コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: 6779660/ckan
    def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
        vars = Template.check_vars(self, vars, cmd)

        # workaround for a paster issue https://github.com/ckan/ckan/issues/2636
        # this is only used from a short-lived paster command

        if not vars['project'].startswith('ckanext-'):
            print "\nError: Project name must start with 'ckanext-'"

        # The project name without the ckanext-.
        vars['project_shortname'] = vars['project'][len('ckanext-'):]

        # Make sure keywords contains "CKAN" (upper-case) once only.
        keywords = vars['keywords'].strip().split()
        keywords = [keyword for keyword in keywords
                    if keyword not in ('ckan', 'CKAN')]
        keywords.insert(0, 'CKAN')
        vars['keywords'] = u' '.join(keywords)

        # For an extension named ckanext-example we want a plugin class
        # named ExamplePlugin.
        vars['plugin_class_name'] = vars['project_shortname'].title() + 'Plugin'

        return vars
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: dice-group/dice-ckan
    def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
        vars = Template.check_vars(self, vars, cmd)

        # workaround for a paster issue https://github.com/ckan/ckan/issues/2636
        # this is only used from a short-lived paster command
            reload(sys)  # Python 2
        except NameError:
            pass  # Python 3

        if not vars['project'].startswith('ckanext-'):
            print("\nError: Project name must start with 'ckanext-'")

        # The project name without the ckanext-.
        vars['project_shortname'] = vars['project'][len('ckanext-'):]

        # Make sure keywords contains "CKAN" (upper-case) once only.
        keywords = vars['keywords'].strip().split()
        keywords = [
            keyword for keyword in keywords if keyword not in ('ckan', 'CKAN')
        keywords.insert(0, 'CKAN')
        vars['keywords'] = u' '.join(keywords)

        # For an extension named ckanext-example we want a plugin class
        # named ExamplePlugin.
        vars['plugin_class_name'] = vars['project_shortname'].title(
        ) + 'Plugin'

        return vars
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: 1sha1/ckan
 def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
     vars = Template.check_vars(self, vars, cmd)
     if not vars['project'].startswith('ckanext-'):
         print "\nError: Expected the project name to start with 'ckanext-'"
     vars['project'] = vars['project'][len('ckanext-'):]
     return vars
コード例 #4
 def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
     vars = Template.check_vars(self, vars, cmd)
     if not vars['project'].startswith('ckanext-'):
         print "\nError: Expected the project name to start with 'ckanext-'"
     vars['project'] = vars['project'][len('ckanext-'):]
     return vars
コード例 #5
 def check_vars(self, user_vars, command):
     checked_vars = Template.check_vars(self, user_vars, command)
     msg = 'Context defined by PasteScript(This may be harmful to Jinja2):'
     keys = sorted(standard_vars)
     max_len = len(max(keys, key=len))
     for k in keys:
         print('  {0}:{1}  {2}'.format(k, ' ' * (max_len - len(k)), standard_vars[k]))
     return checked_vars
コード例 #6
ファイル: template.py プロジェクト: certik/github-tools
 def check_vars(self, vars, command):
     Reset the package variable in interactive so that project and
     package names can be different (GitHub and Python
     Have different restriction on names).
     if not command.options.no_interactive and \
        not hasattr(command, '_deleted_once'):
         del vars['package']
         command._deleted_once = True
     return Template.check_vars(self, vars, command)
コード例 #7
ファイル: template.py プロジェクト: analurandis/Tur
 def check_vars(self, vars, command):
     Reset the package variable in interactive so that project and
     package names can be different (GitHub and Python
     Have different restriction on names).
     if not command.options.no_interactive and \
        not hasattr(command, '_deleted_once'):
         del vars['package']
         command._deleted_once = True
     return Template.check_vars(self, vars, command)
コード例 #8
    def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
        vars = Template.check_vars(self, vars, cmd)
        PREFIX = 'tethysapp-'
        PREFIX_NO_DASH = 'tethysapp'

        if not vars['project'].startswith(PREFIX):
            print('\nError: Expected the project name to start with "{0}". Please add the "{0}" '
                  'as a prefix and try again'.format(PREFIX))

        # Validate project name
        project_error_regex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$')
        project_warning_regex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$')
        project = vars['project'][len(PREFIX):]

