コード例 #1
    def getPathInfo(self, ext='.txt'):
        if self.dbdatasource:
            fns = self.dbrecarrd['dc_data__t_v_a_c_i']
            pathstoread_temp=[os.path.join(os.path.join('J:/hte_echemdrop_proto/data','%d' %self.plate_id), fn) for fn in fns]
            pathstoread = [os.path.normpath(path) for path in pathstoread_temp]
            pathstoread = path_helpers.getFolderFiles(self.folderpath,ext)

        return pathstoread
コード例 #2
    def startAutomation(self):
        if self.paths and self.outDir:
            if self.prevVersion:
                xmlFiles = path_helpers.getFolderFiles(self.outDir,'.xml')
                xmlFiles = []
            if self.progModule:
                    if str(self.maxError_field.text()):
                        self.maxError = int(str(self.maxError_field.text()))
                        self.maxError = 10
                    self.maxError = 10
                jobName = "job" + time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',time.gmtime())
                self.automator = fomautomator.FOMAutomator(self.paths,
                                                           self.srcDir, self.outDir,

                params = self.getParams(default=self.defaultButton.isChecked())
                if not params:
                    return 1
                funcNames, paramsList = params
                self.automator.setParams(funcNames, paramsList)
                if self.parallelButton.isChecked():
コード例 #3
def main(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # possible flags
    parser.add_argument('-I','--inputfolder', type=str, help="The input folder.\
                        All the textfiles of this folder will be processed", nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputfile',  type=str, help="The input file.\
                        A single file that will be processed.",  nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--fileofinputs', type=str, help="File containing\
                        paths to input files, each in a new line. Every path\
                        (line) will be passed to the automator for processing", nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-J','--jobname', type=str, help="The name you want\
                        to give the log file. It will have a .run extention\
                        while processing. This file will change its extension\
                        if to .done or .error. If more errors than the max\
                        number of errors it will be .error, else .done.",nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-O', '--outputfolder', type=str, help="The destination\
                        folder where all outputs will be saved. raw data pck\
                        files will be saved here unless -R flag used. ", nargs=1, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-S', '--sourcefolder', type=str, help=" A folder where\
                        intermediate files are read from.", nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-R', '--rawfolder', type=str, help="The folder where\
                        raw data files will be saved unless. If not used, they\
                        will be saved in the directory specified by -O", nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-X', '--errornum', type=int, help="The maximum number\
                        of errors - zero or larger", nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-P', '--parallel', help="A flag to use parallel\
                        processing. Different than sequential in logging and\
                        max error handling, also mainly used by GUI users.",\
    parser.add_argument('-V', '--funcversionpath', type=str, help= "The path to\
                        the version you want to used to process the functions.\
                        Else the default most recent version is used by looking into\
                        FUNC_DIR which is defined in the automator.py file", nargs=1)
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--paramfile', type=str, help= "The path to a \
                        pickled parameters file created for this version of the \
                        functions.  Will use the function parameters in this file \
                        to override the defaults.", nargs=1)
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # the name of the program Module and the update Module
    progModule = fomautomator.MOD_NAME
    updateModule = fomautomator.UPDATE_MOD_NAME
    # default values that get changed by commandline flags
    paths = []
    srcDir = None
    dstDir = None
    rawDataDir = None
    jobname = ""
    max_errors = 10
    parallel = False
    # the directory with all the versions of the functions
    directoryWithAllVersions = fomautomator.FUNC_DIR
    # this does not get changed by the commandline, it is currently more useful
    # through the GUI when we do the database connection. it gets the experiement
    # types in a short list for all the paths -- this allowss us to get the params.
    # If unsure, always set to empty list.
    technique_names = []

    if not (args.inputfolder or args.inputfile or args.fileofinputs):
        parser.error('Cannot proceed further as no form of input was specified\
                        Plesase use either -I,-i, or -f.')
    if args.inputfolder:
        paths += path_helpers.getFolderFiles(args.inputfolder[0], '.txt')

    if args.inputfile:
        paths += args.inputfolder

    if args.fileofinputs:
            with open(args.fileofinputs[0], 'r') as fileWithInputFiles:
               paths += fileWithInputFiles.read().splitlines()
            return "Your file containing input paths has failed, please make\
                    sure there is only one file path per line."
    if args.jobname:
        # use a default jobname - remove if unwanted
        jobname = "job" + time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',time.gmtime())
    if args.errornum:
        max_errors = args.errornum[0]

    # there is no need to do an else because the flag is required    
    if args.outputfolder:
        dstDir = args.outputfolder[0]
        rawDataDir = args.outputfolder[0]

    # reset the rawDataDir since a directory to save raw data files was given
    if args.rawfolder:
        rawDataDir = args.rawfolder[0]

    if args.parallel:
        parallel = args.parallel

    # if we're giving a version path to use, great! Else, we will use
    # that in our default folder and get the most recent version.
    if args.funcversionpath:
        versionName, prevVersion = fomautomator_helpers.getVersionsByName(args.funcversionpath[0])
        # gets the most recent version folder of the fomfunctions in the FUNC_DIR
        versionName, prevVersion = fomautomator_helpers.getRVersions(fomautomator.FUNC_DIR)
        # inserts only most recent version so correct functions are used
        # as the naming of the function file is the same in all versions
        sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(fomautomator.FUNC_DIR,versionName))

     # thedirectory where we should check for intermediates
    if args.sourcefolder:
        srcDir = args.sourcefolder[0]
    if paths:
        automator = fomautomator.FOMAutomator(paths, versionName,prevVersion,\

        # load parameters from a pickled file
        if args.paramfile:
            with open(args.paramfile[0], 'r') as paramfile:
                version, fnames, params = pickle.load(paramfile)
            # make sure that the parameters were created for this version
            #   of the functions
            if version == versionName:
                automator.setParams(fnames, params)
            # otherwise, abort:
                return "The parameter file you gave is not compatible \
                    with this functions version."
        # run the automator in the method described by the user
        if parallel: