コード例 #1
ファイル: webtrainmaker.py プロジェクト: alifars/portfolio
def google_search(match, targetfile):
    engine = Google(license=None)
    for i in range(1, 10):
        for result in engine.search(match, type=SEARCH, start=i):
            print plaintext(result.description)
コード例 #2
ファイル: seed-preperation.py プロジェクト: alifars/portfolio
def google_search(targetword, itemlist,targetpath):
    engine = Google(license=None)
    file = codecs.open(targetpath,'a','utf-8')
    outtext= ''
    patt = ur'\W+'
    for item in itemlist:
        for i in range(1,5):
            for result in engine.search(item, type=SEARCH, start=i):

                  url = URL(result.url)
                  text = url.download(unicode=True)

                  text = plaintext(text)
                  text = correctPersianString(text)
                  text = text.replace('\n',' ')
                  lines = text.split('.')
                  for line in lines:
                      if targetword in line:

                              match = re.findall(patt,line)
                              output =  ' '.join(match)

                              for item in punclist:
                                  if item in line:
                                      line = line.replace(item,' ')

                              print output
    print str(resultnum)+" found in web"
コード例 #3
ファイル: words2map.py プロジェクト: overlap-ai/words2map
def research_keywords(something_unknown, model, websites_to_scan=10, keyword_count=25, attempts=0, google_api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY):
	# searches for something unknown on Google to find related websites and returns a ranked list of keywords from across all sites
	maximum_number_of_google_search_attempts = 3
	if attempts < maximum_number_of_google_search_attempts:
		all_keywords = Manager().dict()
		engine = Google(license=google_api_key, throttle=1.0, language="en")
			processes = []
			for page in range(int(websites_to_scan/10)):
				for website in engine.search(something_unknown, start=page+1, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=False):
					web_mining_process = Process(target=extract_keywords, args=(website.url, model, all_keywords))
				[process.join() for process in processes]
		except HTTP403Forbidden:
			print "\nToday's maximum number of free searches from Google shared by this API across all words2map users has expired.\nPlease get your own key at https://code.google.com/apis/console\n\nFrom that site, simply:\n1. In the API Manager Overview, find \"Custom Search API\" and enable it\n2. Copy your new API key from \"Credentials\"\n3. Paste it in words2map.py in the global variable \"GOOGLE_API_KEY\"\n"
		except (URLError, URLTimeout, HTTPError, SSLError):
			print "\nUnable to reach Google Search for {}, trying one more time".format(something_unknown)
			return research_keywords(something_unknown, model, attempts=attempts+1)
		all_keywords = sorted(all_keywords.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
		print "\nKeywords about {} to combine vectors for:".format(something_unknown)
		top_keywords = []
		for i in range(keyword_count):
				keyword, score = all_keywords[i]
				print "{} {}".format(round(score, 3), unidecode(keyword).replace("_", " "))
			except IndexError:
		return top_keywords
		print "After a few tries, it seems that Google is not returning results for us. If you haven't done so already, please try adding your own API key at https://code.google.com/apis/console\n\nFrom that site, simply:\n1. In the API Manager Overview, find \"Custom Search API\" and enable it\n2. Copy your new API key from \"Credentials\"\n3. Paste it in words2map.py in the global variable \"GOOGLE_API_KEY\"\n"
コード例 #4
ファイル: webtrainmaker.py プロジェクト: alifars/iWordSense
def google_search(match,targetfile):
    engine = Google(license=None)
    for i in range(1,10):
        for result in engine.search(match, type=SEARCH, start=i):
              print plaintext(result.description)
コード例 #5
def research_keywords(something_unknown, model, websites_to_scan=10, keyword_count=25, attempts=0, google_api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY):
	# searches for something unknown on Google to find related websites and returns a ranked list of keywords from across all sites
	maximum_number_of_google_search_attempts = 3
	if attempts < maximum_number_of_google_search_attempts:
		all_keywords = Manager().dict()
		engine = Google(license=google_api_key, throttle=1.0, language="en")
			processes = []
			for page in range(int(websites_to_scan/10)):
				for website in engine.search(something_unknown, start=page+1, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=False):
					web_mining_process = Process(target=extract_keywords, args=(website.url, model, all_keywords))
				[process.join() for process in processes]
		except HTTP403Forbidden:
			print "\nToday's maximum number of free searches from Google shared by this API across all words2map users has expired.\nPlease get your own key at https://code.google.com/apis/console\n\nFrom that site, simply:\n1. In the API Manager Overview, find \"Custom Search API\" and enable it\n2. Copy your new API key from \"Credentials\"\n3. Paste it in words2map.py in the global variable \"GOOGLE_API_KEY\"\n"
		except (URLError, URLTimeout, HTTPError, SSLError):
			print "\nUnable to reach Google Search for {}, trying one more time".format(something_unknown)
			return research_keywords(something_unknown, model, attempts=attempts+1)
		all_keywords = sorted(all_keywords.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
		print "\nKeywords about {} to combine vectors for:".format(something_unknown)
		top_keywords = []
		for i in range(keyword_count):
				keyword, score = all_keywords[i]
				print "{} {}".format(round(score, 3), unidecode(keyword).replace("_", " "))
			except IndexError:
		return top_keywords
		print "After a few tries, it seems that Google is not returning results for us. If you haven't done so already, please try adding your own API key at https://code.google.com/apis/console\n\nFrom that site, simply:\n1. In the API Manager Overview, find \"Custom Search API\" and enable it\n2. Copy your new API key from \"Credentials\"\n3. Paste it in words2map.py in the global variable \"GOOGLE_API_KEY\"\n"
コード例 #6
def youtubeLinkGoogle(author, album):
	if author == 'unknown':
		author = ''
	name = author + ' ' + album
	engine = Google(license=key, throttle=0)
	results = engine.search(name + " youtube")
	return results[0].url
コード例 #7
ファイル: engines.py プロジェクト: luislezcair/gisiaws
 def run(self,q):# q is the query
     engine = Google(license=None, language="en")
     # Google is very fast but you can only get up to 100 (10x10) results per query.
     for i in range(1,11):
         for result in engine.search(q, start=i, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=True):
     return urlsGoogle
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self, text, max_queries=10, span=20, threshold=.8):
     self.max_queries = max_queries
     self.span = span
     self.threshold = threshold
     self.text = text
     self.cat_dict = defaultdict(list)
     self.engine = Google(license='AIzaSyCFgnXgb9rcwJspcSeXHo7QHvucgM2nLrI',
コード例 #9
 def __init__(self, text, language, max_queries=5, span=5, threshold=.8):
     self.max_queries = max_queries
     self.span = span
     self.threshold = threshold
     self.text = text
     self.language = language
     self.cat_dict = defaultdict(list)
     key = ''
     self.engine = Google(license=key, throttle=0.5, language=None)
コード例 #10
ファイル: engine.py プロジェクト: Murlocks/Ngram-Tiling-QA
 def __init__(self, provider, key=None):
     if provider.lower() == "bing":
         key = key or 'd6Mz4slIdgIxcKR4609FO+QKOFTEFFRB3i7j8VioPiE'
         self._engine = Bing(license=key)
     elif provider.lower() == "google":
         key = key or 'AIzaSyCAADAKnnkmDwIlLk_Q1p6foqI_ZMrgzcg'
         self._engine = Google(license=key)
         raise ValueError('Not a recognized provider.')
コード例 #11
ファイル: engine.py プロジェクト: Murlocks/Ngram-Tiling-QA
 def __init__(self, provider, key=None):
     if provider.lower() == "bing":
         key = key or 'd6Mz4slIdgIxcKR4609FO+QKOFTEFFRB3i7j8VioPiE'
         self._engine = Bing(license=key)
     elif provider.lower() == "google":
         key = key or 'AIzaSyCAADAKnnkmDwIlLk_Q1p6foqI_ZMrgzcg'
         self._engine = Google(license=key)
         raise ValueError('Not a recognized provider.')
コード例 #12
 def __init__(self, text, language, max_queries=10, span=20, threshold=.8):
     self.max_queries = max_queries
     self.span = span
     self.threshold = threshold
     self.text = text
     self.language = language
     self.cat_dict = defaultdict(list)
     key = 'AIzaSyDw8PY3xSI8X3DPvSu-DEd4x38rrPqZea0'
     self.engine = Google(license=key, throttle=0.5, language=None)
コード例 #13
    def get_urls(self, q = "", n = 1, limit = 1):
        url = []
        engine_google = Google(license=GOOGLE_API_KEY, language=GOOGLE_API_LANG)
        for i in range(1, (n + 1)):
            for result in engine_google.search(q, start=i, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=False):

