コード例 #1
def main():
    from parameters import states_nhd

    from paths import nhd_raster_path, soil_raster_path, weather_raster_path, cdl_path, combo_path

    years = [2010]  # range(2010, 2016)
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
    cell_size = 30

    # Create output directory
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(combo_path)):

    # Initialize weather raster
    nhd_regions = ['07']

    # Iterate through year/region combinations

    for region in nhd_regions:
        nhd_raster = nhd_raster_path.format(vpus_nhd[region], region)
        for year in years:
            cdl_raster = cdl_path.format(region, year)
            master_array = np.zeros((0, 5))
            for state in states_nhd[region]:
                print("Performing overlay for {}, {}, {}".format(
                    year, region, state))
                ssurgo_raster = soil_raster_path.format(state.lower())
                table = overlay_rasters(nhd_raster, weather_raster_path,
                                        cdl_raster, ssurgo_raster)
                master_array = np.concatenate((master_array, table))
            out_array = condense_array(master_array, cell_size)
            save_table(out_array, combo_path.format(region, year))
コード例 #2
def main():
    years = range(2015, 2020)  # range(2010, 2016)
    overwrite_raster = True
    overwrite_combos = False
    regions = ['07'] + list(nhd_regions)
    for region in regions:
        nhd_raster = nhd_raster_path.format(vpus_nhd[region], region)
        arcpy.env.snapRaster = nhd_raster
        arcpy.env.mask = nhd_raster
        for year in years:
            print(region, year)
            cdl_raster = cdl_path.format(year)
            combined_raster = combined_raster_path.format(region, year) + "test"
            combinations_table = combo_path.format(region, year)
            if overwrite_raster or not os.path.exists(combined_raster):
                report("Performing raster overlay for Region {}, {}...".format(region, year))
                    overlay_rasters(combined_raster, cdl_raster, nhd_raster)
                    report(f"Combined raster saved to {combined_raster}")
                except Exception as e:
                    raise e
            if overwrite_combos or not os.path.exists(combinations_table):
                report("Building combinations table for Region {}, {}...".format(region, year))
                    combos = generate_combos(combined_raster, year)
                    combos.to_csv(combinations_table, index=None)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise e
コード例 #3
ファイル: read.py プロジェクト: opp-efed/aquatic-model-inputs
def combinations_new(region, year):
    """ Not yet implemented pending new combination files """
    for state in states_nhd[region]:
        combo_file = combo_path.format(region, state, year)
        combo_table = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.int32, **np.load(combo_file))
        matrix = combo_table if matrix is None else pd.concat([matrix, combo_table], axis=0)

    # Column names get written as binary by spatial_overlay
    matrix.columns = [f.decode('ascii') for f in matrix.columns.values]

    # Combine duplicate rows and convert counts to areas
    matrix = matrix.groupby(['gridcode', 'weather_grid', 'cdl', 'mukey']).sum().reset_index()
    matrix['area'] *= cell_size ** 2

    return matrix
コード例 #4
ファイル: read.py プロジェクト: USEPA/opp-efed-scenarios
def combinations(region, years, nrows=None):
    Read a table of soil/land cover/weather/watershed combinations for generating
    scenario files.
    :param region: NHD Plus Hydroregion (str)
    :param years: Years to fetch data for (iter, int)
    :param nrows: Number of rows to read (int, optional)
    :return: Combinations table (df)
    all_combos = None
    for year in years:
        header = ['gridcode', 'cdl', 'weather_grid', 'mukey', 'area']
        combo_file = combo_path.format(region, year)
        combos = pd.read_csv(combo_file, dtype=np.uint32, nrows=nrows)[header]
        combos['year'] = np.int16(year)
        all_combos = combos if all_combos is None else pd.concat(
            [all_combos, combos], axis=0)
    all_combos['region'] = str(region).zfill(2)
    return all_combos
コード例 #5
ファイル: write.py プロジェクト: USEPA/opp-efed-scenarios
def combinations(region, year, table):
    """ Write a combinations table to a csv file """
    out_path = combo_path.format(region, year)
    # Create output directory
    table.to_csv(out_path, index=None)
コード例 #6
ファイル: read.py プロジェクト: opp-efed/aquatic-model-inputs
def combinations(region, year):
    combos = pd.DataFrame(**np.load(combo_path.format(region, year)), dtype=np.int32)
    return combos