コード例 #1
ファイル: serve.py プロジェクト: tanmoydeb07/cheshire3
def main(argv=None):
    """Start up a CherryPy server to serve the SRU, OAI-PMH applications."""
    global argparser, c3_session, c3_server
    global sru_app, oaipmh_app  # WSGI Apps
    if argv is None:
        args = argparser.parse_args()
        args = argparser.parse_args(argv)
    c3_session = Session()
    c3_server = SimpleServer(c3_session, args.serverconfig)
    # Init SRU App
    sru_configs = get_configsFromServer(c3_session, c3_server)
    sru_app = SRUWsgiHandler(c3_session, sru_configs)
    # Init OAI-PMH App
    dbs, oaipmh_configs = get_databasesAndConfigs(c3_session, c3_server)
    oaipmh_app = OAIPMHWsgiApplication(c3_session, oaipmh_configs, dbs)
    # Mount various Apps and static directories
    urlmap = URLMap()
    urlmap['/docs'] = make_pkg_resources(None, 'cheshire3', 'docs/build/html')
    urlmap['/api/sru'] = sru_app
    urlmap['/api/oaipmh/2.0'] = oaipmh_app
    url = "http://{0}:{1}/".format(args.hostname, args.port)
    if args.browser:
        print("Hopefully a new browser window/tab should have opened "
              "displaying the application.")
コード例 #2
ファイル: webapp.py プロジェクト: cganote/galaxyhack2017
def build_url_map(app, global_conf, local_conf):
    from paste.urlmap import URLMap
    from galaxy.web.framework.middleware.static import CacheableStaticURLParser as Static
    urlmap = URLMap()
    # Merge the global and local configurations
    conf = global_conf.copy()
    # Get cache time in seconds
    cache_time = conf.get("static_cache_time", None)
    if cache_time is not None:
        cache_time = int(cache_time)
    # Send to dynamic app by default
    urlmap["/"] = app
    # Define static mappings from config
    urlmap["/static"] = Static(conf.get("static_dir", "./static/"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/images"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_images_dir", "./static/images"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/static/scripts"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_scripts_dir", "./static/scripts/"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/static/style"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_style_dir", "./static/style/blue"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/favicon.ico"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_favicon_dir", "./static/favicon.ico"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/robots.txt"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_robots_txt", "./static/robots.txt"), cache_time)
    return urlmap, cache_time
コード例 #3
def build_url_map(app, global_conf, local_conf):
    from paste.urlmap import URLMap
    from galaxy.web.framework.middleware.static import CacheableStaticURLParser as Static
    urlmap = URLMap()
    # Merge the global and local configurations
    conf = global_conf.copy()
    # Get cache time in seconds
    cache_time = conf.get("static_cache_time", None)
    if cache_time is not None:
        cache_time = int(cache_time)
    # Send to dynamic app by default
    urlmap["/"] = app

    def get_static_from_config(option_name, default_path):
        config_val = conf.get(option_name, default_url_path(default_path))
        per_host_config_option = f"{option_name}_by_host"
        per_host_config = conf.get(per_host_config_option)
        return Static(config_val, cache_time, directory_per_host=per_host_config)

    # Define static mappings from config
    urlmap["/static"] = get_static_from_config("static_dir", "static/")
    urlmap["/images"] = get_static_from_config("static_images_dir", "static/images")
    urlmap["/static/scripts"] = get_static_from_config("static_scripts_dir", "static/scripts/")
    urlmap["/static/welcome.html"] = get_static_from_config("static_welcome_html", "static/welcome.html")
    urlmap["/favicon.ico"] = get_static_from_config("static_favicon_dir", "static/favicon.ico")
    urlmap["/robots.txt"] = get_static_from_config("static_robots_txt", "static/robots.txt")

