コード例 #1
ファイル: basic.py プロジェクト: ADA110/Cibus
from pattern.server import static
from pattern.server import HTTPError

# The pattern.server module allows you to run a pure-Python web server.
# It is built on CherryPy and inspired by Flask and bottle.py.

# This example demonstrates a basic web app.
# At the bottom of the script is a call to app.run().
# So, to start the web server, run this script.

# If you make any changes to the script and save it,
# the server automatically restarts to reflect the changes.
# If the server is running in "production mode", i.e., app.run(debug=False),
# it will not restart automatically.

app = App(name="basic", static="static/")

# Here are some properties of the app.
# app.path yields the absolute path to the app folder.
# app.static yields the absolute path to the folder for static content.

print app.name
print app.path
print app.static

# The @app.route() decorator can be used to define a URL path handler.
# A path handler is simply a Python function that returns a string,
# which will be displayed in the browser.
# For example, visit

コード例 #2
ファイル: db.py プロジェクト: ADA110/Cibus
import os, sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))

from pattern.server import App, Database, html

# This example demonstrates a web app with a simple database back-end.
# The pattern.server module has a Database object
# that can be used with SQLite and MySQL databases.
# SQLite is part of Python 2.5+.
# MySQL requires the mysql-python bindings (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/).

app = App("store")

# In this example we'll use SQLite.
# The advantage is that you don't need to install anything,
# and that the database is a file at a location of your choice.
# We use SQLite Database browser (Mac OS X) to browse the file.
# (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/)

# The disadvantage is that SQLite is not multi-threaded.
# This will lead to problems ("database is locked") in larger projects.
# The app server uses multiple threads to handle concurrent requests.
# If two request want to write to the database at the same time,
# one of them will have to wait while the other finishes writing.
# If enough requests are waiting in line, the database may crash.
# The next example uses a DatabaseTransaction to remedy this.
# Reading from the database is no problem.

# The following code creates a new database "store.db",
# in the same folder as this script.
コード例 #3
ファイル: basic.py プロジェクト: AIPR/pattern
from pattern.server import static
from pattern.server import HTTPError

# The pattern.server module allows you to run a pure-Python web server.
# It is built on CherryPy and inspired by Flask and bottle.py.

# This example demonstrates a basic web app.
# At the bottom of the script is a call to app.run().
# So, to start the web server, run this script.

# If you make any changes to the script and save it,
# the server automatically restarts to reflect the changes.
# If the server is running in "production mode", i.e., app.run(debug=False),
# it will not restart automatically.

app = App(name="basic", static="static/")

# Here are some properties of the app.
# app.path yields the absolute path to the app folder.
# app.static yields the absolute path to the folder for static content.

print app.name
print app.path
print app.static

# The @app.route() decorator can be used to define a URL path handler.
# A path handler is simply a Python function that returns a string,
# which will be displayed in the browser.
# For example, visit

コード例 #4
ファイル: db.py プロジェクト: clips/pattern
from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))

from pattern.server import App, Database, html

# This example demonstrates a web app with a simple database back-end.
# The pattern.server module has a Database object
# that can be used with SQLite and MySQL databases.
# SQLite is part of Python 2.5+.
# MySQL requires the mysql-python bindings (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/).

app = App("store")

# In this example we'll use SQLite.
# The advantage is that you don't need to install anything,
# and that the database is a file at a location of your choice.
# We use SQLite Database browser (Mac OS X) to browse the file.
# (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/)

# The disadvantage is that SQLite is not multi-threaded.
# This will lead to problems ("database is locked") in larger projects.
# The app server uses multiple threads to handle concurrent requests.
# If two request want to write to the database at the same time,
# one of them will have to wait while the other finishes writing.
# If enough requests are waiting in line, the database may crash.
# The next example uses a DatabaseTransaction to remedy this.
# Reading from the database is no problem.
コード例 #5
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: Alafazam/pattern
import os, sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))

from pattern.server import App
from pattern.server import MINUTE, HOUR, DAY

from pattern.text import language

app = App("api")

# The language() function in pattern.text guesses the language of a given string.
# For example: language("In French, goodbye is au revoir.") returns ("en", 0.83).
# It can handle "en", "es", "de", "fr", "nl", "it" with reasonable accuracy.

# To create a web service like Google Translate with pattern.server is easy.
# Normally, URL handlers return a string with the contents of that web page.
# If we return a dictionary instead, it will be formatted as a JSON-string,
# the data interchange format used by many popular web services.

# So clients (e.g., a user's Python script) can query the web service URL
# and catch the JSON reply.

# There is only one tricky part: rate limiting.
# Note the "limit", "time" and "key" parameters in @app.route() below.
# We'll explain them in more detail.

# First, run the script and visit:

# You should see some JSON-output:
コード例 #6
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))

from pattern.server import App, template, threadsafe

from codecs import open

# This example demonstrates a simple wiki served by pattern.server.
# A wiki is a web app where each page can be edited (e.g, Wikipedia).
# We will store the contents of each page as a file in /data.

app = App(name="wiki")

# Our wiki app has a single URL handler listening at the root ("/").
# It takes any combination of positional and keyword arguments.
# This means that any URL will be routed to the index() function.
# For example, calls index()
# with path=("pages", "bio.html") and data={"edit": ""}.

def index(*path, **data):
    #print "path:", path
    #print "data:", data
    # Construct a file name in /data from the URL path.
    # For example, path=("pages", "bio.html")
    # is mapped to "/data/pages/bio.html.txt".
    page = "/".join(path)
    page = page if page else "index.html"
    page = page.replace(" ", "-")
    page = page + ".txt"
    page = os.path.join(app.path, "data", page) # Absolute paths are safer.
    #print "page:", page
コード例 #7
import os, sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))

from pattern.server import App
from pattern.server import MINUTE, HOUR, DAY

from pattern.text import language

app = App("api")

# The language() function in pattern.text guesses the language of a given string.
# For example: language("In French, goodbye is au revoir.") returns ("en", 0.83).
# It can handle "en", "es", "de", "fr", "nl", "it" with reasonable accuracy.

# To create a web service like Google Translate with pattern.server is easy.
# Normally, URL handlers return a string with the contents of that web page.
# If we return a dictionary instead, it will be formatted as a JSON-string,
# the data interchange format used by many popular web services.

# So clients (e.g., a user's Python script) can query the web service URL
# and catch the JSON reply.

# There is only one tricky part: rate limiting.
# Note the "limit", "time" and "key" parameters in @app.route() below.
# We'll explain them in more detail.

# First, run the script and visit:

# You should see some JSON-output: