コード例 #1
ファイル: widgets.py プロジェクト: jtomase/matplotlib
class RectangleSelector:
    Select a min/max range of the x axes for a matplotlib Axes

    Example usage:

        from matplotlib.widgets import  RectangleSelector
        from pylab import *

        def onselect(eclick, erelease):
          'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release'
          print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
          print ' endposition   : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
          print ' used button   : ', eclick.button

        def toggle_selector(event):
            print ' Key pressed.'
            if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector deactivated.'
            if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector activated.'

        x = arange(100)/(99.0)
        y = sin(x)
        fig = figure
        ax = subplot(111)

        toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='line')
        connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector)
    def __init__(self,
        Create a selector in ax.  When a selection is made, clear
        the span and call onselect with

          onselect(pos_1, pos_2)

        and clear the drawn box/line. There pos_i are arrays of length 2
        containing the x- and y-coordinate.

        If minspanx is not None then events smaller than minspanx
        in x direction are ignored(it's the same for y).

        The rect is drawn with rectprops; default
          rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', edgecolor = 'black',
                           alpha=0.5, fill=False)

        The line is drawn with lineprops; default
          lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-',
                           linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5)

        Use type if you want the mouse to draw a line, a box or nothing
        between click and actual position ny setting
        drawtype = 'line', drawtype='box' or drawtype = 'none'.
        self.ax = ax
        self.visible = True
        self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background)

        self.active = True  # for activation / deactivation
        self.to_draw = None
        self.background = None

        if drawtype == 'none':
            drawtype = 'line'  # draw a line but make it
            self.visible = False  # invisible

        if drawtype == 'box':
            if rectprops is None:
                rectprops = dict(facecolor='white',
            self.rectprops = rectprops
            self.to_draw = Rectangle((0, 0),
        if drawtype == 'line':
            if lineprops is None:
                lineprops = dict(color='black',
            self.lineprops = lineprops
            self.to_draw = Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0],

        self.onselect = onselect
        self.useblit = useblit
        self.minspanx = minspanx
        self.minspany = minspany
        self.drawtype = drawtype
        # will save the data (position at mouseclick)
        self.eventpress = None
        # will save the data (pos. at mouserelease)
        self.eventrelease = None

    def update_background(self, event):
        'force an update of the background'
        if self.useblit:
            self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox)

    def ignore(self, event):
        'return True if event should be ignored'
        # If RectangleSelector is not active :
        if not self.active:
            return True

        # If canvas was locked
        if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self):
            return True

        # If no button was pressed yet ignore the event if it was out
        # of the axes
        if self.eventpress == None:
            return event.inaxes != self.ax

        # If a button was pressed, check if the release-button is the
        # same.
        return (event.inaxes != self.ax
                or event.button != self.eventpress.button)

    def press(self, event):
        'on button press event'
        # Is the correct button pressed within the correct axes?
        if self.ignore(event): return

        # make the drawed box/line visible get the click-coordinates,
        # button, ...
        self.eventpress = event
        return False

    def release(self, event):
        'on button release event'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        # make the box/line invisible again
        # release coordinates, button, ...
        self.eventrelease = event
        xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.xdata, self.eventpress.ydata
        xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.xdata, self.eventrelease.ydata
        # calculate dimensions of box or line get values in the right
        # order
        if xmin > xmax: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
        if ymin > ymax: ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin

        spanx = xmax - xmin
        spany = ymax - ymin
        xproblems = self.minspanx is not None and spanx < self.minspanx
        yproblems = self.minspany is not None and spany < self.minspany
        if (self.drawtype == 'box') and (xproblems or yproblems):
            """Box to small"""  # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is
            return  # not to small in neither x nor y-direction
        if (self.drawtype == 'line') and (xproblems and yproblems):
            """Line to small"""  # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is
            return  # not to small in neither x nor y-direction
        self.onselect(self.eventpress, self.eventrelease)
        # call desired function
        self.eventpress = None  # reset the variables to their
        self.eventrelease = None  #   inital values
        return False

    def update(self):
        'draw using newfangled blit or oldfangled draw depending on useblit'
        if self.useblit:
            if self.background is not None:
        return False