    if 'static_local_dir' in conf:
        urlmap["/static_local"] = Static(conf["static_local_dir"], cache_time)
    return urlmap, cache_time
コード例 #4
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: repos-websockets/orbited2
 def _init_listen_rules(self): 
     self._wsgi_apps = {}
     static_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], 'static')
     for rule in self._config.rules['Listen']:
         wsgi_app = URLMap()
         wsgi_app['/static'] = static.Cling(static_path)            
         if 'ws' in rule.protocols:
             wsgi_app['/ws'] = eventlet.websocket.WebSocketWSGI(self._wsgi_websocket)
         if 'csp' in rule.protocols:
             wsgi_app['/csp'] = self._csp_sock
         self._wsgi_apps[(rule.interface, rule.port)] = wsgi_app
コード例 #5
ファイル: middleware.py プロジェクト: worldforge/wombat
def make_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, static_files=True, **app_conf):
    """Create a Pylons WSGI application and return it

        The inherited configuration for this application. Normally from
        the [DEFAULT] section of the Paste ini file.

        Whether or not this application provides a full WSGI stack (by
        default, meaning it handles its own exceptions and errors).
        Disable full_stack when this application is "managed" by
        another WSGI middleware.

        The application's local configuration. Normally specified in the
        [app:<name>] section of the Paste ini file (where <name>
        defaults to main).
    # Configure the Pylons environment
    load_environment(global_conf, app_conf)

    # The Pylons WSGI app
    app = PylonsApp()

    app = RoutesMiddleware(app, config['routes.map'])
    app = SessionMiddleware(app, config)
    app = CacheMiddleware(app, config)

    # CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE HERE (filtered by error handling middlewares)

    if asbool(full_stack):
        # Handle Python exceptions
        app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware'])

        # Display error documents for 401, 403, 404 status codes (and
        # 500 when debug is disabled)
        if asbool(config['debug']):
            app = StatusCodeRedirect(app)
            app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, [401, 403, 404, 500])

    # Establish the Registry for this application
    app = RegistryManager(app)

    # Static files
    if asbool(static_files):
        static_app = StaticURLParser(config['pylons.paths']['static_files'])
        media_app = StaticURLParser(config['app_conf']['media_dir'])
        thumb_app = StaticURLParser(config['app_conf']['thumb_dir'])
        urlmap = URLMap()
        urlmap['/media'] = media_app
        urlmap['/thumb'] = thumb_app
        app = Cascade([urlmap, static_app, app])
    return app
コード例 #6
ファイル: start.py プロジェクト: repos-websockets/orbited2
def main():
    app = URLMap()
    app['/echo'] = handle
    static_path = os.path.join(
        os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], 'static')
    app['/'] = static.Cling(static_path)

    # run an example app from the command line
    listener = eventlet.listen(('localhost', 8013))
    print "\nListening http://localhost:8013/ in your websocket-capable browser.\n"
    wsgi.server(listener, app)
コード例 #7
def main():
    urlmap = URLMap({})
    urlmap['/hello'] = hello
    urlmap['/calc'] = calc
    urlmap['/address'] = address
    urlmap['/tunes'] = tunes
    urlmap['/sampler'] = sampler
    urlmap['/colorpicker'] = colorpicker
    urlmap['/codemirror'] = codemirror
    urlmap['/googlemaps'] = googlemaps

