コード例 #1
def test_filter():
	users_pd = PathDict(users, deep_copy=True)

	users_filtered = users_pd.filtered("users", f=lambda k, v: v["age"] <= 30)
	assert users_filtered["users"] == {
		"1": {
			"age": 22,
			"name": "Joe"
	assert isinstance(users_filtered, PathDict)

	premium_users = users_pd["users"].filtered(f=lambda k, v: int(k) in users_pd["premium_users"])
	assert isinstance(premium_users, PathDict)

	assert premium_users == {
		"1": {
			"age": 22,
			"name": "Joe"
		"3": {
			"age": 32,
			"name": "Sue"

	follows_includes_joe = users_pd.filtered("follows", f=lambda e: "Joe" in e)
	assert isinstance(follows_includes_joe["follows"], list)
	assert follows_includes_joe["follows"] == [
		["Joe", "Ben"],
		["Ben", "Joe"],
コード例 #2
def referencing():
	p_table = {
		"p1": PathDict(),
		"p2": PathDict(),
		"p3": PathDict({}),
		"p4": PathDict({}),
	for a in p_table:
		for b in p_table:
			if a == b:
			assert p_table[a].data is not p_table[b].data

	shared_d1 = {}
	p1_with_shared_d1 = PathDict(shared_d1)
	p2_with_shared_d1 = PathDict(shared_d1)
	assert p1_with_shared_d1.data is p2_with_shared_d1.data

	p_with_deep_copy_d1 = PathDict(shared_d1, deep_copy=True)
	p3_with_shared_d1 = PathDict(shared_d1)

	# Deep copy should have its own value
	assert p_with_deep_copy_d1.data is not p1_with_shared_d1.data
	# Ensure deep_copy is set to False again
	assert p3_with_shared_d1.data is p1_with_shared_d1.data
コード例 #3
def test_star_operations():
	winners_original = PathDict({
		"2017": {
			"podium": {
				"17-place-1": {"name": "Joe", "age": 22},
				"17-place-2": {"name": "Ben", "age": 13},
				"17-place-3": {"name": "Sue", "age": 98},
			"prices_list": ["Car", "Bike", "Plane"],
		"2018": {
			"podium": {
				"18-place-1": {"name": "Bernd", "age": 50},
				"18-place-2": {"name": "Sara", "age": 32},
				"18-place-3": {"name": "Jan", "age": 26},
			"prices_list": ["Beer", "Coffee", "Cigarette"],

	# assert winners == winners["*"]

	# Increment age of all users by 1
	winners = winners_original.deepcopy
	winners["*", "podium", "*", "age"] = lambda x: x + 1
	assert winners["2017", "podium", "17-place-1", "age"] == 23
	assert winners["2017", "podium", "17-place-2", "age"] == 14
	assert winners["2017", "podium", "17-place-3", "age"] == 99
	assert winners["2018", "podium", "18-place-1", "age"] == 51
	assert winners["2018", "podium", "18-place-2", "age"] == 33
	assert winners["2018", "podium", "18-place-3", "age"] == 27
コード例 #4
def initialization():
	# Pre-checks
	assert isinstance(None, PathDict) == False
	assert PathDict().data == {}
	# Empty
	pd_empty = PathDict({})
	assert pd_empty.dict == {}
	# Wrong inits
	for wrong in ["", None, 1, [1]]:
			_ = PathDict(wrong)
			assert False
		except Exception:
			assert True
	# Init with PathDict
	init_pd = PathDict({"test": 1})
	pd_from_pd = PathDict(init_pd)
	assert init_pd == pd_from_pd
	assert init_pd.data is pd_from_pd.data
	# Init with dict
	init_dict = copy.deepcopy(users)
	pd = PathDict(init_dict)
	assert pd.data is pd.dict
	assert pd.dict is init_dict
	assert pd is not init_dict
	assert pd == init_dict
	assert pd["users"].dict is init_dict["users"]
	assert isinstance(pd["premium_users"], list)
	assert pd["premium_users"] is init_dict["premium_users"]
	# Deep copy behavior
	dc_pd = PathDict(users, deep_copy=True)
	assert dc_pd.dict is not users
	dc_pd_deepcopy = dc_pd.deepcopy
	assert dc_pd is not dc_pd_deepcopy
コード例 #5
def test_PathDict():
	d = {
		"total_users": 3,
		"premium_users": [1, 3],
		"users": {
			"1": {"name": "Joe", "age": 22},
			"2": {"name": "Ben", "age": 49},
			"3": {"name": "Sue", "age": 32},
		"follows": [
			["Ben", "Sue"],
			["Joe", "Ben"],
			["Ben", "Joe"],
	o = PathDict(d)
	# Getting attributes
	assert o["total_users"] == 3
	assert o["not_exists"] is None
	assert o["users"] == {
		"1": {"name": "Joe", "age": 22},
		"2": {"name": "Ben", "age": 49},
		"3": {"name": "Sue", "age": 32}}
	assert o["users", "1"] == {"name": "Joe", "age": 22}
	assert o["users", "3", "name"] == "Sue"
	assert o["follows"][0] == ["Ben", "Sue"]
	# Setting attributes
	o["total_users"] = 4
	assert o["total_users"] == 4
	o["users", "3", "age"] = 99
	assert o["users", "3", "age"] == 99
	o["users", "4"] = {"name": "Ron", "age": 62}
	assert o["users", "4"] == {"name": "Ron", "age": 62}
	o["1", "1", "1", "1"] = 1
	assert o["1", "1", "1"] == {"1": 1}
	# Apply functions
	o["follows"] = lambda x: [list(reversed(e)) for e in x]
	assert o["follows"] == [
		["Sue", "Ben"],
		["Ben", "Joe"],
		["Joe", "Ben"]]