        return url[:limit]
コード例 #14
ファイル: fof.py プロジェクト: kishi001/FakeOrFact
 def __init__(self, text, language, max_queries=10, span=20, threshold=.8):
     self.max_queries = max_queries
     self.span = span
     self.threshold = threshold
     self.text = text
     self.language = language
     self.cat_dict = defaultdict(list)
     key = 'AIzaSyDZzslNRAsgyiiBKx36S8rblRKungcypEA'
     self.engine = Google(license=key, throttle=0.5, language=None)
     self.urls = []
コード例 #15
 def __init__(self, query=''):
     engine = Google(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
     c = 0
     for i in range(1, 5):
         results = engine.search(query, start=i)
         for result in results:
             c += 1
             print c
             print result.url + ':' + result.title
             print repr(plaintext(result.text))
             print ""
コード例 #16
 def __init__(self, query=''):
     engine = Google(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
     for i in range(1,5):
         results = engine.search(query, start=i)
         for result in results:
             print c
             print result.url+':'+result.title
             print repr(plaintext(result.text))
             print "" 
コード例 #17
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: gtank/storylinenews
def gnews_polarity(topic):
    engine = Google()
    results = engine.search(topic, type=NEWS)
    score = 0
    #only 8 results without using paging/cursor
    for result in results:
        content = heuristic_scrape(urllib.unquote(result.url))
        if content:
            polarity = sentiment(content)
            score = score + polarity
    return score / float(len(results)) #avg sentiment
コード例 #18
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: gtank/storylinenews
def gnews_polarity(topic):
    engine = Google()
    results = engine.search(topic, type=NEWS)
    score = 0
    #only 8 results without using paging/cursor
    for result in results:
        content = heuristic_scrape(urllib.unquote(result.url))
        if content:
            polarity = sentiment(content)
            score = score + polarity
    return score / float(len(results))  #avg sentiment
コード例 #19
ファイル: google.py プロジェクト: luislezcair/gisiaws
def generar_consulta_google(q):
    url = []

    # engine_google = Google(license="AIzaSyCvvHb8SYgHvS5gEIQabxuJ0Kl0sYdHl9U", language="en")
    engine_google = Google(license="AIzaSyCKlCEJ41mE_6gqTN2AI9J4iSB-2L55zR0", language="en")
    for consulta in q:
        for i in range(1, 2):
            for result in engine_google.search(consulta, start=i, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=False):

                titulo = strip_accents(result.title)
    return url
コード例 #20
def learn(concept):
    """ Returns a list of properties for the given concept,
        collected from a "I think X is Y".
    q = 'I think %s is *' % concept
    p = []
    g = Google(language='en', license=None)
    for i in range(10):
        for result in g.search(q, start=i, cached=True):
            m = plaintext(result.description)
            m = search(q, m) # Use * as a wildcard.
            if m:
    return [w for w in p if w in PROPERTIES] # only handles known properties...
def novelty(ideas=[]): 

    candidates = [Google().search(idea) for idea in ideas] 
    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda results: results.total) 
    candidates = [(results.query, results.total) for results in candidates] 

    return candidates 
コード例 #22
ファイル: mine.py プロジェクト: nirabhratapaswi/nlp
def get_info(search_query):
	if isinstance(search_query, str):
		search_query = str(search_query)
		return { "Error": "Pass a string, from mine.py [7]", "Result": [None] }

	result = []
	engineGoogle = Google(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
	engineBing = Bing(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
	engineTwitter = Twitter(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
	engineFacebook = Facebook(license=None, throttle=1.0, language='en')
	engineWikipedia = Wikipedia(license=None, throttle=5.0, language=None)
	engineFlickr = Flickr(license=None, throttle=5.0, language=None)
	engineArray = [engineGoogle, engineBing, engineTwitter, engineFacebook, engineWikipedia, engineFlickr]
	engineArray = [engineGoogle, engineTwitter]

	for i in range(1,2):
		# result = result + ([repr(plaintext(para.text)) for para in engine[0].search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=5)])
		[result.append([result.append(repr(plaintext(para.text))) for para in engine.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=5)]) for engine in engineArray]
			# print repr(plaintext(para.text))
			# print repr(plaintext(para.url)) + '\n\n'
			# result.append(repr(plaintext(para.text)))

	# Google
	for i in range(1, 5):
		result = result + ([para.text for para in engineGoogle.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=10)])
	for i in range(1, 5):
		result = result + ([para.text for para in engineTwitter.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=10)])
	# for i in range(1,2):
		# result = result + ([repr(plaintext(para.text)) for para in engineBing.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=5)])
	for i in range(1,2):
		result = result + ([repr(plaintext(para.text)) for para in engineTwitter.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=10)])
	# for i in range(1,2):
		# result = result + ([repr(plaintext(para.text)) for para in engineFacebook.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=5)])
	# for i in range(1,2):
		# result = result + ([repr(plaintext(para.text)) for para in engineWikipedia.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=5)])
	# for i in range(1,2):
		# result = result + ([repr(plaintext(para.text)) for para in engineFlickr.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=5)])

	return { "Error": None, "Result": result }

	# return { "Error": None, "Result": ['Hello World', 'Bye Bye Tommy'] }
def learn(concept):

    q = 'I think %s is *' % concept
    p = []
    g = Google(language='en')

    for i in range(10):

        for result in g.search(q, start=i, cached=True):

            m = plaintext(result.description)
            m = search(q, m)  # use * as wildcard

            if m:

    return [w for w in p if w in PROPERTIES]
コード例 #24
ファイル: web.py プロジェクト: antiface/pynlpl
def googlecorpsearch(word,concfilter = '', extraquery='',license=None, start=1, count=8):
    """Searches the web for sentences containing a certain keyword, and possibly a co-occurence word. Generator yielding (leftcontext,word,rightcontext,url) tuples.
       First queries Google, and then retrieves the pages of the top search results.
       Uses 'pattern' (CLiPS, Antwerpen University)
    if not concfilter:
        query = 'allintext: ' + word 
        query = 'allintext: "' + word + ' * ' + concfilter + '" OR "' + concfilter + ' * ' + word + '"'
    if extraquery:
        query += ' ' + extraquery