コード例 #8
 def test_middleware_app_non_profiler(self):
     temp_filename = get_temporary_filename()
     profiler_path = "/__profiler__"
         # Use a sample WSGI app
         map_app = URLMap()
         pm = linesman.middleware.ProfilingMiddleware(
             map_app, profiler_path=profiler_path)
         app = TestApp(pm)
         app.get("/not/profiled/url", status=404)
         # Clean up after ourselves
コード例 #9
ファイル: selftest-server.py プロジェクト: ianb/thecutout
def main():
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if options.clear:
        if os.path.exists(options.dir):
            print 'Deleting %s' % options.dir
    from cutout.sync import Application
    db_app = Application(dir=options.dir, include_syncclient=True)
    from webob.static import DirectoryApp
    from paste.urlmap import URLMap
    map = URLMap()
    map['/'] = DirectoryApp(os.path.join(here, 'cutout', 'tests',
    map['/db'] = TestAuthMiddleware(db_app)
    from paste.httpserver import serve
    serve(map, host=options.host, port=int(options.port))
コード例 #10
ファイル: dev-server.py プロジェクト: ianb/thecutout
def main():
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if options.clear:
        if os.path.exists(options.dir):
            print 'Deleting %s' % options.dir
    mapper = URLMap()
    for arg in args:
        if '=' in arg:
            path, dir = arg.split('=', 1)
            path, dir = '/', arg
        mapper[path] = DirectoryApp(dir)
    from cutout.sync import Application
    db_app = Application(dir=options.dir, include_syncclient=True)
    mapper['/sync'] = db_app
    serve(mapper, host=options.host, port=int(options.port))
コード例 #11
def add_media_to_app(django_app):
    Return a WSGI application made up of the Django application, its media and
    the Django Admin media.
    app = URLMap()
    app['/'] = django_app

    # The Django App has been loaded, so it's now safe to access the settings:
    from django.conf import settings

    # Setting up the Admin media:
    admin_media = path.join(_DJANGO_ROOT, "contrib", "admin", "media")
    app[settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX] = StaticURLParser(admin_media)

    # Setting up the media for the Django application:
    app[settings.MEDIA_URL] = StaticURLParser(settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

    return app
コード例 #12
def wrap_in_static(app, global_conf, **local_conf):
    from paste.urlmap import URLMap
    from biobench.middleware.static import CacheableStaticURLParser as Static
    urlmap = URLMap()
    # Merge the global and local configurations
    conf = global_conf.copy()
    # Get cache time in seconds
    cache_time = conf.get("static_cache_time", None)
    if cache_time is not None:
        cache_time = int(cache_time)
    # Send to dynamic app by default
    urlmap["/"] = app
    # Define static mappings from config
    urlmap["/static"] = Static(conf.get("static_dir"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/staticpdb"] = Static(conf.get("pdb_dataset_link"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/staticjob"] = Static(conf.get("job_link"), cache_time)
    print conf.get("static_favicon_dir")
    #urlmap["/favicon.ico"] = Static( conf.get( "static_favicon_dir" ), cache_time )
    return urlmap
コード例 #13
def wrap_in_static( app, global_conf, **local_conf ):
    from paste.urlmap import URLMap
    from galaxy.web.framework.middleware.static import CacheableStaticURLParser as Static
    urlmap = URLMap()
    # Merge the global and local configurations
    conf = global_conf.copy()
    # Get cache time in seconds
    cache_time = conf.get( "static_cache_time", None )
    if cache_time is not None:
        cache_time = int( cache_time )
    # Send to dynamic app by default
    urlmap["/"] = app
    # Define static mappings from config
    urlmap["/static"] = Static( conf.get( "static_dir" ), cache_time )
    urlmap["/images"] = Static( conf.get( "static_images_dir" ), cache_time )
    urlmap["/static/scripts"] = Static( conf.get( "static_scripts_dir" ), cache_time )
    urlmap["/static/style"] = Static( conf.get( "static_style_dir" ), cache_time )
    urlmap["/favicon.ico"] = Static( conf.get( "static_favicon_dir" ), cache_time )
    # URL mapper becomes the root webapp
    return urlmap
コード例 #14
def wrap_in_static(app, global_conf, plugin_frameworks=None, **local_conf):
    from paste.urlmap import URLMap
    from galaxy.web.framework.middleware.static import CacheableStaticURLParser as Static
    urlmap = URLMap()
    # Merge the global and local configurations
    conf = global_conf.copy()
    # Get cache time in seconds
    cache_time = conf.get("static_cache_time", None)
    if cache_time is not None:
        cache_time = int(cache_time)
    # Send to dynamic app by default
    urlmap["/"] = app
    # Define static mappings from config
    urlmap["/static"] = Static(conf.get("static_dir", "./static/"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/images"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_images_dir", "./static/images"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/static/scripts"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_scripts_dir", "./static/scripts/"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/static/style"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_style_dir", "./static/style/blue"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/favicon.ico"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_favicon_dir", "./static/favicon.ico"), cache_time)
    urlmap["/robots.txt"] = Static(
        conf.get("static_robots_txt", "./static/robots.txt"), cache_time)

