)
            _html += """<div class='tip'><span class="fade">%s</span></div>""" %retweeted_text
        if img:
            _html += """<img src=%s></img>""" %img
        _html += """<div class="fade">%s &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; %s</div>""" %(from_, create_time)
        _html += """ </div> <body> </html> """

    _pdf = pisaDocument(_html, result, default_css=css, link_callback=link_callback)

    if not _pdf.err:
        pdf_filename = "thepast.me_pdf_%s%s.pdf" %(user.id, randbytes(6))
        save_pdf(result.getvalue(), pdf_filename)
        #resp = make_response(result.getvalue())
        #resp.headers["content-type"] = "application/pdf"
        resp = make_response()
        resp.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
        resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
        redir = '/down/pdf/' + pdf_filename
        resp.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = redir
        return resp
        return 'pdf error: %s' %_pdf.err
コード例 #2
ファイル: pdf.py プロジェクト: kadefor/thepast
def render(user, status_list, with_head=True):
    if with_head:
        _html = u"""<html> <body>
            <div id="Top">
                <img src="%s"/> &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; The Past of Me | 个人杂志计划&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CopyRight©%s
            <br/> <br/>

            <div class="box">
        """ % (
            os.path.join(app.root_path, "static/img/logo.png"),
            datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        _html = u"""<html> <body><div class="box">"""

    for s in status_list:
        if not s:
        title = s.title
        create_time = s.create_time
        from_ = s.get_origin_uri()
        if from_:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + from_[1] + u' class="node">From: ' + from_[0] + "</a>"
            from_ = u""
        text = s.text
        retweeted_text = ""
        img = ""
        if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_MINIBLOG:
            title = ""
            img = s.get_data().get_images()
        elif s.category == config.CATE_SINA_STATUS:
            retweeted = s.get_data().get_retweeted_status()
            re_mid_pic = retweeted and retweeted.get_middle_pic() or ""
            middle_pic = s.get_data().get_middle_pic()

            if retweeted:
                retweeted_text = retweeted.get_user().get_nickname() + ": " + retweeted.get_content()

            if re_mid_pic or middle_pic:
                img = re_mid_pic or middle_pic

        elif s.category == config.CATE_QQWEIBO_STATUS:
            img = s.get_data().get_middle_pic()

        _html += """ <hr/> <div class="cell">"""
        if title:
            title = wrap_long_line(title)
            _html += """<div class="bigger">%s</div>""" % title
        if text:
            text = wrap_long_line(text)
            if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_NOTE:
                text = filters.nl2br(text)
            _html += """<div class="content">%s</div>""" % text
        if retweeted_text:
            retweeted_text = wrap_long_line(retweeted_text)
            _html += """<div class='tip'><span class="fade">%s</span></div>""" % retweeted_text
        if img:
            if not isinstance(img, list):
                img = [img]
            for x in img:
                _html += """<img src=%s></img>""" % x
        _html += """<div class="fade">%s &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; %s</div>""" % (from_, create_time)
        _html += """ </div> <body> </html> """
    return _html
コード例 #3
ファイル: pdf.py プロジェクト: FANWENBIN/thepast
def render(user, status_list, with_head=True):
    if with_head:
        _html = u"""<html> <body>
            <div id="Top">
                <img src="%s"/> &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; The Past of Me | 个人杂志计划&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CopyRight©%s
            <br/> <br/>

            <div class="box">
        """ % (os.path.join(app.root_path, "static/img/logo.png"), 
            datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), user.name)
        _html = u"""<html> <body><div class="box">"""

    for s in status_list:
        title = s.title
        create_time = s.create_time
        from_ = ''
        if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_MINIBLOG:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.DOUBAN_MINIBLOG % (s.origin_user_id, s.origin_id) + u'class="node">From:豆瓣广播</a>'
        elif s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_NOTE:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.DOUBAN_NOTE % (s.origin_id,) + u'class="node">From:豆瓣日记</a>'
        elif s.category == config.CATE_SINA_STATUS:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.WEIBO_STATUS % (s.origin_id) + u'class="node">From:新浪微博</a>'
        elif s.category == config.CATE_TWITTER_STATUS:
            from_ = u'<a href="' + config.TWITTER_STATUS % (s.origin_id) + u'class="node">From:twitter</a>'
        text = s.text
        retweeted_text = ''
        img = ''
        if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_MINIBLOG:
            title = ''
            links = s.get_data().get_links()
            if links and links.get("image"):
                img = links.get("image")
        elif s.category == config.CATE_SINA_STATUS:
            retweeted = s.get_data().get_retweeted_status()
            re_mid_pic = retweeted and retweeted.get_middle_pic() or ''
            middle_pic = s.get_data().get_middle_pic()

            if retweeted:
                retweeted_text = retweeted.get_user().get_nickname() + ": " + retweeted.get_content()
            if re_mid_pic or middle_pic:
                img = re_mid_pic or middle_pic
        _html += """ <hr/> <div class="cell">"""
        if title:
            title = wrap_long_line(title)
            _html += """<div class="bigger">%s</div>""" % title
        if text:
            text = wrap_long_line(text)
            if s.category == config.CATE_DOUBAN_NOTE:
                text = filters.nl2br(text)
            _html += """<div class="content">%s</div>""" % text
        if retweeted_text:
            retweeted_text = wrap_long_line(retweeted_text)
            _html += """<div class='tip'><span class="fade">%s</span></div>""" % retweeted_text
        if img:
            _html += """<img src=%s></img>""" % img
        _html += """<div class="fade">%s &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; %s</div>""" % (from_, create_time)
        _html += """ </div> <body> </html> """
    return _html