コード例 #1
def get_document_contents(directory, dataset_path):
    dataset_name, file_place = initialize_output_location(dataset_path)

    # load in the extension index file from the output folder
    ext_dict_file_loc = os.path.join(
        file_place, "extension_index_" + dataset_name + ".npy")
    ext_paths = np.load(ext_dict_file_loc).item()

    # "filenames" list of the paths of files
    # "data" list of the contents of files
    filenames = []
    data = []
    i = 1

    # get contents of txt files still in original dataset
    txt_paths = ext_paths.get("txt")
    print("Getting .txt contents from " + dataset_path)
    for path in tqdm(txt_paths):
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            i = i + 1
            # add the path of the file to "filenames"

            # read the contents of the file and remove newlines
            fread = open(path, "r", errors='backslashreplace')
            contents = fread.read()
            contents = contents.replace("\n", "")
            # add the string of the contents of the file to "data"

    # get contents of converted files in the other directory
    conv_folders = path_utilities.get_immediate_subdirectories(directory)
    # for each folder in the directory (e.g. pdf/ doc/)
    for folder in conv_folders:
        filetype = path_utilities.get_last_dir_from_path(folder)
        if filetype in ["pdf", "doc", "docx"]:  #, "xml", "html"]:
            print("Getting ." + folder + " contents")
            for filename in tqdm(os.listdir(folder)):
                cur_file = os.path.join(folder, filename)
                if os.path.isfile(cur_file):
                    i = i + 1
                    # add the non-converted filename to "filenames"
                    new_name = path_utilities.str_decode(

                    # read the contents of the file and remove newlines
                    fread = open(cur_file, "r", errors='backslashreplace')
                    contents = fread.read()
                    contents = contents.replace("\n", "")
                    # add the string of the file contents to "data"

    print("Num total files: ", i)
    print("All directory contents retrieved")
    return filenames, data
コード例 #2
def generate_results(filename_header_pairs, labels, num_clusters, dataset_path,
                     write_path, dataset_name):

    #=#BLOCK#=#: Generates two data structures:
    #            "list_cluster_lists": list of lists, each list contains
    #            the filepaths for one cluster.
    #            "cluster_directories": list of dicts, one per cluster,
    #            keys are unique directories, values are counts
    print("Creating list of filepaths for each cluster. ")
    print("Creating list of dicts which " + "map directories to frequencies. ")

    # create a dict mapping cluster indices to lists of filepaths
    cluster_filepath_dict = {}

    # list of lists, each list is full of the filepaths for one cluster.
    list_cluster_lists = []

    # list of dicts, keys are unique directories, values are counts
    # each list corresponds to a cluster
    cluster_directories = []

    # initialize each child list.
    for k in range(num_clusters):

        # add k empty dicts

    # for each label in labels
    for i in tqdm(range(len(labels))):

        # get the corresponding filename
        filename_header_pair = filename_header_pairs[i]
        filename = filename_header_pair[0]

        # transform "@" delimiters to "/"
        filename = path_utilities.str_decode(filename)

        # remove the actual filename to get its directory
        decoded_filepath = path_utilities.remove_path_end(filename)

        # get common prefix of top level dataset directory
        common_prefix = path_utilities.remove_path_end(dataset_path)

        # remove the common prefix for display on barchart. The " - 1"
        # is so that we include the leading "/".
        len_pre = len(common_prefix)
        len_decod = len(decoded_filepath)
        decoded_filepath_trunc = decoded_filepath[len_pre - 1:len_decod]

        # add it to the appropriate list based on the label

    # create a list of dicts, one for each cluster, which map dirs to
    # counts.
    for k in range(num_clusters):
        for directory in list_cluster_lists[k]:
            if directory in cluster_directories[k]:
                old_count = cluster_directories[k].get(directory)
                new_count = old_count + 1
                cluster_directories[k].update({directory: new_count})
                cluster_directories[k].update({directory: 1})

    #=#BLOCK#=#: Prints cluster information to .pdf and .txt files.
    print("Printing cluster info to .txt and .pdf files. ")

    # get a list of the cluster statistic for printing to pdf
    cluster_stats = get_stats.get_cluster_stats(cluster_directories)

    # compute silhouette coefficients for each cluster (sil_list)
    # and for the entire clustering (sil)
    sil, sil_list = compute_silhouette(cluster_directories, dataset_path)
    l = 0
    for coeff in sil_list:
        # print("Silhouette score for cluster " + str(l)+": "+str(coeff))
        l += 1
    print("Total silhouette for entire clustering: ", sil)

    # get the frequency drop score of the clusters
    fd_scores, fd_total = compute_freqdrop_score(cluster_directories)
    freqdrop_total = fd_total
    freqdrop_scores = fd_scores

    # get the naive tree dist score of the clusters
    td_scores, td_total = compute_naive_score(list_cluster_lists,

    # just make font a bit smaller
    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 4})
    print("\n\nGenerating barcharts...")

    # open the pdf and text files for writing
    pdf_path = os.path.join(
        write_path, "structured_stats_" + dataset_name + "_k=" +
        str(num_clusters) + ".pdf")
    txt_path = os.path.join(
        write_path, "structured_stats_" + dataset_name + "_k=" +
        str(num_clusters) + ".txt")
    pkl_path = os.path.join(
        "histogram_data_" + dataset_name + "_k=" + str(num_clusters) + ".pkl")
    pdf = PdfPages(pdf_path)
    f = open(txt_path, 'w')

    # save list_cluster_lists to a pkl file
    with open(pkl_path, 'wb') as filehandle:
        pickle.dump(list_cluster_lists, filehandle)

    # for each cluster
    for k in range(num_clusters):
        single_cluster_stats = cluster_stats[k]

        #fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1,figsize=(10, 20))

        # get frequencies of the paths
        path_counts = Counter(list_cluster_lists[k])

        # Create a dataframe from path_counts
        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(path_counts, orient='index')

        # rename the frequency axis
        df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[0]: "freqs"})

        # sort it with highest freqs on top
        sorted_df = df.sort_values("freqs", ascending=False)
        top_10_slice = sorted_df.head(10)

        # leave enough space for x-axis labels
        # fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=7)

        fig_title = ("Directory distribution for cluster " + str(k) + "\n" +
                     "Number of unique directories: " +
                     str(single_cluster_stats[0]) + "\n" + "Mean frequency: " +
                     str(single_cluster_stats[1]) + "\n" +
                     "Median frequency: " + str(single_cluster_stats[3]) +
                     "\n" + "Standard deviation of frequencies: " +
                     str(single_cluster_stats[2]) + "\n" +
                     "Closest common ancestor of all directories: " +
                     single_cluster_stats[4] + "\n" + "Silhouette score: " +
                     str(sil_list[k]) + "\n" + "Frequency drop score: " +
        plt.ylabel('Quantity of files in directory')
        plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.38, top=0.87)

        # print to .txt file as well

    # setting ensemble to just freqdrop
    ensemble_score = ((sil + 1) / 2 + freqdrop_total) / 2
    scores = []
    sil = (sil + 1) / 2
    f.write("Total_silhouette: " + str(sil))
    f.write("Total_frequency drop: " + str(freqdrop_total))
    f.write("Total ensemble score: " + str(ensemble_score))
    f.write("Total naive score: " + str(td_total))
    return list_cluster_lists, scores