def test_get_school(self): """test grabbing a school by ID""" closed_school = School(pk=999999, operating=False) test1 = get_school('155317') self.assertTrue( == 155317) test2 = get_school('xxx') self.assertTrue(test2 is None) test3 = get_school('999999') self.assertTrue(test3 is None)
def tag_schools(s3_url): """ Sets schools' 'settlement_school' value based on a CSV Assumes the CSV's headings include fields for 'ipeds_unit_id' and 'flag' """ counter = 0 csv_data = read_in_s3(s3_url) if not csv_data[0]: return "ERROR: could not read data from {0}".format(s3_url) headings = csv_data[0].keys() for heading in ['ipeds_unit_id', 'flag']: if heading not in headings: return ("ERROR: CSV doesn't have required fields; " "fields found were {}".format(headings)) initial_flag = csv_data[0]['flag'] for row in csv_data: school = None if row['ipeds_unit_id']: school = get_school(row['ipeds_unit_id']) if school: school.settlement_school = row['flag'] counter += 1 intro = "school was" if counter == 1 else "schools were" return "{} {} tagged as '{}' settlement schools".format( counter, intro, initial_flag)
def tag_schools(s3_url): """ Sets schools' 'settlement_school' value based on a CSV Assumes the CSV's headings include fields for 'ipeds_unit_id' and 'flag' """ counter = 0 csv_data = read_in_s3(s3_url) if not csv_data[0]: return "ERROR: could not read data from {0}".format(s3_url) headings = csv_data[0].keys() for heading in ["ipeds_unit_id", "flag"]: if heading not in headings: return "ERROR: CSV doesn't have required fields; " "fields found were {}".format(headings) initial_flag = csv_data[0]["flag"] for row in csv_data: school = None if row["ipeds_unit_id"]: school = get_school(row["ipeds_unit_id"]) if school: school.settlement_school = row["flag"] counter += 1 intro = "school was" if counter == 1 else "schools were" return "{} {} tagged as '{}' settlement schools".format(counter, intro, initial_flag)
def load_values(dry_run=True): updated = 0 points = 0 oncampus = 0 source_dict = process_datafiles() current_ids = [ for school in School.objects.all()] missing = [pk for pk in source_dict.keys() if int(pk) not in current_ids] if missing and dry_run is False: process_missing(missing) for ID in source_dict: new_data = source_dict[ID] if 'onCampusAvail' in new_data: if new_data['onCampusAvail'] == '1': new_data['onCampusAvail'] = 'Yes' oncampus += 1 else: new_data['onCampusAvail'] = 'No' school = get_school(ID) if school: school_data = STARTER_DICT for data_key in new_data: val = new_data[data_key] if val == '.': val = None school_data[data_key.upper()] = val points += 1 school.data_json = json.dumps(school_data) if not dry_run: updated += 1 if dry_run: msg = ( "DRY RUN:\n" "- {} would have updated {} data points for {} schools\n" "- {} schools found with on-campus housing\n" "- {} new school records " "would have been created".format( SCRIPT, icomma(points), icomma(updated), icomma(oncampus), len(missing))) return msg msg = ( "{} updated {} data points for {} schools;\n" "{} new school records were created".format( SCRIPT, icomma(points), icomma(updated), len(missing))) return msg
def load_values(dry_run=True): updated = 0 points = 0 oncampus = 0 source_dict = process_datafiles() current_ids = [ for school in School.objects.all()] missing = [pk for pk in source_dict.keys() if int(pk) not in current_ids] if missing and dry_run is False: process_missing(missing) for ID in source_dict: new_data = source_dict[ID] if 'onCampusAvail' in new_data: if new_data['onCampusAvail'] == '1': new_data['onCampusAvail'] = 'Yes' oncampus += 1 else: new_data['onCampusAvail'] = 'No' school = get_school(ID) if school: school_data = STARTER_DICT for data_key in new_data: val = new_data[data_key] if val == '.': val = None school_data[data_key.upper()] = val points += 1 school.data_json = json.dumps(school_data) if not dry_run: updated += 1 if dry_run: msg = ("DRY RUN:\n" "- {} would have updated {} data points for {} schools\n" "- {} schools found with on-campus housing\n" "- {} new school records " "would have been created".format(SCRIPT, icomma(points), icomma(updated), icomma(oncampus), len(missing))) return msg msg = ("{} updated {} data points for {} schools;\n" "{} new school records were created".format(SCRIPT, icomma(points), icomma(updated), len(missing))) return msg
def test_get_school(self): """test grabbing a school by ID""" test1 = get_school('155317') self.assertTrue( == 155317) test2 = get_school('xxx') self.assertTrue(test2 == '')