        # Only letters, numbers and underscores allowed in app names
        if not project_error_regex.match(project):

            # If the only offending character is a dash, replace dashes with underscores and notify user
            if project_warning_regex.match(project):
                before = project
                project = project.replace('-', '_')
                print('\nWarning: Dashes in project name "{0}" have been replaced ' \
                      'with underscores "{1}"'.format(before, project))

            # Otherwise, throw error
                print('\nError: Invalid characters in project name "{0}". Only letters, numbers, and underscores ' \
                      '(no dashes) allowed after the "tethysapp-" prefix.'.format(project))

        vars['project'] = project

        # Derive the project_url from the project name
        vars['project_url'] = project.replace('_', '-').lower()

        # Derive proper_name if not provided by user
        if not vars['proper_name']:
            vars['proper_name'] = project.replace('_', ' ').title()

        # Derive the proper_no_spaces variable (used for the name of the App class)
        vars['proper_no_spaces'] = ''.join(vars['proper_name'].split())

        # Add the color variable to vars
        vars['color'] = random.choice(self.default_colors)

        return vars
コード例 #9
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: wgw335363240/ckan
    def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
        vars = Template.check_vars(self, vars, cmd)

        if not vars['project'].startswith('ckanext-'):
            print "\nError: Project name must start with 'ckanext-'"

        # The project name without the ckanext-.
        vars['project_shortname'] = vars['project'][len('ckanext-'):]

        # Make sure keywords contains "CKAN" (upper-case) once only.
        keywords = vars['keywords'].strip().split()
        keywords = [keyword for keyword in keywords
                    if keyword not in ('ckan', 'CKAN')]
        keywords.insert(0, 'CKAN')
        vars['keywords'] = ' '.join(keywords)

        # For an extension named ckanext-example we want a plugin class
        # named ExamplePlugin.
        vars['plugin_class_name'] = vars['project_shortname'].title() + 'Plugin'

        return vars
コード例 #10
 def check_vars(self, vars, command):    
     if not command.options.no_interactive and \
        not hasattr(command, '_deleted_once'):
         del vars['package']
         command._deleted_once = True
     return Template.check_vars(self, vars, command)
コード例 #11
    def create_project(self,
        * project: path name of project
        * templates: templates to be applied on project creation
        * vars: variables for interpolation
        * database:  type of database to use
        * repository: type of repository to use

        ### set variables

        dirname = os.path.join(self.directory, project)

        if os.path.isdir(dirname) and os.listdir(dirname):
            raise ValueError("Project directory %r already exists, "
                             "cowardly refusing to create anything" % dirname)

        _vars = vars or {}
        vars = self.vars.copy()
        vars['project'] = project
        permissions = dict([(key, value[:])
                            for key, value in self.permissions.items()])
        wiki = self.wiki[:]

        ### munge configuration

        # get templates

        # XXX hack to get the specified DB out of pastescript templates
        if not database:
            if isinstance(templates, ProjectTemplates):
                pastescript_templates = templates.pastescript_templates
                pastescript_templates = ProjectTemplates(
                    *(templates + self.site_templates)).pastescript_templates
            databases = set([
                template.database() for template in pastescript_templates
                if template.db is not None
            if databases:
                assert len(databases) == 1
                database = databases.pop()
        if not database:
            database = SQLite()

        _templates = []
        if repository:

        if isinstance(templates, ProjectTemplates):
            if _templates:
            templates += _templates
            templates = self.project_templates(templates)

        # determine the vars/options
        optdict = templates.vars(self.options)
        repo_fields = {}
        if database:
            vars2dict(optdict, *database.options)
        if repository:
            vars2dict(optdict, *repository.options)
            repo_fields = self.repository_fields(project).get(
                repository.name, {})

        ### interpolate configuration

        command = create_distro_command(interactive=self.interactive)

        # check for missing variables
        missing = templates.missing(vars)
        if return_missing:
            return missing
        if missing:

            # use default repo fields if they are missing
            for field in repo_fields:
                if field in missing:
                    vars[field] = repo_fields[field]