    engine = Google(license=license)
    processed = {}
    for result in engine.search(query, start=start,count=count):
        if not result.url in processed:
            processed[result.url] = True
                content = plaintext(result.download())
            begin = 0
            wordindex = None
            wordlength = 0
            concindex = None            
            for i in range(1,len(content)):
                if content[i] == '.' or content[i] == '?' or content[i] == '!' or content[i] == '\n':
                    if wordindex >= begin and ((concfilter and concindex >= begin) or (not concfilter)):
                        if len(content[begin:wordindex].strip()) > 5 or len(content[wordindex+wordlength:i+1].strip()) > 5:
                            yield (content[begin:wordindex].strip(), content[wordindex:wordindex+wordlength].strip(), content[wordindex+wordlength:i+1], result.url)
                    wordindex = concindex = None
                    begin = i + 1
                if len(word)+i <= len(content) and content[i:i+len(word)].lower() == word.lower():
                    wordindex = i
                    wordlength = len(word)
                    for j in range(len(word),len(content)):                        
                        if i+j < len(content) and (content[i+j] == ' ' or  content[i+j] == '?' or content[i+j] == '!' or content[i+j] == '\n'):
                            wordlength = j
                if concfilter and content[i:len(concfilter)].lower() == concfilter.lower():
                    concindex = i
コード例 #25
ファイル: PatternSearch.py プロジェクト: Darth-Neo/nl_lib
 def patternSearch(self, n=12, m=50):
     proxyList = list()
     logger.info(u"proxyList - %s" % proxyList)
     engine = Google(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
     # engine = Bing(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
     for i in range(n):                
         logger.info(u"Search %d" % i)
         results = engine.search(self.searchTerm, start=i+1, count=m, cached=False, proxy=proxyList)
         for r in results:
             logger.debug(u"Result=%s" % r.text)
             url = r.url
             logger.debug(u"URL=%s" % url)
             # if url[-4:] == ".com":
             #    continue
             s = r.text.lower()
             s = plaintext(s)
             s = parsetree(s)
             # self.logSentences(s)
             # Execute a Regular Expression Search
             # p = r'(NN)+ (VB)+'
             p = r'(NN)+'
             q = search(p, s)
             # logPOS(q)
             # Iterate over all the words in the POS
             logger.debug(u"  q.Length=%d" % len(q))
             logger.debug(u"  q[]=%s" % q)
             self.g, self.urlConcepts, self.wordConcepts = \
                 self.addNodes(self.g, q, url, self.urlConcepts, self.wordConcepts)
     return self.urlConcepts, self.wordConcepts
コード例 #26
ファイル: data_mine.py プロジェクト: nirabhratapaswi/Debato
def get_info(search_query):
    if isinstance(search_query, str):
        search_query = str(search_query)
        return {"Error": "Pass a string, from mine.py [7]"}

    google = [{'text': '', 'url': '', 'title': ''}]
    twitter = [{'text': '', 'url': '', 'title': ''}]
    engineGoogle = Google(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
    # engineBing = Bing(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
    engineTwitter = Twitter(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None)
    # engineFacebook = Facebook(license=None, throttle=1.0, language='en')
    # engineWikipedia = Wikipedia(license=None, throttle=5.0, language=None)
    # engineFlickr = Flickr(license=None, throttle=5.0, language=None)
    # engineArray = [engineGoogle, engineBing, engineTwitter, engineFacebook, engineWikipedia, engineFlickr]
    engineArray = [engineGoogle, engineTwitter]

    # Google
    for i in range(1, 2):
        for para in engineGoogle.search(search_query,
                'text': para.text,
                'url': para.url,
                'title': para.title
        #resultGoogle = resultGoogle + ([para.text for para in engineGoogle.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=10)])
    # Twitter
    for i in range(1, 2):
        for para in engineTwitter.search(search_query,
                'text': para.text,
                'url': para.url,
                'title': para.title
        #resultTwitter = resultTwitter + ([para.text for para in engineTwitter.search(search_query, type=SEARCH, start=i, count=10)])

    # print 'From data_mine.py --> google: ', google, ', twitter: ', twitter

    return {"Error": None, "Google": google, "Twitter": twitter}
コード例 #27
    def get_search_engine(self):
        #get search engine
        engine = None
        if self.search_engine.lower() == 'google':
            engine = Google(license=self.license)
        elif self.search_engine.lower() == 'yahoo':
            engine = Yahoo(license=self.license)

        return engine
コード例 #28
def generar_consulta_google(q):
    url = []

    # engine_google = Google(license="AIzaSyCvvHb8SYgHvS5gEIQabxuJ0Kl0sYdHl9U", language="en")
    engine_google = Google(license="AIzaSyCKlCEJ41mE_6gqTN2AI9J4iSB-2L55zR0",
    for consulta in q:
        for i in range(1, 2):
            for result in engine_google.search(consulta,

                titulo = strip_accents(result.title)
    return url
コード例 #29
def main():
    activites = ["Summary", "Named Entity Recognition", "Search", "Keywords"]
    choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Activity", activites)
    if choice == "Summary":
        html_temp = """
	<div style="background-color:#16A085;"><p style="color:white;font-size:60px;">Text Summarizer</p></div>
        text = st.text_area("Input Text For Summary", height=300)
        if st.button("summarize"):
        text_range = st.sidebar.slider("Summarize words Range", 25, 500)

    # Named Entity Recognition
    elif choice == "Named Entity Recognition":
        html_temp1 = """
	<div style="background-color:#16A085;"><p style="color:white;font-size:60px;">Text Tokenizer</p></div>
        row_data = st.text_area("write Text For Tokenizer")
        docx = nlp(row_data)
        if st.button("Tokenizer"):
                docx, attrs=['text', 'pos_', 'dep_', 'ent_type_'])
        if st.button("NER"):
        if st.button("Text Relationship"):

    #Search Bar
    elif choice == "Search":
        html_temp4 = """
	<div style="background-color:#16A085;"><p style="color:white;font-size:60px;,text-align:center;">Search Bar</p></div>
        row_text = st.text_input("Search Anything")
        google = Google(license=None)
        if st.button("search"):
            for search_result in google.search(row_text):
コード例 #30
 def __init__(self, text, language, max_queries=5, span=5, threshold=.8):
     self.max_queries = max_queries
     self.span = span
     self.threshold = threshold
     self.text = text
     self.language = language
     self.cat_dict = defaultdict(list)
     key = ''
     self.engine = Google(license=key, throttle=0.5, language=None)
     self.cat_weightage_dict = {
         'imposter site': 0.2,
         'fake news': 0.0,
         'parody site': 0.0,
         'some fake stories': 0.0,
         'conspiracy': 0.4,
         'fake': 0.0,
         'rumor': 0.2,
         'unreliable': 0.3,
         'reliable': 0.9,
         'bias': 0.7,
         'clickbait': 0.3,
         'satire': 0.0,
         'junksci': 0.3,
         'political': 0.8,
         'hate': 0.3,
         'blog': 0.5,
         'satirical': 0.1,
         'unrealiable': 0.3,
         'questionable': 0.4,
         'least_biased': 1.0,
         'pseudoscience': 0.5,
         'right_center': 0.8,
         'pro_science': 0.8,
         'left_center': 0.8,
         'right': 0.8,
         'left': 0.8,
         'biased': 0.8,
         'state': 0.5
コード例 #31
ファイル: 02-google-translate.py プロジェクト: AIPR/pattern
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))

from pattern.web import Google, plaintext

# A search engine in pattern.web sometimes has custom methods that the others don't.
# For example, Google has Google.translate() and Google.identify().