    def onmove(self, event):
        'on motion notify event if box/line is wanted'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata  # actual position (with
        #   (button still pressed)
        if self.drawtype == 'box':
            minx, maxx = self.eventpress.xdata, x  # click-x and actual mouse-x
            miny, maxy = self.eventpress.ydata, y  # click-y and actual mouse-y
            if minx > maxx:
                minx, maxx = maxx, minx  # get them in the right order
            if miny > maxy: miny, maxy = maxy, miny
            self.to_draw.xy[0] = minx  # set lower left of box
            self.to_draw.xy[1] = miny
            self.to_draw.set_width(maxx - minx)  # set width and height of box
            self.to_draw.set_height(maxy - miny)
            return False
        if self.drawtype == 'line':
            self.to_draw.set_data([self.eventpress.xdata, x],
                                  [self.eventpress.ydata, y])
            return False

    def set_active(self, active):
        """ Use this to activate / deactivate the RectangleSelector

            from your program with an boolean variable 'active'.
        self.active = active

    def get_active(self):
        """ to get status of active mode (boolean variable)"""
        return self.active
コード例 #2
ファイル: widgets.py プロジェクト: gstorer/matplotlib
class RectangleSelector:
    Select a min/max range of the x axes for a matplotlib Axes

    Example usage::

        from matplotlib.widgets import  RectangleSelector
        from pylab import *

        def onselect(eclick, erelease):
          'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release'
          print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
          print ' endposition   : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
          print ' used button   : ', eclick.button

        def toggle_selector(event):
            print ' Key pressed.'
            if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector deactivated.'
            if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector activated.'

        x = arange(100)/(99.0)
        y = sin(x)
        fig = figure
        ax = subplot(111)

        toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='line')
        connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector)
    def __init__(self, ax, onselect, drawtype='box',
                 minspanx=None, minspany=None, useblit=False,
                 lineprops=None, rectprops=None, spancoords='data',

        Create a selector in ax.  When a selection is made, clear
        the span and call onselect with

          onselect(pos_1, pos_2)

        and clear the drawn box/line. There pos_i are arrays of length 2
        containing the x- and y-coordinate.

        If minspanx is not None then events smaller than minspanx
        in x direction are ignored(it's the same for y).

        The rect is drawn with rectprops; default
          rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', edgecolor = 'black',
                           alpha=0.5, fill=False)

        The line is drawn with lineprops; default
          lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-',
                           linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5)

        Use type if you want the mouse to draw a line, a box or nothing
        between click and actual position ny setting

        drawtype = 'line', drawtype='box' or drawtype = 'none'.

        spancoords is one of 'data' or 'pixels'.  If 'data', minspanx
        and minspanx will be interpreted in the same coordinates as
        the x and ya axis, if 'pixels', they are in pixels

        button is a list of integers indicating which mouse buttons should
        be used for rectangle selection.  You can also specify a single
        integer if only a single button is desired.  Default is None, which
        does not limit which button can be used.
        Note, typically:
         1 = left mouse button
         2 = center mouse button (scroll wheel)
         3 = right mouse button
        self.ax = ax
        self.visible = True
        self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background)

        self.active = True                    # for activation / deactivation
        self.to_draw = None
        self.background = None

        if drawtype == 'none':
            drawtype = 'line'                        # draw a line but make it
            self.visible = False                     # invisible

        if drawtype == 'box':
            if rectprops is None:
                rectprops = dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor = 'black',
                                 alpha=0.5, fill=False)
            self.rectprops = rectprops
            self.to_draw = Rectangle((0,0), 0, 1,visible=False,**self.rectprops)
        if drawtype == 'line':
            if lineprops is None:
                lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-',
                                 linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5)
            self.lineprops = lineprops
            self.to_draw = Line2D([0,0],[0,0],visible=False,**self.lineprops)

        self.onselect = onselect
        self.useblit = useblit
        self.minspanx = minspanx
        self.minspany = minspany

        if button is None or isinstance(button, list):
            self.validButtons = button
        elif isinstance(button, int):
            self.validButtons = [button]

        assert(spancoords in ('data', 'pixels'))

        self.spancoords = spancoords
        self.drawtype = drawtype
        # will save the data (position at mouseclick)
        self.eventpress = None
        # will save the data (pos. at mouserelease)
        self.eventrelease = None

    def update_background(self, event):
        'force an update of the background'
        if self.useblit:
            self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox)

    def ignore(self, event):
        'return True if event should be ignored'
        # If RectangleSelector is not active :
        if not self.active:
            return True