            # add missing variables to the optdict
            for missed in missing:
                if missed not in optdict:
                    optdict[missed] = var(missed, '')

            if missing:
                paste_template = Template(project)
                paste_template._read_vars = dict2vars(optdict)  # XXX bad touch
                paste_template.check_vars(vars, command)

        # run the pre method of the pastescript templates
        # XXX should this be done here?
        command.interactive = False
        for paste_template in templates.pastescript_templates:
            paste_template.pre(command, dirname, vars)

        ### create the database
        if database:

        ### create the trac environment
        options = templates.options_tuples(vars)
        options.append(('project', 'name', project))  # XXX needed?
        if self.inherit:
            options.append(('inherit', 'file', self.inherit))
        env = Environment(dirname, create=True, options=options)

        ### repository setup
        if repository:
                repos = env.get_repository()
            except TracError:

        ### read the generated configuration
        _conf_file = os.path.join(dirname, 'conf', 'trac.ini')
        fp = file(_conf_file)
        _conf = fp.read()

        ### run pastescript templates
        for paste_template in templates.pastescript_templates:
            paste_template.write_files(command, dirname, vars)
            paste_template.post(command, dirname, vars)

            # read permissions
            for agent, perm in paste_template.permissions.items():
                permissions.setdefault(agent, []).extend(perm)

            # read wiki directories
            wiki_dir = paste_template.wiki_dir()
            if wiki_dir is not None:

        # write back munged configuration
        munger = ConfigMunger(_conf, options)
        fp = file(_conf_file, 'w')

        # TODO: update the inherited file:
        # * intertrac

        # trac-admin upgrade the project
        env = Environment(dirname)
        if env.needs_upgrade():

        ### trac-admin operations
        admin = TracLegosAdmin(dirname)

        # remove the default items

        # load wiki pages
        admin.load_pages()  # default wiki pages
        for page_dir in wiki:

        # add permissions
        if permissions:
コード例 #12
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: wle0001/tethys
    def check_vars(self, vars, cmd):
        vars = Template.check_vars(self, vars, cmd)
        PREFIX = 'tethysapp-'
        PREFIX_NO_DASH = 'tethysapp'

        if not vars['project'].startswith(PREFIX):
            print('\nError: Expected the project name to start with "{0}". Please add the "{0}" '
                  'as a prefix and try again'.format(PREFIX))

        # Validate project name
        project_error_regex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$')
        project_warning_regex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$')

        project = vars['project'][len(PREFIX):]

        # Only letters, numbers and underscores allowed in app names
        if not project_error_regex.match(project):

            # If the only offending character is a dash, replace dashes with underscores and notify user
            if project_warning_regex.match(project):
                before = project
                project = project.replace('-', '_')
                print('\nWarning: Dashes in project name "{0}" have been replaced ' \
                      'with underscores "{1}"'.format(before, project))

            # Otherwise, throw error
                print('\nError: Invalid characters in project name "{0}". Only letters, numbers, and underscores ' \
                      '(no dashes) allowed after the "tethysapp-" prefix.'.format(project))

        vars['project'] = project

        # Derive the project_url from the project name
        vars['project_url'] = project.replace('_', '-').lower()

        # Derive proper_name if not provided by user
        if not vars['proper_name']:
            vars['proper_name'] = project.replace('_', ' ').title()
            # Validate and sanitize user input
            proper_name_error_regex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$')
            proper_name_warn_regex = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9-\s_\"\']+$')

            print vars['proper_name']

            if not proper_name_error_regex.match(vars['proper_name']):

                # If offending characters are dashes, underscores or quotes, replace and notify user
                if proper_name_warn_regex.match(vars['proper_name']):
                    before = vars['proper_name']
                    vars['proper_name'] = vars['proper_name'].replace('_', ' ')
                    vars['proper_name'] = vars['proper_name'].replace('-', ' ')
                    vars['proper_name'] = vars['proper_name'].replace('"', '')
                    vars['proper_name'] = vars['proper_name'].replace("'", "")
                    print('\nWarning: Illegal characters were detected in proper name "{0}". They have replaced or '
                          'removed with valid characters: "{1}"'.format(before, vars['proper_name']))
                # Otherwise, throw error
                    print('\nError: Invalid characters in proper name "{0}". Only letters and numbers and spaces'