# This example demonstrates the Google Translate API.
# It will only work with a license key, since it is a paid service.
# In the Google API console (https://code.google.com/apis/console/), 
# activate Translate API.

g = Google(license=None) # Enter your license key.
q = "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"    # en
#   "Ihre Mutter war ein Hamster und euer Vater roch nach Holunderbeeren!"  # de
print q
print plaintext(g.translate(q, input="en", output="de")) # fr, de, nl, es, cs, ja, ...

q = "C'est un lapin, lapin de bois, un cadeau."
print q
print g.identify(q) # (language, confidence)
コード例 #32
ファイル: newsgrapher.py プロジェクト: ageek/sentiment
def gnewshits(topic):
    engine = Google()
    results = engine.search(topic, type=NEWS)
    return results.total
コード例 #33
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", ".."))

from pattern.web import Google, plaintext

# This example demonstrates the Google Translate API.
# It will only work with a license key, since it is a paid service.

g = Google(license=None)
q = "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"    # en
#   "Ihre Mutter war ein Hamster und euer Vater roch nach Holunderbeeren!"  # de
print q
print plaintext(g.translate(q, input="en", output="de")) # fr, de, nl, es, cs, ja, ...

q = "C'est un lapin, lapin de bois, un cadeau."
print q
print g.identify(q)
コード例 #34
import numpy as np
from pattern.web import Google, plaintext
from pattern.web import SEARCH
from pattern.en import sentiment, subjectivity, positive
from pattern.en import polarity as pol

import pandas_datareader.data as pdr_data
import config as c
import time
import os
import sys
from collections import deque

### Variables
engine = Google(license=None, language="en")
q = "* DOW * news *"
objective = 0
polarity = 0
scale = 100.0

from pandas.io.data import DataReader
from datetime import datetime

stocks = ['GOOG', 'DOW', 'IBM', 'PLCM', 'eBay', 'VIAV']

### Stock information
def get_data(stock, starttime, endtime):
    ibm = DataReader(stock,  'yahoo', starttime, endtime)
    #print(ibm['Adj Close'])
コード例 #35
class SourceChecker(object):
    def __init__(self, text, language, max_queries=5, span=5, threshold=.8):
        self.max_queries = max_queries
        self.span = span
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.text = text
        self.language = language
        self.cat_dict = defaultdict(list)
        key = ''
        self.engine = Google(license=key, throttle=0.5, language=None)
        self.cat_weightage_dict = {
            'imposter site': 0.2,
            'fake news': 0.0,
            'parody site': 0.0,
            'some fake stories': 0.0,
            'conspiracy': 0.4,
            'fake': 0.0,
            'rumor': 0.2,
            'unreliable': 0.3,
            'reliable': 0.9,
            'bias': 0.7,
            'clickbait': 0.3,
            'satire': 0.0,
            'junksci': 0.3,
            'political': 0.8,
            'hate': 0.3,
            'blog': 0.5,
            'satirical': 0.1,
            'unrealiable': 0.3,
            'questionable': 0.4,
            'least_biased': 1.0,
            'pseudoscience': 0.5,
            'right_center': 0.8,
            'pro_science': 0.8,
            'left_center': 0.8,
            'right': 0.8,
            'left': 0.8,
            'biased': 0.8,
            'state': 0.5

    def get_queries(self):
        """Function to extract search queries from the text:
        breaks text into ngrams, filters ngrams that consist mostly of stopwords or named entities,
        selects an evenly spaced sample of the remaining ngrams"""

        text = self.text
        beg_quotes = re.findall(r'\"\S', text)
        for each in beg_quotes:
            text = text.replace(each, 'BEGQ' + each[-1])

        end_quotes = re.findall(r'\S\"', text)
        for each in end_quotes:
            text = text.replace(each, each[0] + 'ENDQ')

        text = re.sub('(ENDQ)+', 'ENDQ', text)
        text = re.sub('(BEGQ)+', 'BEGQ', text)
        text = text.replace('--', 'DOUBLEDASH')

        all_ngrams = ngrams(text, n=self.span, punctuation="", continuous=True)
        if self.language in stopwords.fileids():
            stop_words = stopwords.words(self.language)
            stop_words = []
        queries = []
        for ngram in all_ngrams:
            num_stop = len([w for w in ngram if w in stop_words])
            stop_score = float(num_stop) / len(ngram)
            if self.language == 'english':
                chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(ngram))
                named_entities = [[w for w, t in elt] for elt in chunked
                                  if isinstance(elt, nltk.Tree)]
                num_ent = sum([len(ent_list) for ent_list in named_entities])
                ent_score = float(num_ent) / len(ngram)
                ent_score = 0

            if stop_score < self.threshold and ent_score < self.threshold:
                r_string = self.reconstruct_ngram(ngram)
                if r_string in self.text:

        reduction = len(queries) / self.max_queries
        if reduction == 0:
            reduction = 1
        return queries[0::reduction]

    def reconstruct_ngram(self, ngram):
        """Function to reconstruct original substrings from the ngrams"""

        punc_b = ['!', '?', '.', ',', ';', ':', '\'', ')', ']', '}']
        punc_a = ['(', '[', '}', '$']
        ngram = ' '.join(ngram)
        for p in punc_b:
            ngram = ngram.replace(' ' + p, p)
        for p in punc_a:
            ngram = ngram.replace(p + ' ', p)
        ngram = re.sub('(^| )BEGQ', ' "', ngram)
        ngram = re.sub('ENDQ($| )', '" ', ngram)
        ngram = ngram.replace('DOUBLEDASH', '--')
        return ngram

    def load_domains(self):
        """loads domain information"""
        sources_path = pd('data', 'source_data.csv')
        domain_file = Datasheet.load(sources_path, headers=True)
        for row in domain_file:
            url = row[1]
            if str(row[-1]).find("\""):
                cats = row[2:-1]
                cats = row[2:]
            self.cat_dict[url] = cats

    def pairwise(self, t):
        it = iter(t)
        return izip(it, it)

    def get_urls(self, queries):
        """runs search query through search API and collects returned domain information"""
        domains = defaultdict(list)
        for q in queries:
            q = "\"" + q + "\""
            results = self.engine.search(q)

            for result in results:
                url = result.url
                domain = self.get_domain(url)
        return domains

    def get_domain(self, full_url):
        """function to extract the domain name from the URL"""
        clean_reg = re.compile(r'^((?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?).*?(\/.*)?$')
        match = re.search(clean_reg, full_url)
        beg, end = match.group(1), match.group(2)
        domain = string.replace(full_url, beg, '')
        domain = string.replace(domain, end, '')
        return domain