        # If canvas was locked
        if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self):
            return True

        # Only do rectangle selection if event was triggered
        # with a desired button
        if self.validButtons is not None:
            if not event.button in self.validButtons:
                return True

        # If no button was pressed yet ignore the event if it was out
        # of the axes
        if self.eventpress == None:
            return event.inaxes!= self.ax

        # If a button was pressed, check if the release-button is the
        # same.
        return  (event.inaxes!=self.ax or
                 event.button != self.eventpress.button)

    def press(self, event):
        'on button press event'
        # Is the correct button pressed within the correct axes?
        if self.ignore(event): return

        # make the drawed box/line visible get the click-coordinates,
        # button, ...
        self.eventpress = event
        return False

    def release(self, event):
        'on button release event'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        # make the box/line invisible again
        # release coordinates, button, ...
        self.eventrelease = event

        if self.spancoords=='data':
            xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.xdata, self.eventpress.ydata
            xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.xdata, self.eventrelease.ydata
            # calculate dimensions of box or line get values in the right
            # order
        elif self.spancoords=='pixels':
            xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.x, self.eventpress.y
            xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.x, self.eventrelease.y
            raise ValueError('spancoords must be "data" or "pixels"')

        if xmin>xmax: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
        if ymin>ymax: ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin

        spanx = xmax - xmin
        spany = ymax - ymin
        xproblems = self.minspanx is not None and spanx<self.minspanx
        yproblems = self.minspany is not None and spany<self.minspany
        if (self.drawtype=='box')  and (xproblems or  yproblems):
            """Box to small"""     # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is
            return                 # not to small in neither x nor y-direction
        if (self.drawtype=='line') and (xproblems and yproblems):
            """Line to small"""    # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is
            return                 # not to small in neither x nor y-direction
        self.onselect(self.eventpress, self.eventrelease)
                                              # call desired function
        self.eventpress = None                # reset the variables to their
        self.eventrelease = None              #   inital values
        return False

    def update(self):
        'draw using newfangled blit or oldfangled draw depending on useblit'
        if self.useblit:
            if self.background is not None:
        return False

    def onmove(self, event):
        'on motion notify event if box/line is wanted'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        x,y = event.xdata, event.ydata            # actual position (with
                                                  #   (button still pressed)
        if self.drawtype == 'box':
            minx, maxx = self.eventpress.xdata, x # click-x and actual mouse-x
            miny, maxy = self.eventpress.ydata, y # click-y and actual mouse-y
            if minx>maxx: minx, maxx = maxx, minx # get them in the right order
            if miny>maxy: miny, maxy = maxy, miny
            self.to_draw.set_x(minx)             # set lower left of box
            self.to_draw.set_width(maxx-minx)     # set width and height of box
            return False
        if self.drawtype == 'line':
            self.to_draw.set_data([self.eventpress.xdata, x],
                                  [self.eventpress.ydata, y])
            return False

    def set_active(self, active):
        """ Use this to activate / deactivate the RectangleSelector

            from your program with an boolean variable 'active'.
        self.active = active

    def get_active(self):
        """ to get status of active mode (boolean variable)"""
        return self.active
コード例 #3
class RectangleSelector:
    Select a min/max range of the x axes for a matplotlib Axes

    Example usage::

        from matplotlib.widgets import  RectangleSelector
        from pylab import *

        def onselect(eclick, erelease):
          'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release'
          print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
          print ' endposition   : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
          print ' used button   : ', eclick.button

        def toggle_selector(event):
            print ' Key pressed.'
            if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector deactivated.'
            if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector activated.'

        x = arange(100)/(99.0)
        y = sin(x)
        fig = figure
        ax = subplot(111)

        toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='line')
        connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector)
    def __init__(self,
        Create a selector in *ax*.  When a selection is made, clear
        the span and call onselect with::

          onselect(pos_1, pos_2)

        and clear the drawn box/line. The ``pos_1`` and ``pos_2`` are
        arrays of length 2 containing the x- and y-coordinate.

        If *minspanx* is not ``None`` then events smaller than *minspanx*
        in x direction are ignored (it's the same for y).

        The rectangle is drawn with *rectprops*; default::

          rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', edgecolor = 'black',
                           alpha=0.5, fill=False)

        The line is drawn with *lineprops*; default::

          lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-',
                           linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5)

        Use *drawtype* if you want the mouse to draw a line,
        a box or nothing between click and actual position by setting

        ``drawtype = 'line'``, ``drawtype='box'`` or ``drawtype = 'none'``.