    # wrap any static dirs for plugins
    plugin_frameworks = plugin_frameworks or []
    for framework in plugin_frameworks:
        if framework and framework.serves_static:
            # invert control to each plugin for finding their own static dirs
            for plugin_url, plugin_static_path in framework.get_static_urls_and_paths(
                plugin_url = '/plugins/' + plugin_url
                urlmap[(plugin_url)] = Static(plugin_static_path, cache_time)
                log.debug('added url, path to static middleware: %s, %s',
                          plugin_url, plugin_static_path)

    # URL mapper becomes the root webapp
    return urlmap
コード例 #15
ファイル: paste_server.py プロジェクト: ejucovy/xinha
    for file in os.listdir(path):
        _file = file
        file = req.path_info.rstrip('/') + '/' + file
        data = {'url': file}
        filepath = os.path.join(path, _file)
        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
            _req = Request(req.environ.copy())
            _req.path_info = file
            subfiles = scan(_req, filepath)
            data['children'] = subfiles
    return files

def linker_app(environ, start_response):
    req = Request(environ)
    path = req.path_info
    path = path.split('/')
    path = [os.getcwd()] + path
    path = os.path.join(*path)
    assert os.path.exists(path)
    files = scan(req, path)
    return Response(json.dumps(files), )(environ, start_response)

app = URLMap()
app['/linker_backend'] = linker_app
app['/'] = static_app

serve(app, port='8080')
コード例 #16
def setup():
    # Monkeypatch webtest TestRequest to inject our custom TestResponse
    # for now, hopefully subclass approach (demonstrated above to no effect)
    # will be merged to WebTest trunk (from bitbucket.org/ejucovy/webtest)
    TestRequest.ResponseClass = HtmlTestResponse

    global raw_app, rule_filename, deliv_filename, deliv_url
    app = URLMap()
    app['/theme.html'] = make_response(get_text("theme.html"))

    app['/blog/index.html'] = make_response(get_text("blog_index.html"))
    app['/about.html'] = make_response(get_text("about.html"))
    app['/magic'] = make_response(get_text("magic.html"), headerlist=[
            ('Content-Type', "text/html"), ('X-No-Deliverate', "1")])
    app['/magic2'] = make_response(get_text("magic2.html"))
    app['/foo'] = make_response(get_text("foo.html"))
    app['/empty'] = make_response("")
    app['/html_entities.html'] = make_response(get_text("html_entities.html"))
    app['/xhtml_doctype.html'] = make_response(get_text("xhtml_doctype.html"))
    app['/no_xhtml_doctype.html'] = make_response(get_text("no_xhtml_doctype.html"))
    app['/scriptcomments'] = make_response(get_text("scriptcomments.html"))
    app['/xhtml_scriptcomments'] = make_response(get_text("xhtml_scriptcomments.html"))

    app['/cdata.html'] = make_response(get_text("cdata.html"))
    app['/newfooter.html'] = make_response(get_text("newfooter.html"))
    app['/newfooter_sneaky_cdata.html'] = make_response(get_text("newfooter_sneaky_cdata.html"))

    app['/reddot.html'] = make_response(get_text("reddot.html"))
    app['/reddot2.html'] = make_response(get_text("reddot2.html"))
    app['/ellipse.html'] = make_response(get_text("ellipse.html"))

    app['/collapse_theme.html'] = make_response(get_text("collapse_theme.html"))
    app['/collapse_content.html'] = make_response(get_text("collapse_content.html"))

    app['/redirect_test/theme.html'] = make_redirect("/theme.html")
    app['/redirect_test/dynamic_topnav/logged_in.html'] = make_response(
    app['/redirect_test/dynamic_topnav'] = make_redirect(
    app['/redirect_test/dynamic_topnav'] = make_redirect(
    app['/redirect_test'] = make_redirect("/redirect_test/welcome.html")
    app['/redirect_test/welcome.html'] = make_response(get_text("welcome.html"))

    rule_xml = get_text("rule.xml")