    def render_output(self, domains):
        """renders text output"""
        output = defaultdict(list)
        for d, v in domains.items():
            d_cats = [
                c for c in self.cat_dict[d]
                if len(c) > 0 and len(c.split(' ')) < 3
            overlap = float(len(v)) / self.max_queries
            if overlap <= 0.2:
                output['MINIMAL'].append((d, d_cats))
            elif 0.2 < overlap < 0.6:
                output['SOME'].append((d, d_cats))
            elif overlap >= 0.6:
                output['HIGH'].append((d, d_cats))
        degrees = ['HIGH', 'SOME', 'MINIMAL']
        score1 = {}
        for deg in degrees:
            score2 = 0
            len2 = 0
            if output[deg]:
                for d, cats in sorted(output[deg]):
                    if cats:
                        score3 = 0.0
                        len2 += 1
                        len3 = len(cats)
                        for cat in cats:
                            score3 += self.cat_weightage_dict[cat]
                        score3 /= len3
                        score2 += score3
            if len2 != 0:
                score2 /= len2
            score1[deg] = score2
        print 'score is'
        cred = (0.5 * score1['HIGH'] + 0.3 * score1['SOME'] +
                0.2 * score1['MINIMAL'])
        print 'credibility score is '
        print cred
        print '\n'
        for deg in degrees:
            if output[deg]:
                print '%s OVERLAP: ' % deg
                for d, cats in sorted(output[deg]):
                    if cats:
                        print d + ': ' + ','.join(cats)
                        print d
                print '\n'
        if cred == None:
            cred = 0

        if cred <= 0.5:
            output['RESULT'].append(('false', [int(cred * 100)]))
            output['RESULT'].append(('true', [int(cred * 100)]))

        return output

    def cleanup_text(self, inputData):
        inputString = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', "", inputData).strip().lower()
        if re.match(r'^(hello|hi|hey)$', inputString):
            return [False, "Hello. Please enter something useful!"]
        elif re.match(
            return [False, "Good. Please enter something useful!"]
        elif re.match(
            return [False, "Nothing. Please enter something useful!"]
        elif re.match(r'^good\s+(morning|afternoon|evening|night)$',
            return [
                           inputString)[0][0].upper() +
                "! Please enter something useful!"
        elif len(inputString.split()) < 8:
            return [
                False, "Please make sure the text contains at least 8 words"
            return [True, inputData]

    def getSensationalData(self, text):
        model_path = '../SensationalismClassifier/trained_model.pkl'
        clf = SensationalismClassifier(train_data=None,
        firstFive = ""
        token = text.split()[:5]
        for words in token:
            firstFive = firstFive + words + " "
        myList = [[firstFive, text]]
        res = clf.classify(myList)
        list = res[0]
        # returns 1 if the input is categorized as sensattokenionalist, 0 if not.
        return list[2]
コード例 #36
def calc_main():
    st.title("Nimbus Words")
    st.sidebar.header("Input Options")
    expander_bar = st.beta_expander("How To Use This App")

    **Use the Dropdown Box located within the sidebar on the left to choose 1 of the 6 AI text editing features offered by Nimbus Words.** 

    1) **Summarizer:** Paste in text that will be summarized by our AI model. The first text box will do an automated summary of our program's recommended word count, and the second box beneath that will provide a summary of the exact word count you choose using the slider located within the sidebar.  

    2) **Tokenizer:** Paste in text that will be analyzed by our AI model. The **Tokenizer** button will provide a breakdown on each word within the phrase, for example 'Google' is an organization, or 'Jeff Bezos' is a proper noun. The **NER** button will display all named entities, for example 'Steve Jobs' is a person. The **Text Relationship** button will display a visual graph of the dependency each word has within a sentence or phrase. 

    3) **Synonyms:** Paste in text that will be analyzed by our AI model. The **Synonyms** button will provide you with synonyms to the inputted attribute. The **Definition** checkbox will provide definitions for the attribute. The **Example** checkbox will provide examples of the given attribute in a sentence.

    4) **Translator:** Paste in text that will be translated by our AI model. The **Translate** button will translate the inputted text into one of the many languages that we have provided, and we will automatically detect which language the inputted text is written in.

    5) **Search:** Paste in text that will be preprcoessed by our AI model. The **Search** button will do a filtered search for your input.

    6) **Spell Correction:** Paste in text that will be spell-checked by our AI model. The **Correct** button will offer a correct spelling for any grammatical error that are detected. The **Pluralize**, **Singularize**, **Comparative** and **Superlative** checkboxes do exactly as they say, and ouput those options for the input you provided. 


    activites = [
        "Summary", "Tokenizer", "Synonyms", "Translator", "Search",
        "Spell Correction"
    choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Activity", activites)
    if choice == "Summary":
        st.title('AI Text Summarizer')
        text = st.text_area("Input Text For Summary", height=300)
        if st.button("Summarize"):
        text_range = st.sidebar.slider("Summarize words Range", 25, 500)
        text = st.text_area("Input Text For Summary", height=250)
        if st.button("Summarize with Custom Word Count"):
            st.warning(summarize(text, word_count=text_range))
    # Tokenizer
    elif choice == "Tokenizer":
        st.title('Text Tokenizer')
        row_data = st.text_area("write Text For Tokenizer")
        docx = nlp(row_data)
        if st.button("Tokenizer"):
                docx, attrs=['text', 'pos_', 'dep_', 'ent_type_'])
        if st.button("NER"):
        if st.button("Text Relationship"):
    # synonyms
    elif choice == "Synonyms":
        st.title('Synonym Generator')
        text = st.text_area("Enter Text")
        if st.button("Synonyms"):
            for syn in wordnet.synsets(text):
                for i in syn.lemmas():
        if st.checkbox("Definition"):
            for syn in wordnet.synsets(text):
        if st.checkbox("Example"):
            for syn in wordnet.synsets(text):
    # Translator
    elif choice == "Translator":
        st.title('Speech Tranlation')
        row_text = st.text_area("Enter Your Text For Translation", height=300)
        translation_text = TextBlob(row_text)
        list1 = ["en", "ta", "pa", "gu", "hi", "ur", "kn", "bn", "te"]
        a = st.selectbox("select", list1)
        if st.button("search"):
            #input1 = TextBlob("Simple is better than complex")
    #Search Bar
    elif choice == "Search":
        st.title('Web Search')
        row_text = st.text_input("Search Anything")
        google = Google(license=None)
        if st.button("search"):
            for search_result in google.search(row_text):
    elif choice == "Spell Correction":
        st.title('AI Spell Correction')
        text_data = st.text_area("Enter Text Here")
        a = TextBlob(text_data)
        if st.button("Correct"):
        st.title('Pluralize & Singularize')
        text_data1 = st.text_input("Enter a word For pluralize / singularize")
        if st.checkbox("Pluralize"):
        if st.checkbox("Singularize"):

        st.title('Compartitive & Superlative')
        text2 = st.text_input("Enter Text For comparative & superlative")
        if st.checkbox("Comparative"):
        if st.checkbox("Superlative"):
コード例 #37
ファイル: healthyme.py プロジェクト: nhungkia/Healthy-me
def search():
	inputs = request.form
	age = inputs['age']
	sex = inputs['sex']
	race = inputs['race']
	if age == '1-4':
		Age = "Age='2a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"