        *spancoords* is one of 'data' or 'pixels'.  If 'data', *minspanx*
        and *minspanx* will be interpreted in the same coordinates as
        the x and y axis. If 'pixels', they are in pixels.

        *button* is a list of integers indicating which mouse buttons should
        be used for rectangle selection.  You can also specify a single
        integer if only a single button is desired.  Default is ``None``,
        which does not limit which button can be used.

        Note, typically:
         1 = left mouse button
         2 = center mouse button (scroll wheel)
         3 = right mouse button
        self.ax = ax
        self.visible = True
        self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background)

        self.active = True  # for activation / deactivation
        self.to_draw = None
        self.background = None

        if drawtype == 'none':
            drawtype = 'line'  # draw a line but make it
            self.visible = False  # invisible

        if drawtype == 'box':
            if rectprops is None:
                rectprops = dict(facecolor='white',
            self.rectprops = rectprops
            self.to_draw = Rectangle((0, 0),
        if drawtype == 'line':
            if lineprops is None:
                lineprops = dict(color='black',
            self.lineprops = lineprops
            self.to_draw = Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0],

        self.onselect = onselect
        self.useblit = useblit
        self.minspanx = minspanx
        self.minspany = minspany

        if button is None or isinstance(button, list):
            self.validButtons = button
        elif isinstance(button, int):
            self.validButtons = [button]

        assert (spancoords in ('data', 'pixels'))

        self.spancoords = spancoords
        self.drawtype = drawtype
        # will save the data (position at mouseclick)
        self.eventpress = None
        # will save the data (pos. at mouserelease)
        self.eventrelease = None

    def update_background(self, event):
        'force an update of the background'
        if self.useblit:
            self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox)

    def ignore(self, event):
        'return ``True`` if *event* should be ignored'
        # If RectangleSelector is not active :
        if not self.active:
            return True

        # If canvas was locked
        if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self):
            return True

        # Only do rectangle selection if event was triggered
        # with a desired button
        if self.validButtons is not None:
            if not event.button in self.validButtons:
                return True

        # If no button was pressed yet ignore the event if it was out
        # of the axes
        if self.eventpress == None:
            return event.inaxes != self.ax

        # If a button was pressed, check if the release-button is the
        # same.
        return (event.inaxes != self.ax
                or event.button != self.eventpress.button)

    def press(self, event):
        'on button press event'
        # Is the correct button pressed within the correct axes?
        if self.ignore(event): return

        # make the drawed box/line visible get the click-coordinates,
        # button, ...
        self.eventpress = event
        return False

    def release(self, event):
        'on button release event'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        # make the box/line invisible again
        # release coordinates, button, ...
        self.eventrelease = event

        if self.spancoords == 'data':
            xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.xdata, self.eventpress.ydata
            xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.xdata, self.eventrelease.ydata
            # calculate dimensions of box or line get values in the right
            # order
        elif self.spancoords == 'pixels':
            xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.x, self.eventpress.y
            xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.x, self.eventrelease.y
            raise ValueError('spancoords must be "data" or "pixels"')

        if xmin > xmax: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
        if ymin > ymax: ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin

        spanx = xmax - xmin
        spany = ymax - ymin
        xproblems = self.minspanx is not None and spanx < self.minspanx
        yproblems = self.minspany is not None and spany < self.minspany

        # TODO: Why is there triple-quoted items, and two separate checks.
        if (self.drawtype == 'box') and (xproblems or yproblems):
            """Box to small"""  # check if drawn distance (if it exists) is
            return  # not too small in neither x nor y-direction
        if (self.drawtype == 'line') and (xproblems and yproblems):
            """Line to small"""  # check if drawn distance (if it exists) is
            return  # not too small in neither x nor y-direction
        self.onselect(self.eventpress, self.eventrelease)
        # call desired function
        self.eventpress = None  # reset the variables to their
        self.eventrelease = None  #   inital values
        return False

    def update(self):
        'draw using newfangled blit or oldfangled draw depending on useblit'
        if self.useblit:
            if self.background is not None:
        return False