	assert o.dict == {
		"1": {"1": {"1": {"1": 1}}},
		"total_users": 4,
		"premium_users": [1, 3],
		"users": {
			"1": {"name": "Joe", "age": 22},
			"2": {"name": "Ben", "age": 49},
			"3": {"name": "Sue", "age": 99},
			"4": {"name": "Ron", "age": 62},
		"follows": [
			["Sue", "Ben"],
			["Ben", "Joe"],
			["Joe", "Ben"]]
コード例 #6
def test_contains():
	users_dict = copy.deepcopy(users)
	users_pd = PathDict(users_dict)
	assert ("" in users_pd) == False
	assert ("total_users" in users_pd) == True
	assert (["premium_users", 1] in users_pd) == False
	assert (["users","1"] in users_pd) == True
	assert (["users","999999"] in users_pd) == False
	assert (["users","1","name"] in users_pd) == True
	assert (["users","999999","name"] in users_pd) == False
	assert (["users","1","name","joe"] in users_pd) == False
	assert (["users","1","name","joe","Brown"] in users_pd) == False # too many paths
コード例 #7
def multiread(*pattern, as_PathDict: bool = False):
		Mutliread reads multiple dbs and returns them as a single dict or PathDict.
		Path components can be "*" (all), a specific name or a list (only those from list).
	pattern_paths = expand_find_path_pattern(pattern)
	res = {}
	for db_name in pattern_paths:
		res[db_name] = utils.protected_read_json_as_dict(db_name)
	if as_PathDict:
		return PathDict(res)
	return res
コード例 #8
 def __enter__(self):
     self.write_locks = [utils.WriteLock(x) for x in self.db_names]
     self.in_session = True
         self.dicts = {
             n: utils.unprotected_read_json_as_dict(n)
             for n in self.db_names
         if self.as_PathDict:
             self.dicts = PathDict(self.dicts)
     except BaseException:
         for write_lock in self.write_locks:
     return self, self.dicts
コード例 #9
def test_get_path():
	users_dict = copy.deepcopy(users)
	users_pd = PathDict(users_dict)
	assert users_pd["total_users"] == 3
	assert users_pd["users", "1", "name"] == "Joe"
	# Non existent but correct paths return None
	assert users_pd["users", "-1", "name"] is None
	# If value is not a dict, return that value
	assert isinstance(users_pd["follows"], list)
	# If value is a dict, return a PathDict
	assert isinstance(users_pd["users"], PathDict)
	assert users_pd["users"].dict is users_dict["users"]
	# Wrong path accesses, eg. get key on list, raise an exception
		_ = users_pd["follows", 0]
		assert False
	except BaseException:
		assert True
コード例 #10
    def __enter__(self):
			Any number of read tasks can be carried out in parallel.
			Each read task creates a read lock while reading, to signal that it is reading.

			As soon as a session starts, it writes a wants-to-write lock,
			No new read tasks will be allowed. When all read tasks are done, the session aquire the write lock.
			Now, it can savely read and write while all other tasks wait.
        self.write_lock = utils.WriteLock(self.db_name)
        self.in_session = True
            self.dict = utils.unprotected_read_json_as_dict(self.db_name)
            if self.as_PathDict:
                self.dict = PathDict(self.dict)
        except BaseException:
        return self, self.dict
コード例 #11
def test_deepcopy():
	# Test deepcopy with object
	class TestObject():
		def __init__(self, data):
			self.data = data

		def __repr__(self):
			return f"TestObject({self.data})"

	pd = PathDict({})
	pd["test", "test"] = TestObject({"test": "test"})

	assert str(pd) == """PathDict({\n    "test": {\n        "test": "TestObject({'test': 'test'})"\n    }\n})"""

		pd_deepcopy = pd.deepcopy
		assert str(pd) == str(pd_deepcopy)
	except Exception:
		raise AssertionError("pd.deepcopy failed")
コード例 #12
def test_aggregate():
	users_pd = PathDict(users, deep_copy=True)
	users_ages = users_pd.aggregate("users", init=0, f=lambda k, v, a: a + v["age"])
	assert users_ages == 103
コード例 #13
def test_list_gets():
	users_dict = copy.deepcopy(users)
	users_pd = PathDict(users_dict)

	assert users_pd[["users", "2", "age"]] == 49
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_profiler.py プロジェクト: mkrd/PathDict
import json
from path_dict import PathDict
import os

db_directory = "./test_data/production_database"

class TestObject(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def get_path(self, path):

users = PathDict(json.loads(open(db_directory + "/users.json", "r").read()))
tasks = PathDict(json.loads(open(db_directory + "/tasks.json", "r").read()))
users.filter(f=lambda k, v: v.get("status") != "archived")
sorted_users_list = sorted(users.dict.values(), key=lambda x: x["first_name"])

tasks["test", "test"] = TestObject({"test": "test"})

def agg(tasks, sorted_users_list):
    # Get active users
    total_active_tasks_sum = 0
    total_pending_tasks_sum = 0

    for user in sorted_users_list:
        user_active_tasks = tasks.filtered(
コード例 #15
def read(*name, as_PathDict: bool = False) -> dict | PathDict:
	name = _to_path_if_tuple(name)
	db = utils.protected_read_json_as_dict(name)
	if as_PathDict:
		return PathDict(db)
	return db