	if age == '5-14':
		Age = "Age='3a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"
	if age == '15-24':
		Age = "Age='4a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"
	if age == '25-34':
		Age = "Age='5a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"
	if age == '35-44':
		Age = "Age='6a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"
	if age == '45-54':
		Age = "Age='7a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"
	if age == '55-64':
		Age = "Age='8a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"

	if age == '65-74':
		Age = "Age='9a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"
	if age == '75-84':
		Age = "Age='10a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"

	if age == '85+':
		Age = "Age='11a'"
		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_f_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_black !=1 ORDER BY p_f_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_f_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_native !=1 ORDER BY p_f_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Female' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_f_white !=1 ORDER BY p_f_white DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Asian/Pacific Islander':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_f_asian FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_asian !=1 ORDER BY p_m_asian DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Black/African American':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_black FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_black !=1 ORDER BY p_m_black DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Hispanic':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_latino FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_latino !=1 ORDER BY p_m_latino DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'Native American/Alaskan':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_native FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_native !=1 ORDER BY p_m_native DESC;"

		if sex == 'Male' and race == 'White':
			sql_query = "SELECT name,p_m_white FROM probabilities WHERE "+Age+" and p_m_white !=1 ORDER BY p_m_white DESC;"

	rows = cursor.fetchall()

	#need to pad the strings so that they are equal length
	for i in range(len(new_list)):
		empty_string=" "*cur_len

	#using pattern look up google for top diseases




	for index in new_list:
		#search wikipedia first for snippet about the disease, if it doesn't exist change to google
		if not about:
		elif about:
			about_url=engine.search(index+' Wikipedia')

		treatment=engine.search(index+' treatment site:www.healthtap.com')
	#print string_links
	return render_template('results_feb1.html',disease_name=padded_list,pvalues=pvals, d_links=disease_links, disease_snippets=empty_text_disease, t_links=treatment_links, treatment_snippets=empty_text_treatment)
コード例 #38
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Dirklectisch/cityment
couch = couchdb.Server("https://*****:*****@grepsy.cloudant.com")
db = couch["cityment"]
results = db.view("_design/filter/_view/spatial", include_docs=True, limit=batch)
print len(results)
articles = []
for item in results.rows[:batch]:


table = {}
for item in articles:
        print "TITLE: ", item["title"]
        plain = plaintext(item["content"])
        if (plain == ""):
            print "skipping"
        trans = Google().translate(plain, "nl", "en")
        area  = item["buurt"]["title"]
        textscore = sum([score(word) for word in trans.split(" ")])
        if (textscore != 0):
            item["score"] = textscore
        #print "TRANS: ", trans
        print area, textscore
        print "error occured :("

コード例 #39
# You're not using indicoio in this file -- better not to import it
# using indicoio for polytical and sentiment analysis
import indicoio
indicoio.config.api_key = '8d05933c4c2ca769d1e064dfbea1fe8a'

# declare arrays which save raw url mined from pattern.search
# new york times urls, cbs new urls, wallstreet journal urls, foxnew urls
journal_names=['nytimes', 'cbsnews', 'wsj', 'foxnews']
rawurls=[rawurl_nytimes, rawurl_cbsnews, rawurl_wsj, rawurl_foxnews]


#get the New York Times url
for journal, raw_url_title in zip(journal_names, rawurls):

	#in order to get 30 urls with the keyword, used for-loop
	for i in range(1,4):

		# search google results correspoding to the following keyword
		for result in g.search('Donald Trump opinion site:'+journal+'.com', start=i):

		    print result.url # Better not to print all of these -- they're not informative to the person using your program
		    # append the urls to the rawurl_ array
		    # ^ Not a useful comment - you're just stating what the next line does.
		    # Better to say _why_ the next line does what it does
コード例 #40
ファイル: crawl.py プロジェクト: staii/datascience-onsite
from pattern.web import Google, plaintext
import re

words = ["jordan", "germany"]
filename = "../data/corpus-addition"

f = open(filename, "w+")
engine = Google(license=None, throttle=0.5, language=None) # Using Google since I had some issues with Bing.
for word in words:
  print "Working on '%s' ..." % word
  for result in engine.search(word):
    lines = plaintext(result.download()).split("\n")
    lines = [re.sub("[^\\w]", " ", line) for line in lines]
    lines = [re.sub("\\s+", " ", line).strip() for line in lines]
    lines = [line if line.count(" ") >= 4 else "" for line in lines]
    text = re.sub("\\n+", "\n", "\n".join(lines))
    f.write(text + "\n")

コード例 #41
ファイル: simple.py プロジェクト: mellowizz/metastudy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import codecs, os, sys
from collections import Counter
from optparse import OptionParser
from pattern.web import Google

engine = Google(license=None, language='de') #'001401664590345725200:dx8-iwqnvyw', language='de')

for result in engine.search('Energiewende', cached=False):
    print repr(result.text)
コード例 #42
ファイル: 01-google.py プロジェクト: cloudappsetup/pattern
# The web module has a SearchEngine class with a search() method 
# that yields a list of Result objects.
# Each Result has url, title, description, language, author and date and properties.
# Subclasses of SearchEngine include: 
# Google, Yahoo, Bing, Twitter, Wikipedia, Flickr.

# This example retrieves results from Google based on a given query.
# The Google search engine can handle SEARCH, IMAGE, NEWS and BLOG type searches.

# Google's "Custom Search API" is a paid service.
# The web module uses a test account with a 100 free queries per day, shared with all users.
# If the limit is exceeded, SearchEngineLimitError is raised.
# You can obtain your own license key at: https://code.google.com/apis/console/
# Activate "Custom Search API" under "Services" and get the key under "API Access".
# Then use Google(license=[YOUR_KEY]).search().
# This will give you 100 personal free queries, or 5$ per 1000 queries.
engine = Google(license=None, language="en")

# Veale & Hao's method for finding simile using Google's wildcard (*) support.
# http://afflatus.ucd.ie/Papers/LearningFigurative_CogSci07.pdf)
# This will match results such as "as light as a feather", "as cute as a cupcake", etc.
q = "as * as a *"

# Google is very fast but you can only get up to 100 (10x10) results per query.
for i in range(1,2):
    for result in engine.search(q, start=i, count=10, type=SEARCH):
        print plaintext(result.description) # plaintext() removes HTML formatting.
        print result.url
        print result.date
コード例 #43
def gnewshits(topic):
    engine = Google()
    results = engine.search(topic, type=NEWS)
    return results.total
コード例 #44
ファイル: 01-google.py プロジェクト: DataBranner/pattern
# Google, Bing, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Flickr, ...

# This example retrieves results from Google based on a given query.
# The Google search engine can handle SEARCH type searches.
# Other search engines may also handle IMAGE, NEWS, ...

# Google's "Custom Search API" is a paid service.
# The pattern.web module uses a test account by default,
# with a 100 free queries per day shared by all Pattern users.
# If this limit is exceeded, SearchEngineLimitError is raised.
# You should obtain your own license key at:
# https://code.google.com/apis/console/
# Activate "Custom Search API" under "Services" and get the key under "API Access".
# Then use Google(license=[YOUR_KEY]).search().
# This will give you 100 personal free queries, or 5$ per 1000 queries.
engine = Google(license=None, language="en")

# Veale & Hao's method for finding similes using wildcards (*):
# http://afflatus.ucd.ie/Papers/LearningFigurative_CogSci07.pdf
# This will match results such as:
# - "as light as a feather",
# - "as cute as a cupcake",
# - "as drunk as a lord",
# - "as snug as a bug", etc.
q = "as * as a *"

# Google is very fast but you can only get up to 100 (10x10) results per query.
for i in range(1, 2):
    for result in engine.search(q, start=i, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=True):
        # plaintext() removes all HTML formatting.
コード例 #45
# Google, Bing, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Flickr, ...