    def onmove(self, event):
        'on motion notify event if box/line is wanted'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata  # actual position (with
        #   (button still pressed)
        if self.drawtype == 'box':
            minx, maxx = self.eventpress.xdata, x  # click-x and actual mouse-x
            miny, maxy = self.eventpress.ydata, y  # click-y and actual mouse-y
            if minx > maxx:
                minx, maxx = maxx, minx  # get them in the right order
            if miny > maxy: miny, maxy = maxy, miny
            self.to_draw.set_x(minx)  # set lower left of box
            self.to_draw.set_width(maxx - minx)  # set width and height of box
            self.to_draw.set_height(maxy - miny)
            return False
        if self.drawtype == 'line':
            self.to_draw.set_data([self.eventpress.xdata, x],
                                  [self.eventpress.ydata, y])
            return False

    def set_active(self, active):
        Use this to activate / deactivate the RectangleSelector
        from your program with an boolean parameter *active*.
        self.active = active

    def get_active(self):
        """ Get status of active mode (boolean variable)"""
        return self.active
コード例 #4
class RectangleSelector:
    Select a min/max range of the x axes for a matplotlib Axes

    Example usage:

      ax = subplot(111)

      def onselect(eclick, erelease):
          'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release'
          print 'startposition : (%f,%f)'%(eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
          print 'endposition   : (%f,%f)'%(erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
          print 'used button   : ', eclick.button

      span = Selector(ax, onselect,drawtype='box')

    def __init__(self, ax, onselect, drawtype='box',
                 minspanx=None, minspany=None, useblit=False,
                 lineprops=None, rectprops=None):

        Create a selector in ax.  When a selection is made, clear
        the span and call onselect with

          onselect(pos_1, pos_2)

        and clear the drawn box/line. There pos_i are arrays of length 2
        containing the x- and y-coordinate.

        If minspanx is not None then events smaller than minspanx
        in x direction are ignored(it's the same for y).

        The rect is drawn with rectprops; default
          rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', edgecolor = 'black',
                           alpha=0.5, fill=False)

        The line is drawn with lineprops; default
          lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-',
                           linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5)

        Use type if you want the mouse to draw a line, a box or nothing
        between click and actual position ny setting
        drawtype = 'line', drawtype='box' or drawtype = 'none'.

        self.ax = ax
        self.visible = True
        self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background)

        self.to_draw = None
        self.background = None

        if drawtype == 'none':
            drawtype = 'line'                        # draw a line but make it
            self.visible = False                     # invisible

        if drawtype == 'box':
            if rectprops is None:
                rectprops = dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor = 'black',
                                 alpha=0.5, fill=False)
            self.rectprops = rectprops
            self.to_draw = Rectangle((0,0), 0, 1,visible=False,**self.rectprops)
        if drawtype == 'line':
            if lineprops is None:
                lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-',
                                 linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5)
            self.lineprops = lineprops
            self.to_draw = Line2D([0,0],[0,0],visible=False,**self.lineprops)

        self.onselect = onselect
        self.useblit = useblit
        self.minspanx = minspanx
        self.minspany = minspany
        self.drawtype = drawtype
        # will save the data (position at mouseclick)
        self.eventpress = None
        # will save the data (pos. at mouserelease)
        self.eventrelease = None

    def update_background(self, event):
        'force an update of the background'
        if self.useblit:
            self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox)

    def ignore(self, event):
        'return True if event should be ignored'
        # If no button was pressed yet ignore the event if it was out
        # of the axes
        if self.eventpress == None:
            return event.inaxes!= self.ax

        # If a button was pressed, check if the release-button is the
        # same.
        return  (event.inaxes!=self.ax or
                 event.button != self.eventpress.button)

    def press(self, event):
        'on button press event'
        # Is the correct button pressed within the correct axes?
        if self.ignore(event): return

        # make the drawed box/line visible get the click-coordinates,
        # button, ...
        self.eventpress = event
        return False

    def release(self, event):
        'on button release event'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        # make the box/line invisible again
        # release coordinates, button, ...
        self.eventrelease = event
        xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.xdata, self.eventpress.ydata
        xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.xdata, self.eventrelease.ydata
        # calculate dimensions of box or line get values in the right
        # order
        if xmin>xmax: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
        if ymin>ymax: ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin

        spanx = xmax - xmin
        spany = ymax - ymin
        xproblems = self.minspanx is not None and spanx<self.minspanx
        yproblems = self.minspany is not None and spany<self.minspany
        if (self.drawtype=='box')  and (xproblems or  yproblems):
            """Box to small"""     # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is
            return                 # not to small in neither x nor y-direction
        if (self.drawtype=='line') and (xproblems and yproblems):
            """Line to small"""    # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is
            return                 # not to small in neither x nor y-direction
        self.onselect(self.eventpress, self.eventrelease)
                                              # call desired function
        self.eventpress = None                # reset the variables to their
        self.eventrelease = None              #   inital values
        return False

    def update(self):
        'draw using newfangled blit or oldfangled draw depending on useblit'
        if self.useblit:
            if self.background is not None:
        return False

    def onmove(self, event):
        'on motion notify event if box/line is wanted'
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return
        x,y = event.xdata, event.ydata            # actual position (with
                                                  #   (button still pressed)
        if self.drawtype == 'box':
            minx, maxx = self.eventpress.xdata, x # click-x and actual mouse-x
            miny, maxy = self.eventpress.ydata, y # click-y and actual mouse-y
            if minx>maxx: minx, maxx = maxx, minx # get them in the right order
            if miny>maxy: miny, maxy = maxy, miny
            self.to_draw.xy[0] = minx             # set lower left of box
            self.to_draw.xy[1] = miny
            self.to_draw.set_width(maxx-minx)     # set width and height of box
            return False
        if self.drawtype == 'line':
            self.to_draw.set_data([self.eventpress.xdata, x],
                                  [self.eventpress.ydata, y])
            return False
コード例 #5
ファイル: widgets.py プロジェクト: xiron/matplotlib
class RectangleSelector(AxesWidget):
    Select a min/max range of the x axes for a matplotlib Axes

    Example usage::

        from matplotlib.widgets import  RectangleSelector
        from pylab import *

        def onselect(eclick, erelease):
          'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release'
          print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata)
          print ' endposition   : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata)
          print ' used button   : ', eclick.button

        def toggle_selector(event):
            print ' Key pressed.'
            if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector deactivated.'
            if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_selector.RS.active:
                print ' RectangleSelector activated.'

        x = arange(100)/(99.0)
        y = sin(x)
        fig = figure
        ax = subplot(111)

        toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='line')
        connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector)

    def __init__(

        Create a selector in *ax*.  When a selection is made, clear
        the span and call onselect with::

          onselect(pos_1, pos_2)

        and clear the drawn box/line. The ``pos_1`` and ``pos_2`` are
        arrays of length 2 containing the x- and y-coordinate.

        If *minspanx* is not *None* then events smaller than *minspanx*
        in x direction are ignored (it's the same for y).

        The rectangle is drawn with *rectprops*; default::

          rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', edgecolor = 'black',
                           alpha=0.5, fill=False)

        The line is drawn with *lineprops*; default::

          lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-',
                           linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5)

        Use *drawtype* if you want the mouse to draw a line,
        a box or nothing between click and actual position by setting

        ``drawtype = 'line'``, ``drawtype='box'`` or ``drawtype = 'none'``.

        *spancoords* is one of 'data' or 'pixels'.  If 'data', *minspanx*
        and *minspanx* will be interpreted in the same coordinates as
        the x and y axis. If 'pixels', they are in pixels.

        *button* is a list of integers indicating which mouse buttons should
        be used for rectangle selection.  You can also specify a single
        integer if only a single button is desired.  Default is *None*,
        which does not limit which button can be used.

        Note, typically:
         1 = left mouse button
         2 = center mouse button (scroll wheel)
         3 = right mouse button
        AxesWidget.__init__(self, ax)

        self.visible = True
        self.connect_event("motion_notify_event", self.onmove)
        self.connect_event("button_press_event", self.press)
        self.connect_event("button_release_event", self.release)
        self.connect_event("draw_event", self.update_background)

        self.active = True  # for activation / deactivation
        self.to_draw = None
        self.background = None

        if drawtype == "none":
            drawtype = "line"  # draw a line but make it
            self.visible = False  # invisible

        if drawtype == "box":
            if rectprops is None:
                rectprops = dict(facecolor="white", edgecolor="black", alpha=0.5, fill=False)
            self.rectprops = rectprops
            self.to_draw = Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 1, visible=False, **self.rectprops)
        if drawtype == "line":
            if lineprops is None:
                lineprops = dict(color="black", linestyle="-", linewidth=2, alpha=0.5)
            self.lineprops = lineprops
            self.to_draw = Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0], visible=False, **self.lineprops)

        self.onselect = onselect
        self.useblit = useblit
        self.minspanx = minspanx
        self.minspany = minspany

        if button is None or isinstance(button, list):
            self.validButtons = button
        elif isinstance(button, int):
            self.validButtons = [button]

        assert spancoords in ("data", "pixels")

        self.spancoords = spancoords
        self.drawtype = drawtype
        # will save the data (position at mouseclick)
        self.eventpress = None
        # will save the data (pos. at mouserelease)
        self.eventrelease = None

    def update_background(self, event):
        "force an update of the background"
        if self.useblit:
            self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox)

    def ignore(self, event):
        "return *True* if *event* should be ignored"
        if not self.active:
            return True