    # Rule files can be read directly from the filesystem:
    rule_filename_pos, rule_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
    f = open(rule_filename, 'w+')

    # Rule files can also be published and fetched with an HTTP subrequest:
    def read_rule_file(environ, start_response):
        f = open(rule_filename)
        content = f.read()
        return Response(content, content_type="application/xml")(environ, start_response)
    app['/mytheme/rules.xml'] = read_rule_file

    # We'll set up one DeliveranceMiddleware using the published rules, 
    # and another using the rule file:
    deliv_filename = DeliveranceMiddleware(
        app, FileRuleGetter(rule_filename),
        PrintingLogger, log_factory_kw=dict(print_level=logging.WARNING))
    deliv_url = DeliveranceMiddleware(
        app, SubrequestRuleGetter('http://localhost/mytheme/rules.xml'),
        PrintingLogger, log_factory_kw=dict(print_level=logging.WARNING))
    raw_app = HtmlTestApp(app)

    deliv_filename = HtmlTestApp(deliv_filename)
    deliv_url = HtmlTestApp(deliv_url)
コード例 #17
def make_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, static_files=True, **app_conf):
    """Create a Pylons WSGI application and return it

        The inherited configuration for this application. Normally from
        the [DEFAULT] section of the Paste ini file.

        Whether this application provides a full WSGI stack (by default,
        meaning it handles its own exceptions and errors). Disable
        full_stack when this application is "managed" by another WSGI

        Whether this application serves its own static files; disable
        when another web server is responsible for serving them.

        The application's local configuration. Normally specified in
        the [app:<name>] section of the Paste ini file (where <name>
        defaults to main).

    # Configure the Pylons environment
    config = load_environment(global_conf, app_conf)
    plugin_mgr = config['pylons.app_globals'].plugin_mgr

    # The Pylons WSGI app
    app = PylonsApp(config=config)

    # Allow the plugin manager to tweak our WSGI app
    app = plugin_mgr.wrap_pylons_app(app)

    # Routing/Session/Cache Middleware
    app = RoutesMiddleware(app, config['routes.map'], singleton=False)
    app = SessionMiddleware(app, config)

    # CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE HERE (filtered by error handling middlewares)

    # Set up repoze.what-quickstart authentication:
    # http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/Authorization+with+repoze.what
    app = add_auth(app, config)

    # ToscaWidgets Middleware
    app = setup_tw_middleware(app, config)

    # Strip the name of the .fcgi script, if using one, from the SCRIPT_NAME
    app = FastCGIScriptStripperMiddleware(app)

    # If enabled, set up the proxy prefix for routing behind
    # fastcgi and mod_proxy based deployments.
    if config.get('proxy_prefix', None):
        app = setup_prefix_middleware(app, global_conf, config['proxy_prefix'])


    if asbool(full_stack):
        # Handle Python exceptions
        app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware'])

        # Display error documents for 401, 403, 404 status codes (and
        # 500 when debug is disabled)
        if asbool(config['debug']):
            app = StatusCodeRedirect(app)
            app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, [400, 401, 403, 404, 500])

    # Cleanup the DBSession only after errors are handled
    app = DBSessionRemoverMiddleware(app)

    # Establish the Registry for this application
    app = RegistryManager(app)

    if asbool(static_files):
        # Serve static files from our public directory
        public_app = StaticURLParser(config['pylons.paths']['static_files'])

        static_urlmap = URLMap()
        # Serve static files from all plugins
        for dir, path in plugin_mgr.public_paths().iteritems():
            static_urlmap[dir] = StaticURLParser(path)