# This example retrieves results from Google based on a given query.
# The Google search engine can handle SEARCH type searches.
# Other search engines may also handle IMAGE, NEWS, ...

# Google's "Custom Search API" is a paid service.
# The pattern.web module uses a test account by default,
# with a 100 free queries per day shared by all Pattern users.
# If this limit is exceeded, SearchEngineLimitError is raised.
# You should obtain your own license key at: 
# https://code.google.com/apis/console/
# Activate "Custom Search API" under "Services" and get the key under "API Access".
# Then use Google(license=[YOUR_KEY]).search().
# This will give you 100 personal free queries, or 5$ per 1000 queries.
engine = Google(license=None, language="en")

# Veale & Hao's method for finding similes using wildcards (*):
# http://afflatus.ucd.ie/Papers/LearningFigurative_CogSci07.pdf
# This will match results such as:
# - "as light as a feather",
# - "as cute as a cupcake",
# - "as drunk as a lord",
# - "as snug as a bug", etc.
q = "as * as a *"

# Google is very fast but you can only get up to 100 (10x10) results per query.
for i in range(1, 2):
    for result in engine.search(q, start=i, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=True):
        print plaintext(result.text) # plaintext() removes all HTML formatting.
        print result.url
コード例 #46
class SourceChecker(object):
    def __init__(self, text, max_queries=10, span=20, threshold=.8):
        self.max_queries = max_queries
        self.span = span
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.text = text
        self.cat_dict = defaultdict(list)
        self.engine = Google(license='AIzaSyCFgnXgb9rcwJspcSeXHo7QHvucgM2nLrI',

    def get_queries(self):
        text = self.text
        beg_quotes = re.findall(r'\"\S', text)
        for each in beg_quotes:
            text = text.replace(each, 'BEGQ' + each[-1])

        end_quotes = re.findall(r'\S\"', text)
        for each in end_quotes:
            text = text.replace(each, each[0] + 'ENDQ')

        text = re.sub('(ENDQ)+', 'ENDQ', text)
        text = re.sub('(BEGQ)+', 'BEGQ', text)
        text = text.replace('--', 'DOUBLEDASH')

        all_ngrams = ngrams(text, n=self.span, punctuation="", continuous=True)
        stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
        queries = []

        for ngram in all_ngrams:
            num_stop = len([w for w in ngram if w in stop_words])
            stop_score = float(num_stop) / len(ngram)

            chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(ngram))
            named_entities = [[w for w, t in elt] for elt in chunked
                              if isinstance(elt, nltk.Tree)]
            num_ent = sum([len(ent_list) for ent_list in named_entities])
            ent_score = float(num_ent) / len(ngram)

            if stop_score < self.threshold and ent_score < self.threshold:
                r_string = self.reconstruct_ngram(ngram)
                if r_string in self.text:

        reduction = len(queries) / self.max_queries
        return queries[0::reduction]

    def reconstruct_ngram(self, ngram):
        punc_b = ['!', '?', '.', ',', ';', ':', '\'', ')', ']', '}']
        punc_a = ['(', '[', '}', '$']
        ngram = ' '.join(ngram)
        for p in punc_b:
            ngram = ngram.replace(' ' + p, p)
        for p in punc_a:
            ngram = ngram.replace(p + ' ', p)
        ngram = re.sub('(^| )BEGQ', ' "', ngram)
        ngram = re.sub('ENDQ($| )', '" ', ngram)
        ngram = ngram.replace('DOUBLEDASH', '--')
        return ngram

    def load_domains(self):
        sources_path = pd('data', 'source_data.csv')
        domain_file = Datasheet.load(sources_path, headers=True)
        for row in domain_file:
            url = row[1]
            cats = row[2:]
            self.cat_dict[url] = cats

    def pairwise(self, t):
        it = iter(t)
        return izip(it, it)

    def get_urls(self, queries):
        domains = defaultdict(list)
        for q in queries:
            q = "\"" + q + "\""
            results = self.engine.search(q)

            for result in results:
                url = result.url
                domain = self.get_domain(url)
        return domains

    def get_domain(self, full_url):
        clean_reg = re.compile(r'^((?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?).*?(\/.*)?$')
        match = re.search(clean_reg, full_url)
        beg, end = match.group(1), match.group(2)
        domain = string.replace(full_url, beg, '')
        domain = string.replace(domain, end, '')
        return domain

    def render_output(self, domains):
        output = defaultdict(list)
        for d, v in domains.items():
            d_cats = [
                c for c in self.cat_dict[d]
                if len(c) > 0 and len(c.split(' ')) < 3
            overlap = float(len(v)) / self.max_queries
            if overlap <= 0.2:
                output['MINIMAL'].append((d, d_cats))
            elif 0.2 < overlap < 0.6:
                output['SOME'].append((d, d_cats))
            elif overlap >= 0.6:
                output['HIGH'].append((d, d_cats))
        degrees = ['HIGH', 'SOME', 'MINIMAL']
        print '\n'
        for deg in degrees:
            if output[deg]:
                print '%s OVERLAP: ' % deg
                for d, cats in sorted(output[deg]):
                    if cats:
                        print d + ': ' + ','.join(cats)
                        print d
                print '\n'

    def render_graph(self, domains):
        g = Graph()
        for domain in domains.keys():
            if domain in self.cat_dict:
                categories = self.cat_dict[domain]
                stroke = (0, 0, 0, 0.5)
                if 'right' in categories:
                    stroke = (255, 0, 0, 1)
                elif 'right_center' in categories:
                    stroke = (255, 0, 0, .5)
                if 'left' in categories:
                    stroke = (0, 0, 255, 1)
                elif 'left_center' in categories:
                    stroke = (0, 0, 255, .5)
                if 'least_biased' in categories:
                    stroke = (0, 255, 0, 1)

            fill = (128, 128, 0, 0.1)
            dub_cats = [
                'fake', 'questionable', 'clickbait', 'unreliable', 'conspiracy'
            score = len([c for c in categories if c in dub_cats])
            if score:
                fill = (0, 0, 0, float(score) / 5)
                       radius=len(domains[domain]) * 6,

        pairs = self.pairwise(domains.keys())
        for x, y in pairs:
            x_queries = set(domains[x])
            y_queries = set(domains[y])
            intersection = len(x_queries.intersection(y_queries))
            if intersection > 0:
                max_rad = max(len(domains[x]), len(domains[y])) + 1000
                g.add_edge(x, y, length=max_rad, strokewidth=intersection)

        path = 'graph'
コード例 #47
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))

from pattern.web import Google, plaintext

# A search engine in pattern.web sometimes has custom methods that the others don't.
# For example, Google has Google.translate() and Google.identify().