        # If canvas was locked
        if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self):
            return True

        # Only do rectangle selection if event was triggered
        # with a desired button
        if self.validButtons is not None:
            if not event.button in self.validButtons:
                return True

        # If no button was pressed yet ignore the event if it was out
        # of the axes
        if self.eventpress == None:
            return event.inaxes != self.ax

        # If a button was pressed, check if the release-button is the
        # same. If event is out of axis, limit the data coordinates to axes
        # boundaries.
        if event.button == self.eventpress.button and event.inaxes != self.ax:
            (xdata, ydata) = self.ax.transData.inverted().transform_point((event.x, event.y))
            x0, x1 = self.ax.get_xbound()
            y0, y1 = self.ax.get_ybound()
            xdata = max(x0, xdata)
            xdata = min(x1, xdata)
            ydata = max(y0, ydata)
            ydata = min(y1, ydata)
            event.xdata = xdata
            event.ydata = ydata
            return False

        # If a button was pressed, check if the release-button is the
        # same.
        return event.inaxes != self.ax or event.button != self.eventpress.button

    def press(self, event):
        "on button press event"
        if self.ignore(event):
        # make the drawed box/line visible get the click-coordinates,
        # button, ...
        self.eventpress = event
        return False

    def release(self, event):
        "on button release event"
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event):
        # make the box/line invisible again
        # release coordinates, button, ...
        self.eventrelease = event

        if self.spancoords == "data":
            xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.xdata, self.eventpress.ydata
            xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.xdata, self.eventrelease.ydata
            # calculate dimensions of box or line get values in the right
            # order
        elif self.spancoords == "pixels":
            xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.x, self.eventpress.y
            xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.x, self.eventrelease.y
            raise ValueError('spancoords must be "data" or "pixels"')

        if xmin > xmax:
            xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin
        if ymin > ymax:
            ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin

        spanx = xmax - xmin
        spany = ymax - ymin
        xproblems = self.minspanx is not None and spanx < self.minspanx
        yproblems = self.minspany is not None and spany < self.minspany

        # TODO: Why is there triple-quoted items, and two separate checks.
        if (self.drawtype == "box") and (xproblems or yproblems):
            """Box to small"""  # check if drawn distance (if it exists) is
            return  # not too small in neither x nor y-direction
        if (self.drawtype == "line") and (xproblems and yproblems):
            """Line to small"""  # check if drawn distance (if it exists) is
            return  # not too small in neither x nor y-direction
        self.onselect(self.eventpress, self.eventrelease)
        # call desired function
        self.eventpress = None  # reset the variables to their
        self.eventrelease = None  #   inital values
        return False

    def update(self):
        "draw using newfangled blit or oldfangled draw depending on useblit"
        if self.useblit:
            if self.background is not None:
        return False

    def onmove(self, event):
        "on motion notify event if box/line is wanted"
        if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event):
        x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata  # actual position (with
        #   (button still pressed)
        if self.drawtype == "box":
            minx, maxx = self.eventpress.xdata, x  # click-x and actual mouse-x
            miny, maxy = self.eventpress.ydata, y  # click-y and actual mouse-y
            if minx > maxx:
                minx, maxx = maxx, minx  # get them in the right order
            if miny > maxy:
                miny, maxy = maxy, miny
            self.to_draw.set_x(minx)  # set lower left of box
            self.to_draw.set_width(maxx - minx)  # set width and height of box
            self.to_draw.set_height(maxy - miny)
            return False
        if self.drawtype == "line":
            self.to_draw.set_data([self.eventpress.xdata, x], [self.eventpress.ydata, y])
            return False

    def set_active(self, active):
        Use this to activate / deactivate the RectangleSelector
        from your program with an boolean parameter *active*.
        self.active = active

    def get_active(self):
        """ Get status of active mode (boolean variable)"""
        return self.active