        # Serve static media and podcast images from outside our public directory
        for image_type in ('media', 'podcasts'):
            dir = '/images/' + image_type
            path = os.path.join(config['image_dir'], image_type)
            static_urlmap[dir] = StaticURLParser(path)

        # Serve appearance directory outside of public as well
        dir = '/appearance'
        path = os.path.join(config['app_conf']['cache_dir'], 'appearance')
        static_urlmap[dir] = StaticURLParser(path)

        # We want to serve goog closure code for debugging uncompiled js.
        if config['debug']:
            goog_path = os.path.join(config['pylons.paths']['root'], '..',
                                     'closure-library', 'closure', 'goog')
            if os.path.exists(goog_path):
                static_urlmap['/scripts/goog'] = StaticURLParser(goog_path)

        app = Cascade([public_app, static_urlmap, app])

    if asbool(config.get('enable_gzip', 'true')):
        app = setup_gzip_middleware(app, global_conf)

    app.config = config
    return app
コード例 #18
def make_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, static_files=True, **app_conf):
    """Create a Pylons WSGI application and return it

        The inherited configuration for this application. Normally from
        the [DEFAULT] section of the Paste ini file.

        Whether this application provides a full WSGI stack (by default,
        meaning it handles its own exceptions and errors). Disable
        full_stack when this application is "managed" by another WSGI

        Whether this application serves its own static files; disable
        when another web server is responsible for serving them.

        The application's local configuration. Normally specified in
        the [app:<name>] section of the Paste ini file (where <name>
        defaults to main).

    # Configure the Pylons environment
    config = load_environment(global_conf, app_conf)
    alembic_migrations = MediaCoreMigrator.from_config(config, log=log)
    if alembic_migrations.is_db_scheme_current():
            'Running with an outdated database scheme. Please upgrade your database.'
    plugin_mgr = config['pylons.app_globals'].plugin_mgr

    # The Pylons WSGI app
    app = PylonsApp(config=config)

    # Allow the plugin manager to tweak our WSGI app
    app = plugin_mgr.wrap_pylons_app(app)

    # Routing/Session/Cache Middleware
    app = RoutesMiddleware(app, config['routes.map'], singleton=False)
    app = SessionMiddleware(app, config)

    # CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE HERE (filtered by error handling middlewares)

    # add repoze.who middleware with our own authorization library
    app = add_auth(app, config)

    # ToscaWidgets Middleware
    app = setup_tw_middleware(app, config)

    # Strip the name of the .fcgi script, if using one, from the SCRIPT_NAME
    app = FastCGIScriptStripperMiddleware(app)

    # If enabled, set up the proxy prefix for routing behind
    # fastcgi and mod_proxy based deployments.
    if config.get('proxy_prefix', None):
        app = setup_prefix_middleware(app, global_conf, config['proxy_prefix'])


    if asbool(full_stack):
        # Handle Python exceptions
        app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware'])

        # by default Apache uses  a global alias for "/error" in the httpd.conf
        # which means that users can not send error reports through MediaCore's
        # error page (because that POSTs to /error/report).
        # To make things worse Apache (at least up to 2.4) has no "unalias"
        # functionality. So we work around the issue by using the "/errors"
        # prefix (extra "s" at the end)
        error_path = '/errors/document'
        # Display error documents for 401, 403, 404 status codes (and
        # 500 when debug is disabled)
        if asbool(config['debug']):
            app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, path=error_path)
            app = StatusCodeRedirect(app,
                                     errors=(400, 401, 403, 404, 500),

    # Cleanup the DBSession only after errors are handled
    app = DBSessionRemoverMiddleware(app)

    # Establish the Registry for this application
    app = RegistryManager(app)

    app = setup_db_sanity_checks(app, config)

    if asbool(static_files):
        # Serve static files from our public directory
        public_app = StaticURLParser(config['pylons.paths']['static_files'])

        static_urlmap = URLMap()
        # Serve static files from all plugins
        for dir, path in plugin_mgr.public_paths().iteritems():
            static_urlmap[dir] = StaticURLParser(path)

