def test_vctl(dm, trim_args, force_recompute=False, dt=0.01, tf=80.5, atm=None, save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_vctl_w.npz'): atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereCalm() #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereCstWind([1, 0, 0]) #trim_args={'h':26, 'va':17, 'gamma':0} #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.CircleRefTraj(c=[70, 0, -15], r=80) #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.ZStepCircleRefTraj(c=[70, 0, -10], r=80) ref_traj = p3_traj3d.ZdStepCircleRefTraj(c=[70, 0, -10], r=120) #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.BankedCircleRefTraj(c=[70, 0, -30], r=150) #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.SquareRefTraj() #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.OctogonRefTraj() # kindof broken #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.OvalRefTraj() # ctl = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuit(dm, ref_traj, trim_args, dt) #ctl.set_vmode(ctl.v_mode_throttle, 0.) #ctl.set_vmode(ctl.v_mode_vz, -1.) #ctl.set_vmode(ctl.v_mode_alt, -12) ctl.set_vmode(ctl.v_mode_traj, None) ctl.set_initial_conditions((70, -80, -4), None) ctl_logger = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuitLogger() time, X, U = _run_or_load_sim(dm, ctl, None, tf, dt, trim_args, atm, ctl_logger, force_recompute, save_filename) ctl_logger.plot3D(time, X, ctl, atm, ref_traj) ctl_logger.plot_slice_nu(time, X, U, ctl, atm) ctl_logger.plot_chronograms(time, X, U, ctl, atm)
def main(param_filename, force_recompute=False, save_filename='/tmp/pat_glider_wind.npz'): dm = p1_fw_dyn.DynamicModel(param_filename) trim_args = {'h': 0, 'va': 11, 'gamma': 0} ref_traj = p3_traj3d.LineRefTraj(p1=[0, 0, 0], p2=[250, 0, 0]) tf = 5.5 #atm = None #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereCalm() #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereCstWind([-1, 0, 0]) #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereVgradient([0, 0, 3]) #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereSinetWind([1, 0, 0]) atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereSinetWind([-5, 0, -1]) #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereSinedWind([-5, 0, -1]) #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereThermal1() dt = 0.01 ctl = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuit(dm, ref_traj, trim_args, dt) ctl.set_vmode(ctl.v_mode_throttle, ctl.Ue[0]) #ctl.att_ctl.reset(0, ctl.Xe) # Xe must be SixDOFAeroEuler ctl_logger = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuitLogger() #p3_pu.plot_3D_wind(atm) #p3_pu.plot_slice_wind(atm) #time, X, U = test_03_guidance.run_simulation(dm, ctl, None, tf=tf, dt=dt, trim_args=trim_args, atm=atm, # cbk=lambda:ctl_logger.record(ctl)) time, X, U = test_03_guidance._run_or_load_sim(dm, ctl, None, tf, dt, trim_args, atm, ctl_logger, force_recompute, save_filename) ctl_logger.plot_chronograms(time, X, U, ctl, atm) #ctl_logger.plot_debug_chronograms(time, X, U, ctl, atm)
def test_circle(dm, trim_args, force_recompute=False, dt=0.01, tf=30.5, atm=None, save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_circle.npz'): ref_traj = p3_traj3d.CircleRefTraj(c=[0, 0, 0], r=20) ctl = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuit(dm, ref_traj, trim_args, dt) ctl.v_mode = ctl.v_mode_throttle; ctl.throttle_sp = ctl.Ue[0] ctl.set_initial_conditions((0, 20, 0), None) ctl_logger = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuitLogger() time, X, U = _run_or_load_sim(dm, ctl, None, tf, dt, trim_args, atm, ctl_logger, force_recompute, save_filename) ctl_logger.plot_chronograms(time, X, U, ctl, atm) ctl_logger.plot3D(time, X, ctl, atm, ref_traj)
def main(): # Read aircraft trajectory and control variables from a file ctl_logger = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuitLogger() time, X, U = ctl_logger.load('/tmp/pat_glider_ds.npz') # This is needed :( atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereShearX(wind1=7.0, wind2=-1.0, xlayer=60.0, zlayer=40.0) # Convert aircraft trajectory to euclidian/euler state vector Xee = np.array([ p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.to_six_dof_euclidian_euler(_X, atm, _t) for _X, _t in zip(X, time) ]) # Compute energy inertial_vel_ned = Xee[:, p3_fr.SixDOFEuclidianEuler.sv_slice_vel] inertial_vel_norm = np.linalg.norm(inertial_vel_ned, axis=1) mass, g = 1.7, 9.81 # we can get that from the cularis dynamic model if needed, as well as inertia kinetic_energy = 0.5 * mass * inertial_vel_norm**2 pos_ned = Xee[:, p3_fr.SixDOFEuclidianEuler.sv_slice_pos] potential_energy = mass * g * -Xee[:, p3_fr.SixDOFEuclidianEuler.sv_z] #pdb.set_trace() # Plot aircraft trajectory #p1_fw_dyn.plot_trajectory_ae(time, X, U, window_title='chronogram', atm=atm) _ctl = None # not needed ctl_logger.plot_chronograms(time, X, U, _ctl, atm) ctl_logger.plot3D(time, X, _ctl, atm) ctl_logger.plot_slice_nu(time, X, U, _ctl, atm, ref_traj=None, n0=0, n1=210, dn=10, h0=0, h1=80, dh=10) # Plot energy plt.figure() plt.plot(time, kinetic_energy, label='kinetic energy') plt.plot(time, potential_energy, label='potential energy') plt.plot(time, potential_energy + kinetic_energy, label='total energy') p3_pu.decorate(plt.gca(), title='Energy', xlab='time in s', ylab='E in joules', legend=True)
def test_slope_soaring(dm, trim_args, force_recompute=False, dt=0.01, tf=120.5, save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_slope_soaring.npz'): atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereRidge() trim_args={'h':30, 'va':12, 'gamma':0} #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.CircleRefTraj(c=[-10, 0, -50], r=25) ref_traj = p3_traj3d.OvalRefTraj( _r=25., _l=200, _c=np.array([-10, 0, -50])) # ctl = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuit(dm, ref_traj, trim_args, dt) ctl.v_mode = ctl.v_mode_throttle; ctl.throttle_sp = 0. # we glide ctl_logger = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuitLogger() time, X, U = _run_or_load_sim(dm, ctl, None, tf, dt, trim_args, atm, ctl_logger, force_recompute, save_filename) ctl_logger.plot3D(time, X, ctl, atm, ref_traj) ctl_logger.plot_slice_nu(time, X, U, ctl, atm, n0=-50, n1=40) ctl_logger.plot_chronograms(time, X, U, ctl, atm)
def test_dynamic_soaring(dm, trim_args, force_recompute=False, dt=0.005, tf=150.): #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereShearX(wind1=15.0, wind2=-2.0, xlayer=60.0, zlayer=40.0) #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereShearX(wind1=7.0, wind2=-1.0, xlayer=60.0, zlayer=40.0) #atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereShearX(wind1=5.0, wind2=0.0, xlayer=60.0, zlayer=40.0) atm, save_filename = _ds_exp(4) trim_args={'h':30, 'va':17, 'gamma':0} #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.CircleRefTraj(c=[0, 0, -20], r=20) ref_traj = p3_traj3d.BankedCircleRefTraj(c=[100, 0, -40], r=60, slope=np.deg2rad(10)) #ctl = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuit(dm, ref_traj, trim_args, dt, lookahead_dist=15., max_phi=np.deg2rad(45)) ctl = p3_guid.GuidanceDS(dm, ref_traj, trim_args, dt, lookahead_dist=15., max_phi=np.deg2rad(60)) ctl.v_mode = ctl.v_mode_alt ctl_logger = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuitLogger() time, X, U = _run_or_load_sim(dm, ctl, None, tf, dt, trim_args, atm, ctl_logger, force_recompute, save_filename) ctl_logger.plot3D(time, X, ctl, atm) ctl_logger.plot_slice_nu(time, X, U, ctl, atm, ref_traj, n0=0, n1=210, dn=10, h0=0, h1=80, dh=10) ctl_logger.plot_chronograms(time, X, U, ctl, atm) return ref_traj, (time, X, U)