# This example demonstrates the Google Translate API.
# It will only work with a license key, since it is a paid service.
# In the Google API console (https://code.google.com/apis/console/),
# activate Translate API.

g = Google(license=None)  # Enter your license key.
q = "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"    # en
#   "Ihre Mutter war ein Hamster und euer Vater roch nach Holunderbeeren!"  # de
print(plaintext(g.translate(q, input="en", output="de")))  # es, fr, sv, ja, ...

q = "C'est un lapin, lapin de bois, un cadeau."
print(g.identify(q))  # (language, confidence)
コード例 #48
file = open('football' + extension(page_url.page), 'wb')

# ### Finding URLs within Text

from pattern.web import find_urls

print(find_urls('To search anything, go to www.google.com', unique=True))

# ### Making Asynchronous Requests for Webpages

from pattern.web import asynchronous, time, Google

asyn_req = asynchronous(Google().search, 'artificial intelligence', timeout=4)
while not asyn_req.done:


print(find_urls(asyn_req.value, unique=True))

# ### Getting Search Engine Results with APIs

# #### Google

from pattern.web import Google

google = Google(license=None)
コード例 #49
sys.path.append(os.path.join("..", "..", ".."))
import re

from pattern.web import Google, URL
from pattern.web import Document, plaintext

# An interesting experiment on how to use the Google API
# and http://amplicate.com for opinion mining.
# (let's hope we get a real Amplicate API soon!)

query = "smurf"

# An example result, containing all the information we need:
#   URL: http://amplicate.com/love/george-w-bush
# Title: <b>George</b> W <b>Bush</b> Hate - 64% People Agree (803 opinions)
for r in Google().search(query + " site:amplicate.com"):
    u = URL(r.url)
    if "love" in u.path \
    or "hate" in u.path:
        b = True
        p = u.page.lower().replace("-", "")
        for i, w in enumerate(query.lower().replace("-", " ").split()):
            if i == 0 and not p.startswith(w):
                b = False
            if w not in p:
                b = False
        if b:
            love = "love" in u.path
            f = int(re.search("- ([0-9]{1,3})%", r.title).group(1)) * 0.01
コード例 #50
from pattern.table import date, time, NOW
from pattern.web import Google, NEWS

# It is often useful to keep a date stamp for each row in the table.
# The pattern.table module's date() function can be used for this.
# It is a simple wrapper around Python's datetime.datetime class,
# with extra functionality to make it easy to parse or print it as a string.

print date(NOW)
print date()
print date("2010-11-01 16:30", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
print date("Nov 1, 2010", "%b %d, %Y")
print date("Nov 1, 2010", "%b %d, %Y", format="%d/%m/%Y")

# All possible formatting options:
# http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime

for r in Google(license=None).search("today", type=NEWS):
    print r.title
    print repr(
    )  # Result.date is a string (e.g. we can't > <= += with the date).
    print date(r.date)  # date() can parse any Result.date in the web module.

d = date("4 november 2011")
d += time(days=2, hours=5)
print d
コード例 #51
    cnt = Counter()
    for i in resultString.split():
            content = i
            content = u" ".join(content.replace(u"\xa0", u" ").strip().split())
        except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
            print e, i
        if content in schlagList.elements():
            schlagList[content] += 1
            cnt[content] += 1
    return (resultDate, resultUrl, cnt) # why not just write to file?

engine = Google(license=None, language='de') #'0001401664590345725200:dx8-iwqnvyw')

for result in engine.search('Energiewende'):
    articleDict = [buildDict(unicode(result.text), result.url, result.date)]

with codecs.open("google.csv", "a", "utf-8") as f:
    for l,m in sorted(schlagList.most_common(20)):
    print schlagList.most_common(20)

コード例 #52
import os, sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", ".."))

from pattern.web import Google, plaintext

# Search engines in pattern.web sometimes have custom methods that others don't.
# For example, Google has Google.translate() and Google.identify().

# This example demonstrates the Google Translate API.
# It will only work with a license key, since it is a paid service.
# In the Google API console (https://code.google.com/apis/console/),
# activate Translate API.

g = Google(license=None)  # Enter your license key.
q = "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"  # en
#   "Ihre Mutter war ein Hamster und euer Vater roch nach Holunderbeeren!"  # de
print q
print plaintext(g.translate(q, input="en",
                            output="de"))  # fr, de, nl, es, cs, ja, ...

q = "C'est un lapin, lapin de bois, un cadeau."
print q
print g.identify(q)
コード例 #53
ファイル: engine.py プロジェクト: Murlocks/Ngram-Tiling-QA
class Engine(object):

    def __init__(self, provider, key=None):
        if provider.lower() == "bing":
            key = key or 'd6Mz4slIdgIxcKR4609FO+QKOFTEFFRB3i7j8VioPiE'
            self._engine = Bing(license=key)
        elif provider.lower() == "google":
            key = key or 'AIzaSyCAADAKnnkmDwIlLk_Q1p6foqI_ZMrgzcg'
            self._engine = Google(license=key)
            raise ValueError('Not a recognized provider.')

    def fuzzySearch(self, result, query):
        best, best_i = 0, None
        for i in range(len(result) - len(query) + 1):
            score = similarity(result[i:i+len(query)], query)
            if best < score:
                best = score
                best_i = i
        return result[best_i+len(query):] if best_i != None else ''

    def getPatterns(self, query):
        cleaned = query.strip('?')
        p = [(cleaned, 3)]
        t = parsetree(query)[0]
        for chunk in t.chunks:
            if chunk.pos == 'NP':
                p.append((chunk.string, 2))
        for w in cleaned.split():
            p.append((w, 1))
        return p

    def getGrams(self, results):
        grams = {}
        for text, weight in results:
            uni = set(ngrams(text, n=1))
            bi = set(ngrams(text, n=2))
            tri = set(ngrams(text, n=3))
            for gram in uni:
                grams[gram] = grams.get(gram, 0) + weight
            for gram in bi:
                grams[gram] = grams.get(gram, 0) + weight
            for gram in tri:
                grams[gram] = grams.get(gram, 0) + weight
        return grams

    def removeStopWords(self, grams, queries):
        for gram in grams.keys():
            inter = set([g.lower() for g in gram]) & set(wordlist.STOPWORDS)
            if len(inter) > 1 or inter and len(gram) == 1:
        return grams

    def searchQueries(self, queries):
        results = []
        for q, w1, d in queries:
            for r in self._engine.search(q, count=100):
                results.append((re.sub(r'[!,.?]', '', plaintext(r.txt)), w1))
        return results

    def searchQueriesWithPatterns(self, queries):
        # Faster, but still need to refine extraction patterns
        results = []
        for q, w1, d in queries:
            print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
            print q
            print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
            for r in self._engine.search(q, count=50):
                # Each result is given a preliminary score based on the weight of the query
                # that retrieved it and the pattern that was matched to it
                for p, w2 in self.getPatterns(q):
                    if d == 'L':
                        m = re.search('(.*?)' + p + '.*\.', plaintext(r.txt), re.IGNORECASE)
                        m = re.search(p + '(.*)', plaintext(r.txt), re.IGNORECASE)
                    if m:
                        print plaintext(r.txt)
                        print "-------------------------------------------------"
                        print p, "generated", m.group(1)
                        print "================================================="
                        results.append((m.group(1), w1 + w2))
        return results

    def searchAndGram(self, queries):
        results = self.searchQueries(queries)
        grams = self.getGrams(results)
        grams = self.removeStopWords(grams, queries)
        return grams