        # Serve static media and podcast images from outside our public directory
        for image_type in ('media', 'podcasts'):
            dir = '/images/' + image_type
            path = os.path.join(config['image_dir'], image_type)
            static_urlmap[dir] = StaticURLParser(path)

        # Serve appearance directory outside of public as well
        dir = '/appearance'
        path = os.path.join(config['app_conf']['cache_dir'], 'appearance')
        static_urlmap[dir] = StaticURLParser(path)

        # We want to serve goog closure code for debugging uncompiled js.
        if config['debug']:
            goog_path = os.path.join(config['pylons.paths']['root'], '..',
                                     'closure-library', 'closure', 'goog')
            if os.path.exists(goog_path):
                static_urlmap['/scripts/goog'] = StaticURLParser(goog_path)

        app = Cascade([public_app, static_urlmap, app])

    if asbool(config.get('enable_gzip', 'true')):
        app = setup_gzip_middleware(app, global_conf)

    app.config = config
    return app
コード例 #19
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: fbeneventi/muntjac
address = ApplicationServlet(SimpleAddressBook)

tunes = ApplicationServlet(MuntjacTunesLayout)

sampler = ApplicationServlet(

colorpicker = ApplicationServlet(ColorPickerApplication)

codemirror = ApplicationServlet(CodeMirrorApplication)

googlemaps = ApplicationServlet(GoogleMapWidgetApp)

urlmap = URLMap({})
urlmap['/hello'] = hello
urlmap['/calc'] = calc
urlmap['/address'] = address
urlmap['/tunes'] = tunes
urlmap['/sampler'] = sampler
urlmap['/colorpicker'] = colorpicker
urlmap['/codemirror'] = codemirror
urlmap['/googlemaps'] = googlemaps

ws_app = DirectoryApp(join(dirname(muntjac.__file__), 'public', 'VAADIN'))
urlmap['/VAADIN'] = ws_app

def main():
    logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
コード例 #20
ファイル: lite-server.py プロジェクト: jtux270/translate

    api.env.in_server = True
    api.env.startup_traceback = True
    (options, args) = api.bootstrap_with_global_options(parser, context='lite')
        lite_pem=api.env._join('dot_ipa', 'lite.pem'),

    urlmap = URLMap()
    apps = [
        ('IPA', KRBCheater(api.Backend.wsgi_dispatch)),
        ('webUI', KRBCheater(WebUIApp())),
    for (name, app) in apps:
        urlmap[app.url] = app
        api.log.info('Mounting %s at %s', name, app.url)

    if path.isfile(api.env.lite_pem):
        pem = api.env.lite_pem
        api.log.info('To enable SSL, place PEM file at %r', api.env.lite_pem)
        pem = None

コード例 #21
def get_info(environ, start_response):
    #    command = dict(parse_querystring(environ)).get('command','')
    page = str(parse_querystring(environ))

    #    if command == 'clear':
    #        if 'REMOTE_USER' in environ:
    #            del environ['REMOTE_USER']
    #        if 'REMOTE_SESSION' in environ:
    #            del environ['REMOTE_SESSION']
    #    else:
    #        environ['REMOTE_SESSION'] = authfunc(environ, my_realm, environ['REMOTE_USER'] )

    #    if environ.get('REMOTE_USER'):
    #        page = '<html><body>Welcome %s (%s)</body></html>'
    #        page %= (environ['REMOTE_USER'], environ['REMOTE_SESSION'])
    #    else:
    #        page = ('<html><body><form><input name="user" />'
    #                '<input type="submit" /></form></body></html>')
    return DataApp(page, content_type="text/plain")(environ, start_response)

root_app = URLMap()
root_app['/get_info'] = get_info

    cookie_m.AuthCookieHandler(AuthDigestHandler(root_app, my_realm, authfunc),