def main(dt=0.005): param_filename = p3_u.pat_ressource('data/vehicles/cularis.xml') dm = p1_fw_dyn.DynamicModel(param_filename) trim_args = {'h': 30, 'va': 17, 'gamma': 0} if 0: atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereCalm() save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_ds_nw.npz' if 0: atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereCstWind([1, 0, 0]) save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_ds_wc100.npz' if 0: atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereRidge() save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_ds_wr.npz' if 0: atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereShearX(wind1=5.0, wind2=0.0, xlayer=60.0, zlayer=40.0) save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_ds_ws50.npz' if 1: atm = p3_atm.AtmosphereVgradient() save_filename = '/tmp/pat_glider_ds_wvg.npz' #ref_traj = p3_traj3d.BankedCircleRefTraj(c=[100, 0, -40], r=60, slope=np.deg2rad(10)) #ctl = p3_guid.GuidanceDS(dm, ref_traj, trim_args, dt, lookahead_dist=15., max_phi=np.deg2rad(60)) ctl_logger = p3_guid.GuidancePurePursuitLogger() time, Xae, U = ctl_logger.load(save_filename) # aliasing state variables _pos = Xae[:, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_slice_pos] _alt = -Xae[:, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_z] _va = Xae[:, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_va] _va2 = _va**2 _alpha = Xae[:, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_alpha] _eul = Xae[:, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_slice_eul] _phi, _theta, _psi = [_eul[:, _i] for _i in range(3)] _gamma = _theta - _alpha # aliasing input variables _throttle = U[:, dm.iv_dth()] # compute state variable in euclidian/euler format Xee = np.array([dm.to_six_dof_euclidian_euler(_X, atm, 0.) for _X in Xae]) _vi = Xee[:, p3_fr.SixDOFEuclidianEuler.sv_slice_vel] groundspeed_3d = np.linalg.norm(_vi, axis=1) # I hate this variable name #ctl_logger.plot_chronograms(time, X, U, ctl, atm2) # Compute Energy e_kin_air = 0.5 * dm.P.m * _va2 alt_0 = 30. e_pot = dm.P.m * 9.81 * (_alt - alt_0) e_tot_air = e_kin_air + e_pot # Compute wind in body frame #df.wx.iloc[i] = -V_a * cos(theta-np.deg2rad(alpha)) + V_g #df.wz.iloc[i] = V_a * sin(theta-np.deg2rad(alpha)) + V_z #Vg is gps ground speed, in X-Y #and Vz is climb speed # def estimate_inplane_wind(df_in): # df = df_in.copy() # Be careful, this is important !!! # for i in range(df.index.shape[0]): # V_a = df.airspeed.iloc[i] # theta = df.theta.iloc[i] # #alpha = df.alpha.iloc[i] # alpha = alpha_func(df.index[i]) # V_g = df.vel.iloc[i] # # V_g = df.vel_3d.iloc[i] # V_z = -df.climb.iloc[i] # # df.wx.iloc[i] = -V_a * cos(theta-np.deg2rad(alpha)) + V_g # df.wz.iloc[i] = V_a * sin(theta-np.deg2rad(alpha)) + V_z # going up is negative for wz # df.alpha[i] = alpha # return df Wned = np.array([atm.get_wind_ned(_p, _t) for _p, _t in zip(_pos, time)]) Wb = np.array( [p3_fr.vel_world_to_body_eul(_v, _e) for _v, _e in zip(Wned, _eul)]) Wx, Wy, Wz = [Wb[:, _i] for _i in range(3)] dt = time[1] - time[0] dWx, dWz = np.gradient(Wx, dt), np.gradient(Wz, dt) # compute power rho = 1.225 AR = 11.84 e = 0.85 # I don't have accel, let's compute it Az = np.gradient(_vi[:, 2], dt) Lift = -Az * dm.P.m #Lift = -Az * mass CL = Lift / (0.5 * rho * _va2 * dm.P.Sref) CD = dm.P.CD0 + CL**2 / (np.pi * AR * e) D = -0.5 * rho * _va2 * dm.P.Sref * CD P_drag = _va * D P_dwx = -dWx * (-_va * np.sign(_gamma) * np.cos(_gamma)) P_dwz = dWz * (_va * np.sin(_gamma)) #matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plt.rcParams[""] = "Times New Roman" plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 11 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 14.5)) axes = fig.subplots(6, 1, sharex=True) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.975, bottom=0.035, left=0.125, right=0.97, hspace=0.165, wspace=0.205) ax = axes[0] #fig.add_subplot(611) ax.set_title('Energy in Air-Path Frame') ax.plot(time, e_tot_air, label='$E_{Total}$') ax.plot(time, e_kin_air, label='$E_{Kinetic}$') ax.plot(time, e_pot, label='$E_{Potential}$') ax.grid() ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel('Energy [J]') ax = axes[1] #fig.add_subplot(612) ax.plot(time, _alt - alt_0, label='Height AGL') ax.plot(time, _va, label='$V_a$') ax.plot(time, groundspeed_3d, label='$V_{i}$') ax.grid() ax.set_ylabel('Height AGL [$m$] \nSpeed [$m/s$]') ax.legend() ax = axes[2] #fig.add_subplot(613) ax.plot(time, np.rad2deg(_gamma), label='$\gamma$ [deg]') ax.plot(time, Wx, label='$W_x$') ax.plot(time, dWx, label='$\dot{W_x}$') ax.plot(time, Wz, label='$W_z$') ax.plot(time, -_vi[:, 2], label='$Vi_z$') ax.grid() ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel( 'Flight Path ($\gamma$) [deg] \n Wind Speed [$m/s$] \n Gradient [$m/s^2$]' ) ax = axes[3] #fig.add_subplot(614) ax.plot(time, P_drag, color='red', label='$P_D$ [W], $\sum{P_D}$ = %0.2f [Ws]' % (np.nansum(P_drag) / 100)) ax.plot(time, P_dwx, color='black', alpha=0.6, label='$P_{\dot{W}_X}$ [W], $\sum{P_{\dot{W}_X}}$ = %0.2f [Ws]' % (np.nansum(P_dwx) / 100)) ax.fill_between(time, 0, P_dwx, where=(P_dwx >= 0), alpha=0.50, color='green', interpolate=True) ax.fill_between(time, 0, P_dwx, where=(P_dwx < 0), alpha=0.50, color='red', interpolate=True) ax.grid() ax.legend() ax.set_ylabel('Power ($P_{\dot{W}_X}\, & \, P_D$) [W]') ax = axes[4] #fig.add_subplot(615) ax.plot(time, P_dwz, color='black', alpha=0.3, label='$P_{\dot{W_Z}}$, $\sum{P_{\dot{W_Z}}}$ = %0.2f [Ws]' % (np.nansum(P_dwz) / 100)) ax.fill_between(time, 0, P_dwz, where=(P_dwz >= 0), alpha=0.50, color='green', interpolate=True) #, label='P$_{\dot{w}}$'); ax.fill_between(time, 0, P_dwz, where=(P_dwz < 0), alpha=0.50, color='red', interpolate=True) #, label='P$_{\dot{w}}$'); ax.grid() plt.legend() ax.set_ylabel('Power ($P_{\dot{W}_Z}$) [W]') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax = axes[5] #fig.add_subplot(616); ax.plot(time, _throttle, label='Throttle, Averaged = %0.2f' % (np.nanmean(_throttle))) #ax.fill_between(time,0,electrical_power, where=(_throttle >= throttle_limit), alpha=0.20, color='grey', interpolate=True) #ax.plot(time,electrical_power, label='$P_{Elec.}$ [W] , $\sum{P_{Elec.}}$ = %0.2f [Ws]' % (np.nansum(electrical_power[throttle>=throttle_limit])/100.* propulsion_eff) ); #np.nanmean(electrical_power), ax.grid() plt.legend() ax.set_ylabel('Throttle [\%] \n Elec. Power ($P_{Elec.}$) [W]') ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') #ax.set_xlim([20, 30]) plt.savefig('/tmp/traj_murat_ds.png', dpi=120, bbox_inches='tight')