        # Derive the proper_no_spaces variable (used for the name of the App class)
        split_proper_name = vars['proper_name'].split()
        title_split_proper_name = [x.title() for x in split_proper_name]
        vars['proper_no_spaces'] = ''.join(title_split_proper_name)

        # Add the color variable to vars
        vars['color'] = random.choice(self.default_colors)

        return vars
コード例 #13
ファイル: legos.py プロジェクト: nyuhuhuu/trachacks
    def create_project(self, project, templates, vars=None,
                       database=None, repository=None,
        * project: path name of project
        * templates: templates to be applied on project creation
        * vars: variables for interpolation
        * database:  type of database to use
        * repository: type of repository to use
        ### set variables

        dirname = os.path.join(self.directory, project)
        if os.path.isdir(dirname) and os.listdir(dirname):
            raise ValueError("Project directory %r already exists, "
                             "cowardly refusing to create anything" % dirname)

        _vars = vars or {}
        vars = self.vars.copy()
        vars['project'] = project        
        permissions = dict([(key, value[:]) 
                            for key, value in self.permissions.items()])
        wiki = self.wiki[:]

        ### munge configuration

        # get templates

        # XXX hack to get the specified DB out of pastescript templates
        if not database:
            if isinstance(templates, ProjectTemplates):
                pastescript_templates = templates.pastescript_templates
                pastescript_templates = ProjectTemplates(*(templates + self.site_templates)).pastescript_templates
            databases = set([ template.database() for template in pastescript_templates
                              if template.db is not None])
            if databases:
                assert len(databases) == 1
                database = databases.pop()
        if not database:
            database = SQLite()

        _templates = []
        if repository:

        if isinstance(templates, ProjectTemplates):
            if _templates:
            templates += _templates
            templates = self.project_templates(templates)

        # determine the vars/options
        optdict = templates.vars(self.options)
        repo_fields = {}
        if database:
            vars2dict(optdict, *database.options)
        if repository:
            vars2dict(optdict, *repository.options)
            repo_fields = self.repository_fields(project).get(repository.name, {})

        ### interpolate configuration

        command = create_distro_command(interactive=self.interactive)
        # check for missing variables
        missing = templates.missing(vars)
        if return_missing:
            return missing
        if missing:

            # use default repo fields if they are missing
            for field in repo_fields:
                if field in missing:
                    vars[field] = repo_fields[field]

            # add missing variables to the optdict
            for missed in missing:
                if missed not in optdict:
                    optdict[missed] = var(missed, '')

            if missing:
                paste_template = Template(project)
                paste_template._read_vars = dict2vars(optdict) # XXX bad touch
                paste_template.check_vars(vars, command)

        # run the pre method of the pastescript templates
        # XXX should this be done here?
        command.interactive = False
        for paste_template in templates.pastescript_templates:
            paste_template.pre(command, dirname, vars)

        ### create the database
        if database:
        ### create the trac environment
        options = templates.options_tuples(vars)
        options.append(('project', 'name', project)) # XXX needed?
        if self.inherit:
            options.append(('inherit', 'file', self.inherit))
        env = Environment(dirname, create=True, options=options)

        ### repository setup
        if repository:
                repos = env.get_repository()
            except TracError:

        ### read the generated configuration 
        _conf_file = os.path.join(dirname, 'conf', 'trac.ini')
        fp = file(_conf_file)
        _conf = fp.read()

        ### run pastescript templates
        for paste_template in templates.pastescript_templates:
            paste_template.write_files(command, dirname, vars)
            paste_template.post(command, dirname, vars)

            # read permissions
            for agent, perm in paste_template.permissions.items():
                permissions.setdefault(agent, []).extend(perm)

            # read wiki directories
            wiki_dir = paste_template.wiki_dir()
            if wiki_dir is not None:

        # write back munged configuration 
        munger = ConfigMunger(_conf, options)
        fp = file(_conf_file, 'w')

        # TODO: update the inherited file:
        # * intertrac

        # trac-admin upgrade the project
        env = Environment(dirname)
        if env.needs_upgrade():

        ### trac-admin operations
        admin = TracLegosAdmin(dirname)

        # remove the default items

        # load wiki pages
        admin.load_pages() # default wiki pages
        for page_dir in wiki:

        # add permissions
        if permissions: